View Full Version : One last question
Darth Sokar
Jul 2nd, 2010, 09:39:26 AM
Anyone got claim over this planet ( It's far enough out in the galaxy where I won't hopefully step on anyone's toes and plan for it is as simple as this all of characters will up and move there to leave everyone else a lone.
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 2nd, 2010, 10:00:47 AM
Does the faction have a goal, or a mission statement, that you could sum yourselves up in? Image you're selling yourself :mneh
Darth Sokar
Jul 2nd, 2010, 10:47:49 AM
Nope no goals just keep me from interfering with what you all have planned. A place where I can maybe do something for a change.
Darth Callidus
Jul 2nd, 2010, 10:49:52 AM
Your avatar looks familiar... ;)
The Death Eater masks are great, eh?
Darth Sokar
Jul 2nd, 2010, 10:52:46 AM
Hmm interesting I found my mask among some old ruins where did you find yours?
Yes they are very sith looking and thus work really well not to mention they are just down right cool looking.
Blade Bacquin
Jul 6th, 2010, 10:31:26 AM
No questions or anything?
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 7th, 2010, 12:58:18 AM
It's kind of hard to pin down what this group is all about. I know you listed their goals/mission statements, but it's kind of conflicting. Pirates, treasure hunters and smugglers who just want to get filthy rich... but also want to found a new free Republic. Would there be two sets of people in the faction, one supporting each goal, or are the the villains aspiring to filthy riches going to somehow see the error of their ways and try to turn heroic?
Darth Sokar
Jul 7th, 2010, 08:16:45 AM
Well I'm not out to do anything just have a place where I am able to do something with out having to ask for permision on every single thread I post. A place where I don't have to worry about stepping on someone else creation because they don't want anything to touch it.
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 7th, 2010, 08:33:13 AM
What would draw people to him, as opposed to the Rebellion, or the Black Sun?
Jul 7th, 2010, 03:03:58 PM
In time as the profits grow from the percentage Sokar gains from the criminal side he will start to pay off one of the warlord moffs of the independent sector (esstran sector/sith worlds.)
They will for a time keep to the pledge of the independent worlds and aid them when needed. Since esstran sector has a very low population likely hood of them being expected to have standing force to aid the independents is less likely. As they grow and expand they will break away from the independents.
I hope that makes a little more sense on what I am trying to build with this.
There is a Moff for the Esstran sector. Thule, is for all intents, the capital world of the Independents. So the sector, especially Thule, will have a fairly significant force around it. Tear basically runs the sector first hand, unless he's away then the Moff takes over.
A couple things should be considered. All the Moff warlords in Tear's control have been killed/replaced by clones. Most of the Moffs, not all mind you, but most, were outed by the Empire for seedy dealing. Tear knowing their disposition already manipulated the clones to be loyal to him. It's literally in their D.N.A. So while they may want to take the bribe they won't physically be able to do it. Other officials not Moffs, however, are more likely to take bribes since they aren't clones but getting that done in the Esstran sector would be...tough. Since it's the Independent home sector.
There are also two fairly large issues with starting a criminal enterprise within Independent territory currently.
1) The Independents are at war. Martial law is in control. That means strict control of movement on planet, above, and everywhere in between. You won't be able to fly in Independent space unless you are part of a military convoy. If your spotted flying solo, it's a no questions shoot first never ask sort of deal. While not impossible, since criminals spring up when there is a need for certain materials, it certainly wouldn't be easy starting an organization under these conditions.
2) Tear has partnered with the Black Sun. They have authorization to work within his space and are generally supported by his military. You would be working against them to gain a foot hold in Independent space.
You might want to find a less messy spot to start your group.
Also, are you sure you wish to start out as a criminal? I understand there is a need to gain financial power and influence but there are other ways to accomplish it. What if instead of a criminal empire, Sokar became more of a cult leader? Beginning a new age religion on some place like Corellia or another well populated planet. Religions are, after all, very wealthy and powerful organizations. Just an option if you hadn't thought about it.
Tear has already begun a religion on Thule. Using his daughters as prophets to spread the faith to other Independent aligned worlds.
