View Full Version : A journey is best measured in friends rather than miles

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 18th, 2010, 09:28:17 AM
Leaning against the hull of her rusty KR-TB Doomtreader (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/KR-TB_%22Doomtreader%22), Thanewulf lit her pipe up. The sweet scent of tobacco soon enveloped her, aromatic herbs evaporating into thick, ivory-coloured smoke. The Knight inhaled deeply, the fumes having an almost hypnotic effect on her; just as she began to relish its fragrance, somebody poked her in the shoulder.

''No smoking here.'' a male voice sounded, belonging to one of Bothan technicians aboard The Valiant. Indeed, there was a universal no-smoking sign stuck to the inner plating of the hangar bay, preventively warning in several languages. Tionne frowned and grumbled, then plucked the pipe out of her mouth, turned it upside down and let the cindering contents fall to the ground. She then stomped over it, heavy boots clanking against the metallic floor.

''Satisfied?'' she hissed, crossing arms over her chest.
''Most appreciated.'' the furry engineer muffled through his muzzle, returning to whatever wrenching he was doing - ''The Empire did not blow us up, why would you?''
The Coruscanti just cursed after him, a plethora of insults in Huttese telling of his heritage, his mother and grazing.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 18th, 2010, 09:40:35 AM
Anbira's first trip aboard Valiant had been an interesting one. Of course, being a "new Jedi", he was given more or less the usual tour of the ship, showing him facilities he might need in the future, and having his very few questions answered. The color of the place had him a bit transfixed. Everything was so stark and white compared to Whaladon. He wasn't used to it quite yet, so for the majority of the tour, he walked around with a bit of a grimace and his eyes scrunched up.

Hearing the small cloud of profanity forming in the hangar bay, he excused himself from the junior officer tour guide, and headed over to see a very familiar red-headed Jedi, looking less than thrilled.

"Some problem, Tionne?"

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 18th, 2010, 09:49:57 AM
A familiar presence drew an instant smile to her lips, a familiar Force signature grazing against her senses. Even before he approached, let alone spoke, Thanewulf knew Anbira Hicchoru was near.

''They don't let me smoke here. Or anywhere aboard this tin can.'' she said, venting her frustration in a dampened grunt. The bulb of the pipe was tapped against the hull to remove excess ash before put away into one of many compartments of her utility belt. She then slid her palms down her thighs, rubbing them clean against the cloth of her dark cargo pants.

''Also, I am waiting to get clearance for take-off. What are you doing here?'' asked the Coruscanti, folding bare arms over her chest.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 18th, 2010, 09:56:35 AM
Anbira canned the lecture about smoking, as it certainly wouldn't do anything here. He empathized with her feelings of being "pent up" to some degree. It was tough for him to spend extended periods in enclosed spaces.

"Taking the tour, it seems?"

For effect, he gestured to the rest of the ship beyond.

"It's, um, bright?"

Changing the subject, he queried on her destination.

"Headed back to Whaladon?"

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 18th, 2010, 11:03:44 AM
Tionne pushed herself off the hull, chaffing her palms against each other. Years of use covered the exterior of her anvil-shaped ship with a foil of dirt and tiny space debris. It reminded her to get it cleaned, as soon as they docked to some civil port.

''No. My birdie is far too big to fit inside that ol' barrel.'' she said, taking a step forwards - ''I'm heading to Vendaxa, to retrieve something I misplaced a while ago.''
A pause ensued, as the Knight mused if inviting a fellow Jedi for a rampage across a particularly hostile jungle planet was appropriate. She had only seen him once until now, yet grew to like his simplicity and pragmatism. Also, another blade would be useful if they were to encounter an acklay rummaging though the Vendaxan thicket.

''Care to join me?'' the redhead probed, keeping her tone nonchalant and unobliging - ''With me gone, there isn't much to see around here.''

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 18th, 2010, 11:07:30 AM
A chance to get off a ship and onto a real pla-

"Yes absolutely!"

He hoped he didn't seem too stir-crazy in his extreme eagerness to travel to a planet with its own environment and air, night, day, sun, weather, and the list went on. It was surprising to realize that he'd been starving for all of these things.

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 18th, 2010, 11:42:03 AM
Turning on her heel, Thanewulf proceeded to her ship, ramp lowered with a quiescent hiss. A saucy smile crossed her lips upon hearing the enthusiasm in his voice; Anbira too craved open space, natural lighting and fresh air. Hopefully, he would not regret his rash decision once they land on Vendaxa.

''The place we are going is hot and humid. Ninety percent of the surface is jungle. You should feel at home.'' the Knight commented as she meandered through the tight passages that lead to the cockpit. Slumping into one of the recliner chairs, she leaned back, strapping herself in.

''Also, you might consider loosing as much clothing as possible. We'll need to smudge some mud over us when we get there, just to keep the insects off.''
A white tank-top was pulled out of one of the overhead compartments, previously belonging to her long-lost apprentice. Tossing the garment backwards, Tionne expected him to catch it.

''Hope it fits. He was somewhat less...'' she paused, trying to find the correct word - ''voluminous than you.''

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 18th, 2010, 12:21:51 PM
Anbira arched a curious eyebrow at her suggestion.

"Form-fitting body gloves and plastoid armor are less effective bug repellant than mud and tunics? It sounds like something of an interesting place."

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 18th, 2010, 12:41:46 PM
''An armour is not going to protect you from what lurks out there. You'd probably get eaten and that casing you wear spat out like a furball.'' she commented before eyeing the flight control through the viewport. Green light had been given for take-off.

''Ugh, finally.'' Thanewulf grumbled, plastering her hands to the flight yoke. The seat next to her was still empty.
''Either remain in that turtleshell or wear what I gave you - but in each case, sit down. I don't want you splattering against the back of the cabin once I turn the engines on.''
Final preparations were made, a number of switched ticked off. The screen illuminated Tionne's face with a golden glow, as the entire system powered up.
''Oh, this will be fun...''

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 18th, 2010, 06:43:26 PM
"It's not the armor that makes the man."

Anbira removed his outer armor with a coy grin, slipping the top of his synthetic body glove off to wear the tunic Tionne had recommended. True to form it was a little more snug than he'd figured, but still plenty of space to move about in.

He took a seat next to the red-headed Jedi.

"Any chance for a stroll outside, I'm thrilled honestly."

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 18th, 2010, 07:01:01 PM
White cloth stretched across Anbira's chest, delineating sculpted muscle underneath. Thanewulf scolded herself inwardly for even noticing; peeling her eyes off his physique, she hit the button and the engines flared up, levitating the vessel off ground.
''Hey, you have eyes, Tionne. And he's got the body of a model from the back of a fitness magazine. The math is very simple.'' an inner voice sounded, attempting to rationalize the attention she'd given to Hicchoru's abs. There were times when Jedi had to fight natural urges and then, more then ever, restraint played a key role. Hence, Thanewulf kept her eyes on the controls as the ship flew out of hanger bay and into the starless void surrounding them.

''Vendaxa is similar to Felucia, in a sense. Primarily by the number of species designated to kill you.'' the redhead offered, forcefully pushing any indecent thoughts out her her head. The ghost of her grandfather cackled at the back of her mind, reminding her of that flirtatious streak she inherited from him.
''I guess it will remind you of home.'' she stated, managing a small smile upon plotting the hyperdrive route in the nav-computer.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 18th, 2010, 07:15:56 PM
Anbira laughed at that, inwardly amazed at how she was able to disarm him completely at times.

"That sounds quite nearly cozy, actually."

He eased back into his seat, watching her pilot the ship. She had a natural grace about her that was easy to hide by bravado, but hard to ignore when in plain sight.

"So then, I suppose by the nature of the local flora and fauna, we're looking at something a little more than a blue milk run then?"

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 19th, 2010, 08:43:17 AM
Upon calibrating the trajectory, Thanewulf slid her finger across the screen of the motherboard, igniting the hyperdrive. Sudden thrust forwards shook them in their seats; those scant few stars visible through the viewport gleamed, then transformed into long silver streaks as they entered hyperspace. The ship embarked on a steady course, as if gliding on ice. Tionne let go of the yoke, after adjusting the screens to compensate for the brightness of subspace. Having done everything to ensure a safe journey, it was not time to explain the purpose of their trip.

''After Order 66 was issued, the last of the Jedi Watchmen congregated on Drexel, bringing the remnants of what was saved from the original Jedi Temple at Coruscant. Only a fraction of holocrons were retrieved; we had to make sure they survived the Purge.'' the redhead explained, finally finding the courage to look in Anbira's direction . Relative darkness kept it easy to focus on his face solely.

''Seven of us Watchmen were charged with scattering them across the galaxy. Naturally, I was given The Penumbra, an ancient holocron that taught the rare art of Force Cloak (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Force_Cloak), to those who had a natural aptness in the field.'' the Knight explained, crossing her legs.
''Future generations of Jedi will have use of it, as the ultimate level that can be reached with it is invisibility. Not just in the Force, but also visually.''

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 19th, 2010, 10:05:52 PM
Intrigued, Anbira sat up a bit.


A look of mild surprise on his face.

"That's a bit more of a trick than pushing a few rocks about.

I'd heard of holocrons in my recon days, but mainly, you know, macguffin talk. Tall tales and things like they'd make you fly, make you live forever, make you irresistable to women. Things you'd figure bored soldiers would say, I guess. Ironically, the topic came up much less in ten years of talking to actual Jedi, uh, ghosts."

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 20th, 2010, 03:09:35 AM
''To master Force Cloak, you have to hone skills of concealing your presence in the Force. I've already learned and effectively use this power. It saved my life a great number of times. However, I never got to the point of being able to become virtually invisible. It takes much more concentration and maturity. My grandfather was able to utilize the power completely and vanish from plain sight. Knowing him, he probably used it to sneak into girl's locker rooms.'' Thanewulf jested, reclining back in the pilot's chair. The thought of her grandpa drew a smile to her face.

''Unfortunately, there hasn't been made a holocron that could make anybody more attractive to women. If it did exist, I'm sure my grandfather would already have found it.'' she continued, then glanced at Anbira, sporting a lop-sided, slightly amused grin.
''Technically, you could persuade girls into liking you by using a Jedi mindtrick. Still, it only works on the weak-minded, thus ruling out all the interesting women.''

Restraint was never Tionne's strong suit. Nor did a monk-like conduct suit her. Nevertheless, she looked away, pretending to check up on the progress of the trip. Their gazes chaffed against each other too often, when eyes grazed against what hands were forbidden to touch.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 20th, 2010, 09:53:28 PM
Anbira laughed at that.

"You can see the sort of company I used to keep. Not exactly temple material, huh?"

He caught sight of that. Her sudden turning away. Teasing at first, and then reluctance. He opened his mouth to say something and promptly shut it. What was he going to say, anyway?

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 21st, 2010, 05:38:01 AM
With hyperlane path stable, there were no other diagnostics to run. Following the well-established Hydian Way was the safest way to travel to Vendaxa. Alternatively, one could take the Corellian Run, but Thanewulf opted against it, merely because of Imperial security forces often escorting fleets of freighters. Privateers always had protection from whoever was in charge; doing business with the government was always lucrative, the Knight reflected upon switching all unnecessary systems to stand by to conserve energy and avoid detection.

