View Full Version : Too big to be a rancor...SW: TFU II

Mar 26th, 2010, 09:17:23 PM
Huh...not sure how I missed this one.


So far it's scheduled for release during the 2010 holiday season, let's see if that stays true or like its predecessor it gets pushed back...if it does hopefully it won't be a year.

Xavier Synik
Mar 26th, 2010, 09:22:22 PM
*adds name to 'missed it' list*

Be interesting to see where they go with this story.

Mar 26th, 2010, 09:30:53 PM
My guess it's going to be a la KOTOR, and give you some more options in regards to where the story goes and whether you want to be a light or darksider. At least that's what I gather from hearing Yoda's and Vader's voice kinda tugging at him.

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 2nd, 2010, 05:35:42 AM
Looks pretty cool, although I have yet to play the first game in the series...

Watching the trailer, and seeing Sam Witwer as Vaders Apprentice, makes me wish that the live action TV show was close to airing.

Jun 4th, 2010, 12:32:27 PM
They just added the official website (http://www.lucasarts.com/games/theforceunleashed2/cloningtank/index.jsp). Warning the site might spoil the ending for you if you haven't finished the game yet.

The site also has a bunch of little games you can complete for sneak peaks where the story is leading up toward. It's pretty neat. I can't for the life of me figure out the one where you have to break the 6 digit code in aurebesh.

Jun 12th, 2010, 04:02:17 AM
That's bad ass.

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Jun 14th, 2010, 05:26:19 PM
Saw that trailer on TV on Friday night, that looks awesome. I can't wait for the game or a demo!

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 19th, 2010, 12:14:50 AM
PC Specs from http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=155195734518706

Operating system: Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista® SP2, or Windows 7


Required: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon X2 5200+

Recommended: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8 GHz or AMD Athlon X2 6000+

Memory: 2 GB RAM

Hard disk space: 10GB + 1GB Swapfile


Required: 256 MB Video Memory with Shader 3.0 support

ATI Radeon HD 2600 / NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT

Recommended: ATI Radeon HD 4800 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260

Sound: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible Audio Device

DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c (March 2009)

Oct 19th, 2010, 11:59:03 AM
The Demos been out for the Ps3 (and probably the 360) for a while now. I've given it a couple play throughs. Feels a little more sharp and a little more grander then the first one did. But it still has it's hang ups, like the crapping jumping, and a targeting system that would be awesome if they just made it target what the camera was looking at instead of the character. Instead they just made the AI better at trying to figure out what your targeting priority would be and then surrounding your target with a highlight so you can tell what your targeting this time.

Oct 19th, 2010, 05:56:30 PM
I'm just downloading the demo for the 360 now. I'll be giving it a go later today.

Anne Phoenix
Oct 27th, 2010, 06:10:24 AM
Just saw a trailer the other day on TV for this game. It looked awesome. Haven't been able to find this (new?) trailer on Youtube yet. Basically another big battle scene, but this time occuring in a forest setting.

Oct 31st, 2010, 09:23:25 PM
Well, I'm sad to say I'm really disappointed with this game.

Visually, the game is stunning. The cinematics are simply amazing and some of them might even look better than the movies.

It's a short game, I managed to beat it in under 8 hours and after finishing it I don't know that I want to jump right back at it again and finish whatever side quests I didn't finish (which there aren't that many).

Below are my main gripes with the game, but they can't come without spoilers, so hidden they are.

The story is weak. Too many loose ends for my taste.

The game is repetitive, little to no strategy is required to the point where the game becomes a button masher.

All throughout the game there is only one choice where you have to pick between Light and Dark side, it happens at the end. If you choose the Light side, the ending almost seems anti-climatic. Too happy and campy ending.

If you choose Dark Side, it seems that everything nowadays is solved with clones in the SW universe.

The final battle with Vader should be one of epic proportions, instead you have Force Fury (a special power) pretty much all the time and the battle is almost too easy.

Plus I'm sick and tired with Lucas's fixation to cut hands. I think the thing that bugs me the most is that growing up Vader was my favorite all-time villian, mysterious and just a plain bad-ass who could defeat anybody. Now after EIII he is everything but, a puppet and easily beatable.

Also, it may be just me but there are some things that seem to be missing from the trailers/commercials, like the battle with the big ass monster. Sure, there is one with some huge monster called Gorog, but in the trailer you are in what seems a dark murky place, this one happens in plain daylight and the monster just looks differen. So even though it may be the same concept, it just gives me the feeling that something's missing.