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Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 13th, 2010, 07:00:57 PM
Harnaidan, Muunilinst
Two Years Ago
(continued from Past Due (
"jYou look jusst loveljy. Doessn't sshe look loveljy?"
Taataani fanned herself as her and her entourage moved across the skylanes of the busy financial city in a luxury transport dispatched from her daughter's galleon, Haifa'Iro'Iro. Seated in a round on a continuous circular leather couch were the Rrou'fai's usual inner circle. Of course, she never went anywhere without indispensable Taurrifarr, her favorite companion and Arr'fai of the house. Adjacent to her sat T'yeellaa, her oldest daughter and the galleon's captain. Next to her sat another daughter, Aleeha, who helped with the family business. Further down the line was a better-rested Sanis Prent, whose impressive shiner from the day previous was being covered up by a large pair of sunglasses. She'd made sure to have Taurrifarr make him as presentable as possible. He wasn't here to say anything, just to be seen.
But the object of her current affections was seated directly opposite of her. Again, thanks to Taurrifarr's eye for fashion, she wore something sharp and contemporary, but not too busy. She looked, for all intents and purposes, to be a businesswoman in her own right. The scar that dominated Lok s'Ilancy's face was smartly covered-over by makeup, and she too wore sunglasses. At least this meeting was during a rather sunny day, Taa mused to herself.
Everyone agreed with Madam Meorrrei that, yes, Lok s'Ilancy was certainly dressed for the occasion. Now, all that remained was to arrive at the occasion itself. Parak Bell, chairman of the Intergalactic Banking Clan, awaited her response to the challenge from Zy Kennal, the Imperials' lapdog picked to secure Hydian way shipping rights into the Core Systems. The meeting here had implications not just with MeorrreiCorp, but with the Pride itself and the greater galaxy beyond.
"Now, ss'jIl, jI majy not even need jyourr orr Ssanjiss'ss help, but keep an ejye out forr an opporrtunjitjy, orr anjythjing that mjight worrk to ourr advantage. Afterr all, jI thjink we all benefjit herre jif the Empjirre leavess Muunjiljinsst emptjy-handed, no?"
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
Aug 13th, 2010, 07:11:15 PM
"jYess motherr. Loveljy."
Captain Meorrrei, on the other hand, seemed fairly glum at the idea of having Sanis Prent and his so-called employer (who was probably also a criminal) joining them for an extremely important meeting with the Intergalactic Banking Clan leader. What if Chairman Bell asked about it? How much of a disgrace was this whole outing going to cause, and how much of it would land on her shoulders?
She massaged her temples gingerly, casting a glare to Sanis, who had nodded off to sleep.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 14th, 2010, 05:12:21 PM
For the longest time, s'Il had stood staring into the mirror, seeing her face as it once had been so many years ago. In some ways it'd look unfamiliar - so used to seeing her scar had she become that with it covered so thoroughly, her features seemed... lacking. The sight of her own face, without that terrible mark, was fascinating and the different emotions that it drew from her each competed for dominance.
Taataani's aides had had to physically pull her away from the mirror, and now, sitting across from the Meorrrei clan matron, she kept her eyes closed behind the dark sunglasses. Taataani's fawning was met with a slight upturn of her lips, and in respect she dipped her head. The clothes that had been provided felt... strange. She'd not worn anything of this cut in her entire life, and the closest thing to it was a dress uniform that Dan had made her wear once; ages ago. She'd put up a hellish fight with him back then, but now matters were different, and s'Il wore her discomfort quietly, tucked away from prying eyes.
Reaching up, she carefully pulled the sunglasses away, blinking momentarily at the shift in brightness.
A smile to Taataani.
"My hostess is too kind," she said kindly.
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 14th, 2010, 05:34:49 PM
"Too kjind?"
She gave a slightly playful smile as her tail flipped up into her lap.
"jI ssupposse sso. Would jyou prreferr me to bjill jyou forr the warrdrrobe?"
It was, naturally, in jest. For the service s'Il was about to do for her, she'd buy her a hundred wardrobes. A thousand. She'd buy out the designer label and put them to work for s'Il on retainer!
