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Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 7th, 2010, 08:18:59 AM
Aboard Whaladon
It was no use. She couldn't sleep. Tossing and turning over and over for three hours in this tiny, spartan little room, Taataani had come to a couple of conclusions.
1. The mattress was too thin. She could count the spring coils with her bottom as she shifted around to try and find a comfortable spot.
2. It was too cold in here! Usually one to sleep in the nude, she was forced to keep her underclothes on and cocoon herself in three blankets, which complicated item number 1.
3. What was that noise? That thrumming and clanging? Was that the ship? Should she be worried it was going to explode? Why couldn't it be quiet like every other decent ship.
4. There wasn't even a window in these quarters. Not even a little one!
She sat up from bed in a huff, her tuft of real hair quite askew from her hours of violent tossing and turning.
Not one to take a bad situation lying down, Taataani was determined to find whoever was in charge of seeing to things like this, and correct them. After all, if she was uncomfortable, everybody else must be down-right miserable. She would do the noble thing, and speak on their behalf.
Rising from bed, she briefly attended to setting her wig back on and adjusting her clothing to be somewhat presentable in public. That done, she padded barefood outside of her quarters, looking for the closest thing to a figure of authority on this glorified pirate ship.
Abarai Loki
Aug 7th, 2010, 08:25:57 PM
By anyone's standards, Abarai Loki's idea of an early start was somewhat obscene, but today, he was pushing the boundaries. In recent weeks, the number of passengers aboard the Whaladon had multiplied to the extent that living conditions were in decline. Padawans fought for training space in the cargo bays while the corridors swarmed with bodies. On economy starships, simple comforts were about as lacking as the hygiene levels but lately, the daily life of a Jedi was fast becoming a sad undignified affair. So, to spare himself the inevitable chaos of the morning rush, Loki ensured he had a sonic shower long before the queues started to form.
Stepping out from the cubicle, Loki paused to align himself with a protruding bulkhead, and located a familiar mark in the metal. Standing flush with the wall, he rested a hand atop his head and compared his height with the scratch in the bulkhead. He frowned. Next he turned to the mirror and stared in long appraisal of his reflection. First he squeezed his nose and released, hoping that by some force of will it would remain in place, but instead his nostrils ballooned in rebellion. Then he turned slowly on the spot, inspecting his torso from all angles, head swiveling, neck craned in feverish desperation to uncover a new flaw. His physique was muscular and lean, up to a point, but despite his training with Cirrsseeto there was simply no real definition. He flexed, and glanced over his shoulder to inspect his biceps.
In the mirror's reflection he saw a second face and froze. His stomach knotted and mouth turned dry at the shame of it. But... no, he was still alone. The second person in the room was him. A cold calculating glare leapt out from behind his eyes and the look of gawkish curiosity vanished from his face. Everything was suddenly different, and at once, the same. Promptly, he gathered his Jedi robes and dressed, leaving the room without giving the mirror a second glance.
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 7th, 2010, 09:02:31 PM
"Excusse me, jyoung man. Wherre mjight jI fjind jyourr Captajin'ss quarrterrss?"
Taataani gave Loki a tug at the sleeve, indicating she wanted his attention. She did her best to appear as alert as he did, though she was still blinking sleep from her eyes, and not quite there. She considered abandoning her efforts at once and trying to just suffer through it to salvage some sleep. At this rate, she'd only get eight hours tonight, and none of it of any quality.
Abarai Loki
Aug 7th, 2010, 09:25:17 PM
First his eyes tracked slowly down to his sleeve and then, once the criminal mishandling of his robes was over, he turned. He wasn't surprised to find a Cizerack female stood before him, the accent was a dead give away, but the delay in his response hinted at some degree of confusion buried beneath his cool exterior. She had asked him a question about the captain, he ignored it.
"Who exactly are you?"
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 7th, 2010, 09:37:00 PM
"jI'm Taataani Fai'sheea Igaarrai Meorrrei, Rrou'fai of Housse Meorrrei, and chjief executjive of MeorrreiCorp."
She crossed her arms at the brusque treatment she got from the teenager, raising an eyebrow.
"jIss that exact enough forr jyou?"
He still hadn't answered her question, but she wasn't going to suffer some moody teenager's snotty attitude, especially when running on little sleep.
Abarai Loki
Aug 7th, 2010, 09:51:13 PM
"Taataani Meorrrei," he began, filtering through her extensive introduction, "I am going to presume you are not an intruder on this vessel and therefore not a security risk. However..."
Here, he turned fully on the Cizerack woman and folded his arms, an unmistakable edge to his voice:
"That would imply you are a passenger, and I'm here to tell you that aboard the Whaladon we have something of a dress code in operation, whereby..."
A strategic pause, as he tilted his gaze down towards her bare feet, and up, scrutinizing the length of the nightgown until, at last, their eyes met.
"We remember to get dressed."
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 7th, 2010, 09:59:24 PM
"jYess, that..."
She glanced down to Loki's Jedi garb, looking unimpressed.
"jI'll be ssurre to rrememberr mjy bathrrobe next tjime. jYoung man, jit'ss late, jI'm tjirred, and we sshould both be jin bed at thjiss hourr jinsstead of exchangjing fasshjion commentarrjy, becausse jI asssurre jyou jit'ss a contesst jyou'll losse."
Abarai Loki
Aug 7th, 2010, 10:26:01 PM
"That is irrelevant. This is a military ship and if we wished to have semi-naked personnel wandering the corridors there would be a protocol in place for it."
There were a host of questions that would go unspoken; first, Loki wanted to know what this strange civillian woman was doing on a ship which, for all intents and purposes, wasn't supposed to exist, and secondly, why she displayed such flagrant disregard for standards of decency when in the presence of Jedi. His brow knit with irritation.
"The captain is asleep," he conceded at last, "And nothing short of a red alert will wake him. How can I help you?"
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 7th, 2010, 10:30:24 PM
"Ssound a rred alerrt."
The Meorrrei matron smoothed out a wrinkle in her night gown, and shook her head.
"Mjy ssleepjing arrangement jiss completeljy unacceptjible, and jI wjissh to fjile a forrmal complajint."
Abarai Loki
Aug 7th, 2010, 10:42:13 PM
For a second, there was a flicker of disbelief in his eyes, then they glazed over with indifference. He took a breath, allowing the true absurdity of her words to take root, and then headed off towards the mess hall.
"Excuse me, I have matters of importance with which to deal."
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 7th, 2010, 10:47:44 PM
Her blue eyes narrowed as her ears switched back.
"Thjiss jiss a matterr of jimporrtance!"
She took a few strides ahead of the young Jedi, heading him off to stand in his path to the mess hall.
"Ssleep jiss a bassjic ljife functjion, and wjithout jit, we all perrforrm poorrljy."
She prodded Loki in the chest with a sheathed claw-tip.
"Even Jedji."
Abarai Loki
Aug 7th, 2010, 10:56:21 PM
"You are not a Jedi," he managed, staring a hole through her chest and into the mess hall beyond, "And nor is this a luxury yacht."
He glanced up at her at last, "Perhaps you are lost."
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 7th, 2010, 11:03:13 PM
"Ssleep jiss not a luxurjy, and jif jyou thjink that the casse, therre'ss no telljing what torrturre jyou'll put jyourrsself thrrough."
She was prepared to launch into some new offense, when something strange caught her notice. She sniffed. Brow knitting, she leaned toward Loki, and sniffed again. That smell...and his face...Saanjarra! he was the spitting image of Kallum!
"What'ss jyourr name, jyoung man?"
Abarai Loki
Aug 8th, 2010, 10:30:48 AM
Sniffed. He was being sniffed! He retreated a step, hints of outraged crept into his face, and he folded his arms to ward off the urge to start gesturing wildly.
"My name is Abarai Loki," he said, labouring over the words, "And there is another basic life function to attend to just beyond these doors. Please remove yourself."
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 8th, 2010, 11:38:15 AM
Not a name she was expecting, but then again, knowing Kallum, she suspected an alias here and there might be in the works. She tapped an index finger at the side of her face as she thought about this little wrinkle.
"Not rrelated to anjy Rromanochss, bjy anjy chance?"
Her insistence on waylaying the Jedi was probably limited, and she couldn't keep up the pretense for long. Now that he mentioned it, she was long in need of another basic life function as well. She hadn't had anything resembling real food since her brazen kidnapping by Barton Henning.
Abarai Loki
Aug 8th, 2010, 12:30:32 PM
"I am related to no-one."
This new, inane line of questioning was an affront to his very nature and the only thing stopping Loki from using the Force to pluck this bizarre felinoid from his path was the chance that, in her flimsy undergarments, she would be rendered even more indecent. Instead, he found a spot on the wall behind her and stared, something told him his Jedi patience was about to be put to the test.
"And you. You don't strike me as a Raurrssatta."
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 8th, 2010, 12:53:38 PM
"jI would hope not!"
Taken aback, she rested a hand on her hip as she phsyically recoiled from the insinuation. At the same time, she triangulated on Loki's accusation, as he probably had no knowledge of her hated rivals, and instead...
"jYou know mjy sson, then?"
