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Salem Ave
Jan 20th, 2010, 02:59:38 PM
There were many staterooms in the Royal Palace of Iziz, none of which could be described as anything less than grand. Even those smaller in size, such as the chamber Salem Ave stood waiting in, would have inspired awe in the majority of visitors. One of the byproducts of such a long-standing, prosperous monarchy was that throughout the centuries they were able to cultivate such extravagances, covering their walls with paintings and tapestries far older than any living being.
Unlike many of the staterooms, there was no window affording a sweeping view of the grounds. There was no window at all, in fact. A single door permitted access to the room and this was secured with an access panel, whose code he had provided to only three individuals. The first of which he did not expect to arrive for some time, though the remaining two he anticipated would step through the threshold in a matter of minutes.
The Vilissar Twins
Jan 20th, 2010, 03:30:11 PM
The relative ease of life the girls had been enjoying since they had become residents of the Royal Palace was one they had found enjoyable and slightly disconcerting. The unease came from the knowledge that such a thing would not last forever, but there was a certain thrill in that as well. A sensation that found realization when they received their summons.
It had not come like the gentle tugging in the mind they had felt the one night they found themselves in a chamber with many other individuals, but rather more direct and plain. Never the less, it was answered just as swiftly.
The two were not surprised to find that the door, once opened, revealed only Salem and after they entered they both gave a shortened curtsy, the bow in their heads being quick yet respectful.
"You called for us, Prime Minister?" Their voices pierced the silence as one.
Salem Ave
Jan 20th, 2010, 03:41:02 PM
“Anya, Anadi. Welcome.”
The Prime Minister acknowledged them both in turn. The Vilissar girls were so alike, in every aspect of their being, that it took a preternatural awareness of the world to distinguish one from the other. As such, Salem was one of the few who was not taken in by their often wilful mischief.
“Please, will you sit?”
Ave stood by a set of couches, which ran paralell to a low and slim dark-wood table. He was not seated himself, but rather stood a short distance behind one of the couches, his arms crossed behind his back and every inch of his posture impeccably straight and stately.
“Tell me.. how are you adjusting to court life?”
The Vilissar Twins
Jan 20th, 2010, 04:49:23 PM
The girls did as they were bid, finding seats next to one another on the couch that left the Prime Minister to their backs. It wasn't done out of respect, so much as if it had been any other individual they would have faced them if for no other reason than to keep watch over them. Their choice had come with a level of trust they felt in Salem.
"Well it certainly hasn't been stressful." "Not all that different from" "what we used to experience on Ralltiir." "We still cannot even begin to express" "our thanks for allowing us to remain here." "Though," "perhaps some of the servants" "are not so thankful."
Both laughed softly at the thought of the confusion they had amassed when it came to the poor maid that had been assigned to them. The silly thing was still convinced there was only one of them.
Salem Ave
Jan 21st, 2010, 01:10:28 PM
A ghost of a smile touched Salem's features for a moment, unseen. There had been some degree of... confusion as to why the girls were accepted as ward's of the court. Unlike Razielle, they were not royalty. They were not even, to anyone's knowledge, of any noble stock worth noting. The smartly figure watching over their shoulders knew better.
“What have you learned about Iziz and its inhabitants, in your time here?”
The Vilissar Twins
Jan 21st, 2010, 02:57:28 PM
Now that was a rather curious question. The girls looked to one another briefly before their heads turned slowly to face forward once more.
"They seem like such simple minded fools." "Completely content to live their" "meaningless pathetic lives." "Content to be..." "mundane."
Another glance was shared between them and a gentle nod of their heads came in unison as both decided it was best to continue, to speak what they felt was necessary to voice.
"However..." "there's an almost subconscious awareness of" "something else." "Like a herd of some grazing animal out in a lush field." "It provides all they need, it supports their lives." "Yet they can tell, somewhere in the back of their minds" "that just beyond their comfort zone" "lies predators...waiting in the tall grass on the edges." "Though years of perceived safety as dulled this sense." "And so they go on telling their children that monsters are only things of stories."
Salem Ave
Jan 21st, 2010, 03:02:41 PM
It was an apt analogy, there was no disputing that. The peace and security of Iziz was something that had always been threatened, with the jungle that surrounded the city posing a constant yet somehow nebulous threat. The walls that kept the monsters at bay also penned the people in, sheltered them from so much.
“...and where do you both fit into all of this?”
The Vilissar Twins
Feb 3rd, 2010, 01:17:43 PM
The thought was started by one of them, but not instantly continued as normal. Instead both remained in silent contemplation for a moment, pondering the correct terminology they wished to use, settling for continuing in their metaphor.
"What they fail to realize," "is what is plain knowledge to us now." "The monsters on the edges are not what they should be wary of." "There are worse things on the inside, are there not?" "And yet it is the unknown that keep them safe..."
A small smirk crept to their lips.
"Of course, not all of them are trying to keep them safe." "But perhaps that is where we fit in?" "We leave the poor creatures alone because it is expected of us." "Until," "naturally," "we are told to do otherwise."
Salem Ave
Feb 4th, 2010, 02:17:58 PM
It would have been easy to become confused by the two young women sitting before him. Was their manner of speech something they had developed over time, an eccentricity come of their shared identity, or was it something more? Did their minds truly work as one, each thought flowing into the next without the slightest effort? The former explanation was plausible, but it was the latter that excited Salem Ave.
“You are monsters, then,” he observed coolly. “Biding your time?”