The sole light illuminating the cockpit was that of the motherboard, bathing the confined space in a golden-red glow. A few moments of awkward silence between two Jedi gave her enough time to figure what to do with all that time aboard the ship, alone with Hicchoru. A fleeting glance to his expression told her Anbira had seen her reaction and remained speechless. Thanewulf was not going to push further. She rose from her seat, finding her voice again.

“The flight will take approximately seven hours.’’ she reported, slipping past him – “I’ll be in the back, resting. You can either stay here or join me, whichever you prefer.”
The easiest thing to do was to simply leave difficult choices to others. Dismissing all previous thoughts, the Knight strode through the narrow corridor to reach the chamber at the back of the ship. A prisoner’s cage reworked into a study, it was a personalized space, her little oasis where the Coruscanti-born hid to engage in her favorite hobby – science.

Bookshelves contained tomes and datapads on anything ranging from evolutionary biology to chemistry of materials, a few misplaced jars with rare specimens from across the galaxy and set of ominously looking tools, presumably used for dissecting. On the other side, a large, weaved hammock in which Tionne slept, an ingenious solution in lack of space for a proper bed. By a low window, a medium-sized mattress was placed, filled with porous sponge that creased accordingly when one sat on it.

Upon entering what could be very well considered her quarters, Tionne slipped her boots off and sat on the pallet, wrapping legs and straightening her back to assume the lotus position. Hands were placed on thighs, palms out; deeply inhaling a lungful of stale air, the Knight intended to engage in an activity she hadn’t practiced in a while – meditation.

With eyes closed, the entirety of her body relaxed, strain leaving her muscles as she opened to the Force and let its sanctifying presence envelop her. Anbira’s presence glowed in the front of the ship, like a lonesome star in a system void of planets. In all likelihood, his Force sensitivity surpassed most of Jedi at The Wheel, yet his skills remained a diamond in the rough.

The sheer will for survival had forged him into an individual worthy of the rank of Knight. What would happen when he receives proper training, Tionne wondered. And the voices he hears, of Jedi long bygone… The Force intended him for an important role, without a doubt. If a larger plan demanded it, she would retrieve. Jedi spirits only spoke to those of the purest of hearts. Anbira would have to remain so if he wished to converse with Masters of the Old in the future. The redhead was not going to taint it just because she felt a glitch between them.

Her ruminations were interrupted by that very presence at the entrance. A part of her wanted for her eyes to open and smile. Yet nothing happened, her serenity a silent invitation for him to join her on the mat.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 21st, 2010, 08:16:50 PM
He was neither alone nor inundated with company. Tionne's companionship was a strange sort of company, and he found that he could focus on her, and drift away into his thoughts as easily as water flowing over river stones. Something compelled him follow her to the back of the ship.

"You know the thing I'm most excited for?"

Why was he talking? She was meditating. Surely, seeing this should stop him, but he was still speaking.

"The sound. That sound of nothing and everything. Everything to the point that it becomes nothing, and you sleep the best sleep ever."

So far, his talking hadn't destroyed her meditation, so he figured he'd join her and try to find a bit of meaning to his nonsense.

"White noise, and the sound of ships, are tough substitutes for that kind of peace."

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 22nd, 2010, 06:05:52 AM
''You need to learn how to rest.'' whispered Tionne with eyes still closed. She imagined there would be much on a mind of person hearing voices from the past; Anbira needed to learn how to ensure solitude within his head. Very much like the Coruscanti, he had spent much of his last years on the run, finding nor the time nor a place safe enough to unwind.

''Down.'' she almost commanded, pulling him by the cloth of his trousers. When Hicchoru finally sat beside her, the Knight extended her hand to grab his, forcefully intertwining fingers. The smoothness of her palms was in stark contrast with his chapped hands; deeply exhaling, Tionne cleared her thoughts enough so she could speak right into his mind.

''You can find peace you yearn for within you. It is there, inside. Through my hand, you should taste some of my own serenity. Let it teach you how to relax. Don't be afraid. Trust me.'' the Knight projected, voice echoing across the Force.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 23rd, 2010, 10:39:13 AM
That was disconcerting at first. Anbira's hold on Tionne's hand tightened just barely as he felt her voice in his mind. He imagined the absurdity of hearing disembodied spirits as a course of habit for years, and it was hearing the voices of living beings through the force that surprised him. He exhaled slowly, becoming familiar with her presence in a closeness that was intimate in ways that transcended the physical connotations of the word. Her thoughts and voice combined with his.

Everything else, even the white noise of the ship and the sound of air scrubbers and engines, disappeared.

It seems so strange to feel you in my mind, and yet to know you're right here.

Anbira smiled as he he remained sitting, eyes closed.

I feel like we've known each other longer than we have.

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 23rd, 2010, 10:58:45 AM
"The feeling is mutual.''she replied into his mind, breathing steady and shallow. Masters of the Old were silent now that she was there, within his cranium. The essence of her being pacified like the view of a clear mountain lake framed with an endless expanse of coniferous forest, the tip of her finger idly tracing between his thumb and index finger. It was not an intended gesture, but rather an instinctual one; unlike the disciple of the Unifying Force she was, Tionne succumbed to the moment. For a person who had denounced all carnal, a gentle yet untainted touch would be a powerful potion.

''You don't need to speak in order to be heard. Think... and I will hear you, if you let me.'' the Knight whispered through the Force, lips parting upon hearing his heartbeat decrease in frequency, synchronizing with hers.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 23rd, 2010, 11:55:42 AM
Anbira opened himself up to the opportunity, sharing in Tionne's thoughts, experiences, knowledge, as she shared in his. The effect was a calming and unifying experience, opening Anbira's eyes to things he had neither experienced nor considered, and giving him a peace of understanding just a little bit more of the universe that surrounded him.

Time lost its form in this state, and all linear expectation of its beginning and its end. Thus, there was no real sense of time spent when the proximity alert pinged to signal their nearness to the realspace exit point. Had it been a moment shared, or a lifetime? Anbira felt fulfilled by the experience as his eyes opened to look at Tionne.

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 23rd, 2010, 12:32:01 PM
Wordlessly, she let go of his hand. The sound of arrival had brought her back to reality, qualms over attachments kicking in once again. Perhaps it was too much to be shared in such a short time, the Knight feared. Tionne sprung to her feet and hurried to the cockpit, leaving Anbira seated on the mat. Her hands wrapped around the yoke after slumping into pilot's seat, a casual glance given to the display board of the nav computer.

Three, two, one...
White streaks of hyperspace converged into an array of fixed, shimmering points, as the vessel plummeted into realspace with a dampened thump. The cloudy disc of Vendaxa loomed over the viewport, its misty and humid atmosphere swirling in cyclones plaguing its southern hemisphere. Thanewulf typed in the designated coordinates, then glanced over her shoulder to where she felt Hicchoru was.

''I've hidden the holocron in a cave that is part of the Great Rift. The forest is dense there. We'll have to park further away and then make our way through the jungle. A great way to tour and be potentially devoured by Vendaxian flora and fauna.'' said the Coruscanti, voice laced with trademark cynicism. She was glad Anbira decided to join her quest; two blades would be mightier than one.

The ship sunk through thick overcast and rain; when the skies cleared, there was rainforest as far as the eye can see. Vendaxa's sun was exceptionally bright, which did wonders for plant growth - and where plants thrived, so did other life. Spotting the only clearing in a radius of a few hundred miles, Tionne made a half-circle in an attempt to land the ship. It was a soft touchdown, partially due to swampy Vendaxan soil and the moss they landed on. With a hiss, the ramp was lowered and warm, heavy air rushed inside.

''Leave all unnecessary things behind. We travel light.'' the redhead instructed as she passed by and down the ramp to the planet's surface. Once she was standing on firm soil, both of her hands dipped into Vendaxan clay, then transferred the silt to her biceps, smearing the brown mire over her pale skin.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 23rd, 2010, 02:51:56 PM
She wasn't kidding, was she?

Anbira stepped out, eschewing even his boots and tunic top, opting for only his old PT shorts to cover him from waist to just above the knee. The rest would get the mud, then. Quickly tying his hair back, he stooped down, grabbing a glob of it with one hand, running the viscous stuff between his fingers. He began smearing it over his hirsute frame, aware that washing it all out would be one hell of a task more than putting it on. As he worked, he squatted near to the ground, grabbing handfuls of mud as his bare toes clenched in the mire. Years on Felucia made this feel like a second home, and he breathed in deeply.

It only took a minute or two, and soon he rose up, the effect of his own handiwork somewhat more slapdash, with bits of mud collected at certain clumps of hair here and there.

"Maybe we should've just brought bug spray?"

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 23rd, 2010, 03:30:42 PM
Tionne covered a good portion of her cleavage and arms in mud, slowly smearing it into an evenly distributed foil of dirt. Her perfectly white tank top was now stained with crumbs of earth, some of them even entwining themselves amidst her copper locks. To avoid further entanglement, Tionne pulled her hair up, assembling a high ponytail atop her head and then took her boots and pants off, but left the utility belt carrying the hilt of her saber. The excess was tossed up the ramp. She crouched in her simple white shorts and applied clay to her legs and what was left exposed of her back, swashing in broad strokes. A palm was pressed against the boggy ground and her face was painted in a wide streak of muck.

Seeing Anbira wearing so little elicited a saucy smile from her; like a cat, Tionne walked up to him, scooping up a handful of grime.
''Bugspray? You might as well paint a bullseye on your forehead, my dear.'' said the Knight, then circled Hicchoru to stand behind him.

''The predators around this place have an exquisite sense of smell. The forest is rather dark both during the day and night and scent is the only marker where the prey is.'' she explained, coating his broad back in mud. Her fingers traced against muscle, evenly distributing what was to be their cover.
''Human sweat is full of hormones, especially the male one. It would attract beasts from several miles away.''

Thanewulf stepped to the side and moved to stand in front of him, rubbing the residual mud between her palms.
''Close your eyes.'' she voiced softly, then pressed both of her hands against his face and pulled downwards for the final touch.
''Think of it as a mud spa. We will both be prettier after it.'' the ginger-haired woman encouraged, flashing him yet another impertinent smile.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 23rd, 2010, 03:50:01 PM
It made sense now, and Anbira put up no more one-liners in response to the strange countermeasure they were using. Still, he had a strange feeling he was going to be picking the occasional clods out of curious places in the next day or two. At least with the humidity here, he didn't have to worry about drying out any time soon. That was his real fear.

"How far to the Great Rift?"

Anbira asked as he looked up and beyond, turning about to get a good look at his surroundings. On Felucia, he knew every bit of safe flora and fauna from dangerous. Here, he'd have to likely do a trial by fire.

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 23rd, 2010, 04:03:56 PM
Tionne turned her gaze to the sky, noting the position of the sun. It was the middle of afternoon, the red-golden orb of Vendaxa Prime on its descent from zenith. The forest crooned before them, life thriving amidst tall trees. Thankfully, the first part of the trip would be mainly horizontal, while difficult terrain awaited just before the Rift itself.

