View Full Version : Do I look like a Rogue to you? (s'Ilancy & Co)
Henry McDonnaught
Mar 14th, 2010, 05:35:11 PM
Henry was tired of being shuffled into the background - muscled, manuevered or down right pushed even, out of the way and consigned to wallow in ignoble obscurity.
It had happened twice now and once, well, a guy can understand that. But twice? And by lesser mortals than himself, he might add. Prent and that other Meraska dude, (whoever he was) - Donut had been relegated to the position of onlooker, or bystander, or harmless inconsequential aquaintance - whatever words a person used, he was the one nudged into the corner by a bigger, louder boot and he'd had it. It was time to make his mark, well mark wasn't the right word, make an impression or maybe even just manage to string more than two words together at a time and have an actual conversation with the elusive, yet incredibly lovely, LokLorien s'Ilancy.
Hank tugged on his flightsuit collar, suddenly finding his breath was running out on him the nearer he came to the Jedi Master's office door. It wasn't so much an office, but more a converted storage room where s'Ilancy had taken up occupancy to do Jedi-type administrative stuff, or something. Donut wasn't really sure what it was she did and wondered if it wasn't just a convenient place to lock out nuisances like Sanis Prent and associates. Sure, Cirr was ok - Henry had forgiven the burly Cizerack from hauling him bag and baggage across a collection of barroom tables and their occupants - all's fair in a brawl like that, no one holds grudges, right? Donut hadn't seen Prent since the melee so he didnt know for sure, but there were unwritten rules about that sort of thing. If a guy's gonna start insulting everyone he can expect to get his bell enthusiastically rung a few times over.
Henry realised too late that he hadn't shaved. It had been a spur of the moment decision to seek s'Il out..oh he'd been tossing the idea around for two days now, but the decision to finally act on it had come impetuously. Jamo, who was helping him make repairs, had been mocking him from under the hydrocompressors for having a schoolgirl crush on the Jedi and the last straw was how he reminded Henry that s'Il was more interested in a guy that hides under a table than he was in the guy who landed a lucky punch to knock Prent out. Joker was sooooo wrong, the punch was more than lucky. Grease-stained and grizzle-face, Donut was starting to regret being so impulsive. Pausing with his fist half-way to knocking on s'Ilancy's door, Henry changed his mind and decided he'd better have an actual plan before making any grand gestures. He about faced, unaware of who had come right up to stand silently behind him.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 14th, 2010, 05:57:02 PM
"Hello Henry."
There was a measure of bemused curiosity in her eye as Loklorien s'Ilancy stood quietly, her eye upturned to look at Henry. Like most, he was taller than she, but her small stature she had long ago learned to live with. With one hand holding a datapad and the other a small courier's metal delivery cylinder, the Jedi let a smile begin tugging at one corner of her lips.
He looked as though he'd just crawled out from the inside of an engine... and the smell of grease about him added to his appearance. The stubble was also noticed, which gave her another reason to smile, and as if for the first time she noticed that he held a passing resemblance to a much younger Zem.
Her voice was warm, smooth, and kind.
"What can I do for you?"
Henry McDonnaught
Mar 14th, 2010, 06:37:35 PM
A wash of nerves flooded over him making him none too quick on the reactions. "Is this your place?" And even less so on the wit.
"Um, actually, I knew this was your place" he added awkwardly.
His hand seemed to take off of its own free will and rummage through his hair as he struggled for some place to settle his eyeballs. What the hell was wrong with him?
"I was just, I thought I'd--how are you?"
He added an uncertain smile a few seconds short of timely.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 14th, 2010, 06:47:32 PM
His flustered reaction was more than endearing, and s'Il couldn't help the smile - that had previously only tweaked her features - to show fully. She closed her eyes, her head bowing slightly while shifting the courier's tube to the hand that held the datapad.
"I am fine."
Once again her gaze swept upward.
"And yourself? You seem to have taken a bath in fuel and grease."
To punctuate her words, the Lupine reached up to wipe at a spot of grease that still lingered on his cheek.
Henry McDonnaught
Mar 14th, 2010, 07:02:26 PM
He saw the hand coming, saw it and panicked. He was filthy! What had he been thinking coming here like this? It was bloody Jamo's fault with the pointing and the laughing..Henry backed up and banged his head against the door with a thud. It made no difference, s'Il touched her finger to his face anyway, her smile dancing.
"Im a mess, I know" he said, ducking around so that Lok could access her door and hide the fact that her contact had made him blush. What a poor excuse for impression-making he was. Ben under the table didn't look near so foolilsh now.
"Can I help you with those?" he volunteered, gesturing to the items in her hand.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 14th, 2010, 07:14:28 PM
If he was worried that she'd see him blush, Henry could rest easy as s'Il momentarily regarded the small smudge of grease now on her finger. Her smile still ever-present, the Jedi shook her head while unceremoniously wiping the slight mess on the sleeve of his flightsuit.
"Is today your day to help old Jedi cross the street then... ?" It was said rather teasingly, but she accepted his offer none-the-less, holding out the 'pad and cylinder both to him while half-turning to run a palm over the ident pad and opening the door behind her.
"If you so wish."
Henry McDonnaught
Mar 14th, 2010, 07:22:25 PM
Actually, today's the day I get you to fall head over heels for me, Ms s'Ilancy.
He would have felt really cool if he had have said that, but instead he just chuckled at her joke and took the datapad and couriers' tube into his possession.
"Important Jedi business?" he queried, more with designs to keep her talking to him than any real interest in the things he held.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 14th, 2010, 07:34:24 PM
She led the way inside the small converted office, the light sensor activating to illuminate the interior. It was not cluttered, as she had been careful to avoid her normal tendencies to fill up every empty space with trinkets of home, Cathar, or any other keepsake from years past. Instead, her desk and the few chairs before it seemed to be the only furniture about. A small reading lamp rested on the desks' surface, along with the few small possessions she'd allowed herself. Aboard the Dauntless she did not hold her tendencies on such a tight reign, but here it was necessary. Also, the Lupine was never here for very long periods of time.
"Important to me," she finally answered while skirting her desk, lowering her small frame down into her chair.
"Some Jedi related, others not so much."
She watched Henry with keen interest, her eye going over every inch of him.
"Now." her hands folded into her lap.
"What do you need of me?"
Henry McDonnaught
Mar 14th, 2010, 07:59:14 PM
Henry found himself standing before s'Ilancy as she, seated behind her desk, appraised him unabashedly. She was obviously quite comfortable being in the position of authority and he, in keeping with his rank and occupation, was quite used to being subject to such. His smile, as it grew exponentially, was the first genuinely relaxed response he'd had to her in this encounter thus far. Her interest in him buoyed his confidence and some of his usual swagger returned.
