View Full Version : New Face
Apr 5th, 2010, 03:33:25 PM
Walking into an old pub ready to relax after a few years on the go without the slightest bit of peace, Villain was pleased that his presence was no longer needed with his alliance. Gimme two gesturing toward the bar tender for a couple of drinks. Yes sir, answered his voice with a strange look of confusion on his face. It was as though he's never saw someone like me before villain thought to himself, then noticed every one in the pub staring maybe its my robes villain thought to himself. It must be my robes remembering the ancient glowing symbols on his hood. Here's your drinks sir it was the bar tender handing two mugs to villain. After paying for his drinks and sitting down villain laughed to himself I would would stare too, Ahhh finally time to relax.
Cripple Wil
Apr 7th, 2010, 01:15:59 AM
The transition from day to night had not changed the city much. The knives just became more obvious. While the streets might turn sleepy and desolate, the back alleys were rife with life, although the actual numbers were diminishing over time due to the many fatal muggings. In Coal Alley there was a circle of men crouched on the ground and the soft clicks of dice hitting the pavement as all there were enthralled in a game of Cripple Wil's famous floating craps game. Those that lost were generally in good spirits and those who won generally found themselves distributed between several streets in small paper bags before the night was out.
Cripple Wil closed the games down early tonight, because he had won quite a bit himself and was now hiding from those he had beaten, with what may have been loaded dice but nonetheless he had won, he had the creds in his pocket, and he was the one moving out of the system of alleys and ducking into the Red Wall pub and eatery. It was not very populated this early in the night but it would fill up once people's wallets started emptying and they were forced to buy the cheap ale this place sold.
Striding up to the bar, Wil was given a plethora of unsavory looks. It might have been the dirty clothes that had not been washed in days, but it was probably the dented bowler hat atop his greasy hair that was attracting the most attention. Bah humbug them, he thought as he went to the bar and ordered himself whatever their cheapest drink was. He was a bum, for the most part. He lived off the city and the city generally kicked his buttocks. You just had to do what you could.
Getting his glass, of what looked like discolored water and smelled like eggs, Cripple Wil wandered into the bar, but did not get far before his eye was got by a peculiarly dressd man wearing a robe with a hood that glowed. Strange, Cripple wondered how it worked. "How do you make it glow?" He asked as he wandered over to the man's table. What Cripple lacked in brains he made up with smell. Lots of smell. "Do you use small wossnames, lights to make do it?" While this might not have counted as a survival tactic, Cripple Wil had a uncharacteristic curiosity that had to be satisfied, or at least indulged. "Looks like it'd be awful warm to have it light up like that. Reminds me of the lights they put on the shrubs at the year's end. To put the presents underneath i mean.
Apr 7th, 2010, 12:10:02 PM
Villain was struck odd by this dirty man coming up to him. Another begger, but this may very well be someone I can use. He looks in good shape and it's rough on the streets he may have potential, and plus someone like this will break there back for a nice payment Villain thought to himself.
My robe is of an ancient time and ancient place how or why it glows I have yet to learn. It was a parting gift from an enemy I executed you may have heard of him, Ragnavard Krane Villain replied knowing that he had. Ragnavard was a high Ranking General in the Dark Forces that had been in the underground war for years. Most powerful so he thought he chuckled to himself.
If your not too busy I have a proposition for you sir that is only if your not afraid to get your hands a little dirty, but first tell a little about yourself, starting with your name because for what mine is Villain Kreed from the planet Dextron.
Cripple Wil
Apr 7th, 2010, 12:44:41 PM
Cripple mused over the name the gent gave, but it meant nothing to him. "Never 'eard of him. Was a right posh bugger was 'e?" He said, running a gnarly hand over his stubbly chin as he mused further, although Cripple musing was something like sticking your finger in a thimble. You could start out but you came up short quickly. Cripple did not know if he liked this gent much, but he had nothing to else to do to pass the night since his floating craps game was put on hold till he could find somewhere safer to play. It was one thing to elude the authorities, it was a another to be running for your life from a bunch of thugs with knives who wanted their money back. The police just caged and fined you. The thugs hang you from the ceiling fan with your intestine for rope.