''About half a days walk. Once we reach the edge of the Rift, we will camp for the night.'' the Knight debriefed him, now facing the forest.
Heavily relying on the Force, Thanewulf leaped forward like a gazelle and began to run, scurrying through the fern. A playful grin curved her lips as her senses stretched outwards, eyes narrowing in alertness.
''Catch me if you can.'' the redhead messaged across the Force, testing whether he would take the challenge and follow.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 23rd, 2010, 04:57:47 PM
Anbira's grin broadened.

"Oh, I can."

Memories of such trips through Felucia coming alive again, Anbira took off into a gallop, looking for the nearest vine or outcropping that would give him purchase into the trees. On Felucia, it was more an issue of finding the right order of giant fungi to hop onto. Here, it was similar, just different.

Finding purchase on a half-felled tree, Anbira bounded into the air, catching a branch mid-torso, and using his body weight to pivot up and onto the hefty branch, then jumped again, looking for purchase to the next one.

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 23rd, 2010, 05:27:58 PM
While Hicchoru chose the path through the canopy, Tionne stuck to the ground, making her way through the Vendaxan thicket. Every now and then she looked up to see where he was at; the swooshing of trees above her indicated he was always one step ahead. And Thanewulf was fine with it, she would let him win, only to have him use most of his strength and have little left to dispense in activities she secretly planned next. Keeping her pace steady, the Knight ran through the forest, guided by her own unfaltering memory and the Force.

After a solid hour and a half of running, the forest became more sparse, leading to yet another clearing. Tionne gradually slowed down, only to emerge out of the thicket walking. An energy conserving organism, the Coruscanti's breath was only slighting intermittent and deeper than usual. She shook the sweat off herself and stood at the edge of the cliff, admiring the view once again. The scenery had not changed one bit from how she left it a quarter of a century ago, only the weathering of stone by winds marking the passage of time.

Before them lay a vulcanic valley with sides almost vertically steep, the caldera on the opposite side adorned with a tumbling waterfall so far away that the tumult was inaudible. Yet a cloud of water vapour hovered above it, acting as a kaleidoscope under the rays of a setting sun. Days were shorter on Vendaxa, purely due to the planet's eccentric orbit.

Tionne looked down under and noticed water trickling from solid rock just under her bare foot, a miniature of the magnificence across. Everything was like she had left it; if only all in her life was like this, stagnant. Well, almost all.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 23rd, 2010, 05:35:34 PM
Anbira had beat her to the opening by a good two minutes, and he sat on a rock facing the caldera, catching his breath as he relaxed amid the view. He heard her approach, and glanced back, a smile on his face as he continued to look ahead.

"Gorgeous sights. I suppose we'll be climing up that tomorrow, then?"

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 23rd, 2010, 05:46:09 PM
''Yes. Tomorrow.'' the redhead confirmed, then knelt down, scooping up water to drink. It was icy cold, probably surging from the depths underneath; her lips sucked in the liquid, not leaving one drop in her hand. Instantly, Tionne felt rejuvenated while Anbira still seemed a bit exasperated.

''Don't tell me you are tired..'' Thanewulf taunted, stepping forth - ''I've heard you had a spar with Loki. Or shall I say...you were taught a lesson. Isn't he a bit young to be your teacher?''

The Knight sported a lop-sided grin whilst standing on tip of her toes, hands clasping behind her back.
''Even I can bash Loki.'' the redhead added playfully upon leaning in just enough to invade his personal space.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 23rd, 2010, 06:03:57 PM
Anbira shrugged, a casual grin on his face.

"I had the better part of a decade against stormtroopers. It's hardly a substitute for a real duel."

The grin grew a bit as he arched an eyebrow.

"I'd like to think of it all as a learning process."

Was she trying to bait him into a duel? It was absurd in this strange, wild place, but then again, why not?.

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 23rd, 2010, 06:21:01 PM
''You are right, there is no substitute for a real duel.'' Tionne remarked slyly, perching over his shoulder - ''A real duel not being the one with Loki. He holds his sword like a toothpick.''

Thanewulf blew over his ear after deriding him further, trying to appeal to his pride. But there was so little of that in Anbira, so little of that what made a poor Jedi. She unclipped the hilt from her waist upon taking a few steps back to stand in the middle of the clearing. There was plenty flat ground to practise, only the edges littered with rocks. In a way, the natural formation atop which they stood resembled of a small arena or ruined amphitheater at best.

With an familiar snap-hiss, a golden blade flared up and was immediately brought above her head, tip menacingly pointing towards Anbira.
''What are you afraid of? Now that a boy has beaten you,a girl will too?'' the redhead challenged boldly, a sagacious smile dominating her face.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 23rd, 2010, 06:28:31 PM
Rising, the Felucian hermit found his saber on his hip almost as an afterthought. He palmed it, rolling it from hand to hand, and looked up to Tionne with a an expression that said he was all in. And why not? The vaunted dread predators of Vendaxa had apparently not spiced up this exotic trip with enough danger to warrant the expectation.

"Perhaps you will. That's for you to decide. Now..."

Drawing into a rock-steady Djem So kata, Anbira's blue blade sparked to life, from a two-handed hold adjacent to his leading hip. He squared his shoulders to the threat.

"...ladies first?"

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 23rd, 2010, 06:43:58 PM
Dragon verses hawk-bat. Mynock awaits.

The thought lingered in her mind for a mere fraction of a second, dissolving into complete sensory focus. Grabbing deep into the well of the Force, Thanewulf let energy accrue in her muscles in true vein of a formidable Ataruist. In a blink of an eye, potential energy that amassed turned into pure kinetic momentum; Tionne sprung towards him with astounding speed.

Her blade was swung in an upward scoop aimed at his legs to exploit the static nature of Form V. He'd have to either hop to jump over it or block it, depending on how fast his reflexes really were.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 23rd, 2010, 07:07:14 PM
Impressed with the speed, it gave Anbira little time to consider options. He moved on instinct.

He took to air, clearing his legs of the strike just in time to come back down, bring his guard over his shoulders, and cleave downward. She could try to block if she wanted. He had his strength and gravity alike to leverage his offensive, and he'd go ahead with the notion of finishing this fight before it began, if he could get away with it.

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 23rd, 2010, 07:24:36 PM
Release the mynock.

Quite expectedly, Anbira tried to overpower her with brute force, employing typical tactic of a Form V user. Surely, his blow would have proven devastating to an Ataruist and their lack of defensive techniques. As Tionne fell onto the offensive, she quickly switched forms, drawing the blade closer to her body to conserve energy. Her biceps flexed as all resilience and tenacity concentrated in her arms, her lightsaber positioned in an impenetrable, two-handed horizontal parry.

Instinctively pushing one foot back to gain barring, Thanewulf buried herself in place, ready to take the blow. And it came, tumbling from above, like a lustrous comet; blades clashed in a bright flash of blue and golden radiance. With teeth gritting against each other, she had stopped his blade in just an inch from her face. Slate eyes narrowed at her opponent; the Knight took this spar seriously, as any other.

However, the distinctive nature of the attack left his chest open briefly, with Tionne sending a Force push into his sternum just intensive enough to tip him over, then hopped back to withdraw to see if he would lose his balance.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 23rd, 2010, 07:33:50 PM
Anbira felt his center of gravity leave him, and, saber-arm posited out to the side, he rolled his right shoulder as he let the push take him, using its energy to roll him back and to his feet, which planted on a rocky purchase again and propelled him forward.

"Soresu, then? I didn't figure you for having the patience for that."

He surged low-to-high, left-to-right with a sweeping strike, which, tucking inward to his center at the last moment, he exploded forward with a thrust. Inwardly, her choice irritated him a little. Who had time for fighting so long? It was a nearly diametrically opposed philosophy to his own way of thinking, which was to plan on the first strike being the last, and go from there.

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 23rd, 2010, 07:52:19 PM
''Do I come off as so impatient?'' she quizzed between two slashes, a casual glance towards his feet revealing his intentions even before his blade started to lounge forwards. If he continued to dispense energy at such a frequency, he would wear himself down instead of her.

Already sensing the ferocious attack he had unleashed, Tionne opted for something slightly different, a little creativity in the battlefield. Instead of burying herself in place in the true vein of Soresu, Thanewulf stepped to the side, thus slipping the middle of his burst. She positioned her saber in such a way to slip past his blade; like a revolving door, she turned in a half-circle as Anbira flew by, his sword sliding against hers with a hiss.

A mild flap was administered at the back of his head, as a mere reminder of his imprecision. The Coruscanti now stood behind him, waiting to see if he could muster a solution from behind himself.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 23rd, 2010, 08:01:30 PM
She certainly played Soresu to the letter, figuring him to burn out fast, and as she passed him by, his lunge strike was already on the move, the guard of his blade flipping to inverse in his grasp. Like an old friend Shien came to him effortlessly. Unlike Djem So, he'd killed with this before. More times than he'd ever want to count.

Throwing his shoulder back, he speared behind him, intent on the business end of his blade giving Tionne a very convincing argument about moving her head. He pivoted tightly on a toe, and again his inverse-grip strike snapped at her head like a snakebite. Here, he was fast, but the end result was the same - to finish the duel.

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 23rd, 2010, 08:18:58 PM
Use what comes naturally.

A blade was put between her eyes, only mildly blocking the incoming attack. There was a rock behind her and Thanewulf knew this, but the sake of the moment, she ignored and tripped over it. She had managed to maim out of Anbira his natural form, the one complementing him so perfectly. Further hammering was pointless. This was the form he needed to perfect.

Tionne fell backwards, back slamming against grass while her saber disignited and flew to the side, clonking against another rock.
A muffled groan was let out upon touchdown as lips parted to exhale a lungful, momentarily depriving the Knight of air.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 23rd, 2010, 08:47:59 PM
Anbira turned at the sound of impact, righting his grip on his saber as he held it low before him. With Tionne down for a moment, Anbira deactivated his blade, stepping forward to extend a hand to her, ready to help her to her feet again.

"Mind the rocks, I suppose."

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 23rd, 2010, 09:06:06 PM
A wicked glint in her eyes marked another mischief she was to orchestrate for Anbira; firmly gripping his hand, she pulled him over herself, rocking back with one foot in the air aiming for his chest. Even before he knew it, she managed to flip him over herself in a circular motion, making him land on his back on the ground. In an instant, she lounged up to her feet then did a backflip to find herself sitting atop Hicchoru, at his waist. Thighs pressed against his hips, making his lower body unable to move, at least for the time being.

With a mere thought, the hilt came flying into her palm, the button pressed igniting the effervescent orange blade humming against his neck.

''Never, ever... give your hand out like that.'' lectured the redhead, angling toward him with narrowing eyes.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 23rd, 2010, 09:37:29 PM
Anbira smiled in spite of his defeat feeling the warm of her blade intimately close to his neck.

"Well, that is certainly a lesson I'll have to work on."

He glanced down to the blade, his eyebrows rising conspiratorily.

"But don't be too proud of your victory. If you strike me down, I'll become more powerful than you can possibly imagine!"

Smile softening a little, he continued.

"But alas, I am at your mercy, just as you forsaw it."

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 24th, 2010, 05:31:34 AM
Staring directly into his eyes over the shimmer of the blade, Thanewulf let a few wordless moments pass. The hue in which her saber glowed resembled that of a dying sun, the Solari crystal reverberant in a mournful hum, rebelling against being placed so close to a neck of another Jedi. It was an instrument of the Light, drawing power from the everlasting luminance of the Galactic Core, where darkness was long extinct. Hence, it could never harm a creature of pure heart.

