View Full Version : South Park Vs Facebook

Apr 13th, 2010, 05:12:46 PM
I just finished watching this facebook bash from South Park.

This is so true.

My mom and dad had an argument with me why I did not respond to the girl next door's PM while she was in France for one semester. This is so ridiculous... Don't get me started on relationship status...

I like facebook but some things are just wrong about personal networks (especially Farmville).

Figrin D'an
Apr 13th, 2010, 05:28:01 PM
It was an amusing episode.

The South Park crew generally does a good job of making fun of issues and circumstances without getting overly preachy. Trey and Matt had an interview on NPR a while back that gave some good insights into their take on things.


Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 13th, 2010, 06:33:41 PM
Just listened to that. Very well done and actually quite fun to listen to. It's nice to hear Matt and Trey talk about SP for more than the 5 minute commentaries they do for the dvds.

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 14th, 2010, 02:46:48 PM
I didn't think it was their best episode, but I agree that some aspects of Facebook are just stupid. One cousin has over a 1000 friends and I just wonder what the point of that is, unless you're trying to market / promote something?

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 14th, 2010, 08:32:04 PM
In terms of favorite eps of South Park, I have to throw my towel in with the 'Go God Go' two-parter :D

Apr 15th, 2010, 02:44:51 AM

Ilias Nytrau
Apr 19th, 2010, 07:46:01 PM
Oh, how I love South Park. Yes, this Facebook episode amused me greatly. :lol

Darth Turbogeek
Apr 24th, 2010, 05:36:00 AM
Certainly not even particularly good for South Park. That one really missed as SP is want to do now and then, even if they pretty much hit exactly the problems with social networks and those fucking apps and games.

The Medical weed episode however was top form. And....
The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs

Now THAT was hilarious.

South Park really is either brilliantly hysterical or really *whoosh* swing and miss.

Figrin D'an
Apr 25th, 2010, 11:29:48 AM
The uproar over Comedy Central's significant censoring of the second half of the 200th episode special seems to have inspired an online event which is being called "Everyone Draw Muhammad Day," apparently set for May 20th.

I was pretty disappointed with Comedy Central lacking the balls to allow the little "I learned something today" speech at the end of the show about not giving in to fear and threats, not to mention the other things they bleeped or blacked out. I'm hoping that Trey and Matt find are able to find a way to get their material out, in completely uncensored fashion, because as it stands right now, they can't even put part 2 of that show up online (contract issues with Comedy Central).

Empowering bullies by giving into their demands only makes it more likely that you'll cave in even easier next time to the next bully who comes along.

Darth Turbogeek
Apr 25th, 2010, 04:39:41 PM
It's like Comedy Central missed the whole point of the episode.