View Full Version : Rebel Skirmish #1 : Bakuran Headache
Rhinn Ikthoos
Aug 16th, 2010, 04:30:58 PM
Paladin Task Group lingered in deep space. There was nothing within a days travel at hyperspace in any direction. The nearest sector was on the edge of known space and known to be under Imperial control. Many within the fleet wondering about striking some out of the way place like Bakura, but Rhinn had his reasons.
First, Bakura’s defenses had been hammered by the Ssi-Ruuvi before they were eventually turned back. Imperial ships had fortified the sector but, over time, they had been reassigned to other more important locations. While there was still a fleet left in the area, it wasn’t enough to cover all Imperial Assets in the area.
Second, most of the materials needed in the area were coming via convoy from other Imperial Worlds. If they could stop these convoys or delay them, then maybe the Bakurans would see that they were not well protected under the Imperials.
Third, Rhinn was tasked with harassing the Imperial Navy. The best way to do it would be to spread out over a wide area. While it would dilute his strength, it would also frustrate the Imps with multiple small attacks in the area.
This had led to Rhinn’s “Three Pronged Attack” strategy. Half his fighters would hit a convoy heading into the Bakuran Sector. At the same time the other half of his fighters would hit a staging platform that stored repulsorlift components at Timora.
The third attack would happen after the first two attacks. This one involved the all ships but the Ghelshelm. As the rescue teams were dispatched to both sites, the rest of Paladin Group would then jump in behind the weaker of the two forces and attack, destroying the rescue forces and the anything left over from the initial attack. Then they would gather up their forces and jump back for Sullust before any major resistance could be brought to bear on them.
Rhinn Ikthoos
Aug 20th, 2010, 02:48:58 PM
== Bantha Group ==
== Bakuran Hyperway ==
Lieutenant Johas sat in the dark cockpit of his Headhunter, waiting for the signal to power up. He flexed his left hand repeatedly, trying to massage the tenseness he felt in it. Then he slid his glove back on. Johas was from Alderaan and just happened to be offplanet during it destruction. After that time, he had spent the rest of his life trying to kill as many Imperials as he could. At first, his hatred had found a place in the Rebellion, but after a few months, he began to realize that his tactics were found to be too severe by his superior officers. Dejected, he left the Rebellion and fell in with pirates who preyed on Imperial convoys. While his hatred of the Empire found vengeance, he also knew that the pirates preyed on civilian ships and innocents. With really no future, he left the pirates and traveled aimlessly for a few years. That was when he met Lucy. Lucy was only twelve at the time, but she had a huge impact on his life. Lucy’s parents were from Denon and they were struggling freighters and Johas had taken a job from them. Their only daughter was suffering from Quannot's Syndrome. Her body was deteriorating everyday as the nervous system was attacked.
Lucy knew that she would die, but she was the happiest little girl that Johas had ever met. She loved everyone around them. The last he had seen of Lucy, she was lying on her bed, too tired and weak to get up. She had said only one phrase to Johas before she had passed. Johas would remember those words forever. They were seared into his mind as was her voice as she said them.
“Have hope; live happy.”
Each word was separated by a long breath as Lucy just speaking was almost more than Lucy could take. That girl, with her amazing outlook on life, had changed Johas’ life. He immediately found the Rebel Alliance and joined it, living by her words, but also he found a new purpose in live… fight the Empire so that any other Lucy out there would continue to have a happy life.
So Johas had worked his way up to the rank of Lieutenant, opting to lead a squadron of headhunters, which he was intimately familiar with, rather than be a flight leader of a Y-Wing Group.
Now, here he was, ironically putting his experience as a pirate to good use. It was funny how the universe worked things together sometimes. He hoped that Lucy would be proud of him when they met in the afterlife.
Turning his attention back to the duty at hand, he monitored the scrambled frequency they were using. Off in the distance sat one of the captured Imperial freighters. It was broadcasting a distress signal on Imperial Channels. All around it were the capture TIE fighters. It was sitting in the middle of the Bakurean HyperWay. Most convoys stopped here to calculate their last jump to Bakura. From here, it was a straight shot to the planet. A convoy would be dropping by any minute now.
