View Full Version : 42/Male/Human/Mandalorian, looking for female company. Must like children.

Gwenc'hlan Le Scouëzec
Jan 19th, 2010, 04:29:34 PM
Okay, so I've got two un-usual Mandos with Darven (who was trained by a Mando and lived there but feels he's not got the right to call himself one) and Nya (who was raised a full Mando warrior, but got cast out by her clan) ... neither of them lives on Mandalore, nor do they live like typical Mandos.
With Gwenc I'm trying to actually have a full Mando who's fully integrated in Mando society and has living family there. It's an interesting society, and there's something about their life-style that just fascinates me (sort of Celtic warrior race meets space age), so I'd like to explore this a bit more.

Gwenc comes complete with a family of 12 brothers and sisters (this is a fluctuating number, as some of them die, and some new ones get added by way of adoption). Currently he has two older siblings still alive, and there are about 4 younger ones running around, from small kids to adults.

The head of the family (the clan, rather) is his mother - his father died some years back on a job off-world. His mother's still going strong although she's going on 90 (which isn't that old, considering SW people have an average lifespan of 120). She - like her husband when he was still there - has a fondness for little kids and a very large heart, so she tends to take in troubled or lost kids and adopts them the Mando way. Hence the number of Gwenc's siblings fluctuates.

Gwenc's not her son by birth, either. He originally comes from Agamar, and ended up on Mandalore after he was orphaned during a space battle of some kind, but he remembers little of his life before Mandalore (even though he was almost 16 when he was adopted).

Since Mandalorian clans usually live as one big family, so Gwenc and his clan does the same: they own some land close to the capital city of Keldabe, and have a sort of farm there which is big enough to house a small army.... okay, not quite, but large enough to house all his siblings AND their various spouses/kids, etc. It's essentially a village made up of one family and its branches.

They do things together; have meals together, celebrate stuff, work the farm, etc It tends to get a bit overpowering from time to time, I imagine, but oh well... that's large families for you.

So far Gwenc's been on his own, but I'd like to add to his family.... so I'm first of all looking for someone to play his girlfriend or wife or something. Possibly he's already married even - that needs to be discussed.

IF anyone thinks this might be fun, let me know. It might be interesting to have a few more people in it, various brothers or sisters. Considering there's an upcoming political situation involving Mandalore, this gives us a chance to explore the whole thing from the view on the ground rather than Imperial/Republic/Independents.

Gwenc'hlan Le Scouëzec
Jan 21st, 2010, 02:47:08 PM
Okay, come on... anyone?

Celeste Starborn
Jan 21st, 2010, 02:59:05 PM
If only I was 20 years younger...

Gwenc'hlan Le Scouëzec
Jan 21st, 2010, 03:08:50 PM
Don't you have any pretty daughters?

On second thought, they don't need to be particularly pretty, as long as they can cook, wash, care for babies, drink, handle themselves well in a brawl, and repair things....

Wyl Staedtler
Jan 21st, 2010, 03:34:16 PM
I don't have any characters that fit this but god, your description made me so homesick for my gran's farm and the days when the whole lot of us lived there. :(