View Full Version : Winds of change - rising son
Admiral Holt
Feb 4th, 2010, 08:37:12 PM
The massive Bulk of the old Battleship Sat like a sleeping beast. Space was empty here except for the dim light which marked the Arda system in the distance. Admiral Holt had been dispatched here to oversee the meeting between an Alliance delegation and members of some obscure resistance force. Talks had been proceeding for months between the two with no acceptable agreement. The Alliance needed members and any enemy of the empire was a friend at this point.
The massive ring of the Courageous encircled the massive central core ship of the old Lucrehulk battleship. She had been on of the few to make if out of the clone wars intact. Now her and three of her sisters were the shining new hope for the Alliance.
Admiral Holt stood looking out the command view port at the smaller ship docked between the ring hangers. It seemed crazy that a ship such as a Calamari Cruiser would seem dwarfed by anything let alone a ship of some fifty years or more. He remembered serving aboard the Victory fleet during the Clone War and how these giant ships had looked from the other side of the battlefield. They were big, heavy shielded, and had more firepower than anything at the time. That was the past, now things are much different. Many ships were equal or better when it came to firepower than the old battleships. Some even dwarfed the Lucrehulk in size. None of this really mattered the Courageous was a good ship for what she was being used for. No other vessel at the Alliances disposal had the internal space, fighter capacity, and versatility than these gigantic ships.
"Admiral, the delegation is aboard and the Tiderunner is moving away."
From behind him he heard the voice of Captain Kingston. He had just returned from the hanger and was looking over a data pad as he neared the Admiral. Holt turned and walked towards the command console. Captain Kingston saluted and handed the pad to Holt.
"At ease Captain."
Holt read over the report then handed the pad back to Kingston. the two men sat in two of the three chairs which sat in the command section. Holt brought up an small display on the command Consoles halo display and marked three points on the projection.
"Naval Intel has information linking an ex-Imperial Moff to three separate raids. The Imperials have their hands full with other issues and thus far have left this sector of space under this rouge Moffs control. "
Holt pressed a series of buttons and the screen zoomed. The display showed a group of planets circling a large white star. Holt began to list off the planets and details of the system When an alarm sounded. The three officers at the sensor station began to argue and discuss what they were looking at then the senior sensor operator turned to look at the Admiral.
"Admiral, we have ships exiting hyperspace!"
Timothy Nash
Feb 5th, 2010, 10:32:54 PM
Wasting no time after exiting hyperspace the Imperial Deuce Warmonger and its pursuit line entourage, including the Interdictor Charmer, hit max sublight towards the Alliance craft. The Charmer projecting gravity wells in textbook fashion to wall the Rebels in against Arda's own mass shadow so as to prevent any hasty escape.
This all but forced a confrontation amongst the stars.
What followed would be the only exchange of words between enemies before the space ahead became illuminated with deadly turbolaser fire.
"This is Captain Timothy Nash of the Imperial Destroyer Warmonger. Your presense within the sector of restricted space will not be tolerated. Surrender or be destroyed. You have thirty seconds to respond."
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Admiral Holt
Feb 6th, 2010, 01:32:36 PM
The bright lights dimmed as the Claxons and alarms Sounded through out the ship. without a word the section chiefs and command crew went to work. The normal steady work pace was rep[laced by the frantic hurried pace of war. with in seconds of the Imperial ships exit from hyperspace a communication was received. Admiral Holt remained sitting as the communication was played over the command decks loudspeaker.
The Calamari Cruiser was well out of weapons range and far to the aft of the Courageous. They had to have picked up an the ships arrival.
The Imperials ask for surrender, not a new tactic. Holt remembered his days on Atrivis and the naval academy. Standard operations, he wondered if the Empire had a creative officer left among them.
"Admiral the imperials have an interdictor field up. Hyperdrive is inoperative at the moment."
The sensor officer turned to his console gain. Holt stood and walked calmly to communications. He knew he could not stand and fight for long against the battlegroup but if the interdictor could be neutralized.
"Open a channel Lieutenant. Get me the Tiderunner."
The video screen lit up and captain Gosta, captain of the Tiderunner" appeared.
"Admiral, how can we assist?"