Taurrifarr, getting a message from the limo driver in an earcomm, leaned forward to whisper in Taa's ear.
"Well, jit sseemss we'rre herre!"
She gave a little clap and a broad smile, remembering as an afterthought...
"One of jyou wake Ssanjiss up."
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
Aug 14th, 2010, 05:44:38 PM
"Oh, allow me!"
Captain Meorrrei eased forward just slightly, and gave Sanis a swift kick to his shin with the toe of her jack boot.
Sanis Prent
Aug 14th, 2010, 05:48:57 PM
"Ow!! What?!"
I was instantly awake, and acutely aware of a searing ball of pain at the middle of my right leg. Crossing it over my left, I gave my shin a gentle rubbing.
So, it wasn't the best way to start the day. I was operating with a handicap, since yesterday had essentially been terrible. I'd managed to throw up twice to get rid of whatever Cizeri demon I'd imbibed the day before, and thanks to little acts of kindness from T'yeellaa like that one, I was more or less black and blue in all sorts of places. Sulking, I noted that the felinoid captain went out of her way to beat up on me.
"You know, T'yeellaa, no need to flirt. I'm easy."
Parack Bell
Aug 15th, 2010, 02:10:28 AM
InterGalactic Bank's Spire of the Comptroller
Parack Bell, chairman of the InterGalactic Banking Clan, was certainly a man of premeditation. There was never an act born exclusively of passion, though he certainly had feelings as such. No, in a galaxy that existed solely on the duality of credits and debits, profits and losses, those who lived by the mantra of a 'gut feeling' usually were placed into receivership for their impropriety.
So it was now, that he spoke to the hologram at his desk of Zy Kennal, the chief executive of EbonStream Consulting. EbonStream, a charter headquartered out of the Corporate Sector, was a safe choice for the Empire to back. They were, on paper, a third party with no overt ties to Imperial hegemony, which would ease the quite valid concerns in the Outer Rim that the Empire was continuing to tighten the noose around the neck of the free market. Of course, Chairman Bell knew that the minders in the Corporate Sector no-doubt included implicit expectations in their arrangement that suggestions from the Empire were to be given priority. In effect, EbonStream was the Empire in the matters of these negotiations, at least by proxy.
"Mr. Kennal, I'm afraid I will have to postpone our meeting until tomorrow."
The human, with a close-cropped haircut and the sort of sharp-creased clothing that suggested origins in the Core Systems, seemed annoyed at this.
"Chairman, with respect, this is the third delay in negotiations. The Corporate Sector Authority is concerned that the proceedings are being stalled needlessly."
Bell stifled the dissent with a raised finger.
"Needless? We are still well within our allotted time to decide how the contract will be awarded. I have been granted full legal arbitration by the Imperial Courts to decide on this issue, and have at least one further contractor to interview."
He offered a thin, nearly-nonexistant smile.
"The contracts are open for bidding. Do you have such little faith in your prospectus? This is not a charity ward, Mr. Kennal. I will not abide issuing credit to an inferior company that may be a default risk, and I will exercise my full legal right to arbitrate the bidding procedure."
Kennal, for his part, had heard much of this before.
"Chairman, the CSA has collateralized three star systems in good faith for this undertaking. Outside of the Imperial Starfleet itself, you'll hardly find a safer credit risk."
His curiosity did get the better of him, however.
"If I may, Chairman. Who is our latest competition?"
Following the letter of the law on fair disclosure, Chairman Bell transmitted the information Zy requested.
"MeorrreiCorp, from the Carshoulis Cluster has placed the latest bid. I expect to review their prospectus within the hour."
The human excused himself a moment, reading the information Bell transmitted. When he looked up, his perturbed expression remained.
"The Cizerack? The Corporate Sector won't stand for it."
"Might I remind you, Mr. Kennal, but you don't represent the Corporate Sector, anymore than MeorrreiCorp represents the Cizerack Pride. Perhaps you let your influences speak too loudly in place of your own voice."
Jawline tightening, Zy gave the barest of smirks.
"As always, you are correct Chairman. No matter. I expect to hear from you shortly. I'm confident in our prospectus, and trust you will still award us the contract for shipping control into the Core."