Abarai Loki
Aug 8th, 2010, 01:02:08 PM
He stumbled over the words, and his eyes suddenly snapped in her direction. Brow knitted, and unable to hide his surprise, he leaned closer to inspect her features.
"Cirrsseeto is your son?"
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 8th, 2010, 02:00:19 PM
Well that answered her question.
"One of them, jyess. Pojint jin fact, parrt of the rreasson jI'm herre. jIf not forr hjim, no doubt jI would be on mjy wajy to bejing rranssomed off bjy that sscurrrjillouss pjirrate, Barrton Hennjing. Turrnss out, he'ss jin league wjith jyourr rrag-tag ljittle bunch of rrebelss, sso thejy ssparred me the humjiljiatjion of bejing a prrjissonerr jin deep sspace."
Abarai Loki
Aug 8th, 2010, 03:03:38 PM
The innitial surprise from the revelation subsided, and as the scantily clad matron divulged her outlandish tale, Loki's interest waned. Substantially. Barton Henning, the pirate? He was beginning to think Cirrsseeto's mother was truly unhinged.
"Taataani Meorrrei," he said, taking on a weary tone, "Once again you have successfully steered this conversation into the realms of true stupidity. Please, move."
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 8th, 2010, 03:30:05 PM
Taataani's mouth opened in shock. Never before had she been in her life! Her ears slowly angled back.
"jI beg jyourr parrdon?"
What cheek this little thing had!
"jI've sspoken wjith forrejign djgnjitarrjiess, captajinss of jindusstrrjy, Jedji Knjightss and morre, and none have everr afforrded me ssuch djissrresspect.
Wherre arre jyourr parrentss?"
Abarai Loki
Aug 8th, 2010, 04:30:10 PM
"You are standing in your dressing gown aboard a Jedi ship, complaining about the bedding and spinning tales about being abducted by a well-respected doctor."
Now his eyes fell on her, and hopefully, reciting a comprehensive list of her transgressions would help her to understand just how... eccentric a self-portrait she was painting.
"Frankly, madam, if you weren't the mother of Lieutenant Raurrssatta, I'd have you restrained under suspicion of mental illness. Excuse me."
And in a single movement, he had slipped by and was on his way into the mess hall.
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 8th, 2010, 04:54:10 PM
"Abarraji Lokji, jyou wajit one mjinute now!"
Taa stormed after the little Jedi, now fully awake and riled up. She was going to drag that little arrogant snot to the nearest refresher and make him eat a bar of soap."
"jYou have me rresstrrajined? jI ought to have jyou rresstrrajined jyou uncouth ljittle gai'seetalo. jIt'ss ssome ssmall wonderr jyou haven't been flusshed out an ajirrlock wjith a mouth ljike that!"
She pushed her way into the mess hall, locked onto Loki like a proton torpedo.
Abarai Loki
Aug 8th, 2010, 05:24:38 PM
Mercifully, the mess hall was empty at this hour, save for one solitary service droid manning the hot plates. Loki was so close to his morning porridge he could practically taste it when he was suddenly made aware of Taataani's thunderous advance. Startled, the droid cast him what looked like an apologetic glance before rolling out of sight. He sighed.
"Taataani Meorrrei," he began, sounding thoroughly bored, "Please, control yourself. This kind of behaviour is unbecoming of a woman your age. Perhaps, some porridge..."
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 8th, 2010, 05:35:30 PM
"..a woman mjy age? What do jyou mean?"
He was just digging right along with that shovel of his. Taa, aghast, put her hand to her breast.
"Arre jyou ssajyjing jI'm old? Have jyou no sshame?"
Abarai Loki
Aug 8th, 2010, 05:54:38 PM
For a moment, Loki was lost for words. Somehow, he had offended this woman; he could sense it, it was written onto her face. Confused, and oblivious to the criminal faux pas he'd committed, he explained:
"Surely, even in Cizerack culture, a woman mature in her years should carry herself with dignity, her behaviour an example to younger generations. I was merely remarking upon your somewhat... boorish entrance into the mess hall."
After a beat of hesitation, he added, "My intention was not to offend."
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 8th, 2010, 06:24:56 PM
She thought about his words, and most importantly, his new-found awareness of them, and backed off the attack for a moment.
"jI thjink beforre jyou make an obsserrvatjion ljike that, jyoung man, jyou mjight want to sspend ssome tjime among ourr jyoungerr generratjionss."
She gave a knowing smirk about things that this youngster more than likely didn't want to explore.
"And forr that not to be jyourr jintent, Abarraji, jyou've cerrtajinljy been a gundarrk jin a chjina sshop."
Well, she was here at the mess hall, wasn't she. As she talked with the brusque young Jedi, her eyes looked over the hot plates, finding confidence in absolutely none of them. One was a container of glop. Another was a tray of goo. Another still was a cauldron of sludge. Not a thing moving among any of it. Forrda food so often ended up looking like a science experiment gone wrong.
She put her order with the service droid, ignoring her growling middle for a moment in exchange for a glass of ice water.
"At ejitherr rrate, Abarraji, sjince jI apparrentljy am not to sspeak wjith the Captajin, jyou'll have to ssettle forr companjy untjil jI feel jI can ssufferr anotherr ssleep attempt on that jintolerrable bed."
She gestured to a nearby booth.
"Get jyourr porrrjidge, and come ssjit."
Abarai Loki
Aug 8th, 2010, 06:43:33 PM
It was like being invited to breakfast with a thermal detonator. Loki promptly retreated to the small cafeteria, siezed a tray, and ordered a helping of everything, and then extras. His appetite, for such a small boy, rivalled that of a rancor. And once the droid deposited a beaker of steaming coffee beside the mountains of everything else, he joined Taataani in the booth. Now was the time for diplomacy.
"Taataani Meorrrei, do you often have difficulty sleeping?" he asked, before tearing into a piece of toast.
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 8th, 2010, 07:04:15 PM
What a curious question. He sounded like one of her psychiatrists she was once recommended to see by T'yeellaa. Of course, that lasted barely a day, silly nonsense. Sipping at her water, she answered the question earnestly.
"Not norrmalljy. Of courrsse, that'ss at home, wjith a decent mattrresss, ajirr that doessn't feel ljike a meat lockerr, and..."
She closed her eyes bobbing her ears.
"Do jyou hearr that? Ljisten!"
Abarai Loki
Aug 8th, 2010, 07:29:15 PM
"I cannot hear-" he muttered thickly, but paused, and swallowed his food before continuing, "All I can hear are the engines."
A swig of coffee and he attacked a plate of gucked eggs, shovelling several mouthfuls before breaking for air. Taataani appeared to be wincinging irritably at some sort of inaudible din, ears twitching at intervals. Loki wiped his mouth with a napkin.
"It is also important to note that you are the only passenger who has ever taken issue with the sleeping conditions. I, for example, have no such complaints. Jedi live humble lives by frugal means."
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 8th, 2010, 07:45:13 PM
"Oh how horrrjid!"
Taataani made a face of disgust as she realized that what was assaulting her auditory sensibilities was par for the course for everyone else.
"jIt'ss ljike a gungan tapdancjing on a tjin rroof, and jI'm the onljy one who takess jisssue?"
She looked a bit glum at that, propping her chin up with a hand as she leaned forward.
"Majybe jI jusst need a drrjink orr to get lajid, ejitherr orr. That ought to help."
Abarai Loki
Aug 8th, 2010, 07:51:44 PM
"Get what?" Loki asked, preoccupied with loading up a slice of toast with some sort of red purée.
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 8th, 2010, 08:01:16 PM
"Lajid. Ssnog. Fool arround. Fjind the ljittle man jin the boat, all that ssorrt."
She scoffed a bit. Did he expect her to believe he was ignorant to all that? She knew forrda did things a bit differently, but any gai'seetalo she'd ever seen had most certainly fancied either girls, or at least somebody!
"Helpss me ssleep. Ssad ssorrt of ssleep ajid jI know, but jyou go wjith what worrkss."
Abarai Loki
Aug 8th, 2010, 08:07:21 PM
He watched her over the top of his reddened toast concoction, mouth half open, just waiting for her to make an ounce of sense so he could eat. It never happened and he feared she was about to have another mental relapse.
"I am quite sure I've not the faintest clue what you're talking about."
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 8th, 2010, 08:12:28 PM
You must be joking was on the tip of her tongue, nearly ready to leap out of her mouth, but she reigned it in. She wasn't certain that young Abarai actually had a funny bone in his body.
She took a few gulps of water, the intrigue was deepening her thirst, it seemed.
"Abarraji, how old arre jyou? jYou'rre a jyoung man, jin rratherr excellent sshape, and jyou mean to tell me jyou haven't had ejyess forr anjy otherr gjirrlss herre?"
Abarai Loki
Aug 8th, 2010, 08:19:24 PM
It was a bad idea to attempt to scoff his food for he almost choked. After taking a moment to recover, he looked up from his breakfast with a rather offended expression and a healthy shade of pink in his face.
"Taataani Meorrrei, I am a Jedi."
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 8th, 2010, 08:29:39 PM
She crossed her arms over her chest with an amused expression on her face.
"And Abarraji Lokji, jI am a bussjinessswoman. We'rre talkjing bjiologjy that, to the besst of mjy knowledge, trrumpss both of ourr rresspectjive occupatjionss."
