View Full Version : Shattered Heroes (Vishan Korogoth)

Kira Draykin
May 21st, 2010, 10:17:27 AM
A young blonde woman stepped up to the microphone visibly shaking. She stared out into the small crowd in the smoke filled club. Her eyes nervously darted back and forth scanning all of their faces. She could visibly read some of the male and female occupants sickening stares in her direction. Despite those few faces the majority where there to listen and take in the sound and emotions of her words.

A bithe stepped up to a piano and looked to the female in her mid twenties. "Are you ready Kira?" He spoke in just above a whisper. The female pulled her nervous stare away from the crowd and towards the sound of the voice. The blonde nodded to the bithe at the piano and then turned her gaze back to the crowd.

"Um...." Kira she said nervously before stopping and clearing her voice. Then the bithe began to play the melody. Kira took one last look at the crowd before she closed her eyes and grasped the microphone with both hands. The nerves slipped away as the song flooded the smoke filled room.

"I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cry
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie is made up on your side

When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too

When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through
The day and make it ok
I miss you

I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do reminds me of you
And the clothes you left, they lie on the floor
And they smell just like you, I love the things that you do

When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
And when you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too

And when you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through
The day and make it ok
I miss you

We were made for each other
Out here forever
I know we were, yeah

And all I ever wanted was for you to know
Everything I'd do, I'd give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me, yeah

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
And when you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too

And when you're gone
All the words I need to hear will always get me through
The day and make it ok
I miss you"

When You're Gone (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0G3_kG5FFfQ)
(Songwriters: Walker, Butch; Lavigne, Avril Ramona)

Vishan Korogoth
May 29th, 2010, 09:32:03 AM
There was no recollection of how he got to this planet, let alone this bar. In fact, there was no discernible memory of what planet he was on. Too high from spice and alcohol bliss, Vishan Korogoth was living his life in a daze - just like the life he had before Soolin. Without her keeping him grounded, the Corellian fell into bad habits to deal with the pain of her loss.

They got separated during a skirmish with the Inquisitors and there was no telling if his friend, his mentor, his love was dead. He was a weak man, never should Soolin have agreed to train him. Falling into despair was easier then to care about finding the rest of the Jedi or the Rebellion. Their resources might be able to find a lead that he couldn't produce, but failure after failure of his own accord, his heart just couldn't bare to find another dead end. Months went by, how many at this point? Vishan was too drunk to count, slamming shots at the bar without care.

Drowning in an empty glass, he saw his expression. Tired, pale, blurred from the way the glass was cut - He looked more like the walking dead then a once protector of the galaxy.

But then his eyes narrowed as sung words chipped away at his awareness. The words, his soul ached in understanding. It was like she sung for him, but Vishan wasn't that far gone to know everyone else in this room thought the same thing - as if he wasn't the only one to know loss and pain.

He didn't remember turning around in the bar stool but big blue eyes were hypnotized by the woman with the angelic voice ...

Kira Draykin
May 30th, 2010, 09:50:41 AM
She pulled away from the mic and opened her eyes to seeing the audience staring back at her in silence. The nervousness came back and she quickly looked back at the bithe. She nervously spoke to half forgetting the mic was on.

"Play something I need to go get something to drink to calm my nerves."

"What should I play?"

"Something upbeat but not the death march this time."

The Bithe shrugged. "It was an honest mistake."

Kira just shook her head and stepped off stage. Several eyes continued to follow the young woman as she made her way to the bar. The Bithe began to play something more attuned to what would be played in a cantina on Tatooine. Kira just smiled to herself as she reached the bar.

She walked up next to a man that had those sad eyes spoken of in song. She didn't say anything just looked to the droid bartender as she propped herself up on a bar stool. She didn't sit down very lady like for a woman wearing a short dark purple dress.

"An orange slider and shot of the cheap whiskey." She gave the droid a smile who just nodded and started to make her drinks.

