View Full Version : Who is looking forward to E3?

Jun 9th, 2010, 02:43:19 AM
So E3 is just around the corner and there will be plenty of anouncement s during the next week. I know some of us are part of the industry and maybe they want to promote the title of their current company once it is anounced. I am looking forward to a lot of stuff at E3.
This year is going to be big and a lot of suprises are promised one very big in particular from Valve (and it is not Portal 2 or Half Life Episode 3... so it is probably going to be L4D 3)

Peter McCoy
Jun 9th, 2010, 06:57:34 AM
That will piss me right off. Yet another L4D title and still no word on the flagship title. Grrr, makes my blood boil! At this rate, someone will release a 3rd party Episode 3 before Valve get around to it.

I'm hoping for some news on Max Payne 3, and maybe even Aliens: Colonial Marines which would be absolutely awesomely welcome after the let down of AvP.

Jun 9th, 2010, 07:47:19 AM
That will piss me right off. Yet another L4D title and still no word on the flagship title. Grrr, makes my blood boil! At this rate, someone will release a 3rd party Episode 3 before Valve get around to it.

You know that this was just a joke about L4D3...I was just kidding. Gabe Newel confirmed just 2 things that the BIG SURPRISE* won't be Portal 2 or Half Life Episode 3.

So the big surprise could be the release of a new IP or a sequel to Counter Strike or Team Fortress. I think they would not show something like a new Source Engine at E3 since news like that belongs to the GDC (Game Developer Conference).

The "only in my wet dreams" anouncement would be a Steam Client for the Xbox 360 or that Valve has finally figured out a way to program for the Play Station 3.

Or maybe they will anounce a L4D MMOFPS,

*BIG SURPRISE is a trademark of Aperture Science