Darth Sokar
Jul 7th, 2010, 05:07:07 PM
1) The Independents are at war. Martial law is in control. That means strict control of movement on planet, above, and everywhere in between. You won't be able to fly in Independent space unless you are part of a military convoy. If your spotted flying solo, it's a no questions shoot first never ask sort of deal. While not impossible, since criminal’s spring up when there is a need for certain materials, it certainly wouldn't be easy starting an organization under these conditions.
Your right what was I think i thought this was an open roleplaying board I'm a sorry I even thought of it. Ghosh I'm so stupid sometimes think I might be able to do soemthing here.
2) Tear has partnered with the Black Sun. They have authorization to work within his space and are generally supported by his military. You would be working against them to gain a foot hold in Independent space.
Your the BN will lay down like dogs and give the BS everything you should expect any resistance.
What would draw people to him, as opposed to the Rebellion, or the Black Sun?
Nothing I don't want to draw anyone to me or this group I just want to be able to be apart of something. The only way I can do that is by doing it by myself it would seem. So I'm not looking to draw people in but I won't be adverse to having people rp on my planet.
Blade Bacquin
Jul 8th, 2010, 07:47:18 AM
Sokar became more of a cult leader? Beginning a new age religion on some place like Corellia or another well populated planet. Religions are, after all, very wealthy and powerful organizations. Just an option if you hadn't thought about it.
Yup sure did think of it about Three years ago (
Then a year ago my idea was reinvented by someone else ( and I offered to help.
As for Corellia and why not something like Corellia because it's not Darth Sokars home world a planet in Esstran system is. :) Weather it be by religion or crime it wouldn't change the where he would want it to evolve from.
Jul 8th, 2010, 06:03:14 PM
So everyone going in and out of Independent territory without any form of authorization is shot down no questions?
- Yes. People flying solo that are encountered by patrols will be 'pinged' with a authorization request. If that request isn't 'pinged' back, or is invalid they get shot down.
Just so your aware the hole Galaxy is at war. Even the imperials who have largest milatary at the moment would have a hard time hold marshal law down like that.
- True the whole galaxy is at war. The key difference being the Independents are controlling a significantly smaller portion of space. I'm not saying people couldn't bypass the blockaded hyperspace lanes and sneak in, it's possible (Dangerous though). But if an Independent Military ship on patrol comes across them, it's lights out.
It's a different policy. One put in place to combat infiltration, smuggling, and pirating. It would seem harsh to someone who's not supposed to be in the system but for those living there it is safer and more secure.
Second part of that This criminal organization wouldn't be operating in independant territory that is just where Sokar is operating from. The criminal organization will most likely be operating in Imperial territory while Sokare will remain in indy until things would advance.
- That's your choice. I am just saying it's going to be more difficult on yourself then if you did the whole thing outside of Independent space.
Third part finding a less messy spot iss unlikely because for the claim you are making the rebels, imperials and pretty much any other group out there can make the same claim you are "We are at war!".
- Not really, no. The Empire are not blockading hyperspace routes (that I know of ). I'm sure they have patrols, probably heavier ones a long the Independent boarders then else where, but unless they've made policy changes it's the same as it's been since they came to power. Also the Rebellion are a Guerilla force. They aren't blockading systems. Although I'm sure if you wanted to set down on Mon Calamari you would have to ask them first.
The galaxy is a huge place. There is tons of free space. At the moment the top right is a bit busy. But 90% of the stuff not marked in color ( pretty much up for grabs.
There isn't a safe spot however where esstran is located it's far enough behind the front lines. Secondly it's low population which would mean less military to begin with unless for some reason you filled up with military just to keep people out which case you should be losing frontlines for that. You would thining out your military.
- Like I said before, Esstran is the home sector of the Independents. It's going to be well secured. There are also two minor hyperspace lanes, one going through Esstran the other going through the Gordian reach which is right next to Esstran, these would be blockaded. Without an idea of where my ships are coming and going from, It's probably not your place to worry about where my military might be running thin.