Delighted to find the right button to push, Taataani continued her assault.
"jI know jI've sseen morre than a fajirr ssharre of attrractjive jyoung ladjiess aboarrd. And herre jyou tell me, wjith a sstrajight face no lesss, that jyou've got nothjing forr anjy of them?"
Abarai Loki
Aug 8th, 2010, 08:41:34 PM
"And what is it exactly I'm supposed to have for them?" he snapped irritably.
His spoon made a wet slap as it plunged into his porridge and hoping to leave the subject at that, he helped himself to a thick mouthful and was thankful for a silent interlude. But Taataani's words tormented him, and he wrestled with them inwardly, like some sort of persistant splinter. Enough was enough, he would put her right and prodding a finger her away, spoke in a turbulent undertone:
"Furthermore, I'm afraid to inform you, Taataani Meorrrei, that the best of your knowledge is sorely lacking. Being a Jedi is not a career choice; it is a way of life, a life-long commitment, and part of that commitment involves the mastery of all emotion and compromising irrational impulses."
And before he returned sorely to his porridge, he grunted: "Did they not teach you that in business school?"
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 8th, 2010, 08:51:24 PM
"jI learrned what jI'm telljing jyou a good whjile beforre bussjinesss sschool."
She was starting to get a feel for the strange ways of the Jedi. They reminded her so much of the strange cult of forrda on Calan. She'd visited a few times. They sold a few things like pottery and little trinkets, and everybody always had the same strange, serene smile on their face. It was partially soothing, partially disturbing.
Undaunted by the possibility of being denied scandal, the Meorrrei matron smiled conspiratorily.
"When jI wass jyourr age, orr rrjight about, jI wass fjindjing ssomebodjy sso jI could fjind thesse ssorrt of thjingss out mjysself. That'ss how we do jit, at leasst. jI rrealjize forrda bjy and larrge arre morre prrudjissh, but even then, ssurreljy jyou've sseen a naked ladjy beforre?"
Abarai Loki
Aug 8th, 2010, 09:17:26 PM
Again, his face bloomed like a cherry blossom. He closed his eyes. She was relentless, and seemed intent on making his breakfast as thoroughly unpleasant as possible. Finding his resolve, the spoon dropped with a clatter and he laced his fingers on the table. Perhaps the businesswoman would respond better to this approach.
"For thirteen years, I was isolated on Maridun with nothing but the company of men, other warriors whose sole commitment was to the Jedi way. And then, I came here. This is a place of decent people. Although I am beginning to doubt decency is something you understand, Taataani Meorrrei. Now-"
Eyes fixed on the woman across from him, he cautiously retrieved his spoon, as if he expected her to lash out at any moment.
"If you insist on talking during breakfast can we agree to have a more... suitable conversation?"
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 8th, 2010, 09:42:33 PM
"jI've gone too farr, haven't ji?"
A look of concern on her face as she drew back. Inwardly, she wondered if all his experience with men-only had made him peculiar. It wouldn't be the first time she'd seen that sort of thing. Taking his invitation to change topics, she leaned back in her seat.
"Sso, jI have no luck affectjing anjy decent change to mjy ssleep ssjituatjion, and jI'm talkjing to a teenagerr morre famjiljiarr wjith the Rrakata than wjith ssex. jYou'rre a djiffjicult converrssatjionaljisst, but jI'm undaunted. Tell me a bjit about jyourrsself."
Drin Kizael
Aug 8th, 2010, 09:55:51 PM
Kizael rubbed a big hand over his eyes and pulled it tightly over his jowls, as if trying to physically wipe away the the bleariness of such an early morning. He was up late, going over more shipyard inventories and star charts. Mornings like this he almost missed the comfort of the bunks at Stars End.
He was dressed in loose fitting pants and a robe tied at his waist, with no shirt underneath. Force willing, some food (such as it was) and a cup of gihlai tea would help him ease into his morning katas faster.
He rolled his neck, working out a kink, and hit the door panel to the mess hall. He walked in with his mouth curled back over his ferocious teeth, eyes shut in a barely stifled yawn, scratching the fur on his chest.
The felinoid stopped short as his brain finally registered the presence of others in the room. He lowered his hand and blinked his eyes fully open, noting the barely dressed Cizzerack and Loki. He took it as a good sign that he was no longer surprised by sights such as this. It meant he was finally adjusting to life on the Wheel.
He smiled warmly. "Good morning."
Abarai Loki
Aug 9th, 2010, 09:28:19 AM
"Tell me a bjit about jyourrsself."
That came as a surprise. It was the second time someone had ever expressed interest in him, and ironically the first time it had happened, was during a conversation with Taataani's son, Cirrsseeto. Now Loki was able to make the connection between them. His expression was inquisitive, and he swallowed hard.
"I am fourteen years old."
Then he hesitated. His mouth opened but nothing came out. A telling silence followed in which he considered her question, and more importantly, his answer. During his time with the Wheel, the Jedi have spoke of many things; training practices, lightsaber construction, leadership disputes, mission assignments, military tactics, piloting lessons, mechanical and engineering issues, and in their free time even discussed broader matters, such as the Jedi's history, their potential future and role within the galaxy, concepts of fate, redemption, and the nature of the Force itself. But never, ever, did they seem to show any interest in him, and nor did he show any personal interest in return. He was a Jedi, after all, and he would start with that.
"I am a Jedi, a Jedi Knight in fact, and I am trained extensively in the Makashi and Ataru forms of lightsaber combat. I also have a sound grasp of the other combat forms and I'm fully capable of instructing adepts to a level of high proficiency with a lightsaber, its applications, the art of kai-kan, and a full range of velocities. I-"
When he heard the grind of the mess hall doors, his eyes snapped onto the sight of the hulking Jedi Master, Drin Kizael. Immediately, he felt the blood pounding in his ears and a prickling heat started to crawl up his neck. How it must have looked for a Jedi to be sat, alone, in a booth with a semi-naked woman. He practically leapt out of his seat, rattling the contents of the table and gave his superior a deep bow.
"Master Drin Kizael."
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 9th, 2010, 10:21:51 PM
Taataani found herself rapt in the young Jedi's narrative. So young, and already deep in a life of martial discipline. She very much doubted there was a single one of the Pride Mother's chosen servants that took combat as seriously as Loki did. She could see the interest come alive in him in the way he described it. It was deeply fascinating, and also, a little sad.
"Well, mjy ljittle champjion, jI musst admjit, jI'm completeljy jimprresssed. But all that talk of combat and fjightjing...jiss therre anjythjing elsse?"
Her journey into all things Abarai Loki was interrupted by a visitor. Taataani looked up to find, of all things, a Trianii, at least she thought it was a Trianii. Having never met one, it could be any one of the dozens of cousin species she learned about ages ago when she was a cubling in school.
Her ears twitched at Loki's observation, and her mouth went momentarily agape.
"A Jedji Massterr..."
Quickly regrouping her senses, she put on a polite smile, giving her derriere a quick scoot to the left to clear a spot for him to sit adjacent.
"Won't jyou jojin uss?"
Drin Kizael
Aug 10th, 2010, 07:09:08 PM
Kizael blinked a few times at Loki's sudden reaction. He turned his focus on the Cizerack woman, realizing that he had not the foggiest idea who she was, though it was likely not a far stretch that she came aboard by way of the Layla.
The Jedi took a measured breath, employing an old battlefield technique to wake himself up more fully. He nodded politely at the invitation. "Certainly," he said. "Allow me to get some breakfast first." After a moment he added with a quite chuckle, "You do sleep don't you Loki?"
He walked over to the serving trays and poured himself from tea. Turning back to the Cizerack as he filled his plate, he said. "I do not believe we've met. I am Drin Kizael."
Abarai Loki
Aug 11th, 2010, 04:47:57 PM
"I sleep enough, Master Drin."
He returned to his seat, feeling rather sheepish about the whole spectacle. While Kizael and Taataani exchanged pleasantries, Loki busied himself with his breakfast, a pre-emptive bid to facilitate his swift escape. Should the scantily-clad Cizerack wish to pursue other sordid topics in the presence of a Jedi Master, Loki wanted to be far away. And while he ate, he recalled, with no small degree of confusion, her question about there being anything else to him.
He was a Jedi. What else mattered?
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 11th, 2010, 06:24:53 PM
A completely sated smile crossed her features as she replied to the Trianii.
"jI'm Taataani Fai'sheea Igaarrai Meorrrei, Rrou'fai of Housse Meorrrei, and chjief executjive of MeorrreiCorp."
She paused, giving the more polite felinoid a courtesy she didn't extend to Loki, on account of their first encounter.
"Orr Taa, forr sshorrt. Ejitherr'ss fjine."
As Drin sat next to her, she purposefully drew adjacent to him, noting that both by his size and his hirsute nature, he was putting out a delightful amount of heat, offsetting the mortuary-esque temperature inside the ship. She stole a glance at his breakfast, noting with some sharp disappointment that he too found the glorified petri dish the mess hall was serving to be an acceptible supply of vittles.
"We werre jusst djisscusssjing Abarraji'ss trrajinjing asss a Jedji, and jI'm jusst verrjy jimprresssed. He sseemss sso talented forr hjiss age."
