View Full Version : Where is this handbasket headed again...?

Sadie K'Vesh
Jul 24th, 2010, 02:51:08 AM
"I don't like this none, Sadie..."

Despite bein' in a ridiculous get-up that hid most of his features, there was no disguisin’ the deep dronin’ voice that went along with that over-sized man-child that was Rex. Big sap kept nervously lookin' over his shoulder the whole damn time, come to think of it - he’d been doin’ that since before they even entered the damn bank. Frakin’ Rex...

“I know big guy, shouldn’t be all that much longer. Mother frakers got themselves a whole heap of security.” Sadie didn’t even bother lookin away from the console that her fingers were dancin’ over, she just knew the look Rex was givin’ her at that moment and how damn sorry it looked.

"Thought that wasn’t supposed to happen. Didn’t Bog go and say that this was going to be easy?"

Why thank ya Mister Obvious. Yep, it was true, the "Boss", if ya wanted to go and call the lazy bastard that, had said this here bank job on this backwater planet was goin’ to be easy streak. Nice and simple. In with attitude and out with the mangy excuse for currency then apparently he had some hook up or another that was gonna go and take care of the gettin’ rid of the dren and gettin’ some actual usable stuff. O’Course he left out the nice lil tidbit that the trio would be droppin’ in durin’ some sort of busy hour in the little minin’ town where the bank was located, folks gettin’ paid and wantin’ checks cashed or some-such.

That left Ronan with a sock pulled over his head to hide his mass of green hair and a big ugly lookin gun in the lobby, threatenin to shoot the next poor bastard that even thought about pullin his nose off the floor or movin’ his hands off the back of his head. That’s right... next. Poor guy had already had to go and space some brave dumbass who thought it’d be funny to try and play hero. All in all, there was some huge cosmic joke about them all that moment, a guitarist turned new murder, drummer playin’ watchdog with his own blaster at the ready (though Sadie knew he’d never use the thing), and the bass player attemptin’ to crack into the bank’s computer to turn off their communications and hopefully open the big ol safe just in the next room.

“Well you can go and tell Bog that when we finish this and get back home, yeah? Oh, and stop callin’ me Sadie, it’s ‘Molly’ for this gig, savy?”

Rex turned all sorts of shades of red as he went and realized he’d frakked up, somethin’ Sadie caught only in brief before she went back to the code. Yep, dug right in with claws outstretched and everythin’. Didn’t have to make it clean, could cut right on through, didn’t matter what in the system got all lost in the end so long as it got the job done on this one. Numbers and letters flew by quick on the viewscreen, so quick that if Rex had been lookin’ he woulda gotten all kinds of sick.

Just three more keystrokes and.....

“Magic, presto, amen with a side of trimpian.”

The safe door slid open.

Of course, that was one of those times when you just knew somethin’ was gonna happen and right on schedule, Ronan’s voice hollared at the back room, still somehow keepin’ that sound like the guy went and gargled with shards of trasparisteel every mornin. “Yo Molly, we got company!”

Sadie K'Vesh
Sep 4th, 2010, 11:27:42 PM
“Frak's sake, Roho, I ain't your boss, handle that dren!" Sadie was the kind to get the matter real quick.

Yeah so, someone showed up to the party that wanted to put an end to it. Weren't Sadie's problem. She was code-girl. Always was. Sad thing was that the band had gone and seen her in some sick light that put her in charge too. Didn't these pricks know that the bass player was neverthe actual person in charge?

Safe was open though, that was her end of the deal and it was done.

“Rex, get on with it, we aint got no time to sit around here and twiddle thumbs. If the fuzz is on us then Roho's gonna need a hand, gorramit!" Rex needed a mental shove, Sadie wasn't quite sure if that'd do it. Didn't need a heavy to move the creds, needed the damn heavy to make sure that Ronan made it home in good enough shape to handle his solo he'd be playin' the day after.

Sure enough the big lug nodded once before goin' and seein' what in the frak it was that Ronan knew was about to pounce upon the lot of them. That left Sadie to go raid the safe which had a pretty penny it in.

Frakking backwards arse planet actually still had physical currency. Wasn't quite paper, but wasn't quite flimiplast either. There were gorram stacks of it though and all Sadie could do it was sigh at the looks of it.

“Well frak me sideways..."

She wasn't gonna be able to carry everythin' out on her onesies and that thought was less than ideal...

And that was when the blaster fire started off in the bank lobby.