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Sanya Tagge
Jul 24th, 2010, 12:36:34 PM
Sanya stood in the antechamber of the Miranda Tarkin's private offices, examining the artwork that adorned the waiting room's walls. It wasn't that she found the piece especially interesting – though there was no faulting its execution and the message it carried – simply that it gave her something to do, other than sit and stew. Only the soft rattling of a keyboard, as Miranda's secretary went about her duties, broke the sterile silence. The Minister wore what had become her official garb – white, crisp, almost martial – as this was to be an official meeting. The precise nature of the discussions that were due to take place eluded Sanya, though guilt writhed in the pit of her stomach as she waited to be summoned.

Miranda Tarkin
Jul 24th, 2010, 03:18:18 PM
The Empress' newly appointed secretary looked down at her console and saw the read out from Miranda Tarkin herself. Glancing up towards the other blonde in the room, she gave the Minister a pleasant smile and motioned towards the door. "Her Highness will see you now."

She went back to her daily tasks of organizing the Empress' schedule - which was impossible to be done with thoroughly, as Sanya entered the double black polished doorway that was close to ten feet tall. Imperial white floors instantly transformed to the same obsidian black as the doors. The desk at which Tarkin currently sat at appeared to be created from the very ground itself as if it was sculpted and cooled before settling into place. The design was seamless, as was the high back angular chair in which she sat. Where Palpatine sat.

Family portraits were proudly displayed along the walls, as where various models of craft that the Empire was known for. Miranda perked up when pump heels encroach closer. Looking up, she straightened her jacket taut and gave her old friend a calculating smile. "Greetings Sanya. I'm glad your schedule permitted us to meet. Please," she offered her a chair, "Sit."

It had been a long time since Miranda was so candid with the Minister. Months had gone by without a word from Miranda, often pleasantries were given through Gallus, who was inadvertently placed in the middle. But it appeared that the Empress had a certain levity around Sanya that the Minister hadn't seen since the public execution ...

Sanya Tagge
Jul 24th, 2010, 03:24:38 PM
A picture of obedience, Sanya sat. She folded her hands in her lap, straightened her shoulders and fixed her undivided on the Empress herself. There was a lot to see in obsidian office – far more than the antechamber – but there was only thing anyone in the presence of Miranda Tarkin should find themselves looking at, and that was the woman herself. A smile was creeping its way onto her lips but she kept it cool, professional.

“How may I be of service to you, your highness?”

Miranda Tarkin
Jul 24th, 2010, 03:30:43 PM
Crossing her legs, Miranda rested upper limbs against the arms of the chair before fingers touched pads with its mirrors- blue eyes scrutinized. If Sanya was careful to notice, they were not as hardened as they had been with their brief previous encounters.

"We are alone, Sanya. You can call me Miranda," she said, insisting, though not entirely honest. Two of her best Crimson Guards were hidden behind false panels in the walls.

Tarkin let her head fall to the side in contemplation as she waited for Sanya's response. To be so frank with one another since their ugly fallout, was something the Minister did not expect to receive ever again ...

Sanya Tagge
Jul 24th, 2010, 03:37:22 PM
Sanya's lips shaped a delicately small o before she spoke. “As you wish.. Miranda.”

Was she here, then, not as Minister to her Empress but as friend to friend? There were more formal settings their meeting could have been held in, certainly, but there were plenty more casual too. She thought back to the last social call that Miranda had planned – dinner with herself, Gallus and Sorsha – and recalled that had no gone so well; the Empress had been unable to attend. Perhaps it simply was not permissible in her schedule.

“My brother sends his love.”

Miranda Tarkin
Jul 24th, 2010, 03:50:39 PM
Features lightened for but a moment. It had been lonesome without her husband inside the Core. He was far out in CSA controlled space ensuring that the pleasantries of the Empire and Corporate Sector remained as such - cordial. They trusted Gallus implicitly and would do nothing without his close presence.

She managed. They were the power couple and their duty to the Empire came before martial duties.

"A lot has changed between our families," she said distantly, "Some for the better, and some for ill. Perhaps it is time to mend what has lasted longer between us so the Empire suffers less."

She lowered her hands and stood up, eying Sanya over her shoulder as the Empress prepared herself a drink. "Would you like something as well?"