Vishan Korogoth
Jun 4th, 2010, 06:13:39 AM
Wetness stung his eyes, but he did not cry. The response was far more childish as Vishan slammed the empty shot glass down and slid it towards the edge of the counter for a refill.

The singer on stage allowed his feelings to briefly make sense. Without the music to distract or enhance understanding, or what he felt was understanding, despair weighed him down once more.

Slamming back the drink, the whiskey didn't even burn his throat anymore. At least part of him was numb, even if it wasn't exactly the part he wanted to forget.

Much to his surprise, the girl from the stage sat close by, only several stools away. Her unladylike manner in which she sat momentarily allowed a small curve of his lips before eyes narrowed sharply. "Nah."

His voice was strikingly as sharp as the look he gave the bartender. "Make it th' good whiskey."

Even before he realized what he said, Vishan already pulled out enough coin to cover the drink and then some.

Kira Draykin
Jun 4th, 2010, 08:13:45 AM
The tender looked at Kira as the man a few stools away spoke to her and put his own coin on the table. She didn't give him an odd look cause it was usually fairly normal that at least one male on rare occasions a female that would buy her a drink. Sometimes if she was lucky she would get the one that was really drunk to put her on their tab.

She looked into Vishians eyes for a moment as the tender began to pour her drinks. His eyes where blood shot a sign of inebriation ad spice use. His eyes had black circles under them a sign of lack of sleep. Yet there was something deeper in the soul that his eyes gave away, it was a sadness. Any given night Kira would take advantage of someone in Vishians condition but tonight her conscience was winning out.

"Thank you...." She paused realizing he hadn't even introduced himself which was usually the first step. "Name's Kira stranger." awkwardly she reached out her hand in greeting. It wasn't something she normally did for a stranger. Most of the time she just gave them a smile and let them do most of the talking while they bought her drinks.

"You have a name or should I continue to call you stranger?"

Vishan Korogoth
Jun 7th, 2010, 06:29:13 PM
He was caught off guard by her friendliness. As of late, it took women to warm up to him a lot faster then it used to. But that was partial to his spice and alcohol addiction. To put it bluntly, Vishan looked like crap. Clothes hadn't been washed in days, nor himself for that matter. Eyes were bloodshot from drugs and lack of sleep and he was pale as a ghost. All he needed was some shiny blue lights and he'd look like a deceased Jedi Master - but he highly doubted the all powerful Force would welcome him in death under these circumstances.

His hand slid off the table and it took all of his concentration to not let it fall against his lap for it felt like a two ton durasteel plate. "Name's Vishan. Vishan Korogoth."

He gave her a wink, "Ah guess tha' means we ain't strangers then, eh?"

Kira Draykin
Jun 8th, 2010, 11:37:46 AM
"No I guess we are not anymore Mr. Korogoth." She returned the wink and one upped it with a smile.

Kira then grabbed the shot of whiskey as it was sat down in front of her and slammed it. She slammed the glass on the table grabbing quickly for the slider to use as a chaser.

Vishan's unclean and disheveled look wasn't what drew Kira to him. No what drew Kira's curiosity were those sad bloodshot eyes of his. Everyman had a story some boring, some grand tales, and other had the sad stories. The sad ones where the ones people wrote songs about. Sad tales held the deepest emotions ones that everyone could relate to even if they never felt the same exact tragedy.

A man could clean himself up present himself as a hero. He could try to lie to the world but his eyes would always give him away. Vishan was beyond that point he didn't care to hide it however he did try to bury in the drugs and alcohol. Kira was wanted to know why, she wanted to know what was in this man’s soul was it a song worth singing.

"Maybe...." Kira was cut off before she could even get out what she was going to say as Darjek stepped between her and Vishan.

"Hello there good sir." Darjek reached out a hand to shake Vishan's hand. "I bet you are looking for a good evening, sir? You came to the right place."

Darjek smiled a pearly white smile at Vishan. Darjek stood about five foot ten and was a good hundred pounds overweight. He came off as very greasy business man like as he spoke. This man would clearly sell you his mother if the right price was named.