Rhinn Ikthoos
Aug 30th, 2010, 12:38:18 PM
== Bakuran Hyperway ==
Vyyk hated convoy duty. He knew that it was extra money, but it was sheer boredom. I guess that is lucky, he thought. If it wasn’t boring, then something’s wrong. Vyyk pulled back on the hyperdrive lever, dropping the bulk freighter Oseon. The stars pulled back to pinpoints as they reverted to realspace and he began to maneuver the freighter onto the last leg to Bakura.
“What in the Hells of the Sith is that?”
Vyyk looked up at his captain’s comments. Up ahead, a Corellian Action IV freighter was hanging dead in space. Around it was 8 TIE Fighters, no doubt the escort for the convoy. The aft of the ship was blackened from what had to be laser fire.
“Looks like someone stepped on a Rancor’s tail”, smirked Vyyk. “Should we help them?”
The captain, a gruff old human male from Raltiir, rubbed his chin. “Let’s see what they need first. We are on a tight schedule. Hail them.”
Vyyk pushed the communication button, sending out a hail over standard Imperial Channels. “This is the Imperial Convoy Alpha Delta Niner, freighter Oseon. Can we be of service?”
The holo of a man in an Imperial style uniform appeared and smiled back at them. “Why yes, you can get to your escape pods if you value your lives.”
Before the Captain or Vyyk could respond the transmission cut off and the Bantha turned to engage the three freighters. The 8 TIE fighters also formed up to strafe the convoy.
Out of hyperspace shot 3 squadrons of Headhunters. They swooped down from their hiding positions, each one tasked with damaging one of the freighters. Lt. Johas led the Phantoms in on the Oseon. They targeted the engines and shield generators. A few token shots were aimed at the bridge, but nothing was done to disrupt their communications. After all, they were not the target.
“One pass and then we are out of here, bound for Staging Point 2. Only fire one concussion missile and then strafe.”
That would dilute the damage done to the ships. While their engines would be awash with fire, their hulls would remain intact, for the most part. It was deemed necessary to keep them alive.
As the Headhunters fired their missiles, they were able to strafe for a few seconds before pulling up and away. Lt. Johas saw that his fighters were accounted for and their target was dead in space. He punched up his coordinates and signaled his squadron to jump to hyperspace.
On the Bantha, Commander Thratas smiled and watched. While the attack was really insignificant, it would no doubt call for rescue forces to investigate. As the Headhunters finished their attacks and fled the scene, Thratas made sure the ships weren’t going anywhere. All three of their engines were destroyed.
"Recall the Mynocks and let’s get out of here. We will meet up with the Ghleshlem to wait for the next stage.”
The communications officer nodded and recalled the fighters. Moments later, the Bantha jumped to hyperspace, leaving the area… for now.
Rhinn Ikthoos
Sep 3rd, 2010, 05:13:45 PM
== Holding Station Alpha Niner Zulu ==
== Timora ==
They struck without warning.
The space around HS A9Z had been quiet for a long time. After the Ssi-Ruuvi Incursion had been turned away, this area of the settled back into its quiet existence on the edge of the galaxy. Of course there was always the occasional pirates to deal with, but nothing ever happened that couldn’t be handled by the 2 squadrons of Tie fighters that were station at the holding station.
Nothing… until now.
Twelve squadrons of starfighters rained down from hyperspace. First came the A-Wings, who easily out distanced the rest of fighters, streaking towards the base. As they moved into firing range of the station, they fired off their first barrage, a round of 48 concussion missiles, peppering the shields of the huge station. Where the missiles impacted the shields, it turned milky blue as the explosion bled away the small amounts of the energy on the shields. While each individual missile was minor, numerous impacts reinforced each other, making the total affect greater. Couple that with 10 more squadrons lining up for their run, and the operators of the station were a bit apprehensive.
“Unidentified Squadrons, this is Commander Seth Ulor, what is your intentions?”
Commander Agave just smiled and shook his head. Like the first attack wasn’t a great sign of their intentions.
“Commander Ulor, I recommend that you evac the station and look for a new line up work.”