For emphasis, Taa talked with her hands, placing one across her chest to emphasize how breathtaking Loki's accounts were as she looked up to her new acquaintance and temporary source of warmth.
Drin Kizael
Aug 11th, 2010, 07:14:19 PM
Kizael smiled politely as he tried to follow the litany of names and titles. He knew as much about Cizerack culture as anyone else who wasn't a diplomat, meaning nothing. But Rou'fai of a House certainly sounded important, and chief executive was a term with which he was tragically familiar. All that made him wonder all the more why she was here.
"It is a pleasure to meet you, Taa," he said cordially, taking a seat on the bench next to her.
Kizael took a drink and began to take his first bite of breakfast, but nearly spit out both as the smaller felinoid practically snuggled up next to him. His eyes widened at Loki, as if there was some way the young Jedi could save him. Now he understood why he looked so awkward earlier.
He looked down as Taataani casually chatted away. He darted a nervous glance again to Loki and then back down again. He actually had to press his chin against his shoulder in order to tilt his head down far enough for lack of any personal space between him and the inhibition challenged cizerack.
"Uhh, yes he has quite the background," he said hurriedly. "Uhm, Madam, if you are cold there are more than enough robes on board." The Jedi silently cursed himself for coming down dressed for his workout and not with his own cloak. "I am sure we can find a spare."
Abarai Loki
Aug 14th, 2010, 03:59:50 PM
Loki kept his head bowed, fully absorbed in his breakfast while Taataani waxed lyrical about his training. His jaw clenched in a subtle confession of his frustration. In a single sentence she'd managed to imply he'd been spinning elaborate tales, and before a superior no less, he appeared guilty of gross braggartism. Upon seeing Kizael's look of discomfort, inwardly Loki was glad of his reprieve, and yet, when the Jedi Master broached the subject of Taataani's blatant indecency, he decided it was time for a united front.
"Master Drin, I regret to inform you Madam Meorrrei has been fully briefed in the dress code and insists on parading around the ship like a Twi'leki slave girl."
Before the matron could object, his gaze snapped in her direction, "There are younglings aboard this ship, and for their sake, you can at least pretend to have standards."
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 14th, 2010, 05:19:34 PM
"Abarraji, jif jyou'd onljy offerred ljike Drrjin jusst djid, jI'd wearr one of jyourr ljittle bath rrobess, of courrsse."
She feigned a hurt look, her ears drooping a bit.
"jI ssupposse jit wouldn't be rrjight to djisstrract jyou frrom jyourr trrajinjing. Ljike a Twji'lekji sslave gjirrl? Rrealljy? jYou thjink me sso cheap? jYou ssajy the mosst hurrtful thjingss."
Drin Kizael
Aug 14th, 2010, 08:36:15 PM
Kizael frowned at Loki. He braced himself to intervene, but was pleasantly surprised by the calm in Taataani's reply. Though he winced and bit his tongue at her snide tone in calling Jedi clothing 'bathrobes'.
He took a deep breath to speak, noting the lack of emotion behind her insulted look. That made him rethink what he was about to say. She was either dismissing, humoring, or taunting the boy, none of which would diffuse the situation.
Kizael scooted over on the bench, pressing his hands modestly against Taa's back and arm to make sure that she got the hint to stay where she was. He paused to smile and nod politely, then leaned back and called out, "TC, come here."
Two droids turned around quizzically. Drin shook his head and tried not to roll his eyes. "Either one of you, can you please fetch Madam Meorri here a suitable top robe that will fit her. From the supply locker across the hall. Thank you. Go."
He would have gone to retrieve it himself, but thought it unwise to leave these two at the table alone again. Instead he returned his focus to the pouting Cizerack. "Apologies, Taa," the big trainii said with a gentle, but firm tone.
Kizael inclined his gaze across the table with a level look. "Young Loki meant no offense. He was merely voicing a concern that we all share." He kept his voice pleasant and neutral, void of any hint of admonishment, careful to put emphasis on the plural so as not to single Loki out. But the subtle message was clear.
He let the words hang as he slowly turned back to face Taa. "There are younglings aboard who will be waking up soon, and we try to maintain a level of decorum. As difficult as it can be given these trying circumstances, we aspire to make this ship feel as close to any other Jedi Temple as we can."
Abarai Loki
Aug 15th, 2010, 07:30:07 AM
In the silence prior to Kizael's intervention, Loki speared Taataani with a venomous glare. He was beginning to understand this woman, and the more he saw, the less he liked. She was a selfish manipulater, greed and deceit were her bedfellows, and they were taking a great risk having her around the padawans. Which begged the question: what the hell was she doing on a Jedi ship in the first place?
And when Kizael tossed him his subtle reprimand, Loki's head lowered, a gesture of obedience only in part, for there was a look of irrepressible indignation that had to be hidden. He could not believe a Jedi Master was pandering to this ingrate and, suddenly, what little appetite he had left was gone. He gathered his cup and utensils and, breakfast tray in hand, he rose from his seat.
"Master Drin... Madam Meorrrei... if you will excuse me. My time is short and there is work to do."
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 15th, 2010, 09:38:13 AM
She could certainly tell when the boy was just trying to dodge this very enlightening conversation, and that was simply not going to fly. She gestured to his still-full plate.
"jYou have morre than enough tjime to fjinjissh jyourr brreakfasst, Abarraji."
That was the pretense, at least. She'd spent many years making sure her cubs did exactly that. There was no greater crime in the Meorrrei house than food going to waste and growing children not eating enough.
The droid that Drin summoned arrived with a folded bit of brown cloth. Taataani suppressed any look of disappointment in the color. It just didn't suit her, but she certainly wasn't going to look down her nose at an act of generosity. It was very sweet that Drin was so considerate, even if she knew the real motive at hand. Drin rose to let her blissfully cover herself, and Taataani tried on the Jedi robe, draping the loose garment at her shoulders and threading her arms through the wide spaces allowed for them. She doubled the oversized front over her, and then with a curious smile, pulled the hood over her head.
"Now, how do jI look?"
Nevermind that, it was warm! Even if she looked like a cloistered victim of fashion, she could live with that.
Drin Kizael
Aug 15th, 2010, 10:35:31 AM
Kizael studied Loki with some concern. He had taken the rebuke harder than intended. Much harder. The elder felinoid narrowed his eyes subtly at the range of emotion simmering under the young human's aura. Then just as quickly, the fleeting sense was gone, his armor securely back in place.
Although Loki did have a point about Taataani's lack of tact, and while he suspected that her elitist aura would likely test the patience of Yoda, he saw no reason to make her feel unwelcome. His instincts told her she was neither a prisoner nor a stowaway.
Though the unanswered questions about her presence here did bring to mind Navaria's words of warning about the lack of protocol surrounding new arrivals. She was far more likely to open up and answer such questions if he kept feeding her ego and treated her as cordially as any other guest, careful not to give away too much information, of course.
If she was who he suspected, he needed to have a serious talk with Captain Prent.
When the droid returned with her robe, he turned to face her, making a show of looking her over with approval.
"Lady Meorrrei, I am certain we could drape you in a sack cloth and you would look splendid." He gestured to her seat in invitation to continue breakfast.
"So what brings the CEO of MeorrreiCorp aboard a rickety transport ship?"
Abarai Loki
Aug 15th, 2010, 11:43:12 AM
After a second glance at his unfinished breakfast, Loki reconsidered. While it had been Taataani's suggestion that he remained to finish his meal, it was his stomach that had his undivided attention, particularly when it gave an angry growl. He quickly settled again but assured himself he would have no part in this nonsense. Instead he resumed his assault on the mound of gucked eggs.
Hazarding a single glance upwards, he saw Taataani, hooded in a Jedi's cloak and shook his head an imperceptible fraction. It appalled him to think someone as long in their years as she would have the gall to mock the Jedi in their own domain, and Kizael's shameless flattery was almost enough to coax the gucked eggs back onto their plate. Sourly, he stabbed a blackened nerf sausage and tore into it, all the while bracing himself for another excruciating tale of the nefarious Barton Henning, scurrilous space dog and the scourge of high-maintenance aristocrats.
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 15th, 2010, 11:57:06 AM
"Well, Massterr Jedji, jI am ssome ssorrt of hosstage!"
She saw Loki's expression darken, even before the words were out of her mouth. He didn't need to read her mind to see that coming.
"jI wass trraveljing to Corrusscant, and became a prrjissonerr of Captajin Barrton Hennjing. jYou know of hjim?"
Not waiting for a response, she continued.
"He jinvaded mjy defensselesss sshjip. Naturralljy, fearrjing forr mjy ljife, jI djid the noble thjing and ssacrrjifjiced mjysself asss a hosstage to ssparre mjy men the fate of capturre."
Pausing, she placed a claw-tip at the base of her chin, as if to note a counterpoint.
"Of courrsse, durrjing mjy jinterrogatjion, jI found out that mjy sson wass jin league wjith the Captajin and jyourr ljittle band. Captajin Hennjing sshowed ssome degrree of merrcjy and brrought me to ssee hjim."
With an exasperated sigh, she shook her head.