"I just wanted to see how you were, really. I've been curious about you since you first arrived and, well, we keep getting interupted whenever we manage to cross paths -- arguments, fist fights, you know, hazards of life on the Wheel in general"
He took a token glance around at the spartan office.
"How are you settling in here?"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 14th, 2010, 08:13:02 PM
A look in mimic to his own, as s'Il gave her surroundings a cursory gaze.
"It suits my needs for now."
With a gesture, the Jedi bade him take a seat in one of the chairs available, and she slowly leaned back, thinking more on why he was here.
"I truthfully don't spend enough time about to really have any desires to settle any more than I already have. My primary duties still lie with the Dauntless and the General, though I must admit that it is always a breath of fresh air when I am here..."
There was an amused glint in her eye then.
"... even despite barfights and arguments and all that comes with."
He looked to be relaxing, and she took that as a good sign, choosing to reach down into one of the desk drawers, removing a small decantur of Ithorian spice rum and two tumblers. These she set on her desk.
Pouring the amber liquid into each glass, she spoke once more.
"You've been curious... what about?"
Henry McDonnaught
Mar 14th, 2010, 08:49:53 PM
His lifted eyebrow indicated it wasn't too often Henry was offered Ithorian rum - s'Ilancy had effortlessly impressed him further, if that was even possible.
"You just leave that stuff lyin' around then, do ya?" he remarked, accepting his good fortune with a rueful grin.
He drank appreciatively and returned his glass to the table with a flourish of salute and an expressive "aaaahhh" before responding to her question.
"Well, its no secret your arrival here has caused a few ripples. The Dauntless' reputation preceeds her, as does her Commander's, but they pale in comparison to the stir you've caused. Word gets around how you pull Prent into line on a regular basis, and Ive seen first-hand that's no easy thing." He could have added that since he'd first laid eyes on her he cant sleep most nights for thinking about her, but that would just be embarressing.
Henry's expression changed slightly, the look in his eye became more candid and held an inviting, confiding quality within it, "I wonder, what kind of a woman can be so self-possessed like that?"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 14th, 2010, 09:08:56 PM
She gave a ruefall smile at that, allowing herself a sip from her glass.
"Not self-possessed. I've simply known him for long enough. Once you've known a person past a length of time, it doesn't take a Jedi to be able to read that person."
She seemed to think for a moment before continuing, her gaze unfocused for the barest of moments before pulling back to Henry once more.
"I've been about for a long time, and understanding people and what they do - why they do the things that they do - it is what is expected of many Jedi. Just as you are expected to know every bolt and conduit of your fighter so that you may pull every ounce of potential from it, so too must we."
Reaching out, the Lupine plucked the metal courier tube up from where he'd set it, tipping it up on its' end and absently balancing it.
"But, that's also the advantage of being a Jedi," she looked at him from over the tops of her eyes, her broken gaze kind, yet firm.
"... we are able to read a person without the prerequisite of a decade's worth of interaction."
Henry McDonnaught
Mar 14th, 2010, 09:37:46 PM
Telling himself not to squirm under her direct gaze was of no use, Henry shifted in his seat anyway, unable to shrug off the feeling that s'Ilancy was reading him like a book. He could deny it if he wanted, but it wouldn't change the sudden revelation he'd had that he was waaay out of his league.
The floating cannister was a distraction and Hank took hold of it and placed it quietly, and quite pointedly, again on the desk.
"Then," he said self-depracatingly "I hope you'll forgive me for being a lesser mortal and relying on old fashioned small talk in getting to know someone better"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 14th, 2010, 09:49:07 PM
"Oh nerfrot," she said in a rather exasperated tone, "You're not a 'lesser mortal' in any way."
Taking her tumbler into her lap, the Lupine leaned back in her seat. Again, she studied him. His mannerisms perplexed her in the same way the Sanis' had, but this time she was more mindful and observant. And as such, the Jedi knew it best to quickly set the matter to rest. As much as she did not wish to upset Henry, he needed to know the truth.
"I'm nearly old enough to be your mother I'd wager."
Henry McDonnaught
Mar 14th, 2010, 10:25:11 PM
Henry, in a case of terrible timing, had brought his glass to his lips so that when s'Ilancy made her unexpected remark, Donut coughed and sputtered some of the finest spice rum he'd ever had all over his flight-suit.
"What? Of course you aren't, although nerfrot is a bit of a throwback" he grinned, wiping his hand down his front to smear off the beads of liquor into the grease.
"What does that matter any way?" His lopsided smile was designed to completely disarm and he let her have it, both barrells.
"Does this mean you're already thinking about saying yes when I ask you to dinner?"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 14th, 2010, 10:39:22 PM
Though he certainly didn't intend to, the smile he gave her only further reminded her of Zem.
Gods but he looks like him...
It was nearing the border of uncanny the more she looked at him.
"If I said yes, it would be in the capacity of beginning a friendship, and nothing more."
A frown, and she looked to her half-full drink before taking a quick sip, returning the glass to the desk's surface.
"Givin his currently horrid attitude as of late, I'm surprised that Sanis has not seen fit to tell you."
Henry McDonnaught
Mar 16th, 2010, 07:50:28 PM
Friendship. Now, that was a word that could sometimes crush a man's heart more than any other.
"Im up for friendship, if thats how you would like things, s'Ilancy" If he was disappointed, he disguised it well.
Henry wouldn't give up the dream - how could he possibly?
s'Ilancy -- just being near her made his every nerve jump with excitement. But, Donut was fully prepared to allow her set the limit on things. Besides, she didnt know what she'd be missing, did she? Nah, how could she? And she might change her mind.
"No pressure" he waved his hands jazz-like, "Im actually half-stunned that you're even spending your breath talking to me" he tossed in with a wide smirk.
"I'll cook you a fine dinner that will be worthy of a first-step towards our very respectable not-romantic-in-any-way association" He reached for his glass, adding as an almost after-thought, "Prent -- tell me what?"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 16th, 2010, 11:41:09 PM
She pursed her lips, letting out a long breath. Her glass was ignored, both hands folded in her lap.
And when she spoke, her voice remained level.
"That I have a husband. And a daughter."
Sanis Prent
Mar 17th, 2010, 12:21:00 AM
I had a few minutes to kill aboard Valiant, before running back to Layla to put a few test runs on the upgraded maneuvering thrust nozzles we'd put in. Cirr's fix list had shed a lot of weight, and my task now was to wheedle out of my old Jedi friend whatever parts she could requisition from the main Alliance pool via Dan. If I had more principles, I'd hate to go through that jackass, but if I could get parts out of it, who cared.
I punched the door chime to her quarters, and unbuttoned my officer's coat while I waited.
Henry McDonnaught
Mar 17th, 2010, 08:43:03 PM
"That I have a husband. And a daughter."
