View Full Version : Wanted: Sympathetic Ear
Korlen Tarask
Jul 22nd, 2010, 11:46:05 AM
"Its all about a woman, of course."
The bartender wiped out a glass, subtly ignoring me while I talked. My beer was listening though. It stared at me foamily, its amber eyes holding me spellbound.
"Yeah, I know. Guy walks into a bar, its the same old story. But there really was a woman involved this time." I took a swig of my listener, wiping the foam from my moustache with a practiced hand. "Darla. The name of the jezebel."
My beer sat there, inviting me to continue.
"I thought things were great! But then I come home from working the 'port an' she's fuckin' my cousin. An' my best friend." The bartender, a green skinned near-human with four eyes, literally, looked at me, almost interested. Then he returned to wiping glasses. Bar was almost empty, it was near to closing time.
"Cousin, best friend. Darla. In some sort of weird, six legged, moaning and grunting pretzel that like to have burnt my eyeballs clean out th' back of my head."
I stared at my half empty beer. It stoically waited me out, wanting to let me vent.
"I jus' walked out." I scrubbed a hand over my face, scratching at my beard. "That was this morning." I tipped back the rest of my drink and drank down the last of my sympathetic ear.
Zeel Attond
Jul 24th, 2010, 06:27:21 AM
Zeel knocked on the counter. It was a gesture for his stomach, his taste buds and his soul. He needed a drink. Z was on the far end of the bar, away from the only other drinker in sight. From the look of things, the man was having a good day.
The Rebel wasn't having a good one either. A lot of work was out there, and someone had to do it. Recently, he hadn't been getting the jobs though. Instead, he was stuck on Mon Calamri more often than not, paper-pushing. It was tiring. He needed the vacation.
That didn't work much though.
Over the pass week he had manage to get himself in debt, and out of it, and back in it. Spira had a life all it's own, and getting swept up in all the turmoil was a bit much. Now, he was back to reality, trying to find a good drink, a quiet night, and a calm spirit.
"A Coruscant brandy, on the rocks." The bartender nodded. Z nodded back, lazily. The Miralian was out of it. His glazed eyes had him looking every where. It was like he was alright drunk, but without the spunk.
Head hunkered down, he gave a passing look at the sad man. "You ok, down there?" Z asked as the bartender put down the glass and filled it.
Korlen Tarask
Jul 24th, 2010, 11:51:27 AM
I looked over at the Miralian near the other end of the bar. "I'll survive. Maybe." I tapped my glass to indicate I wanted a refill.
I wasn't being disorderly, so the bartender agreeably poured me another. I took it in my big hand and moved to one stool over from the green guy. "Women. Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em." I downed half my beer in a few big glugs, and said, "M'name's Korlen."
Zeel Attond
Jul 24th, 2010, 12:48:55 PM
Zeel could only nod. He most definitely had his troubles with women. As the man moved stools, Z got adjusted in his seat. Over the time of working with the Rebellion he had gotten jumpy.
"Zeel," he replied, offering his hand. "You got an accent there. Where ya from?"
Korlen Tarask
Aug 22nd, 2010, 01:38:54 PM
"Oh, here an' there," I waved my hand. "How about y..."
My voice trailed off as I caught sight of the ticker at the bottom of the holoscreen above the bar.
What in the -? I put my beer to my lips to hide my open mouth, and took a long drink, my half question forgotten for the moment.
Zeel Attond
Aug 22nd, 2010, 06:04:45 PM
Zeel glanced up at the screen. Clearly, everyone was having a hard time. Despite often being involved in some way in the chaos of the galaxy, Zeel hated the news. It was depressing to him.
"...I'm from some of that there," he waved at the holoscreen. "And that there."
He leaned back and took another sip. "Damn shame those Cizerack are in trouble again."
Korlen Tarask
Aug 22nd, 2010, 06:18:47 PM
I frowned, my brows furrowing down into my eyes. "The Ciz? Th' damn Pride's been supplyin' Inner Rim worlds for years, an' chargin' premium rates for the privilege of eatin' their food. If th' Empire can get them t' lower prices, more th' better, I say."
My brain wasn't in the argument though, and even Darla was forgotten for the moment. Darla! Dammit. I set my beer down a little hard, some of it slopping out onto my hand. "I gotta get out of here. Coruscant maybe. Put this whole...Darla thing b'hind me."
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