The Calamari captain looked serious and concerned as Holt began to speak. He has served with Gosta for many years. He knew his next order would not go over well.
"Captain, Make your way out of the engagement zone at full speed. Do not move to assist in any way. I have a plan but I can not grantee the safety of you ship and your crew if you return to the engagment zone."
The captain started to argue but was cut short by Holt.
"No arguments Captain, get you people out of here."
The captain said nothing as the com channel was cut. Holt turned to Captain Kingston.
"Launch everything we have that's hyperspace capable. Target the Interdictor. its our only chance."
Timothy Nash
Feb 9th, 2010, 12:05:12 PM
"Captain, no response on standard channels. Though we are detecting enemy comms. Shall I decode them?" asked the tech specialist, young Alexis Imhar.
Alexis wasn't even in her twenties yet and had already landed herself a posting on a command starship. She showed promise as a slicer during her few months in the academy, a wiz compared to all others in her classes, and was drafted into a new electronic warfare division.
eWarfare was not something that hadn't been tried before now, it just did not have the impact higher ups had hoped for. However, over the course of constant galactic war technology updates are few and far between aboard starships, lending more time for a slicer to learn and crack systems. It was time to see what Little Lexx could do.
"Lets hear what they're saying, cadet."
As the slicer went to work the Lieutenant overseeing sensors announced that the Lucrehulk was launching several wings of starfighters. Not since Nash's early years as a gunnery crewman during the Clone Wars had he faced the opposition posed by such a massive carrier. It was good to feel his heart race once more into battle.
"Signal the Carrier to scramble all fighters for intercept. They'll be sighting the Charmer to remove the gravity wells and make their escape. We're not going to make it easy for them."
A minute passed by and Lexx's decryption prog had cracked the Alliance signal code. A replay of what had been recorded earlier revealed the cowardice the Rebels so often displayed.
Running would do them no good this time.
"ETA on the Cudgel's line?" Nash requested.
"Four minutes." Replied one of the bridge staff.
"Excellent. This'll be one good battle for the HoloNet's highlight reel. Sound General Quarters" Nash ordered, "and get those Lancers moving to screen the Charmer. Point-defense against torpedoes has priority until enemy fighters enter laser range. Helm, all-ahead full towards that battleship and its escorts. We're gonna drive them deeper into the system to meet VSD Cudgel. All of our flight crews are to be on standby for launch orders."
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Admiral Holt
Feb 9th, 2010, 10:58:44 PM
Wave after wave of fighter spilled out of the two massive hangers of the Courageous. The fighter capacity of the old battleship was unmatched by anything the Empire currently had in operation. The twin hangers were capable of holding hundreds of fighters, transports, and even corvettes. The six gunships aboard were being prepped and preparing to launch after the next wave of fighters.
"Courageous command, this is the War Eagle reporting all systems are go. We await clearance."
Commander Gordon Jorr Sat in the single command chair on the bridge of the modified Consular Cruiser. The small ship was old but the Alliance had seen fit to fit some of the old ships out with weapons ans shielding matching anything of her size. Ahead twelve R-41 Starchaser Fighters, many of the craft aboard the Courageous were clone war era craft. Along with the Starchasers many Toscan 8-Q, Z-95 Headhunters, Cutlass-9, and Claokshape Fighters were among the newer X-wings, A-wings, and B-wings now vectoring on the Imperial force.
Commander Jorr looked over the final checklist and wasted no time when the order was given to launch. The massive bulk of the gunship was moved to the edge of the hanger and into launch position. The deck hummed as power built in the Ion drives. The Repulsors activated and the ship rose from the deck and slowly moved out into the void and the battle beyond. Gordon gave the order and the three ion engines exploded with power and the the small gunship moved off to assist the fighters in disabling the Interdictor.
Moments later another of the six gunships moved up into formation beside the War Eagle. then another moved up and like a swarm of flying beasts they moved into oncoming fire heading for the Interdictor and its protection.
Aboard the Courageous Admiral Holt walked from station to station overseeing the launching of the fighters and preparation to engage the Imperial force at with ranged fire.
"Have all gunners target the forward weapons on that Impstar, leave the interdictor to Gold wing."
