View Full Version : Three's a Crowd - Four's Annoying

Salim Ibn-Abad
Feb 10th, 2010, 08:08:00 PM
The sound of fingers tapping the control panel of The Prophet (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/File:PersonalLuxuryYacht3000.png) filled the cockpit with actual sound. For hours it had been consumed by a silence that was so tense, it felt as though the air was ready to explode out in a vast amount of unseen energy. Still, a sound finally broke this silence though the tension seemed to only heighten. Ibn-Abad sat in the pilots seat, his legs crossed and his eyes watching the communications link. Any moment he was suppose to receive a message, perhaps the most important communications signal he would ever receive in his life and it all centered about the well-being and location of his third wife; Biyu. Salim had been in the cockpit, more specifically Biyu (http://gadiswallpaper.com/data/media/6/HwangMiHee3.jpg)'s seat waiting impatiently for her abductor to contact him. The man was an individual of unique faith and an even more unique sense of honor. He held no qualms taking from another individual when it came to material possessions but Salim had never taken of a persons family. That was not this Pirates trade. In his mind, intellectual beings were off limits and he had always assumed most others shared his ideology. The fact that someone managed to get a hold of his wife filled him with a rage so great, he was not able to show it. Instead, he simply sat in Biyu's chair and waited.

"Why bother?" Jazira (http://www.rightcelebrity.com/wp-content/photos/Zuleikha_Robinson_3.jpg) spoke, making her presence known. Her voice drowned out the sound of Salim's tapping fingers, which came to an abrupt end as soon as he caught sight of her in his peripheral vision.

His eyes narrowed, "I believe I asked to be left alone."

"It is the duty of a wife to come to her husband when he is deeply troubled." She rebutted.

"It is also the duty of a wife to respect her husbands wishes." His voice was a borderline growl. Ibn-Abad spun in the chair, his almond eyes locked onto Jazira all together. She had been his first bride. His first mate as some would have called it. With him longer than the others, Jazira felt a bit more embolden when confronting her husband, challenging his authority. In many ways, Salim respected it yet in instances like this, it was a nuisance. "Now get out."

"Is she worth the haul? One life?" Jazira asked, leaning against the frame of the cockpits entry way. "We could easily get twenty maybe twenty-five thousand credits for the artifacts. Why give that up for her?"

The fingers that Salim had used to tap curled inwards as a fist formed. Once the ball of flesh, bone and muscle was clenched, Ibn-Abad slammed it against the control panel, "Watch your tongue! I tolerate no such remarks about any of you." The man was near seething. "I would be doing the same thing if it were you in Biyu's place though I doubt she would be so forward with her choice of words." Salim held a unique family life. Born into a more eastern styled culture, he had been raised with the ideology that regardless of any factor thrown at them, men were the head of the family and it was within his faiths laws that he could take on more than one mate yet no more than four, so long as he could provide for them all equally. What one got, the others received as well and he ensured his time was spent just as equally amongst all four. Still, at times, it proved more a burden than a luxury, especially when it seemed as though all four hit that special time of the month together. "Run a diagnostic check on the engines." Salim muttered with a wave of his hand, excusing his wife. Just as quickly as his anger had been pointed towards his wife and her loose tongue, it had just as quickly vanished and his focus put back onto the communications link.

Biyu had been gone two days; two agonizingly long days. Jazira had been his first wife. A master mechanic, she seemed to be able to fix anything that went wrong on The Prophet. Rosalyn (http://www.gossipcenter.com/files/imagecache/celeb_profile_image/files/celebrities/kelly-brook-profilepic3.jpg)had been his second bride. She was an excellent security officer and ensured that where Salim went, he had muscle that he could trust to watch his back completely. Biyu was his third. Quite easily put, she was the best damn pilot he had ever encountered and this chair... the chair he now sat in was her's and her's alone. None of the other ladies were allowed in this seat, regardless of circumstance. Then there was Maria (http://en.hibamusic.com/ajouter2/files_uploded/photos_artiste/full_size/nawal-zoghbi-50-4417-6066805.jpg), five weeks removed from their wedding, she was a brilliant medic. If an emergency hit, she was there and would know what to do. He would lay down his life for all four of his wives. The Pirate known as Ibn-Abad had now had the tables turned on him. This time someone had something he wanted.

The artifacts rested in the ships cargo hold while his wife rested in the hands of the former owner of said artifacts. What a dangerous game Salim had found himself in.

Salim Ibn-Abad
Feb 11th, 2010, 06:03:22 PM
"Dinner is not going to be ready on time but it'll be better than what was expected." Maria explained while slicing tomatoes on the ships small counter. Jazira entered while in a huff, the signs of an altercation to some degree seemed stuck to her face as clearly as magnetic letters on a refrigerator door."How is he?" The newest to the Abad family asked.