"Sso now, jI'm on a sshjip full of Jedji Knjightss, and mjy sson jiss a frreedom fjighterr. That'ss the worrd jyou usse, jyess? Oh neverrmjind. All of thesse gunss and ljightssaberrss, sso terrjibljy dangerrouss jit all jiss!"
Drin Kizael
Aug 15th, 2010, 04:32:45 PM
"You were abducted," Kizael said flatly. "Oh my."
"jYess! What hass the galaxjy come to?"
"By Barton Henning."
"Doctor Henning. I see."
Kizael pretended to ponder this over a mouthful of cereal. "Quite devious of him to allow you to roam free aboard a ship full of Jedi. We are known to frown on things like kidnapping. To what nefarious end, do you think?"
He gasped in revelation. "You picked the lock on your cell, didn't you? Well played, Taa. Perhaps we could find a shuttle to complete your escape." He rolled his spoon over the bowl. "After breakfast of course."
Abarai Loki
Aug 15th, 2010, 04:46:49 PM
Suddenly fascinated by the conversation, Loki took a break from his breakfast, resting knife and fork neatly on either side of the plate. He laced his fingers on the table and watched Taataani, waiting for her response, his face a picture of pure contentment.
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 15th, 2010, 05:15:08 PM
She met Drin's hypothetical with a coy little grin from underneath the Jedi hood.
"Well, perrhapss jI've found ssome jinterresst jin mjy captorrss. Bessjidess, mjy darrljing Cirrsseeto sseemss to thjink sso hjighljy of jyou all, jI thjink jI owe jit to hjim asss a rressponssjible motherr to ssee the companjy he keepss and make ssurre thejy'rre good jinfluencess on hjim.
Afterr all, werre jI the tjype to beljieve everrjythjing jI hearr about the Jedji, jI'd thjink jI werre jin the companjy of terrrorrjisstss. Mjy dearr ljittle Abarraji assjide, jI have ssome djiffjicultjy beljievjing that."
Drin Kizael
Aug 15th, 2010, 06:46:32 PM
Kizael smirked. Whatever reasons she had for withholding the less colorful version of events were her own. His first suspect was pride. He would find out from Henning.
"Well while you are here, Taa, we must put up appearances, yes? We should begin with more appropriate attire. No one will try to make you wear a frock or that robe all day, but please something more suitable in mixed company than undergarments.
"Second, we are under the protection of the Alliance, and so this is technically a military vessel. Besides, it is... unbecoming for a lady of your station to walk around the ship without an escort. I would ask that you wait in your quarters for Cirrsseeto when you're on board."
A thought occurred to him. "He does know you're here, doesn't he?"
Abarai Loki
Aug 15th, 2010, 07:31:11 PM
"Surely, as one would not mistake an earthquake, or a supernova, or some other natural disaster," Loki contributed casually, as he returned to his food.
Part of him was frustrated that Kizael was practically repeating the exact same things to Taataani he had, concerning matters of protocol and decency, and yet this time, the matron appeared receptive to the suggestions. The other part of him was adamant to not take her very obvious bait; calling him a terrorist; she was, if anything, cunning. And no longer was he fooled by the act. He reached for his coffee, regarding the woman opposite with detached professionalism.
"Taataani Meorrrei," he began, flatly, "Clearly, you are ill at ease in the unforgiving wilderness of space. Perhaps, in the future, you should consider delegating the more adventurous elements of your business, such as this, to your younger, more resilient, colleagues."
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 15th, 2010, 10:10:56 PM
"Oh, mjy sson knowss jI'm herre."
She looked to Drin, finding it easier to address the bigger felinoid with her pulling the hood on the robe back.
"He'ss ssweet on that djirrtjy-faced mechanjic gjirrl frrom Captajin, err...Doctorr Hennjing'ss sshjip."
She gave a shake of her head and rolled her eyes a bit.
"That'ss anotherr ball of yarrn though. No need to jinvolve everryone jin that. But, ssuffjice to ssajy, jI thjink that whjile jI'm herre, jI ought to make the mosst of mjy tjime. Often, jI fjind mjysself...attrracted to phjilanthrropjy. jI can't help mjysself!"
Loki's response was typical and far less cheery than Drin's.Taataani didn't say anything to that, but instead kept a confident smile on her face.
"jYou know, Abarraji. jI ljike jyou. Desspjite jyou gjivjing me sso manjy rreassonss not to, jI ljike jyou verrjy much. jI admjirre jyourr honesstjy. That doessn't come eassjy to people."
She waved her hand at her next suggestion.
"Tact? That can be learrned. jI don't worrrjy about that."
She looked to Drin and then back to Loki, interlacing her fingers together on the table.
"jI'm gojing to make jyou mjy next prroject. jI'm gojing to teach jyou how to laugh."
It was such an out-of-the-blue declaration, but one that she was adamantly serious about.
"That'ss one thjing jI don't thjink jyou've qujite pjicked up jin jyourr JedjI trrajinjing. jI want to help jyou wjith that."
Drin Kizael
Aug 15th, 2010, 10:39:17 PM
If he cared enough, Kizael knew he could use the Force to more strongly suggest that Taataani get dressed, but in point of fact, he didn't. He'd been passively scanning her the whole time they were chatting. She was not a threat, except perhaps to Loki's sensibilities. That she wasn't a stowaway or a spy was all that really mattered. He definitely needed to have a chat with Barton, though. And Cirr, for that matter.
As to Loki's embarrassment about her lack of attire, by the time more people started waking up and walking about, her own vanity would make sure she went back to her room to change. Problem solved.
Kizael rose from the table, thankful for the chance to return to his day -- which technically had yet to begin. "Well then," he said, picking up the fruit he'd taken from the breakfast table. "Loki can be your escort for the morning then. It was a pleasure meeting you, Lady Meorrii" He bowed, then took a bite of the fruit.
"If you need anything to make your stay with us more comfortable, we will do what we can."
On one level, he felt it almost cruel to leave Loki alone with her. He thought it unlikely Taa's approach would crack a smile from the boy, more likely the opposite would happen. But it was worth a shot.
And knowing Loki like he was starting to, he'd take the suggestion that he be Taataani's escort for the morning as an order. It wasn't, but he'd more likely than not read the implication that way. He could then hope that the subtle lesson in the effect of diplomacy would register, and he'd try better to behave around her.
Again, likely not, but it was worth a shot.
Abarai Loki
Aug 16th, 2010, 07:34:47 AM
Involuntarily, Loki rose from his seat. His face dropped at Kizael's words and his words contained a subtle undercurrent of outrage:
"Escort, Master Drin? I- I have lessons to teach. My students..."
His voice trailed off at the realisation that it wasn't his students for whom he was concerned, but himself. Taataani's mission statement originally had little impact on Loki; she wouldn't be the first to express some outlandish desire to evoke humour from him. In fact, it could be argued Acacius Blade had appointed himself his own personal court jester. But the obsession people had with humour, and the wish to make others laugh, frankly bewildered him. It was a waste of time and it would certainly prove to be an effort wasted on him. And yet, Drin Kizael had appointed him Taataani's personal chaperon. It was unthinkable.
"I will not be made someone's project!"
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 16th, 2010, 06:44:31 PM
"Ssuch hosspjitaljitjy, jit'ss almosst ljike jI'm the Emjirr of the Techno Unjion."
Again, Taa put her hand to her chest in awe of Master Drin's limitless hospitality and polite treatment of her. She looked to Loki, sweet as a cup of sugar, and back to Drin.
"Musst jyou be leavjing? jYourr companjy jiss ssjimpljy wonderrful, Massterr Jedji! jI bet jyou know how to laugh! jYou musst have a belljy laugh that could...currl jyoung Abarraji's hajirr!"
Speaking of Loki, she turned to address him again with a smile fit for an innocent person.
"Abarraji, jI thjink we'rre at the pojint of begjinnjing a beautjiful frrjiendsshjip, whetherr jyou rrealjize jit orr not. Come, come, fjinjissh jyourr brreakfasst. jI prromjisse to hold mjy parrt of the barrgajin up and put on ssomethjing morre...becomjing."
Propping her chin up with a hand, she gave a conspiratorial grin that wrinkled her nose as she leaned forward.
"And then we'll go ssee thesse sstudentss of jyourrss!"
Drin Kizael
Aug 16th, 2010, 08:08:25 PM
"Escort, Master Drin? I- I have lessons to teach. My students..."
Kizael replied politely, "No worry. I'd be happy to take over your classes today."
jI bet jyou know how to laugh! jYou musst have a belljy laugh that could...currl jyoung Abarraji's hajirr!"
He chuckled at Taataani, "No, you are right. I'm not so old that I've forgotten how to laugh. Though it is nice to be reminded from time to time." He gave a final bow and a genuine smile and turned to go.
..."And then we'll go ssee thesse sstudentss of jyourrss!"
Rather than walk straight to the mess hall counter, he made his way around the table so that he passed behind Loki first. He patted the younger Jedi on the shoulder and said to Taa, "If I can just have a brief word with Loki. It'll just be a second."
As he passed he gestured for the younger Jedi to follow with a cordial nod.