"They call me Cripple Wil. I run the local, ahem, outdoor parlor games. Cards and dice and that sort of thing. Totally legal, yep. As for dirty hands, well, I haven't much had the time to spit and shine mine but you did not have to point it out good sir. " He said, regarding his hands which were quite dirty from playing dice on the street top. Although he called it a floating craps game, he found it easier to play on the ground then carry an actually deployable craps table. He just had to cut out some of the rules and simplify the game and he was good. "What this pop-oh-sition of yours?"
He finally tasted his beer. It tasted like horse urine.
It probably was.
Apr 7th, 2010, 11:19:30 PM
"Well you see Wil I have the question bout the robe as you. I also have a map." Villain said, holding a rolled up paper in his hand. "This map leads the way to a man with all answers about this robe, so I was told, but I need a crew of at least three. You see I am most impressive." said Villain with a cold chuckle, "but this may not be a one man mission, like I said before we may have to get our hands dirty. I don't know much bout this robe, but what I do know is that many powerful Lords of the Dark Side want it."
"You may think I am foolish for telling you this much, but i'm not just some sucker in an alley waiting to be cheated, death awaits those who cross me." said Villain with a stern and observent look. "The offer is Ten Thousand Credits each to those who accept if one or the other doesn't make it then the one or the other gets the forfeit. A hefty pay out for such a short travel. We journey to Palmicia a four day journey there and back. If you choose to accept you will recieve half of the payment when we find our second member, and the rest when we return safely or at least when we return." said Villain with a twisted chuckle. "So tell me are you in the mood to make some real Creds, or would you rather stay here and hustle beggars for their next cup of ale."
"Two more for me and my new friend sir!!" Villain shouted to the pub attendent as he started to feel the effect of the drinks...
Cripple Wil
Apr 9th, 2010, 07:21:54 PM
Cripple could do little than let his mouth fall open a little. Ten thousand credits!? That was a lot of credits. With that many credits he could buy... ten thousand credits worth of something. Imagination was not one of his strong features, if he really had any of those at all, but he did have enough imagination to know that life could be incredibly better with ten thousand credits in your pocket to rub together, or it could make life drastically worse. Having no credits his entire life had made him a worthless man in the eyes of the galaxy, and for that reason he had been left alone. Beggars and cheaters do not usually rob their own. Cheat sure, but rob no. With ten thousand credits he would have every dark and dastardly crook would be pounding at his door, or creeping in the window, trying to get their hands on such a fortune. There was a small voice in the back of his mind that was not sure this was a good idea, but he could not be heard over the chorus of voices screaming MONEY!
"Right you are Mista' Kreed. I happen to be a quite resourceful individual. A know these cities like the back 'o my hand. Warts and all. If you need supplies for this wossname, quest your going on than I can probably get them for you." Cripple began as he sat down across the table from his new boss, for lack of a better term for the shadowy, slightly scary man that had just offered to pay him ten thousand dollars to follow him on a four day journey and to hire on more people. Cripple ran a mental list of people he knew who could foot this bill but he knew out of all of them not one of them would ever take such a offer from him. He had cheated a lot of people in this city and no one was about to suddenly start believing him again.
At least with ten thousand credits he could buy a few new friends, and possibly a few bodyguards.
Smiling graciously Cripple put his own mug aside and took one of the fresh mugs of the slightly better ale. It still tasted something akin to horse urine, but horse urine with attitude and bodu. It was more... horsey.
Apr 10th, 2010, 12:01:40 PM
"Well then Mr. Wil let us get to it. Since you know your way around i'll leave the creds with you for the supplies." Villain said, as he reached into his pocket for a stack of credits and a crumpled up paper. "Here's the list that I had in mind"
1.Circuit conductor 2 for the spacecraft
2.Blaster bomb 9
3.long Rope 3
4.Pandoran spear 3
5.Blaster gun 3
6.Blaster proof vest 3
7.Food/General supplies
"That should do it for now i'll meet you at the Galaxstar inn tommorow at noon. By the way get yourself some new robes and clean up you smell like you've been rolling around in vomit. I like my team to look professional, room 311. I'll have our other partner by then." Villain said, as he grabbed his belongings and started for the door.