The holo terminated, yet Parack's gaze remained fixed to the spot where it had been just moments before. He steepled his fingers together, deep in thought. Another Muun in the background approached him.
"Chairman, if I may, EbonStream has easily shown to be a better investment than any other bidder on the contract. Waiting for new bids is likely to turn negotiations hostile."
Bell turned to his adjuctant, his eyes narrowing.
"Do be careful with that adjective, Nalath. We are, after all, doing business under the Empire's shadow. Even with such subtle threats, I will retain my legal powers. What will the Empire do? Nationalize the bank? The galactic economy would tumble into the abyss."
Nalath reluctantly nodded.
"Do you think that MeorrreiCorp will actually present a better option for us?"
Bell took a long time to answer that question. He was, after all, a cautious man.
He turned in his chair in time to see a limousine arriving outside the Comptroller's Spire landing pad.
"But it is in our best interest to appear to give the benefit of a doubt to them. If the Empire tells us to jump, and we ask them how high, what does this do to the Outer Rim's economy, Nalath?
Our master isn't the Empire. Our master is a reasonable return on investment."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 15th, 2010, 04:30:27 PM
Ever the picture of grace no matter what her personal discomfort may be, s'Il stepped from the speeder, mindful enough to return her sunglasses to her face before she met the daylight. Standing as tall as her stature would allow, the Lupine surveyed her surroundings with a curious air, taking in each and every bit with keen interest.
Captain Meorrrei's brusque awakening of Sanis hadn't gone unnoticed, but s'Il only offered a light smirk at the poor boy's discomfort and question of 'why'. It was strangely endearing, and she'd noted with some surprise that Taurrifarr had managed to make the rangy Nar Shaddaan look decently respectable.
It was a good look.
Standing with her hands folded at the small of her back and hair swept behind her shoulders, the Lupine deferred to Taataani - this was the Matron's playing field, and s'Il was only here to make sure that the game was tipped in the Cizerack's favor.
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 15th, 2010, 05:38:21 PM
"Chjildrren, behave."
Taataani, donning her own sunglasses, walked with the entourage on their approach to the Comptroller's Spire. There was something inviting about the austere architecture of Muunilinst that she'd always enjoyed. Maybe it was the columns or the stone edifaces. The buildings were so lovingly designed but yet such a straight-laced and conservative look. Every which way a statue or a piece of greenery cut through the sea of marble. About the only thing she didn't care for were all the stairs. She paused at an extended flight of them, giving a sigh in advance to her feet which were sure to protest.
With Taurrifarr escorting her, she walked ahead of everyone. s'Il, T'yeellaa, and Aleeha walked behind, and Sanis trailed with the rest of the group. Greeting them was a Muun that the Cizerack matron had experience working with - Nalath Kadu. The gaunt creature dipped his bulbous head in greeting Taataani.
"Ja irra korra'nai, Rrou'fai Meorrrei."
The Muun's greeting, though full of proper nuance, never failed to sound bizarre in their race's high, nasally voices. Still, the Muuns had traditionally cozy relations with the Cizerack on account of their usual lines of business, and the familiarity was a breath of fresh air.
"Charrmed asss alwajyss, Ssecrretarrjy Kadu. jI'm herre to ssee the Chajirrman."
Nalath looked from Taataani, to the rest of her entourage and stepped aside, politely gesturing for all to enter.
"But of course, Madame. This way please."
As the group passed, Nalath's eyes followed T'yeellaa, wondering just how much of this meeting that the Cizerack Pride was backing. It was likely a very similar arrangement to the Empire and the Corporate Sector putting EbonStream in a position to bid. Either way, it had the potential to cause trouble, and the Muun minder wrung his hands as he followed the rest.
The group boarded a lavishly-decorated lift, and it ascended to the top of the spire.
Sanis Prent
Aug 15th, 2010, 05:42:18 PM
Took a few moments of hobbling for me to get my timing back again, and I played the rest off cool. As we stood in the lift, I spent a few moments to adjust my attire. Apparently, I was doing it wrong, and Taurrifarr somehow appeared out of nowhere to adjust my jacket properly, and somehow did it without seeming to intrude. He gave me a strange look and shook his head a bit, returning to Taataani's side.