Abarai Loki
Aug 16th, 2010, 08:28:17 PM
Glad to be rid of Taataani's company, if only momentarily, Loki followed Kizael away from the booth. It would take more than a walk and a reassuring word to bolster him against the prospect of an entire day with the overbearing matriarch. Remembering himself, he shook off his gloom in an instant and, in the proper respectful tone, voiced his immediate concern:
"She must not be allowed to influence the padawans, Master Drin."
Drin Kizael
Aug 16th, 2010, 09:04:19 PM
Kizael had to stifle a laugh upon hearing Loki's concern. For fear of insulting the young Knight, he managed to keep his reaction silent, but could not hide his broad smile.
"She's not a Sith Lord, Loki."
The big trianii placed his hand on Loki's shoulder and bent down a little as he spoke. Being acutely aware of the keen hearing of felinoids, he stood next to the whirring motor of the beverage cooler, and also employed a Jedi investigator's technique to keep his voice focused on Loki, but sounding as less than a whisper to anyone else.
"You are not being punished, either," he continued in a slightly more serious, but still light-hearted tone. "Just humor her, okay? Keep her out of trouble. I have a hunch that Cirrsseeto will be unusually hard to find if he knows that his mother is here."
He looked up to make sure Taataani had not run off. "I'll try to find him or Barton to find out why she is really here. In the meantime, just try to be nice to her." He held up a hand to stop Loki's objection. "Consider it an exercise in patience. If you can maintain control around her, a battlefield will prove little challenge."
Kizael patted Loki on the shoulder. "And I'll take care of your classes," he added in a louder tone. He waved to Taataani, flashing a friendly grin, and retreated out to the hall.
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 16th, 2010, 11:29:54 PM
"jIssn't that njice of hjim!"
Taataani beamed at the selfless Jedi Master as she rose from her seat, mindful to pull the robe around her middle so as to avert the eyes of the easily corrupted or some-such.
"Now, mjy ljittle gai'seetalo, we have a full dajy, don't we? jI'll go, get drresssed, and jyou can tell me all about jyourr explojitss asss a Jedji."
Abarai Loki
Aug 17th, 2010, 07:12:45 AM
"I will say this once: my name is Abarai Loki, and no exceptions."
Returning to the table, he poked a finger at the tray of unfinished food, then stiffly pointed at the cleaning receptacle across the room. The tray took flight, dribbling porridge and coffee in its wake, and deposited itself into the chute with a violent crash. He headed for the exit without a second glance.
"Taataani Meorrrei, if I am to tolerate your company today, I expect our schedule to be punctual. Make yourself presentable and meet me in the observation lounge in five... ten minutes."
Drin Kizael
Aug 17th, 2010, 11:27:41 AM
Just outside the door, Kizael let out a worried sigh. He shook his head and continued to the observation deck for his morning kata, which would be cut short now that he had a class to teach.
It was too bad that Loki objected to being someone's project, the Jedi mused, because he just became one.
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 17th, 2010, 06:17:43 PM
She took on an expectant look when he suggested the itinerary.
"jYou'rre not comjing? jI need an extrra sset of handss. Whjy elsse do jyou thjink jI worre thjiss out, forr mjy enjojyment?"
Normally, she had Taurrifarr to handle wardrobe issues like this. She was having to improvise without a manservant at her beckon call. Making sure her robe covered her as per her prudish counterpart's liking, she bade him to follow her with a wave of her hand.
"Oh don't flussh, jit'ss not ljike that. jI need jyou to tjie me...jyou know....jin the back. jYou'll ssee."
Abarai Loki
Aug 17th, 2010, 07:03:48 PM
"I assure you, I will not."
Loki was steadfast, and betrayed absolutely no intention of following Taataani back to her quarters. Taataani had made the tragic mistake of confusing the colour in his face for embarrassment, instead of outrage. She dared beckon him like some kind of lowly servant? His lip curled in a disgusted sneer.
"If you are to tell me your are incapable of dressing yourself then perhaps Master Drin was right: a sack would suit you down to the ground!"
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 17th, 2010, 07:38:43 PM
Taa's mouth opened, then swiftly closed as she was thoroughly flummoxed by Loki's angst.
"Would jyou rratherr me contjinue wearrjing the rrobe then?"
She pouted a little, sucking on her lower lip as she thought it over.
"jI can change nearrljy everrjythjing jusst fjine, ssave forr the back. Werre jI double-jojinted, jI'd ssparre uss both the jindjignjitjy. jI need jyou forr all of about two ssecondss, and the rresst jyou can sspend averrtjing jyourr jinnocent ejyess frrom thjingss a Jedji doessn't want to ssee."
She extended a hand to him with an expectant look on her face.
Abarai Loki
Aug 19th, 2010, 08:17:08 AM
"The day I play manservant to you will be the day I have my lightsaber reduced to scrap."
He spoke softly, but his words simmered with fury. In all his life, he had never been so insulted. He knew of Cizerack culture from his conversations with Cirrsseeto, he knew of the matriarchy, and was consequently familiar with the kind of treatment their women recieved at the hands of men. Lesser beings would humour this sort of behaviour for the sake of appearances; a human would consider it gentlemanly, a street urchin may call it proper, and even a Jedi could shrug it off as an act of diplomatic humility. Abarai Loki lowered himself for no-one.
"Get a droid. Seek out Master Drin. Dislocate your shoulders if it facilitates your needs. But know this - even if you crawl the floor, weeping - I will never perform such a menial task. And if we are to spend another second together, understand that I am not the kind of Jedi made malleable by a friendly smile or a kindly word."
Again, he turned to leave, ignoring her outstretched hand, "You now have fifteen minutes to ready yourself, considering your current... predicament."
Akasha Khan
Aug 19th, 2010, 07:18:52 PM
Orryxians did not worship their own gods. That was because they believed that the gods who created the universe were largely bored with it and intervened only to toy with their subjects for their own macabre amusement, as a cubling plays with a wounded mouse. That, Akasha would later decide, was the best possible explanation for why her alarm had awakened her an hour early and why the sonic shower on her deck was out of order, sending her shuffling listlessly through the corridors past the guest quarters wearing a pair of shorts and one of Kala's dressing robes at that very moment.
She heard voices up ahead in the direction of the cafeteria, but that hardly mattered to her. She needed to find an unoccupied sonic shower - she could feel the grime in her fur from last night's training session and from whatever residue cycled through the air reclamators down on the engine deck. What she wouldn't give for another dip in that bath on the starliner to Oseon...
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 19th, 2010, 07:50:14 PM
"Abarrraji Lokji..."
Exasperated, Taa put her hands to her hips.
"...jif jI wass on fjirre asss well, would jyou not put me out? Help me, jyou'rre mjy onljy hope!"
Seeing that she wasn't getting anywhere with the sour-faced Jedi teenager, she spotted another person coming down the hall. From the looks of him, another one of the cousin species? How odd.
"Hello therre? jYoung man, can jyou help me forr a moment?"
Akasha Khan
Aug 19th, 2010, 07:56:30 PM
Akasha blinked owlishly at the Cizerack matron calling toward her. "Um," she said, in a voice that still sounded feminine by most humanoid standards, "are you talking to me?"
Abarai Loki
Aug 19th, 2010, 08:01:22 PM
"Oh, for star's sake, she's a woman- ga- a girl!" he barked, despairingly.
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 19th, 2010, 08:56:22 PM
"Well how am jI to know that?! Sshe doessn't have -..."
Gesturing to the felinoid, Taataani suddenly realized how absurd the situation had become. She pulled the hood back up on her head, as if to somehow shield herself from the ignoble fate she was dealt in dealing with such derision. Giving a slow, deep sigh, she put her best game face on and tried again.
"Well. Even betterr. jYoung mjisss? Can jI assk a favorr of jyou?"
Akasha Khan
Aug 19th, 2010, 09:06:30 PM
Akasha splayed her ears back and self-consciously pulled her borrowed robe to cover more of her conspicuously flat chest before she realized what she was doing. Her limited experience with Cizerack left her none too eager to confront one this early in the morning, but then, anyone who could put Captain Fussy Pants in such a state couldn't be all bad.
"Depends. What do you need?"
Abarai Loki
Aug 20th, 2010, 01:03:44 PM
While Taataani went making her obscene request of Akasha, Loki tried to relax. He remembered Master Drin's words, and tried to consider this whole ordeal a mere exercise in patience but, with Taataani standing hooded and cloaked like some sort of Force-wielding prima donna, it was difficult. Patience, he reminded himself, and took a cleansing breath. The next thing to do would be to shut out the sound of conversation, and clear his mind, but the latter was impossible for all he could think about was the possibility there might a secret Jedi technique for muting an enemy...
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 20th, 2010, 01:13:03 PM
With that opening, Taa went for it, explaining in detail her predicament.
"jI have a compljicated warrdrrobe. Nothjing too djiffjicult, but ssomethjing jI cannot put on wjithout help."
She gestured to Loki with a sigh.
"He would tell an Eopjie how to drrjink and denjy jit waterr. He rrefussess to help me put on a morre fjittjing attjirre. Am jI to trrajipsse arround the sshjip jin thjiss rrobe?"
With the hood on, it caused her ears to push down, where the tips poked out low around her collarbones.
"All jI need jiss ssomeone to tjie me off jin the back. Takess about fjive mjinutess rrealljy."