The Vilissar Twins
Feb 17th, 2010, 02:21:42 PM
As Salem spoke, the two women seemed under the impression that the first part wasn't exactly part of the question. Monsters, sure they had used the term themselves, but did they picture themselves as such? And yet... in some worlds' mythologies could often have monsters as beautiful, seductive creatures... perhaps the Prime Minister wasn't out of line in using their metaphor at all. So that left the second portion...
"Perhaps." "Biding time sounds so..." "Lackadaisical." "We think of it more as" "awaiting for a proper" "opportunity to arise."
Darth Callidus
Feb 28th, 2010, 01:36:27 PM
“Think of this as the sound of opportunity knocking, then.”
As he strode from behind the couch the twins perched so daintly upon, and crossed the floor in front of them, there was a flicker across Salem Ave's features. His skin blanched, as if the flesh itself had sudden been sucked away to reveal the angular bone beneath. As he glanced at the two young women, the whites of his eyes vanished into depthless, dark hollows.
It was a fleeting change, like the rippling reflection of a hand passing over still water, but there was no mistaking that there had been a change. The air around the Prime Minister practically sighed in relief as the death's head vision evaporated.
The Vilissar Twins
Apr 8th, 2010, 10:28:04 PM
Their eyes did not widen in astonishment, but there had been a fleeting moment where both dared not breathe as they were transfixed upon the momentary vision.
They had pledged themselves to Callidus' design in the catacombs beneath the Palace they now called home. He had called for sacrifice and they had been more than willing to part with all they had for his combined knowledge and power.
And now he was once more calling upon them. There was only one sort of reply that could come of it.
"And what would" "you have us do?"
Salem Ave
Jul 2nd, 2010, 10:48:05 AM
Again, the Prime Minister smiled. He nodded, gratified by the willingness that both girls had demonstrated to give their all to the cause. Their role would be one that, whilst simple on the surface, would be integral to the future of the coalition of planets that Onderon was just beginning to draw about itself.
“Might I presume that you have familiarised yourselves with the details of our... unique relationship with the Hapes Consortium?”
The Vilissar Twins
Jul 20th, 2010, 12:31:23 PM
The emphasis put on the word unique amused the both of them. While they were not privy to details, there was enough knowledge of what lied underneath Onderon to know that the death of the Queen Mother of Hapes was far from just random happenstance. Her murder had lead to another being set upon the throne, much too young to truly rule, but those that spoke for the child-queen were familiar faces.
The answer came from both girls, accompanied by matching smirks.
Salem Ave
Jul 24th, 2010, 11:33:01 AM
Salem noted their expressions, and decided it would be best to explain the official story on the special relationship that existed between Hapes and Onderon.
“At the behest of the late Queen Mother Ishara Alastor, our own Princess Razielle was wed to the Hapan Prince, Tristan Alastor. In addition to securing lucrative trade agreements between Onderon and the Consortium, their union has also borne a child – Beatrix. With the disappearance of her father, the rumoured kidnap of her aunt and the.. unfortunate assassination of her grandmother, the infant is now Queen Mother. The Princess Razielle rules as regent in her place and although a detachment of Onderonian Royal Guards have been dispatched to act as.. chaperones, our world has very little representation on the Hapan capital. Certainly nothing to compare to the flotilla of Hapan starships that are practically anchored in orbit above us.”
Here, Salem gestured to the door the two young women had entered through. His voice had even raised, ever so slightly, as an indication that the Prime Minister might not be entirely at peace with proverbial sword looming above Onderon's head.
“This.. presents a problem. The Hapan court is minefield of deceit and intrigue, a labyrinth into which we have no avenues of entry.”
The Vilissar Twins
Jul 27th, 2010, 11:48:37 AM
They had to admit that the situation was rather elaborate, and did put Onderon in a situation that was shy of preferable. An outsider would look at it and either brush it off as paranoia - what with the Princess and her child on the Hapan throne - or they would see it exactly as presented, keying in on the fact that made the Prime Minister less than enthused.
It was how they were to factor in that peaked curiosity. The two girls born of the nobility of Ralltiir had no apparent place in the politics of the Consortium. Though they were a long way from what was once considered home, and the twins had pledged themselves to Onderon. They were as much a part of it now as any natural-born, and with their place secured in the Royal court - who was to argue?
"Do you wish" "for us to permeate" "that world?"
Just as they had melded with Onderon society, the girls knew they could be dispatched to do the same with Hapes. The two of them could easily suss out any plots against their allied planet and relay them back. Of course... these thoughts were so rudimentary, there was no doubt that the Prime Minister's line of thinking would be far more planned out than simple espionage.
Salem Ave
Sep 2nd, 2010, 02:53:32 PM
“In a manner of speaking.”
Salem sat down opposite the girls and glanced between them, his gaze settling first on the left.
“Anadi. You will go to Hapes. Already, the Regent is expecting your arrival. I have sent a glowing recommendation ahead, advising that although you are not an experienced diplomat, it is in your nature to move amongst such people. Ta'a Chume Alastor will have great need of you - and in turn, she can provide you lessons in more than simple courly manners.”
A smile lifted one corner of his lips. In the messages she sent to both Adraudia and Salem, Razielle spoke often of her longing for her companions, the people she had left behind on Onderon, and although Anadi Vilissar was a stranger to her, the pair were well suited to one another. Salem had almost hesitated at the thought of sending the girl to her, suspecting that they might inspire mischief in one another. The Prime Minister's gaze shifted to the right.
“- and Anya. You will remain within the walls of Iziz, but there will be.. adjustments made to your lodgings. It would be terribly confusing for the courtiers of Hapes to hear that their ambassador was somehow in two places at once.”
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