Finding a spot to wait in the lift, I leaned against a rail, again adjacent to s'Il and Captain Meorrrei.
" any gum?"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 16th, 2010, 08:49:51 PM
His question was met with a sideways look, and s'Il ticked one corner of her mouth upwards into a lopsided smirk that disappeared soon after.
"Your breath is fine."
She noted the furtive glare that Captain Meorrrei gave her, and turned to fully regard the Cizerack.
T'yeellaa Meorrrei
Aug 16th, 2010, 09:06:54 PM
T'yeellaa said nothing, but it was clear that she was going to let her facial expression do all of the talking since everyone else was eyes-forward. She gave the slightest shake of her head and massaged her temple slightly.
The lift, thankfully, didn't take long to arrive at the top floor of the spire, and as the doors parted soundlessly, Secretary Kadu escorted the group into Chairman Bell's office. T'yeellaa, Aleeha, Taurrifarr, and the rest paused short of the Chairman's immense desk, allowing Taataani and s'Il to approach further. The Captain was quick to catch Sanis by the arm, keeping him forcefully anchored to the back of the procession in a surprisingly subtle show of restraint.
Parack Bell
Aug 21st, 2010, 07:32:42 PM
"Madame Meorrrei, greetings, most auspicious greetings, yes, aha, yes!"
Chairman Bell rose from his seat, his interlocked fingers separating as he spread his spindly arms wide in a welcoming gesture.
"It is, as you say, aha, Ja irra korra'nai, no?"
Nalath disappeared into the background along with Madame Meorrrei's own entourage.
"I'm certain you travelled in agreeable fashion from Carshoulis, but allow me the honor of providing refreshments for you and your guests. Please, do sit, we have much to discuss."
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 21st, 2010, 08:00:41 PM
Taataani nodded to s'Il, and both sat in the seats closest to Chairman Bell's desk. The rest of the entourage, in turn, took seats to either side of them. Nalanth quickly reappeared with a decanter of Cizerack wine, smartly selected in advance for the meeting. Taataani accepted the drink offered her, and he moved along in turn to the others.
"Chajirrman, thank jyou forr agrreejing to ssee me on thjiss jimporrtant jisssue. jI underrstand therre arre qujite a few offerrss alrreadjy jin place forr the trrade contrract."
She made a gesture to s'Il.
"Allow me to jintrroduce mjy colleague ss'jIl. Sshe jiss a trrussted conssultant on manjy of mjy bussjinesss dealjingss."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 21st, 2010, 08:48:17 PM
Taataani was a masterful artist of the spoken word, and s'Il gave a polite smile as that artistry made itself known.
She gave a respectful nod, eyes closed behind the sunglasses that she still wore. When she lifted her head once more, she smoothly removed the dark-tinted glasses to reveal a pair of intense blue eyes.
"It is a pleasure, Chairman Bell."
Parack Bell
Aug 21st, 2010, 09:04:36 PM
It was unusual to see Taataani keep a human in such close proximity to her inner circle, but he knew more than a few Cizerack matrons of industry liked to hire competent aliens at a severe pay cut. He attributed the presence of this s'Il to his guest's shrewdness.
"A pleasure indeed, aha. Yes, very good."
Something troubled him, however. She looked so familiar to him. Had he met her before? Of all the tens of thousands of humans he met, it was so hard to say for certain. After all, he'd had a busy and fruitful career. It's quite possible this aspiring businesswoman had crossed his path before.
"No trouble at all. In fact, good business sense demands that you bring many viewpoints to the table. I welcome you."
Nalath provided the Chairman with a glass of iced Pai Leeha wine, as he'd requested in advance. Not typically a drinker, the Muun banker knew well enough to create rapport in a business setting. Nothing was sacred as long as you could leverage a meeting in your favor.
Getting back to matters at hand, he addressed the group.
"You are correct as far as other offers. No less than a dozen. I will admit, your submitted prospectus is promising. I would say that you are within final consideration. If you are familiar with EbonStream in the Corporate Sector, you will know who you are in direct competition with. I can safely speak for the Banking Clan when I say that you are the two most promising applicants."
