View Full Version : State of the Pride Military

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jul 25th, 2010, 12:21:02 AM
Basically, this is an info dump thread since we don't have anything Confederacy-specific and since Tear posts about as many times as Osama bin Laden gives press conferences, I figure I'll just hang this up in the infosphere. Feel free to comment and critique at will. I want these to be pretty well balanced so if I'm off kilter or if I'm not giving myself enough credit, let me know so I can keep this competitive.

Fighters, assault transports, and shuttles

Keerta class Assault Fighter

Essentially a marriage of heavy fighter and assault ship roles. Designed for limited transport and scouting ability, but primarily for capital starship assaults. The traditional mainstay of the Cizerack fighter corps.
Manufacturer: Hai'laa Spaceworks
Class: Assault Fighter
Length: 16.5 meters
MGLT: 70
Hyperdrive: 1.0
Shielding: 90 SBD
Armor: 40 RU
Armaments: Two (2) fire-linked laser cannons in a chin turret, two (2) composite beam laser turrets, two (2) concussion missile launchers, one (1) forward-fixed ion cannon.
Special equipment: Tractor beam emitter, rear-mounted assault umbilical.
Passengers: Up to four (4) Hunter Forces shock troopers or other passengers.
Crew: 2 (Pilot and gunner / commo)
Consumables: Up to five days for scout missions, two days standardTaithaa class Interceptor

A next-generation marriage of Cizeri and Imperial technologies, combining Imperial shock doctrine of fast, maneuverable, light fighters to the Cizerack penchant of robust shielding and survivable ships.
Manufacturer: Gau'thrreei-Sienar Combine
Class: Interceptor
Length: 10 meters
MGLT: 100
Hyperdrive: None
Shielding: 60 SBD
Armor: 20 RU
Armaments: Four (4) fire-linked laser cannons
Crew: 1
Consumables: Eight hours fuelTaithaa'fei (Taithaa II, alternatively) class Interceptor

Variant on the Taithaa design, given better armament, better sensors, and a modular hyperdrive option
Manufacturer: Gau'thrreei-Sienar Combine
Class: Interceptor
Length: 12 meters
MGLT: 100
Hyperdrive: capable of fitting a class 1.0 hyperdrive ring.
Shielding: 60 SBD
Armor: 20 RU
Armaments: Four (4) fire-linked laser cannons, two (2) modular missile launchers
Crew: 1
Consumables: Up to two days, scout configuration. Eight hours standard.Neeraathi class Assault Shuttle

A dedicated assault shuttle generally deployed from galleons or other capital ships, explicitly for forcible boarding of enemy ships. Where the Keerta Assault Fighter is a flexible-purpose craft, the Neeraathi is designed specifically to insert Hunter Forces shock troopers.
Manufacturer: Hai'laa Spaceworks
Class: Assault Shuttle
Length: 32 meters
MGLT: 60
Hyperdrive: 1.0
Shielding: 250 SBD
Armor: 60 RU
Armaments: One (1) quad laser cannon, mounted dorsal, two (2) composite beam laser turrets, four (4) forward fixed ion cannons
Special equipment: Tractor beam emitter, rear-mounted assault umbilical.
Passengers: Up to forty-eight (48) Hunter Forces shock troopers or other passengers.
Crew: 6 (Pilot, copilot, commo, and three gunners)
Consumables: One day

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jul 25th, 2010, 01:21:08 AM
Capital ships

Oorru'Gurre'Gurre' class Star Dreadnaught


The flag of the Pride's Navy, commanded by the Pride Mother's Emissary himself. Serves as the Pride Mother's escort when travelling beyond the Cluster. Capable of fulfilling the role of Galleon, the Oorru'Gurre'Gurre's primary use is as a deterrence warship, equipped with six Gorroka particle cannons, and enough firepower to fight two Imperial-II class Star Destroyers to a standstill.

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Feessarro class Star Destroyer


The apex of military cooperation between the Imperial separatists of the new Confederacy and the Cizerack Pride, the Feessarro Star Destroyer features gravity well projection technology as well as Gorroka particle cannons. Only a handful are combat-ready, and these are assigned priority flotilla command duties.