The targeting stations relayed the orders and prepared to take on the star destroyer. They had one chance at escape and if the Fighters failed then escape would be out of the question.
"Tactical what is the progress of the Tiderunner?"
Holt stared at the officer as he looked over the tactical display and answered. The man knew the admiral was waiting but out of fear he hesitated. He was afraid not of the admiral but of the situation in general. He was not used to battle. He had only been aboard the Courageous for three weeks. Fresh from the Alliance Training Collage and green as green got. The admiral was becoming inpatient and was about to flail the officer when the man spoke.
"The Tiderunner is moving out of system but still in the range of the interdictor field. At her currant speed the will clear the field in seven minutes."
Admiral Holt turned and walked away from the young officer but his pause would not go unpunished. The Captain turned and requested the Admiral to look at the Fighter operations display. He could see an innumerable amount of fighters moving on the imperials. from the far lines the Imperials had launched their own fighters which now began to engage the first wave of fighters headed for the Interdictor.
"We are in it now Admiral."
The Captain had a flair for the obvious, as did many Holt served with. He did not mind the trait but in times when the obvious was not good news he did not long to be reminded by people around him. He looked at the display and looked at the Captain.
"That we are captain, lets see if we can get out of it as easy as we got into it."
Timothy Nash
Feb 11th, 2010, 01:14:37 AM
As the Warmonger closed on the Courageous its gun batteries peppered the passing waves of starfighters and gunships, forcing a number of the Rebels to break formation and pull evasive maneuvers to avoid destruction. Each hit scored by the Destroyer's powerful turbolasers softened shields and in some cases obliterated smaller craft like the Headhunters. The enemies attempts at return fire were all but useless against the Imperial warship's heavy shielding, with only the pot shots from the gunships making an impact.
"We're beyond the attack group, Captain. The Lucrehulk is dead ahead, and holding station. Our sensors aren't picking up any additional craft in its bays, but there is no way to know for sure until we enter short range." Reported the Lieutenant. "The Cal cruiser is headed straight for Cudgel's entry point, which should be arriving within the next minute."
"I'd pay to see the look on that fish's face when its realized it ran straight into the jaws of a shark," said Nash in a very pleased tone. "Give the signal to launch Interceptor and Defender squadrons, order them to hit the attack group from behind and mop up stragglers. With any luck those dogs didn't notice our lack of a contribution to the Charmer's defense. Once those fighters have cleared deploy the Bombers for a torp run on the space donut, rattle the cage a bit and see if that old ship can still hold it together."
"Aye, Sir." Commander Arthur replied.
The Commander was a veteran of the second Death Star's defense. During the battle he'd been forced into the position of Acting Captain aboard a Tector-class Destoyer when its bridge was wrecked by enemy fire. He'd been coordinating damage control teams from the secondary command center with a number of crewmen when the incident occured. Immediatly consoles lit up with rerouted bridge systems, shocking the noncoms who were at the stations. Keeping a level head though Lt. Mil Arthur rallied his green staff and barked out orders that kept the crippled ship operating up until the Death Star's demise and days into the rescue op. He'd even managed to deal the final blow to the Alliance cruiser that destroyed his ship's bridge. For his actions during the battle he was awarded the Imperial Navy Cross and promoted to his current rank and posting aboard the Warmonger.
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Admiral Holt
Feb 12th, 2010, 10:13:56 PM
Everywhere Holt looked were icons indicating fighter formations or enemy ships. The display was old in comparison to newer line ships but it still clearly gave the view the idea of the tactical situation playing out on the battlefield.
The large icon which indicated the Imp Deuce was now closing on the Courageous. The gunships and fighters had closed and were now moving past the star destroyer to engage the Interdictor and its escorts. Out on the edge of the display to Holts rear was the Icon representing the Tiderunner. Holt turned to Communications and spoke.
"Patch fighter ops to the main com Lieutenant."
Holt turned back to the display as the voices of men and women fighting out among the enemy crackled to life.
"Gold two, tighten up and watch your six."
"Three close on my port wing and let four clear you"
"Eleven I got one on my ......"
"Ten is hit! we lost ten!"