He cut the transmission and sent a signal to the rest of the squadrons. As one group, they dove down onto the station from above. The X-Wings led in the B-Wings and the slower Y-Wings. The A-Wings, already completing their run, turned to engage the two squadrons of Tie Fighters that were coming up from their hangars.
“We hit the hard we hit them fast and then we are out of here”, came Commander Agave’s voice over the comm. “Switch deflector shields to double front.” Agave reached up and switched his to match this own orders.
During the pre-mission briefing, the scenarios gave them about a 30 minute time frame for any response vessels to be able to arrive from Bakura. That gave them enough time to attack the station, destroy it and then get out before a picket ship could mount a defense.
The Tie fighters broke formation and tried to swoop in to come in on the flanks of the Y-Wings and B-Wings, but the A-Wings set up to discourage them. As the A-Wings tangled with the Ties, the rest of the fighters streaked in at the station. Already ships that were docked with the station to pick up repulsorlift components were streaming away from the station.
“All ships fire on my mark, except the Y-Wings. You fire 3 seconds later. Three… two… one... Mark!”
As one giant group, the X-Wings and B-Wings fired their dual linked torps at the station. As they fired, they banked away from the station, setting up for one more pass. As they moved out of the way, the Y-Wings fired their torpedoes and then broke to port.
At first it was a small peppering of torps as the first handful hit the shields. Then the individual explosions were lost as the rest of them slammed into the shields. Holes ripped open in the shields, as the explosions overwhelmed the shields. The bulk of the torpedoes shot through the gap and slammed into the station.
As Flight Officer Haggart would say upon debriefing, “Now I tell ya, those stations can keep out a fat lazy mynock, but they weren’t built to stop a torp. We cracked that station like a Hutt sitting on a Kowakian Lizard-Monkey. It was like a celebration, the fireworks ripping through those stupid Imps.”
While his language was a bit too florid that it had to be cleaned up, the description was pretty much what happened. The station was ripped open. The last of the torps scrapped the reactor core of the station, causing it to erupt and explode. As the eruption consumed the station, the A-Wings finished off the Ties.
“Great going squads, head for home.”
The A-Wings punched up away from the station, securing their outbound vector. Next, came the B-Wings and Y-Wings. The X-Wings held back to protect the rear of the formation incase anyone would arrive in system. Then they too jumped to hyperspace, leaving behind a mess of twisted and obliterated metal and a dying fireball where a station full of repulsorlift components had once been.
Rhinn Ikthoos
Sep 9th, 2010, 11:24:45 AM
== Rendezvous Point One ==
== Outer Rim ==
== Near Bakura ==
“Sir, all our fighters are back and accounted for. They report in their missions successful. Group 1 damaged all freighters; Group 2 destroyed the station, 2 squadrons of Ties, and strafed a few of the freighters.”
Rhinn smiled. This portion of the mission was easy as they were going up against fairly unarmed opponents. The next leg of the mission could be potentially more dangerous. While they had not lost any pilots or ships, the more they pressed their attacks, the more certain Rhinn was that they would have casualties.
Part of him wanted to abort this next portion of the mission. They had already hurt commerce heading to Bakura and put a dent in the resources heading out of Bakura by destroying a stockpile of repulsorlift components. Hadn’t that been enough?
Deep down, though, Rhinn knew that this next attack was necessary. It would frustrate the Imperials and cause the lost of some of their rescue and patrol craft. While minimal assets would be lost, the Imperials would need to add more ships to the area to protect their convoys. The amount of runs that they would be making would further dilute their resources and wear down the Imperial Fleet.
The advantage to attacking in small groups like this was that after this attack, they would leave this sector for a few months. The Imperials would have to account for them at all times, and they would be off attacking another sector, harassing commerce and convoys. If intelligence could tell where they were pulling assets from then the Rebels could hit there, doing further damage and showing the galaxy that the Imperials were not capable of protecting their own interests. While not an overwhelming victory that could be referred back to as a rallying point, like Yavin, it would give them small victories to boost the morale of their officers and soldiers as well as serving as a constant headache for the Imperials.