Out side of the bar Villain started to think about where else to go and find another partner as he walked down the street. Not soon after he came across what seemed to be an illegal fight club. "Get him get him" The voices grew louder as he continued down the street, and into an alley where the noise was comming from. Outside of what seemed to be an old abandoned building stood a fairly large man dressed in a black suit. As Villain approached what seemed to be security of some sort the man said, "Wheres your number" ''Number,'' Villain thought what number. "I haven't the slightest idea what your talking about sir." Villain replied. "Well then it looks as though you better continue on another way." Said the man. Villain did not have a number, but enough credits to hopefully buy his way in. "May I offer you a bribe sir?" Villain said, With a stack of coin in his hand. "Here's your number Mr." The man said reaching into his back pocket for a number. "Villain, Villain Kreed", said Villain taking the number and walking into the building. "Down the hall third room to the left it's in the basement." Another man said as Villain entered.
Once Villain reached the basement the cheering grew even louder as two men stepped into a barred cage in the middle of the room. Looking around Villain seen that there were many well dressed people making bets on the fighters, but one man in perticular caught his eyes a man with almost a dark look to him. The man seemed to be enjoying himself as he watched the fighters brutally beat each other. "Villain Kreed" said Villain introducing him self with his hand out to the mysterious looking man.
Dalamar DeSang
Apr 11th, 2010, 09:36:33 AM
It had been to long since Dalamar had mingled with the common folks. But the force had pulled on him today. Something was to happen it seemed. The dark side seemed only to grow in him daily. 3,044 years was a long time to grow. Dalamar could almost make out the mans face and name. The fighter struck and blood flew off the tarmac. Dalamar thought with disgust. What a barbaric waste of good blood. The man entered the arena area. Dalamar pretened not to notice, As he watched him gaze across the crowd. To him it was if he was lit up like neon amongst these pedestrians. The force had singled this man out for some reason that it had yet to reveal to the Vampyre.
"Ill listen to him then decide if I should kill him for making me venture out today." Still the force had not stirred him wrong and he had always wisely listened to its wisdom. So he would give this man the benefit of the doubt.
"Villain Kreed" He put his hand out. Dalamar just looked at him his eyes flashing red in the light. "Have a seat, I have been waiting for you."
Apr 11th, 2010, 02:50:02 PM
"Waiting for me thats interesting how did he know I would even be here.," Villain thought with a puzzled look as he sat down across from this pale skinned man. Villain could sense a strong dark pull coming from his new mysterious acquaintance. "I don't know you or what you do sir, but I noticed you watching these barbarians duel it out with a lustfull look for blood." Villain said, thinking that this man would be the perfect participant for the adventure ahead. "I'm not sure if you would be interested in my proposition, but i'm sure your smart enough not to turn down Ten Thousand credits Mr," Villain said with a slight pause, "I still haven't had the pleasure learning of your name."
Dalamar DeSang
Apr 12th, 2010, 09:27:50 PM
My name is Dalamar. I am a Dark Lord of the Sith formerly of the Shrine, formerly of the Eye of the Dragon. The force is my mistress and she has called me to this place and this time to meet You. So speak and tell me why we are here. For though the darkness has called me here it has not revealed your purpose nor why it wants me to listen. Dalamar now lapsed into silence his blazing red eyes taking in the strangers clothing and waiting for his new aquiantance to speak....
Apr 13th, 2010, 12:36:25 AM
"Sith Force pulled him here," Villain thought as he listened even more interested than before in this Dalamar. "Well Dalamar as I can see you've noticed the robes i'm wearing, and since your obviously strong in the force I know you too can feel the strange pull coming from the glowing runes on the brim of my hood. I also feel that since you are also of the Dark Side I can tell you the full version of the truth." Villain said glad that his potential recruit was one of his own.
"You see Dalamar I've been in a confidential underground war for the past three years not as a soldier, but as an assassin, my goal was simple destroy my target and retrieve these robes. I destroyed my target, but when I found the robes in a vault with a series of combinations at the targets headquarters along with a map attached to a note that read,
"He who possesses these robes holds a piece of darkness that cannot be penetrated by light, follow the path wich is given to find the true meaning of might!"
"I decided to keep them for my self" "So this is my proposition to you." Villain continued, "Ten Thousand credits to accompany me and another partner to follow this map and find the meaning of the note. It may not mean anything, but then again why would a whole war break out because of it. The reason I need your assistance is not because of the journey, but because of those who I might cross on the course of this journey. There's no telling who or what could be after this thing." Villain said, patiently awaiting Dalamar's reply.
