View Full Version : Ask me about s'Il (and others)
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 19th, 2010, 10:18:33 PM
Yes, this is an ask/tell thread.
If anyone is confused about something or just plain curious about s'Il, ask away and I shall do my best to answer.
Keep in mind, anything related to future happenings I'll ignore, but anything present and past is open.
edit - guess I'd better throw in the rest of my characters to the 'ask about' circle, heh.
Karl Valten
Aug 19th, 2010, 10:20:34 PM
How the heck did S'il have so much political sway with the Imperial Sovereignty?
Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 19th, 2010, 10:32:05 PM
How many years have Dan and s'Il known each other, and when she realized that he was the horrible Man in Black who was terrorizing her, why didn't she run away from him instead of jumping on him and practically marrying him?
Aug 19th, 2010, 10:46:37 PM
I may be able to answer that. Dan and s'Il have known each other since about 17 BBY. That's a bare-bones guess based on the time that s'Il was on the lam with Zem (and Tam) and such. They met when Dan's refugee ship was destroyed, and probably linked up in earnest a year or two later when Zem parted ways.
Of course, Christin's answer trumps mine if she's got a better one, since she's got a Rainman-esque talent for remembering all sorts of details.
Blade Bacquin
Aug 20th, 2010, 10:51:22 AM
My question is this what is the difference between s'Il, s'Ilancy, and Loklorien s'Ilancy if there is any difference? If not why so many different names for one character? Sorry this just always confused me.
Aug 20th, 2010, 02:20:48 PM
Has the thought ever occurred to s'Il (or to any other Lupines during their decline) of infecting other sentients to repopulate the Lupine species? Or is that considered an impure and naughty thing to do?
For that matter, has any non-human ever been converted to a Lupine? Is there some flexibility in Lupine genetics, or would the process be lethal to non-human species?
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 20th, 2010, 03:30:15 PM
How the heck did S'il have so much political sway with the Imperial Sovereignty?
Ha, taking me waaaay back on that one :p
Back in the day, s'Il used to lift and pawn ships. Telan Desaria hired her to steal a star destroyer from Admiral Lebron and the Remnant, which she did. As payment, Telan gave her the title of Duchess, and the lands and deeds to Raenoria; an estate with oodles of open space and whatnot on Thyferra. She didn't stay there all too much at first, only using it as a glorified beer fridge. Later on though she started staying more often, and for longer periods of time. Given that she was now considered 'royalty' (a status that she didn't enjoy all that much), she was often invited to state dinners by Telan, as well as a luncheon with Chancellor Anar.
How many years have Dan and s'Il known each other, and when she realized that he was the horrible Man in Black who was terrorizing her, why didn't she run away from him instead of jumping on him and practically marrying him?
s'Il met Dan when she was in the 22-23 range, and now that she's hit the big 5-0, I'd say about 27 years.
Dan and s'Il are in fact married, it's just that Charley and I have yet to do that particular thread. I've mentioned in many posts that he's her husband, and on more than one occasion about her wedding ring. The main reason she didn't simply fall back into the 'run away' cycle is that after being hounded by Decepis for so many years, and finally learning the truth behind the man that she had come to love - even giving him a child - she saw any further defiance to be worthless. As well, she knew that Decepis would simply take Teagan by either trickery or brute force if she herself still refused, so rather than stand her ground, she offered herself in her daughter's place. Essentially, she sacrificed herself so that her daughter would be spared.
My question is this what is the difference between s'Il, s'Ilancy, and Loklorien s'Ilancy if there is any difference? If not why so many different names for one character? Sorry this just always confused me.
Hehe, no worries :)
It's just an easy way for me to differentiate between the time periods in her life, and in the case of my s'Ilancy account, the retro RP's that we used to do.
Has the thought ever occurred to s'Il (or to any other Lupines during their decline) of infecting other sentients to repopulate the Lupine species? Or is that considered an impure and naughty thing to do?
For that matter, has any non-human ever been converted to a Lupine? Is there some flexibility in Lupine genetics, or would the process be lethal to non-human species?
The short answer to the first part is that when the Lupines became sterile, their ability to Change also was nullified. Far from being considered impure, to Change another is considered as giving the greatest of gifts, and the recipient should feel most honored. s'Il has in fact Changed one person; Erasmus Karrnage. She's offered to Change both Zem and Dan, but each one declined. She's generally very choosy about who she would consider, and at this point in time, she is the only Lupine on the boards that is able to reproduce and Change someone.
For the second, I've never really considered whether or not in the past a non-human was Changed. My first instinct is to say no, since both Bloodlines were extremely prideful and arrogant, thinking themselves a master race of sorts. I will say though, that as far as the process being lethal, it is only that way when Loveloxx strains are introduced into a person who has Force ability.
Aug 20th, 2010, 05:07:24 PM
What is the backstory on s'il scar? Beside the fact that it makes her badass
Aug 20th, 2010, 09:03:34 PM
I'll field this one, it was worth it to look up that thread again. :)
Long answer. (
Short answer. (
Go ahead and read the whole thing, it's a treat!
