View Full Version : Jedi mission thread callout
Drin Kizael
Jul 4th, 2010, 04:08:19 PM
It came to Drin's attention early on there the Jedi has a scary shortage of lightsabers. The convoy could also use another supply ship to take some of the weight off the Whaledon.
So first he needs a ship with lots of cargo room. He's not in a position to acquire a military grade transport without putting together a full blown mission, and that's being taken care of anyway. But he can call in a few favors to get a freighter and he knows just where to go.
I need a couple of pilots, techs, and/or mechanics from The Wheel to come along. That one will be a pretty non-action-oriented thread, more of a social thing.
Then I'm leading the hunt for crystals. When the time comes, I'm going to post this in the RP Planning forum.
The Empire has Dantooine and Adega locked down pretty tight I'm guessing. But Drin knows how to find Illum, or rather he has a longshot plan to find it. That thread can maybe use a villain since it's more of an adventure. But in order to keep the balance of power, I'm hoping we can agree to end it where only the Jedi know where the planet is.
For that one, the more Jedi the merrier, though for the sake of pacing we probably want to keep it down to 3-4 (more Knights than Padawans) and the villain(s). That second thread could be a ways off, but something to keep in the back of your mind for the future.
Tionne Thanewulf
Jul 5th, 2010, 10:57:06 AM
I'll help you with the crystals. Also, you might want to take Tionne along, she has quite the knowledge of the Galactic underworld.
Inyos Aamoran
Jul 5th, 2010, 11:23:35 AM
If you're still looking for Jedi to help out, you have my services too. I may not be able to claim an in-depth knowledge of the Galactic underworld, but I do look pretty swanky in a trench coat. ;)
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 5th, 2010, 02:10:41 PM
Barton or Corell, you can have one or the other. I don't really want to play both in the same thread :mneh
Drin Kizael
Jul 5th, 2010, 04:37:58 PM
It looks like it might be just Drin and Corell going ship hunting. For the longer range mission, we're gonna need the doc.
Navaria Tarkin
Jul 6th, 2010, 09:05:46 AM
Oh fine, forget about me :p
Jul 11th, 2010, 06:39:26 PM
Lowrook has two lightsabers.. and best of all.. a 90m gunship.. the Berserker if you need a ship to launch this sim from.
Jul 14th, 2010, 12:07:39 AM
Anj can come along as a mechanic.
Corell Capstan
Jul 26th, 2010, 11:47:36 AM
Hey, puss in boots. When are we starting this? :mneh
Drin Kizael
Aug 11th, 2010, 03:48:47 PM
FYI... why I have not started this yet.
I'm not sure what is supposed to happen after the rescue thread. If certain characters are going to be doing something else important to save the galaxy, I can't take them off on a mission to the unknown regions. For example, I originally wanted to set this before, but Corell was assumed to be investigating Serena's whereabouts. It would have made no sense as that would have taken precedence over anything else.
Right now my tentative plan is to grab Corell, Anj, Navaria (and her NPC smuggler family) to go on this.
Another problem now is that I don't think I've seen Anj in awhile. You still out there?
Inyos, does your character have any mechanical or technical skills? That's the main thing Drin is looking for.
Now that Morgan's back, Drin would want to tag him for this, too. And maybe Cirr, even though he's not a Jedi. As first mate, he's got the skills and he's in the "inner circle" so to speak.
Drin is not looking for any non-Jedi rebels because he doesn't want them knowing where Ilum is if we find it. Tactically it won't do them any good to have the knowledge. The fewer people who know, the better.
Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 11th, 2010, 07:57:43 PM
Cirr's good for this if you want him.
Also, if you'd be keen on running afoul of a Cizerack galleon as a heavy, there's always that. If you'd rather a more intimate villain, let me know.
Morgan Evanar
Aug 11th, 2010, 08:07:47 PM
Sounds like Fnu!
Drin Kizael
Aug 11th, 2010, 08:41:11 PM
Cirr's good for this if you want him.
Also, if you'd be keen on running afoul of a Cizerack galleon as a heavy, there's always that. If you'd rather a more intimate villain, let me know.
