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Anastasia Xivelle
Jul 6th, 2010, 08:07:45 PM
Fobosi District Medcenter, Corsucant
"You look like you're about to throw up."
The last bit of a cup of stim tea was drained, the remaining bits of loose leaf at the bottom considered for a moment, and then slowly Anastasia raised her head to begin the process of acknowledging the person who had addressed her.
"I should. Either I'd feel better or I wouldn't have to actually go through with this." The words were practically mumbled before the woman took a deep breath and let her eyes train on the man standing in the doorway of the employee lounge.
His garments immediately identified him as one of the nurses from the emergency room, though Anastasia knew him more as 'That guy that has been giving me shit since I got here.' His name was Keth Opuurin, something Miss Xivelle actually had to be reminded of on the occasion.
"How long a shift you pulling anyway?" The comment was tossed her way as he went for the large pot of stimcaf.
"Fourteen hours so far. You'll have that lovely speeder accident to thank for that."
"That's just criminal."
She didn't bother replying to that.
"They won't let you reschedule that presentation of yours, will they?"
Anastasia shook her head, though let the smile that came with the pride of the situation come naturally. "I wouldn't want them to. The Board has allowed me this chance, I'm not going to blow it by whining about residency hours. That would not only insult them, but myself as well."
"Still say you look like you're going to throw up."
"I'll be fine." There wasn't a shred of doubt in the sentence.
Opuurin raised an eyebrow as he took a drink from his own disposable cup, the look remaining as he slowly lowered it. "So... you're honestly going through with it then."
"Of course I am." The very concept that she had to state that seemed appalling.
The man didn't wait for her to question, simply speaking what he would have if she had asked him for why an explanation was necessary. "Well, it's just that from what I've heard your theories are a bit controversial."
He managed to shove as much loathing into the word as Anastasia figured was humanly possible. It wasn't surprising. Though whatever Opuurin was attempting to goad her in to, it wasn't about to happen. Rather, the young woman simply smiled, dropped the empty cup her tea had been in into a waste bin and headed for the door.
She paused at the threshold and looked over her shoulder. "I'll be sure to let you know if the entirety of the Coruscanti Medical Board shares your view."
Anastasia Xivelle
Jul 7th, 2010, 06:54:04 PM
The lecture halls at the University of Coruscant had always seemed grandiose to Anastasia. Their enormous auditoriums with large holographic screens and room for thousands of students had always, she suspected, been created as such to make those that were learning there feel small, insignificant. Now about to take the place in the central platform, she wondered if that feeling was more meant for the one speaking.
Several members of the medical board sat in the first row of seats, clustered together in the circular arena, data pads filled with notes on those that had been selected to speak that day. There goal was to select one individual and see that their theory was properly funded to further research. Rumors had spoken that if they were enthralled enough, they may even provide the facilities for doing so.
The first individual to speak had proposed a new series of changes to improve nervesplicing, a second had concepts of using synthskin to treat various diseases that it had not been considered for yet. Anastasia could hear bits and pieces of their presentations and found them to be thankfully dull.
Her own speech was running through her mind and as the last speaker could be heard thanking the members of the board for their time, a man in a nondescript uniform motioned that it was her turn.
The light cast down upon the central platform made it nearly impossible to gauge if there was anyone else seated, though Anastasia suspected she could make out various forms in the seats toward the back. Curious colleagues, the occasional student, it wasn't a rare thing.
She let her eyes scan these darkened areas of the auditorium before turning her attention to those directly seated before her. It was now or never...
"I won't insult you all with an overly flowery introduction, I believe you have probably heard enough of that to last quite a lifetime today. Rather... I will get to the heart of the matter. No doubt why I stand before you is not a complete mystery to you and I shall say it now... the rumors you have perhaps heard are probably closer to the truth than you are perhaps comfortable with."
The pause that followed was more to draw in a breath than any sort of dramatic purpose.