"Oh, is that all" Henry psshed. "I thought you were gonna tell me you were some two-headed monster that changes form on a full moon, haha"
s'Ilancy's door chimed, or least the chimer did, and Donut twisted in his chair toward the sound. "Im ok keeping the kid around and we can always have someone knock your ol' man off" he quipped, still with the lopey grin. "Seriously - a husband is weird for a Jedi, isn't it?"
The chime went off again, a little more insistenly.
"Pretend we're not here" Henry suggested.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 17th, 2010, 11:50:45 PM
His words did well to turn her expression into a splendid display of confusion, mixed with an odd sort of look; the face she made wasn't derisive in any way, but more in line with disbelief. He'd certainly reacted far differently than she'd expected, and the Lupine leaned back in her seat, brows knitting.
She would have explained that while yes, for many the concept of a Jedi marrying another person was a bit strange, but the old ways could not evolve. As well, when she and Dan had made the decision it had been out of practicality. There was love of course, and it was the natural progression for them to undertake. Few if any knew, even after the nearly twenty years that had gone by.
Of course, the presence on the other side of the door was as unmistakable as it was insistent, and s'Il let out a slight groan, slouching some in her chair. Her elbow placed on the armrest, she let her head fall into her hand.
"It would be useless," she grumbled in resignation, "... he has a rather particular knack for knowing when I'm in here and when I'm not. It is... perplexing most times."
Without looking up, the Jedi raised her voice.
"Come in."
Sanis Prent
Mar 18th, 2010, 12:25:07 AM
"Hey, I got a..."
I held the datapad in my hand mid-stride, glancing over to Donut with the slightest of smirks.
" I interrupting something?"
Not that my body language hinted I was going anywhere.
Henry McDonnaught
Mar 20th, 2010, 10:14:52 AM
"Yes" Donut matched Prent in his own anchorage to place, settling deeper into his seat. "How's about you come back in a week or two"
He took in s'Ilancy's weary resignation regarding Prent and, not for the first time, Henry wondered at the dynamic between the two of them.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 20th, 2010, 11:03:08 AM
"What do you need Sanis."
She leaned back in her seat, bringing her head from her hand and looking at Sanis pointedly. Of all times, now was not the best for him to waltz into her office and park himself.
Sanis Prent
Mar 20th, 2010, 11:16:56 AM
So it was gonna be like that, then?
"Just a shopping list."
I strolled casually to the desk and passed the datapad off to her.
Henry McDonnaught
Mar 20th, 2010, 11:27:27 AM
Watching Prent, Henry noted the degree of confidence he ported himself about in s'Ilancy's presence. He acted like he had every right to just roll in and be given whatever he asked for.
"How's the chin?" he asked with him a prodding smile.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 20th, 2010, 11:31:17 AM
Taking the 'pad, s'Il gave it a once-over. It was more than obvious by what was on here that he'd wanted her to get most of these items from Dan. Which was audacious to say the least. Henry's question did cause a ghostly smirk to appear however.
"You could just ask him yourself," was her only grumbled response to Sanis' list, still reading through it.
Sanis Prent
Mar 20th, 2010, 11:35:58 AM
Henry's barb wasn't going to give me pause. I smirked at the other pilot.
"Don't worry Donut, I still look better than you do."
I turned back to look at s'Il.
"Less I have to talk to the General is probably in everybody's best interest."
Henry McDonnaught
Mar 20th, 2010, 11:45:08 AM
Henry laughed at Prents response to him. Well, yeah.
He searched for a snappy comeback, but the conversation had already moved on, so Donut contented himself as a spectator for the moment. Hopefully Prent would get done with his mooch-list pretty darn fast.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 20th, 2010, 12:09:37 PM
Setting down the 'pad, s'Il sighed. She looked up to Sanis, folding her hands together.
"I'll see what I can do, but I make no promises. He's liable to deny you all of this on account of your most recent... "
She searched for the best way to describe the altercation.
"... incident."
Allowing little time for him to interject, the Lupine eyed her still half-full glass before reaching forward to pick it up while continuing.
"Is that all?"
Sanis Prent
Mar 20th, 2010, 12:12:21 PM
I glanced to Henry, and back to her, my smile broadening a little.
"Sure thing. Don't want to interrupt anything special."
I stepped back towards the door, switching it open again.
Henry McDonnaught
Mar 20th, 2010, 02:30:50 PM
"I think its Chilli night at mess tonight, Prent, you'll want to hurry if you dont want to miss out" he cheered Sanis to the doorway, refusing to be reeled in by the broadening smile.
He had yet to get a firm 'yes' from s'Ilancy for dinner and, well, Donut couldn't shake the feeling that Prent somehow knew it.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 20th, 2010, 11:18:49 PM
A cautionary look was given to the both of them, but her next words were directed to Sanis. His attitude was more than blatant, and she was unwilling to deal with it in any way at the moment.
"Carry on as you are now, and I'll make it so you have to ask him."
Sanis Prent
Mar 20th, 2010, 11:48:02 PM
"Easy, easy."
I waved her down a bit, backing towards the door.
"Relax, I'm outta here. Like I said, have fun you two."
With that, I stepped out through the door.
Henry McDonnaught
Mar 21st, 2010, 01:49:47 PM
Sanis left the room and, oddly, there felt a sudden vacuum with his departure.
"He's quite a character, that Prent" Henry said, "You two go a long way back?"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 21st, 2010, 02:18:07 PM
She watched the door close, Henry's question taking over her thoughts. It truly had been a long time that the two had known each other, and over the course of those years they'd grown close.
"Over ten years at least."
She sipped her rum, the heady spices enticing her senses.
"Now about this dinner."
Henry McDonnaught
Mar 21st, 2010, 02:39:34 PM
"Tonight, say 8? I know you wouldn't know it by lookin at me, but Im a hell of a cook"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 21st, 2010, 02:50:00 PM
s'Il raised a single finger.
"I will come, but only on the condition of friendship."
The rest of her drink was finished with a single swallow.
Henry McDonnaught
Mar 21st, 2010, 03:04:01 PM
Henry stood up, his grin broadening at her acceptance, "You got it"
His quarters were small and cramped for a dinner guest, but they were tidy - militarily so, and he knew exactly what he was going to cook. He'd have to filch some rum from the onboard bar, but Rooker, the bar tender owed him one, so no problem there.
He made his way over to the door, finding his stupid smile impossible to wipe off his face. Friendship, well, there were worse things a man could settle for, he thought.
