View Full Version : Alliance Advisory Council

Torrsk Oruo'rel
Feb 18th, 2010, 08:41:25 AM
I was gonna write something awesome and in-character, but for some reason I can't seem to channel a pompus, arrogant jackass today. I guess it just isn't in my nature (contrary to popular belief). :mischief

But yeah. I think there's five of us on the Council now - Bothawui, Mon Calamari, Corellia, Chandrila, and Alderaan - plus the Mon. We were tossing ideas around about making those five members the equivalent of the UN Security Council and stuff, and we can NPC the other guys if necessary too, so that gives us some scope to get on and do things.

What do you guys think the Council should be discussing at the moment? Are there any burning issues that you think need to be tackled? Any ongoing situations that should be talked over, or bitched about with really long and elequent bureaucrap words?

Kashyyyk springs to mind, but I know bugger all about what is going on there. Worth talking about?

Is there any unfinished business around that we could possibly deal with? We're bumping Reshmar from Admiral to Councillor... but are there any other upper echelon changes that we want to occur? Did Grace taking over as DirectorIntel get sorted? Anything else along those lines going on?

The other issue I thought might be interesting: Dorn Force is shifting its headquarters to the Roche Asteroids, where the Verpines are from. We're always mentioning that we have Verpines around, especially in pilot threads. And hell, the colonies of Slayn & Korpil relocated to Mon Calamari to build B-Wings for us. Would it be worth incorporating them a little more officially into the Alliance... giving them a representative on the Council, etc? I know the Bothans would certainly be happy to skew the vote more towards non-Humans.

Should we think about trying to liberate another planet? An all-out offensive would be silly (we never finish those anyway :uhoh), but we might be able to swing some sort of insurgency type thing over on Ithor, especially with the plan Tear is cooking up: if we can shrug off the Imperials there, maybe they'll be too busy worryng about Tear that they won't bother trying to reclaim some dull and boring jungle planet; at least, not right away?

Just randomly splattering up thoughts, and what-not. :)

Feb 20th, 2010, 11:29:28 PM
If Reshmar was to say something about this i think it would go something like this but since were OOC this is only a guess.

I think we need some time to solidify what we have. the Bothawui offensive took a toll on everyone envolved In Character. Now Kashyyyk seems to be dragging on. We need to set up to work from a defensive stance for the time being and work on politically catching up with the militant actions we have waged. Once we have a political movement going then we can work towards any offensive steps would be next. I have ideas but I was waiting to bring them up before the council once we got that going.

As for the Verpie I say sure give them a voice. even if its an NPC voice. Allso the Quarren need some representation. as for business at hand I think relocation of the wookies survivors after the imperials are done with Kashyyyk would be top of the agenda. The I assume we need to get some idea In Character what Tear is up to. Some intel on his operations and movements would be a good idea. The Imperials have their hands full fighting brushfires within its own echelons plus the threat the Independents and the C.S.A offer outside the Alliance. They have enough headaches for now let us use this time to lick our wounds and prepare for the fight as a solidified force.

Captain Untouchable
Feb 21st, 2010, 03:27:29 AM
Are the Quarren not 100% opposed to the Rebel Alliance, more or less? I always got the impression that they didn't give two hoots about what the Rebellion did, from the EU. That may be my tiredness-addled brain misremembering, though.

Feb 21st, 2010, 12:05:10 PM
They were during the clone wars but I think now they are content with the relationship they have on Dac with the Calamari. Most of the radical Quarren left Dac after it was liberated from the empire. They do not like the Calamari much but they share a planet and they are a major factor in the construction of starships at the Calamari yards. Relations between the Calamari and the Quarren can be one of the issues the council deals with. they are not interested in dealing with the rebels much but now that we are moving from a band of thieves, smugglers, sabotuers, and criminals to a true galactic faction we can not overlook these people. Representation on the Council is not needed but the Quarren have a right to a say in the future of the Dac system and the fledgling Alliance which we are creating.

Captain Untouchable
Feb 21st, 2010, 12:30:57 PM
I guess it boils down to how "sovereign" each planet is. Does the Alliance Government have a say in the internal politics of each planet? Or is it like the UN, where it only has the "right" to dictate stuff like human rights, greater military policy, etc?

In the latter case, then Mon Calamari / Quarren politics would be an internal matter, and is effectively none of the Alliance Council's business.

Jamo Jakatta
Feb 21st, 2010, 12:40:13 PM
I don't think we interfere with individual governments, do we?

Captain Untouchable
Feb 21st, 2010, 02:13:58 PM
I didn't think we did, aye. A la the Republic, and what-not.

Feb 21st, 2010, 08:57:37 PM
Ok the Calamari and Quarren share the Dac seat in the Republic senate. there is a representative senator of both races. They do not trust each other enough to let one race dictate the policies and cast the vote for the other. I am not saying make a place for the Quarren on the advisory council I am just saying let them have a seat in the government.

The reason the Quarren do not like the Calamari and the Rebels for that matter is they feel the Calamari and Rebels treat them as second class citizens. Not allowing the Quarren a seat in the Allliance government would cause tension between the two races and could lead to civil war.

Captain Untouchable
Feb 21st, 2010, 09:13:15 PM
In the Republic Senate: did the Quarren have their own Senator, or was it a Representative a la Jar Jar Binks and the Gungans?

I'm not sure that it would lead to civil war, mainly because throughout EU the Quarren are painted as really not giving a crap about galactic politics.

I do think that working out something for the Quarren could be interesting, though. What if, rather than making Reshmar the "Mon Calamari Representative", we gave him some alternate role in government? We could make him the Minister of War, Minister of Defense, or something like that. The actual planetary representative for Mon Calamari / Dac could then be a new Quarren character, "for political reasons". That gives us voices for both peoples in government, without giving the same planet/sector two representatives.

Just a thought, anyhow.

Feb 22nd, 2010, 01:26:59 AM
I do think that working out something for the Quarren could be interesting, though. What if, rather than making Reshmar the "Mon Calamari Representative", we gave him some alternate role in government? We could make him the Minister of War, Minister of Defense, or something like that. The actual planetary representative for Mon Calamari / Dac could then be a new Quarren character, "for political reasons". That gives us voices for both peoples in government, without giving the same planet/sector two representatives.

Im open to anything.

In the Republic Senate: did the Quarren have their own Senator, or was it a Representative a la Jar Jar Binks and the Gungans?

From what I have read tonight Dac has 2 senators one Calamari and one Quarren.