"While I am fully in agreement of the mentality that those who follow the ancient religion of The Force are indeed a danger to themselves and those around them... to call them worthless and destroy them outright is simply a naïve action. Not that I believe them to be, as they see themselves, superior beings, but rather it is what they have that is of value."
Another small pause, this time to mentally prepare herself in case she was arrested there on the spot for what she had already spoken, never mind what was about to leave her lips.
"It is my purpose to find the truth behind what causes their supernatural abilities and then find a way to transfer this to others. Not for the purpose of making everyone have these supposed Force-related abilities, but more to find what else can be done. Surely if one can be born with whatever is necessary to make it so that they can move objects without touching them, then lesser miracles could similarly be derived from it: cures to diseases, the end of unwanted genetic markers, renewed strength for those that lost it from injuries, the possibilities are quite honestly...endless. One just needs to be given the chance to find where that end is."
Reinhart Thul
Jul 8th, 2010, 06:25:23 AM
It was a bold statement.
Ever since the dawn of the Clone Wars, there had been a growing distrust of the Jedi Order. Motions had been made to exclude the Jedi from interference in Senate business. The civilian populace of the galaxy looked at the Jedi and saw not guardians of peace and justice, but the cause of the Separatist Crisis. Lacking in military experience, Jedi were thrust into positions of command within the military, in spite of one of their own – the defector, Count Dooku – leading the opposition. Guided by mysticism and their own, self-regulated sense of morality, the public was right to question why a sect of religious fanatics was allowed such political sway.
Having lived through the Clone Wars, and the subsequent rise of the Galactic Empire, Reinhart Thul had witnessed first had the rewriting of history. Under the Emperor Palpatine, new evidence was unveiled to suggest that the Jedi had been vying for control of the Republic all along. First they were vilified and then, more damning still, they were ignored, disregarded as delusion sorcerers, clinging to an ancient and out-dated faith. To suggest otherwise was dangerous, not only for the would-be Jedi themselves, but for the Empire at large. Those who communed with the Force had a habit of dying all notions of logic, most recently going so far as to break into the offices of then-Moff Miranda Tarkin.
Yet... the Empire was not foolish. In secret, the Inquisitor's themselves made use of the Force, all in the interests of their Empress, and although Thul himself was not adept in its use, he had witnessed his colleagues use their powers to great effect. He could not have said for certain whether they would be open to the idea of sharing the talents with others – after all, there was a certain sense of power that came simply from being one of a rare breed – but the notion required thought, discussion. With a stylus pen and data-pad, Reinhart jotted down the bare-bones of Anastasia Xivelle's proposition and continued to listen.
Anastasia Xivelle
Jul 13th, 2010, 11:36:08 AM
The silence following her statement was consumed by a gradual thickening in the air as tension arose. She was certain of herself, and the confidence that came from the young woman was in stark contrast to the sudden thinly veiled looks of disgust if not outright contempt by some of the board members sitting before her. Thankfully it was not all encompassing, some looked moderately intrigued and Anastasia took that as invitation enough to continue.
"I would need to begin my research by isolating the factor that causes these individuals to be able to commune with The Force. Older documents state that perhaps there is a microscopic symbiotic organisms that are at the heart of it, however I am fully aware that sometimes separating fact or fiction in regards to these Force users can be a difficult task and while this will be the first attempt at isolation, I will be entertaining other concepts as well."
"If it does prove that the abilities are granted by these organisms, from there it will be necessary to find what contributes to an individual becoming an acceptable host for these creatures and how we can adapt that to someone where this has not happened naturally."
The looks of intrigue seemed to be diminishing from the remaining members, replaced by pure speculative glances that she knew would come eventually.
A deep breath was taken as she steeled herself to finishing.
"From that point the symbiotic organisms will then have to be studied individually along with a series of test subjects to ascertain the extent of what results they can actually produce in an individual in regards to Force abilities and if they can be manipulated, if not replicated, in different ways to have other sorts of reactions within an individual..."
