View Full Version : Associations of Fortune: A new Page from an Old Book

Sheree Lancaster
Mar 14th, 2010, 06:24:28 PM
Sheree's pulse quickened as the public transport shuttle dipped planet-ward and she caught her first glimpse in ten years of the Coruscant City Skyline.

Banished to Naboo from Imperial Center for her anti-Empiric sentiments a decade ago, it was testament to the influence the Russard men had in this part of the galaxy that she was allowed to even set one foot here, albeit a temporary sojurn on her way to Farfalla. She had moved into the big leagues, big time, now.

She didn't quite know how she should feel - apprehensive? nostalgic? Neither of these sentiments fit. She certainly felt eager to take up her new post on Varuni Research Station - the lovechild of Russard Industries vision and Silenus Corporation know-how - As chief Scientist on site, she would hold remarkable responsibility. She would have unhampered investigative freedom and the use of a state-of-the-art fascility with specialised staff in which to pursue it. It was a dream come true, a fantasy fulfilled.

It was also an opportunity that could not be missed and it was this last that helped her identify the feeling she was experiencing; guilt. She stifled the uncomfortable sensation with practised determination. It was not the first time she had felt such a thing. She would, as in many times past, do what needed to be done. The risk, in this case, was negligible. No one need be caught in the crossfire - her clandestine activities, to date, had been well concealed and being out on the backwash of the Diamond Belt System would only ensure that further. Russards and their partners would be more than insulated against anything she is involved in. She had been an outstanding Scientist, she was an even more accomplished Terrorist.

The thrusters engaged and the Shuttle came to a flawless stop after maneuvering into its assigned Bay. Sheree took up her luggage and headed for the exit. Jason had said he would send a car for her and, taking a deep breath, Dr Sheree Lancaster stepped from the shuttle and into the City she thought she would never venture to again.

Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 14th, 2010, 06:48:52 PM
A driver. A frackin' Force-damned driver. That's what he was right now. Kazaar woulda preferred kickin' some Imperial ass or hangin' 'round th'Kid (makin' sure she'n Birdy were getting 'long). Wasn't gonna happen. Th'Old Man asked 'im to go pick up o'new charge. Some scientist.

Kazaar blew smoke outta 'is mouth. Funny thing was, Russard hadn't told 'im who it was. Gave 'im o'first name sure, but no last one. 'Parently it was 'o'secret'. Kinda thing he was used t'gettin' from 'Othy' not Jake Frackin' Russard.

So he stood there like some kinda frackin' gizka waitin' for whoever th'frack this 'Sheree' was. 'Least Jake'd given him o'Saccorrian. Damn fine cigar. Didn't quite make up for th'drivin' job but hell...not o'lotta things did. Sure beat pickin' up groceries that was f'sure. An' th'Kid never had 'im do that when he was drivin' her t'school. 'Course, most o'their 'drivin' was blowin' the crap outta Imp bases.

Which, Kazaar smirked, was what he'd prefer t'be doin' right now. Not pickin' up some newbie f'Russard.

More smoke came outta 'is mouth as he held up th'sign marked 'Sheree'.

Dame better hurry up...smashball game was gonna start inna half hour. An' if SC Votrad was gonna make th'playoffs...Kazaar snorted.

Frackin' Russard...

Sheree Lancaster
Mar 14th, 2010, 07:10:28 PM
Sheree noticed the cigar before she noticed the sign, and she noticed the loud shirt before cigar - who wouldn't?

"You're the ride, then?" she queried as she siddled up beside Kazaar, careful to stay 'down-wind' of the drifting smoke.

"Be careful of the finish" she said, gesturing to her luggage resting at his feet, "I've still got a long way to go"

Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 14th, 2010, 09:54:57 PM
Kazaar just snorted. Long way t'go...real frackin' cute. He popped th'speeder's trunk an'tossed it in.

"What? Ya want me t'shine ya shoes'n do ya hair?" He smirked at th'glare he got. 'Least he was nice 'nough t'open the door for th'dame. He then closed it, got inside th'driver's seat an' took off.

Be 'least o'thirty minute journey t'Russard's place, Kazaar knew this cause he'd done th'route before. Might get t'catch th'start o'the game if traffic worked out. He flicked on some Tatooine blues (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Tatooine_blues) music. Quiet 'nough.