As he stepped out of s'Ilancy's room, he paused to turn and stick his head back through the door jamb, "And I was only sorta kiddin' about killing your old man off" he confessed, "but just so's you know, it could be done and made to look like an accident, no problem"
Sauntering happily down the corridor, Henry realised he'd forgot to ask just who s'Ilancy was married to. He began whistling a jaunty tune. Probably no body important.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 21st, 2010, 04:04:19 PM
A funny look was sent after him, and as the door closed behind him s'Il leaned back, bringing a hand up to massage above the upper part of her scar. In a way it was endearing, and it was nice to know that even despite her age she managed to turn a few heads. Of course what had caused her the most wonder was Henry's own features.
His smile made her think of happier times, and she found herself in a small sense of wonderment over that.
The courier tube was once more pulled close, and unscrewing the cap, s'Il pulled out the small rolled up piece of paper. It was the letter that Teagan had sent so long ago from Cloud City; the Lupine kept it always with her. She'd not received anything else from her daughter in so long that she was truly beginning to fear that she'd never see her girl again. But, the Force had a will that would become plain to all; she simply needed patience.
Henry's invitation beginning at eight allowed her a few hours to finish up what little busy work she'd accumulated during the early afternoon, and the Lupine set about dispatching each task with her normal quiet pacing.
Henry McDonnaught
Mar 21st, 2010, 04:30:33 PM
He had a lot to do - pick up some booze from Rooker, marinate some steaks. Probably best to make the chocolate mousse as soon as possible too, give it plenty of time to set..But first on the order, was a shower and cleanup. Donut sniffed at his underarm and reeled his head back instantly. "Yup, shower first up"
Making his way back to the crew billet area, Henry ran over the past half-hour in his head. There was a lot he didnt know about Loklorien s'Ilancy -- way more than he'd even imagined. He looked forward to getting to know her. It'd been a damn long time since he'd thought that way about someone. Eight o'clock couldn't come soon enough.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 21st, 2010, 05:03:01 PM
At five minutes to eight, the Lupine stood before the door to Henry's quarters. She'd chosen to leave behind her normal Jedi attire, instead preferring to do away with that particular brand of formality for the evening. It was unnecessary. Instead, she wore the drab green casual wear of most deckhands. It was comfortable, and also something that she was used to wearing; it reminded her of the early days of the Alliance, when they were simple called the Rebellion. Her hair she'd only partially pulled back securing it with a leather tie.
Inhaling deeply, the Jedi lifted her hand to knock on the door.
Henry McDonnaught
Mar 23rd, 2010, 07:07:05 PM
Aside from Henry's beaming smile, there were two other things that arrested s'Ilancy's attention the moment the door opened, one - the delicious smell of steaks grilling and two, the immistakeable cheers and boos attendant to any shock-boxing match being broadcast via holo-feed.
"Come in!" Donut stood aside to allow the Jedi entrance. While there was a delightfully set table arranged in the middle of the cramped quarters, complete with a slim metal vase holding a singular Unura Blossom as its centerpeice, the room was more cosy than intimate. "Thought I'd have the match on, you know, seeming we're just buds hangin out, killin a Wednesday night." He pushed a bottle of Corellian Ale into her hands adding, "I hope you're good and hungry"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 23rd, 2010, 08:13:31 PM
Taken a bit by surprise, s'Il took the ale he'd given her and slowly stepped inside. As the door behind her shut, she stood for a few moments, looking at the bottle in her hand, the match on the holo, the table, and finally to him.
A smile.
"This is lovely, Henry."
The scent of the steaks that he had cooking was an enticing one, and biting her lip, she lifted the bottle up to insect its' label. Satisfied, she lowered it once more, her eye going to the Unura Blossom on the table. Breathing in deeply, s'Il allowing him a genuine smile.
"Yes. Very lovely. I thank you."
Henry McDonnaught
Mar 24th, 2010, 09:19:45 PM
God, she looked gorgeous. Even without trying, Loklorien s'Ilancy walked in and stole your breath right outta ya chest.
Henry blushed sheepishly at her remarks on the room, inwardly thrilled that he seemed to have done something right somehow.
"Let me give you the grand tour" he said and, gesturing with his hand he motioned to just behind s'Il, "You've seen the grand entrance already. To your left is the famous McDonnaught cook-house" the grill sizzled as it took the spotlight, " your right is the lounge area " he pointed to a skinny, non-too-comfortable looking sofa which folded out from the wall, "thats where we take the after dinner port and cigars. Behind us, the bunk of the most famous and fearless Rogue Pilot on the Wheel, yours truly, and beyond that is the little girls room if you need it" he finished with a grin. "I call it that cause thats where I keep the potted Unura - it likes the bald light in there for some reason and is as tempramental as any female Ive met."
He clinked his beer bottle against hers, "Welcome Jedi Master, s'Ilancy" which he said with playful formality, then a little more seriously, "I really am honored that you came"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 24th, 2010, 09:40:32 PM
An inward chuckle, and the Lupine bowed her head as he finished with his 'grand tour'. Her smile remained, and she gently reached out to lightly run a finger along the one of the blossom's soft petals.
"Please, call me Lok. Anything else is far too formal."
Her eye went back up to Henry, and she moved to sit at the table, but not before tasting the ale he'd given her. It was a strange taste, but one that she could enjoy. His eagerness she found delightful, and it lifted her spirits significantly.
Henry McDonnaught
Mar 24th, 2010, 09:55:27 PM
He moved to help her into her seat and checked himself only after wards, remembering that he was to keep this wholly non-romantic. Hell, too late, a friend can help friend into a chair, right?
"Lok it is then" he said, "And I answer to Henry or Hank or Donut, anything really except nancy-boy. How's the beer?" he asked noticing s'Il taking a tentative sip and looking like the taste of it was new to her. After flipping the steaks on the grill, Henry reached for a bowl behind him on the counter and forked some leafy green salad, which he had tossed with sliced strawberries, almonds and pomegranet seeds into a bowl for each of them before settling at the table himself.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 24th, 2010, 10:09:25 PM
She couldn't help the glint of amusement on her face, and s'Il leaned back to regard him with a healthy amount of amusement. His good spirits was more than apparent in the way he carried himself, and she gave a quick glance to her ale at his question.
"It is different, not something that I normally drink."
Which was to be sure a drastic understatement, and she gave a reassuring smile while reaching over to pat his arm.
"It isn't unpleasant, I assure you."
Henry McDonnaught
Mar 24th, 2010, 10:27:32 PM
"Im glad you like it" He'd downed almost half of his, he realised.
"So then, what's normal for you Lok, your average day? I dont really know what it is you do, as a Jedi." He gestured with his fork adding, "Eat up" wanting her to feel relaxed and at home.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 25th, 2010, 05:58:08 PM
Picking up her own fork, the Lupine speared a few of the leaves in her bowl, pausing before bringing them to her mouth as she pondered his question. Normal. It was an innocent and simple enough word, but in the right context it could elicit a rather complicated answer. Her eye seemed to focus on a point over his shoulder as she thought of how to answer.