So this next stage had to be conducted.
“Very good Lieutenant. Have all ship commanders and squad leaders prepare their troops. Inform them that intel will be provided once we know what assets the Imperials send to help the efforts. Then we attack.”
This time all ships would be used, even the Ghleshelm. It only sported 2 heavy turbolaser cannons, but its hangars meant that if a ship was in trouble, they would have a safe haven to get to for repairs and rescue.
Rhinn Ikthoos
Sep 22nd, 2010, 05:49:12 PM
== Rendezvous Point One ==
== Outer Rim ==
== Near Bakura ==
“Captain, we are getting information coming in on from the probes. Putting it up on the holo.”
Rhinn looked up at the sensors officer patched the information. The holo first showed the freighters that Group 1 had attacked. They had maneuvered together to help protect each other, even though they didn’t have any weapons. Already arrived on the scene were two System Patrol Vessels. While hitting them would be easy, it wouldn’t deliver the type of message that Rhinn wanted to send. Still the fact that they would destroy the convoy and the patrol ships would force the Imperials to allocate more resources to the corridor.
Rhinn looked at the other holo. This one was a little sketchy as the probe had been seeded into the debris of the destroyed station. As such sometimes it was blocked from visual scans.
Enough information came through though so that they could determine the ships that were responding to the station’s distress signal. A Dreadnaught orbited near Timora and then off in the distance patrolling near the exit vector of the starships was a Lancer class Frigate. While the ships were too far away to get an ID on the names of the ships, the types of ships were enough. Also little glints of fast moving orbs were said to be TIE Fighters. Rhinn knew that Dreads only carried one squad of fighters, but with the limits of the probe, they could not rule out another ship in the area. Still, the target of two Imperial warships was too good a target to pass up.
Rhinn’s head came up. “Call the Commanders for a holomeeting. It’s time to strike and we have very little time to coordinate."
His aide saluted and then quickly made his way to the comm. system. Within moments all the captains of the other ships would be appearing around the holo for the briefing.
Rhinn Ikthoos
Sep 23rd, 2010, 11:36:23 AM
As the holos of his commanders began to appear, Rhinn linked them into the scans of the information from the probes.
“The Krayt and the three squadrons of Headhunters will compose Group 1. Your task is to jump back to the Bakuran Hyperway and ambush the freighters and the patrol craft that are trying to affect a salvage and rescue operation. Destroy all craft in the area, but give them time to exit their ship. Then jump to Rendezvous Point Beta. Wait there until you here from the main group. When leaving, I would like the Krayt to jump after the fighters to make sure no one is left behind.”
The commanders of the assigned ships and squadrons nodded. Though the holo was small, he could see disappointment in their faces. They were getting the milk run. While there would be danger from the patrol craft, it was minimal. Rhinn had his own reasons for choosing those ships. One, the crew of the Krayt was new and inexperienced, their Commander was newly promoted. This would give themsome experience in battle without suffering the fatigue and losses. Two, the Headhunters, while in good repair and manned by experience pilots, were not frontline ships anymore. While they would do good against pirate ships and convoys, if they came up against Tie Fighters or Interceptors, they could suffer brutally from the encounter. Rhinn was out to protect his men and women.
“The rest of us will be going back to Timora at the edge of Bakuran space. Initial scans show a Rendili Class Dreadnaught and a Lancer Class Frigate.” Rhinn paused, letting that sink in on the commanders. “While formidable, we should be able to deal with them in short order. We also have to be alert. The scans are incomplete and there could be more ships. We know that an ISD Mk II, a VSD Mk I, and an Interdictor Cruiser also patrols the sector. We may come up against any of them as well.”
Turning to the holo, the image changed to show an approximation of the destroyed station, the recon ships, the Lancer, the Dread, and a squadron of fighters.
“What we will do is use their weaknesses of their ships against them. While the Lancer is great at dealing with starfighters and the Dreadnaught could battle any of our ships to a draw, the opposite could not be farther from the truth. The Lancer has no ability to combat capital ships and the Dreadnaught, unless otherwise modified, really can’t handle a massive starfighter assault.”
