View Full Version : Ships + Pilots
Inyos Aamoran
Jul 2nd, 2010, 03:08:44 PM
Hope I'm not overstepping my bounds, but since we're trying to get more Rogue missions on the go, it'd be helpful to have a better idea of a) what we're defending, and b) who wants to help out. That way, we can get as many people as possible involved in the fun times, etc.
So, A) What ships (and details) are missing from this list?
Valiant - MC40a Star Cruiser (lead Rebel ship)
Whaledon - Action VI Transport (lead Jedi ship)
Berserker - (Lowrook & crew?)
Layla - YV-666 Light Freighter (Sanis Prent & crew)
Knightfall - Dynamic-class Light Freighter (Barton Henning & crew)
Viridian Knight - Theta-class T-2c Shuttle (Inyos Aamoran)
I know there are a few missing - Corell's YT-2400, for example.
On top of that, how many of these are flying around, and how many of them spend most of their time landed? I know there's been some interaction between the crews of the Layla and the Knightfall, for example, which presumably requires them to land on a bigger ship.
Do we have enough "bigger ships" for the people who are landing to land? Do we need to add something like this (, or augment/upgrade the Valiant with/to something larger?
Also, on the B) front -
Of the ships we have, how many people would want to be involved in "defending the Wheel" threads next time an unexpectedly large ship shows up? Does anyone without a ship perhaps want to volunteer as a gunner on someone else's ship, etc?
How many people would want to be Jedi pilots (I know this was touched on before)? Would you want to be part of a typical "Jedi Squadron", or would you want to be like Clone Wars Jedi, with you as "knights" and your starfighters as your "horses"?
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 2nd, 2010, 03:40:40 PM
Knightfall spends half its time running suppy missions and half with the Wheel. Whenever the crew are interacting with Sanis et al, for instance, I just assume that they come aboard the Whaladon since it's pretty big and suits the purpose of providing a generic place for everyone to meet. I have previously written that the Knightfall was able to dock inside of the Whaladon, which is probably a stretch of dimensions.. but as I say, I have just been using that ship as the generic meeting point and not really thinking about every little detail when it comes to the Wheel.
We are looking at adding new ships at the moment, Daria and Grace are meeting to see if we can get a few more ships from the Alliance. We are pretty low priority on the Alliance's list of people who need ships, as far as I know, so I can't imagine we are going to get anything especially big or shiny. Also I believe there is intention amongst some of the Jedi to... appropriate some ships from outside of the Alliance.
The ship Corell crewed aboard is AWOL. The rest of the crew are smugglers, so that ship returns if and when the plot demands an extra set of guns.
Captain Untouchable
Jul 2nd, 2010, 03:45:29 PM
If you want to get more Alliance ships, the one Vansen Tyree commands is at a loose end. I was gonna do something with it, but then didn't, so I'm happy for them to be involved if ya want.
Assuming that my grumpy, drunk XO (Sarah) is alright with that, of course. :mischief
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 2nd, 2010, 03:47:12 PM
Sure. Like I say, I have a thread going with Grace right now where Daria is pitching to get a little more firepower for the Wheel incase the Empire shows up again, so if you want to volunteer to be those big-guns, that should work just fine.
Jul 2nd, 2010, 09:09:05 PM
I plan on the Berserker to stay with the Wheel unless the Jedi use it to go on missions. It has a small hangar that has 2 X-Wings, 1 Y-Wing and a salvaged X-Wing. They also have the crappy unarmed shuttle that Lowrook landed on the Whaladon. The ship is small at 90 meters but does boast some weaponry.
The crew itself is less than 20 and the fighters can be used by anyone (the start of a jedi squadron or something).
Captain Untouchable
Jul 3rd, 2010, 09:07:15 AM
In terms of the big guns that Tyree has at his disposal, he's got a Venator-class Star Destroyer ( In terms of combat power, it's somewhere between a Victory and Imperial Star Destroyer... so we'd still have to run away if one of the latter showed up, but at least we'd stand a decent chance of covering the Wheel's retreat in that eventuality.
Granted, it has an absolutely insane fighter compliment (somewhere in the region of 40 squadrons), there's absolutely no need for us to have that many aboard. Maybe half-a-dozen would be pleanty: then we can dedicate the rest of the space aboard to parking all of the Jedi shuttles, Rebel transports, and all that jazz.
Plus, the Open Circle Fleet ( logo painted on it kinda looks like a wheel. Which, you know. Seems apt. :mischief
Drin Kizael
Jul 4th, 2010, 09:58:05 AM
This seemed like a good enough place as any to post this, since one of my once main objectives was acquiring ships for the Wheel.
First I need to say: I'm still here.
I have not bailed on the forum. I've be lurking and waiting and hoping for threads I was in to develop. My character is in an awkward position as he barely knows anyone and only a handful of the Jedi know him so he's not going to just assume a lead role. I'm sorry for dropping out for so long, but I didn't see much interest in my thread ideas and I thought it presumptuous to just write another solo story.
