View Full Version : Me Or The Thought Of Me
Eve Siren
Jan 19th, 2010, 09:51:37 PM
It was a wonderful feeling to be back in a modern city. Coruscant city was busy, noisy, crowded and lovely altogether. Eve felt herself live again, enjoying now many things that she found unpleasant before her death, far from the bloodsucking creature she had become. She and Jeseth had rented a room under fake names, at a luxurious hotel. The credits she used were obviously stolen from innocent civilians, but Eve felt no remorse as she was quite proud that her pickpocket days were not so far behind her. It was the second day they were spending at this place and she knew that they couldn't stay much longer after tonight.
Although they shared a large queen-sized bed, each sleeping on their respective sides, she still found herself turning towards him as she woke up, only to find a note on the pillow stating that he had some errands to run. The thought that he might not come back crossed her mind, but she shook it away. He was free to do whatever he pleased, and if that meant parting ways, she couldn't let it bother her. She couldn't let him cloud her judgment. Eve was aware of the fact that she still hadn't reached her goals of uncovering who brought her back from the dead and would continue to do so, with or without him.
For now, she nestled her head into the pillow he used, closing her wintry eyes to take in the faint scent he left behind. He let her feed on him not too long ago and each time, the delicious scent that emanated from his body drove her almost pleasantly insane. After a moment of reminiscence, Eve scolded herself for letting him under her skin. Maybe she was simply aching for human touch, or maybe she yearned for him. She shrugged the thought away as she sat up in bed, pushing aside the soft but heavy sheets.
Making her way towards the bathroom, she ran her fingers through her long brown hair, enjoying the sounds of vehicles flying by the large windows. When she finally stopped in front of the large mirror that covered the wall above the sink, she felt her stomach knot up inside of her. She still wasn't used to ice blue color in the arctic gaze that she adorned since her supposed resurrection. Eve missed her former hazel-colored eyes but knew that this was the physical proof that she wasn't brought back exactly like how she had been before.
"Tsk." She winced and shrugged the uneasy feelings away, focusing instead on just turning on the water faucet to take a long, deserved shower.
Jeseth Cloak
Jan 24th, 2010, 12:09:20 PM
Jeseth had been wandering Coruscant for hours before deciding to come back to the hotel room he was sharing with Eve. He'd made several stops inside of various shops that sold parts which he needed to construct lightsabers. Finding adequate crystals however, had proved to be a challenge. The ones he'd managed to pick up would likely fizzle out at best, or explode fataly at worst. Fortunately, neither Eve or himself would be making use of these lightsabers he was constructing.
He guessed that by now, Eve would probably be waking up. He touched the wounds on his neck as he thought of her... if she was awake, that meant it was time for her to feed again. He'd grown to cherish, and even crave those moments. They were as intimate as making love, but altogether more desperate, because he knew that he was completely sustaining her. At first, it had been draining for him. Feeding her daily, and sometimes twice daily, had left him pale and weak... but his body had learned to adjust. The Force flowed through him and empowered him. Every day, it became easier to give of himself, and he found that he could allow her to feed for longer periods each time
As he returned to their room, he carefully opened the door, peering in to make sure that Eve wasn't asleep. The bed was empty. He could hear water running, and realized that shed probably gone into the shower. Tracing his hand over the bed, he sensed a lingering warmth. That meant she'd only been in the shower for a very short time.
He smirked and walked over to the bathroom, leaning against the door, he could make out the faint silhouette of her figure in the steamy mirror. It was their last night in this particular hotel. He'd fought the urge to ravage her every night they'd spent together this far... but with every night, he sensed more and more that she would welcome it.
For example, he knew that she'd sensed him the minute he'd come into the bathroom... even though she'd said nothing to betray that fact. He walked up to the shower door slowly and traced her name into the fogged glass. "Are you hungry..?" he asked, acknowledging that he knew she was aware of him...