"I suppose it's rather dull," she started, an odd sort of look crossing her features.
"Certainly not so action filled as piloting. Truth be told, I get space-sickness rather easily so I suppose that's for the best."
Another smile as she brought her fork to her mouth.
Henry McDonnaught
Mar 27th, 2010, 08:08:09 PM
"You're more of a 'feet planted on the ground' type of girl, nothin wrong with that" he said in between mouthfuls. "Actually piloting isnt that exciting -- well, it is for brief, mind shattering moments when some mook's tryin' to shoot you outta the stratosphere or something, but for the most part, its hanging around waiting for the hammer to fall. The claxon sounds, or the Sarg starts yellin to form up, but the majority of life is drills, ship maintanence and nail-biting boredom" which last he said curling is fingers away from s'Ilancy's inspection.
"Tell me about your kid" he said, swinging the conversation off in another direction.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 28th, 2010, 12:29:11 AM
s'Il swallowed, digesting Henry's descriptions with a particular interest that bordered on understanding. It reminded her so much of her years fighting with the Alliance during its' fledgling years; time spent holed up in ruined buildings, waiting, expecting, worrying, and for a period of time that always seemed far too short - actually engaging the adversary.
'Nail-biting boredom' as he'd called it was a tremendously apt way of putting it.
Another bite, and she chewed thoughtfully, swallowing before giving her answer.
"She is almost ten now; growing every day with a vengeance. I don't doubt that she'll be taller than me at some point. She's got my stubbornness and her father's temper, and will argue until I'm the one who gives up."
Another forkful of salad, and a seemingly defeated shrug.
"From what I've been told, it's typical behavior though."
Henry McDonnaught
Mar 28th, 2010, 04:51:22 PM
"She sounds great" Donut's eyes held a twinkle as he spoke, "Got some fire to her, by the sounds of it. She doesn't travel with you?" He asked as he got up from the table, the steak was done just perfect, if not a little sooner than he'd planned, and so he bent to start plating the roast vegetables from out of the small counter-top oven beside the grill, turning his attention back to s'Il as much as possible while still managing to work. "That must be hard - you must really miss each other"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 29th, 2010, 10:32:32 PM
A faraway look came into her eye as she watched Henry work, and there was the barest hint of sadness to her voice.
"At the moment, no.
"I've been taking steps to bring her back however. It is terrible for a child to be separated from her parents for any amount of time."
The Lupine took a long sip from her ale.
"No children of your own then... ?" she asked, hoping to turn the topic of conversation back to him.
Henry McDonnaught
Apr 1st, 2010, 08:12:10 PM
That tickled him - that she would consider him even remotely responsible enough to have offspring, "Nah, none that I know of" he said, nudging s'Il's salad plate aside and sliding another into its spot in front of her, the aroma from the seasoned vegies and steak wafting upwards in a tantalizing fashion. "Never really was too serious with anyone for that" he continued, returning to his seat and opening himself another beer. S'Ilancy hadn't gotten very far on hers and he didn't rush her by trying to offer her another. He'd heard the wistful tone in s'Ilancy's voice when she spoke of her daughter and wished things were different for her.
"The thing with kids is" he continued, "they have a knack for stripping a person down to the spine. Forget all the padding of pretense and projected image you have of yourself, that you show for other people - they see through all that crap and frankly, its a bit scary to think about it. Not too sure how I'd hold up"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 5th, 2010, 09:22:05 PM
That made her smile, and s'Il looked from her meal to Henry.
"Oh but it is a wonderful thing. You learn so much of yourself, and a child is the best way of finding your own soul."
A pause, as she seemed to ponder her own words, and taking up her knife she began cutting the steak into manageable sizes.
"... even if they are unexpected."
Henry McDonnaught
Apr 9th, 2010, 09:54:16 PM
He watched her for a moment, setting to with her utensils, and Henry could tell her mind had momentarily left the here and now and taken her to a time or place that she had experienced one of those surprises that she'd alluded to. S'Ilancy had such a noble and easy grace about her, Donut could feel himself getting lost despite his promise to her of not doing so.
He noted her hair and the way it fell in a gentle sweep back from her face, held in place in its loose tie. The the soft curve of her mouth as it curled upward to one side as if trying to arrest the smile that repeatedly surfaced there. The slope of her neck and her youthful physique, despite her joking to the contrary, reminded him of a picture he'd once seen at the Coruscant Art Gallery - a "Woman in a Boat", it had been called - and it was a portrait of the Orion Muse drifting on the Bay of Memories in the pre-dawn mists. S'Il had slender hands that had a musical movement to them when tackling even such a mundane task as eating. These were just the outward expressions of beauty - what he wouldn't give to be close enough to her to know her soul, as she put it.
"Are you happy, Lok?"
He realised he'd blurted the question out, and if she answered honestly it would be putting them much further in their friendship than a brewsky and a slab of steak would warrant, but he found he really, almost dreadfully, wanted to know.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 12th, 2010, 08:31:27 PM
Was she happy? Now that was a question that s'Il was not expecting, and the Jedi looked up across the small table to Henry, blinking. It was easy to tell that for as startled as she was, he too felt just the same, and she took a small comfort in that. Very slowly, and with particular care, she set her utensils down on her plate.
If he was in any way fearful of any manner of rebuke however, she merely reached forward to pick up her ale.
"I suppose that depends on what you mean by happiness," she started, taking a sip.
"I have done enough over the years to, yes, be happy with where I am now. Am I happy with some of the pitfalls that I have experienced in regards to my family being separated? No."
The ale was replaced on the table, and she moved to once more take up her fork.
"My situation is not unique though; at least not in the sense of how I feel as a Jedi and the slow rebirth of the Order. In my personal life, I find that we are all placed in situations that test our resolve and commitment, and those trials strengthen our wills and dedication."
The Lupine stared back at Henry with the same eye for detail that he had given her.
"I find happiness also in times and circumstances that are unexpected. For instance, I am happy to be here, sharing a meal and evening with you. It is a wonderful change of scenery, as well as a change to my own nightly habits which I must admit are rather boring."
She speared a small cut of steak on her fork, choosing the moment to turn his question back to him.
"And you? Do you find happiness here, with the Wheel? In the company of your squadmates?"
Henry McDonnaught
May 15th, 2010, 12:01:43 AM
Henry gave a non-committal shrug, "Happy enough, I guess"
It wasn't much of an answer as far as soul-baring goes, but it was sincere despite its ambiguity. He loved being a pilot, fighting the good fight (when the chance ever came around, that is). He had a few good friends he could trust his life with,and that was a hell of a lot more than most could claim. Still, was it greedy to want something more?
