View Full Version : Marooned

Jehkran Dmath
Jul 22nd, 2010, 01:00:33 AM

Lambda-class T-4a shuttle was a standard light utility craft in common use throughout the Imperial military as a transport for troops. In the past months the citizens and workers on Etti IV had seen plenty flying overhead. The people of the Corporate Sector capital were use to all sorts of sky traffic. Etti was a hot, steamy planet, with a lot of rain and the buildings & factories were so tall most of the pale skin natives just got use to being towered over. When off-world that wasn’t often the case. Etti were a tall, lanky bunch, and the pilot Galen Itoklo was a perfect example of that. Two weeks previous a wayward Imperial had gotten caught up in a scrimmage out in the Calamari Sector. Needless to say, the man was detained, along with his storm-trooping passengers, and the Lambda-class T-4a shuttle was seized for use. The Executives Office of Corporate Sector Authority, or C.S.A as they are more often called, and the Rebel Alliance’s Special Forces saw to it that the shuttle would be put to use a lot sooner than later. Galen was more than excited to offer his help. Returning to his home planet on business terms was bittersweet though. More sweet than bitter, and this was why Galen had such a silly grin on his face when Jehkran waltz into the cockpit.

“What are you smoking?”

“Huh,” the smile didn’t fade. Turning his head about, he watched as Jehkran plopped himself in the seat.

“You’ve got to be on something with that smile.” Jehkran flashed him a grin before gazing over the control panel. The ship was coming into orbit. Etti was up on the screen. They were only 15 minutes away from dropping down. Leaned up in the chair, he had plenty to think about. This was one of the first mission’s head be leading with a Special Force squad backing him, and he didn’t like the pressure. It made him itchy.

Throughout the run-down, he had a tingle at the back of his neck. He dare not give it the pleasure of a scratch it yearned. Instead, Sergeant Dmath kept focus. The files on the mission had been uploaded to the holopad, and all he had to do was point out the drop-zone. The group hunkered in the seats, back in the Lambda-class hold, knew about the sky-dive routine. The ship would fly over, they’d leap out, and Galen would fly off casually to the nearest docking bay.

The rest would be up to them. They’d have to take out the Etti light-class cruiser factory. Jehkran would lead the operation, handle the troopers inside with his squad, and leave the plant in smithereens. At least that was the objective. The execution required a bit more on the details. Alliance gear wasn’t going to get them easy access, or entrance. They need the heavy artillery to break through the ceiling door. Most of the factories throughout the galaxy had codes & lock systems advanced by Imperial occupation. If the team hadn’t gotten Intel they’d have to make a loud entrance, and that would ruin the element of surprise.

So, instead, Jehkran would have to put his slicing training to use. Not only on the doors, but also the data inside; this mission wasn’t simply a bag and tag. It was dangerous. Everyone knew that going in, but the smiling Etti seemed to be blissfully unaware.

“Sir, I’d never”

“Well, you better not. I catch you with a cigarillo, we’ll make sure you’ll have a nice, long stay on your home.

Now, alert the team when we get within 10 klicks. Ok”

And with a nod, Jehkran was back up, and back to his troops. The Lambda was signal, waived by the Imperials, and dropped down out of orbits. Out the windows was the city, the people, the beauty of Etti. Galen hid his smile, but it didn’t matter. Anybody with eyes could tell he was happy to be back home…

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 22nd, 2010, 03:05:12 PM
De'Ville made sure the straps on her jumpsuit and pack were tight, and sat patiently in the back of the Lambda class shuttle with the rest of the SpecForce people chosen for this particular mission. The Alliance didn't seem to have trouble just throwing her out there to see what she could to, and working in the Corporate Sector was something she'd never done before.

The Empire was based in the Core. But apparently their spindly fingers reached out here too, to Etti IV. The politics of this mission intrigued her, not quite sure why the Alliance wanted to blow up this particular ship factory. But she was good at getting into buildings and making sure that they never produced anything again. Her resume spoke for itself on that point.

Lilaena looked out a transparisteel window at the planet growing larger underneath until they broke atmosphere and the ground grew closer and closer. Jehkran Dmath walked back towards the gathered SpecForce troops, most of whom she didn't know. She gave him a nod to indicate she was ready.

Gus Kalendra
Jul 22nd, 2010, 03:15:49 PM
Gus Kalendra felt nauseous. It wasn't that he didn't like to fly. In fact, he loved it. There was a thrill to taking to the sky that you couldn't get out of anything else. The problem was, he liked to have a few feet of reinforced durasteel between himself and the open air, especially if he was going to be plummeting towards terra firma. He'd thrown himself out of a moving speeder before, but never a ship in mid-flight. Glancing around at the others, Gus swallowed down a lump of anxiety as he tested the strength of the strap around his waist for the tenth time. A big guy, it occurred to him that the equipment he'd been handed might not hold his weight. How the frell had he ended up on this mission, anyway?