Eve Siren
Jan 24th, 2010, 12:52:36 PM
Eve blushed at his question, although her back was turned to him. They both knew she would sense him coming in, she even wondered why she pretended that she didn't. Peeking over her shoulder, her blue eyes caught the blurry sight of his tall, dark figure over the other side of the wet and fogged glass door that separated them. Biting on her lower lip to contain herself, she couldn't help but release a soft sigh. He had been so generous to her since their escape from Dathomir, she felt that he spoiled her with his blood, his scent, his skin ... His touch.
Since their escape, there was much tension between the two Force users. They had kissed on Dathomir, but Eve hadn't dared attempting that again, since remaining low-key had become a priority. Wandering around with the Witch King wasn't always easy. However, she felt herself unable to hold back any longer. If he welcomed her, she would have him in a heartbeat.
Slowly turning around, a grin drew on her misty lips as she approached the glass, pressing her hands against it. Her face close enough to glass to distinguish his features over the fog, she looked straight at him. If he read her so well, did she really need to utter an answer ?
Jeseth Cloak
Jan 24th, 2010, 11:13:25 PM
Jeseth smiled at her mannerisms, undid his black jumpsuit, and dropped it to the floor. His alabaster skin bore many scars, lightsabers, nails, burns, knives, teeth... he'd been hurt a lot in his life, and mostly by those he'd trusted. When the last of his clothing was on the floor, he slid open the shower door and took Eve in his arms without any hesitation. The tension had been building for a while, and that made the sensation all the more thrilling. The warm water washed over him, soaking his dark hair and pale skin. He shut the shower door and kept his wings pulled together against his back, moving them slightly only to allow the water, and Eve's arms, to move beneath them.
He kissed her passionately and pinned her to the wall, his arms around her lower, pulling her close to him. The steam in the bathroom reminded him of the first time they'd kiss, on that foggy day on Dathomir. Being close to her... it was becoming second nature to him. It felt that she could usually anticipate his thoughts and actions, and that felt wonderful...
Eve Siren
Jan 25th, 2010, 01:24:58 AM
Eve took a step back when Jeseth slid open the shower door, but he quickly drew her closer and she let him have her. Catching the scent of his body, despite the running steaming water, she knew she was hooked. She had grown addicted to the distinguished aroma that emanated from him, the sent that made every cell in her body crave for him, on more levels than one. Even so, there were many other things about him that she found difficult not to desire - his soothing voice, his dark hair, the paleness of his skin and his crimson stare, which she had tried to avoid as much as possible since they landed in Coruscant.
But now, even pinned against the wall behind her, she didn't even mind the coldness of the tiles against her upper back. It only added to the series of sensations she was going through, losing herself in him. Her lips pressed against his in a lustful kiss as her hands traced the scars on his back, brushing against the feathers of his wings. Eve only caught glimpses of the marks in between passionate lip locking and it made her want him all the more. When aroused, her fangs couldn't be held back but she was so submerged by this display of intimacy that she didn't even feel them arise. Without knowing so, Eve bit into Jeseth's tongue, causing him to shed a thin line of blood from his mouth to hers.
A second of concern crossed Eve's mind, but was quickly replaced by her insatiable desire to have him as soon as she tasted it. His blood just spurred her on, making her more excited as she couldn't bring herself to waste a drop. Her fingers dug into his light skin, her kiss turning more hard and rough, and her breathing heavier, slipping in soft moans from time to time. "Jeseth ..." Even his name was like a drug to her.
Jeseth Cloak
Jan 25th, 2010, 09:09:20 AM
By the time they'd finished in the shower, the bathroom was completely fogged up, Jeseth had lost a handful of his brilliant white feathers on the shower floor, and they were both breathing hard and fast. He kissed Ever sweetly one more time and pulled her into his arms. They rested against each other that way for a few minutes, letting their passionate silence say everything that needed to be said.
A while later, after they'd taken their time lathering and rinsing each other, they came out of the bathroom and straight to their bed. They spent hours there together, consummating their desires and exploring each other intimately, doing much of what was impossible for them to attempt in the shower. He loved the look in those icy blue eyes of hers; he loved watching them melt.