"Suck it up twelve and get in the fight! Everyone Clear the Channel for something important and stay clear of the Lancers."
"Roger one"
"You got it boss."
Chatter could be heard from multiple squadrons and at times was very confusing. Icons disappeared as fighters from both sides faced the unlucky fact that the person at the other end of the cross hairs was better then them. The battle had just began and already the loss of life was far greater than Holt had hoped it would be. The Imperials were good. Better than the run of the mill Imperial. Holt figured either the Academy was finally teaching the cadets something or an elite group had been sent to intercept his group. Either way his mission was clear and had not changed. A large group of Y-wings had cleared the Destroyer and managed to survive the Lancer fire and the Fighters the Destroyer had launched moments earlier And let lose a volly of torpedoes at the Interdictor. As they broke five exploded as the fighters from the Warmonger were able to close and taek advantage of the Bombers momentary lapse of maneuvering to target and fire on them. The three more exploded as a squadron of Tie Defenders finished the job the Interceptors couldn't.
"All bombers break formation. Run Pattern Linebacker one."
The voice of the Courageous Wing commander boomed over the com in reaction to losing an entire bomber squadron in seconds. It seemed a waste of life but so was war. Seconds later The Interdictor's Quadlasers came to line frantically working to destroy the barrage of Torpedoes bearing down on her.
Timothy Nash
Feb 16th, 2010, 11:04:38 PM
The Charmer’s guns were working hard at eliminating the incoming torpedoes, but even so, several of the deadly warheads struck its deflector shields weakening them to a point where gaps began to open. Aboard other ships it wouldn’t be too troubling an issue, they’d simply divert power from one deflector to another, but with no reserves and a large portion of power being consumed by the gravity well projectors the Charmer’s supply was limited leaving it vulnerable to sustained attack. It wouldn’t be long before the Interdictor was reduced to its armoured hull for defense and its crew hoped the enemy would be destroyed well before then.
"Captain, the Charmer is reporting hits. If they don't withdraw now we may lose her, shall I give the order?"
"Negative. It stays until the job is done and by the looks of how things are going that will be soon. The Cudgel has arrived."
Across the system it seemed the Tiderunner had fled safely out of the engagement zone until it was face to face with Victory II-class Star Destroyer Cudgel, the Destroyer having been pulled from hyperspace on the very vector the Calamari was using to escape. It suddenly became apparent this was no random encounter and in fact a well organized ambush. Before the Rebel ship could bring its shields up and double front in defense the Cudgel let loose with all batteries directing fire into its bow section, pulverizing its hull plating and exposing interior compartments along with their crews to the vacuum of space.
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Admiral Holt
Feb 17th, 2010, 01:14:57 AM
The battle was pit and the rebels were suffering losses far beyond any acceptable amount. Fighter after fighter exploded as the combined fire of the imperial fighters and the lancer made quick work of the old unshielded fighters. The new fighters and those which had been modified with shielding were faring far better than the mass of the archaic craft which were now fighting for survival.
Captain Gosta sat silently at his command chair listening to the com channel and watching the halo display of the battle fare behind him. He and the Tiderunner had reached the limits of the interdictor field and the crew awaited his order to jump to hyperspace. He knew nothing he could have done would have helped Admiral Holt and his returning to the battle would have only ment the loss of his ship and crew if things had gone bad. Which it appeared they had from the way the battle was going.
Gosta had know Holt since the man had left imperial service and joined the alliance navy. He had been assigned by admiral Ackbar to familiarize Holt with Calamari technology and their star ships. He was a serious man and a quick study. He had then served under Holt upon his promotion to admiral.
He hated his order but knew it was one he had to listen to. Gosta turned to the men behind him and smiled as he gave the order to jump to hyperspace. He turned again to look out the forward view port and watch as he left his commander and friend to certain death. The ships subspace engines shut down and the hyperdrive motivators could be herd charging when a flash of light and the familiar wedge shape of a star destroyer appeared five thousand meters in front of him. A knot stuck in Gostas throat as he saw the flash of turbolasers strike out from the ship and strike the unshielded hull of the Tiderunner.