"I get a bit lonely, I s'pose." He said after a pause, but then quickly qualified the statement realising s'Il might think he was angling for some sympathetic response from her, "..and I dont say that with any ulterior motive behind it," he said, waving his hands to dispell such a lame-ity. "Its just, out here, Base life - the aspiration-stunting routine of it all - its hard to feel a personal investment in anything. Apart from duty, I dont really know why Im here to be honest. I dont really give a frack about the Jedi, no offence, (he grinned roguishly at Lok to sponge up any insult from his remark) - mostly Im here to put those Imp guys in their place and show 'em they cant just do whatever the hell they please."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 15th, 2010, 06:12:22 PM
With an almost ponderous nod, s'Il took in his answer with another bite of her steak, chewed, and swallowed. His admission to being lonely made sense. She knew well enough the moment he now existed within, and though the surroundings that each had found themselves in were different, the feeling was just the same. While now she was not alone, that acute stab of unwanted solitude was an easy thing to remember.
That he had no real vested interest in the Jedi was no burden to her; he was a man, and not a one that she had met in all her years had the same ideals or desires. Perhaps some aspects would coincide, but never the whole of it all.
It was his last words that took her interest however, and she latched onto them.
"An interesting choice of words to use. Surely there is a motivation to putting them... 'in their place', as you say."
Henry McDonnaught
May 16th, 2010, 06:31:11 PM
"Well, dont get me wrong" he said, drawing on his beer, "its impressive the whole galactic takeover that the Imperials have accomplished - no one can take that away from 'em. Its just, Im on the wrong side of the 'taking over' part and I dont much care for it. It's like that big mean kid everyone knew at school who was impossible to take down, but when you got older, you realised a swift kick to the nuts would've brought him down with a real thump. The Empire is the same thing, just be cause they can stomp their will onto other civilizations and worlds weaker than them, doesn't mean someone, one day, isnt gonna manage a well-placed boot and make 'em back the frelll off." Henry tilted his bottle and indulged a crooked smile, "Maybe even make 'em say sorry. The Alliance is that someone, and the Rogues a part of it."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 17th, 2010, 04:43:55 PM
She understood the meaning, though some of his phrasing was a bit lost on her. s'Il still nodded at his explanation however, and reached for her ale.
"Such a way with words," she said, her voice conveying a bit of her confusion.
"But I understand the meaning the same."
A short sip, and she went on.
"For myself, it was simply a matter of being... 'along for the ride', as you might call it. I was at the Jedi Temple when Lord Vader and his clonetroopers swept through, cutting down young and old alike."
There was a far away look in her eye as she felt herself pulled back by the memories.
"They gave no quarter; so many of us fell that day.
"I escaped with... a friend... "
The Lupine blinked, her gaze focusing on Henry as her words lost their volume, escaping her lips in a whisper.
"... you look very much like him."
Henry McDonnaught
Nov 14th, 2010, 06:46:33 PM
"What, there's more than one ruggedly handsome uber-pilot with dreamy eyes and a hercules chin out there?" He held his grin for a moment and then grew serious, "That must have been a terrible time, back then. From what I understand, the Jedi had no inckling whatsoever what was coming. How did you get away?"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 14th, 2010, 07:00:36 PM
"You understand correctly."
She leaned back at the thoughts his words brought to her mind's eye.
"My friend, the one you resemble - " she let her fork rest idle on her plate, "... we escaped together. Made our way off Coruscant aboard a public transport freighter."
She blinked, then pulled herself from the memories.
"But that was a very long time ago."
s'Il leaned forward, her smile banishing any unhappy moods and feelings from their conversation with effort.
"There is so much more to think of concerning the future however, is there not?"
Henry McDonnaught
Nov 14th, 2010, 07:16:08 PM
"I guess"
Henry's future was significantly tied to that of the Alliance, and for the life of him, he couldn't really see much beyond just doing his duty.
"Some of us have dreams of what might be, I suppose. I cant say I'm a man thats mapped anything significant out yet.
What ever happened to your friend?"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 15th, 2010, 04:42:54 PM
"Oh, he grew older, as we all tend to do."
A sly wink to him, and she lifted her fork to her mouth, taking another bit.
"Aside from what you term 'significant', what is it that you have planned for you future then?"
Henry McDonnaught
Nov 20th, 2010, 03:21:21 PM
Well, s'Il had side-stepped giving any real detail to her answer about her old pal, and Donut was content to let it lay at that. There would come a time, he felt certain, when s'Ilancy would feel free to elaborate on more personal issues (which this old friend seemed likely to be), but as he'd promised himself -- her timetable was how this friendship was going to work.
He responded as candidly as he could, "Mostly, to keep my head firmly attached to my shoulders and avoid it being blown off any time soon. Honestly Lok, (he smiled shyly as he said her name with familiarity) Its enough for an airman to hope to survive this conflict against the Empire. I guess I feel my life can start with some gusto once this is all over." He cut off another peice of steak as he continued, "Hard to dream of homes and white picket fences when that reality seems light years away. I think its great that you atleast have known some thing of a family of your own, despite being so dedicated to your service"
He lifted his beer, "You are to be commended"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 20th, 2010, 04:22:17 PM
For the briefest of moments the Lupine stared. She blinked, and the slightly puzzled expression evaporated into a grin, and with a nod, she thanked him.
"You are too kind, Henry."
Another moment of silence, and she went on.
"It was not always like this however. In the old days we scratched at the Empire with whatever cobbled-together weapons that could be found. We moved from system to system, lived on transports that might've well as been glorified refuse freighters."
s'Il leaned back in her seat, letting a long breath out from between her lips.
"It was so long ago... "
Falling silent, she fixed her host with a half-lidded stare, her eye seemingly gazing through him.
"... but we continued on. We never let ourselves become trapped in the hopelessness of what might have been a futile war. Because of that we were able to grow in number, until we are where we are today."
Her eye focused, locking with his own.
Henry McDonnaught
Nov 20th, 2010, 08:11:35 PM
Henry met her gaze, "I would like 'us' to be a damn sight further along than where we are right now. I mean, its not that I dont respect all thats gone before us - sacrifices from people like yourself, all the hard battles fought and won - but sometimes I feel the Alliance is in limbo. Things just dont move fast enough"
He was betraying his youth - the young were always in such a hurry, he knew. But damnit, Donut wanted some more victories under his belt. Wanted to feel things were moving forward, gaining momentum. The establishment of the Wheel was a tangible step, but it wasn't enough. Henry wanted more.
"The Empire remains strong, with a new Empress at the helm" he shrugged his shoulders, "Doesn't sound like a foe on the run much does it?"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 20th, 2010, 10:33:45 PM
"Perhaps on the outside no," she conceded.