When they'd both finally gotten out of bed, it was late in the afternoon, and Jeseth spent a few minutes in the bathroom gathering up their clothing and belongings. He walked over to the bag that they were sharing and placed his now-soaked clothing neatly into it, tucked away to one side. He picked up some of the new clothes he'd bought earlier in the week, and stared at them for a while. There were no alterations for his wings, which meant that he would have to tear apart the back of the shirt.
After he did so, he put on the newly-ripped shirt, picked up his long black coat, and sat down on the bed to watch Eve get dressed. He didn't look out the window at the city around him -- aside from the fact that Eve's perfect naked body was much more breathtaking, Jeseth didn't enjoy some of the memories that Corsucant stirred up for him.
At least, he thought to himself as he smiled slightly, I'll have one pleasant memory of Coruscant...
Eve Siren
Jan 25th, 2010, 10:16:17 AM
While Jeseth sat down on the bed, Eve was settling in her black turtleneck and matching skirt, before slipping within her leather outer gear. She was fastening the buckles and belts, but then caught him staring at her in the process. A grin drew on her lips and she let whatever clothing left she intended to put, fall to the floor and gently tackled him in the bed instead.
She had noticed that he wasn't immediately fond with the idea of landing on Coruscant when they left Dathomir. And she hadn't dared asking him why ... Until now. Pressing her lips on the corner of his mouth lightly, she put her arms loosely around his neck, nuzzling him. "What are you thinking of ?" She made sure that her eyes were locked with his, although somewhere along line, she knew it was ridiculous to attempt such a childish cheap trick against a Dark Jedi master.
Jeseth Cloak
Jan 27th, 2010, 09:04:16 PM
Jeseth fall back and placed his arms around her waist. He couldn't help but smile, and her prying eyes made him feel comfortable. He liked it.
"I was just remembering what Coruscant was like when I lived here. Wondering if the old Jedi Temple still stands. And contemplating if there's a grave marker here somewhere with my name etched upon it." he said. "I can only assume that Empire considered me dead..." he went on, brushing her hair back to get a better look at her. "And," he said, "I was thinking that you're stunningly beautiful, and that it would be tempting to keep you here in bed with me all day." he grinned playfully, rows of perfectly locked together, sharp teeth, revealing themselves briefly.
It was rare for Jeseth to smile, but it felt natural with her. Eve gave him a glimmer of hope, even if she too, was a lost soul without redemption.
"I got us tickets to see a performance tonight. It's based on the Jedi Purge. They're balcony seats; some of the best in the house, I was told. Do you think you'd enjoy it? It's supposed to historically accurate."
Eve Siren
Jan 28th, 2010, 12:24:43 AM
"A date ?" Eve smiled, kissing along his cheek before stopping on his lips. "I'd love to."
Lingering a few minutes more on top of him, she brushed her lips over the healing bite mark she carved into his alabaster skin before sitting down next to him on the bed. She reached for her knee-high leather boots, putting them on and fastening the small metal buckles on each side of them as she thought of the last time she went on such an activity. The bittersweet memories of past lovers clouded her mind for a moment, but being close to Jeseth comforted her.
Eve discreetly sighed at the past romances she recalled. None of them were like Jeseth, but then again, none of them were of his kind. The immediate thought that her life span was nowhere near as long as Jeseth's saddened her, but she shook the uneasy feeling away. "And you're not so bad, yourself." She grinned at him, looking over her shoulder.
Standing up to look at her reflection in a mirror, she fixed her hair quickly and smoothed out her black outfit. Eve then attached a small belt carrying a low selection of weapons loosely around her waist and swung a large charcoal-colored pashmina around her neck, covering lightly her shoulders. The rest of her belongings, she threw them in the bag they shared.
"I'm done." She uttered, stealing a last quick look at her reflection in the mirror before looking back at Jeseth. "Ready ?"
Jeseth Cloak
Feb 2nd, 2010, 08:34:16 AM
Jeseth nodded and looked at Eve as he took her hand in his. She was beautiful, and he admired what she was wearing as they left their room together. When they made their way out into the streets and walkways that sprawled across Coruscant, many sets of eyes occasionally darted in their direction. They were probably just a little too well dressed for this part of the city.