Before he could speak the full fire power of the destroyer had razed the Tiderunner and ripped a gash in her forward hull. The hull shook and vibrated from secondary explosions knocking the crew to the floor. Gosta turned to see his men frantically trying to regain composure and return to their tasks.
"Raise shielding and return fire!"
The words seemed like a distant sound in a storm. Gostas hearing was damaged from the concussion of the initial blast. the hyperdrive should have thrown the cruiser into hyperspace by now so Gosta assumed it had been damaged in the attack. He imagined power through out the ship was failing and intermittent. As his hearing cleared he could hear the damage reports coming in over the ships com. seconds later the massive blasts of crackling energy from the heavy ion cannons of the Victory Destroyer slammed into the hull of the ship. All around the bridge panels began to hum and sparks arched from panel to panel more often than not through the man standing nearest the panel. Gosta turned as the second massive salvo struck the hull of the cruiser amidship. The massive explosion blinded his for a moment. His sight cleared to a vision he hoped never to see. The hull of the Tiderunner was burning. Atmosphere was leaking causing the fires to engulf the hull and spread to other open compartments where the destructive power of the Cudgel's weapons had opened the hull to space.
Red lances of light struck out from the Cruiser at the Destroyer now only one thousand meters away. Gosta stood and ran to the shield console only to fine the massive ion strike had shorted all of the shield generators. The imperials were good. The had been well informed and knew exactly where to hit the Tiderunner to cause the most damage. Gosta helped the man laying beside the console to his feet. He was brunt but still able to fight, or so he had told Gosta when he went to help him. He order the man to assist with targeting and weapons control.
The unshielded cruiser had no chance against the practically untouched Cudgel. Gosta knew it and so did what was left of the men and women aboard the Tiderunner. He had thought about this day. A day he enevitaly knew would come. A day which, as it had for so many before him and would for so many after him, was the last and most defining moment of their lives. Gosta stumbled to the communications control panel as blast after blast sraced and burnt the hull of the once proud Cruiser. He ordered the injured man there to open a ship wide channel.
"All hands abandon ship. Make you way to the nearest escape pods. My the force be with us all."
The members of his command staff looked from one to another then went about their tasks. Gosta turned to look once more out the viewport at the Ship had had grown to love. the men and women he had shared his life with these last seventeen months. The wife and child he knew were sitting at home on Dac. and at the Imperial bastards who had taken that all away.
All around he saw pod after pod eject from the hull of the Tiderunner. Some of his crew might live another day. He set his sights on the wedge which was now practically on top of him. That was the last image Gosta would see. A flash of light and darkness was what was left for him as the forward turbolasers of the Cudgel targeted the bridge and let lose their volley of death on the Cruiser.
Admiral Holt had not noticed at first when the sensor officer reported another ship entering the system. He just thought the imperials figured they needed more power to take him down. Which at the moment did not seem the case. It was not until he heard one of his officers report the Tiderunner had been hit that Holt felt the tingling in his stomach. He immediately set the halo display to the Tiderunner. He watched in dread as heavy ion cannons lashed out and covered the cruiser in a blueish white field of crackling energy. He could tell the victory had caught the Tiderunner with her shields down and took advantage of the situation. But how did they know the escape vector of the Tiderunner. They had jumped in right on top of her and smack dab in between her and her jump vector. That could not have been an accident.
From behind he heard reports from the battle with the main force. The fighter wings had done damage to the Interdictor but had been destroyed as they turned to make a second run. He ordered a channel be opened to the Tiderunner than walked to the communications station.
"No response admiral!"
The Lieutenant looked pale as he reported to the admiral. Holt looked at him then turned back to his command station. As his gaze landed on the image of the Tiderunner on the halo display he could make out where the command pod once was. Now only open hull and blistered hull plating remained. Seconds later the Ship broke in half then into thirds as the Engines continued to push what was left of the aft of the ship along. The Tiderunner was now three separate shapes, none of them resembled a starship.
Holt returned the halo display to the battle before him. The Massive destroyer loomed like a beast about to ponce. Holt closed his eyes and an image of Gosta appeared. The calamari smiled then disappeared into darkness. Holt opened hos eyes and sat down in his command chair.
"Captain!, lets see what this old girl can do. Flank speed Captain lets take the fight to them."
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