Dalamar DeSang
Apr 13th, 2010, 11:31:44 PM
"Oh you mean like the people that sent you for the cloak in the first place. Who hired you, who sent you and who are you really anxious about meeting again? If you know your former employer then you are more likely to get an answer from him. If he doesn't know or if there was a chain of people who hired you which is more than likely in these kind of jobs. Then we go down the chain until we find the source. Remember that if there is multipule sources that hired you then there is a higher likeliness that the item you harbour is very powerful or very dangerous. If its a weapon others will want it. If it harbors a dangerous secret only a few will want it but will be more desperate to get there hands on it." Dalamar paused letting all that he said soak in.
"But if you want to follow the map if you think time is of the essence then I will defer to your opinion seeing as how you know more about what is going on. As for me I knew I was going before you arrived. I will find out why the force is calling me into the daylight. I will find out why it calls to me and makes my cold blood warm. So lead away villain and tell me your plans for I am with you....
Apr 13th, 2010, 11:48:03 PM
Glad that Dalamar accepted to join forces Villain explained,"I cannot go to the one who sent me for he will have my head and these robes that is why I need your assistance as for who he is matters not at this time. So come we must meet Cripple Wil at the Galaxstar inn tommorow at noon. He'll have supplies and hopefully a shower by the time he get's there." Villain said, as he and his new found partner made there way to the Inn to get some rest for the journey that lay ahead of them, and meet there partner.
Cripple Wil
Apr 14th, 2010, 03:28:32 AM
While his employer was well prepared with a list on hand and an urgency in his step, Cripple was in no mood to leave the pub just yet. He remained where he was seated, looking down at the lump of credits in his hands. Now he was a generally unliked man with a handful of money. This was potentially very hazardous for his health. So just to stay on the safe side of life, he found a new seat in the most open and lit part of the pub and occupied himself until daylight. Although extremely tired, he was productive as he used his comm unit to call "Friends" and business associates to try and track down the items While his employer was well prepared with a list on hand and an urgency in his step, Cripple was in no mood to leave the pub just yet. He remained where he was seated, looking down at the lump of credits in his hands. Now he was a generally unliked man with a handful of money. This was potentially very hazardous for his health. So just to stay on the safe side of life, he found a new seat in the most open and lit part of the pub and occupied himself until daylight. Although extremely tired, he was productive as he used his comm unit to call "Friends" and business associates to try and track down the items Villain was after.
The moment light came in the window Cripple was out the door, completely sober now and feeling quite tired. As much as he wanted to sleep he knew that he could not, especially with ten thousand credits hinging on his success at procuring a few items. A few of them he was sure he could not get and a few he was not sure what it was Villain wanted for sure. A circuit conductor had been asked for. Two in fact, but Villain had not specified what make or model of ship it was for. It was not a one size fits all, unless you were a gifted ship electrician who knew how to modify both the ship hardware and the parts to fit and work together. That number would have had a big 'ol question mark written next to it but Cripple was unable to find a pen on his person and he was not very good at writing anyways. Reading was hard enough. Writing was all together traumatizing.
Supplies, food, and rope were easy enough to get. He did not have to call any favors, as few as he had, to get those. He could get those anywhere. Seemed a silly thing to put on the list considering the other items on it, but Cripple just guessed that his employer had more pressing things then going to market or a outdoor outfitter to get those supplies. He got them anyways, even paid to have them delivered to Villain's hotel room. Another odd item was this "Pandoran" spear. Cripple knew what spears were. Pointy sticks, but he had never heard of one called Pandoran. It was downright mystifying and no one else seemed to know what it was. Everyone else considered a spear archaic and had not thought to stock them, which led Cripple right to the next item. Blasters were the current weapon of choice in this galaxy and there were a lot to choose from, but only so many he could get on the street without having to register for them. This meant prices went up and he was paying out the nose for them. The BlasTech L-23 was not the best blaster in the world but it was over produced and inexpensive in comparison. At five hundred credits a pop it was the most affordable. He nabbed three of them, hit them on his person, and hoped to the Gods that he was not stopped by the police.