"We don't blend in very well here..." Jeseth said with a smile, which quickly vanished. "And someone else noticed it, too." He added, sighing lightly. "I have feelings that someone's following us."
His only fear was that whoever or whatever was watching them, was an Imperial agent. Jeseth had no reason to think that the Empire was even aware of his presence on Coruscant, though. It was too unlikely.
When he glanced over his shoulder, he caught a glimpse of two men and a woman that were keeping only a few paces behind them. The men were dressed in clothes that marked them as having come up from the lower levels. "I think they're beggars..." he told Eve as he pulled her into a small alley.
The woman he'd seen in the company of the beggars who followed them looked, at a glance, to be sick or strung out on drugs. Her dress was very well made, but also torn and filthy, which implied that it had more than likely been stolen or pulled out of a trash bin.
Eve Siren
Feb 4th, 2010, 01:13:51 AM
Jeseth only confirmed Eve's intuition that had been screaming inside her mind since they had begun walking through the streets of the city, although she kept a calm demeanor on the outside. She shot a glance over her shoulder at the people he mentioned, looking at the woman first before laying eyes on the two other men, and then let herself be gently pulled into the small alley by her lover. The trio made it obvious that they were following the pair, when they evidently changed their directional path to match the couple's.
Their lack of professionalism made Eve sigh, as she leaned in closer to Jeseth, nuzzling him. "Beggars or not, they are rather irritating. I would have liked spending a peaceful evening with you." They were nonetheless insects, compared to the immensity of Jeseth's power. And as a former Sith Lordess, Eve could easily destroy them in a matter of moments. Still, the idea of tightening her fingers around a living being's neck and feeling fresh, warm blood gushing through her fingers as she would dislodge the head from the body ... Was something she felt she hadn't done in ages.
Eve wondered how the Dark Jedi master would feel about such morbid and dark thoughts. Though they were presently together, she was aware that they came from very different backgrounds that implemented contrasting principles. Although Dathomir dramatically changed Jeseth from the Jedi he originally was, Eve knew that at this point, her dark side rendered her more obscure than Jeseth.
Yet, the need to make others suffer was too fun to put aside.
Jeseth Cloak
Feb 4th, 2010, 07:42:46 AM
"We won't let them ruin our evening." he said to Eve, then kissed her softly and turned to face the entrance to the alley. The two men who had been following them sauntered in, followed by their female accomplice, who's hands were tucked away in her coat, concealing something from plain view. The two men gave one another a nervous look, then turned back to look at Jeseth and Eve.
"Alright..." one of them said, "just... give us everything." He wiped his sweaty palms on his shirt, his hands shaking.
The other man, taller and more muscular, shot a glance at Eve. "Everything." he said, his tone more confident than that of scrawny friend.
"No... this wasn't what you said we'd do..." started the girl, but was cut off by the larger thug.
"Shut up, Credit! Get the blaster out. Hurry!" he barked at her.
The anxious girl complied, drawing the old and battered weapon from her dirty jacket. She pointed it at Jeseth and Eve with an uncertain look in her eyes.
Jeseth brought up his hand, and with a thought, ripped the blaster from her fingers. It darted through the air and into the Dark Jedi's hand. Perhaps it would be enough to scare them... but then who was to say another couple wouldn't fall victim to them today?
Eve Siren
Feb 4th, 2010, 10:20:02 AM
The initial thought that crossed Eve's mind was that she wouldn't have been as nice as Jeseth. Like him, the blaster would have been in her reach within seconds but accompanied by a piece of that woman's skinny arm. However, Eve was more annoyed at the taller male that had shot her that dirty look as he spoke in a menacing tone. Despite this, her expression was more of amusement, with a mephistophelian glint in her arctic blue eyes.
At the sight of the blaster flying through the air, the trio took a step back at first, frightened by the black-haired Dark Jedi. Then the taller one suddenly lunged headfirst towards Eve, probably thinking that she would be easier to put down. Before he even placed a finger on her, she had already pulled out her lightsaber, plunging it into her attacker's gut. Blood gushed in every direction, yet that didn't stop her from locking her palm under the curved hilt of her weapon and push it upward, shredding his upper body in two as her lightsaber cut him from his gut to his trapezius.