Jehkran Dmath
Jul 22nd, 2010, 04:36:35 PM
Jehkran sucked on his teeth. The frown forming on his face wasn't for his squad, but for himself. Trotting into the hold, he hunkered under the door, running his eyes across the crew. Two faces stuck out: Gus and Lilaena. Everyone else were totally new to the field, fresh faces that had either been transferred over for the job, or former mercenaries. His superiors didn't trust him to lead too many experienced soldiers. However, those two had a lot of talk surrounding them.

He'd be watching them. "So, you all ready?"

The Sergeant walked down the line, halting on the door. Picking up his gear, he talked on. Outside the windows, buildings formed. They were getting real close. "...Because it doesn't matter if you aren't," he smiled, putting on the gear. "We still got to do this."

The shuttle was slowing down, and the intercom roared to life. Galen's deep voice boomed through, "5 minutes til drop zone, troopers. Good luck..."

Kyran O'Hurn
Jul 23rd, 2010, 05:03:01 PM
Ky sat up. He'd been sitting back waiting for the announcement that they were nearing the jump zone. Jumping out of a perfectly good transport was just another day at work for him. Though the nervous looks of some of those around him told him that others were not so sure about what they were about to do.

Standing up he stretched his arms up over his head making sure that his muscles were as loose as possible. Taking another look around at the others in the shuttle he shook his head slightly as he ran a last check of his equipment. He wasn't sure about this mission, but hell... orders were orders. And for better of worse, his orders had him about to once again plunge into the open air, this time it would be above Etti.

James Flint
Jul 24th, 2010, 04:08:38 PM
Etti IV, District Rakri

CompForce was the military wing of COMPNOR, created to provide Emperess Tarkin with an army of utterly loyal soldiers separate from the Stormtrooper Corps. Stormtroopers were trained to obey orders without thinking, but at the same time, they were proudly independent of the line military; CompForce units, in contrast, were embedded within the hierarchy of the Imperial Military. James Flint was CompForce. Local police agencies throughout the galaxy functioned much like CompForce units, but not as efficently. The Coalitions of Improvement & Progress had plans for the Corporate Sector. Plans that required hands-on management to be executed. Luckily, the loyal soldiers were on the levere to provide such assistance.

When the Corporate Sector Authority felt the clutches of the Empire, the COMPNOR were called in for reformation. The reformation projects were not only politically, but economical. The Empire applied their laws on sales across the board, hoping to cripple the Alliance's support. James and his troops were there to enforce the policies one sector at a time. Tedious work, but someone had to do the job. The word was out so there should not have been any surprise as the troopers entered their office unannnounced, but the men were very shocked.

The door was blocked in the darken room. Around the round table were Ettis and their guest. They were trying to consolidate a trade deal. A contract was on the table. James was decked in his trooper outfit. He stood behind the Whipids, Krevaaki and Clawdite with his blaster rifle drawn. James glared at the Etti owner. Fear was in the air, along with the dastardly smells, foreign to all the trooper's human noses. Each sentient gave off a strange, new ordor that made the men snarl. The troops surrounded the room with their blasters in hand, staring angrily.

"How dare yo--" The Etti started. One of the troops, Jrude Foo behind him banged him in the head without hesitation.

The rest cowered in their seats. "I am the only one speaking," James began. His blaster was strapped over his shoulder, but pushed to the side as he circled the room.

"Apparently, you all haven't gotten the message from our Emperor. We are in control. Not you, us," walking around the table, he placed his hand on the Jrude's shoulder. "The Empire is monitoring, and keeping you safely. However, you find it appropiate to disobey our orders, our laws, our purpose, for your wrongs..."

James boots thud across the carpeted floor, his dark, omnious eyes clawing at the Etti as he nursed his wounds. The Etti was the business head, the factory owner, and was the prime target for the offenses. From the mission report, the man had created contracts with planets in the Outer Rim for exports without over-view of the Imperial officals consent. Albeit James was not encroach in the political realm, the offense was appauling still.

"...And since you do not grasp the magnitude of your offenses, and dare speak, we will have to make it plain to you why our rules are made." He stopped at the end of the table, his back to it, staring out at the plant. Workers were running around, placed in assembly lines, along with droids, sweating and grinding for the little amount of credits they could get.

"Detain the contractors," he ordered. Before the Etti could retort, the troopers grabbed the aliens, pushing them up against the wall and tables as the handcuffed them.

"This will be on you, fool." He turned, his bold eyes daggering the owner.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 27th, 2010, 02:19:54 PM
De'Ville double checked her parachute, checked the buckles and straps a third time, and pulled her goggles over her eyes just as Dmath gave them the signal for the jump. She'd skydived before, even in one of her missions, but not in a few years.

One by one the Rebels jumped out of the shuttle, and she gave Dmath a thumbs up before throwing herself out. Her goggles had a rudimentary HRD, enough to help her target the building they were aiming for and keep track of the other jumpers. The wind buffeted her body, and she kept her arms and legs in tightly, arrowing down towards the surface of Etti IV.