View Full Version : There Are No Pacts Between Lions And Men
Jan 19th, 2010, 03:35:46 AM
Several hundred meters from the boarder of the Carshoulis Cluster
"We've arrived."
"I believe you're right, Naberius." Tear took an interested look out the Star Destroyer's main view port. The bone white color of the ships dagger shaped bow stretched out like an arrow head, aiming straight across the Cizerack boarder. Behind the Grand Inquisitor's ship the 'Faceless', an entire Imperial sector fleet sat like a primed bow, waiting for a single order from its tip.
The soft padding of an officers boots approached from behind causing the Inquisitor to turn. "My lord, the Cizerack flagship advises they will escort you the rest of the way to Carshoulis Prime."
Tear simply nodded, turning back to the view at hand and the three Cizerack ships holding a small distance away behind their boarders. "Are you familiar with those designs?"
"The largest I believe is referred to as Oorru'Gurre'Gurre'." Naberius's usual crass pronunciation of basic suddenly floated when his tongue slid like silk over the Cizerack word. "The two escorting it are Korri' class battle galleons. Is it your intention to cow the Cizerack into submission?"
"Clearly you've never had dealings with them. Truthfully I've never met a full blooded one either. But if the half breed I do know is any telling of what to expect, a pure bred Cizerack must be a fiercely hot blooded creature indeed. I sincerely doubt they'll be intimidated by anything I could threaten them with, especially within their own boarders." The Inquisitor gave a shake of his head. "No, the home fleet was brought as a show of strength. To give my words validity."
"And should your words fail despite their...validity?" Naberius cautioned.
"Mmm..." Tear mused to himself with a thought stroke against the underside of his chin. "Have the fleet hold position. Advise our escorts we will match course."
The officer behind the pair saluted and turned away to his duty.
Some time later a single shuttle, escorted by a pair of Imperial fighters, screamed across the skies of Carshoulis Prime. Their super heated bellies burning trails of charcoal in the wake of their orbital descent. Nebulous white clouds, thick and soupy were left separated with what looked like wispy black claw marks, as the ships had cleaved through them in their controlled dive.
"How horribly symbolic." Tear murmured. "We've arrived at dawn. A small touch of twilight before this worlds sun can usher in a new day."
"I believe the Cizerack worship the sun as a deity." A black colored protocol droid chirped insightfully from its perch..
"What species doesn't." Tear dismissed.
The shuttle fired its reverse thrusters, the rippling feedback traveling along the ships hull caused the occupants inside it to vibrate with the anticipation of landing. The landing itself was nearly unnoticed as Tear and his men were already standing. The squad of soldiers checked their weapons, tightened the straps on their armor and slid on their helmets. While the Grand Inquisitor was doing the same, but in a drastically more civilized style. Instead of armor the Inquisitor found himself bound to attire more lavish and formal representing a diplomat. He wore a high collared flat black body suit, fit snugly beneath a crimson surcoat that draped down to rest inches above the floor. Around his waist and stomach was a single gray sash wrapped tightly several times over, its seams bound with intricate golden needlework. Beneath that, hung a multilayered black skirt, the cloth was dark and heavily decorated with Iridonian tribal symbols. And over it all was a sleeveless black cowled robe which hung loosely, like a shadow, over Tear's face.
"Naberius my mask." The mandolorian helmet was placed firmly into the Inquisitors hands then promptly slid over his head. "Lets see what sort of welcome we get."
Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Jan 19th, 2010, 12:23:42 PM
jImperrrjialss at the doorrrwajy to the Clusterrr. Or rather, former Imperials. It was one of the many things that would have to be clarified in this initial meeting with the so-called Independent Systems.
Kiattaarra Feessarro sat on the grratta'Saanja, or the Sun Throne, and straightened her back. There were priestesses in the background with nomaa'aasa'saanja used as accessories, and her own manservant stood just in front of the throne, a step down from the raised dias. The visiting dignitaries were landing, and Kia stifled a yawn behind one slim brown hand.
"Grrreetjingss," purred Huntress Captain Feessanni Amarra, stepping out from the honor guard of red uniformed Hunter Forces that had met the shuttle. The fact that the visiting party was made up entirely with masked forrda was unnerving. She inclined her head the tiniest bit to the one who was obviously in charge, resplendent in black and red.
"The Kei'samaarraa'ssee'jaakreeajis antjicjipatjing yourrr arrrjival," Amarra said, and added uncomfortably, "No one jiss perrrmjitted to wearrr a masssk jin herrr prrressence."
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jan 19th, 2010, 02:58:14 PM
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa Feessarro, Emissary and Chief Consort of the Pride Mother, looked uncomfortable. It was partially due to choice of clothing to wear to this event; a broad-shouldered jacket, and matching trousers bloused into high-cut boots. It was a style well-seen in Core systems, and specifically chosen to ease introductions with the former Imperials, who were more used to dealing with authoritative men in military regalia. Nevertheless, it was noticeably less comfortable than his usual Ithorian silk.