“Our assault is this… The capital ships, led by the Starfire and the Paladin, willcome in on the approach vector that brings us closest to the Lancer. The capital ships will break the back of the Lancer.”
The holo updated to show Task Group Requiem dropping out of hyperspace and engaging the Lancer.
“Once it is engaged, the starfighters will drop out above us. The A-Wings will head off to intercept any starfighter squadrons that are patroling. The X-Wings will lead the Y- and B- Wings toward the Dread. The goal is to finish off both ships in one pass and get out of there before they can call in the bigger ships. If the ISD or VSD arrives, we immediately jump back to Rendezvous Point Beta. If the Interdictor is there and ends up trapping us, it becomes our primary target and we engage it and jump out.”
Rhinn looked from Commander to Commander. “Any questions?”
They all shook their head. Rhinn knew them to be competent so the details would be up to them. “Then may the Force be with you. Dismissed.”
The holos of the commanders disappeared, leaving Rhinn alone with his thoughts. Another small battle to irritate the Imperials. If all would go well, then their next target would be much more valuable. Shaking those thoughts away, he returned to the bridge. Time to concentrate on this mission now, he thought. As he entered the bridge, he took his place at the command chair.
“As soon as all fighters report ready, launch them and have them form up on our aft topside. When all the ships are ready, start the countdown.”
Within moments, all reports had come in and the countdown was starting. Rhinn watched as it scrolled to zero. On the outside he was calm, but on the inside he was excited.
As the chrono hit zero, all ships entered hyperspace to their specificed destination.
Rhinn Ikthoos
Sep 27th, 2010, 03:14:21 PM
== Bakuran Sector ==
== Timora ==
== <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com /><st1:PlaceType w:st=Bridge</st1:PlaceType> of <st1:PlaceName w:st="on">Death</st1:PlaceName></ST1:p Warrior ==
Lieutenant Barrdas hated pirates. They were the scum of the galaxy… even more than the Rebels. He hated them as well, but they usually didn’t prey on innocents. Pirates knew no such compassion. Hence the attacks on innocent freighters and now the station that held repulsorlift components bound for the Core. “Assign the Vindicator to sector 12. I think there were a few freighters drifting over there. Pull the 219<SUP>th</SUP> back to help sort through debris of the station that we can’t get to.”
Lieutenant Barrdas was the Communications Officer on the Death Warrior, a Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser assigned to the area. The ship was in need of repair, but it could still mount a formidable defense for pirates and it was used to perform mundane tasks like SARs. Along with the Death Warrior, the Lancer Class Frigate, Vindicator was assigned to this particular mission. The loss of so many repulsorlift components was indeed a loss and if the station commander hadn’t been killed in the station, then he would have been executed for gross dereliction of duty. What Barrdas couldn’t shake was the feeling that something wasn’t right. While Sector Command said it was another pirate attack, the amount of fighters present and the types led Captain H’owta to ask for a Lancer to assist them. They had already rescued 4 freighter crews and a few of the escape pods from the station were being loaded on at that particular moment. On the other side of the debris field, the Vindicator was moving out away from the station on course to search the grid, which would move them out away from the planet.
It was at that time that Task Group Requiem arrived. In formation, the Starfire led the group, followed up closely by the Paladin. The Starfire maneuvered above the Vindicator, cutting it off from hyperspace, while the Liberator moved to get in behind it and cut it off from reinforcements. Without any communiqués, both ships fired down onto the Lancer, vibrant terajoules of energy lanced out from the Rebel ships, turning the Lancer’s shield opaque. The Lancer answered back, firing what quad laser cannons were in range and had line of sight on the two ships. Underneath the Starfire came 2 Interceptor Frigates, pouring turbolaser fire into the Vindicator as well. The Imperial ship was firing back, but they were overwhelmed and their weaponry was more suited for starfighters, not capital ships. The quads burned away some of the shields on the Liberators, but they weren’t able to score a hit on the hull.
