View Full Version : CD Auto-Run menu...creation...help?

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 12th, 2010, 10:28:48 PM
I'm trying to figure out how to create an auto-run menu for a CD that will allow someone to open files, etc, that are on the CD. I've looked at a few free programs, a couple pay ones... and I'm almost completely mystified.

Does anyone have any quick and easy short-cuts to do this? I considered simply making it up in Word as 'web' page with links to the CD files... but I've barely started getting my head wrapped around what I need to do.

This is for my hubby's work, he wants a snazzy menu for this CD and I'm trying to figure out if its possible for me to create one.

Morgan Evanar
Mar 13th, 2010, 03:29:55 PM
What kind of files.

http://www.hamradiousa.net/compactautorunner.html try this.

You could also do the web page thing which would just be an html file with a series of links to the content. Don't use word to do that, Word makes hideous HTML.

Any XP SP3, Vista or later OS is going to squawk about security permissions etc no matter what you do. Auto-Run is a potentially nasty attack vector so it's been locked down pretty hard in some ways.

You'd want to put the html file in the root, say autorun html, make pretty graphics for it, and put all the stuff in /content/

so the href would be something like href="/content/testpage1.avi" or whatever.