The true source of the Emissary's discomfort lay in the timing of this auspicious event. He had, for years, held supreme authority in stewardship until the young Pride Mother was deemed old enough to rule. That time had arrived only just recently, and the transition of power to his mistress was still fresh in memory. She was intelligent and ruthless, but still untested, and she would immediately be forced to deal with the biggest decision the Pride had to face since the Clone Wars. Keerrourri had to provide discrete advice without appearing to his mistress that he was trying to rule by proxy.
Her yawn did not help. Keerrourri turned to face her.
"Would mjy mjisstrresss carre forr a caf? Ourr sspecjial guesstss wjill be herre ssoon."
The Emissary's eye contact on a nearby servant was all that was needed to demand it, and within moments, a delicate cup arrived at the dais.
Jan 19th, 2010, 09:22:41 PM
Something heavy suddenly caused the shuttle to list on its rear landing feet. The top of the ramp shook with each metallic thudding foot step from the massive creature that was emerging. Flowing black robes, old and frayed near the hem, surrounded the creature known as Naberius, concealing much of his hunched body. He moved with dedication to the side of his Lord, taking note of the Cizerack that had approached them with a sniff.
"Our lord suffersss from an affliction. The mask to which you refer isss only a mask by necesssity. It is more a device to aid our master in breathing." A gloved claw pointed to the two tubes extending from the masks bottom, which then slid beneath the Grand Inquisitors surcoat.
Feessanni Amarra could see her reflection clearly in the black visor of Tear's helmet. She knew how she was supposed to look, adorned in her finest uniform, tall, strong, the very embodiment of physical perfection for a Cizerack female. But that is not what she saw reflected back in the Independent leaders dark mask. It seemed to whisper to her and only her, tugging on her deepest fears, coaxing them to boil past the point of her self control. The hissing murmurs stirred around her, growing louder with each endless second she maintained eye contact, searing into her mind like a migraine, forcing the Cizerack female to contort her proud face into a twisted wince.
Then it stopped, broken by the words of the man she couldn't look away from. "I can be the exception." Tear whispered.
"jI apologjize." Amarra's tongued felt coerced to speak the words "jyou can be the exceptjion." The confusion over what had just occurred was quickly washed into the back of her mind. "Pljease follow me thjisss wajy."
Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Jan 21st, 2010, 11:48:27 PM
"No," answered Kia petulantly, waving away the cup that was offered. "jI want meetjingss to be held at prrroperrr tjimess, ljike afterrr lunch."
She sniffed, "Meetjing wjith forrda at all jiss jinssultjing."
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jan 22nd, 2010, 01:16:34 AM
Keerrourri raised a brow at that comment. The young Feessarro had much to learn about galactic politics.
"Wjith rresspect, Mjisstrresss, thjiss forrda jiss qujite jimporrtant to ourr grreat planss forr ourr prrossperrouss natjion."
Inwardly, he hoped his young ruler would be a paragon of all the good virtues he had tried to teach her as she grew. The situation was extremely delicate.
Feessanni Amarra
Jan 27th, 2010, 01:51:37 PM
She stared a moment longer, tongue thick in her mouth, as her thoughts chased themselves into oblivion at the back of her mind. Blinking, the Huntress Captain turned, straightening her posture as if nothing was amiss, and led the party forward.
The guards stepped in perfect unison, a pair peeling away from the core group every twenty paces to stand to either side of the path. The crimson silks and leathers of the uniforms they wore shone in the late afternoon saanja and made for a deliberate display of physical strength.
Once inside, Feessanni led them down the Nomaa'iirrssa, lit with carefully shielded sconces. It served to accustom the guests' eyes to the lower light level before emerging into the Iiss'grratta'Saanja, lit brightly through means both natural and artificial. Leaving her guards to escort the guests to the proper place before the dais, the Captain herself approached it and took her accustomed spot to the left of the dais.
"Kei'samaarraa'ssee'jaakreea." Feessanni purred softly, bowing to the young Mother where she sat.
Feb 6th, 2010, 12:59:16 PM
Even though Tear wore a mask his curiosity was clear to behold. It was no secret to those few who knew the Inquisitor. He had always been an avid fan of history, collecting relics from long extinct cultures, milling through tomes with pages closer to dust then parchment. To him the cizerack were an interest above diplomacy. They shied away from encounters with other species, having been highly xenophobic in nature, what little contact they had with the universe could roughly be summed up over a trade agreement. They remained a soft mystery in a galaxy of obtrusive truths, and Tear so loved mystery.
They emerged into a room as bright in lighting as it was in grandeur. Amarra was quick to separate herself from the trio of forrda and approach her queen in reverence. From the right emerging from a line of what looked like servants, a single cizerack stepped forward.
<*"Lord Ba'al, representative of the aligned worlds of the Independents."> The Cizeracks voice bellowed across the court while his hands gestured dramatically putting the emphasis on his words.
