Captain Untouchable
Jul 15th, 2010, 05:01:37 PM
Sarah was nagging me (:mneh) about the wiki the other day. Since I started pulling together information for this thread (, I figured I'd have a look at some rewrites / expansion, if that's alright with everyone.
As I write each page / section, I'll draw attention to the fact that I've done it in this thread, so you can all either a) comment / critique on the bits you aren't sure about / don't agree with / don't like the phrasing of / think I've missed out, or b) pander to my ego by telling me that it's awesome. ;)
Pages / Sections I intend to write, which will magically transform into links when I'm done:
Alliance to Restore the Republic (
- Advisory Council
- Alliance Cabinet
Alliance High Command
Alliance Fleet (
- First Fleet
- Second Fleet
- Third Fleet
- Fourth Fleet
- Fifth Fleet
- Alliance Support Services
- Starfighter Corps
- The Wheel
Alliance SpecForce (
- 1st Division
- 2nd Division
- 3rd Division
- 4th Division
- 5th Division (
- Dorn Force
Alliance Sector Forces
- Corellian Sector Force
- Bothan Sector Force
- etc
Alliance Intelligence
Alliance SpecOps
Ordnance and Supply Command
As I write each page / section, I'll draw attention to the fact that I've done it in this thread, so you can all either a) comment / critique on the bits you aren't sure about / don't agree with / don't like the phrasing of / think I've missed out, or b) pander to my ego by telling me that it's awesome. ;)
Pages / Sections I intend to write, which will magically transform into links when I'm done:
Alliance to Restore the Republic (
- Advisory Council
- Alliance Cabinet
Alliance High Command
Alliance Fleet (
- First Fleet
- Second Fleet
- Third Fleet
- Fourth Fleet
- Fifth Fleet
- Alliance Support Services
- Starfighter Corps
- The Wheel
Alliance SpecForce (
- 1st Division
- 2nd Division
- 3rd Division
- 4th Division
- 5th Division (
- Dorn Force
Alliance Sector Forces
- Corellian Sector Force
- Bothan Sector Force
- etc
Alliance Intelligence
Alliance SpecOps
Ordnance and Supply Command