View Full Version : Possible New Fighter(s)

Vansen Tyree
Jul 22nd, 2010, 11:21:16 AM
The thread (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=21069) that Rhinn threw up got me thinking; and as I was mulling over what fighters do what (to see if there were more gaps) it spawned this (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=21074) one.

I think I have spotted a few potential gaps, and in particular gaps for things from EU that most people assume are there, but that we haven't got around to writing in yet.

Just some idle speculation on my part, really.

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The Incom A-Wing

A year or two ago, Reshmar and I cooked up the Fans version of the A-Wing II, which I used for my Valkyrie Squadron. Unlike the Incom version of the A-Wing 2 from the EU, we wanted to make it more of a hard-hitter, so that it augmented the existing A-Wing, rather than stamping it out completely. Well, that, and I wanted an excuse to use the original A-Wing concept art. ;)

One of the "problems" with the A-Wing in EU however is that there was no centralised production facility. A-Wings were effectively custom-built, which fits for the rebellion-that-was; but doesn't fit for the rebellion-that-is. Since the SoroSuub A-Wing is very much a different beast, would it be worth adding in the Incom A-Wing as well?

Perhaps call it a Mark IA (RZ-1a), and view it as the "production model" of A-Wing, built by Incom at Mon Cal? This ties in with the modifications that they made to produce the T-65B, rather than producing brand new stand-alone designs.

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T-65C X-Wing Starfighter

Info lists this as being a Rebel Alliance thing, and it's almost as fast as a TIE Interceptor, but not quite. Is it worth beginning to ease this into production, as a slightly faster / better upgrade of the X-Wing: bring it in as a test for Rogue Squadron?

Since the Rogues are alongside the Thunderbolts (who have the A2), as well as standard X- and A-Wing units, it makes sense for them to have something that is "a little bit better", perhaps?

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The B-Wing/E

We don't have any active B-Wing Squadrons at the moment; we seem to pretty much be downplaying the craft as "really new" and "really advanced", so it isn't getting much use; I'm certainly down with that mentality.

The only question I have really is which one? According to the background info, adding the gunner to the B-Wing made a drastic improvement to the kill rate, and basically just involved a new cockpit. Should we just assume that all B-Wings are the two seater version, just to make life easier?

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The V-Wing Airspeeder

This was apparently developed by the Verpines of Slayn & Korpil - again at Mon Calamari - for the New Republic; it's first combat action was at the Battle of Mon Calamari (as featured in the Rogue Squadron game), which doesn't actually happen until about 5 AE.

We're on a different timescale now, and Sumor Ruiyal has his unit that I'm sure would definately benefit from some dedicated Airspeeder awesomeness. Would this be something worth looking into, as something to develop at this point?

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The E-Wing Fighter

This is due to show up around the same sort of time as the V-Wing. It's developed by FreiTek, which was the corporation set up by the Incom designers that defected to the Rebellion - the same people I'm suggesting produce the A-Wing IA, the X-Wing 65C, etc.

Having the E-Wing show up now might seem incredibly fanboyish. But would it be worth laying the ground work, and at least establishing FreiTek? The E-Wing can be their pet project, to trump SoroSuub's A2, and phase out the X-Wing all in one go?

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An ARC-170 "Bomber"?

Speaking of fanboyish - I will happily admit to having a major crush on the ARC-170. Everything about it just seems so fantastically novel. And what's more, it reminds me of a World War II bomber, what with the rear gunner and what not. Unfortunately, it has no bombs; and even it's Proton Torpedos are only just on a par with an X-Wing.

There's no point trying to compete with the B-Wing as the resident Assault Fighter: it's perfect for the role. But it sucks in atmosphere: that wing thing would produce a crazy amount of drag. Instead, what about as a Ground Attack fighter, to directly replace the Y-Wing?

Basically, I'm wondering if we can turn the ARC-170 into the Star Wars version of the A-10 Thunderbolt (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairchild_Republic_A-10_Thunderbolt_II).

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 22nd, 2010, 02:52:46 PM
As a dedicated fleet abstainer, I'll let more knowledge people way in on these ^_^;

Captain Untouchable
Jul 22nd, 2010, 02:58:00 PM
Abstainance! :shakefist

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 24th, 2010, 10:24:21 AM
I could definitely see the ARC-170 being re-tooled for CAS. That thing's got a huge schnozz on it that you could probably drop a light turbolaser into :lol

Xavier Synik
Jul 24th, 2010, 03:56:01 PM
well apparently there is a ARC family fighter that was designed as a planetary bomber. The PTB-625. Unfortunately not a whole lot of info out there to say whether or not it was more of a heavy bomer or more of a CAS bomber.

My guess is a heavy bomber though.

Jaden Luka
Jul 24th, 2010, 04:34:46 PM
Oooh. That's a useful precedent, then.

Sweet. :smokin