Darjek licked his upper lip with his fat tongue. "Do you like this girl here?" He reached back and put a heavy hand on Kira's shoulder. Kira's luster dropped in an instant. All that upbeat playful attitude dissolved into something more defeated.

Vishan Korogoth
Jun 27th, 2010, 06:00:41 AM
He did not shake the proprietor's hand and saw Kira with new eyes. Either she was stuck in a place where this job justified the means in which she got paid, or she was a slave. His instincts were alarming the latter. As a man who had seen brutality and where compassion came at a price in the dregs of Corellia, he could spot the disparity of slavery a kilometer away.

Now he hated this guy and hatred was an emotion that came easily nowadays. However, he wasn't going to pick a fight. As drunk as he was, Vishan knew the limitations of himself and causing a scene would only make things worse for Kira. Being punished for an unruly customer that was sticking up for a slave was quite common.

"Th' girl an' Ah are doin' fine, sir," he said as politely as he could muster. He just wanted the fat pig gone so they could get to talking in private once again. "If ya excuse us?"

Vishan gave the slob a lewd wink, hoping he would take the hint and leave, that this customer was a sure deal and take Kira up stairs for a private engagement.

Kira Draykin
Jun 30th, 2010, 06:24:24 PM
"Oh very good sir." He gave vishan another cheesy smile before deciding to take his leave. He got half a step away before he stopped himself. He quickly leaned in and whispered into Kira's ear.

"Don't talk to long, get him to a room quickly or cut him loose. I don't make money off your singing only off those poor S.O.B's that need your kind of company."

Darjek then left the area waddling his way to some other perspective client of some kind or another. Kira looked at Vishan with a shrug giving no explanation. Really one wasn't needed it was clear from Darjek's spiel that she wasn't exactly a free in any sense of the word.

"I..." She didn't know what say to explain herself or even she could. "I..."

She didn't want Vishan to think she purposely targeted him or anything. In fact she wasn't thinking of her other job if you called it that when she struck up conversation. There was just something about Vishan she generally liked and he seemed like a nice enough person.

"I'm sorry about that Darjek has a problem with interrupting sales." She resigned to the fate of what she was. "Don't worry that disgusting pig has never been with me."

In fact only a few people had ever been with Kira in actuality. She had been able to chase away most perspective clients in some way or another. Those few that Kira didn't like but made it to the bedding portion usually didn't get to do anything do being too drunk. Kira had her ways the ones that made it past that part where ones that Kira allowed.

A-typically all the men she slept with where ones she could see being her hero, saving her from this place. In the end they all left and went where ever they were headed. Back to their lives of freedom and adventure.

Vishan Korogoth
Jul 6th, 2010, 07:57:43 AM
Eyes narrowing, Vishan pretended to be more interested in the shot glass in his hand then the whispered conversation that was occurring. He didn't like this Darjek at all and with just how violently his disgust was for him, sobered up the wayward Jedi in a matter of seconds. It afforded some clarity and now he could easily listen in on the conversation that was being hidden.

"...get him to a room quickly or cut him loose. I don't make money off your singing only off those poor S.O.B's that need your kind of company."

Watching the vile pig waddle off, Vishan hardened eyes softened when he looked at Kira. "'ow long 'ave ya been ah slave?"

Kira Draykin
Jul 16th, 2010, 10:33:12 AM
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Her question was interrupted by his question. She gave him a blank stare for a moment; no one had ever asked her that before. She was a bit flustered at first as she tried to count back to a day when she was free.

"Um..." She wasn't sure what extent of the story to tell him. "Well you see..." Why would he ask such a question, no one cared before? "My..."

This was new territory for Kira, in the ten years she had been a slave never had this happened. Darjek hadn't been her first owner he was her third. The first just used her as a personal maid but he had gambling problem. The second won her in a game of chance. Then Darjek had him killed and claimed ownership over her.

"Uhh..." This was probably worst conversation piece she had ever delivered. "My pa sold me when I was sixteen to man named Yuri so ten years."