With a click, the column of blazing energy retrieved to the electrum cylinder.
"The fight is not over when you strike the last blow, but when you make sure your opponent is not moving from the floor.'' she voiced knowingly, gracing him with a candid smile - ''And if it does not move, poke it once again, just in case.''

Tionne leaned backward to sit on his lower abdomen; from her dominant position she eyed him, trying to make out what that smile of his meant. For somebody so assertive in battle, he was indeed a sheepish fellow.
"We need to work on your footing, my dear. You are way too stiff.'' concluded the redhead and rocked back on her heels to rise from the floor. Once the Knight was back on her feet, she offered a helping hand, the seriousness of her expression letting him know she was not in the mood for a repeated trick.
''I'll teach you a few feats...if you teach me a few elements of Shien. A fair exchange. What say you?''

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 24th, 2010, 10:48:34 AM
Anbira gave a nod to that, a strange smile still on his face.

"That's a good deal. You'll probably get more Shien out of me than you care to know. It kept me alive for a decade, so I figure it's worth something."

Rising to his feet with her help, he squared himself, relaxing and ready to take on a few ideas.

"Ready when you are."

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 24th, 2010, 12:03:04 PM
''First and foremost...'' the redhead began, moving to stand next to him, hilt in right rand - ''...something must be done in respect to those legs of yours. Your tendons are way to tense in your initial stance. But first...''

Her hand gently flapped against his lower abdomen, pushing his hips backwards a notch. How was he ever to gain sufficient stability if his entire torso tensed as if exhibited on a body-building contest?
''...butt out. Then, crouch, just a bit.'' the Knight instructed, palm now placed on his quadriceps, rubbing against firm muscle.
''The only tautness allowed is here, to support your upper body.'' she explained and bent over to tap against the cap of his knee. - ''Use the joint as a spring, remain buoyant. That way you will have more time to react if a need for defence arises.''

Stepping aside to inspect the fruit of her efforts, Tionne noted the distance between his feet.
''Good. Always remember to keep discrepancy between your feet somewhere about shoulder-width, to bolster stability.'' advised the ginger-haired woman, confirming her satisfaction with an acknowledging nod.
Taking a few steps back, Tionne naturally fell to the same stance she positioned Hicchoru in, her muscles already trained from countless hours spent on Temple's training grounds. With gaze locked with his, Tionne sternly commanded -
''Attack me. I'll use Ataru and see how you defend yourself.''

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 24th, 2010, 12:52:53 PM
Anbira bounced a bit on the balls of his feet, feeling his weight distribution in his slightly altered stance. He moved around a bit, committing the feeling to memory. She was right, he did feel a little more mobile this way.

Drawing his hilt over his head in a two-fisted grip, he activated the blade, which hung at an angle behind him, in an open kata, giving what seemed to be an opening to his middle. It wasn't the case, and both of them knew it, but that's how he intended to face her.

A few strides ahead, and he plowed the air between them with his overhanded swipe, intending more on moving his blade into position for the real strike than anything else. Chopping down, he brought a backswing close and diagonally as he reached her striking distance, swinging back towards his shoulder. Already, what she had suggested was paying dividends in his recovery. He kept the power in his swing, but could come about in half the time without over-extending himself.

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 24th, 2010, 01:37:48 PM
Instead of burying herself in place, Tionne leaped forward at an astounding velocity, hop drawing ferocity from her intrinsic Force well. Twisting her wrist, she moved the blade in a half circle, bringing a forceful slash - a diagonal sai tok - to Anbira's midsection. Two columns of light clashed with a blaze that brightened both of their faces, almost deafening electric discharge ripping the air.

A Soresuist would have endured the attack planted firmly in the ground, like an arcane oak resisting a thunderstorm, but a Form IV user had to move. The flowing techniques were not made to withstand such pressure, or else they would shatter. The idea was to create space between them, so that the room may be used for a counter-attack.

The top of Tionne's foot flew into his shin, administering a blow intended to shake his foundations. Once it took effect, Thanewulf stepped back only to gain momentum and retaliate using an ancient technique known as The Saber Swarm. Few quick diagonal slashes were to be applied to Anbira's side, challenging his reflexes and reaction times.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 24th, 2010, 01:59:28 PM
Dealing with her onslaught of speedy strikes, and momentarily hobbled by her body strike, Anbira had to relinquish ground to give him the clearance to meet them. He retreated with her advance, feeling her attack and stretching out with his feelings to find the right time to...

...SMASH one of her harassing slashes, meeting it full with his blade to throw her stance out of momentum, which he followed into with Shien tumbling forward into a roll so that when he recovered from it, he could carry the momentum into a mid-to-low swat that would be close-up, and carrying a lot of momentum.

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 24th, 2010, 02:16:29 PM
A blow of that magnitude was impossible to deflect with a flowing counterslash right out of a Form IV manual, the redhead knew that much. She had taken initiative, stepped onto the offensive and had her resolve smashed by a two-ton hammer. Anbira's powerful assault would be the death of a vigilant Ataruist.

Under the might of the incoming blow, Tionne fell backwards on the ground and landed on her left elbow, her other arm still in the air, blocking his descending strike powered by previously gained momentum. With no other option, the redhead resorted to Soresu, channelling all remaining energy into muscles of her lower arm, once again installing an impenetrable barrier between them. Dabs of sweat formed on her forehead, as the Knight let her saber absorb kinetic energy of his blade, subsequently halting it.

''Exactly! Smack, don't think. Do not let an Ataruist bedazzle you with flashy saberwork. It might be fast, but its fragile!'' she puffed, chest dilating as she drew in lungfuls of air, visibly exasperated.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 24th, 2010, 02:30:17 PM
With leverage and the high ground, Anbira separated his blade from Tionne's and rose to his full height, taking a few steps back before deactivating it. Breathing a few heavy breaths, he finally righted himself, the furtive grin he'd had on his face before now expanding outright into a smile.

"I've never had a teacher quite like you, Tionne."

That was true on many counts. Certainly none of them looked as nice as she did. Anbira felt ancient feelings stirring, setting them aside for the time being. Another feeling stirred in him, knitting his stomach up and down with an audible gurgle.

"Well, heh. Guess there's probably no time like the present to attend to a little dinner then. You're the tour guide, care to show me around to what won't kill us?"

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 24th, 2010, 03:01:11 PM
''Nor have I had a student like you, Anbira Hicchoru.'' Tionne's inner voice spoke, yet her musings remained unspoken. Upon rising to her feet once again, the Knight walked to the edge of the cliff and peered down into the chasm below. A gust of wind surged from underneath, flagging back her tail like a fiery, copper banner. The dirt on her body had already dried, forming a bleak, ashy foil over her pale skin. Far at the horizon, the sun plummeted into a sea of greenery, weaving a curious tapestry out of distant rain clouds. Slowly, light dimmed, the velvet quill of the night doming over the crooning forest.

''The ground is no place to be during the night. Most predators around here are nocturnal creatures. We will seek the security of the trees and dine what they have to offer us.'' said the Knight, turning to face Hicchoru, lips stretched into a faint smile.

''Follow me.'' the redhead instructed and meandered back into the outskirts of the forest, stopping by a particularly broad, sinewy trunk. She looked up into the wide canopy, palms petting the tree's bark.

''This is adansonia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:SAbaobab.jpg) tricata, the only edible plant on this side of the planet.'' Thanewulf introduced with a generic botanical name, then hopped atop one of its extruded roots and began her ascent to the lush treetop, leaving Anbira to follow behind her.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 24th, 2010, 03:47:28 PM
"Lucky we found it, then."

Anbira watched where she placed her footing on the ascent, as it was a good idea of the best way up. She had a lithe poise and elegance as she climbed, and it was clear she felt at ease in this place. As strange as it was from what he was familiar to, it also had a strong sense of familiarity to it. Either way, Anbira felt completely at home as he followed his fiery-locked companion up the tree, toes gaining purchase on the gnarly folds of bark that formed a hardscrabble path to the delights and shady shelter above.

After a few minutes of climbing, they both came to a supporting bough that rested beneath a few fruit and leaf laden branches. Here, the shade of the canopy gave their environment a more intimate closeness. Anbira picked a fruit, passing it to Tionne, while he found a similar one for himself. Turning it over in his hands, he watched her before figuring out how to disassemble this thing.

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 24th, 2010, 04:16:42 PM
Settling herself amidst what resembled a large leafy nest suspended between crossing branches - an abandoned nocturnal sanctuary built by a semi-sentient creature - the redhead checked how much weight it could take. Boughs underneath crackled, but were far from breaking. Silently, Tionne invited Anbira to sit next to her so she could show him how to part the pear-shaped fruit.

''You have to grab opposites of the belly and twist in opposite directions.'' she explained, demonstrating while speaking. With a pop, the fruit parted in two halves, revealing a light orange juicy interior and little black beads where the seeds should be. Without further ado, she brought one half to her mouth and readily munched on it.

''However, I do have to warn you...'' the Knight spoke whilst still chewing - ''Black berries on the inside contain a drug. It's effect is similar to that of Yarrock (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Yarrock) and Carsunum (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Carsunum). Since its not really all that concentrated... you might feel just a little soused.''
Tongue scooped dripping fruit juices off her pursed lips, the taste of the fruit exceptionally sweet.

''I still haven't figured out where the seeds are. If I did, I'd take some and plant this in a future Jedi temple, once we settle somewhere. The Force knows they could use it...'' said the Knight then skewed her gaze to watch him eat.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 24th, 2010, 04:32:30 PM
Just as he was taught, he twisted the fruit, hearing the satisfying pop as it gave way into two hemispheres. He cupped one in his hands, resting the other in his lap as he bit into the fleshy exterior, the sweet fruit yielding its juice, which dribbled into his already-dirty beard. For a moment, he didn't say anything, he just chewed and swallowed, letting the natural sugar surge in his system, renewing his strength and energy.

Careful of Tionne's warning, he gave the hemisphere a little tap with the knife of his opposite palm, letting the little black berries in the cavity tumble down the bough. The last thing he needed, he figured, was to fall a perilous tumble down the tree after losing his sense. Then, he noticed the red-head scoop a handful of those very same berries and nosh on them.

"Hey, didn't you sa-"

Absurdity defeats common sense every now and then. Anbira considered it, and took a few berries from the other fruit half in his hand, and nibbled on a few.

"...I won't go peculiar, will I?"

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 24th, 2010, 04:45:30 PM
''Define peculiar.'' said Thanewulf, pecking out berries with her lips and swallowing a mouthful. Unlike the rest of the fruit, they tasted a bit sour, albeit refreshing.

''No, you will not end up completely stoned. The concentration of the chemical is far below anything that could affect your nervous system to a greater extent. It may lighten you up a bit, it's all.'' she reassured with a nod, then slid into the nest, back reclining against its side. The remnants of fruit soon flew overboard when Tionne delved into the other half.

''Provided you don't eat a whole crate.''the redhead mused, taking note of how greedily Anbira dug into the halve he held. By the looks of it, he too enjoyed it's succulence and rich texture.

