View Full Version : Serena who? First step in "Big Story"

James Prent
Jul 7th, 2010, 02:16:21 PM

James is calling Barton Henning right now to spill the beans.

Charley, you and I need to do some quick posting when we can to catch ourselves up. ;)

Barton Henning
Jul 7th, 2010, 02:32:06 PM
Mmm, beans :3

James Prent
Jul 7th, 2010, 02:57:09 PM
These are tasty beans too. Some might find them a bit bitter to swallow but I find them delicious. ;)

Barton Henning
Jul 7th, 2010, 03:25:56 PM
...are they magic beans?

James Prent
Jul 7th, 2010, 03:45:51 PM
:crack Magic Jumping Beans!!!

Barton Henning
Jul 8th, 2010, 02:13:36 AM
The rest of y'all Jedi are now welcome into the thread. I just had Barton show up at a cargo bay where some Jedi are training.

Barton Henning
Jul 13th, 2010, 02:20:23 PM
I think we are just about ready for more Jedi, if others want to come receive the news of Serena's location.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 13th, 2010, 10:56:46 PM
Yes please, other people post! :D

Jul 14th, 2010, 09:32:08 AM
I'll will be posting later today joining in this mission.

Captain Untouchable
Jul 14th, 2010, 10:53:08 AM
I'm planning to show up and segue myself into proceedings, but I'm not entirely sure how to go about it. Are Barton and Loki just gonna keep walking down the corridor, bumping into people, and absorbing them into a mission briefing conga line to see Navaria, or is there going to be a "we need volunteers for a rescue" type summons?

Admittedly, I may need to re-read the thread: I'm only half awake. >_<

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 14th, 2010, 11:00:53 AM
I was hoping that Loki would take us to a meeting place in the next post, and provide some kind of lead in for the rest of you to join.

Drin Kizael
Jul 14th, 2010, 11:05:21 AM
I wasn't sure if that thread was even open.

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 14th, 2010, 11:05:45 AM
I did post this days ago:

The rest of y'all Jedi are now welcome into the thread. I just had Barton show up at a cargo bay where some Jedi are training.

Abarai Loki
Jul 14th, 2010, 11:05:58 AM
Are Barton and Loki just gonna keep walking down the corridor, bumping into people, and absorbing them into a mission briefing conga line to see Navaria... ?

Oh God, I hope so! :lol

But seriously, I think the only other immediate contributor should be Navaria since that is who we're now intent on seeing - I suppose I should get in touch and inform her I've kindly written her into the proceedings - and after that I think a general summons is on the cards. And then... a tear-jerking speech to rally and inspire her people! :ohno

Rev Solomon
Jul 14th, 2010, 12:35:30 PM
We should all meet Navaria in a small room the size of a broom closet. It'll be a stirring reenactment of the stateroom scene from A Night at the Opera.

I was holding off on Solomon's entry to avoid the conga line effect - maybe he's already in the meeting chamber with Navaria? Kizael and Daria could be there, too. Having the major players already assembled would actually save time over doing an all-call and waiting for everybody to post their presence.

Drin Kizael
Jul 14th, 2010, 01:09:15 PM
I was holding off on Solomon's entry to avoid the conga line effect - maybe he's already in the meeting chamber with Navaria? Kizael and Daria could be there, too. Having the major players already assembled would actually save time over doing an all-call and waiting for everybody to post their presence.

Ditto on both counts. I was envisioning the meeting in the hanger that Loki referred to was the four of us.

Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 14th, 2010, 01:13:28 PM
Can Tionne come along on the mission? She's been in the Inqusitoriate before. :)

Also, I don't have much to do with her. :(

Jul 14th, 2010, 01:17:30 PM
I envision this rescue mission having numerous phases, such as the various stages of infiltration involved during the mission to save Han from the mighty Jabba in RotJ - similarly, we can have waves of infiltration, assault, and extraction, all cleverly thought out and warranting the involvement of a fair few characters. It mightn't go down like that but it is how I envision it! :colbert

Captain Untouchable
Jul 14th, 2010, 01:48:13 PM
Fine - but which one of us gets to springboard acrobatically off a plank strapped to the side of a repulsor skiff?

I nominate Loki. Unless he isn't skilled enough to perform the task, of course... :mischief

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 14th, 2010, 01:51:08 PM
Are Barton and Loki just gonna keep walking down the corridor, bumping into people, and absorbing them into a mission briefing conga line to see Navaria, or is there going to be a "we need volunteers for a rescue" type summons?

:lol I love the visual of the conga line, I'd give you rep for this but I have to 'spread it around' more first. :shakefist

I envision this rescue mission having numerous phases, such as the various stages of infiltration involved during the mission to save Han from the mighty Jabba in RotJ - similarly, we can have waves of infiltration, assault, and extraction, all cleverly thought out and warranting the involvement of a fair few characters. It mightn't go down like that but it is how I envision it! :colbert

I envision it like that too!!

Miranda Tarkin
Jul 14th, 2010, 05:42:19 PM
I think I can find where my sister is hiding and have her post tomorrow :P

A post to where all of us come out of session and meet Loki in the hangar it shall be ....!

EDIT - I know I said I'd post today, but :zzz

Tomorrow :)

Daria Nytherciria
Jul 16th, 2010, 01:29:47 PM
Hustle up, everyone :cool

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 25th, 2010, 11:01:48 AM
We now have a group of Jedi putting themselves forward to investigate James Prent's claims, first by travelling to Bespin.

Will we be RPing this out? If so, how will the investigation proceed?

If not, are we ready to move onto actually setting up the trip to Coruscant by contacting the Rebellion to let them know of our findings (i.e. the Empire had a Jedi stashed on Coruscant)?

Sanis Prent
Jul 25th, 2010, 11:07:44 AM
Kind of for the sake of brevity, I think it would be more interesting to RP the beginning of the Coruscant thread with the Jedi scout team returning from their Bespin mission. For epic's sake, we could even make a yellow-text crawl, leading into the complete awesomeness! :eee

Dasquian Belargic
Jul 25th, 2010, 11:22:07 AM
I like it :D

Captain Untouchable
Jul 25th, 2010, 11:24:02 AM
For epic's sake, we could even make a yellow-text crawl, leading into the complete awesomeness! :eee

Suggestion FTW. :eee