The long skeletal frame of the Starfire seemed to blot out the space around the Lancer. Turbolasers began to concentrate their fire on the bridge and engine compartments. The Lancer began to retreat toward the planet, trying desperately not to get cut off by the Paladin. The Vigilante and Jackal sped ahead of the Lancer, whose slow engines couldn’t keep them at bay. As they moved in to cut them off, the Starfire’s and Paladin’s fire scored a direct hit on the power generator on the Lancer. The ship physically shuddered in space as the backlash of power and explosions crept back down the power couplings. A secondary explosion consumed 2 of the quad laser turrets. Rhinn ordered the Starfire to intensify their fire on the damaged area.
The suddenness of the attack, coupled by the overwhelming firepower, kept the Lancer’s sensors from recording the massive number of starfighter squadrons that dropped out from behind the capital ship formation. They formed up by squadrons and headed around the debris field, toward their primary target… the Death Warrior.
Lieutenant Barrdas shouted back up at the <ST1:place w:st="on"><st1:PlaceName w:st="on">Command</st1:PlaceName> <st1:PlaceType w:st="on">Bridge</st1:PlaceType></ST1:place>. “Captain, we have multiple contacts dropping out of hyperspace. It looks to be the same pirates.” Even as Barrdas said pirates, he knew that they were Rebels. Pirates didn’t field a fleet like this. The Rebels were attacking and they were not here to take prisoners. “Capital ships moving to engage the Vindicator, sir. They are requesting our help.”
More blips appeared and Barrdas’ face paled. “We also have multiple starfighter contacts, sir… over 100.”
It was actually 144 fighters, or twelve squadrons worth. The A-Wings moved to intercept the Tie Fighters of the 219<SUP>th</SUP> Squadron.
“Wishbones and Crosses inbound to our position, escorting by strikes. Specks engaging our Ties.”
Barrdas knew that they were dead unless they retreated. That meant leaving the Vindicator to die here. He looked up as an explosion blossomed across the debris field. That must be the Vindicator. It’s gone, he thought.
He could hear Captain H’owta issued orders. He could feel the thrum of the engines increase at the ship began to turn and dive deeper into the debris field. Barrdas knew why. Though the Dreadnaught was ancient, its shields were heavy and powerful. The same could not be said of the starfighters. Debris that would bounce off their shields would destroy the smaller craft. By diving through the debris field, they slowed the pursuing craft and cut down on the time needed to travel to either engage the ships attacking the Vindicator, or to flee from the system. Barrdas could hear the high pitched voice of Ensign Zaarin, their Gunnery/Targeting Officer relaying targets to the gunners. Barrdas immediately sent out a distress call to Sector Command. Hopefully any ship in the area would receive it and come to their rescue. Then Barrdas could feel the thump-thump-thump as the turbolasers and laser cannons opened up on the starfighter squadrons. The 219<SUP>th</SUP> had angled back away from the A-Wings and through the debris field toward the Death Warrior. They knew that if they came in at the right time, they could pounce on the slower bombers, killing them in handfuls in the debris field. Also, as the Death Warrior was their only way out of here, if they didn’t make it back to the ship, they would be dead.
Rhinn Ikthoos
Oct 4th, 2010, 11:20:03 AM
==<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com /><st1:PlaceName w:st=Starfire</st1:PlaceName> <st1:PlaceType w:st="on">Bridge</st1:PlaceType>==
“Captain Ikthoos, the Death Warrior is cutting through the debris on an intercept course with us. Our fighters are trailing, but they are having trouble with the debris. We’ve lost 2 Y-Wings from Anvil Squadron. Estimate 4 minutes until they are in firing range. Our fighters will arrive here at 5 minutes.”
Rhinn cursed under his breath. The entrance of the Dread into the battle would go very badly for the lighter ships. If the fighters could take down the Death Warrior, then it would be a slugging match.
“Pull the fighters into two groups and have Group 1 form up at Aft starboard and Group 2 form up at <ST1:p<st1:PlaceName w:st="on">Aft</st1:PlaceName> <st1:PlaceType w:st="on">Port</st1:PlaceType>, on the dorsal side of the Dread.”
That would move the fighters out of the killing zone that Rhinn was going to set up. While the crossfire wouldn’t be as effective, there would be little chance of friendly fire hitting the fighters.