He brought up a holo of the MeorreiCorp prospectus for all to see, highlighting items with a wave of his hand to magnify for reference.
"My concern with your offer can be noted here, and here, aha. While your capacity to cover the required shipments exists, your licensing in the Corporate Sector is still pending. While you can certainly still trade in the sector without it, the mark-up in tarriffs mean a loss of profitability, which is, aha, disconcerting."
Steepling his fingers together again, he dipped his head.
"If significant cost savings can offset this, it may do well to make your proposal more, aha, attractive."
It was an unspoken olive branch he was extending to the Cizerack matron. He wanted some justification to opt with MeorrreiCorp, but it had to be legitimate to the board of trustees. Without legitimacy, any move to back them would be malfeasance to their galactic investors.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 30th, 2010, 06:26:14 PM
Ever attentive to the unspoken dialogue concealed within Parack Bell's words, s'Il leaned back in her seat, settling herself more comfortably. One leg went to rest over the other, and she rested both hands in her lap, the folded sunglasses held in a loose grip.
There was nothing she needed to say quite yet, and so the Lupine contented herself with simply listening. What Taataani had asked her to do during this meeting wasn't something that she spent a considerable amount of time doing. If anything, it was much more of a... hobby.
But, even hobbies had their uses every now and again.
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 30th, 2010, 08:15:19 PM
Taataani's mind was filled with math. She sipped her Pai Leeha, a claw gently swirling ice in the deep-red drink as she considered his words. Competing with a Corporate Sector darling meant two things, one of which Chairman Bell made abundantly clear. The Authority could influence the political arena in ways that she could not, even with unofficial blessing of the Pride in her endeavor. The CSA, by weight of the Empire's edicts, could set trade policy. They weren't nearly as apolitical as the Intergalactic Banking Clan, and had no obligations to appear as such.
The second fact of competition against Corporate Sector interests was that there was a distinct underdog effect. This wasn't said, and could not be said, at least not by Chairman Bell. Because the CSA wasn't apolitical, their closeness to the Empire meant they attracted some clientele, and repulsed others. Of course, by opposing EbonStream, MeorrreiCorp faced the same duality in mirror form. However, she could see the numbers. A great many worlds on the Hydian Way between the Core and the Corporate Sector were receptive to a company without an CSA pedigree. It at least gave the appearance of an independent option.
Taataani reached up to pass a holoslip to Chairman Bell, who plugged it into his reader. Her research illuminated his desk. Worlds that her marketing department had favorably scouted were highlighted in yellow, while worlds operating exclusively under Corporate Sector charter were in blue.
"Chajirrman, mjy prropossal majy not have the blessjing of the Corre, orr the Corrporrate Ssectorr, but wjithout the Outerr Rrjim, what jiss the Hjydjian Wajy? jI alrreadjy have a fjive jyearr contrract wjith the Thjyferrran Bacta Carrtel forr exclussjive trrade rrjightss."
Her smile broadened a bit.
"jIf that'ss not enough, jI wjill unvejil the crrown jewel jin MeorrreiCorp'ss collectjion."
She activated a small holoprojector, and rested it in her hand. A single symbol spun about in the air. It was the badge and logo of a company that was well-known throughout the galaxy.
That revelation sent Chairman Bell retreating to Nalath, the two murmuring out of earshot. No matter, taataani glanced sideways to s'Il, giving her hand a squeeze.
"Excjitjing, no? jI thjink jI gave them ssomethjing to thjink about. What arre jyourr jimprresssjionss?"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 4th, 2010, 12:56:32 PM
She watched carefully, each minute movement of Mr. Bell's, each facial tick he made, the tightening of the muscles around his eyes. It was all noted with quiet scrutiny. Her own features remained neutral, giving nothing but a calm exterior for their host to attempt to pick through.
Taataani's hand over her own made her blink, pulling her gaze from the two Muuns who'd sequestered themselves a short distance away.
"It is... not something I normally find myself doing," she murmured honestly, "... but it is enjoyable in its' own way I suppose."