''Besides, would I be eating it in a company of man if I knew it would have some profound effect? I think not. You have to learn to trust me, Hicchoru.'' she voiced, licking some residual sinew off her lips.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 24th, 2010, 04:50:12 PM
With another bite, he signalled his agreement with her in the spirit of this endeavor. She rested against his side, and as they both partook of forbidden fruit, Anbira's mind began to wander a bit.

"To think, this is the result of a knock on a random door late at night. It could've been any of the series down the row I walked, and I knocked on yours. Do you believe in fate?"

Anbira looked out into the distance.

"It's something I'm told that is contentious among Jedi. Either you do, or you don't."

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 24th, 2010, 05:17:22 PM
''What... us eating a psycho-stimulant fruit in the outback of one of the most inhospitable planets in the Expansion Region? Impossible - no. Improbable - maybe.'' the Knight offered, wiping a smeared berry off her chin. Subverting her gaze to look to the floor, Tionne took a pause in order to offer her viewpoint, a viewpoint she was often scolded for in the past. Yet that very same Order that berated her was no longer, with her left to build on ashes of where it once stood. The irony of it perpetually amazed her.

''Yes.'' the redhead confirmed with a nod - ''I believe everything takes place according to a larger plan, a grand scheme. We are all given a role to play in the time we are given in this mortal coil. From my own example, I learn there is no such thing as coincidence.''

Full lips stretched into a thin line as Thanewulf continued her introspective, inspirited by the intoxicating substances percolating into her blood.
''You could have knocked on a door next to mine, or the next. But you didn't. I could have been sleeping or still frozen in carbonite. As a matter of fact, I was supposed to be somewhere elsewhere that night, away from the Wheel. But a the button controlling the yaw of the ship jammed, so I could not fly. Somehow it just...jammed. I only managed to fix it next morning, using the same method as the day before.'' Thanewulf offered, not even sure why she was telling him of this apparently insignificant detail.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 24th, 2010, 09:34:56 PM
Anbira stared into his remnant of fruit, deep in thought over Tionne's intospection about fate, and heartened that it mirrored his own feelings.

"I think we're here for a reason. I think, beyond holocrons, sparring in the mud, and surviving against all odds, we're here to discover something wonderful."

Was it a trick of his eye, or a product of the berries that caused the dying sunlight to catch the red in her hair just so, and to shine just enough light into her expressive eyes to seemingly peer into something deeper?

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 25th, 2010, 07:51:15 AM
Tionne tossed that little what was left of the second half of the fruit to the forest floor and licked succulent juices off her fingers. The sweet aftertaste slowly faded, leaving behind mild inebriety that teased the senses. Her muscles relaxed as she reclined back in the nest, half laying down, half sitting up. The redhead then bit her lips inwardly, eyes drifting to Hicchoru.

''I suppose you lead a normal life, before revelations at Felucia. Sometimes I envy those normal people. Seems to me that I missed a lot, being brought up as a Jedi.'' she admitted with a guileless smile, then sulked between her shoulders, shying away. The drug made her inner geniality surface, a part of her she had suppressed and neglected for an entire lifetime.

"You must have had girls running after you. With your good looks and all...'' Thanewulf probed, sticking out a finger to poke him in the shoulder playfully.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 25th, 2010, 08:08:41 AM
Anbira was at risk of being flattered to death. His smile broadened, and he ran a hand up to his filthy beard, trailing up to his filthy hair. And she found something within all that to like.

"It feels like another lifetime, really."

Something stuck with him. There was something wistful and sad in her words.

"Maybe there's something I can teach you after all."

Everything felt right. Whether his confidence was bolstered by the fruit or not, Anbira felt her warmth against him, which was inviting and not oppressive like the heat of the day earlier. The fauna in the canopy and below seemed to grow quiet, and maybe they sensed it too. He leaned forward, tilting his head carefully, as if the slightest wrong movement would undo it all. There was time for her to break away...there was time...

...through the grime they both endured on the planet, the only pristine parts of their bodies were their lips, each stained with sweet and inviting nectar. They met softly.

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 25th, 2010, 08:51:45 AM
As soon as their lips met, Thanewulf felt an unknown surge in her lower abdomen, like a rising tide threatening to flood the banks of an already bulging river. Despite countless chants of the Code she repeated through the course of her lifetime, Tionne had secretly hoped for a moment like this; spontaneous, impulsive, predetermined. To act on whim was discouraged, even forbidden, yet very much craved. To touch and be touched was only human, to express affection in a kiss inherently natural. What could be wrong with it, the redhead wondered in those first seconds when her lips shyly grazed against his, testing with barely audible pecks.

''To hell with it.'' she voiced internally, readying herself to disregard all former cathecism echoing against the walls of the Jedi temple. Those walls were now nothing but ruins, a monument to blind indoctrination with century-old ideals. Unlike those who saw the world through scrolls and ancient scrips, the Coruscanti-born Jedi wanted more, to drink mead from the chalice of emotions. Or was it the potion of the fruit clouding her mind? It mattered not.

Propping herself on one arm, she broke the kiss only long enough to straddle Anbira, sitting atop him, weight pressing against his hips.Tionne supported her upper body by her arms as she leaned forwards, naturally reposing into a posture that felt most comfortable. Her face hovered above his, warmth of her breath percolating through his beard.

"What could you possibly teach me, Anbira Hicchoru?" the redhead challenged with voice barely louder than a whisper.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 25th, 2010, 09:14:11 AM
He smiled, knowing that this could not have been a coincidence. He believed in the Force strongly enough to dispel any thought of this as blind happenstance. There was good in this moment, beyond even their desires.

"Faith in people. As long as we can feel, I will always believe we are inherently good."

Anbira realized that was a lesson he hadn't picked up as a Jedi. He'd learned that one even earlier. He'd learned it at home. It was that lesson that finally pulled him away from the Empire. It was that lesson that sent him on his journey through the wildnerness, to the stars, and to Tionne.

There are no coincidences.

Giving himself completely to that all-enveloping truth, he kissed her again. Overhead, the setting sun was finally swallowed up by the night, and the forest sang in a million voices, just for them.

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 25th, 2010, 10:42:06 AM
The kiss was returned, lips intertwining when last light left the horizon, leaving only glimmer of stars upon the celestial stage. Through the thick canopy they shined at two Jedi trapped in a timeless moment; Tionne wrapped around him like a vine, fingers tracing along his neck and ample upper trunk, exploring every scar a lifetime spent in wilderness had left. After a lengthy exchange of caresses, the ascent of Vendaxa's three moons lulled them into sleep, her head peacefully resting between his chin and chest. Their breathing synchronized and deepened, exhausted bodies aching for a good night's rest.

The shortness of the Vendaxan night allowed only for a few hours of sleep; it was not before long that the sun ascended from the east, beginning its sluggish drag across a brightening sky. Carefully slipping out of the nest not to wake Anbira, Thanewulf embarked on a mission of finding them a more protein-rich breakfast. After half an hour of scouting the nearby thicket, she returned with two handfuls of small, cricket like creatures wrapped in large leaf.

"Breakfast is served!" the redhead shouted into the canopy and sat under the tree, spreading what was to be their breakfast on a leaf before her.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 25th, 2010, 11:29:30 AM
Eschewing the climb up, Anbira dropped from on high, his feet finding sure purchase on the ground as he eased down into a crouch to offset his landing momentum. Stretching up to his full height, he gave himself a full stretch and a yawn, tilting his neck just so until it gave a satisfying pop.

"I haven't slept that good in a year."

A deep sigh, and he exhaled with an expression of contentedness. The morning hadn't yet picked up the heat of the day, so it was almost cool in the early hours of light.

"Breakfast, eh?"

He dropped down beside her, looking at her haul. No stranger to a good nosh of bugs, he picked one up, turning it over in his hand, before popping it into his mouth. He gave it a crunch, paused a bit, rolled it around on his tongue, and continued chewing, eventually swallowing and carefully spitting aside the tougher hind legs.

"That's so similar. You're trying to overwhelm me with nostalgia, aren't you?"

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 25th, 2010, 12:17:50 PM
"Insects are a valuable source of nutrients, throughout the galaxy. Not only Felucia has these little snacks loitering about. Besides, I've eaten far more disgusting things. You should see what Rodians serve as delicacy...''' the redhead asserted, remembering all the gruesome foods she tried out of sheer politeness. Some societies made it mandatory to taste local foodstuffs, as a way of showing one honoured their culture. There were times, more often than not, when Thanewulf wanted to spit but had to swallow. And smile afterwards.

Upon pulling the hind legs out, she tossed an insect into her mouth and chewed on the crunchy exterior, relishing its mild taste. Another two were also thrown in, legless, and some serious munching commenced. Tionne valued breakfast above all else, being one of those very few people who actually found themselves able to eat in the morning.

''Ahem... The thing that happened between us, up there...'' Tionne uttered clumsily, pausing between two bites - "I'd like for it to stay between us."

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 25th, 2010, 12:59:05 PM
Anbira considered her words, and after some thought, nodded.

"I suppose there are ways of thinking on the subject that are derived from a differing point of view."

What did happen between them? They had a moment. It had to be more than that. Was Tionne sure of that as well though? He hoped this wasn't a rationalization for putting it aside entirely.

"It will be our secret."

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 25th, 2010, 01:31:29 PM

It was all that was to be said on the subject. There were more important things at hand, like retrieving the holocron and getting off the planet alive. Tionne was not going to allow for any more distractions; in complete silence, she finished her portion of insects. That flutter previously wobbling in her stomach was again cocooned in an impervious shell, stashed away not to interfere with her rationality. Yet a part of her still yearned for a his lips, and the tickling od Anbira's beard against her chin.

The time had come for them to make the descent into the rift valley and voyage across it, to the caves under the waterfall. Tionne lead the way back to the clearing, then leaned in to take a drink of water from the dripping wells.

''Those lianas might help us on our way down." she suggested, motioning to the long-stemmed, woody vines rooted in the almost vertical slope of the cliffs. Grabbing one of them, Thanewulf swung to the side only to grab another lower one, her feet finding barring in the irregularly shaped rocks.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 25th, 2010, 09:11:15 PM
Anbira tested the strength of a vine he picked, giving a hefty tug and putting his back into it. Confident that it would do, he began to ease himself down the vine, feet kicking back from the rock face periodically as he descended. Reaching the terminus of his vine, he pushed in either direction to swing and find another. It was, admittedly, a fairly perilous way down. Any one of the vines could...


...snap and not support his weight, sending him free-falling down the cliff face. Fortunately, Anbira's quick reflexes and Jedi intuition quickly sought purchase with another, stronger vine. Thanks to the "boost" from the near-death fall, Anbira was a good 30 feet below Tionne.

"It's alright. Just a bad luck of the draw, I suppose!"

Hand cut a bit from the severe grip he'd taken on the vine that broke his fall, Anbira endured it and continued down the sheer edge of the rift. It wouldn't be much longer before they were at the base.