Blaster protection was limited without paying a lot of money. Still Cripple knew a guy who sold hand made armor he called "Flak Jackets." which were little more than woven material with a metal underlay. It could probably take a blaster bolt, depending on what you were getting shot with, before melting away. It was better than nothing. Any other kind of armor would cost a small fortune and Villain had not given him enough credits for that, and he did not want to get involved with the black market today. He gathered up three of them, as the list asked, and moved on. He tried to find grenades, but dealing illegal explosive weapons was not high on everyone's list. No one wanted to Empire to come cracking down on their heads, and it was hard enough to deal any kind of weapon seeing as the Empire had banned almost everything that shot, exploded, or cut. There was little left after that and the rest was peddled illegally. That meant no grenades for Villain. He would have to deal on a galactic level to get his hands on the kind of munition his employer was after. With that all taken care of he headed to the clothes store, picked up some clean clothes, a black duster, new boots that did not have cardboard soles for a change, and most important of all a new bowler hat that had not been trampled and had a hole punched through it. Twice. Now it was quick trip to the refresher to clean up and put on his new clothes. He even combed his unruly hair. He did not like it. Being all clean. It felt unnatural. Dirt was very natural and hygienic. No germs in dirt. He did not see why people objected to it so much, but if it meant getting ten thousand credits then it was all worth the pain and embarrassment. Pulling on the cargo pants, traveling boots, clean shirt, the dust, and his hat he felt very professional. He topped it off with some gloves he cut the fingers off of because that's what all the kids were doing these days. He did not put on the flak jacket yet. He would look very strange walking around town wearing body armor. The police would get suspiscious and start asking for things like weapon licenses for the blaster he had just strapped to his hip. He had picked up holsters for all three, along with extra energy clips.
The walk to the hotel Villain was staying at did not take long. The boxes containing the supplies he had delivered were sitting on the ground outside the hotel room door. Cripple checked them out really quick. Dehydrated ration bars, canteens of water, rope, flares, utility knives, medkits, and bags to hold them all and enough of each for three. He took a matter of pride in himself for being able to obtain as many items so quickly. True he had missed out on a few, but that was because of weapon bans and confusion. Irregardless... boy that was a big word. Irregardless he was confident that his employer would be proud. He had the three flack jackets and the two other blasters in a crate with a handle on one end and wheels on the other for easy carry. He happened to spot it on the side of the road and swiped it when it's owner was not paying attention. Quite useful little bugger.
Satisfied everything was there, he knocked on the door of the hotel room, making sure to pat his pocket afterward to make sure the left over credits were all there. He even managed to get receipts for most of it in case the boss thought he was spending it all on himself. Cripple was many things, but he was not suicidal.
Apr 14th, 2010, 11:06:41 PM
Villain woke to a knock at the door of his hotel room. "It must be Wil" Villain spoke, as he opened the door. "Your early good that's what I like to see in a man i'm paying ten thousand creds to. I see you've got the stuff I asked for. Did you have any trouble finding anything?""Villain asked with a motion for cripple Wil to bring the crates in.
Cripple Wil
Apr 24th, 2010, 12:15:18 PM
Cripple wheeled, and in some cases dragged, the several crates into the hotel room after the door was opened for him. Setting them all up against the wall just inside the door he wiped his brow with a handkerchief he produced from somewhere in a hurry and wiped his brow down before turning to his employer. "I got blasters, flak vests, food, rope but couldn't find anyone selling grenades or spears. Space ship parts are a little out of my league as a business man. People hocking ship parts tend to be shadier and more dangerous. The kind that hire thugs to beat you up on the way out to take the rest of your money. None of my contacts felt the need to tell me where I might find such black marketeers so I am empty handed in that respect. Got everything else." He added, with a light kick to one of the boxes.
Apr 28th, 2010, 08:53:14 PM
"That's fine I didn't expect you to acquire all that I asked for. Why don't you two get acqainted while I get the rest of the supplies. I know a man that used to live near here i'll see what I can do." Villain said as he turned and ventured of into the city. Knowing that the man most likely still lived there.
After walking for what seemed to be about two or three miles Villain approached a house wich seemed to still be in decent shape. Almost the same as when he last visited nearly ten years ago. As Villain got to the door the screen swung open before he could even reach to knock. "Villain Kreed" A voice rang out. "It's been too long enter,enter" It was Villain's old friend, well you could call him a friend, he was more like business partner. This guy always supplied the goods for cheap, and had anything you needed or wanted, from powerfull blasters to jewelry. They went on a couple of runs together in the past, but nothing too dangerous. "Darius, you still look the same as before short of a few wrinkles and grey hairs. How have you been my friend." Villain said happy to see his friend was still alive and well. "I've been good and you." Darius said. "I've been alright, still breathing, that's about all you can ask for anymore." Said Villain.