Her eyes went back to Chairman Bell and Nalath.
"You have certainly thrown a brick into their pond, and I do not think that they are particularly... upset about that."
Parack Bell
Sep 8th, 2010, 06:56:33 PM
"Your cost-saving advantage is worth consideration."
Bell quit his deliberation, returning to his seat with a polite smile.
"However, it has come to my understanding that EbonStream has certain, aha, cost advantages of their own from their dealings with the Authority. Imperial bulk freighters pass from the core to the Corporate Sector, and these are available at a fraction of retail."
He looked troubled.
"While there is utility in having an outside face to the trade lanes, I'm afraid it doesn't look good, Koensayr or no."
Resting his eyes on s'Ilancy for a moment, he at last turned off the holo.
"I will be honest with all of you. Even with your certain ties to Cizerack military interests no-doubt floating here or there, the trade clients on the Outer Rim would still prefer that to an extension of militarized Imperial space lanes. While we naturally seek to reach an, aha, amicable arrangement with the best party, and to keep assurances of nonviolent actors on the Hydian Way, I'm perhaps too cynical to believe the Empire or the Corporate Sector would put a candidate up to task without the possibility of them enforcing their own ends at the barrel of a gun. While defense is one thing entirely, I am wary of other intentions."
He sighed at that observation.
"I can give you a day to reconsider your prospectus. If you can match the offer, or give me any practical reason why the Banking Clan might extend the charter to MeorrreiCorp, perhaps we can do business."
He wanted to say more on the subject, but a look to Nalath confirmed that he'd said just about all he was legally permitted.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 9th, 2010, 08:04:26 PM
It didn't take anyone gifted in the Force to understand the silent words that Chairman Bell spoke alongside those that were heard. His eyes and body language, though subtle, would more than likely be enough for even a woman of Taataani's savvy nature to decipher.
But, aside from being able to pull apart the meanings behind the Muun's words, she was a bit of a fish out of water. Her Cizerack host was the one who had the experience, and until they were alone, s'Il would make herself politely seen and not overly heard.
Taataani Meorrrei
Sep 14th, 2010, 06:49:30 PM
Taataani laced her fingers together in her lap as she took the bad news, interlaced with Lok's silver lining. Glancing to her Lupine colleague with the barest of nods, she looked to Chairman Bell.
"One dajy wjill be enough, Chajirrman. jI'm confjident jyou wjill ssee thjingss mjy wajy when we meet again."
She paused, a polite smile on her lips.
"One morre thjing. jI asssume that EbonSstrream'ss rreprressentatjive jiss sstjill on Muunjiljinsst, jyess?"
The Muun banker nodded his head in the affirmative.
"Wherre jiss he sstajyjing? jI majy need to sspeak wjith hjim."
* * *
Madam Meorrrei's entourage returned to the luxury transport, ostensibly for return back to Haifa'Iro'Iro. The matron said very little, and apart from fanning herself in the growing heat of midday with a small folding fan, she was clearly lost in her thoughts. As they boarded the craft, her fan snapped shut.
"jI thjink jit'ss tjime that jI meet Mjissterr Kennal. jI thjink talkjing togetherr, asss equalss, we can come to an underrsstandjing."
Once they were inside, she lounged on the well-padded couch, and looked to her Jedi companion.
"And mosst jimporrtantljy, that wjill gjive jyou all the tjime jyou need to fjind out what thejy'rre rrealljy up to."
Her eyes traced to Sanis.
"jYou too."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 18th, 2010, 03:09:55 PM
With only a slightly raised eyebrow, s'Il looked to her host. It had not been outside of her thoughts that Taataani would request of her something a bit more physical than simply sitting and listening; to divine the true meanings behind words and influence in any way what came from the mouths of those she was doing business with. But, the Lupine was still quite oblivious to the full extent of what the Cizerack Matron wished of her. Oh, she had inklings and suspicions, but nothing beyond those.
Her sunglasses she still kept in hand,m refraining for the moment from putting them back on.
"It is not facing an army of battledroids, but I believe I can adapt," she said with a wry smile.