As for the clone things breading them to be loyal. That's fine you did this in three years, two years, one years time? It's possible but if they are cloned faster the more mentally unstable they are. I will go searching for the tid bit of information when I have more time to prove my claim.
- Things were set in motion 3 years ago. The Moffs clones, however, are probably closer to a year for some, longer for others.
BN has claims there too are you say those claims no longer exist?
- I never said that. Claim away. But, the Black Sun and the Independents are working together to remove all other criminal organizations from Independent controlled space. Then again, you did say yourself that BN was going 'away' so would those claims still be valid? Or would they default to the Black Sun?
My biggest thing here is that's a lot of actual space to cover and hold down such authority over it. Not mention that you say it's martial law and from what I read your army it seems from what you are saying in that the majority of the military is forced into service wich also means you wouldn't have astable military.
- While there is a draft and conscription is mandatory for those that are able. It's hardly kneel on the neck forced. Most of the people on these planets haven't been able to fight back against the Empire. Now they have people who are equipping and training them. I fail to see how that makes an unstable military. You might as well call the Rebellion an unstable military too.
Where I get that from is these worlds have all been subjudugated and now they are once again being subjugated under a new group name. Not only that but because of the "Pledge" being forced into military survice. On the surface you want to look like something the rebellion might aid or ally with. Your looking exactly like the Empire to me from what you have stated here.
- The planet's aren't being subjugated. At least not in plain view. The governments of the various planets are the ones enforcing the draft. They signed the pledge. It was voluntary (or not, but if wasn't, that's not something that is public.)
The Empire crushed these outer rim worlds in the clone wars. They are then occupied. The people are broken. Years go by under the boot of the Empire. Then suddenly a new force shows up, offers protection, offers economic aid, and most of all offers them a chance to fight back. All the government has to do is a sign a contract promising they will contribute to fighting back.
My question to you since you are a reminate of the empire a weaker part why didn't these world over throw the regime early on? it would seem fessible that they would and would have joined up with the rebellion. I mean in your indy worlds there are several ship makign worlds that cfould pump out ships for the rebels and so on. I just don't see with the way you described how these worlds wouldn't have done that?
- They did over throw the old regime. That was the Empire. They joined the Independents. Same as the Rebellion but better equipped. The Independents are not the Empire. They may fly the same ships, have storm troopers, but that's only in the very beginning. They're look will change to encompass a united alien society. All sacrificing for the cause of freedom...and vengeance.
You need to stop tying in ooc information, knowing Tear is generally a bad guy and then taking his intentions into IC thinking. The Independents helped liberate these planets and now they're giving them the chance to fight and keep their independence. All planets signing the pledge are represented on a council that decides on courses of action. Granted all those selected representatives are under Tear's control and it's ultimately him that decides the fate of the alliance, but that is all OOC information. IC no one save for a handful of people know the truth.
I beleive Tear answered it for you the fact there is a second empire growing and from how it's being describe it is nothing like rebellion nor do I see why the rebels would ally with it. Given that it isn't any better then what is already out there.
- Again OOC and IC information give two totally different perspectives. But your right, the Rebellion and the Independents aren't a lot alike
1) Save for their goal in defeating the Empire.
2) Other then the fact they both consist of defected Imperials, Aliens who have had enough of the Empire, or just believers in the cause.
3) And both have enlisted the aid from previously occupied Imperial worlds.
I think the differences you mean are the way they operate.
The Rebellion is generally a guerilla fighting force. The Independents are a more formal standing military.
The Rebellion is filled with volunteers that bolster it's professional military. These volunteers can come and go if they want (I'm going off of Han Solo from the movies here). The Independents military is purely a professional military. If you leave it's called desertion.
The Rebellion is likely friendlier, but not by much (, nearly got blown away for showing up unannounced. Granted, if that was a fleet of Independent ships, it would have been blown away without a question asked. Or in the time it would take to send, or not send, an authorization code.
The worlds the Rebellion are assisting aren't made to sign a charter and join an alliance. The worlds of the Independents are made('Made' being OOC information. IC it would look to be voluntary.) to sign a charter. Once signed, the world is pledging its resources and population to the war effort.
