View Full Version : ROKN Incident

Park Kraken
Mar 26th, 2010, 10:56:53 AM
So what we know so far, as of this posting, is that a South Korean corvette has suffered an explosion in it's stern area, and is sinking. No news of fatalities or other casualties at this time, with half of her crew already being rescued. This occured when the ship was on patrol near the DMZ.

In addition, another ROKN warship fired on a North Korean vessel near the DMZ, but we don't know at this time if it's related to the sinking incident.


Stats on the sinking vessel -


Xavier Synik
Mar 26th, 2010, 12:28:56 PM
While this may or may not turn out to be something serious...

On the lighter side, I love how the wiki page for the Corvette that just sank was already updated.

Mar 27th, 2010, 06:29:16 AM
South Korean Government officials stated North Korea is likely not involved, but they have not determined the exact cause of the explosion yet, because it is still under investigation.

Park Kraken
Mar 29th, 2010, 01:46:17 PM
The ship was broken in two when it sank, no idea what caused it yet, they are supposed to be diving on the stern section today. Sailors that survived the sinking state the explosive force came from the outside, which it could very well have been, something like a legacy mine for example, since she was patrolling the DMZ when it happened.