Sanis Prent
Sep 20th, 2010, 08:17:11 PM
I could feel a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, and suddenly it was obvious why Mama Taa wanted me at this snorefest, and it wasn't for my good looks.
"I've got a bad feeling about this."
The fact that Lok was smiling along with the matron didn't make me feel any better. It was almost as if they were both in cahoots to make today a bad day. Worst of all, I wasn't gonna get paid one measly credit for the trouble, since Taa knew she'd just take it out of my past due balance.
We took our seats again and were promptly ferried away.
"If I'm thinking what you're thinking mum, sounds like you're asking for me to do something a little, er, less than legal."
Taataani Meorrrei
Sep 20th, 2010, 08:24:31 PM
"Doess that botherr jyou?"
Taataani met Sanis's dour look with bemusement, and she shared a smile with s'Il.
"Don't worrrjy, jit'ss onljy jillegal jif jyou don't fjind anjythjing and end up gettjing caught. But jyou arre gojing to fjind ssomethjing and jyou'rre not gettjing caught. jIssn't that rrjight s'jIl?"
She regarded her Jedi companion with a nod, in understanding of the fact they had both come to understand - which was the Muuns were all but giving their complicit support in name.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 22nd, 2010, 08:34:06 PM
"Correct," she nodded, agreeing with the Matron's assessment.
The Lupine reached over to give Sanis an affectionate pat to his knee. His tone had not been lost on her, but she found herself rather game to the task that Taataani had given them.
"Not to worry. It will be fun."
Sanis Prent
Sep 24th, 2010, 09:42:55 PM
"That's easy for you to say, I'm the one with the hangover."
* * *
Two hours later...
We linked up long enough with Haifa'Iro'Iro for s'Il and I to effectively get lost. Understandably, Taataani didn't want to be seen with us on the task we had in store. Instead, we transitioned back to the station, and back to Layla, taking a few moments to catch Cirr and the kids up with the news. After that, we were planet-bound again, this time in the Black Cat, headed to the address provided for EbonStream's local office. As per usual when shit looked to go sideways, I was nipping from my hip flask to put my nerves at ease.
"Do we have a plan here? I mean, other than picking a lock into an angry hornet's nest full of more or less mercenaries, and somehow hoping we're not found out, and then hoping against hope we find a mysterious something?"
s'Il didn't look like she was about to disagree with my assessment, and I cursed under my breath.
"About like old times then, huh?"
At least we'd had enough time to shed our dapper duds for some more familiar attire. As we landed the shuttle, a good couple of blocks away from our target, I stared up at the rows of column-flanked buildings. Everything looked very austere.
"That's a lot of damn marble, gotta say."
I hit the hatch, dropping the gangplank so we could hop out. With a practiced motion, I checked my blasters and shell gun, flipping my coat over all such nasty surprises.
"Well, I'd say let's go get paid, but I can't even say that. After you."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 25th, 2010, 07:07:01 PM
Leading the way down the boarding ramp, s'Il kept her shoulders back and her eyes forward. Now dressed in her own normal traveling leathers, the Lupine looked far more comfortable with herself, and her sure stride spoke volumes of her apparent ease. Even despite the nature of their task, she held herself with a quiet sort of calm.
Her gait remained steady as her boots hit the landing tarmac, and without turning she spoke.
"Think of it as a lesson in building experience."
She paused only long enough to allow him the chance to walk beside her. In those few moments she cast a cursory glance at their surroundings. It was nothing like what she'd become so used to on Cathar. As well, the last time she was here had been during the Clone Wars.
"Things have certainly changed since the last time I was... out and about."
Sanis Prent
Sep 25th, 2010, 10:46:01 PM
"Didn't figure you for the banking type?"
I knew what she meant, but cracked wise. I wasn't about to listen to war stories this close to probably having one of my own.
We approached our target, marked out somewhat conspicuously with a placard at the front rather than a more permanent-looking engraved edifice. Circling about, we cased the area, finding an entrance at the back.
"Well, I guess we can either slice our way in, or I'm sure you've got some Jedi shenanigans to get us inside."