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 27th, 2010, 10:50:29 PM
Her heart skipped at the sight of Anbira loosing barring and almost falling into the chasm below. Just as her lips opened to scream, he grabbed another vine and shook the entire sinewy creeper pervading the side of the cliff, almost throwing her off balance. With eyes briefly closed, Tionne wheezed and centred herself in the Force, regaining her composition and focus. Was it fear that bewildered her, fear of loss? She had known him for a short while, yet trembled at the mere thought of something happening to him. Pushing those ominous musings out of her mind, Thanewulf completed her descent into the lush coppice below.

"Let me see that..." the redhead voice softly and grabbed his injured hand gently to inspect the cut. Despite not being deep, it bled. And the scent of blood would eventually attract predators from afar; thus, the wound had to be conserved.

The Knight reached down and ripped the lower part of her tank top off, leaving her in nothing but a cloth strap stretched over her chest. The strip of textile was then wrapped around Hicchoru's palm, folded and tied tightly to completely stop the bleeding. Her eyes sought his before she finally spoke -
"There's some disinfectant on board. This will have to suffice, for the time being."

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 28th, 2010, 08:30:14 PM
"It'll be fine."

In actuality, the salt of his sweat and the mingling of grime was causing it to sting a bit, but Anbira could only smile at Tionne's bedside manner of a sort. She tended to him like it was second nature, and the net effect was the Felucian hermit came out of the ordeal better for it.

He felt something wild flutter in her, the ripple effect of his brush with death.

"I've had much worse spills than that, and each landed me on my feet. It'll take more than a bad step or two to get rid of me."

Giving his bandaged hand a flex or two and confident in the result, he deferred to her with a smile and a wink.

"Ready when you are."

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 29th, 2010, 06:58:34 AM
The voyage through the lush valley lasted another half an hour, not another word uttered between two Jedi. Tionne kept purposefully silent, knowing the rift was a crucible infested with predators. With ears perched, she meandered though the fern thicket, the forest floor ominously bedimmed by the dense canopy above. Her senses stretched far out before them, scanning the environment for any signs of immediate danger. They were still covered in primeval mud, which was a sound guarantee their scent trails would not be spotted. However, one of them would be ridding themselves of grime soon and thus be nothing more than a snack offered on a silver platter.

The sound of tumbling waters neared as they approached the waterfall, its tumult almost deafening. The sheer grandness of it would astonish anybody who stood under it, sprayed by a light haze of water vapour. Instead of admiring the scenery, Tionne's slate eyes narrowed upon approaching the cave entrance on the right side of the waterfall. It took a few moments for eyes to adjust from the brightness of the Vendaxan day to the near pitch-black darkness of the caves.

"Keep close." the redhead advised softly, literally pulling Hicchoru by his hand, while her other hand took grip of her saber and ignited the blade, illuminating the corridor in a golden-yellow glow.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 30th, 2010, 10:50:50 AM
Descending into the cave, Anbira did as he was told, igniting his own saber as well, holding it high and to the side to offer as much illumination as they could afford. He stretched out with his feelings, looking for either danger or a sure path alike.

"How far into the caves is it stored?"

From the rocky edifices and stalagtites, the cave seemed to be fairly extensive within.

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 30th, 2010, 05:54:13 PM
"Far enough." Thanewulf replied laconically, her eyes fixed on the faintly illuminated path ahead. Sounds of water dripping from the ceiling echoed across the endless maze of corridors, each and every falling dab creating a crystalline sound resonating against the stalagmites. Bioluminescenct fungus flourished on the walls, translucent in blue-greenish neon glow. An aura of serenity encompassed the place, its tranquillity pacifying both of them - sensation that would not last for long, the Coruscanti knew.

Through another long naturally carved hallway, they reached a spacious cavern, it's floor submerged in water. On the other side, a small extrusion hovered above the water's rippling surface , illuminated by a single ray of light cascading down. There lay a leather sack, containing the precious holocron.

"Hold this, please." the redhead pleaded, offering Anbira the hilt of her powered-down lightsaber and stepped down into the cold waters, turning to him -
"Don't follow me. One of us has to make it out alive, so I thought it would be you. You are at home in these kind of woods." she said with a mysterious smile and leaned backwards into the plunge pool and pushed herself off the edge, stroking across water.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 30th, 2010, 06:30:55 PM
"Don't toy with saying such a thing."

What was she doing? Anbira took her saber reluctantly, watching her swim across, losing the muddy protection she had insisted would keep them hidden from the dangers of Vendaxa.

Whether Tionne's response was gallows humor or serious, he found that he didn't like the notion of what she said one bit.

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 30th, 2010, 06:54:04 PM
As Tionne spread water with her hands, creating ripples in otherwise sedate waters, the coolness of the fluid streaming around her pricked at the back of her head like a thousand needles. With every stroke, grime chipped off, dissolving in the purity of the lake, leaving her without protection against Vendaxan bloodthirsty fauna. She chased any semblance of fear or doubt from her mind, concentrating only on what lay ahead.

When the holocron was just at hand's reach, Tionne dived into the water only to emerge from it like a siren, scooping the sack off the rock where it was placed a quarter a century ago. The Knight then swam back, across the pool to where Anbira awaited, making sure the holocron was kept above water's surface at all times.

The redhead rose from the water, last of mud trickling down, meandering across her skin. White fabric of her breifs and tank top was soaked, acquiring a gossamer-like texture that barely hid anything underneath. A wet hand extended to exchange the hilt for the sack.

"We take what is given." she proclaimed, leaning in to merely press her lips against his, her voice transforming into a soft whisper - "Make sure the holocron makes it back to the Wheel."

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 30th, 2010, 06:57:47 PM
Anbira received her kiss, almost too busy in contemplation of her words and actions to reciprocate. His eyes moved from the holocron, and then to Tionne.

"You should follow your advice as well. This is our responsibility."

Easing the holocron down to the ground nearby, Anbira turned to face Tionne, and jumped backwards into the water.

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 30th, 2010, 07:16:56 PM
Something twitched inside the Coruscanti upon seeing Hicchoru immerse himself in the lake. What was he try to prove? With one person still covered in mud, they had much higher chances of returning to their ship unharmed. Was this the unity Jedi often spoke of? Hardly. There was something brewing underneath; such dedication and sacrifice was not oft seen, even among the Jedi.

Thanewulf briefly stood there, buried in place, mesmerized by his deed. Her lips parted, but no words came out, just a long-winded, docile sigh. The nobility of his act was indisputable, by far the nicest thing anybody did for Tionne in a long, long while. Such feats could restore her trust in others, if repeated. She graced him with a soft smile and a look words could not even begin to describe.

Wordlessly, the Knight faced the exit, igniting her saber. With a confident stride, she walked out of the cave and into the light of the day and the tumbling waterfall outside, knowing he would follow suit. As soon as bright light of Vendaxa Prime struck her skin, dabs of sweat formed on her forehead, it's scent - sweet as mead - rode on the breeze. Dinner was served.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 30th, 2010, 09:03:51 PM
"The way I see it, our trip to the cave was simply too easy."

Anbira made light of their danger-filled situation as they exited the cave, toting the holocron along with his own blade.

"Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Isn't that what they say? At any rate, I'm sure even in the face of a grisly death I will remain victorious, and give my devourer indigestion."

He continued his deadpan expression, eventually cracking wise a bit as they walked. His feelings were extended beyond their sight, and he was ready for whatever this planet had to throw at them.

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 31st, 2010, 03:19:35 PM
Unconsciuslly, Tionne ignored all that was uttered; her concentration was on the moment and the imminent danger that lay ahead. The fiery blade scintillated in the sizzling sunlight, the breeze blowing across the rift brushing against it to create a low hum. The surroundings grew quieter, the chirping of the forest dying out into expectant silence. Tionne closed her eyes, grip of her saber tightening.

Her senses palpated across the ambrosial coppice, latching on the signatures of all that was living. A large being lurked in the shadows of the ferns, two icy blue eyes staring at them ominously. For Vendaxan predators, humans were easy prey. They were soft, meaty, usually slow; unlike the leathery lemnai, humans had no hard outer casing, no natural protection against clawed attacks. Even for a Jedi, survival would prove challenging, as beasts had the advantage of domestic terrain, their bodies shaped by millennia of evolution to prosper in such a hostile environment.

"A roggwart (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Roggwart)." Thanewulf projected over the Force, still standing her ground - "Run."

Suppressing fear, the Knight walked forward, aiming right into the bush where the beast was, determined to distract it enough so that Anbira can make it deeper into the jungle. She swung her saber from side to side tauntingly when her facial expression turned into grinning grimace.
"Come out and play with me, boy." the redhead voiced, every muscle in her body tensing, ready to deliver a strike at the first sight of movement.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 31st, 2010, 03:40:26 PM
"You still have some notion within you that I'm going to leave your side."

Rather than run, Anbira stepped forward, equal with Tionne, taking care to square his stance as the brush around them rumbled with the advance of something large.

Anbira had to admit, his expectations were met, and exceeded. The roggwart burst through, towering over the pair of Jedi as it roared loudly enough to shake the ground.

With grim determination, Anbira moved nary a foot, drawing his saber to life as he held a djem so power stance at the ready.

"A pleasure to see you as well."

The bearded Jedi readied himself for the worst. With claws like that, he imagined the roggwart preferred to make first introductions in that fashion. Not being disappointed, the roggwart wound back, reaching forward to skewer Anbira in his claws...

...and was instead unhanded in one clean cleave. A shocked shriek bellowed through the animal as it moved to jerk back its ember-studded, cauterized stump.

Anbira, seeing an opening, used the injured arm as a ramp, leaping up, and scrambling atop the beast. As the roggwart reached to snatch the offending assailant with its other hand, Anbira caught one of the long horns on its head with his free hand, using his momentum to spin around the beast's head, but not before raking his lightsaber into the base of the animal's neck.

The roggwart's nervous system terminated in one swift strike, the beast fell where gravity put it, dead on the spot. Anbira rode the dead roggwart's momentum to the ground, letting his body spill forward with a forward tumble, and rising to his feet again, just inches from Tionne.

"I feel like I'm home again already!"

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 31st, 2010, 04:07:12 PM
"Hm, good I took him along..." Tionne mused to herself briefly upon witnessing Anbira slay the horrid beast before her very eyes. She almost felt sorry for the roggwart for its unfortunate fate, as it has only done what was natural to it. A light scowl formed on her face, a finger prodding Hicchoru's shoulder.

"That was not necessary. A Jedi respects all life-forms! If you did it to impress me... well, I am not impressed." Thanewulf protested, switching the saber off, arms crossed over chest. All of former meekness dissolved, leaving nothing but a stern, judgemental look on her face.
"I didn't take you here to cause a mass extinction. Save it, okay?"

Another glance was cast to the carcass, air exhaled through teeth with a hiss and eyes rolled in annoyance. Yet, there was something charming in how he refused to leave her side.
Without uttering anything else, Tionne clipped her saber back to her belt and sprung forwards in a Force-aided leap that transformed into quick dash through the greenery. Light on her foot, the Knight covered ground quickly, copper-red tail wagging behind her like a flag.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jul 31st, 2010, 09:10:15 PM
Anbira exhaled, deactivating his blade. She was right. How easy it was to get caught in the moment, to let survival happen through the path of least resistance. Wiping sweat from his brow, more accumulated from the heat of day than his exertions, he looked back at the slain roggwart.

It hadn't been necessary, had it? It wasn't a last recourse.

