View Full Version : This Sacred Trust (Travis North)

Eliessa Corta
Feb 10th, 2010, 10:35:19 PM
Eliessa scanned the pages in front of her with the practiced attention of a school professor grading papers, slender fingers lifting, then folding over, each page to bend against its brother and cover the back of the file folder.

The Judge always found reviewing reports enjoyable, it relaxed her in a way few other things could. Reading over the neat presentation of facts and the clear outline of events set out in point form was a task that brought orderliness to her thoughts and a realignment of her focus. It didn't much matter who the reports were on, or what the subject matter was - it was the familiar discipline of the execise itself that was effective.

Corta removed her glasses and pinched her thumb and forefinger to the bridge of her nose, perhaps she was due for stronger lenses as her eyes were tiring. A glance at the chrono offered a secondary explanation for the optical smarting, she had been reading for four hours without a pause. She should probably eat, she mused. It would be a few more hours yet before she reached Void Station (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Void_Station) and she did not particulary wish to meet Commodore North on an empty stomach. It was hard to be stern and intimidating with ones abdomen making audible hungry noises.

The small Judiciary Cruiser 'Medusa' was scheduled to arrive at 1400 hours at the coordinates North had couriered under armed escort to Eliessa's offices. Some fort on a rock, apparently. Corta had rolled her eyes at men in general and their love of war games and all the trappings that they deemed necessary and precautionary.

However, the Judge was not against taking a few precautions of her own in order to keep her and the Commodore's appointment off the radar. No need to have undue attention given this new affiliation. One such measure was to send her own personal Judiciary transport to the Chommell Sector where she would be chairing a meeting next month in Naboo for Legal Reform. Very few personell were aware that Corta was not on board the Flag vessel.

The Judge was going quite out of her way to meet with North and she was expecting that the effort would be worthwhile. "Cant be any worse that the fiasco with Atrapes" she said, voicing her thoughts aloud.

"I sure hope not" Adelaide responded, a little alarmed. "Mister North is on our side isn't he?"

"Commodore, Adelaide" Corta corrected irritably. "Who the hell gets called Mister nowadays anyway? And, yes, I think its safe to say he is positioning himself to be an ally in our investigation."

Adelaide nodded and passed Corta a sandwich and a cup of hot tea having anticipated the Judge's needs - something she was becoming more adept at with the passage of time.

Eliessa replaced her glasses and returned to her reports as she ate.

"Make sure you eat too" she admonished Adelaide, "If I know the military, if they offer us lunch at all, it will probably be spuds and beans."

Travis North
Nov 17th, 2010, 11:31:23 AM
Void Station, Travis' personal headquarters behind enemy lines as it were, the recent Alliance reoccupation of Bothawui had made returning undetected to the station quite a slow and dull shuttle trip, one he'd no doubt make again within the week. Still the sanctuary was the safest of places to host a secret meeting. This afternoon Travis would reveal evidence to Judge Eliessa Corta of the unlawful actions taken by the Empire's governing body, and hopefully take the first steps towards a revolution within the Imperial organization.

It's the right thing to do, Travis thought to himself while he reviewed the holo-recordings in his private study. Someone has to make things happen. If not the council then I will.
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Eliessa Corta
Nov 20th, 2010, 03:42:11 PM
The Medusa docked without incident, arriving at Void Station to the exact moment of the appointed time, 1400 hours.

Exiting the cruiser with her small, but well disciplined, entourage - the young Kasperien-Kazaar dutifully one step behind her - the Judge did not see the welcoming party she had expected. Two troopers stood to attention in front of her, a meagre and beggardly greeting for such an auspicious meeting. Corta - unlovingy known among her peers as 'The Hangman' - was unable to restrain her foot from tapping once or twice in irritation and, to a lesser degree, apprehension. She had risked much in coming here so secretly..capture, assasination, and not least - accusations of treason for embarking on a clandestine rendevous with such a high ranking military leader. It could be construed so many ways against both of them.
Surely North recognised this?

"You better tell me your Commander is on-site" she stated coldly, "I expect him to meet with me in all haste and I will not be pleased in any unseemly delays"

Adelaide Kasperian-Kazaar
Nov 20th, 2010, 04:02:57 PM
Adelaide peered big brown eyes over the Judge's designer jacket shoulder at the soldiers before them, and then from them, around the area at large.
At least there wasn't that horrible closed in, unescapable feeling of being trapped that had attended them on their visit to the Imperial Citadel. A shudder reverbated up along the length of her spine at the memory. At least there would be no Atrapes here. Del had a very different feeling about seeing Commodore North again than she had with meeting Inquisitor Atrapes for that first time. She hoped for all their sakes, this intuitive sense she had was well-founded.