I jimmied the access panel at the rear door off, after giving a cautionary look-about to look for sentries or cameras. There weren't any, which probably made me more nervous than not.
I pulled a MARCUS module from my jacket, and held it to the exposed data interface.
"MARCUS, sniff around for any electronic countermeasures before we slice. I'd rather not trip over myself."
I looked back to s'Il, as if expecting something.
"I'm assuming you've got the intangibles handled, right?"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 26th, 2010, 08:47:14 PM
She watched, fascinated at this display of technical manipulation. In all of her years, s'Il had never had the need to know slicing, let alone require the services of one who did. It had always simply been a matter of throwing the thermal detonator and waiting for the timer to click down to zero. But, times changed, and methods did as well.
"It seems the best task for me at hand," she answered absently, leaning back on her heels to once more glance about.
Sanis Prent
Sep 27th, 2010, 08:47:29 PM
"Sanis, I've located twenty three electronic gatekeepers at this and the next three junctions. Attempting to bypass now. Estimated completion, two minutes."
The droid module worked furiously, its visual receptors blinking rapidly as it worked at a rapid pace to defeat the security overrides in place.
"Guess it would worry me more if there weren't any."
The time passed, and with a beep, the droid ceased activity.
"Countermeasures nullified. Opening slicer interface."
A small keypad emerged from a back panel on the module, and a holoprojector popped to life, showing the work in progress. Most of it was handled by MARCUS, with the big decisions controlled by me. I analyzed the keycode matrix, watching the algorithm weed out the obvious incorrect paths. That left us with five possible options, with an allowed three failures before the system locked down and tripped a master alarm.
"Alright, how about..."
I frowned.
"Nope. Fine, got a few more..."
Shit. One correct option, and two bogus ones. One last shot on this. I glanced back to s'Il.
"Scoundrel's luck, or the will of the force? I say it's the third code."
My hand hovered over the keypad. If I was wrong, I needed a lifeline to tell me so.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 27th, 2010, 09:29:15 PM
Observing with a curious eye, the Lupine hovered at Sanis' side like some clinging groupie. She watched MARCUS work, watched Sanis do... whatever it was he was doing, and through it all she bit her lip in thought, looking at the codes that hadn't yet been tried.
Three, with only one being the correct combination.
Her mind pushed outward then, searching for any sign. It was a small push, without much power behind it. Not meant to brutishly shove inside, her mental touch was only a gentle, whisper-like graze.
"Actually -"
Her hand reached out, pushing Sanis' away as slender fingers keyed in one of the codes...
Sanis Prent
Sep 27th, 2010, 09:36:47 PM
"No, not number one it can't be number..."
The door clicked, the locking mechanisms discretely tucking into the frame to allow the portal to open. Shaking my head a little, I pulled MARCUS from the interface and pocketed him.
"That was the last one I would've picked, damn."
I sheepishly stepped inside, drawing a Westar blaster as I did. The interior looked...absolutely boring. We'd stepped into a corporate hive. The colors were all cool and neutral. The art on the walls evenly spaced and inspiring absolutely nothing. The distant sound of computers and voxcomms could be heard. I gave s'Il a funny look.
"I have the feeling the most we're gonna get out of this is stealing a few carts of office supplies."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 28th, 2010, 09:44:53 PM
The sterile interior did well to give her pause, but s'Il was brought back by Sanis' words. They made her grin despite their task at hand. His offhand comment brought to life the memory of their first meeting, and the circumstances that had made her take him beneath her wing in those first few days.
"You've done it before, if memory serves me correctly."
Sanis Prent
Sep 29th, 2010, 09:24:30 PM
I allowed a smile, remembering not to laugh since we were supposed to be keeping somewhat of a low profile.
"Let's hope I've still got a few of my old tricks then."
From the Aurabesh on the placard above us, we were on an office level. Above us were executive levels, and below us, storage and the computer core.
"Looks like down to me. Let's go."
Keeping out of sight we scampered to the nearest lift, tapping the button to open it. We stepped in, and the door closed, sending us down to the bottom level.
"Now, let's just hope that nobody's waiting on the..."
The door opened, and a pair of grey-suited humans looked to us, then to each other in confusion.
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