Park Kraken
Aug 20th, 2010, 10:59:48 PM
Does your character share your RL hatred of shortened words? Would she claw someone's head off if, instead of saying Imperial Star Destroyer Mark II, they said Impstar Deuce?
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 20th, 2010, 11:17:50 PM
Heh, not really. She's rather flexible in that regard and not quite so picky - of course, that's in terms of military terms/phrases/shortened words. Otherwise you'll get a funny look if you say maters or cukes or taters or skeeters or whatever terrible mangling of everyday words people have been known to come up with :p
Park Kraken
Aug 21st, 2010, 12:40:07 AM
If S'Il had to choose between Bantha Steak or Death Sticks, which one would she consume?
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 21st, 2010, 12:45:53 AM
She's not necessarily keen on hallucinogenic drugs, so it'd probably be a safe bet to put your money on the bantha steak. Bantha tartar, to be specific.
Park Kraken
Aug 21st, 2010, 01:02:16 AM
Ok, and (this is a serious question btw) if S'Il was forced to choose, would she either A) Use a Sith Lanvarok to kill one of the cuter Ewoks, or B) Hunt down and kill Anbira as a choice for a Sith Initian Test, if she became a Sith?
Miranda Tarkin
Aug 21st, 2010, 06:48:44 AM
Here's a question, is s'il going to approach Grace about her heritage?
Captain Untouchable
Aug 21st, 2010, 08:06:30 AM
s'Il has one of the most awesome lightsabers ever concieved. Obviously, you came up with it because you're an epic-level genius... but how did s'Il concieve it? Is it a weapon that Jedi have used before, or is it a totally unique and original idea to her?
Also... what's the story with Esalis? Aside from the fact that she's scary as hell. :ohno
Lastly, give us five interesting (or funny) facts about your characters, that the rest of the boards probably don't know.
Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 21st, 2010, 10:44:56 AM
Who was your first character on 'Fans? And if you still play them, how have they changed over the years? (Use this last question for the character that's been around the longest if 1st character doesn't exist anymore.)
Aug 21st, 2010, 06:44:04 PM
Does Esalis care that Karrnage more or less betrayed the Empire and ran off with the enemy?
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 21st, 2010, 07:15:10 PM
Ok, and (this is a serious question btw) if S'Il was forced to choose, would she either A) Use a Sith Lanvarok to kill one of the cuter Ewoks, or B) Hunt down and kill Anbira as a choice for a Sith Initian Test, if she became a Sith?
I honestly have no idea how to answer this :\
Here's a question, is s'il going to approach Grace about her heritage?
I seem to recall there was a thread we did where Grace was mention in passing during a conversation that s'Il heard. She filed it away as a strange coincidental sharing of names then, but now that she's found Vega, she's definitely going to be making time to find Grace.
s'Il has one of the most awesome lightsabers ever concieved. Obviously, you came up with it because you're an epic-level genius... but how did s'Il concieve it? Is it a weapon that Jedi have used before, or is it a totally unique and original idea to her?
Also... what's the story with Esalis? Aside from the fact that she's scary as hell.
Lastly, give us five interesting (or funny) facts about your characters, that the rest of the boards probably don't know.
I wish I could take credit for the sabre gauntlet, but truthfully I can't. I saw a concept drawing of Plo Koon once in an art of RotS book I have, and it shows him as having a double bladed sabre gauntlet. I had to have it too ^_^; Though, I also took elements of the Predator wrist blades when considering its' appearance, and stuff from a lot of the Lupine-styled drawings I've made in the past in my sketchbooks. IC, s'Il was on Cathar when she built it. She'd seen a type of gauntlet sword that the Cathar people used, and decided that her own sabre would be adapted from that. She still had her old training sabre at the time, but for her own personal growth she knew it was time for her to have a sabre that was unique to her. Originally the blades were going to be amethyst, like both her training sabre and Master Windu's, but the focusing crystal that she was going to use was stolen by Sanis :p She thought she'd only misplaced it, but when it never turned up she eventually had to go find another, and thus they ended up being orange blades.
Esalis I'm still very uncertain on. I've never had a real backstory for her, other than she was classmates with Khendon Sevon at the Academy, and one of her courses was taught by Colonel Karrnage. She is loyal to the Empire, but it's not an overtly shown thing. Everything she does is very calculated and predetermined, but that doesn't mean they're never prone to failure. Her many attempts to find s'Il is testament to that. It's always been my aim to have a minimal amount of history on her, since I think it makes her that much more devious and terrifying.
Five facts about Tak:
1. She thinks wrinkles are contagious, thus she is secretly scared of old people. That doesn't mean she can't get used to being around older folks - I mean, look at her father!
2. She was a very precocious toddler, and always got into trouble doing things she wasn't supposed to do. Consequently, for the first four years of her life she thought that her name was "A'hga'na", which in Bast'yr means "No".
