View Full Version : Star Wars: The Old Republic RP

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 28th, 2010, 08:25:01 AM
Is there any interest in this? Rping based in the setting of the MMO that I'm sure we will all be addicted to in the future ;)

Jaden Luka
Jul 28th, 2010, 08:26:57 AM
Yesyesyesyesyesyesyes. :eee

Travis North
Jul 29th, 2010, 09:24:18 AM
Sure, why not.
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Emelie Shadowstar
Jul 31st, 2010, 12:31:26 AM
Considering just how different the time line is... yet the fact that it keeps a lot of stuff we "know" and are comfortable with RPing... I am totally for it! :)

Don't see it being any different than like the WOD or Mutants RP in terms of taking away from the general SW timeline RP that we're all doing....so... Let's go with it! :D

new RP icons for threads - GO! :lol

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 31st, 2010, 02:06:40 AM
a little TOR icon would be cool :)

what about a temporary new forum? in the lead up to / post-release period for the game?

Emelie Shadowstar
Jul 31st, 2010, 02:10:40 AM
Honestly (and it just may be me), I don't see the need just yet for a full forum. I'd see how popular it got...then if needed, they could be moved over. :)

Jul 31st, 2010, 02:17:14 AM
Count me in.

Captain Untouchable
Jul 31st, 2010, 03:35:35 AM
I'm with Sarah - I'd wait to see how active we get before adding a new forum; there's only half a dozen of us so far. If we get ourselves on a posting bonanza though, it might be a good call to help avoid confusion.

There has been some confusion about this due to a press release which mis-stated the dates. The time in which the game begins is less than 10 years after the Treaty of Coruscant. In general, we've tried to keep this a little vague, because the Old Republic doesn't take place in a single moment of history but over a period of a few years. Suffice to say, the Treaty's been in place long enough for it to start fraying at the edges.

That developer says 10 years. Other sources specifically say 6, while some say 30, or "a generation". Satele Shan certainly seems to age thirty years (going from Padawan to Grand Master in the process), but it's vagueness galore, really.

So, when do we start?

I would suggest either:

a) Start at the Treaty of Coruscant (0 ATC), tell your backstory, and then jump ahead a few years. Pro: you know exactly how long it has been since the treaty, making backstories easy. Con: if it winds up being 30 years, all our characters will be old; also, there's the jumping ahead, so characters won't roll directly into the MMO timeline.

b) Start "approximately five years" ATC, and then shuffle that year backwards and forwards as neaded. Pro: you know vaguely how long it's been since the treaty; characters can transition directly into the MMO timeline when it starts. Con: if it winds up being 30 years, again age is an issue; also, vagueness.

c) Start "the year before the game", and be incredibly vague, never mentioning how long it has been since the treaty. Pro: no age issues; characters transition direct to MMO time. Con: no timescale for backstories whatsoever.

d) Do both a) and c), as separate timelines. Characters / roleplays in a) are like "Shadows of the Republic" stuff; characters / rps in c) are like "After Endor" stuff. Pro: you can play characters in the immediate aftermath of the Treaty, and ones that will roll direct into MMO time. Con: characters from one can't exist in the other, until we know how far apart they are.

e) To hell with the MMO: we start at 0 ATC, and stay there. We can add game elements as we go as the timeline, if we can be arsed. Pro: lazy, easy. Con: it takes a decade to reach the start of the game; boring, little scope for flex, lest we break continuity into itty bitty little pieces.

Jul 31st, 2010, 03:43:24 AM
I like E because it made me smile, but I think D or A make the most sense because it handles all the damage control problems out the gate and keeps us on track for the forseeable future. Certainly E is still on the table though...

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 12th, 2011, 04:48:48 AM
I'm bumping this thread because all the latest videos to be released about this game are making me more and more interested in writing in this era. We now have the benefit of a pretty comprehensive wiki, including

Planets (http://swtor.wikia.com/wiki/Planets) - a description of the planets that will feature in TOR. The beauty of these descriptions is how concise they are - they explain on what we need to know about each planet for this particular timeline.

Species (http://swtor.wikia.com/wiki/Species) - again, we have info that is relevant specifically to this time period for various species.

Faction Profiles - for the Republic (http://swtor.wikia.com/wiki/Galactic_Republic) and the Empire (http://swtor.wikia.com/wiki/Sith_Empire). You'd think that we know plenty about these two already, but this TOR-specific wiki streamlines what is on the Wookieepedia into essential information.