He fell to the side, as strange gurgling sounds emanated from his body. His accomplices were frozen in place by fear, something Eve fed upon. However, she just stood there, her clothes and face tainted by the warm jets of her victim's blood, her eyes searching for Jeseth's reaction. Would he find her horrible ? Would he perceive her any differently from the lover he had been intimate with, to the heartless murderer that her Sith roots trained her to be ? Ultimately, did he want her or just the thought of her ?
The young female that composed the trio let out a scream so loud that it interrupted Eve's thoughts and irritated her. Her amused expression was replaced by one of eminent annoyance as she slapped the girl across the face hard enough to throw her to the ground.
Jeseth Cloak
Feb 12th, 2010, 01:09:46 PM
She was brutal... and her terms unforgiving... but in Jeseth's eyes, the woman who stood there, drenched in blood, looming over a helpless girl, was no less beautiful, no less desirable, and no less the keeper of his heart. He waved his free hand towards the last-standing member of the trio, lifting him from the ground and suspending him helplessly in the air.
"Sh..." hissed Jeseth to the squirming thug, giving the man a stern shake of the head. He stepped over to Eve, brushed away some of the blood from her face, and nearly smiled before saying, "As bloody as we'll be, we couldn't possibly attend the theater like this." He glanced down at the timid girl at their feet. "Spare this one... she's a victim."
Jeseth handed the young girl the antique blaster that he'd taken from her only moments before. His red eyes pierced the human girl's will as he spoke and said, "Free yourself from your oppressors."
He didn't bother to watch the girl embrace her destiny. He already knew that she would. Instead, Jeseth looked into Eve's eyes, set in her beautiful, blood-speckled face, and asked her, "Is there time to find a change of clothing?"
The scoundrel who floated, still helpless and invisibly bound, began to fight hard against his unseen restraints. He gasped for breath enough to scream, but only gurgled feebly. "Credit," he gasped, looking at the dirty young girl who had been his accomplice only moments earlier, "please don't do this. I've always been good to you, Credit..."
A flashing electric pop scattered pieces of the man's burnt trunk all over the alley floor and shut him up forever. Blood showered all of them for a second time. The girl ("Credit") had done away with the last of the attackers. She simply knelt there afterward, blaster in hand, silently contemplating her actions.
The Dark Jedi paid her no mind. Instead, he gazed at Eve's blood drenched hands. They were deceptively delicate... like the lovely flowers lacked with sharp thorns.
Eve Siren
Feb 12th, 2010, 10:47:10 PM
"Spare this one... she's a victim." Eve hissed under her breath at Jeseth's demand, but conformed nonetheless, putting her weapon back in its sheath. Sparing someone, even an idiotic and helpless girl, was something the former Sith had a hard time with. She then watched as he trapped the third accomplice, suspended in the air. The fact that he was a powerful Dark Jedi was well-known, but it was impressive to see the extent of his capacity. Afterwards, he brushed his hand over her face and her hardened cerulean eyes melted, almost instantly a discreet concupiscent sigh of escaping from her lips.
Jeseth Cloak. Her body ached for him, at the simplest gesture. And above that, every minute she spent with him, she forgot about everything else. Whether or not that was a good thing, she couldn't have cared less as of the moment. "Is there time to find a change of clothing ?" His voice gave her lascivious cravings.
Eve couldn't hold herself back from responding with a vixenish tone. "We'll make time, if we have to, sweetheart." Her glossed lips were inches away from his mouth, the sweet scent of his skin overwhelming, before a sudden deluge of blood showered over them. Eve's attention was interrupted, her eyes contemplating shortly the girl who had terminated her partner, but she quickly went back to Jeseth, her arms locking around his neck.
Death and murder just happened before them, but Eve could only focus on how badly she wanted to taste him. Pressing her lips against his, she kissed him in a lustful manner, her breathing heavy. After a moment, she gasped softly for air and nuzzled him, her face remaining close to his.
Every cell in her body wanted her to express her desire for him, but she only uttered. "We should go."
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