View Full Version : Euro 2011 Venue Poll
Daria Nytherciria
May 31st, 2010, 04:21:19 AM
Alright, where shall we go?
Daria Nytherciria
May 31st, 2010, 04:26:23 AM
PS. If you are going to vote for all of the above (AHEM) then give some kind of order of preference :mneh
May 31st, 2010, 05:00:06 AM
Well I decided that I am undecided on this matter but whatever wins it will have my full support obviously.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 31st, 2010, 08:33:23 AM
I voted for the UK and the continental buffet ^_^; I know Charley has a friend in Germany that he has to see when we get overseas, and I'm open to whatever :)
Callomas Savoc
May 31st, 2010, 09:29:22 AM
I voted for all three because I'd be fine with each of them, but I suppose my first order of preference would be to Germany. I really will be killed with a brick if I don't visit my old friend in Hamm, because he's only been asking me to visit for a decade.
I'm completely cool to be constantly schlepping about though. I figure a day or two in Germany, segue over through Belgium & France for some good grub, maybe chunnel into England for a few days. Rome, I'd love to go to, but I'm not certain how much justice I'd be able to do to it with a limited time table. Plus, I'd almost want to put Rome into a separate southern European campaign, as I generally lust over travelling from Portugal to Turkey and all southern points in between.
Dasquian Belargic
May 31st, 2010, 10:03:10 AM
If we get a group of people interesed in interailing, we could stay in hostels for cheeeap as chips. Not the most fancy accom but who cares when you're gonna spend all day exploring!
Taataani Meorrrei
May 31st, 2010, 10:21:04 AM
Well I don't care about nice accomodations so really that would be fine. In my america-centric way of thinking y'all all live in bombed-out hovels from WW2 anyways.
May 31st, 2010, 11:59:45 AM
Yeah it is really horrible over here everything looks like a never ending episode of a Band of Brothers.
This is so Fuba! On my way home I always have to dodge burned out Sherman tanks on the Autobahn.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 31st, 2010, 02:14:10 PM
Peter, if you get me drunk enough I will completely believe that. And then I will promptly forget your name :p
Dasquian Belargic
May 31st, 2010, 02:20:02 PM
And then we will set you loose on the streets of K-Town, with nothing but your wits and an inflatable sheep.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 31st, 2010, 02:30:32 PM
psh, you'd be right there with me and you know it :D
Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 31st, 2010, 03:03:02 PM
A friend of mine, who is also a SW nerd, pointed me to this:
Basically it's a big con in Dusseldorf. Only problem is that it's in April, and we haven't really decided when the Euro trip is happening. But I figured I'd put it out there for consideration :)
Cirrsseeto Quez
May 31st, 2010, 03:22:39 PM
Yeah it is really horrible over here everything looks like a never ending episode of a Band of Brothers.
This is so Fuba! On my way home I always have to dodge burned out Sherman tanks on the Autobahn.
Don't get my hopes up I know you're just going to dash them! :(
My fake stylized view of Germany is pretty much bombed out factories and techno music and girls who for some reason wear denim on denim and hipster glasses.
Of course I mean we're minutes from the Mercedes plant ourselves but I won't let a little thing like reality deter me!
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 1st, 2010, 05:57:10 AM
The UK seems most popular so far!
We might not win Eurovision, but we may well win this poll!
Emelie Shadowstar
Jun 1st, 2010, 03:53:51 PM
I voted for the UK simply because... if I get the money to go, that's where I'd like to go since...been wanting to go there for a long long long time.
Germany, France and Rome would be nice, but kinda went with the "where I'd like to go first if I visit over there" thing.
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 1st, 2010, 04:49:51 PM
For people who want to come to the UK, is there anywhere in particular you would like to go? Obviously London, but London is a one or two day visit at most IMO.. too pricey for any longer. The main places in London I've yet to visit and would love to are the Tower of London and the Natural History Museum. would be high on my list of places elsewhere in the UK, as it's always been a place I wanted to visit. In terms of getting there, you can get an off-peak open-return ticket from where I am to the nearest station to the Loch for about £60 / $90. I figure train would be our best bet for getting around, unless anyone is really keen on the idea of driving over here (I can't drive.) Accomodation wise, I have seen self-catering ( available for £550 / $800, 7 nights for 8 people, so there is affordable stuff up there. Just something to ponder, anyway :)
Jun 1st, 2010, 05:21:54 PM
Loch Lomond looks gorgeous!
Sanis Prent
Jun 1st, 2010, 05:49:07 PM
Newcastle, but really only because of Hadrian's wall. Also I may go into severe debt to eat at the fat duck
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 2nd, 2010, 02:35:40 AM
We don't have much of the wall here. You have to go a bit further west to see the real rugged stuff, away from the cities. There are plenty of walking trips if people wanted to see the length of it, tho.
Jun 2nd, 2010, 04:56:00 AM
Maybe doing a backpack trip to the north of England would be funny. We could travel from youth hostel to youth hostel while complaining about the bad English weather :)
Jun 2nd, 2010, 03:56:24 PM
I vote for Britain, because the prospect of a value for money vacation is better there than the other places. Hell, some airliners such as Ryanair are practically throwing away tickets to London for free.
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 2nd, 2010, 04:00:31 PM
I would be wary of flying with Ryanair :uhoh
Taataani Meorrrei
Jun 2nd, 2010, 08:08:42 PM
Maybe doing a backpack trip to the north of England would be funny. We could travel from youth hostel to youth hostel while complaining about the bad English weather :)
Americans backpacking in England, uhhhhh I dunno man I've seen that movie :uhoh
Jun 2nd, 2010, 08:45:16 PM
I voted UK cause I don't have to pay for accommodations in London since I could stay with my sis :D
Granted she doesn't actually live IN london, but still, airfare only makes the trip highly likely!
Yarbuck Amilion
Jun 4th, 2010, 04:22:21 PM
dont starwars fans ever do any thing else on get togethers besides dress up like storm troopers and get drunk. Seriously every fan get together im sitting their and beside be theres a bunch of drunk storm troopers that dont know what they are doing with them selfs >.<
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 4th, 2010, 04:24:02 PM
We've all gotten together once before, and I can't say any of us dressed up as Stormtroopers...
Drunk? Yes. But no Stormtroopers.
Yarbuck Amilion
Jun 4th, 2010, 04:29:06 PM
.... thats cause you dont live where i live. not gonna say where i live but you could say i live in the starwars capital of the world
Emelie Shadowstar
Jun 4th, 2010, 04:59:07 PM
Drunk? Yes. But no Stormtroopers.
Unless you count the lampshade as a trooper helmet. :lol
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 4th, 2010, 11:41:33 PM
SWFans get-togethers are somewhat less 'Star Wars' and more 'Animal House' , I like to think :p
Sanis Prent
Jun 5th, 2010, 12:07:20 AM
dont starwars fans ever do any thing else on get togethers besides dress up like storm troopers and get drunk. Seriously every fan get together im sitting their and beside be theres a bunch of drunk storm troopers that dont know what they are doing with them selfs >.<
This is us at our last SWfans party actually:
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 5th, 2010, 03:41:32 AM
Oh man, I forgot about those beauties
Svetlana Ustinov
Jun 5th, 2010, 10:26:08 PM
There is not enough vodka to wipe away that visual.
I voted for Germany, but really, I'd be ok with whatever :)
Jenny, if we do end up in London, I want to see Covent Garden...and my marbles. I know you people have them :p
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 6th, 2010, 05:03:54 AM
Jace might be our go-to guy for London exploration. I have been down there a couple of times but I really don't know my way around anymore than anyone else with a map of the Underground.
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