Yes, they do have a draft. Yes, anyone who is able must contribute to the war effort in some form or another. It's not that horrible of a concept ( (note the Map at the top right showing countries that still use conscription). Especially if you haven't had freedom for 20 years anyway. The chance to actually be able to fight back and make a difference and to gain those liberties. It's a small price.
Does this make the Independents come off as hideous monsters? IC it doesn't. From an outside point of view it would look like a large organized Imperial defection.(Something the Rebellion would likely wish for) Instead of becoming separate warlords these Imperials banded together and offered liberation from the Empire to a group of outer rim worlds. These worlds then signed a charter becoming an alliance, called the Independents.
That is how it looks IC. OOC, your privy to the knowledge that some of these worlds had their governments supplanted. But IC it wouldn't be surprising for a world filled with aliens who detest the Empire to want a chance to fight back, or band together for protection.
They aren't directly trying to compete with Rebelion in anyway shape or form. This group won't ever have it's own forum or anything like that it and it might even assimalate into the rebelion or rebel alliance I have no idea on where it will end up.
As for the Black Sun because even the black sun needs a rival and since BN is going away why not. Heck O.W. might even join this new group criminals and he already has IC/OOC people telling him they will follow him rather then join BS.
Also if the rebelion does for some reason ally itself with the Indy's there needs to actually be a group that actually wants to change the face of the galaxy for the better. (IC better, OOC it's actually interesting)
- Again, you're not detaching yourself from OOC information and IC point of views.
Also, if you have future intentions to conspire or involve any creations of mine. Especially a character, or a killing of one. You may want to run that by me in a PM. Since all Moffs in the Independence have names, stories, and purpose, behind them.
Blade Bacquin
Jul 8th, 2010, 07:36:58 PM
- I never said that. Claim away. But, the Black Sun and the Independents are working together to remove all other criminal organizations from Independent controlled space. Then again, you did say yourself that BN was going 'away' so would those claims still be valid? Or would they default to the Black Sun?
Again so sorry you are correct they are just giving it all to black sun with out a fight exactly the way you want it no resistance. Again sorry I tried to argue.
- Yes. People flying solo that are encountered by patrols will be 'pinged' with a authorization request. If that request isn't 'pinged' back, or is invalid they get shot down.
I will make sure I don't rp in your area to avoid you killing off my characters. Since you have the right to do that.
- True the whole galaxy is at war. The key difference being the Independents are controlling a significantly smaller portion of space. I'm not saying people couldn't bypass the blockaded hyperspace lanes and sneak in, it's possible (Dangerous though). But if an Independent Military ship on patrol comes across them, it's lights out.
I will remember that it's alright to take a planet in Imperial space not alright to take one in Tear space.
It's a different policy. One put in place to combat infiltration, smuggling, and pirating. It would seem harsh to someone who's not supposed to be in the system but for those living there it is safer and more secure.
Your right how wrong of me to think I might understand the people of the planets you obviously understand there motivations better then anyone else.
- That's your choice. I am just saying it's going to be more difficult on yourself then if you did the whole thing outside of Independent space.
Your right Tear space is off limits to anyone Tear doesn't permit my apologizes supreme overlord Tear. I hope that is your proper title.
- Not really, no. The Empire are not blockading hyperspace routes (that I know of ). I'm sure they have patrols, probably heavier ones a long the Independent boarders then else where, but unless they've made policy changes it's the same as it's been since they came to power. Also the Rebellion are a Guerilla force. They aren't blockading systems. Although I'm sure if you wanted to set down on Mon Calamari you would have to ask them first.
The galaxy is a huge place. There is tons of free space. At the moment the top right is a bit busy. But 90% of the stuff not marked in color is pretty much up for grabs.
Again your right it's okay to Imperial, rebel or anyone else's space just don't touch Tear space.
- Like I said before, Esstran is the home sector of the Independents. It's going to be well secured. There are also two minor hyperspace lanes, one going through Esstran the other going through the Gordian reach which is right next to Esstran, these would be blockaded. Without an idea of where my ships are coming and going from, It's probably not your place to worry about where my military might be running thin.