He guided th'speeder through Coruscant's always busy traffic lanes. Figures...some idiot's gonna go blow o'motivator'n frack everything up. Kazaar scowled. He was gonna miss th'start o'the game.

Frackin' Russard.

Sheree Lancaster
Mar 16th, 2010, 10:48:39 PM
Sheree made no attempt to hide her irritation at Kazaar's attitude. As far as first impressions went, she concluded within two minutes of being in his company that Kazaar was brash and rude, and she wondered at the departure of good judgement she remembered Jason as having, by hiring this man as a driver.

"Cant you put that filthy thing out, Im beginning to stink like a Tattooine cantina"

Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 16th, 2010, 11:15:31 PM
Kazaar snorted'n did his best not t'growl. Frackin' non-smokers. Makin' his life o'living hell. Bad enough they'd taken over mosta th'restaurants'n bars he liked t'go raise some hell in. Now...this dame (who didn't even own th'car she was ridin' in) wanted him t'put outta cigar given t'him by th'man who frackin' hired her.

Fat frackin' chance.

"Lady." Kept th'cigar clenched through 'is teeth. "M'car, my frackin' rules. Ya don't wanna be in..."

Kazaar gave o'lazy smile. "Door's right over there. Old Man wouldn't be happy though if ya took t'sky divin' just now."

He winked'n drove on.

Sheree Lancaster
Mar 17th, 2010, 08:34:29 PM
The Doctor turned in her seat so that she might more directly appraise Kazaar while he chomped on his cigar and kept his eyes on the traffic. She noticed he didn't bother to really make any attempt at eye contact with her, doing his best to ignore the fact that she was sitting right there.

"Interesting.." she murmured.

Mentally, she ticked off the different disorders of personality that she could probably assign to him with a decent level of accuracy :-

Antisocial - check!
Narcissistic - check!
Tendency to Violence - check!
Paranoid - probably!
Schizotypal - likely.

"You dont play well with others do you, Mister, er.....?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 17th, 2010, 11:47:17 PM
Kazaar puffed away. "What, ya decide t'play nice allah o'sudden?"

He smirked at th'glare he got. This was too fun. "Name's Kazaar." More smoke came outta his mouth.

"How 'bout ya, sweetie. Sheree ya real name? Figur Jake hired th'dame f'some job. An' ya sure as hell don't look like his new frackin' nurse..." A smirk. "Though if ya were, I wouldn't frackin' blame him.

"Hell...might get 'sick' m'self."

Sheree Lancaster
Mar 20th, 2010, 03:59:29 PM
"Ah, that explains it" she said smugly and mostly to herself.

This neanderthal must be a relative of the Russards, the familiarity in the way he spoke made Sheree assume as much.

They probably hired him out of sympathy to a great, beloved aunt, bless their hearts.

"My name is Sheree, yes. I am a Doctor of Science and will be taking up my position as Science Cheif of Staff in Russard Industries newest venture. I take it you arent a part of that"

Her tone left little to imagine that she was being completely condescending.

Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 20th, 2010, 05:45:53 PM
Kazaar didn't know 'bout Russard's little 'Science Project' but that didn't keep 'im from sayin' "Chief o'security. Gonna be keeping ya ass safe while ya do ya frackin' job."

Threw 'nother smirk towards Sheree. "That gonna bug ya any Doc?"

Sheree Lancaster
Mar 20th, 2010, 07:15:14 PM
This brought a smile.

"I doubt they'll let you anywhere near the project, Mister Kazaar" she said, amused, "but if they do, I trust you'll have no problem doing what your told..?"

Jason Russard
Mar 20th, 2010, 07:22:18 PM
Russard Tower - Coruscant Business District, Imperial Center

"You sent who to pick her up?"

Jason couldn't believe his father's complacency and the Old Man's deliberate eye-rolling at his alarm was the last straw.

"What happened to Roger? I expressly requested Roger meet Sheree at the Spaceport" he demanded of his father.

"You did?"

Oh, his father was playing dumb. Correction, that was the last straw.

Jason strode angrily about the room, not exactly sure where to go, so he stalked ineffectually to the middle and back to the window again.

