Jehkran Dmath
Jul 22nd, 2010, 01:00:33 AM
Lambda-class T-4a shuttle was a standard light utility craft in common use throughout the Imperial military as a transport for troops. In the past months the citizens and workers on Etti IV had seen plenty flying overhead. The people of the Corporate Sector capital were use to all sorts of sky traffic. Etti was a hot, steamy planet, with a lot of rain and the buildings & factories were so tall most of the pale skin natives just got use to being towered over. When off-world that wasn’t often the case. Etti were a tall, lanky bunch, and the pilot Galen Itoklo was a perfect example of that. Two weeks previous a wayward Imperial had gotten caught up in a scrimmage out in the Calamari Sector. Needless to say, the man was detained, along with his storm-trooping passengers, and the Lambda-class T-4a shuttle was seized for use. The Executives Office of Corporate Sector Authority, or C.S.A as they are more often called, and the Rebel Alliance’s Special Forces saw to it that the shuttle would be put to use a lot sooner than later. Galen was more than excited to offer his help. Returning to his home planet on business terms was bittersweet though. More sweet than bitter, and this was why Galen had such a silly grin on his face when Jehkran waltz into the cockpit.
“What are you smoking?”
“Huh,” the smile didn’t fade. Turning his head about, he watched as Jehkran plopped himself in the seat.
“You’ve got to be on something with that smile.” Jehkran flashed him a grin before gazing over the control panel. The ship was coming into orbit. Etti was up on the screen. They were only 15 minutes away from dropping down. Leaned up in the chair, he had plenty to think about. This was one of the first mission’s head be leading with a Special Force squad backing him, and he didn’t like the pressure. It made him itchy.
Throughout the run-down, he had a tingle at the back of his neck. He dare not give it the pleasure of a scratch it yearned. Instead, Sergeant Dmath kept focus. The files on the mission had been uploaded to the holopad, and all he had to do was point out the drop-zone. The group hunkered in the seats, back in the Lambda-class hold, knew about the sky-dive routine. The ship would fly over, they’d leap out, and Galen would fly off casually to the nearest docking bay.
The rest would be up to them. They’d have to take out the Etti light-class cruiser factory. Jehkran would lead the operation, handle the troopers inside with his squad, and leave the plant in smithereens. At least that was the objective. The execution required a bit more on the details. Alliance gear wasn’t going to get them easy access, or entrance. They need the heavy artillery to break through the ceiling door. Most of the factories throughout the galaxy had codes & lock systems advanced by Imperial occupation. If the team hadn’t gotten Intel they’d have to make a loud entrance, and that would ruin the element of surprise.
So, instead, Jehkran would have to put his slicing training to use. Not only on the doors, but also the data inside; this mission wasn’t simply a bag and tag. It was dangerous. Everyone knew that going in, but the smiling Etti seemed to be blissfully unaware.
“Sir, I’d never”
“Well, you better not. I catch you with a cigarillo, we’ll make sure you’ll have a nice, long stay on your home.
Now, alert the team when we get within 10 klicks. Ok”
And with a nod, Jehkran was back up, and back to his troops. The Lambda was signal, waived by the Imperials, and dropped down out of orbits. Out the windows was the city, the people, the beauty of Etti. Galen hid his smile, but it didn’t matter. Anybody with eyes could tell he was happy to be back home…
Lambda-class T-4a shuttle was a standard light utility craft in common use throughout the Imperial military as a transport for troops. In the past months the citizens and workers on Etti IV had seen plenty flying overhead. The people of the Corporate Sector capital were use to all sorts of sky traffic. Etti was a hot, steamy planet, with a lot of rain and the buildings & factories were so tall most of the pale skin natives just got use to being towered over. When off-world that wasn’t often the case. Etti were a tall, lanky bunch, and the pilot Galen Itoklo was a perfect example of that. Two weeks previous a wayward Imperial had gotten caught up in a scrimmage out in the Calamari Sector. Needless to say, the man was detained, along with his storm-trooping passengers, and the Lambda-class T-4a shuttle was seized for use. The Executives Office of Corporate Sector Authority, or C.S.A as they are more often called, and the Rebel Alliance’s Special Forces saw to it that the shuttle would be put to use a lot sooner than later. Galen was more than excited to offer his help. Returning to his home planet on business terms was bittersweet though. More sweet than bitter, and this was why Galen had such a silly grin on his face when Jehkran waltz into the cockpit.
“What are you smoking?”
“Huh,” the smile didn’t fade. Turning his head about, he watched as Jehkran plopped himself in the seat.
“You’ve got to be on something with that smile.” Jehkran flashed him a grin before gazing over the control panel. The ship was coming into orbit. Etti was up on the screen. They were only 15 minutes away from dropping down. Leaned up in the chair, he had plenty to think about. This was one of the first mission’s head be leading with a Special Force squad backing him, and he didn’t like the pressure. It made him itchy.
Throughout the run-down, he had a tingle at the back of his neck. He dare not give it the pleasure of a scratch it yearned. Instead, Sergeant Dmath kept focus. The files on the mission had been uploaded to the holopad, and all he had to do was point out the drop-zone. The group hunkered in the seats, back in the Lambda-class hold, knew about the sky-dive routine. The ship would fly over, they’d leap out, and Galen would fly off casually to the nearest docking bay.
The rest would be up to them. They’d have to take out the Etti light-class cruiser factory. Jehkran would lead the operation, handle the troopers inside with his squad, and leave the plant in smithereens. At least that was the objective. The execution required a bit more on the details. Alliance gear wasn’t going to get them easy access, or entrance. They need the heavy artillery to break through the ceiling door. Most of the factories throughout the galaxy had codes & lock systems advanced by Imperial occupation. If the team hadn’t gotten Intel they’d have to make a loud entrance, and that would ruin the element of surprise.
So, instead, Jehkran would have to put his slicing training to use. Not only on the doors, but also the data inside; this mission wasn’t simply a bag and tag. It was dangerous. Everyone knew that going in, but the smiling Etti seemed to be blissfully unaware.
“Sir, I’d never”
“Well, you better not. I catch you with a cigarillo, we’ll make sure you’ll have a nice, long stay on your home.
Now, alert the team when we get within 10 klicks. Ok”
And with a nod, Jehkran was back up, and back to his troops. The Lambda was signal, waived by the Imperials, and dropped down out of orbits. Out the windows was the city, the people, the beauty of Etti. Galen hid his smile, but it didn’t matter. Anybody with eyes could tell he was happy to be back home…