"As I stated previously, once we are this point, especially if proven that one can manipulate these organisms, then it only evolves into the various applications that we can obtain-"
Enough had finally been enough for the old men and women sitting before her. Or at least, she had finally gotten under the skin of at least one of them who didn't seem to be bothered in the slightest that he was interrupting.
"Miss Xivelle, are we to believe that your entire case for study is based upon a religious mythology? Surely you are learned enough to know that the boasts of the so-called abilities of the now obsolete Jedi Order were nothing but elaborate parlour tricks aimed at striking fear through a populace in an attempt to maintain order."
The statement was once more met with a moment of utmost silence, accompanied by the subtle nod of the heads of the other members of the Board as they quietly agreed to what their associate had said. Even those that had previously seemed to be willing to entertain her theories now seemed hardened against them. Imbeciles.
"Will all due respect, there is a wide variety of evidence that states the contrary."
"Evidence that was doctored by the Jedi Order themselves. This is common knowledge, Miss Xivelle. Need you be reminded of their other treasonous acts that resulted in the dismissal of the entire Order?"
The board member's choice of words amused her somewhat. Dismissal indeed. It was not that Anastasia was a Jedi sympathizer. Their rebellion against the Old Republic and the attempted assassination of the then Supreme Chancellor Palpatine was unforgivable. But to essentially deny their existence and treat them as nothing more than charlatans was something Anastasia simply could not comprehend.
She squared her shoulders and took another steady breath in as she began formulating a rebuttal in her mind when the board member spoke once more.
"I believe we have heard enough, Miss Xivelle. You are excused."
It was crushing to be denied even an attempt at regaining control over her presentation. The curt words of the board member meant more than a simple denial of her request for the research funds, they may have very well meant she had become blacklisted throughout the medical community.
A muttered formal utterance of thanks towards the board for their time was delivered before Anastasia exited the lecture hall, her composure absolute... until she entered the empty hallway. The nearest wall became her source of release as she hit it with an open palm and let a rather colorful string of expletives leave her that echoed down the empty corridor.
Reinhart Thul
Jul 18th, 2010, 12:55:33 PM
The door to the lecture hall swung open once again. The sound of muttered discussions drifted out into the hallway, bringing Reinhart Thul with them. He carried his coat draped across one arm and was tucking his palm-sized data-pad into his shirt pocket when he saw Anastasia Xivelle, a picture of defeat. In spite of her cursing, it was clear he had stepped into a private moment.
“My.. apologies.”
Thul smiled. It was a small smile and an infectious one at that.
“If it's any consolation, I found your lecture fascinating.”
Anastasia Xivelle
Jul 18th, 2010, 01:23:37 PM
A hint of blush rose in her cheeks as Anastasia found that being discovered in the appearances of vulnerability was infinitely more embarrassing than having the Board practically toss you out mid-presentation.
But the smile that came from the man who had spoken to her was reassuring in some way, it allowed her a moment's pause to recollect herself.
"Thank you. Sadly I doubt the concept will ever really be allowed to be explored now."
A disdainful look came from the door she had left the hall from.
"Knowing them, they'll probably ban the mention of such a thing. How anyone can be in a position, claiming to be wise and still be so utterly ignorant is beyond me."
Reinhart Thul
Jul 19th, 2010, 03:11:47 PM
He hadn't meant to embarrass her, but he was gratified to know that in spite of the panning she' received, Xivelle was not silenced. His smile softened and he extended a hand to Anastasia in greeting.
“Reinhart Thul. I've been following your work for some time.”
Anastasia Xivelle
Jul 19th, 2010, 06:15:39 PM
"Really? And here I thought most had written me off as having read one too many bed-time stories.."
Her hand reached out to meet his, clasping briefly, with a gentleness that only came from women of decent upbringing.
"So, tell me Mr. Thul," she paused long enough to nod with her head towards the lecture hall, "where do you think it all went wrong? I thought my reasoning sound enough without getting too far into the entire Jedi taboo."
A brief laugh left her, verging on a scoff that made clear her temperament towards the Board hadn't exactly shifted much from her outburst he had walked in on.