Again everywhere else but Tear space. I can't believe I keep making this mistake.
- Things were set in motion 3 years ago. The Moffs clones, however, are probably closer to a year for some, longer for others.
Oh three years ago about the same time Blade's plans where set in motion to take Zoist. Right right uh tear space dam.
- While there is a draft and conscription is mandatory for those that are able. It's hardly kneel on the neck forced. Most of the people on these planets haven't been able to fight back against the Empire. Now they have people who are equipping and training them. I fail to see how that makes an unstable military. You might as well call the Rebellion an unstable military too.
Oh that is so nice of you instituting a draft for all those poor people who where under the tyrannical rule of those same moffs they now serve. Hmmm right Tear space.
- The planet's aren't being subjugated. At least not in plain view. The governments of the various planets are the ones enforcing the draft. They signed the pledge. It was voluntary (or not, but if wasn't, that's not something that is public.)
The Empire crushed these outer rim worlds in the clone wars. They are then occupied. The people are broken. Years go by under the boot of the Empire. Then suddenly a new force shows up, offers protection, offers economic aid, and most of all offers them a chance to fight back. All the government has to do is a sign a contract promising they will contribute to fighting back.
Again the kindness these moffs are now showing these people no wonder there two stupid to realize it's still the empire. You know one Telos man and said to other Telos man you know that moff so and so. yeah what about him he was an evil bastard. Oh, no he is a great guy now left that empire and up and drafted us isn't that kind of him. Exactly what we need a true leader liek that how did we ever think he was an evil man. We where just suffering in are own self pity to see he was just trying to help us all a long.
Oh that Tear space cracks me up.
Years go by under the boot of the Empire. Then suddenly a new force shows up, offers protection, offers economic aid, and most of all offers them a chance to fight back. All the government has to do is a sign a contract promising they will contribute to fighting back.
Again laughing at this those silly planet people and the gullibility.
- They did over throw the old regime. That was the Empire. They joined the Independents. Same as the Rebellion but better equipped. The Independents are not the Empire. They may fly the same ships, have storm troopers, but that's only in the very beginning. They're look will change to encompass a united alien society. All sacrificing for the cause of freedom...and vengeance.
You need to stop tying in ooc information, knowing Tear is generally a bad guy and then taking his intentions into IC thinking. The Independents helped liberate these planets and now they're giving them the chance to fight and keep their independence. All planets signing the pledge are represented on a council that decides on courses of action. Granted all those selected representatives are under Tear's control and it's ultimately him that decides the fate of the alliance, but that is all OOC information. IC no one save for a handful of people know the truth.
Your right they did overthrow the regime those moffs aren't the same guys my bad. There shiny new moffs with a smiley face pin to prove it. Who would supect Tear he is an evil bastard but is plan so full of fluffy happiness no one would suspect him.
- Again, you're not detaching yourself from OOC information and IC point of views.
Also, if you have future intentions to conspire or involve any creations of mine. Especially a character, or a killing of one. You may want to run that by me in a PM. Since all Moffs in the Independence have names, stories, and purpose, behind them.
Just want to point out in a more serious manner you say I make assumptions I never said I was going to kill any of your NPC moffs with out asking first. Yes it was part of a possible bigger plan to remove (what ever that means) the moff from power. It was not in the current plans it was an eventual future jump.
Tear space is such a silly place on second thought let's not go there. Let's take over a planet in some else's territory because at least they aren't invincible.
Blade Bacquin
Jul 9th, 2010, 12:19:40 AM
Geonosia - BN owns droid factories on this planet. (never mind we are just giving those to BS I forgot.)
Mandalore - I have character on this planet. (Did I say Mandalore crap that's in tear space I so hope her hyperspace coordinates jump here way far away from there.)
I also have Four characters that are Native of the Esstran system what are your suggestion there? I change my story to fit yours? (your right I should change that well sorry I'm not going to, to bad for you.)
Jul 9th, 2010, 01:28:24 AM
I'm done trying to talk this through with you. You are over reacting.