Sanya Tagge
Jul 24th, 2010, 04:00:37 PM
Sanya look at her hands, having the distinct impression that she was a prime cause of the ill change between the Tarkin and Tagge families. In her desperate need to please, and to prove herself, she had managed to cause a riot in Monument Plaza and lose the Empire two of its most wanted terrorists in the process. It was a small wonder that she had been given so much clemency.

“Yes, please.” She hid any further insecurity behind her glass as she took a sip. It tasted good, in the way that all particularly expensive things did, regardless of personal preference. “And if there is anything I can do to strengthen the bond between our two families, you need only ask.”

Miranda Tarkin
Jul 24th, 2010, 04:16:12 PM
Sanya was nervous, it was plain to see, and not because of Miranda's new found appreciation of her own abilities. It was because they had been friends for far longer and could read the tells.

She took up a the empty seat next to Sanya and sat with an open body language in an attempt to soothe the Minister's nerves. "You showed a great disservice to the Empire with your arrogance. However, since the incident, you have brought stability Auril sector once again, culling that uprising of pro-Rebellion marchers with efficiency my Grandfather would be proud of."

It would be the last time that would occur. Several outspoken supporters had been a thorn in Sanya's side and they had gathered their numbers, thinking they could shame the Minister further after loosing face with the Empress. Instead, the confident Sanya that she has respected for years had returned to reclaim respect and used her resources to not only capture the insurgents, but to make it appear that the Rebellion were the ones corrupting impressionable youth to their cause...

Sanya Tagge
Jul 24th, 2010, 04:25:33 PM
It had taken a civilian uprising to re-instil in Sanya the resolve that had earned her the ministerial position in the first place. Although her detractors had called her an amateur, Sanya Tagge's record spoke for itself. She was young in years but had a wealth of experience, having progressed from the Sub-Adult Group to COMPNOR as a model of Imperial education. Pride, in both herself and the Empire, had been her downfall, but she was not above learning from her own mistakes. The people of the Auril Sector had been the first to learn that, as a new ministerial outposts had been set up throughout the sector to make sure that they were diligent and obedient in their loyalty to the Empress at all times.

“All I do, and have ever done, is in the service of our glorious Empire.”

Miranda Tarkin
Jul 24th, 2010, 04:37:10 PM
"I know," said the Empress emphatically. They were crafted from the same mold - with similar interests in COMPNOR that led them deep into political web of the Galactic Empire. However, the pride that they surely earned had been overshadowed by greed in Sanya's case. It was the first, and hopefully, only infraction that will ever occur in her record. How the Minister had handled the scandal and achieved brilliance on Auril showed character.

"Which is why I want you to oversee Cloud City, our latest acquisition." It was a favorable move by most of the Ministers. Sanya's actions had not one over everyone in her service, but with the combined presence of the military with Admiral Travis North - who was also recently promoted and handpicked for this task.

Sanya Tagge
Jul 25th, 2010, 08:02:36 AM

Now, she regretted being placed so directly in front of Miranda. The Empress had, once again, caught her old friend unawares and forced Sanya to react in a split second to what was undoubtedly a life-changing proclamation.

“What about the Ministry?”

Miranda Tarkin
Jul 25th, 2010, 08:20:58 AM
She waved off Sanya's concern as if it were a trivial matter, "I'm sure you'll find someone to oversee the operations on Coruscant while you manage from afar."

Miranda had to admit, catching her old friend off guard was just tantalizing. Having forgiven her for the recent transgression, it did not mean the Empress couldn't enjoy keeping the Minister on her toes.

"You and I hold the Ministry in deep regard. I desire no one but you to be in charge of it."

Sanya Tagge
Jul 25th, 2010, 08:38:38 AM
I desire no one but you... The words sent a delicious shiver down her spine and in spite of all impulses to the contrary, Sanya remained composed. “Yes... yes, of course.”

As a sector monitor, Tagge had overseen the Auril Sector from the Chateau on Vjun. She did not need to be physically present on every world that concerned her to affect some influence. After all, the very nature of the Ministry's business was to ensure the messages and morals of the Empire were ubiquitous and ultimately self-perpetuating. The day when their presence was no longer needed on a world was the day that they could say their work was done. Coruscant, of all places, would be safe without her.