With care, Anbira ran a hand over the beast's half-lidded eyes, closing each, before rising up once more, and then took a force-augmented leap, bare feet striking against the nearest tree in just the right spot to carom his body to the next tree, higher up the trunk, repeating so that he quickly scaled to the canopy and found purchase on a supporting branch.

Ahead, he saw the remnants of Tionne's flight through the trees, a swaying branch, inviting him to follow. And follow he did.

Tionne Thanewulf
Aug 10th, 2010, 06:23:24 PM
Swift on her feet, Thanewulf meandered through the dense grove, over moss, ferns and intertwined roots darkened by the thick canopy above. The air was stale in these parts, lungs felt heavy with humidity as perspiration elicited steam out of the greenery under the scorching Venadaxan sun. Rivulets of sweat ran down Tionne's bare back, inviting to predators as mead to bees. It was not without reason that the Knight scolded Anbira for the slain animal. Despite their apparent abhorrence, the roggwarts were monogamous creatures; once they found a mate, they remained together for a lifetime. A feat rare with the sentient, Tionne thought.

Just as they reached the bottom of the cliff, a horrid shriek ripped the air around them. High-pitched, it resonated against the stones for a few moments. A lament, without a doubt.

"That was a male, the one you killed." Tionne ascertained knowingly, ginger brow furrowed at the Felucian hermit before even attempting to ascend up the vines - "And that is her mate. One and only mate, for life."
A rumble shook the nearby coppice.
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." she added before gripping on the creeping plant, ready to climb up.

Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 10th, 2010, 09:57:07 PM
"I sense in you some amount of empathy with our unintended adversary."

Anbira let his gaze linger behind for a moment, before travelling up to meet Tionne as she scaled the natural ramparts again. Making doubly sure to find a sure-anchored vine on the way up, Anbira wrapped one halfway around him, bracing with both legs against the cliff to let his body weight bounce on it. It felt adequately rigid.

With careful poise, he moved fist over fist on the vine, scaling up the ascent as his bare feet sought purchase to take the weight off his upper body on the climb.

Tionne Thanewulf
Aug 11th, 2010, 05:29:00 PM
"You've condemned a being to a solitary life." she voiced sourly, choosing a different, more vertical path for her ascent. Being lighter than Anbira, it was far easier to use vines as leverage, not having to worry if one was to break under the weight of her body.
"She will never mate again. Never raise young again. As a matter of fact, she might not make it though the next year without a hunting partner. It would be probably better if you just chopped her head off too to save her the trouble. Seems like you are good at that..."

During the entire trip upwards, Tionne avoided to look Anbira in the eyes. The Knight did not approve the brutality of his method; life was sacred for her. Slaughter could be avoided; humans had the cunningness and resourcefulness provided by their large brains and complex neocortex. Or perhaps a decade in the wilderness made Hicchoru more of a beast than a man?

Once they were back up on the plateau, slate eyes scanned the perimeter. The forest around them grew unnaturally quiet. The Force pulsated with an ominous presence, one other than the signature of two Knights roaming the jungle.
"An acklay (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Acklay)." the redhead stated, hand placed on saber - "Run."

Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 11th, 2010, 09:51:06 PM
Barely catching his breath from the ascent, and silently enduring Tionne's admonishments, Anbira barely had enough time to gather himself before being commanded to run at the appearance of yet another predator.

"Does this one have any feelings I should avoid trampling as well?"

He could feel the creature breaking on their position, drawn in a way that was beyond simply the attraction their perspiring bodies elicited. Somehow, it had an affinity for the force.

Barring a better idea, he followed Tionne's lead, and took flight. The Acklay's shrill cry rang out in the air, punctuated by sharp clicks. It cleared the distance with an assured amount of ease.

Tionne Thanewulf
Aug 12th, 2010, 04:24:19 PM
After making sure Anbira was well on his way, Tionne turned her back to the approaching monster and scampered deeper into the thicket, employing as much momentum as the Force allowed. The Knight knew that two legs could never beat six extremities equipped with hinge joints designed to rapidly cover even the most difficult terrain; like a spider through a familiar web, the acklay progressed after her, accelerating to finally catch up. An ominous claw was stabbed into the ground, pinning Thanewulf into the wet clay, her waist trapped between pincers usually clapping together to make that horrid clicking sound.

"Ahhhh!" the redhead grunted, struggling to reach for her saber trapped between her belt and the claw. In the meantime, the acklay lowered its maw and gritted teeth together in a inauspicious rattle. Tionne clenched her teeth and sent a fist flying right into its eye with all the ferocity she could muster. The blow was far from devastating yet it was directed correctly; a loud shriek ripped the air and the animal retracted, freeing Tionne of its clawed skirmishes.

Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 12th, 2010, 08:11:43 PM
Drawn to Tionne's voice as she faltered, Anbira swung back immediately, his lightsaber snapping to life in an instant. Rather than bring it to bear against the Acklay and risk Tionne's indignation, he opted for the unorthodox, running the blade lazily against the thick foliage in their midst. The blade caught the vegetation on fire, creating a very noteworthy distraction.

"Another haymaker like that and our Acklay friend will be needing glasses. Will you be needing any assistance?"

Extinguishing his lightsaber, Anbira palmed it along with the holocron sack in one hand, and pulled at a branch from a dead tree nearby to snap it. Dipping the branch into the fire to ignite it, he leapt over the flames and smoke, landing closer to Tionne. The Acklay was quick to recover, and Anbira hurled the ember-crusted primitive torch in it's direction.

Tionne Thanewulf
Aug 13th, 2010, 08:11:41 AM
"Smart thinking, Hicchoru." the redhead noted sardonically, jumping up to her feet - "Why not start a forest fire and potentially kill all animals in a radius of few kilometers, instead of just one."
A golden blade flared to life and was swung from side to side in an attempt to intimidate the predator. Seemingly, both the fire and the glow of the lightsaber did nothing but enrage the acklay further. With sinister clicking, the monster advanced towards them, gaping its toothed maw. Every single hair on Tionne's body rose, indicating some form of static field forming between them and the acklay.

"What in the name of the Force..." the Knight muttered before an electric discharge shot from the acklay's mouth in Anbira's direction, a column of lightning buzzing through the air at remarkable speed. Tionne's blade was swung sideways to catch the ray of electricity and absorb it, blocking its progression. Sparks flew as Thanewulf used all muscle power to remain standing under the incoming flux of pure energy, yet an inch was lost every passing second.

"I...could use...assistance... Like...NOW!" she hissed through her teeth, eyes narrowing as she felt her stamina wane slowly.

Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 13th, 2010, 08:18:17 AM
With a surprised expression, Anbira again activated his saber, squaring his defenses into in a Shien deflection, catching a share of the Acklay's lightning and wicking it away from Tionne. As they both battled against it, Anbira frowned a bit.

"I think, all things considered, we can make exceptions for lightning-flinging acklay!"

Using careful footwork, he moved away from the Acklay, making sure that if the creature wished to keep up the fusilade, it would be difficult to impossible to inundate both targets completely.

Tionne Thanewulf
Aug 13th, 2010, 08:36:41 AM
For a crustacean, the acklay was far from obtuse. It sensed the two Jedi were trying to divide its attention, thus it closed its maw, interrupting the energy ray emanating from it. Furiously, the beast tilted forwards, lifting two fins in the air and stabbing them into the ground in an attempt to nail Anbira. Both blows were dangerously precise, taking great focus to be avoided. The speed at which it moved was dazzling and Tionne found herself without a better plan but to simply slaughter the acklay. If they tried to run, it would follow and try to devour them.

At this point, Thanewulf had enough of Vendaxa. With holocron safely in tow, she craved a real bed and a shower, a bottle of whiskey aboard The Valiant and the aromatic smoke of her pipe. And this persistent thing was standing in the way.
"I don't know about you..." the redhead voiced, twirling her saber around her wrist and preparing to slash across the tendon on one of many limbs of the acklay - "..but I've had enough of this place."

A blow was administered to chop off the lower ends of the acklay's two back fins, leaving it unable to retreat. Stumps sunk into the bog and the animal pranced, squealing in pain, yet the remaining limbs rattled, ready to poke through flesh. A heavy claw came flying right into Tionne's forehead, smacking her to fly a few meters away and land on her back, sliding across wet moss. Her vision became blurry from the impact, yet the redhead managed to curse -
"For frell's sake, kill it!"

Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 13th, 2010, 08:45:47 AM
"It's about time, really!"

Anbira retorted back, noting with some amount of irony that it took a knock to her head for her to come to her senses. Remaining in place, Anbira waited for the Acklay to strike, which didn't take long. Two of the sharp appendages speared down at him, and with minimal movement, Anbira sheared the ends away from him with two quick upward slashes. Unprepared for the sudden lack of forward-positioned appendages, the Acklay pitched forward a bit, which Anbira was more than happy to oblige with a pull through the force, which sent the creature's body crashing to the ground, using its own weight against it.

In pain and slow to rise, the acklay's head bobbed up from the ground, still triangulating on Anbira's position as he paced around to move towards Tionne. A desperate bite towards the Jedi Knight was met only with a blue blade thrust between jaws, to burst forth out the back of it's head. As the Acklay spasmed in death throes, Anbira deactivated his saber, looking back to his possibly-concussed partner.

"You won't be blaming me for this one."

He headed over to her, extending his hand.

"Are you okay?"

Tionne Thanewulf
Aug 13th, 2010, 09:30:50 AM
A sigh of relief escaped Tionne's mouth as she witnessed Anbira deliver one last, fatal blow. A part of her wanted to protest, yet her mouth remained shut. It had to be this way - it was either it or them. The acklay lay motionless on the ground, the air around them reeking of charred flesh. Propping herself up on her elbow, Thanewulf rubbed her head, copper locks escaping the loosely assembled ponytail.

"I'm fine..." she said, pouting her full lips - "I must have hit my head harder than I thought."
Accepting his hand to lift herself up to her feet, the Knight glanced around to note the havoc they created in the Vendaxan greenery.
"Who needs natural disasters when there is Anbira Hicchoru?" the Coruscanti commented and graced the hermit with a candid smile.
"Come on, lets go home."
With that being said, Tionne dashed through the fern bushes in the general direction of the ship, light on her feet as the very wind carrying their scent across the jungle.
As she ran through the wildwood, thoughts swarmed her mind. Did she unconsciously put a distance between herself and Anbira, afraid that spark from the night before would light again? Or was it the fruit's fault solely? And how did he feel about it in the end? Was it a moment of weakness or an overture into an alliance larger than life? So many questions remained unanswered, the aura of uncertainty still encompassing the two of them. Chasing such musings away, Tionne pressed a button atop her utility belt and the ramp of her ship lowered, offering a gateway to much desired safety.

Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 13th, 2010, 09:37:02 AM
It was only when Anbira approached the gangplank that he could at last feel the weight in his heavy, exhausted feet. Only now could he feel the cuts and stings from every hardship they'd endured on their journey through Vendaxa. His bandaged hand stung. His feet, fresh abrasions and blisters becoming nascent even through well-calloused soles, were tender. He sighed, slinging a bit of errant perspiration from his hair as he found the nearest seat, and occupied it.