I have not once said you couldn't write anything you intended to write. I never once said you couldn't go ahead and do what you wanted to do.(Beyond killing characters I've created)
I've only told you what is happening in those areas and what you should expect. I've only given you other viable options that would make it EASIER for you to start out.
And the Moffs I've created are not NPC's.
Blade Bacquin
Jul 9th, 2010, 01:49:41 AM
I'm done trying to talk this through with you. You are over reacting.
Ah no more Tear space talk, I was getting so interested in it to. Oh well guess it's for the best considering I mean one day I have respect for what you say. Then a a few days later tell me not give up, you tell to take my idea and shove it up my ass because you don't want anyone doing anything in what you assume is your space.
Yet you give me permission to do it anyone else's as long as it's not your own. So your right it isn't worth talking about.
Mind you have nothing against your Idea on the religion suggest I have tried it. I tried the idea before you did.
You keep your space and I will be sure not to rp in it no guarantees but I will do my best to make sure my characters stay and out of your plot lines if there is even a plot to your idea.
Jul 9th, 2010, 01:56:43 AM
I'm done trying to talk this through with you. You are over reacting.
No I'm saying there would be resistance your saying they would lay down like dogs and just let it happen. No over reaction to that part.
You said my characters would be killed shot on site for operating in your owned space. That to me says off limits I can't rp there because you have some right to kill off my characters. Where as I can't touch your NPC moffs I say NPCed because they are not all registered they are not all characters.
The only reason you make the claim that they are active characters is so they can't be killed. So you can maintain control over a fourth of a galaxy with out any resistance. Essentially you made yourself and group untouchable sad part is people are letting you get away with this. Most other boards would not let player get away with it and would call it god moding.
But I don't have any say around this board so again i say fuck it what ever.
Anyone got claim over this planet ( It's far enough out in the galaxy where I won't hopefully step on anyone's toes and plan for it is as simple as this all of characters will up and move there to leave everyone else the fuck alone.
You are so full of assumptions.
Blade Bacquin
Jul 9th, 2010, 02:52:19 AM
There you go all fixed.
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 9th, 2010, 03:41:08 AM
Blade, step away for you computer for a while and cool off.
Consider that an official warning.
Tarrick Ragnus
Jul 11th, 2010, 11:42:35 PM
Not that I usually stick my nose anywhere it wasn't invited, but this planet, would probably work for your character.
It is currently outside most control, small and has a moderate level of scum and villiany.
Blade Bacquin
Jul 12th, 2010, 01:27:50 PM
Thanks Tarrick but it really doesn't matter.
Now to explain my attitude/actions as of late. There are a few reasons for the way I have been acting. One of those reasons is of the personal nature that have and continue to fight every day of my life. It isn't anything I can help it runs in my family and I have to just deal with it. Admittedly it isn't easy to deal with all the time; I have seen how it affects both my dad and grandfather. I will apologize for letting my personal issue affect my attitude and actions. I can't guarantee it won't happen again the only way I could grantee it is if I left.
That is one of the reason there is another reason for the way I have been acting. I was trying to get some new and old people to come rp here. I asked about twenty people if they would like to or would be interested in rping here. A lot of these people didn't even know who I was and a few only slightly remembered the name Blade Ice from here or some other board.
All of them had either at one time rped here or stopped by to check it out. I talked with a few of them on aim by finding the aim address listed her under a registered account or on a few other boards. I also talked to a few them in group chat rooms at other sw boards.
Every one of them said no they wouldn't come to fans and rp. I asked why figuring it might be do time constraints or real life. The problem is the three primary answers I got had nothing to do with real life obligations. In fact every one of the people (except one) gave these three answers consistently on why they wouldn't rp at fans.
1. Fans is overly complicated. They didn't clarify to well on why it was overly complicated. Some didn't get how to be a member of a group. Other where just overwhelmed with the story as a whole how they could fit into it. Which leads into the number two answer.