3. Tak and Wyl's wedding bands are secret decoder rings that they found in a box of Ewok-Pops. It was one of those happy accidents where two of one 'prize' accidentally made it into the box.
4. Once, when Sanis and Cirr were visiting Cathar, Tak tried to glue fur onto Cirr while he was sleeping. It was one of those instances where she thought she was helping Cirr get his fur back, since it was obvious - to her - that he lost it in some sort of accident (this is the origin of s'Il's sometimes calling Cirr "O'leh'o, which means Fuz/Furred in Bast'yr).
5. Tak was born in Imram'Lien, the Holy City.
Who was your first character on 'Fans? And if you still play them, how have they changed over the years? (Use this last question for the character that's been around the longest if 1st character doesn't exist anymore.)
s'Il was my first.
She's pretty much taken a complete one-eighty from how she used to be when I first started at Fans. But, oddly enough, with the reset I took her back to how she was originally in the very first stories I used to write about her.
Does Esalis care that Karrnage more or less betrayed the Empire and ran off with the enemy?
She cares that he's gone, but as far as him betraying the Empire, she wouldn't quite know the full story. She's under the assumption that he's being held indefinitely, and though she does plan to try and 'rescue' him, she's allowed herself to become occupied with other interests. If/when she finds out the truth, she'll not be above turning the dissecting knife onto him.
Wyl Staedtler
Aug 22nd, 2010, 02:47:29 AM
What is Tak's earliest memory? Her fondest? Her worst?
Same question for s'Il. Mama/daughter combo!
Dasquian Belargic
Aug 22nd, 2010, 02:50:04 AM
s'Il is such a unique, real character. Do you have go-to points of inspiration when you're writing for her - such as music, books, movies - or does she just flow naturally?
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 22nd, 2010, 03:27:27 AM
What is Tak's earliest memory? Her fondest? Her worst?
Same question for s'Il. Mama/daughter combo!
Tak's earliest memory I'd have to say, is of Cirr's face. It's nothing definite or refined, just him looking at her. Fondest, I'd have to say it's an amalgamation of many, all centering on getting to know Dan. After growing up without a daddy, then finally being told 'hey here's your father', she's insanely curious to know about him and be with him (wrinkles be damned ;) ). Initially she'd always thought that someone young like Sanis was her dad, and so there was understandably a healthy amount of trepidation on her part after learning that it was Dan. Everything she does is carefully tempered with 'will Daddy like this', and even if she's caught doing something that she might not be sure is 'good', she's quick to obey whatever he says. Even if she's spent a majority of her life with her Dama, she's rapidly turning into a Daddy's Little Girl. Worst is most definitely being taken away from her parents. Yes, it meant that she got to meet her husband Wyl, as well as Feathers (Arya), but for her she'd just gotten a whole family before having it taken away.
s'Il's first memory is of her mother. It's more of an impression, really, since Nekite died within a few years of s'Il's birth. Love and hope are what she associates with her mother, and the feeling of being held in protective arms has stayed with her for her entire life. Her fondest is being able to recite all of the Losstarot Houses by memory; it made her father so proud that she's never been able to forget it. As for her worst, it's split evenly between the heartache that Zem caused by leaving her, and sending Teagan away after Decepis revealed himself to be Dan. Both times her heart was broken on two different levels, and each one tore her apart.
s'Il is such a unique, real character. Do you have go-to points of inspiration when you're writing for her - such as music, books, movies - or does she just flow naturally?
I'll admit that a lot of myself is in s'Il, whether it be how I would react, or how I think I would react to the situations that she finds herself in. When relating to her daughter, it's a very liberal mix of how my mother treated me, with a little bit of how I imagine myself if I ever became a mom. Musical inspiration is varied - from E.S. Postumus to Hidalgo to Star Trek to 300 to Alexander to so much more. If I sat here and listed all the music I listened to while writing s'Il or thinking of stuff for her we'd be here all day, hehe. Strangely enough, books have never really provided much s'Il fodder, but I do get a few ideas from movies and tv shows for her. Usually it's little things though, like a scene in my head that's adapted to Star Wars. A good chunk comes from my sketchbooks. I love to just draw crazy outfits and facial expressions, so many times those expand in my mind to encompass a wide range of 'the life of s'Il' thoughts. Some of the drawings may be of things I've already RP'ed out, but I'd say a healthy amount is just idle thoughts that sit in the back of my mind, manifesting themselves on paper to get my attention. Of course, this is all interspersed with random coworker-lobster drawings, tattoo designs, and forklift shenanigan illustrations, so take from that what you will :p
Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 23rd, 2010, 02:48:22 PM
What does the R.S. in R.S. Esalis stand for?
Aug 23rd, 2010, 04:51:36 PM
Really Sexy?
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 23rd, 2010, 07:37:46 PM
ha! Very cute :p
It stands for Remni Soriah, her first and middle names :)
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