"Dont fret" the Old Man dismissed, "You'll give yourself an ulcer"

"Kazaar is an ape - clumsy and rude. He thinks his tough-guy attitude is charming, but really, its just down right frightening to people who dont know him. And to people who do know him, for that matter. I wouldn't be surprised if Lancaster about faces and hops the next shuttle back to Naboo"

Old Man Russard
Mar 20th, 2010, 07:30:21 PM
"Then you dont know Sheree Lancaster" the Old Man chortled, picturing the Sheree whom he remembered taking Aurelias Kazaar down notch by systematic notch.

"She'll manage just nicely" he continued despite his son's stiffled groan, "I'll wager they'll be fast friends by the time they get here"

"Thats quite a gamble to take" Jason retalliated. "I'd go as far to say that to risk the first stage of our endeavour with Silenus on the personality of our violent limo driver is high stakes, even for you, father"

The Old Man gestured to the liquor cupboard, "Pour yourself a drink and calm down, Jason. You are over-reacting, like you tend to do when it comes to Kazaar. Elle trusts him with her life. You should show more faith."

Ice blue eyes bored into his son's gentle brown ones, "Its time to forget about the business with Del"

Jason Russard
Mar 20th, 2010, 07:43:32 PM
That stomped on a nerve and Jason gasped as if he'd been physically hit.

"Adelaide is a subject we dont need to discuss" he said, his tone knife-edged. "I'd appreciate it if you would stick to the subject at hand"

Jason poured a drink then, glad to do something, anything, to divert his thoughts from what he considered his greatest failure - Adelaide and the distance between them that he simply couldn't seem to breach. He blamed Aurelias for that. Him, that Albino, Kimiiki Crei. Even that fancy pilot fellow, Tricerus Idalix who had monopolized Del's attention at the Empresses dinner was a part of the hinderence. But mostly, it was Kazaar.

Old Man Russard
Mar 20th, 2010, 07:47:07 PM
"Suit yourself" the Old Man responded. "But your judgement where Kazaar is concerned is clouded. Might be good that you remember that."

Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 20th, 2010, 08:45:52 PM
Kazaar smirked. "I ain't gonna get ya test tubes all mixed up if you're that worried.

"'Sides, I know not t'mix acids an' bases. 'less ya want t'get warm onna cool night. An' if ya do...I know o'better thing t'do than mixin' that stuff."

Sheree Lancaster
Mar 21st, 2010, 02:47:35 PM
"There's no point hitting on me like that" Sheree responded, unfazed. "Im here to work and emotional involvement of any kind is, at best, a distraction but more often than not, a hinderance"

She cast a look off into the unending stream of traffic, her mind on things Kazaar had no idea of. It would be easy for him to mistake her demeanor as wistful, but it was far from it. On the contrary, Lancaster was not thinking on things that 'might be' but was anxious to know if events she had set in motion were even now, developing as planned.

"How long until we arrive at Russard Industries?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 21st, 2010, 03:03:37 PM
"Couple minutes're so." Kazaar answered through cigar smoke. "Sure th'Old Man's gonna be happy t'see ya."

Funny thing was, the former bounty hunter wasn't tryin' t'hit on th'Doc. Cute'n all...okay o'pretty frackin' nice dish with great eyes, but with 'er being at Russard's new science project, Kazaar kinda doubted they'd run into each other that much.

"And ya know Doc," he drawled. "I meant o'nice glass o'Coruscant brandy. Good stuff. Beats lotta swill that's out there."

Sheree Lancaster
Mar 23rd, 2010, 08:04:33 PM
"Sure, brandy - I doubt you know what you're missing if you prefer Coruscant over Nabooan" she replied dismissively.

"How long have you been in the Security business, Mister Kazaar?" She appraised the hard lines on his face, the grim set of his jaw - probably too long, she didn't doubt.

Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 23rd, 2010, 08:23:39 PM
"Lady." Kazaar smirked 'gain. "Naboo brandy ain't bad but th'best kind out there is Cassandran. Just frackin' hard t'get o'hold of. Frackin' pricey too. Still worth all th'creds ya can round up f'it. Damn good stuff."

'Nother sideways side. "Tell ya what. Ya show me yours I'll frackin' show ya mine. How long ya been doin' science projects?"

Sheree Lancaster
Mar 24th, 2010, 09:32:29 PM
She couldn't argue with him on the Cassandran, who in all conscience could?

"I'll bet you a bottle of that Cassandran label that you actually already know the answer to that question. You've heard of me before" she stated with a certainty that bordered on almost complete arogance. "Unless ten years ago you lived under a Zeltros moon-rock, my fall from grace was well publicized and I was, to put none too fine a point on it, made an example of."

Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 25th, 2010, 06:56:31 PM
Kazaar f'once didn't smirk. Ten years 'go he'd been inna bottle or five, gettin' over th'death o'his partner at the time, Ashley. Taken him o'while t'get over it an' even then, the final results were more than than he'd ever wanna frackin' deal with again.

"Sorry Doc. Got no frackin' clue who ya are, what th'frack ya used t'do and whatever th'hell 'fall from grace' ya dealt with. Kinda busy ten years back..." He blew smoke outta his mouth.

"Long as it ain't killin' babies or rapin' women...don't give o'frack what ya done."

Sheree Lancaster
Mar 27th, 2010, 09:01:40 PM
Her raised eyebrow indicated she was inwardly speculating on what Kazaar had been so busy doing ten years ago, but she refrained from voicing any theories. She was glad, at least, that he was taking her at face value and not judging her with any pre-concieived ideas. Not that she really cared what he thought. Not really.

"Im an expert in genetics and biology studies, particularly xeno-life forms. I am to be part of the Russard Industries newest research enterprise. And" she added with the barest hint of a smile, "I appear to owe you some fine brandy"

Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 28th, 2010, 01:58:13 AM
"Ya sure as hell do." Kazaar gave 'is own smirk-smile. He'd actually heard 'bout xeno-bioticts but, as usual, left that crap t'the frackin' eggheads. His specialty was more...specialized. If ya could call killin' Imps'n frackers 'specialized.'

'Course, bein' o'Rebel...helluva lotta specialization t'that.

"Name's Kazaar." Stuck his hand out'n greeting. "Nice t'meet ya doc."

Sheree Lancaster
Mar 28th, 2010, 04:44:53 PM
Sheree accepted Kazaar's hand, shaking it a little awkwardly, but pleased at the gesture none the less.

"How long have you worked for the Russards' Kazaar?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 28th, 2010, 05:05:57 PM
"Couple years." He answered. "Mainly keep th'Kid outta trouble."

Kazaar tapped ash off 'is cigar into th'speeder's ashtray. Had t'get th'damn thing personally installed. Frackin' non-smoking idjits. Ain't like he was buggin' anyone with th'smoke. if he did...that's what frackin' windows were for.

"Ain't o'egghead if that's what'cha wonderin'. Leave that up t'those who're smarterm" He winked.

Sheree Lancaster
Apr 1st, 2010, 08:36:36 PM
The man's grammar was appalling and Sheree feared she was catching only every second or third word he said, although, it was likely that didn't matter.

"Who's 'the kid,' and what trouble are you referring to?" she asked, slightly concerned.

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 3rd, 2010, 02:23:38 PM
Kazaar chuckled. Sounded like o'speeder bike revvin' up. "Th'Kid...ya know...Estelle Russard. Th'Old Man's granddaughter. Got 'erself inna 'wrong frackin' place wrong frackin time' situation (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=15524) couple years ago. Pulled 'er outta it an' they asked me t'stick 'round.

"Pay's good, get three meals an' m'own place and sure as hell neats workin' f'the Force-damned frackin' Hutts."

'nother smirk. "Doubt ya got anything t'worry 'bout. 'nless ya got o'buncha frackers going afta ya head. Ya do...th'Old Man's prob'ly gotta helluva security force. An' if that becomes o'frackin problem." th'smirk got wider. "'m sure I'll be called in t'take 'em out."

Sheree Lancaster
Apr 3rd, 2010, 04:13:53 PM
"Im certain that wont be necessary. I've enjoyed quite a mundane life on Naboo for the past decade"

Which was true if one counted only outward appearances.

"Cant say I remember Jake's grand-daughter, though I dont really see that I would - I doubt I ever met her"

Kazaar steered the speeder into the entrance of Russard Tower, into a tunnel that wound its way to an upper level parking area. He pulled up at the valet docking platform and set the vehicle to hover, while he unfolded himself out of the driver seat. Sheree likewise followed suit and, placing one foot ahead of the other, stepped in doors and into her new life, the rough-talking, cigar-touting limo driver leading the way.