There was a little tick of her head as she took another bite.
"Inside however is what matters the most. That is something we do not know of, but it is also that which we are able to affect the greatest.
"Patience is our greatest weapon. To chip away at the beast until there is nothing left to support it. That is how we will win."
With a conspiratorial smirk, the Lupine lifted her glass, her eye never leaving him as she finished her ale.
Henry McDonnaught
Nov 21st, 2010, 12:04:42 PM
Chipping away, huh? Well, he could do that he thought, matching her grin.
"See, thats whats so great about you s'Il, your'e a "glass half full" kinda girl - speaking of which, hows that beer doin?"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 25th, 2010, 07:18:09 PM
There was a sly smile that crookedly crept across her lips, and she looked across the table to Henry with a wry glint in her eye.
"It is gone."
She leaned her elbows on the table somewhat, keeping her gaze locked with his.
"Not something I am used to drinking, but it certainly is a sight better than the swill that my husband used to get back in the day. Apparently what he often tried to give to me was always distilled in mortar tubes and stored in concussion missile caps. Tasted of the foulest drek you've ever had the misfortune to partake of."
She broke their eye contact then, and ticked a fingernail against the empty glass that had held her ale.
"Thankfully it seems the Alliance has graduated to more discerning tastes."
Henry McDonnaught
Nov 25th, 2010, 07:50:32 PM
"Thank the gods for small mercies" Henry cheered, reaching back into the refrigerator (which took him swinging back on his chair and balancing precarioulsy on two of its legs). He snagged two more bottles from its inner shelf before resetting his chair back to rights. Unscrewing both caps, Henry passed one of the bottles to s'Il.
"So, this husband of yours have a name, or do you just call him 'Dear'?" he tossed cheekily before tipping the bottle to his lips.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 25th, 2010, 07:57:29 PM
She watched Henry closely, her hand moving to encircle the new bottle he'd passed to her.
"Well, most people call him 'General' or 'Sir'. I however, normally call him simply Dan."
Henry McDonnaught
Nov 26th, 2010, 05:51:53 PM
The bottle remained poised in place to Henry's lips, the amber liquid tipping forward then gradually tappering to a halt as Hank's grin contracted and his lips formed into a pursing line. His face blanched beneath the evening stubble and he started to blink rapidly.
Rolling big eyes over to s'Ilancy, Henry lowered his beer slowly, "As far as jokes go, thats not very funny.."
Lord, she had to be joking, hadn't she? He would have known if she was the old man's wife -- some one would have told him. Suddenly he thought of earlier in s'Ils office and Sanis Prents' goofy smirk suddenly took on a whole new meaning..
The look Lok was giving him told him she was being completely serious and Henry realised he was feeling a bit clammy all of a sudden.
"You--" the word had come out two octaves higher than his normal tone, so Henry cleared his throat and started again "You say you're married to the General, well....thats a bit of a surprise" he trailed off with a nervous half-laugh.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 26th, 2010, 06:24:32 PM
Watching carefully his reaction, s'Il drew her lips into a thin smile.
"From where I am sitting, that does seem to be the case."
A part of her was somewhat shocked as well, that neither Sanis nor Cirr had seen fit to mention the fact to Henry. Though, in retrospect she supposed that it was the two's way of rather sneakily delivering retribution for Henry's knockout punch that'd sent Sanis to the medbay in quite the ragged - not to mention thoroughly unconscious - fashion.
The Lupine felt a pang of sorrow then, for what exactly she didn't know.
She was determined to carry on however, and sipped from her new bottle casually, though she watched Henry from under a half-lidded gaze.
"Does that make you nervous... ?" she asked bluntly, setting the bottle back down to the table.
Henry McDonnaught
Nov 26th, 2010, 06:48:52 PM
"Pssh, nah. Yes"
Henry drank deeply, chugged more like, from his beer and levelled with s'Ilancy.
"I gotta level with ya Lok, I wouldn'ta guessed in five light years you were married to Dan the Ma-- I mean, the General.." he raked his fingers through his hair, "I dont know why I was picturing some pencil-neck clerk of communications with horn-rim glasses and three hairs to his combover as your husband. Wishful thinking, probably. And here it is, the General...."
Flashbacks of when Henry dated a Colonal's daughter, Alison, back at his former station and all the fallout of that catastrophe which had him placed on the mind-numbing detail of freighter escort, rushed into his head. It seemed like Donut was developing a knack for pissing off his superiors with his misguided affections.
Henry realised Lok was watching him carefully and his sudden (and very un-manly fear for his own well being) made him shake himself from such a shameful reverie.
"It makes me a bit nervous, I guess," he admitted a little more collectedly, "but doesn't change the fact that I want to get to know you better, that we can be friends, and that you're still the hottest action this Wheel has ever seen"
The swagger, after the initial shock, was beginning to slowly ebb back into Henry's manner.
"The General huh," he said thoughtfully after a minute. "How old is that guy??"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 26th, 2010, 07:03:40 PM
She leaned back, processing his answer and subsequent last question. She'd watched as a range of expressions had come across his face, and each one made her wonder just what he was thinking of. She would never purposefully pry into another person's thoughts, and thus she allowed herself the freedom to speculate.
That he admitted to his nervousness made her smile; not in a malicious way, but something more comforting and understanding of this situation that he now found himself in. She found her smile growing as once again his previous nature began to creep back, coloring his words he spoke. It made her happy, that he was still willing to be her friend; she didn't have many of those on the Wheel. At least, not among the pilots and other Alliance personnel. To most of them she was simply the person who got what they needed or wanted with minimal fuss.
Henry's question made her pause, and she looked over his shoulder, blinking.
"He's... older a bit than myself," she admitted ruefully.
Henry McDonnaught
Nov 27th, 2010, 02:18:39 PM
"A damn sight, I'd say" he returned with a mocking only the young for the old can evoke.
"Still, that makes you two quite the power couple" he continued, amiably. "There's alot to be said for people who can compliment each other so well personally and professionally in life. Where'd you guys meet?"
Henry was tucking back into his meal, the initial shock of s'Ils' husbands identity wearing off. If anything, this revelation made the Jedi Master even more of an enigma to the young pilot, and therefore the more intruiging.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 27th, 2010, 02:45:46 PM
"In the outer reaches, near the Unknown Regions. It was a few months after the Purge began, I think."
Another few seconds of watching him, and the Lupine returned to her meal as well. It was not often that she was treated to such food while away from the Dauntless, and s'Il appreciated the work that Henry had put into it. His efforts had done well to impress, and she found herself relaxing more than she normally would have.
"Nothing so glamorous as love at first sight. In fact, I rather disliked him when we first met, which was just as well since he didn't particularly care for me either."
This she ended with a smile, and another sip from her ale.