"I wonder if maybe it was just presented to the wrong audience. Sadly I don't think there's much funding to be found in those that still secretly cling to the hope the Jedi will one day be redeemed and find their proper place within the Empire."
Reinhart Thul
Jul 23rd, 2010, 12:26:46 PM
Thul weighed her answer with a nod. “Perhaps. Men of science can have a difficulty time reconciling their empirical, duracrete understanding of the galaxy, with a group of people who can seemingly defy and deny everything they believe in with such ease and traquility.”
Inside the lecture hall, Reinhart could hear another hopeful had taken the stand. He listened for a moment to the indistinct murmur of voices and wondered if the next speaker would take rejection as well as Xivelle herself had.
“I would like to hear more, if you have the time.”
Anastasia Xivelle
Jul 24th, 2010, 01:43:33 AM
One last almost cautionary glance was cast towards the door from which she had left the lecture hall before Anastasia's gaze leveled on Reinhart. A series of somewhat witty, shrewd comments floated in her thoughts and were cast aside ranging from the vaguely to the widely inappropriate.
"I'd be delighted."
It wasn't quite a lie. She did have plans for after the lecture had finished, but considering that hadn't gone exactly as planned, Anastasia figured she could alter the remainder of her day accordingly.
Reinhart Thul
Aug 4th, 2010, 02:10:26 PM
The University of Coruscant campus was vast. For every lecture hall and seminar room, there was at least one cafe where students and teachers alike would be routinely be found sipping on extra-strong caff and hammering the keys of personal computers in vain, last-ditch attempts to complete their latest essays. There was one such cafe nearby, with floor to ceiling windows that overlooked a grassy quadrangle. They sat at a distance from any other customers and Thul smiled when a young waitress approached.
“Tea, please. Would you like anything, Anastasia?”
Anastasia Xivelle
Aug 4th, 2010, 07:38:14 PM
"The same, thank you."
Somehow Anastasia managed to share the smile towards the waitress that Reinhart had showed. She figured it must be infectious somehow, even if the more logical side of her mind was already declaring nonsense on that very concept.
The waitress shuffled off, letting Anastasia gently place the bag containing random datapads filled with her own notes alongside various documents she could find down near her feet. She'd remembered to return to the lockers and retrieve it before they had left the lecture building and the very fact she almost had left it had bothered her somewhat. Apparently The Board had gotten to her more than she had thought.
Her attention returned to the man seated across from her as she attempted to figure out what his interest in her theories was. He was not a professor at the university, she had met the majority of them. She guessed he may very well have been a student, but his air was far too relaxed to really match their ranks. Which left two things - either someone representing another entity, or a truly random stranger with academic interests and far too much free time. She almost hoped for the second, those sort of people could be interesting. A time waster, but interesting.
Curiosity and a need to know outweighed weighting on a more proper time to find out just what category Mr. Thul found himself in.
Anastasia sat back in her chair, relaxing just slightly as her hands folded neatly atop her knee as she crossed one leg over the other.
"So how long have you been following my research? I can't say I've had a lot of papers published. An unfortunate fact but you'd be surprised how many people would quickly have turned on me if what I just said in that hall had first been distributed in readable form." She paused and let a small laugh leave her lips. "Of course, considering the reaction to my actual presentation, perhaps it's not that surprising at all."
Reinhart Thul
Aug 11th, 2010, 03:10:32 PM
“A while.”
The cafe was quiet enough that the waitress was returning with their tea within a matter of moments. She sat down two cups and the pot. Reinhart sat forward and lifted the lit just enough to glimpse the leaves within and release a puff of steam. It smelled good but it would need time to stew. He sat back.
“With work like this... word travels, whether you put it in print or not. The.. government has systems in process to monitor what you might call the discussion of radical opinions.”
Anastasia Xivelle
Aug 11th, 2010, 06:02:28 PM
"Ah... Yes, I suppose I should have realized." As she spoke, her eyes drifted to her hand where a fingertip was absentmindedly tracing across the rim of the empty teacup in front of her.