2. The rpers/posters at fans are unfriendly. Now this came with a variety reasons why these people thought this way. Most commonly was that when asking for help weather with rps or just general things no one seemed to want to help. When asking about joining groups most people didn't want to help or even give suggestions how one could tie themselves into a group. Someone else said that they saw some of you at other boards but when coming to fans those same people acted completely different. As a whole in one of the chat rooms the consensus was that fans didn't seem to want new people around.
3. For those few that got past the complicated parts and didn't find us unfriendly at least in OOC sense but still left. Most of them stated they left because in terms of rp it was hard to get involved with ongoing plots and nearly impossible to start your own thing. Basically what I got from that (you can interpret it how you wish) is that no one want to involve you in what they have going on and they don't want you creating your own thing because it might interfere with what they have going.
4. There was a fourth answer from one of the people I talked to and I'm just throwing it in here to tell you all not everyone has a great answer for why they won't rp here. The strange odd ball I one I got was from one person who said he would never rp here because you denied his master rank transfer. That and it's a bit comical of answer to try and show you that I'm not trying to beat you down with what I am saying.
My first thread which I asked to be deleted was an attempt at trying to make things a bit simpler. I felt taking a step backwards might take away some of the complications and bring new people in. The thread first got derailed first by some getting hung up on the rank concept I had. A rank concept that is mostly in play here already but isn't totally public knowledge. The thread first got hung up on that and I have no idea why considering this board mostly already uses the concept I presented as do most other star wars rpg boards most of which have a bigger population then fans.
The second hang up in that thread and the one that got out of hand was my fault. I want to apologize to KA and its group leaders but first I want to say this. I got upset because you where saying that all you had to do to be a member was ask. I took that personally because it felt like you where saying anyone who asks can be a member except that guy over there who has been denied four times he isn't welcome or good enough rp in our group. So yes I took it as a personal burn because I had asked, I wanted to member, I wanted to be involved in your storylines but for whatever reason I was told you didn't want me in the group.
So here it is I'm sorry I let it get out of hand and that I took what was said so personally. As whole I do like what storyline you guys are portraying and I all I wanted was to be involved. So again I'm sorry I took it personally and let it get out of hand like it did.
My second thread this one was an attempt to hopefully get new people involved by showing them that they could start their own things. That there Idea's mattered and if no one wanted them to be involved in there plots they could start their own. It failed but not because no wanted to get involved that was fine as where questions being asked by Dasq.
Where it failed was in the fact that one person saw it possibly infringing on his storyline (which there is no way to know if it would have or would not have because what was presented as a possible future goal was a long ways down the line. It was not set in stone). Instead of offering to maybe work it into what he had going or even attempting to work with the Idea in some way, the person straight out suggested that the storyline be moved. Instead of helping or even asking why the person wanted it set up or in the particular location they just automatically gave the suggestion to leave.
Yes I have my issues and I'm sorry I let them affect my attitude. I will try to curb it as much is possible if I choose to stick around which I may not. I'm going to stay away for probably a few more days at least for sure. I just want to tell you all there were reasons behind the way I have been acting. I'm not saying that gives me the right to act the way I have been it just is what it is.
You can think I'm a disrespectful asshole I'm kind of use to that. You can hate me trust me there people who do that have a lot less of reason to hate me then you guys do. Then and that's part of my personal issue I have a tendency to think it's a lot easier to live with people hating me for something I did to hurt them then me hating them for hurting me.
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 12th, 2010, 02:34:54 PM
I know everyone doesn't like 'Fans, for whatever reasons. That has always been the case and I won't make excuses for any of those criticisms because I don't doubt that they are valid for some people.
I can totally understand that for some people, the lack of a clear-cut faction admission process (with a traditional recruitment thread) might be off-putting or that they might find the fact that we have over-arching story intimidating... but hey-ho. Every community I have been a part of - whether Fans, SWRPG, TGC, etc - has had its weaknesses and strengths. We have a small degree of overlap between community memberships, but overall people are part of one or the other because their personal preference is for one style, or just because that particular board is where their friends happen to write.
Obviously, I would love to have more writers here - new and old faces alike - but from what you're saying, it seems like people have pretty firmly set opinions and perceptions on 'Fans and I can't really see how I, or we rather, would go about altering those.
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