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 3rd, 2010, 04:45:57 PM
Kazaar led th'doc into Russard Tower, still puffin' away on his cigar. Jason th'Younger'd tried t'get Kazaar t'quit smokin' indoors without too much success. Which was pretty frackin' funny, since th'Old Man was known t'light up from time t'time in his study. Guess th'apple fell kinda far from th'tree on that. 'Least they both liked o'good scotch or bourbon. If th'Younger turned out t'be some kinda prissy, stuck-up 'businessman', Kazaar prob'ly woulda smacked 'im more than once.

He an' the doc were pretty quiet as they strode down th'red carpeted hallway. Kazaar was enjoyin' the cigar too much. 'Least th'doc hadn't made 'im carry her bags. Sure he was o'driver but not some kinda Force-damned butler. That was that stiff Roger's job.

"'ey Old Man!" Kazaar called as they entered o'semi-large library area. "Got ya science gal 'ere! Ya got any scotch? Frackin' thirsty."

Jason Russard
Apr 3rd, 2010, 05:07:56 PM
Like nails on a chalkboard, Kazaar's boisterous greeting set Jason's teeth ringing. In a gulp, he downed his bourbon and composed himself to greet Sheree and reminded himself to keep his fathers council where Aurelias was concerned. It was true, his perspective was skewered regarding Kazaar and he did not like to think of himself as an unfair or unjust judge of character.

"Ms Lancaster," he said, crossing to take her hand, "Im glad to see our Mr Kazaar had no trouble finding you. I trust your journey was a good one" Jason nodded towards the bar for Kazaar's benefit, "help yourself Kazaar, whiskey is on the right. Can we get you something Sheree?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 3rd, 2010, 08:52:50 PM
"Here." Kazaar handed th'doc o'full glass o'brandy. He already had a glass o'his own in his hands. "Think she'll like that.

"It's Nabbooan. Oughta make ya feel all warm inside." He smirked. "Got any food 'round 'ere Jace? Ain't eaten today."

Jason Russard
Apr 3rd, 2010, 09:01:33 PM
Seems the Old Man had been right, Lancaster and Kazaar appeared indeed to have made friends in the brief trip from the spaceport to the Russard Boardroom. Jason looked at the ex-bounty hunter and marvelled at the man's capacity to win people over, despite nonexistent manners and his deliberately menacing overtures.

"Er, we'll be going for lunch shortly - Sheree, you are probably famished" he remarked considerately to the Scientist before turning back to Aurelias, "You can join us if you like"

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 3rd, 2010, 09:10:24 PM
"Gotta smashball game t'watch in 'bout ten minutes." Kazaar actually checked 'is watch t'make sure. "Less ya plan t'go somewhere where I can watch Votrad...'Cause those frackers better make th'playoffs or else I'm gonna..." He trailed off into his small glass.

They better frackin' do it...they'd miss th'playoffs year before an' Kazaar wasn't happy 'bout that.

Old Man Russard
Apr 3rd, 2010, 09:19:23 PM
"We'll have Francou bring you up a sandwich" Jason said to Kazaar, taking the lunch offer off the table. He'd told his son to monitor his judgement with Kazaar, not make him a frelling member of the board. He spared a cold glare for Jason before continuing, "We dont want to bore you, Kazaar, with what is tantamount to a business meeting with food, however, you can watch the game up here if you like. I got money on Ulstadt myself"

Wheeling himself about to come before Lancaster, the Old Man turned on a smile that she would remember well, "Its good to see you again Sheree. Im very glad you accepted our offer to come"

Sheree Lancaster
Apr 3rd, 2010, 09:33:53 PM
Sheree accepted the glass of Brandy, murmuring a thankyou to Aurelias, but set it on a small table beside her without yet tasting it.

She shook Jason the Younger's hand in greeting - he had changed since she'd seen him more than a decade ago. He was older, definitely, and not so wet behind the ears looking than when she'd previously known him. A memory of his flush, youthful face came to her mind's eye and then as her gaze now met his, she realised just what had changed the most - that sparkle that young men have in their eyes, their optimism, that sense that they have of their own indestructiblity - something had taken that from young Jason Russard and he was a different man because of it. And a more interesting one.

She then bent to hug the Old Man. Now, he hadn't changed a bit. His body was frailer perhaps, but the man was just as formidable as ever and Sheree felt a surge of thankfullness for him. It was good to know some things held fast and true even with the passing of time and circumstance.