She gave the strange androgynous felinoid a sweet and expecting smile.
Akasha Khan
Aug 20th, 2010, 01:33:38 PM
Several questions occurred to Akasha - including why don't you just put on a tunic, and who in the worlds designs a garment you can't put on without help - but another glance at Loki, who appeared to be searching for a happy, quiet place in the regimented corridors of his own mind, told her these fields had probably already been plowed and found barren.
Besides, a complicated wardrobe meant wealth, and wealth, especially in the Carshoulis Cluster, meant power, and she was keen to learn what business could bring a powerful Cizerack matron into the company of the Jedi. Especially if - maybe - she'd be willing to contribute a luxury starliner to their little fleet.
"Of course," she said, wistfully dismissing visions of a tuxedo-clad steward bringing seafood platters to her Force meditation sessions with Master Tionne. "Not all of us are as prudish as Master Frogface over there."
Abarai Loki
Aug 20th, 2010, 01:54:45 PM
Blissfully ignorant of the choice exchange between the felinoids, Loki was lost deep in his thoughts; hosting an internal debate on the concept of patience and its worth against the effectiveness of swift decisive action. It was in his nature to act, and to react; in battle, hesitance and doubt slays the warrior. This was not a fight, not a fight in the physical sense at least, and certainly not a matter of life or death. However, in the case of Taataani Meorrrei, there were only a limited number of non-lethal alternatives to consider...
"Have you yet divined a solution to your wardrobe conundrum?" he asked suddenly, returning his attention to them.
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 20th, 2010, 03:17:22 PM
Peeling back the hood again, Taa's ears rose up to reflect her lifted spirits.
"jI thjink we have jindeed, Abarraji. No need forr jyou to ssee thjingss mosst jyoungssterrss jyourr age would pajy forr. Saanjarra forrbjid that, rrjight?"
She gave the stern-faced Jedi a wink as she opened the door to her quarters.
"Be patjient, jyoung man. jIn no tjime, we'll have thjiss all taken carre of."
With Akasha in tow, she entered her quarters and closed the door behind her. Instantly, the robe was shrugged off her shoulders and kicked to the ground as she shimmied away from it's baggy contours. A series of brightly-colored wrapping garments were arranged on four hangers in the rudimentary cubby-hole set aside for clothes. Taataani pulled the first one, dislodging the clothing and slipping her arms into the sleeves as her back was left open.
"jYou'rre a Jedji too? Charrmed to meet jyou."
Akasha Khan
Aug 20th, 2010, 09:24:07 PM
"I'm just a Padawan, but thanks."
Akasha found herself confronted with ribbon laces and holes. She was vaguely aware the ribbon was supposed to crisscross its way up (or was it down?) and be tied off into a knot (or a bow?), but such an arrangement seemed as natural to her as a Hutt with a pair of shoes.
Then she remembered that politeness meant offering her name right about then. "I'm Akasha Khan," she said. "Now, er, how does this go?"
She picked up both ends of the lace in her paws, which were better adapted for gripping a fleeing shaak with their hooked claws than handling dainty clothing.
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 21st, 2010, 06:54:08 PM
"Let me, one moment..."
Taa deftly draped the lace overshawl across one shoulder, letting it fall across her chest and back with the tapering ends, so that they came together at her hip.
"And that, jyou tjie jit overr herre."
As Akasha worked to cinch the garment together in a passable fashion (it wouldn't be as smartly-done as when Taurrifarr dressed her, but she wasn't dressing to impress so it didn't much matter), Taataani made her much-overdue introduction.
"Wherre arre mjy mannerrss. Afterr all, jyou take tjime out of jyourr bussjy sschedule to fusss overr me. Mjy name jiss Taataani Fai'sheea Igaarrai Meorrrei, Rrou'fai of Housse Meorrrei, chjief executjive of MeorrreiCorp."
Akasha Khan
Aug 21st, 2010, 07:43:36 PM
Anyone with that many names had an ego to match. Akasha decided the best way she could learn Rrou'fai Meorrrei's business aboard the Wheel was to feed it.
"It's an honor to entertain such a distinguished guest, Lady Meorrrei," the Orryxian replied in a courtly tone, as if there really were nothing else she would rather be doing at the moment. "If I may ask, what brings you to the Wheel?"
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 21st, 2010, 09:14:33 PM
"The drread sspace pjirrate Barrton Hennjing, that'ss what."
She knew by now that her insinuation was hyperbolic, but she still stuck to it out of jest.
"jI wass capturred bjy hjim, and he ssusspected me to be an jImperrjial agent of all thjingss, ha! Once hjiss ssusspjicjionss werre allevjiated, he told me that mjy sson jiss sserrvjing wjith jyourr ljittle outlaw band, and brrought me herre to ssee hjim."
It seemed about as far-fetched to her as it must to the Orryxian, and as Taataani unfurled the midsash to wrap around her waist and hips, she passed both tasseled ends to her young helper.
Something struck her at that point, and her ears cocked in thought.
"The Wheel?"
Akasha Khan
Aug 21st, 2010, 09:42:03 PM
Akasha grinningly entertained a vision of Barton Henning in colorful rags with a pair of Westar blasters in his belt, scowling as he threatened his latest conquest into relinquishing their vast coffers of booty. Then she took both ends of the sash and tied them as deftly as she knew how.
"This fleet is called the Wheel," the Orryxian replied. "I don't know why, honestly, but you probably already know that we travel in secret. I hope you aren't an Imperial spy, or I've probably just given us all away."
She considered the Cizerack matron. "Are you staying here long?"
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 23rd, 2010, 12:56:44 PM
Taa coiffed herself, adjusting bits of her outfit here and there as she examined their mutual handiwork in the mirror. Her ears raised slightly to note her satisfaction. Good enough.
She turned to address Akasha again.
"Sstajyjing forr long? Well, jI haven't decjided jusst jyet. jI rrealljy need to ssee jif mjy sson jiss gojing to be okajy herre. Forr ssome rreasson, he hass jit jin hjiss head that he wantss to be ssome kjind of herro. All thjiss talk of fjightjing and dangerr...well jit makess me nerrvouss ljittle one!"
Akasha Khan
Aug 23rd, 2010, 09:59:23 PM
Akasha rankled a bit at ljittle one, but then she remembered that humanoid aging scales were so slow, and eight standard cycles probably was little from her perspective. For that matter, she was probably ridiculously old herself - like fifty or something.
"Well... I've been forced into battles before. Having the freedom to choose your own battles? That's a luxury."
The Orryxian looked Taataani over afresh - despite the extra layers and fripperies that Akasha would have done without, she cut an undeniably regal figure. In fact, Akasha was beginning to feel sorely underdressed.
"Of course, if you want to make him safer, you could always buy us a new ship. You know, something faster... and less noisy... with a sustainable population of sajoi, and maybe an onboard spa."
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 23rd, 2010, 10:06:03 PM
Taa paused in the midst of everything, looking at the younger felinoid anew. Her eyes sparkled, her ears rose, and her smile beamed as a wonderful idea began to blossom.
She took the Orryxian by the paw, leading her out of her quarters.
"Akassha darrljing, jyou've gjiven me a wonderrful jidea! One jI darre ssajy majy even warrm ljittle Abarraji'ss cold hearrt."
She pushed the door controls open, and drug Akasha along to meet her dour-faced human companion.
"Abarraji! Djid jyou mjisss me?"
She paused, with Akasha still paw-in-paw, and gestured to her splendid outfit with a flourish of her other paw.
"jI trrusst thjiss fjitss wjith jyourr djisscrrjimjinatjing tasste?"
Abarai Loki
Aug 26th, 2010, 03:37:02 AM
The way his name rolled off the Cizerack tongue, vowels carelessly frayed at the edges; it sounded so common. Still, Taataani had addressed him properly(Loki long ago abandonned the expectation of being addressed by his full name). Perhaps this was their chance for a fresh start. Hands clasped behind his back, he inspected her outfit and gave a nod.
"It will suffice," he said, resisting the urge to mention she looked woefully overdressed for the Whaladon. It was, after all, a vast improvement on the flimsy nightgown. Briefly, his attention switched to Akasha. He half-pitied the young Orryxian: to endure such degradation, he thought. She'd earned her reprieve.
"Akasha Khan, you have been... helpful. You are now free to take your leave."
Akasha Khan
Aug 26th, 2010, 09:17:35 AM
Ha! Fat chance of that. Watching Taataani and Loki butt heads would be the best entertainment Akasha had enjoyed in weeks. The Orryxian smiled sweetly, which was warning enough to anyone who knew her well.
"Actually, I'm free for a while longer," she said. "And I've been enjoying Ms. Meorrrei's company."
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 27th, 2010, 03:26:34 PM
"Well, how ssweet!"
Taataani smiled at the wonderful compliment the Orryxian gave her, and her eyes met Loki again.
"Abarraji, jI wass jusst talkjing to jyourr frrjiend Akassha, and jI thjink jI have an jidea of how to help jyou all."
With a practiced flourish, a holocard appeared from a pouch she kept at her waist, and she pressed it toward Loki.
