View Full Version : Plowing the backwaters of the Empire
Tarrick Ragnus
Jul 12th, 2010, 10:08:49 PM
Captain Ragnus stood at on the command deck overlooking the bridge crew, who were down in their trenches working away at their assign tasks. Out ahead the stars were elongated... as the Response Force was in hyperspace.
Behind him, Tarrick heard the sharp clicking of heels on the polished deck of the mighty Star Destroyer. Tarrick waited until the steps stopped behind him. Then he breathed in a deep breath and turned around.
As expected his XO, Commander Valtross was standing there. "Yes, Commander Valtross..."
The Commander handed him a Datapad with the latest updates on it, but decorum dictated that he also give a verbal report.
"At last contact, the Vanguard and Adarga reported ready. Admonisher also reports at the ready Captain. All fighter wings reported standing by to launch at arrival plus 5. Bombers will be held in reserve until needed."
Tarrick nodded. "Very good, Commander. All is ready for our first engagement, supposing that Intel is on top of things."
Commander Valtross nodded and looked away for a second before returning his gaze. Valtross knew of Tarrick's dislike for Intel types.
"Very well Commander, begin the countdown to the end of our jump."
Relieved at not having to debate the merits of the Intelligence Department, Valtross snapped off a sharp salute and spun in his heels. He proceeded to the Communications console where he began to issue orders to the Comm Officer.
The countdown to zero began... starting at 15 standard seconds.
Tarrick Ragnus
Jul 14th, 2010, 12:32:40 AM
Tarrick's force of 3 ships dropped out of hyperspace in perfect formation. The Admonisher was at point with the Adarga behind and to port and the Vanguard to at and to starboard. Seconds later, the TIE fighters and Interceptors launched from their bays and took up their positions in a cloud vee formation in front of the Star Destroyers. The bombers remained in their bays but on standby incase they were needed.
Precious tense seconds ticked by as Tarrick watched the sensors. According to Intel.... that was a phrase that was usually said with contempt and reservation. But Intel had sent him information about a smuggler would be passing through that system. So far... nothing.
Seconds turned into minutes and Tarrick was acutely aware that while the bridge crew was still attending to their tasks, they were focusing more attention the Captain and his reaction.
Muscles tightening in his jaw, Tarrick merely looked at the sensors. The tension was getting thicker.
"I guess that Intel didn't let the mark know of our timetable. We should take that up with them when we get back."
That got a smirk from Commander Valtross and a snort. Tarrick relaxed his jaw and smiled. As the crew realized that he wasn't going to go off on them and order their deaths, they relaxed.
"Commander Valtross, recall all fighters back to their bays except for the next Patrol Squad that is on duty from each ship. Have the pilots go to standby for the next hour if need be and then stand them down to a ready status. Stand down the Bombers. You have command. I'll be in my War Room."
Commander Valtross snapped off a salute and began to issue orders. Spinning on his heals, Tarrick headed to the rear of the bridge where a turbolift would take him down 5 levels and to his private War Room.
He entered the room silently and walked over to his chair. He sat down in it, feeling the comfortable nerf hide gently support his frame. He leaned back and looked around his office.
It was sparse, like many soldiers. He had learned to live with very little personal effects during his life in the military. The only things that were evidence of a life outside of command were holos of buddies taken during the Academy days... a book given to him by his first CO.. and other odds and ends he had picked up as either souvenirs or battlefield trophies. All of them could fit in a duffle bag.
The desk itself was made from a rich Oro Wood from Alderaan. Tarrick had no doubt that the desk was probably worth a squadron of TIEs being as most of the Oro Trees were destroyed when Alderaan was destroyed...
That brought up a whole other set of issues for Tarrick.
Tarrick was loyal to the Empire, but certain things stuck in his craw and made him question why Palpatine had chosen a certain way of doing things. The only reasons that Tarrick hadn't taken his ship over to the Rebels were two fold. First, Empress Tarkin seemed to be more humane and was more concerned with the stability of the Empire than she was with the ultimate destruction. The second reason was that since Endor, the Rebel lacked the leadership to command their way out of a wet paper bag. For all their righteous claims of liberty, freedom and democracy, they had yet to even begin to tackle the hard issues that faced the galaxy. Tarrick was certain that while some civil liberties on Imperial Planets, they were better off than the chaos that the Rebels threatened to bring to the galaxy should they gain control. As long as there were no more super death laser stations built, Tarrick's loyalty would remain with the Empire.
His comlink beeped and brought his attention back to the here and now. He tapped it. It was Commander Valtross.
"Sir, I think you will want to get up here for this."
"I'm on my way."
Leaving the War Room, Tarrick made his way to the Bridge.
Tarrick Ragnus
Jul 16th, 2010, 02:13:20 PM
Tarrick arrived on the bridge to see the what was left of a salvage effort. The dark hull of a portion of a ship was being drug into the main bay of the Admonisher. Tarrick nodded to his XO, Commander Valtross, who joined him.
"What happened?"
"Well, it seems that a ship dropped out of hyperspace in the middle of exploding. We don't really know what happened but here is what the sensors picked up."
Valtross pushed a button the console and a holo appeared. It resolved into star patterned background that matched outside. Suddenly a bright light flashed, indicating a drop from hyperspace. Not even a second later, the ship was illuminated by an explosion and half the ship was eaten away in the initial blast. From what Tarrick could tell, the aft of the ship was damaged and the resulting explosion was eating its way towards the front of the ship, using the fuel cells, atmosphere and other consumables inside the ship to feed itself. When it finally subdued, it was left with just the bow of the ship.
Tarrick immediately recognized it as a Rendili StarDrive Dreadnaught Class Heavy cruiser. Those aging ships were more and more being relegated to the backwater worlds to patrol for pirates. Some were even finding their way into the Rebel Fleets, but this one showed no such markings or efforts that the Rebels took to change them. One thing that did stick out was the dark gray armor plating... Tarrick recognized it immediately.
It was the same dark gray armor that was used on the Dreadnaughts of the famed and cursed Katana Fleet. He lowered his voice.
"Was there any ID on the transponder?"
Commander Valtross shook his head. "We tried but it was destroyed, or never turned on. Also, the way the ship arrived, we could determine vector or trajectory. It could have come from almost anywhere."
Tarrick thought for a moment. If he could find the Katana fleet, then it would hasten the Rebel's defeat and possibly the defeat of the Independents.
Commander Valtross interrupted. "We also have two other messages. One is from our intelligence source. Our initial reason for being here has been detained trying to run supplies to Toprawa. He won't be making it. The other is from Admiral Raxxis. We are to proceed to Kuat for re-assignment and resupply."
Tarrick didn't answer at first. He was still thinking about the Katana fleet. Then he nodded his head.
"First, collect all sensor readings from the ships and have them delivered to me. Then erase all readings. Secure the object in our main hangar and send crews over to examine. There might be information in its records that can help us find the rest of the ships. See if there was a flight course. Recall all ships and then set course to Kuat at flank speed. Alert me to when we arrived."
"As always Captain." Commander Valtross saluted and turned on his heels, issuing the commands to the bridge crews. Tarrick went back to his command chair and sat down, his thoughts lost in the whirlwind of thoughts that the dreadnaught's arrival had caused.
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