Actually having two encounters wouldn't be a problem. I'd like to make the journey more epic than... "And then we got the crystals. The End." :)
First step is we just get a ship. That will be the easy part. Then intel of Jedi on Denon would draw one of the (or a group of) bad guys. The Ciz ship could fall under random encounter. Maybe they could team up on their mutual enemy when they discover they are after the same target, which is usually what happens in these kinds of stories.
I am hoping that the location of the planet does not become public knowledge. Though I realize the Sith are going to find out when we return, but that's not the same as the Empire getting it. The Sith may or may not even care. The Imps would blockade it.
Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 11th, 2010, 09:23:39 PM
I don't think the Empire will get wise on this. I don't think any of the dark souls on the wheel have any affiliation with Imperials.
Drin Kizael
Aug 11th, 2010, 09:47:27 PM
Okay so two seemingly unrelated bad guys somehow *cough* get wind of the news that we're on Denon and complicate our plans. Cool. When we get to that point it'll be easy to throw them in.
Serena Laran
Aug 11th, 2010, 10:35:57 PM
As far as the Ciz go, you could always run into an interdictor cruiser picketing a smuggling run. Cizerack hate smugglers. ;)
Drin Kizael
Aug 22nd, 2010, 04:04:53 PM
Kay, well... We need to leave this thread on the shelf for a little while, which is probably a good thing with what little time I'm supposed to be allowing myself for the board when I should be doing more of my OWN writing.
So, I am going to just give Drin his lightsabre for RPs set after this point. If the need arises, I may magically insert a new ship into the Wheel, too. This thread here will be retrofitted to take place after the Coruscant rescue, but before the developments with the Independents.
It will be called 'Hunters and Gatherers'. Here is the broad breakdown...
1. Drin takes a group of Jedi with mechanic and tech skills to help refurbish a ship that we need to haul the mining equipment, and to add to the cargo storage capacity of the Wheel. This will be a casual intro with whatever social interaction that our characters are up to.
2. As we try to leave, we run afoul of some pirates, likely just NPCs.
3a. After escaping from them, we head to Denon to acquire a droid suspected to have vital info. This is mainly why we need Morgan. If he's not there, I'll use Roker.
3b. We run into another more serious villain, probably a PC Inquisitor(s), Sith, or other bad guys to make the mission more complicated for us.
4. We escape Denon and have one final encounter on Ilum before finally getting the crystals.
I'm not gonna push the pace at all like we are trying with the Coruscant rescue or Charley's Clone Wars thread. It'll be a standalone story that takes place after Serena, but before the Indies/CSA plot. I am hoping for it to be a fun distraction in the middle of so many other "important" things going on.
And it'll be some time in... well not sure when. :) As I said we'll just retrofit it into continuity.
Captain Untouchable
Aug 22nd, 2010, 05:05:34 PM
How long are you imagining this will take, in terms of IC time?
I only ask, because if this is sandwiched between Serena and the CSA arc, it pretty much dictates how long the Rebel Alliance is "sitting around" with the knowledge that there is a superweapon out there, without actually doing anything about it.
Refurbishing a ship probably isn't the kind of task you can finish over a sunday afternoon, particularly since you're limiting yourself to only Jedi without any Rebel backup, or generic "muscle". Same goes for the actual mining of the crystals itself: unless you're only getting a handful of crystals this time, and establishing a precedent for us to go back and get more as required?
We may have to come up with an excuse to explain the delay is all, to provent the Alliance from inadvertantly looking like a bunch of brainless idgets for waiting so long. :mneh
Drin Kizael
Aug 22nd, 2010, 06:30:40 PM
With the travel times, I'd say a week and a half.
I figure it will take some time to analyze the data and deliberate what to do. The Rebels may be inclined to have the initial talks with Tear without even bringing the Jedi in. It could also easily be justified that it takes a week or two to move more forces around before they can effectively launch with all the right intel on enemy defenses and without leaving the core-side of their territory vulnerable. Plenty of ways to carve out time with that many pieces in play.
There will be NPC muscle for the ship repair work, just not Rebels. And I got the mining part covered, too. ;)
Drin Kizael
Sep 20th, 2010, 04:06:03 PM
Okay, well... this has collected enough dust. Time to get started. I'm gonna streamline it, though. Folks will hear from me by PM or IM.
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