"About a month ago, jI managed to pjick up a new corrporrate holdjing. Koenssajyrr? jI'd thjink jyou'd know of them but jyou'rre ssurrprrjissjingljy unfamjiljiarr wjith the oppossjite ssex, so jI expect nothjing."
She smiled at that little barb and continued.
"A fajirrljy larrge sshjipwrrjight. jI beljieve jyourr Rrebel Alljiance ussess morre than a few of thejirr prroductss."
Abarai Loki
Aug 29th, 2010, 06:43:56 PM
Loki looked askance at the exchange. It wasn't entirely clear to him which was more false: Akasha's shameless flattery or Taataani's beaming reception of it. His mood soured at the prospect of having to entertain... tolerate Taataani with the devious Orryxian around to exacerbate the situation. A telling shade of pink crept into his face after her underhanded taunt but he stood fast, unwilling to succumb to banal discussion.
"Taataani Meorrrei, I make a point of knowing things worth knowing, and as difficult this may be to digest, that does not include your frivolous corporate undertakings. Please get to the point."
Taataani Meorrrei
Aug 29th, 2010, 09:23:49 PM
If that was how the little sprat wanted it, so be it. Hands on her hips, she canted her head back a bit, talking with full awareness of the importance of what she was saying.
"jI could, wjith a sstrroke of a sstjyluss, moderrnjize jyourr entjirre fleet. Everrjy worrn, brroken, jill-majintajined pjiece of floatssam on thjiss sshjip, and beljieve me, jI counted plentjy, could all be taken carre of ljike that."
She gave a snap of her fingers for emphasis, her ears bobbing again with her own excitement at the prospect.
Akasha Khan
Aug 30th, 2010, 09:45:35 PM
Akasha didn't bother concealing her glee.
"I definitely think you should bring this before the Council, Master Abarai. Just think what it would do for training aboard ship!"
Not that she put much stock in his imagination. She'd probably have to draw him a picture. He probably thought hard beds, faulty sonic showers, and mysterious clanking noises in the dead of night all helped to dissolve one's attachments to the material world.
"Or..." She coughed. "At least what it would do in the event of another attack."
Abarai Loki
Sep 1st, 2010, 04:58:45 PM
"Do you, padawan?"
He set a scolding glance on Akasha, clearly unphased by her fever of enthusiasm. It was a delicate situation and he would have to tread lightly for fear of being lost in a thick haze of corporate jargon and talk of business. Instead it was Taataani's choice of words that interested him; her proposal was promising, more so, Loki felt, than her actual intention to make good on her adventurous claims.
"You could do all that," he said, returning his attention to the matron, "In fact, I've no doubt of it. Someone of your position could likely do a lot of things. If, however, you choose to pursue such aspirations in the future, I suggest you contact a ranking officer aboard the Challenger. This is not a Jedi matter."
He made a move to leave, then froze, and gave her a parting glance, "Although I'm sure the council appreciate your good will. Now, may we not loiter?"
Taataani Meorrrei
Sep 1st, 2010, 07:58:23 PM
"jI ssupposse thjiss rrankjing offjicerr on thjiss...Challengerr jiss alsso assleep?"
She gave a neat little shrug. No matter. She'd deal with that in her own time.
"Perrhapss when ourr late-to-rrjisse sshjip commanderrss arre awake, we can take carre of thosse ljittle matterrss. But, jI know jyou'rre verrjy bussjy Abarraji, sso we'll sstjick to the matterrss at hand."
With a grin tossed to Akasha, she returned the jovial expression to the glum human.
"Now, asss jI ssajid, jI would love to ssee jyourr Jedji frrjiendss at worrk, and jI beljieve jyou sstjill owe me taless of jyourr explojitss."
Taking Loki's advice, she walked along the corridor with him. Testing his patience to the breaking point so fast would do nobody any good. After all, this was a delicate project.
Akasha Khan
Sep 2nd, 2010, 07:56:42 PM
Argh, the Challenger. Akasha kept forgetting that the Jedi were not really in command of the Wheel, which ran completely contrary to her instincts. Why shouldn't the mystic warriors who could make people's heads explode with their minds be at the top of the chain of command?
"It's lightsaber practice with the younglings this morning, isn't it, Master Abarai?" she said. "Well, wooden stick practice. We don't have many lightsabers to go around."
A sudden flash of inspiration sent Akasha's ears standing tall and almost touching in the middle. "Oh - do you think Taataani could help with that, too?"
Abarai Loki
Sep 5th, 2010, 05:37:49 PM
"Akasha Khan, Madam Meorrrei is not a practice dummy."
Where he was leading them, Loki wasn't entirely sure, but they would at least be safe from the intolerable morning bustle of refresher queues and breakfast hullabaloo. That had been his intention all along before his plans went horribly awry thanks to a chance encounter with Taataani Meorrrei. And now, with Master Drin comandeering his lessons, he clinged to any semblance of routine left over: they arrived at the observation lounge.
"Take a seat. Here we can discuss our itinery undisturbed but you may, however, cast aside ideas of interfering with training exercises. That will not be happening."
A sour look fell upon Akasha as he took his seat. Observation Lounge was a rather generous designation for a small room with a wide viewport and a few seats, but it was, like each of the Whaladon's features, rustic and bland. It was for this very reason, amongst a whole host of others, that Loki did not regard his assignment with much enthusiasm. Diplomacy. Diplomacy.
"Taataani Meorrrei, I will be frank. Unless you are a Jedi, this ship is remarkably unremarkable, there is nothing of interest here for a... for someone such as yourself. Where I to give a tour - which I am willing to do, at Master Drin Kizael's orders, of course - then it would be brief and, I daresay, dull.
"That said, I am here... as your escort," it took an effort to say it, particularly in front of Akasha, "And consequently, I will assist you in any trivial pursuit that may entail, as long as it does not affect the padawans' training."
Taataani Meorrrei
Sep 7th, 2010, 08:34:32 PM
"jI wouldn't drream of bejing a burrden, Abarraji."
The matron empathetically shook her head, knowing that at least the boy was trying to share the rabbit, so to speak.
"Rrealljy, asss jI ssajid, jI majinljy would love to get to know each of jyou. No matterr what jI ssajy orr do, mjy sson hass found ssome kjind of calljing herre, and whjile jI can't sstajy herre jindefjinjiteljy, jit would easse the wejight on mjy hearrt to know that mjy darrljing Cirrsseeto hass a famjiljy awajy frrom home."
She clasped her hands before her.
"He'ss chossen to help keep jyou ssafe. jIt'ss jimporrtant to hjim, sso jit'ss jimporrtant to me."
Akasha Khan
Sep 9th, 2010, 08:14:07 PM
Orryxians weren't known for their sympathy, but even so, Akasha didn't have the heart to tell Taataani that she didn't know her precious son from Emperor Palpatine. If it meant getting new ships in the Wheel, she'd swear she was marrying this Cirrsseeto.
Oh - scratch that. If she knew anything about Cizerack matriarchy, that would be a very, very bad idea.
"We really are like a family here, Mrs. Meorrrei," the Orryxian said, nodding earnestly. "Especially for someone like me... I never had a family to speak of."
Ears laid down at just the right angle. She could be on holonet.
Abarai Loki
Sep 12th, 2010, 06:27:39 PM
Loki regarded Taataani openly, the cloud of cynicism lifted, for at last she'd said something he believed. She loved her son and had sacrificed much to give him a life of exception and opportunity far beyond the standards of normal Cizerack men. He knew this to be true because Cirrsseeto told him, and his word was to be trusted. And while it went against his better judgement to encourage the saccharine rhetoric of a doting mother, it was, however, in his best interests to cultivate any opportunity to make diplomatic headway.
"To think of the Wheel, of us, as a family is a rather romantic notion. However, Akasha has a point: before... this, the Jedi were scattered throughout the galaxy, many of them alone. You may say that each other is what we have in place of a family. And you may rest assured, Taataani Meorrrei, your son is in good company."
Taataani Meorrrei
Sep 12th, 2010, 09:01:44 PM
Taataani, in a well of emotion, pulled Akasha to her in a big hug.
"Oh come herre!"
She doted heavily on the Orryxian, smoothing her ears and headfur as she pressed her against her shoulder. She looked beyond Akasha to Loki, already knowing that such an affirmation would be lost on him. Still, she gave him the best approximation, a warm look and a nod.
"Thank jyou, the both of jyou."
At last letting Akasha come up for air, she looked at her two extended family members.
"jI can barreljy jimagjine ljivjing a ljife wjithout famjiljy. Ssomeone to tell sstorrjiess to. Ssomeone to laugh wjith, to crrjy wjith, to fjind sstrrength wjith togetherr. To learrn frrom and to teach."
She gave a little shrug.
"Blood helpss keep tjiess sstrrong, but famjiljy jiss who jyou ssajy thejy arre."
Akasha Khan
Sep 13th, 2010, 09:21:22 PM
As a species who considered their bodies to be more or less divine, Orryxians did not take social touching lightly. Akasha's first reaction upon being crushed into a hug was to stiffen like a log; it took her a split second to realize that wouldn't play well and to soften up a little. At least Taataani had fixed her ear, which had ended up folded inside-out.
"I couldn't agree more," she said, now that she had her composure back. "In fact... In a lot of ways, Loki's like a little brother to me."
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