As far as a timeline goes, I am not too bothered about pinning down a specific 'year' to begin in at this point. The basic premise works as a simple enough starting point, in my mind:

The story takes place in the Star Wars fictional universe shortly after the establishment of a tenuous peace between the re-emergent Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, 300 years after the events of the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic games, and more than 3,500 years before the events in the Star Wars films. The Jedi are held responsible for the success of the Sith during the devastating 28-year-long Great Galactic War (which led to the Treaty of Coruscant prior to the Cold War), and thus choose to relocate from Coruscant to Tython, where the Jedi Order had initially been founded, to seek guidance from the Force. The Sith control Korriban, where they have re-established a Sith Academy. The game begins as new conflicts arise.

However the story is going to process from this point, in the game itself, doesn't really matter.. though when the game comes out we could feasibly weave plot-lines from it into threads here, if we wanted.

Some locations and conflicts to ponder:

The Tomb (Belsavis) (http://swtor.wikia.com/wiki/The_Tomb) - a Rakatan prison located on Belsavis that was converted into a Republic prison. It housed many of the galaxy's most dangerous beings. It later served as home to many of the Republic's enemies, including the Sith, their allies, and their creations.

Civil War of Ord Mantell (http://swtor.wikia.com/wiki/Ord_Mantell_Civil_War) - one of many of the Galactic Republic's theatre of operations during the Cold War. The corrupt Government is propped up by the Republic as together they battle the separatists who plague the planet.

Ben Merasska
Jun 12th, 2011, 09:38:52 AM
Sounds interesting!

Jun 12th, 2011, 11:52:16 AM
As per usual, you can count me in.

Tom Harriman
Jun 12th, 2011, 12:36:08 PM
I'd be up for playing a smuggler, if people want to ride off to adventure aboard my ship.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 13th, 2011, 01:34:23 PM
As I've already mentioned to Jace, I am thinking of having two characters who compliment each other, effectively like a main and a companion!

Firstly, a Jedi Padawan (or perhaps Knight) who refuses to accept that the Empire and the Sith are keeping up with their side of the Treaty of Coruscant bargain. She is trying to uncover evidence of their guilt.

Secondly, a former Republic forces member, whose squadron was on a distant battlefront when the Treaty was signed. Word to ceasefire/withdraw didn't reach his squadron in good time. As a result, many of his comrades were massacred when the Empire took their continued presence as an act of aggression, going against the terms of the Treaty. Although he hates the Empire, he carries a grudge against the Republic for what he perceives as their betrayal of its citizens. He, and what's left of his squadron, formed a mercenary group operating out of Nar Shadaa.

Rossos Atrapes
Jun 13th, 2011, 03:29:59 PM
My idea for two characters (who can be classed as a main or a companion) is a bit vague, as I've still to read and see about the different details I can work in, or more importantly, work out, of their backstory and such.

So far I have a first name (Syril), and he is basically a Knight of whatever planet he is from; he took part in its defence against the Empire, and fled when the capitol city was taken. His brother fought until the end, and seeing the planet fallen, agreed to serve the Empire.

Off the planet, he hears of the Jedi, and desires to learn their arts to prepare himself for joining the insurgency pulled together by the remaining Knights, soldiers, and people of the planet and hopefully the reclamation of their planet.

Unfinished details:

-The unarguably main character would be Syril, and I'm debating whether his brother will be a character in his own right or simply a foil.

-Unsure whether the planet would have been Republic-aligned or independent. Its technology would be less than the galaxy at large, however.

-He either has gone or will be going to Tython to petition for entrance into the Jedi Order, or at least instruction; though perhaps he could meet a Jedi along the way and try to learn from them. Whether or not he is Force sensitive is not completely decided, though making it a mystery is becoming more appealing as I think it over.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 13th, 2011, 03:38:31 PM
Don't know if it would fit the bill for you Rossos but take a look at Alderaan in this time-frame: http://swtor.wikia.com/wiki/Alderaan

Nice concepts, though. I like the idea of using the brother as a foil.

Rossos Atrapes
Jun 13th, 2011, 04:11:00 PM
I like it! It certainly makes things easier, and I can work in some concepts I thought I'd have to throw out.

Morgan Evanar
Jun 16th, 2011, 08:27:26 PM
Sounds like fun =]