"You know, perhaps your next trading of fists should be with a woman, and not Sanis Prent," she finished, her smile turning into a teasing smirk.
Henry McDonnaught
Nov 27th, 2010, 03:11:38 PM
"I make it a rule not to hit a woman. Unless she's holding a gun, then ok"
He gave her a speculative look, "Aren't Jedi supposed to be peaceful types? Shouldn't you be exhorting me to not search out violence?"
He was teasing her, she could tell easily enough, but Henry had a genuine underlaying curiosity about all things Jedi, and s'Ilancy was a Master...
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 27th, 2010, 10:35:33 PM
She laughed outright at that.
"Oh, I'm not encouraging you to actively find someone to trade fists with - merely advising that if you do find yourself in such a situation once more, that it might be a good idea to choose a different individual that would have a prettier face than the... ever-so-delightful Captain Prent."
She gave him a wink.
"This Jedi is simply being as pragmatic as possible."
Henry McDonnaught
Nov 28th, 2010, 12:24:03 PM
"Prent's not that bad, could do with a haircut maybe. But you're right - he isn't really my type" Henry nudged his plate aside with a knuckle having finished up the last remnants on his plate.
"Besides Master Loklorien, you've stolen my heart and ruined me for any other" Donut clutched at his heart to infuse a little humor into his mellodramatic statement, but the words were true enough. S'Ilancy Loklorien had quite smitten Henry and there was nothing to be done about it.
" And so the pragmatist in you thinks the best way to hook the fairer sex is to what, club her over the head? Is that what Captain Prent would do?"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 28th, 2010, 09:06:51 PM
"He very well may," s'Il mused as she finished the last of her meal.
"And you shouldn't say such things about your heart, Henry."
Despite her light tone, there was still a small bit of caution mixed in as well.
"The Force may not always give you what you want, but it will never fail to give you what you need."
Henry McDonnaught
Nov 29th, 2010, 08:42:14 PM
He allowed her admonition about his heart to pass without remark. No point in making things awkward. Instead he returned to things Jedi, "But I dont have the Force, per se. What happens then, is it all just fate? Its all just anyone's bet, do you think? I mean, how do you end up with Grandpa Dan and not that other young fella who looked like me?"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 29th, 2010, 08:59:30 PM
"That, is a very long story."
She let her eye fall away from him then, settling it on her bottle.
"It would take a long time to tell; longer than this evening would allow."
Fingertips ttakking against the glass, s'Il huffed a small laugh.
"And the age difference between he and I is either the same or less than yours and mine."
Henry McDonnaught
Dec 4th, 2010, 10:42:58 PM
"Now that," Henry countered dubiously, "..I doubt very much"
He stretched his legs out at an angle to allow his belly expansion room so his meal could settle. "Do you have one of them little trainer-jedi as well? That'd be a bit of a pain in the rear, I'd imagine"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 5th, 2010, 09:37:11 PM
Blinking, s'Il stared at Henry with a suddenly lost look. Trainer-Jedi? The Lupine already found herself lacking when it came to normal galactic colloquialism, and especially dealing with those younger, she was - at times - utterly helpless.
This was one of those times, and she stared at Henry like an Ikopi caught in a speeder's headlights.
"I'm afraid I don't understand."
Henry McDonnaught
Dec 5th, 2010, 10:22:41 PM
Her confusion was charming.
"A Padawan, I think the cool kids call them. You would be their mentor and instructor - you know, teach them the ways of the Force and yank 'em into line when they get too big for their britches"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 6th, 2010, 06:35:37 PM
Now it made sense, and s'Il gave an understanding nod.
"I don't necessarily have a Padawan, no."
A moment of thought as she leaned back in her seat before going on.
"I do have however individuals who I advise and counsel at times. Most of my time is spent making sure the Wheel has what it needs to function; whether that be from my office here or aboard the Dauntless."
Pulling an odd face then, s'Il allowed a crooked, self-mocking smile to tug at the edges of her mouth.
"Of course when I'm with the Fourth Fleet, I find myself consumed more often than not with making sure that my husband does not allow his reports and paperwork fall to the wayside... "
Still that smile as she reached for her ale.
"... which generally means that I end up doing all of it."
Henry McDonnaught
Dec 13th, 2010, 08:11:24 PM
Henry would be fascinated to hear some of the exploits of the Fourth Fleet from s'Ilancy, but that lingered too closely to the topic of her husband and Donut would prefer to dwell on other more exciting subjects.
"You should tell your hubby to get 'people' for that" he said with a wink.
"How come I never get assigned to any of your aquisition trips? I would think a Rogue such as myself would be just the ticket for that type of mission. Im a good pilot and, in a tight spot - can throw a solid left hook, as you already know." Henry added a half-bow for flavor.
"Seriously though, the Rogues could be utilised more than they are."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 4th, 2011, 08:15:23 PM
"Is that so?"
There was no sarcasm in her tone, rather it was honest curiosity that fueled her question. She supposed that she didn't spend enough time with the Wheel to establish herself fully into the comings and goings of those who more or less lived on the motley array of ships that made up the small Jedi fleet.
"I find that rather surprising. Is life here truly so uneventful?"
Henry McDonnaught
Jan 14th, 2011, 08:56:38 PM
Henry half-shrugged and reached forward to clear his and s'Ils plates, "Playing crossing guard for the lame and cobbled of the galaxy isn't exactly what I signed up for"
His tone held no rancour, just a resigned disappointment. Henry had had his fair share of soft assignments and the Rogues tooling around the Wheel as a glorified guard detail ranked right up there with limp-as. He was hungry for something more fulfilling.
"A man could shrivel and die of unattained destiiny here on the Wheel and I doubt too many would even notice"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 24th, 2011, 08:29:46 PM
With a feigned look of shock, s'Il leaned back in her seat while placing a hand over her heart.
"Oh Henry," she jokingly rebuked, "... that's a horrid thought."
Her expression melted soon after however, and a crooked smile showed itself over a smiling eye.
"Destiny is found on the Wheel."
Henry McDonnaught
Jan 29th, 2011, 06:40:06 PM
"Now thats not fair.." Henry said in mock-injury as he swung back on his chair to reach again into the fridge for two more beers, " laugh at a man when he's showing his vunerable side. Anyway...." He popped the caps with a familiar 'pssh' and placed a bottle again infront of s'Il, "...A man makes his own destiny, doesn't he?" and tipping the bottle back against his lips, Lok saw that he was smiling at her like a bandit.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 27th, 2011, 09:58:49 PM
"It does seem the popular opinion," s'Il agreed with a cheshire cat's grin as she lifted the bottle to her lips.
"But I like to think that it's something of a mix. Just be careful however; the destiny that you make for yourself might end up being a disastrous thing over time."
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