High on my agenda was to bring home a converted cruiser with a compliment of starfighters because I thought we wanted to avoid using Rebel ships. It doesn't make a terrible amount of sense for a struggling rebellion to give up ships to babysit us. That's how they would see it because they need all the hardware they can get on the front lines.
But... I guess that's changed now.
I do have an idea for acquiring another medium freighter, so that we have more room to spread out supplies and have places to meet. A single Action IV transport is not as big as you guys seem to think it is.
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 4th, 2010, 11:07:39 AM
That is why I said we are low on the Alliances priority list. I'm not expecting the Alliance to give us much, and was fully anticipating the Jedi themselves being forced into locating something suitable themselves.
As for the Whaladon not being as big as we think.. Again like I said, th exact size of that ship was never an issue for me. The ship itself is just a venue for roleplay to take play aboard. Whether it's one ship class or another is largely irrelevant, since we don't engage in fleet combat and even when we do, the technical specs aren't taken into account. The exact size of the cargo hold or the hyperspeed capacity aren't something that impacts on storytelling, at least for me personally.
Drin Kizael
Jul 4th, 2010, 12:05:32 PM
I don't care about fleet stats either. I was merely thinking of the logistics of a couple dozen Jedi trying to live and train in such cramped quarters, since most of us seem to stay off the Valiant.
I didn't realize Correll didn't have a ship of her own in the convoy. She was Drin's first candidate to go on the search and recovery mission. Of course Barton is second since we could use a doctor on a field mission, and the Wheel already has a couple healers.
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 4th, 2010, 12:14:38 PM
We have more ships in the convoy than those that are named. I have just always specified the Whaladon as the main training ship so that we don't have people flying backwards and forwards all the time to meet up with one another. Maybe 'off camera' they are travelling in to that ship to get together.
As for Corell's ship.. like I say, it's not her ship and it's not actually with the convoy right now. The smugglers that own the ship don't have any allegiance to the Rebellion, for the time being.
Captain Untouchable
Jul 4th, 2010, 06:25:14 PM
It might suit the situation best - in the long term - if we begun to think of the Whaledon as a cross between a Jedi Temple and Colonial One.
- It's where the Jedi leadership will presumably reside.
- It's where the Jedi are brought together for large gatherings.
- It's where large groups of Jedi can be trained at once.
Once we start pairing Padawans off with mentors, we'll likely start shifting away from the latter option. And as the Wheel grows - if we gain the Challenger (Tyree's Venator), for example - we can start looking into the possibility of individual characters looking elsewhere for a "proper room", rather than roughing it on the Whaledon.
Think back to the first episodes of Battlestar Galactica though (if you've seen it). Colonial One is probably smaller than the Whaledon. Yet, they managed to convert some of the cargo space into accomodation for - how much was it? Dozens? Hundreds? - of people that they rescued from other ships. They probably roughed it there for a bit, then expanded outwards onto other ships, when Colonial One became a seat of government.
I think that kind of mentality could work: assume people have been roughing it (short term) on the Whaledon for now, and then wait until people spread out and things sort themselves out over time.
Drin Kizael
Jul 12th, 2010, 08:06:13 PM
Actually here's a question... Does the Whaledon have an actual Captain? Even if no one plays one, have there ever been any references to him/her/it?
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 13th, 2010, 12:57:49 AM
Not that I know of. The crew o the Whaladon are pretty much nameless and faceless at the moment.
Captain Untouchable
Jul 13th, 2010, 06:25:07 AM
Does the Whaledon even need to have a Captain?
The crew of an Action VI is small (between six and twenty). And if we have a crew, we need to be sure that they're loyal; and we probably have no way of paying them, either. We have no weapons to speak of, and we spend all of our time pretty much just flying in a straight line, or following jump coordinates that are transmitted to us. All we need, really, is a couple of guys to sit on the bridge and follow instructions, and a couple of technicians (Rebels, perhaps) to fix the things that break.
When it comes to tough decisions, the Jedi would be the ones calling the shots. So I guess that makes Nevaria the de facto Captain?
Drin Kizael
Jul 13th, 2010, 12:44:58 PM
Well some presently uncast Alliance character would still need to be the Captain. Someone has to oversee the crew, skeletal as it is, that flies and maintains the ship. They wouldn't have any say in Jedi affairs necessarily, nor should they, since we'd like them to focus on keeping the ship from stalling or breaking orbit at an inopportune moment.
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 13th, 2010, 12:47:05 PM
We can safely assume that there is Captain but unless someone chooses to play that part... We probably don't need to establish much about him or her
Drin Kizael
Jul 13th, 2010, 12:51:19 PM
Nah. I just wanted to make sure since I was going to be making references to them. I won't name a name on the off chance that someone actually wants to make that character.
Jul 14th, 2010, 12:04:46 AM
I'd love to help out. Anj can at least be present in those threads, as he is a former pilot of the Alliance and worked on the shipyards. Thats his resume.
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