Straightening, she said with a sly grin, "Im with Kazaar, I got an inside man who says its Voltrad in three"

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 4th, 2010, 01:25:42 AM
Kazaar smirked. He was startin' t'like this dame. "Old Man, I got no frackin' clue what th'doc's gonna do for ya or what you're paying 'er. But she's got helluvalotta taste.

"Doc...if Votrad wins...drinks'n steak are on me."

Old Man Russard
Apr 5th, 2010, 01:55:27 PM
"Still like to stir things up I see" he said to Sheree, "You always did have your own mind on just about every damn thing" His approving smile took any sting from his words. "As for Kazaar here, well, he's a sucker for the under dog would you believe" He turned to the ex-bounty hunter, "I hope we're paying you enough to cover that bet Kazaar -- toss in a box of Sacorrians and we have ourselves a wager"

Jason Russard
Apr 5th, 2010, 02:01:03 PM
Jason patiently watched the exchange between the others. He had no interest in smash-ball whatever, with the exception that he'd been approched with a proposition to buy a team last year. He'd balked at the idea as he didn't like to invest his money in something he had no real instincts for. Kazaar, however, was all over it - as he was reminded just now and a curious thought entered into Jason's head. Aurelias was an untapped resource that could prove unexpectedly helpful. Not for the second time this afternoon, Jason the Younger took a personal re-evaluation of his rough-edged employee.

Sheree Lancaster
Apr 5th, 2010, 02:08:25 PM
"Well, that takes me out of the running - Im not a cigar lover and Ive yet to get my first paycheck from Russard Industries. I am, however, famished like Jason said" She picked up her brandy glass, "Im up for lunch and business talk and might I just say" she took in both Russards as she spoke, "I am eager to find out all about our new facility and the details of where I'll be working"

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 5th, 2010, 11:21:36 PM
Kazaar snorted. "Please Doc. I'm sure th'Old Man can come up with somethin' suitable fer ya. Tell ya what...give'er one o'ya old bottle o'brandy. The frackin' good stuff. I know ya gotta few o'those frackers lying 'round here somewhere.

"An' hurry up with th'damn sandwiches." He turned towards o'small holoscreen which was carryin' the game. Was 'bout t'start and already it was bein' mentioned how Votrad's young defensive corps was going to keep make it hard on the team. Feh...completely 'noring how good their goalie was.

"Hurry up an' let 'em play f'frack's sake." Kazaar growled. "Ain't tea cups'n gizkas."

Jason Russard
Apr 9th, 2010, 10:08:20 PM
Jason opened the door and gestured with a open arm, "This way, Sheree. We will leave Aurelias to his blood sports for now and come back in time for him to pay father what's owed"

As Sheree passed him to exit the room, Jason intoned with a conspiritorial smile, "The Old Man will have his cigars, just wait and see"

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 10th, 2010, 02:00:57 PM
Ten minutes later'n th'Old Man was grinnin' like some kinda maniac. Votrad's young defense'n fracked up twice, lettin' two players go in on th'goalie without so much ovva shove. Score: Ulstadt 2 Votrad 0.

Kazaar was smokin' up o'storm as th'game went on. "C'mon ya frackers, hit someone! Damn wusses."

'Bout then, one o'Votrad's most annoyin' and best players, Roman Vitters gave what Kazaar thought was o'pretty legal hit t'the shoulder o'Ulstadt's defensemen. Guy went down like he'd been frackin' shot. Which drew o'crowd towards Vitters. Buncha guys wanted t'kill Vitters an' he looked like he was gonna welcome it.

Which, 'course, meant th'refs were gonna get involved.

"Aw c'mon...let 'em play refs!" Kazaar shouted at th'holo, ignorin' th'fact it was his guy they were trying t'get at. Or maybe not..."Vitty can defend 'imself just fine.

"This is what's frackin' wrong with this game..." He snorted as he lit o'cigar. "Damn refs...yeah there we go!"

A couple players suddenly started throwin' punches at each other. Refs looked like they were gonna break it up but changed their minds o'second later. Kazaar smirked as th'fight was finally broken up after o'good two minutes.

"Ain't shockboxin' but it's still pretty frackin' good. Ya know some o'these guys do fight trainin' 'bout three times o'week...five times durin' the offseason.

"Helluva job. Make ya wish ya were back in th'ring Old Man?"