View Full Version : Where The Wild Things Are
Daria Nytherciria
May 23rd, 2010, 04:38:18 AM
Jedi Knight Daria Nytherciria gripped the arm of her chair as the Alliance shuttle Entrepid exited hyperspace, the stars of the Dathomir system scattered ahead like diamonds across black velvet. The ship's computer confirmed that the jump had been successful and Daria, quickly slipping free of the co-pilot's safety webbing, exhaled the breath she had been holding in. Although she had grown accustomed to the groans of the Whaladon, the ominous creaks and pops of the Alliance shuttle as it had shuddered through hyperspace remained unsettling.
Daria looked towards her travelling companion, the pilot of the Entrepid. “What do the sensors say? Are we alone?”
Navaria Tarkin
May 29th, 2010, 10:26:59 AM
Navaria idly watched the Miraluka in the co-pilot's chair. She was almost tempted to offer a hand upon hers for support, but Daria's fears evolved over the course of their stay in the Wheel. Space flight was an inevitability on a daily basis, and she had adjusted surprisingly well - all things considered.
Fingers danced along the console as they worked out an answer to her fellow Jedi's question, "Thus far. It is just you and I and Dathomir below."
Keying in the holoprojector, a 3D rotating image of the planet came between them with various blue,green and red dots scattered throughout the continents. "Known locations of the tribes are coded. Blue are Witches known to have relations with the Alliance at some time, green have not been approached as of yet, and the red are Witches that rely on the Dark Side."
Pursing her lips, she calculated a trajectory to enter the atmosphere based upon the briefing that Navaria had with Alliance Intelligence. Along the way, she had been bringing Daria up to speed. "I was thinking we could talk to the Witches of the Singing Mountain Clan. They are usually amicable and could provide suggestions on other Clans that might be willing to hear us out."
Daria Nytherciria
May 31st, 2010, 03:12:58 AM
As the shuttle brushed against Dathomir's outer-atmosphere, Daria felt the Force resonating from the planet. It gave her cause to pause, as she had rarely encountered an entire planet that radiated its energies so powerfully, and in such diversity. Yet, as Navaria had observed, all shades of the Force were present on Dathomir.
“What are the chances that they will find the prospect of an alliance appealing?”
If they were ever going to rebuild the Jedi Order to it's former strength and numbers, beings such as the witches of Dathomir could be invaluable, bringing a unique perspective and skill set to their ranks.
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 7th, 2010, 07:06:06 PM
It was the same question that was on her mind the entire flight, "I am not sure, though I do believe if the Singing Mountain Clan are agreeable, others would consider joining the Wheel."
Many Clans enjoyed their seclusion, others were distrustful of outsiders - such odds made it difficult to find any that may wish to trade Dathomir for a life in space. If not, their allies were few. The Alliance was tolerated by many of the Clans, but to secure a last commitment to each other would require far more dedication and trust. That was where Navaria and Daria came in.
Clouds parted to the ocean below and the vast beach 10 clicks away. Further in the distance, one of the deadly forests of the planet awaited. A thick mist clung to the treetops. They appeared to have missed an early morning storm.
Daria Nytherciria
Jun 17th, 2010, 01:08:47 PM
I am not sure... Daria nodded faintly to herself. Uncertainty clouded this trip. Even at the height of the Jedi Order, the witches of Dathomir had not been considered allies of the Republic. They kept to themselves, content as they were on their own world, and Daria had to wonder if they would be willing now – with the threat of Imperial persecution upon them – to commit publicly to a cause they had not found appealing even in pro-Jedi times. With a deep breath, she set aside her doubts as their shuttle cut through the mist and rain.
“Am I to assume we're heading toward the Singing Mountain, then? Such a peculiar name for a mountain. One has to wonder why they would call it that.”
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 27th, 2010, 07:34:57 AM
She nodded, "We're about 30 clicks from from the Mountain and I feel it's best to start there."
Past the mist in the distance, both women could see the faint outline of the mountain. Clouds obscured the top of the range, but that was their destination. "I'm not sure, Daria. Perhaps the Clan will enlighten us on the history of the Singing Mountain."
According to Rebellion protocol in dealing with the Witches, there was a safe point a kilometer away where shuttles and small freighters could land as agreed by the Clan. There was a designated pathway just east of there that Agents must use in order to be considered allies and not be attacked on sight.
Daria Nytherciria
Jul 4th, 2010, 12:32:39 PM
The Entrepid touched down outside of the shadow of the Singing Mountain. The ship trembled as the landing gear struggled for purchase on the damp earth and uneven terrain. Daria waited until the hum of the engines had died before rising to her feet, eager to taste the cool, fresh air. She clipped her lightsaber hilt onto place on the belt of her tunic, and drew her grey cloak around her shoulders.
“Do we have any information on the... hierarchy of the clan?”
Navaria Tarkin
Jul 16th, 2010, 01:34:29 PM
After one last inspection that the ship was secure, Navaria joined Daria in standing and slipped her own heavy brown cloak on as well. "Anell'ise is the new matriarch of the Clan since the passing of Augwynne. She is the eldest amongst the Clan and thus far correspondences have been cordial."
She gave Daria and encouraging smile, "I hope that will continue with us."
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