The government had taken an interest? Well that in itself was rather intriguing and only surprising in the fact that it actually had shown up on their radar. Anastasia hadn't predicted it would take such notice until she was well into producing results.
Of course that did bring up the question also of perhaps why, if her assumption was correct, was an agent of the Galactic Empire actually speaking with her to know more. If they perceived her research as any sort of threat, the simple discrediting of it all during her presentation should have put away any worry of that.
A knowing smile played on her lips as she spoke again. "And are my ideas really all that radical?"
Reinhart Thul
Aug 15th, 2010, 07:46:01 AM
“If I am correctly understanding your theories... you are proposing that through scientific study we may be able to find the gene responsible for the Force. I don't imagine that the existence of such a thing is impossible... but were it to exist, and were you to find it and successfully manipulate it, it would be one of – if not the greatest – breakthroughs in genetic science in human history.”
Reinhart paused only a moment to allow his words to settle. He didn't doubt that Anastasia was already aware of all of this. Were her studies to come to fruition, the consequences would be far reaching and, more importantly, irreversible.
“As you say, the possibility are practically limitless. In the right hands, your research could be nothing short of revelatory. In the wrong hands... catastrophic – and that that is something the government would like to avoid.”
Anastasia Xivelle
Aug 15th, 2010, 10:54:21 AM
The word catastrophic actually managed to amuse her somehow, causing subtle changes in her appearance, a gentle raise of an eyebrow and a small laugh that was mostly contained. It seemed a bit of an extreme word to use, a little over the top... but when one stopped and considered the rather colorful past those who had Force Powers... well, perhaps it wasn't so outlandish after all.
A moment was taken to collect her thoughts as Anastasia finally poured herself a cup of the tea and took a sip from it. The warm that slowly crept down her body was an instant tension reliever.
"I don't suppose they already have ideas as to how to go about that?" The question was a bit edgy, but considering some of the rather distressing rumors put out there by the so-called Alliance, it seemed valid.
Reinhart Thul
Sep 2nd, 2010, 12:27:44 PM
Reinhart followed suit, pouring tea slowly from the pot. He didn't drink, letting the steam rise from the cup, bringing with it a pleasant aroma.
“What is that old Umbaran saying... keep your friends close and your enemies closer still. A woman of your talent and... aspiration is nonetheless of great value to the Empire. You would provide it with invaluable scientific insight and it would provide you with the resources to complete and expand upon your studies, providing your worked within certain, specified parameters. I'm reluctant to use the phrase 'it's an offer you can't refuse' – but it's regretfully apt, in this instance,” Thul added, with a smile that turned his lips down at their edges.
Anastasia Xivelle
Sep 2nd, 2010, 01:00:19 PM
Ah, there was the heart of it. The cup still held in her hands, Anastasia brought it slowly to her lips once more, taking another drink of the tea before she gently placed the cup back on the table in front of her.
Reinhart was right, it simply wasn't something she could outright refuse. At least, not without some consideration. It sounded like everything she wanted but with a giant however attached to it. It was instant gratification, an opportunity that came just as doors she wanted to go through were slammed shut. There were always consequences to accepting that sort of thing.
The young woman let out a soft sigh. "You'll understand if I would like some time to think it over. I wasn't exactly expecting to become an employee of the Empire itself today."
Reinhart Thul
Sep 2nd, 2010, 01:09:23 PM
Mid-sip from his tea, Thul nodded as he lowered his cup. “Of course.”
As genial as he was – as all of this was – the act of thinking it over was merely a formality. A less sympathetic man might have foregone the luxury of allowing Anastasia to return to her home and take stock of her life, eventually coming to the conclusion – happy or otherwise – that this was an unavoidable turning point in her life. Having at least the illusion that she was in control of her fate was important. Certainly, the Empire preferred the nerf to lead themselves to the water, but they were not above using a shock-prod when necessary.