"Well Darius wish I had time to stick around, but you know me always on the go. I really came by to get a few things I need hope your still in the business." said Villain getting straight to the point, as Darius flicked a switch and a secret room was exposed. "Anything you need as usual." said Darius with a pridefull tone as he entered the room as if showing off . "I just need a few items Darius" Villain said as he started to explain what he was in need of. "Three spears, fifteen blaster bombs, and two circuit conductors for a S3 starfighter." Villain said, thinking if he should grab anything else while he was there. You know what throw in some black smoke, and some spear tip poison while your at it." Said Villain assuring himself that he had all that was needed. After retrieving the goods Villain and Darius said there farewell's and Villain was on his way back to the Motel. Where he hoped his two new companions were getting along.
Wil didn't seem like the type, a man like Dalamar associated with, but over the years one of the important thing's Villain learned was to never judge a book by it's cover.
Dalamar DeSang
May 5th, 2010, 10:31:43 PM
Villian had left him alone with the third person in there party. Dalamar watched with some sympathy as the crippled man pushed the crates around as best he could in his condition. Dalamar reached over and gave him a hand, putting some of the things where they belong. Dalamar spoke with the deliberateness that was always in his nature. "How will you be accompaning us in your present condition once we arrive. Or are you to man the ship only?" It was not DeSang's intention to be rude. Just to the point...
Cripple Wil
May 6th, 2010, 03:48:15 PM
"Thank you kindly, sir," Cripple said with a slight bow as the rather pale man helped him stow the crates. "I'm 'fraid you got it all wrong. They only call me Cripple Wil. Physically I'm fit as a, wossname. Sausage." He fidgeted noticeably. More because his new clothes were itchy and he was trying not to go kneel in the corner and scratch himself raw than because of any social awkardness he might feel around new people. Cripple was used to meeting new people. Was hard to play a Craps game without players and he did not like serving the same clients every day because the police tend to take notice of the same person sneaking off into the same alley every evening.
Taking off his hat he fiddled with it in his hands. He did not really have anything to sale to the pale man nor did he enjoy waiting here like this.
"Some weather, eh?"
It was all he could come up with.
Dalamar DeSang
May 7th, 2010, 07:53:45 AM
"The weather is fine. My mistake I saw you struggle with that heavier crate and put that with your name to draw a wrong conclusion." The man seemed agitated not knowing the cause, Dalamar took it to be him. As most people are in his prescence. He decided to sit and offered the man the other chair. "So what do you know about Villian and our mission?" Dalamar poured himself some blood wine and leaned back comfortably to hear the mans story.
Cripple Wil
May 12th, 2010, 09:57:01 PM
"No worries. These joints do not work as well as they used to. Too many cold winters and all that. Bad for the wossname, calcium. Not 'xactly the strongest chap in the city, and these here crates are a bit heavy." He replied, wiping a few droplets of forming sweat of his forehead, and then immediately smoothed out his new clothes that had creased from the movement of his hands. All this cleanliness and new clothes were getting to him. He wanted his old clothes with the dirt that had been there for him for years upon years, like a comforting friend that also added padding and warmth against the winter chill.
"I know nothing." He proclaimed, and for the shortest of moments he thought he should be wearing a great big overcoat and a helmet, and he swore he felt a mustache prickle his nose."I was only instructed to bring this stuff and go on some kind of adventure. Probably dangerous. Wouldn't be surprised if we ran into prawns along the way. Nasty thing prawns. Killed my cousin they did."
May 13th, 2010, 06:53:12 PM
As Villain arrived back at the Inn he could hear his two new partners conversing. "So how's everything coming along." Villain asked while laying the rest of the supplies on the bed preparing to start getting everything organized, and strap up.
Dalamar DeSang
May 18th, 2010, 09:24:14 PM
"Wouldn't be surprised if we ran into prawns along the way. Nasty thing prawns. Killed my cousin they did." Will said with what seemed to be some bitterness.
