View Full Version : Under Fire Yet Again

Darriann Sollak
Jul 25th, 2010, 08:44:50 PM
The Renegade Angel (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/YT-2000_light_freighter) rolled over and into a half loop with all the speed her engines could muster in an attempt to lose the targeting systems of the pursuing KSE Firespray (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Firespray-31-class_patrol_and_attack_craft). The maneuver worked only for a brief moment as the Firespray's rotating guns tracked the Angel as she passed below.

"Damn it all to Hoth!" cursed the Angel's pilot and Captain, Darriann Sollak. "This is your fault Zip!"

Sweat began to bead on the human's forehead as he pushed the ship's maneuvering capabilities to the limit. Juking and jinking in order to evade the incoming streams of fire, he set the throttle to full speed in hopes to outrun the tailing interceptor who now ran in the reverse direction.

"You just had to tip off that Sector Ranger bitch by submitting our actual cargo manifest. Y'know Tibanna gas is still quasi-legal to possess in this system. It's in all our guns, bolts-for-brains!"

"Yes, but Mr. Sollak with the new Imperial restriction we cannot transport any unauthorized shipment of refined Tibanna from the planet Bespin." Countered Zip, a crimson coloured 501-Z series droid. (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/501-Z_police_droid) "I fulfilled my duty as a law-abiding droid by complying with officer Akorma's request to review what we are hauling."

"There was a perfectly good false manifest you could have given her that matches what her sensor feed is receiving! Honestly, you're my co-pilot! You follow my orders, not hers!"

"Again, I could not do that as it goes against my programming. What sort of droid would I be if I did not submit truthful information to the proper authorities," the droid said flatly before illustrating his point further, "I'll tell you, a scrapped droid. Bio-forms, especially Imperials, would love nothing more than to see me melted down if I broke their laws. It is survival of the well programmed Master Sollak, and I am a survivor."

The Firespray finally broke off from firing and turned into a wide arc right to return following the Renegade Angel. Darriann let out a little laugh directed at Akorma. "Rookie Pilot!" He barked over the comm. There was no response, though he invisioned her fuming with rage.

"Zip," Sollak shouted over his shoulder, "go and make yourself useful and vent the gas into space! Now, does that comply with your programming?"

"Aye-aye, Cap!" The droid said with enthusiasm. "I'll proceed to the cargo bay and commence venting operations. Please be advised that the gas can be ignited by blaster fire."

"Duh!" Darriann said with annoyance. "That's why I'm evading her in the first place, so she doesn't blow us to bits. If she sees we're venting that gas as she comes around hopefully she'll think twice before taking another shot and vaping all of us."

Sollak licked his upper lip and inhaled a sharp breath while his eyes focused on the aft sensor screen tracking the Firespray. He prayed this move would force the young Sector Ranger to stop firing at his ship. For the moment she was out of range, but she was closing fast in the speedier ship.
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Aug 3rd, 2010, 11:11:07 AM
Zip rose from the co-pilot seat in his usual mechanical fashion, it wasn't exactly built for the droid's heavy build, which had resulted in many rips and tears of the upholstery over the past months. Not that Darriann actually cared about how that seat looked as it was Zip's own station, he functioned well as a co-pilot and gunner for the smuggler, despite his law-enforcement programming. Zip had proven himself early on that he could both fly the Angel and fire her weapons accurately while under fire - not a single raider had survived that encounter.

As Zip reached the cargo bay the Renegade Angel's hull was rocked by a series of shots that sent the droid stumbling forward towards the control station. It was clear yo Zip that Akorma had breached the rear shields and was attempting to disable the freighter's engines, it was not to be allowed. The droid braced himself as he slammed into the console, sure that he'd not damage the controls.

Zip activated his internal comlink, "I have reached the cargo bay and will release the gas on your mark Captain Sollak."

"Copy that. Standby, let me get out of this hotshot's cross hairs first."

The engines roared as Sollak rolled the ship onto its side and into an arc to flee Akorma's targeting range again. She'd have to brake hard or take time to adjust for a new attack vector before continuing the chase. Either way Darriann had secured the time he needed. "Mark!" was shouted over the comlink and seemed to resonate throughout the cargo bay as Zip activated the release mechanisms from the console.

The bay sealed off from the rest of the ship as the cargo doors slid open exposing Zip and everything inside to vacuum. He quickly toggled the switches that began the reversion process of the carbonite blocks, and one by one each disintegrating block's gas was vented from the bay into space to form gaseous mines in the Renegade Angel's wake. This process would continue for a good eight minutes to ditch all the gas and comply with Sollak's orders.
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