"He's being a giant pile of dung." Jazira replied as she pulled a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Watch your tongue." Rosalyn spoke with an eerie calmness as she pushed past Jazira. "Salim is under a lot of stress, we all are, though I think it is time we kept our attitudes in check until Biyu is returned to us." If Jazira was bold, Rosalyn was tough and all knew it. The woman was fearless and though Jazira had been the first wife, no one doubted Rosalyn could twist her into a pretzel if push came to shove. "I understand that there are some here whom don't like what Salim does or has done and I can sense an air of jealousy about this vessel but that needs to stop." The comment alluding to Jazira and her discontent with the other women.

"Whatever." Jazira snorted as she twisted open the top of her bottle, dropping it to the floor then walked out.

"Chili for dinner?" Maria asked. "I'm out of dough so I can't make tortillas."

Rosalyn smiled with a nod of approval. Jazira had a big mouth, one often times more lose than needed. Maria on the other hand was quiet and relieved her stress through cooking. If she was not patching up someone wound, she would be found in the kitchen, tirelessly coming up with new recipes to try. Everyone had their own outlet to relieve stress - Maria's outlet proved to be highly useful beneficial. "Make what you want. You've had no complaints from any of us while you've been aboard."

Darth Bacillus
Feb 14th, 2010, 01:05:06 PM
Bacillus Apartment - Naboo

The Apprentice sat, one leg bouncing in a semi-agitated motion while it crossed over the other. The couch, albeit relaxing, did little too sooth the Siths soul. Something very important had been taken from her, something that she had kept under lock and key - or so she assumed. Upon returning from her latest mission, the Apprentice found her personal vessel ransacked, cleaned out and nearly disabled. Though a vessel could be easily replaced, there had been one thing upon it which could never; her Masters holocron. She felt almost naked without it. When her Master was not around, not in her presence, the tiny little trinket, the artifact had given her lessons on the dark side that most other Apprentices would have never had.

She understood the ways of the dark side. She understood what she was and she understood what she would ultimately have to do in order to become the true Sith she knew she would have to be. Still, a curve ball had been thrown her way and now she had to retrieve the very holocron she treasured. There had been many possibilities in how to accomplish such a feat. The first was she could have gone after the man responsible, who's image and that of his accomplices were caught on a still functioning ships security camera, herself. It would have been sweet yet expected. Obviously the one known as Salim would have expected Sith retaliation head on and prepared for it.

Then came the idea she had never counted on. Assistance from a private source which helped her acquire one of Ibn-Abads wives in a daring retaliation swoop. Bacillus could not get her hands on the man nor the holocron but she managed to get her hands on Biyu Abad, one of the mans previous wives. Then came the second part to the plan. Bacillus would sit back and do nothing. Instead the Togruta had hired outside help; a bounty hunter whom had a deeper understanding of Salim's belief structure. Biyu had been given to this Hunter of Souls with two objectives; retrieve the holocron and ensure Ibn-Abad suffers great personal loss.

Yet the Apprentice of Darkness was not a fool and understood that failures occurred. In order to minimize that chance, she had hired a second hand. Little to the knowledge of the current Bounty Hunter whom held Biyu, this second one would be ready to pounce should the first fail. A small, momentary and fleeting grin crossed the Togruta's face as she let out a half hearted sigh. Still, waiting was not something Bacillus liked doing and as a result was completely tense. Perhaps her battery operated friend would be of assistance? With the naughty thought, Bacillus rose to her feet and made her way to the bedroom.

She had time on her hands anyway.

Salim Ibn-Abad
Feb 15th, 2010, 10:55:10 AM
'Salim Ibn-Abad. I understand that are in possession of something
that my employer wants. As you understand, I am in possession of
something that you want. Bring the holocron to the ruined temples
in the southern hemisphere. If you try anything stupid, be assured
that your wife will suffer. Arrive in exactly fourteen hours.'

Salims eyes narrowed as he watched the figure bark his orders and demands. The message had finally come, hours later than it should have and it did little to quell the tension through the man. His body, so rigid, so aggravated wanted to break apart. His wife was in the hands of a man whom could do anything he wished. The thoughts of Biyu in his grasp caused his stomach to grow nauseous as he began shifting through the various controls spread out across the ships navigational control panel. Ziost had never been a planet that Salim had visited, nor even heard of but if the man who had his wife wanted to meet there, frankly, there was nothing Ibn-Abad could do but show up.

With no warning to anyone else on board, Salim typed in the coordinates of the planet. As the ships computer set out the navigational course, he leaned back in the chair and stared almost blankly out the main window. All of this over a holocron, a utensil for force users that Salim himself was incapable of using. As the seconds ticked by, the ship shot off into hyperspace. The mans body barely made a motion as the ship zipped off. In an hour and a half they would be at Ziost. In an hour and half all hell would break lose as the Ibn-Abad family reclaimed one of its members.