"Well, I suppose this place is rather nice for a weekend getaway after all."

He looked up to Tionne, now appearing a bit spent, and passed the bag containing the holocron to her. It was the sum of all of their efforts.

Tionne Thanewulf
Aug 13th, 2010, 09:52:00 AM
"Absolutely. This place has action-tourism potential." the redhead remarked in jest upon stashing the bag with the holocron in a compartment just above the motherboard. She then slumped into the pilot seat and pressed a few buttons, sliding her fingers against the touch-screen to ignite the engine. And in a fraction of a moment, the power generator flared up with a roar and the entire ship jolted forwards under the venting exhausts that slowly made the vessel hover above the ground.

"I couldn't have done it without you." she exclaimed, swallowing some of that trademark pride. Regardless to how she felt about others helping her, they made one heck of a team. To honour that, Thanewulf smiled and extended a hand to pat Hicchoru on the shoulder.
"And I mean it."

Her hand was then retrieved and placed on the flight yoke; slowly lifting it to adjust the yaw, the ship took off, rocketing through the thick Vendaxan atmosphere into space. After assigning the nav-computer to calculate the route back to the Wheel, Thanewulf spoke again -
"I bet you could use a wash. There's a shower down the corridor, last door on the right. Don't use up all the hot water."

Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 13th, 2010, 10:49:31 AM
He gave a soft laugh at that.

"I suppose I smell like a true Vendaxa native by now."

It was true. He felt absolutely inundated by filth. A shower would do wonders. And water, no less?

"Real water, then? No sonic refreshers? That's a luxury you don't often expect to find."

Moving slowly he headed to where she directed him.

"Thank you for inviting me, Tionne. I want to think we gained more in our toils than just that holocron. I'm thankful for the experience."

Tionne Thanewulf
Aug 13th, 2010, 11:52:52 AM
"Let's hope it won't be the last." she replied when Anbira was just about to leave the cockpit and the stratosphere of Vendaxa dissolved into the endless blackness of the universe. Vendaxa Prime shone through the viewport, illuminating the Knight's face as she entertained herself with hyperlane calculations. The computer offered several possible routes, leaving Tionne to pick out one. Corellian run would be infested with Imperial patrol ships in search of smugglers and pirates, while The Hydan Way, albeit more lengthy, offered a safer and more stress-free trip. Choosing the latter, Tionne made final preparations for subspace jump. Once silver streaks of hyperspace gleamed over the viewport, the Coruscanti reclined back in the pilot's seat, putting hands behind her head. The back of her neck still ached from the fall.

"Well, Thanewulf... a job well done." the redhead voiced, purposefully talking to herself as she attempted to rationalize this whole episode with Hicchoru. A great deal of personal satisfaction overwhelmed when her eyes fell on the sack that withheld the holocron; it was a substantial acquisition for the budding Jedi Order, a magnificent tool of the Old from which younglings may learn. She would present it with pride before the Council and deposit it with the Miralukan Jedi for safe keeping as a first building block in re-establishing the Jedi Archives. Also, praise would be given to Anbira's heroism and unselfishness, which was indeed well-deserved. Tionne had never met a person so dedicated yet so simple and undemanding, pragmatic yet deeply spiritual on the inside. A man of action and a solicitous hermit whom years of isolation carved into an instrument of the Force. The spirits selected him for the purity of his intention and altruism unseen in mortal men. Anbira Hicchoru was all that Tionne was not; his resonance in the Force was captivating to those finely attuned. Drawn towards him like a moth to flame, the Knight entangled in a web one could not unwind from.

Tionne caught herself staring into a void with mouth open, barely remembering to blink.
"So is this what they warned us of, this warm feeling on the inside?" the redhead wondered inwardly, gently canting her head to the side - "The flutter and the jitters that shake the very foundations of ourselves? How wrong can it be to indulge just once? Shortly? For a moment?"
The question lingered for a while before Tionne reclaimed her focus.
"Nobody has to know..."
"And if nobody knows, it's like it didn't happen....right?"

Every atom of her being knew the premises and the reasoning to be false, but an argument was needed to push Tionne over the edge and right into the hermit's arms. With a flash, her mind went blank and all barriers were removed, the influx of emotions stirring her insides into a brewing storm. A lifetime of suppression accounted for potency of sensation; one touch would detonate across her neural nodes like a thousand supernovas. Notwithstanding, the redhead was not aiming at her own indulgence but rather at the pleasure of the man occupying her shower. Getting up from her seat, Tionne peeled that little excess cloth off herself and walked trough the confined hallway to the shower. The sound of running water pacified; she leaned against the doorway, the curvature of her body barely visible in the subtle red lighting.

Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 13th, 2010, 12:18:18 PM
Anbira leaned forward, resting his arms and forehead against the cool of the shower stall's surface as the hot water provided contrast. Though less efficient than sonic refreshers, there was some intangible quality that Anbira preferred with a water shower. Perhaps the smell of the water, even among the smells of earthy minerals washing away and of soap. Something in that smell hung thick in the steamy air, and afforded him the luxury of breathing deep to take note of it.

Inside, his mind raced. He had been alone for so long, and everything in isolation made so much sense. Now with Tionne, everything changed about his assumptions. He knew there were dangers, and wrestled with the dilemma of how he felt for Tionne, and his obligations to his life's duty. Attachment bred a desire to possess, which bred greed and jealousy, the gateways to the Dark Side. This was a dangerous path to walk. Feeling a bit overwhelmed, he wondered how so many Jedi before him confronted this manner of inevitability.

He sensed her approach. He didn't need to see her silhouette in the shrouded shower door. Turning, he addressed her.

"I keep thinking of our time in the tree. I keep thinking about what you said, Tionne. I don't wish to deceive anyone, much less ourselves. How can we face two inherently good things, set apart from each other?"

A hand appeared on the steamed glass as Anbira pressed it forward for her to see.

"If we go this path, it is dangerous. Every part of my feelings tell me this. And I can't look away. I can't turn away from seeing a future with you."

Tionne Thanewulf
Aug 13th, 2010, 12:46:04 PM
Almost instantaneously, Tionne's palm pressed against the semitransparent front where his hand was, a strange tingling playing across her skin. She drew closer, body casually brushing against the frosted glass in an attempt to be as close to him as possible. With cheek weighing against the shower door, her eyes closed.

"I've been lectured on the dangers of attachment for the entirety of my life. And spent a lifetime in solitude. I know - this is the Jedi way. From this viewpoint, I'm sorry we ever met." she admitted, voicing the guilt that plagued her. The tone of her voice grew softer, her breathing became lighter, a burden lifted from her soul.

"From another viewpoint, you have awoken in me what I thought I did not possess. The kiss...I will remember for long as I live. When you speak of going down a path, speak for yourself. I have already threaded uncharted territory. And I am not afraid, for I know you exist." the redhead whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of running water.

"However, I sense reluctance in you. Say the word and I will be gone...and never mention any of this again." Tionne offered, leaving the decision to him. Her heart throbbed in her chest fast as she awaited Anbira's response, whichever it may be...

Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 13th, 2010, 12:58:56 PM
"I accept the risk, and the danger. There is good in the Jedi way, and there is good in what we share. Maybe we risk losing both if we try it this way, but I choose to believe..."

The shower door slid just enough to reveal Anbira's face, meeting Tionne's own.

"...in you."

Tionne Thanewulf
Aug 13th, 2010, 01:41:18 PM
Tionne used the space created to further push the door open, just enough for her to slip inside the shower. Unintentionally, she brushed pass by Anbira to stand in the far corner, facing the stream of flowing water directly. Droplets smashed against her face and neck, clearing away accumulated grime and dirt, transforming into rivulets of fluid that percolated down her collar bone and into the fold of her bosom, keen on traversing the distance between lush flesh and the flatness of her abdomen. Her complexion once again acquired that porcelain sheen, the scent of Vendaxan wilderness replaced by the placid fragrance of soap.

Exhaling deeply, she attended to cleansing her hair, running fingers through red locks to untangle them. As soon as all impurity left, strands of hair adhered to her back and shoulders, a few of them falling over her face as Tionne leaned forwards, elbow pressed against the wall for support. Her other free hand slid across her bust and down her ribs, flicking off dabs of water. The relative absence of light felt soothing.

"I've never had anybody believe in me." the redhead voiced quietly, still angling towards the wall - "Let alone stand so close."

Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 13th, 2010, 03:31:46 PM
The water ran across Anbira's hirsute frame as he stood away from the showerhead to give Tionne room to bathe. His eyes stayed on hers, tempted as he was by so many other sights. He found something wild and undiscovered there, but above all, they were mirrors to the vibrance in the living force that she manifested, and the person that she was.

He closed the distance between them, until the only thing separating them were a few streams from the showerhead. Leaning into the water, he kissed her as he drew her body against his. Everything had led him to this moment, and there were no coincidences. He was here with Tionne on Vendaxa for more than just a holocron. He would save her, and she would save him, because there was good in two becoming one. If this was a dangerous path as a Jedi, it was a path he would accept.

Tionne Thanewulf
Aug 13th, 2010, 03:51:39 PM

Bare feet slapped against the durasteel floor, leaving a wet trail as Tionne searched the compartments of her back quarters for tobacco. Upon finding a hidden stash, she stuffed her pipe with herbs and lit the contents, drawing in a lungful of sweet, thick smoke. For a moment, she just stood in the middle of the room, completely naked, and relished the sensation of completeness it induced.

"So this is how it feels..." the redhead commented upon approaching the spacious hammock serving as a bed. By the looks of it, Anbira already made himself at home.
"...to light a smoke afterwards. And I was thinking the feeling was just an exaggeration used in cheap romance novels."

A hand was extended to gently rock the hammock from side to side.
"All we need now is for you to fall asleep." Tionne jested, fingers slipping down to move wet locks away from his face.

Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 13th, 2010, 04:22:46 PM
Sleep, incidentally, was becoming a rather inviting priority on Anbira's mind. He regarded her with a warm smile, his half-lidded eyes betraying his current energy level.

The cramped room was neither too hot nor too cold, and with the hammock supporting his weight, Anbira felt he could drift off in a moment. However...

He shifted his weight to allow enough space for two, and extended a hand out to his companion.

"I wouldn't know of that, but I know that I can't imagine a better way to end our day. In a strange way, I'm rather disappointed we're headed back to the Wheel."

He knew what awaited them on their return. The facade of indifference. He was true to his word with her in the tree, he would say nothing of their time together.

Tionne Thanewulf
Aug 17th, 2010, 05:53:54 PM
For the time being, Tionne was not interested in the pretence that would undoubtedly commence as soon as they boarded The Wheel. Instead, she looked forward to those six or so hours of peace and quiet they would share as the ship soared through hyperspace. She looked down to him and soon enough, the prospect of sleep seemed more than appealing. That area between his chin and collar bone was carved perfectly for Tionne to lay her head.

After drawing in a few puffs of smoke, she emptied the contents of the pipe into an ashtray, leaving it on a shelf by the books. Thanewulf then swung the hammock to the side and lay into it, their bodies attaining a perfect adherent position under the influence of ship's artificial gravity. A long-winded sigh escaped her lips; before even fully closing her eyes, Tionne floated off into the land of dreams, safe in the arms of once a hermit and now a man.