"Yes, they can be nasty but let me put your mind at ease if I can. These blades I wear on my back and hip are not for play." Dalamar pulled the small blade and showed the silver worked dagger on his hip. "There very useful weapons and I've had years of practice. If prawns are all we encounter you should be quite safe."
Just then Villian entered. Both men nodded to him. "So when does this demon ride begin?" Dalamar asked with ever growing impatience. He wanted to know why the force wanted him here. For he wouldn't normally travel these paths..
Cripple Wil
May 20th, 2010, 08:38:07 PM
Cripple shifted uneasily from foot to foot while he looked at those knives. He knew how devastating a knife can be in the right hands, but with an uncertain destination ahead of them he would rather have a blaster in hand then a knife. Knives are all good and fun but it usually lost their usefulness once your hiding behind a tree stump while a bunch of pratts take potshots at you from the other side of the field. At that point the knife is only useful for shaving because you would want to look your best in your coffin.
People today. Always need something flashy and useless otherwise you would not recognize them as adventurers.
"Are we all set then?"
May 21st, 2010, 03:13:22 PM
"Ok then let's get these crates opened up and start getting organized Villain said, as he pulled out a knife and pried open one of the crates.
After getting all of the crates open Villain grabbed everything that he needed and applied them to his person. Blaster in holster and grenades on waist. " We'll if were all ready we can be on our way seeing that his partners had their supplies ready to go.
Villain opened the door to the hotel room, with his his two partners behind him he made his way to the starport were his ship was stored. The excitement of the mission was just starting to race through Villains blood he loved not knowing what was gonna happen or what he would find out about his cloak. Villain wasn't sure if this cloak meant anything, but he could feel it and obviously Dalamar did too or so he said.
As the party reached the Starport Villain called over the closest mechanic to insert the circuit conductor into the ship so they could be on their way.
Dalamar DeSang
May 29th, 2010, 01:54:04 PM
They where all on board and headed to the coardinates that the man called villian had inputed. Villian ran his hands over the controls with an easy skill. Flying ships was something that Dalamar had never really mastered. Oh he could get by if he had to but a master ship man he wasnt. He cleaned his weapons religiously. Rechecking his mandolorian gauntlet as he did so. Clicking his boot blade to make sure that it was all in proper working order. He oiled his blades then resheathed them. Bowing his head his weapons where prepared for war. Turning to Villian he spoke of what was to come. "So Villian what kind of reception to you expect us to run into when we arrive. will there be resistance?"
Cripple Wil
Jun 1st, 2010, 04:44:43 PM
Villain followed after the lot, dragging the cargo behind him as they went. Once on board Cripple saw to storing the cargo, as best as he could with not a lick of experience flying in space ships, or storing cargo within. He got a little turned around but managed to avoid getting lost as he made his way to the bridge and found a seat to strap himself into. It was said that it was impossible to get lost in a small space vessel, but Cripple managed it almost every time. He hated to fly. More than anything in the world, except maybe taxes. He firmly believed that a man was meant to walk on the ground, not fly above the clouds. It was unnatural and, likely, unhealthy. He just did his best to forget he was about to fly through the air and kept his eyes closed while thinking of better things, like all the beautiful slaves he'll be able to buy with the money he'll make from this, for lack of a better word, adventure.
Jul 20th, 2010, 08:33:16 PM
After boarding, Villain and his party straped down and began their journey towards the answers that were clouding Villains mind. After some time they arrived at the port on cyrius to refuel. "We're more than halfway their it shouldn't take more than a few more hours to reach our destination, but i'm afraid this might have been the easy half of our adventure." Villain said, Almost to easy Villain thought to himself realizing that he had not ran into any kind of resistance since he escaped his enemies grasps in the first place."I'm not saying that we neccesarely will face trouble, but it's always better to stay ready and aware so just keep your heads about you." Mainly reffering to Wil seeing as this might have been his first dangerous job, other than hustling muggars and such.
Dalamar DeSang
Jul 23rd, 2010, 09:21:43 PM
Dalamar nodded at what villian had said. I will be in my room let me know when we arrive. With that he left and was soon alone with his thoughts. He took the ring off his hand and looked at it again. The symbols on the ring matched some that where on the cloak. Maybe soon he would get to the bottom of this mystery. He leaned back and waited if it was one thing his long life had taught him it was patience...
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