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Korri class Galleon


The Pride Navy's ship of the line. Deep space survivable, long-ranged, hyperdrive-capable, and designed for extended duty outside of the Cluster. Primarily tasked with enforcing trade lane security on the Hydian Way and transporting important cargo, it is also a capable warship, able to engage enemies up to and including Star Destroyer class ships. Offensive firepower is poised around two Gorroka particle cannons, and the ability to dispatch up to a division of Hunter Forces shock troops via space combat or surface attack.

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Lucrehulk class Capital ships

Lucrehulks are modular capital ships, popular among the Trade Federation and the first Confederacy of Independent Systems. From the Cizerack Pride's original participation in the Confederacy, Lucrehulks made up some portion of their naval force. Modified to suit the purposes of the Cizerack navy, these ships show their age, and are primarily assigned to support roles, although some still serve as rear-guard warships.

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Seeva class Interdictor


Primarily used for intra-cluster defense, this light capital ship is equipped with a relatively fast sublight drive, good anti-starfighter weapons, and enough heavy weapons to effectively harass capital ships. Often used to attack in force, thus making them a flexible deterrant.

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Seeva'fei (Seeva II) class Interdictor


A variation on the original Seeva design that trades some sublight capability for a long range hyperdrive and deep space capability. Designed to picket Korri Galleons and other larger capital ships.

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Keerrourri Feessaarro
Feb 16th, 2012, 12:21:54 AM
bumping this thead up for potential tweaking

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Jun 9th, 2012, 02:19:51 AM
I would like to create a new type of ship - the Sajoi-class shuttle. :cat

Feessanni Amarra
Jun 9th, 2012, 02:56:22 AM
I'm convinced it needs a mechanical tail just so we can hang it up on the wall of the hangar bay :D

Captain Untouchable
Jun 9th, 2012, 10:34:39 AM
Does it fly right up to the enemy ship's bridge, then flip up the tail and flash it's sewage dump port for all to see?

Jun 9th, 2012, 04:21:51 PM
Just is just to compare the fighters to canon fighters already in use. I think these will help.

TIE/ad Avenger Advanced Fighter - Elite Interceptor more or less.
Size 9.8 Meters
Crew 1
Hull 20 RU
Shielding 100 SBD
Speed 145 MGLT (1620 KM/h Atmospheric)
Acceleration 16 MGLT/s
Maneuverability 150 DPF
4 Laser Cannons
2 general pourpose warhead launchers
1 Tractor Beam Projector.

TIE/D Defender Heavy Fighter
Size 9.2 meters
Crew 1
Hull 20 RU
Shielding 200 SBD
Speed 155 MGLT (1,680KM/h Atmospheric)
Accelerations 14 MGLT/s
Maneuverability 175 DPF
4 Laser Cannons
2 Ion Cannons
2 General Pourpose Warhead Launchers
1 Tractor Beam Projector

With these fighters as reference I think your fighter designs are great. They are twice as big as these so I would imagine they would not be as maneuverable. and Maybe not was fast. but I think they could be closer than they are in speed. As it is the Empire has the market on fighters. The alliance has nothing to counter the Defender or the Avenger for that matter. The closest thing is the A2 A-wing.

The assault shuttle could be a bit high on shielding and armor but its big and slow and I can see the need for armor and shielding on a assault craft. so Its good too.

A description of the composite beam laser and the modular missile launchers would be nice for anyone who might want to know what they are.

As far as I am concerned the fighters are good and with a few more stats worked out ready for wiki.

Cirrsseeto Quez
Jun 9th, 2012, 04:29:21 PM
A description of the composite beam laser and the modular missile launchers would be nice for anyone who might want to know what they are.

Sure thing.

Composite beam lasers are continuous firing laser streams, similar to the bubble turret weapons on LAAT's, but with a higher power yield to make them anti-materiale capable rather than just anti-personnell. They're cutting beams more or less.

Modular missile launchers are just hard-points capable of fitting concussion missiles or protons as per mission requirement.

Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Jun 12th, 2012, 02:07:12 PM
I'm thinking that we need a smaller, more maneuverable fighter. That could be the sajoi class. :cat Obviously not as heavily shielded or armed as the Keerta-class, but fast.

Jun 12th, 2012, 04:21:42 PM
Naming a fighter after a Cizerack snack is going to make more "flying deathtrap" jokes than even the TIE Fighter could generate. I love it and I volunteer to fly one.