“Pull the Interceptor Frigates back to the rear of the formation. The Paladin and the Starfire will move to engage the Death Warrior. Once we engage it, the Vigilante and the Jackal are to move up and strike from the port side. If we can delay the Dread, the starfighters will have time to fire off a missile barrage.”
The bridge crew scrambled to get the change in orders out to the other ships. The Starfire began her stately turn to the left, presenting a broadside to the Death Warrior. While that would increase the amount of area that dread could fire on, it would also increase the guns that the Starfire could bring to bear on its bow.
The Paladin changed its heading and put it on a face to face meeting with the Death Warrior. The advantage that gave them was that if the Dread tried to blast past them, they could keep pace with the older ship, hammer it and delaying its jump to hyperspace. The Vigilante and Jackal lined up behind the Starfire, waiting to pop underneath it and fire on the Death Warrior.
From behind the fighters were slowly, but steadily catching up. The A-Wings were almost within range of the Dread and would get a salvo off before the capital ships would fire. The B-Wings and Y-Wings had popped up over the debris field. The maneuver, while making them travel a longer distance would give them a path where they would not have to deal with debris. If they could just guess at which way the dread would turn, they could set up a barrage at range. The X-Wings juked and weaved around the debris field. So far the TIEs were more intent on getting back on the ship, then they were about engaging the Rebels.
The holo showed two spheres on the battlerom. The red one was the maximum firing range of all the ships. It was shrinking rapidly. The blue one was the terminal edge of the gravity well… the destination of the Death Warrior so they could jump to hyperspace. Then the countdown began. 20… 19… 18…
Rhinn Ikthoos
Feb 26th, 2011, 11:51:43 PM
3... 2... 1!
The battlerom showed that four of the 6 red terminal lines encompassed the Death Warrior. Rhinn didn't have to give the order... the crews knew their jobs. First, the A-Wing jockeys launched a salvo of concussion missiles at the aged Dreadnaught. Thought not having as much power as proton torpedoes, they did pack a punch enmass. Seconds later, the Paladin and the Starfire opened up on the Imp. The Starfire moved in to engage the cruiser that was only half its size.
"All shields forward, and bring us directly into the path of that ship. It can't be allowed to leave."
Turbolaser and Ion Cannon Fire washed across the hull of the dread. With all sides being attacked, they couldn't strengthened shields, but the Imp Captain knew what he was doing. He ignored the starfighters and the Starfire and headed toward the weakest part of the blockade... the Paladin. The Liberator was only half it size and meant to be a carrier. The dread could take it and punch out... if it could survive the rest of the ships.
Of course, Rhinn knew that as well. As the dread made their move toward the carrier/cruiser, Rhinn signaled the bombers. The Y-Wings and B-Wings had been standing off from the attack. Now, they knew where the Dread would go and had pulled within range. Dual light trails streamed from each fighter and if Rhinn hadn't known better, he would have thought he was looking at a light show. But each of those light trails was a projectile. They slammed into the side of the Dread in ragged sequence. The first wave were absorbed by the ship's shields, but they imploded from the massive fireballs. The rest slammed into the armored hull of the ship and ripped it apart. Plating, humans, fire and atmosphere spewed out into space. The Dreadnaught tried to turn, but the superstructure had been severely weakened. The ship buckled, with its engines turning to port, but the bow heading in its original direction. Then, with the help of heavy turbolaser fire from the Starfire, the back of the Death Warrior was snapped and the dying ship tumbled back into the asteroid field in two pieces. There was a last little bit of atmosphere burning and a few escape pods that headed off into space, away from the rebel ships.
Rhinn watched the end of the battle and gave a sigh that was inpercievable to the rest of the crew. He had lost some good men and women today, but most were going to return home intact.
"Commander, take us down from battle alert and recall the fighters. Once they are aboard, I want a status report of all damage and losses before we leave the sector. Then we jump back to Sullust."
"Aye Captain."
Rhinn nodded to his XO and then headed off to his chambers. There were reports to complete, but he wanted a little bit of time to calm down from the battle before he composed letters to those in his crew that died.
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