View Full Version : IMDb Daily Poll: 10 Best Picture Nominees a good idea?

Mar 13th, 2010, 11:56:41 PM
Now that the 2010 Oscars are behind us, was having 10 Best Picture nominees a good idea?

Mar 14th, 2010, 12:00:34 AM
I don't think it made a difference, ultimately.

Personally I think the new preferential voting system that was also put in place for this year's Oscars was far more interesting - I would be curious to know how previous years' winners would have faired under the new system (like The Dark Knight, even Saving Private Ryan from way back when).

Mar 14th, 2010, 03:48:25 PM
Preferential voting was always in place for the nominees, so it would make no difference for Dark Knight if there were only five.

Mar 14th, 2010, 06:02:48 PM
Wasn't the nature of the preferential vote altered though? I recall reading an article that made a big deal about it, and I've also read comments on other boards referencing the change as well, particularly how things would have fared if this years Oscars were still using the old system.

Mar 14th, 2010, 09:10:56 PM
It was altered in voting for the WINNERS. Not the nominees.

Mar 15th, 2010, 04:20:45 AM
Ahh I follow you now :) - that's what I was talking about too.