Sanya bowed her head. “Thank you for this opportunity.”

Miranda Tarkin
Jul 25th, 2010, 08:55:51 AM
Was it shock or something else that had tripped up Sanya's usual impeccable speech. The Minister might be overly cautious because of their past and perhaps it was that creating the tension between them.

"Sanya," she began, setting aside her drink and placed her hand on top of the Minister's arm that was resting against the chair. Contrary to how Sanya presented herself, Miranda could tell that she needed reassurance, "We were and will always be friends. There is a time and place for certain decorum, but you promised me that my title would not build a wedge between us."

She smiled, "What's past is past. Now we build a future together, for the Empire."

Sanya Tagge
Jul 31st, 2010, 02:56:47 PM
They had known one another almost all of their lives but there was something almost profane about being touched by the Empress. With a calming breath, Sanya allowed herself a demure smile. Miranda was right, of course – this was about more than just the two of them. The very future of the Empire was in their hands, and although such leadership was not an honor they had expected to receive so early, the abrupt death of their predecessors at the hands of the Rebel Alliance had thrust responsibility on the two young women.

“Together,” she agreed, her smile growing. “For our Empire.”

Miranda Tarkin
Aug 3rd, 2010, 09:24:24 AM
Her hand squeezed Sanya's arm in approval and smiled, "Yes. For our Empire."

As Empress, Miranda was not delusional into thinking that she could run the galaxy alone. It took billions of political, military and citizenry to maintain order - Miranda was its symbol.

She clinked her glass against Sanya's, which was barely touched. "Now drink up. You have every reason to celebrate."

Sanya Tagge
Aug 3rd, 2010, 12:34:56 PM
No further invitation was needed, as Sanya's mood was buoyed by her Empress's reassuring words.

“To new challenges,” she toasted and raised her glass with a flourish before drinking deeply. Part of her mind was parsecs away already, recalling every little detail she could about the infamous Cloud City. It's crisp, clean walkways were a stark contrast to the dusty antiquity of Vjun, and even the sleek, durasteel towers of Coruscant. Whilst young in years, Sanya was becoming particularly well-traveled, though her brother was still significantly more experienced in that regard.

She cradled the now half-empty glass in her lap.

“How soon am I to leave?”

Miranda Tarkin
Aug 3rd, 2010, 02:10:57 PM
Half glass of her own, Miranda balanced it upon her knee and frown slightly. "You'll have to get your affairs in order both here and on Vjun. I had figured on two weeks, to compensate for travel time of course."

It did not give her friend much time but Sanya needed to oversee authority there promptly. That was the true reason for the frown. She was hoping there would be more time to repair the damage that had been caused on a more personal level.

"I will announce my decision publicly within a weeks time."

Sanya Tagge
Aug 9th, 2010, 03:55:11 PM
Two weeks. Depending on which angle you approached it from, it was either scant little time or more than enough. With the resources at her disposal, Sanya could begin to put in motion all the changes that would be necessary. Already, she was drafting a to-do list in her mind. Just the thought of her own competence in that regard made the Minister smile. The empty glass in her hand went a little way towards broadening that smile, too.

“If you'll forgive such a candid comment.. I am pleased to hear that I won't be removed from your company too soon, Miranda. I can hardly remember the last time we were able to sit down together, like this.”

Miranda Tarkin
Aug 15th, 2010, 09:49:11 PM
Always a good hostess, Miranda pointed out the empty glass in Sanya's hand with a pinky that had pried itself off of her own glass. "Would you like that freshened up?"

Tilting her head to the side, Miranda smiled, huffing lightly at the ensuing comment. "Why would I need to forgive such candor?"

Without even waiting for a response to either question, the Empress had removed herself from her friend's side and went to retrieve the bottle of whiskey from the cabinet. "But you are correct. It's been ..."

She had to pause and recollect on the last time they were in each other's company, alone, and not discussing business. Turning around with bottle in hand, she shrugged, "Dare I say years? It must be."

Sitting down next to Sanya, she smiled shrewdly, "My memory isn't that bad to, so it has to have been. Tis sad, truly."