Thul reached into his pocket and retrieved a small metallic retangle. He placed it on the table between them and, with one fingertip, pushed it towards Anastasia. It was inscribed with a series of numbers, dots and dashes and the letters R THUL.
Anastasia Xivelle
Sep 2nd, 2010, 01:28:49 PM
Anastasia was no fool. Even as she took hold of the inscribed object and placed it into one of the pockets of her bag she knew there really was no saying no to this. She had seen plenty in newsreels and reports about what happens to those who say No to the Empire. It could have been worse though, at least they were going to give her some time to get her affairs in order.
Speaking of which... Anastasia allowed a small glance at the chrono on her wrist and let a small frown appear just momentarily. The guilt was quickly overridden by the knowledge that her associate would understand. He always did.
She looked back up to Mr. Thul and squared her shoulders in a subtle motion that put her back fully into the conversation.
"I don't suppose you could elaborate on some of these parameters you mentioned. I'm not expecting you to give away everything, perhaps you could just start with basics... where would I be located? Will I have to give up my condo? That sort of thing. I'd like to know exactly how this would effect my personal life, you understand."
Reinhart Thul
Sep 8th, 2010, 01:17:22 PM
Thul parted his hands, palms up. “I'm afraid I'm only a messenger. The limtations of your work would be something to be discussed with your superiors. As for your apartment, Coruscant is the hub of the Galactic Empire and home to a number of prominent scientific research institutes – but the Empire is an empire. In my own experience, travelling on Her Majesty's business is rarely something that can be avoided, but equally rarely something to be avoided. There is a great deal to be said for seeing more of the galaxy than this ball of steel and stone.”
Anastasia Xivelle
Dec 3rd, 2010, 07:12:32 PM
"Naturally." Anastasia let her steady gaze falter briefly as her eyes cast a glance into the cup of tea before her. "Even simply considering otherwise is, at best, limiting. Life's too short to barricade ones self in a comfort zone, I suppose."
Although she outwardly kept a steady appearance, her mind was a complete maelstrom of weighed consequences and options. Plans would have to be made quickly, arrangements hashed out, and perhaps several formal apologies to be written.
Her eyes lifted back towards the man seated across from her. "Well then, you mentioned superiors, when shall I be meeting them?"
Reinhart Thul
Jan 1st, 2011, 05:43:47 PM
“Soon. Very soon.”
Folding his hands in his lap, Reinhart reclined and studied Anastasia for a moment. For a young woman whose life was about to be turned upside down, she appeared to be taking it all remarkably well.
“They have asked that you accompany me on a... research mission of sorts. Providing your performance is satisfactory – which I am certain it will be – we'll then travel on to meet with your future employers.”
Anastasia Xivelle
Jan 1st, 2011, 06:58:48 PM
"Research?" The small marking of curiosity hinted at her words, but there was also a level of skepticism.
Thul made the task sound like it would be simple, but only a fool truly believed that anything with the word 'mission' attached to it was as such. 'Assignment', 'task', 'trip', even those words were laced with the promises of unspoken dangers, but not quite so strongly as 'mission.'
Anastasia pursed her lips before she poured herself another cup of tea from the pot. After setting the one item down with care she picked the cup up, once more cupping it in both of her hands and enjoying the small warmth it provided as it warded off the small chill she suddenly felt.
"Very well, if that's the way it must be."
Reinhart Thul
Jan 3rd, 2011, 10:11:08 AM
“I don't know any of the specifics yet. That information will be relayed to us in transit.”
Thul, who had cradled his tea-cup in the palm of one hand, took a sip of the now cool brew. Although he did have a basic understanding of the task he and Xivelle would be undertaking, it wasn't the kind of subject matter that could be discussed openly. Being dispatched to unknown locations for unknown purposes was no longer a source of anxiety for Reinhart, but he could empathise with Anastasia's caution.
“Well,” he sat down what was now a mostly empty tea cup on the table between them and got to his feet, straightening the lapels of his jacket. “I won't take up any more of your time than necessary, Anastasia. I look forward to hearing from you again.”
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