The black protocol droid to Tear's right leaned forward and whispered the translation. The Inquisitor took a solid step forward inclining his head ever so slightly, pausing then slowly straightening again. "Your majesty."
*Note sentence between < > was translated from the Cizerack native tongue.
Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Feb 7th, 2010, 12:52:12 AM
Kia kept her face smooth, but she flicked her hands at her manservant, using a secret form of hand-talk to communicate with him. This food comes before me with his face covered?
The court seemed stunned, or perhaps terrified, and the Huntress Captain who had escorted Lord Ba'al before the Pride Mother looked slightly confused. Keerrourri barely shook his head, hands moving quickly in reply. He is food. You are the Mother. His weakness is not an affront to us, it only shows us to be stronger. Overlook this insult... mistress.
She raised an eyebrow, but lifted her chin towards Lord Ba'al. He had not prostrated or even bowed, so she could not demean herself with even a slight nod of the head towards him. <"The Court of the Sun welcomes you, Lord Ba'al. We look forward to hearing your proposal.">
A blatant lie, of course. She didn't look forward to any part of this, especially if these forrda were going to be insulting. If only some of them were attractive, but they all seemed to be ugly and/or hideous. There was some sort of monstrous lizard forrda in the back. Kia hoped it didn't get any closer.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Feb 9th, 2010, 01:47:12 AM
Sarrtarroa's ears ticked back almost imperceptibly, but he kept his face and body language largely unreadable. The etiquette behind forbidding face covering was obvious enough in its roots, but could not be applied throughout the galaxy with a broad brush. There were, always, exceptions.
He stifled a smile as he faced the former Imperial. Of course, coincidences are rare, and nobody in power leaves minor details to happenstance. Surely he knew the effect his appearance would cause, and no doubt intended to use the uncertainty to his advantage. After all, this was first contact on a formal scale. It would set the tone for their interactions from here on out.
If he knew a fraction of Kia's petulance and impulsiveness, he might have even gone further. Small miracles.
The Emissary waited to hear exactly what the warlord had in mind, and further, if it would be profitable and successful. Memories were still fresh of the last gamble, which ended in financial ruin at the Confederacy of Independent System's defeat in the Clone Wars.
There were, as yet unstated, several issues that had to be addressed. The most pressing was that the Pride must be drawn on for exclusive trade dominion on all points of the Hydian Way from the Corporate Sector to the Core. Currently, too many factors troubled this. Pirate and smuggler activity was a nuissance, and the Rebel Alliance had on rare occassion imposed itself into predation upon starship traffic in the area. The nascent Nehantite trade presence in nearby sectors posed the most acute threat, small as it might be. Lastly the Hapan Consortium, though historically aloof, needed to be engaged at the very least diplomatically.
Other matters, such as the exchange of information and technology would no doubt become interesting topics as well. The Pride regarded itself as unassailable, but this was largely due to their very real ability to simply make war too expensive for their enemies. Their actual war infrastructure was behind by a generation, and any long-term interaction on the galactic stage would have to address this problem.
Feessanni Amarra
Feb 18th, 2010, 08:26:38 PM
The Captain stood in her proscribed position, silent and unmoving, blue eyes cast above the heads of the forrda to the saanja symbol wrought intricately in metal on the wall behind them. Her gaze followed the familiar pattern, her mind struggling to remember the words to the proper invocation.
Well. That wasn't good.
Setting the stray thought aside to examine later at her leisure, she once more let her gaze settle on the delegation before them. In her momentary lapse of attention, she'd only missed the formal greetings being passed back and forth, and the barely perceptible movement of conversation between the Mother and the Emissary. Feessanni would have arched a sculpted brow if she was anywhere but the iiss'grratta'Saanja, in the middle of anything except an important affair of state.
Blinking, her cerulean eyes settled briefly on Lord Ba'al, the mirror finish of his mask still highly unsettling. Unease stirred the peculiar fluttering sensation at the back of her mind once more, but this time she managed to control it. Her tail flicked in a seemingly random pattern that held meaning only for the guards under her command. The gesture was noted and discreetly passed around the room, putting everyone on attention as was proper.
Feb 25th, 2010, 04:08:35 AM
"I am honored to be so well received by your court." The dark side tugged at the Inquisitor, like the flicker of shadow behind candle light, their faces the flame, bright and showing but behind he could see the dancing dark in their emotions, revulsion, doubt, anger, even fear. The captain had mentioned their aversion to masks yet they were all hiding behind one of their own. Flesh made into stale looks of indifference, maybe even a smile, if they could summon it.
"Your people have no doubt noticed the change occurring beyond your boarders. Heard the rumors of Imperial warlords splitting from the Empire. Taken note of the rumbling of discontent amidst the worlds of our galaxy, or more notable to you, the outer rim and the Hydian way."
Though his face was hidden behind a mask, his voice was clear, a hint of electronics lingered but the depth and clarity boomed more like cold iron.
"I have come here to appeal to your instincts. We offer you the chance to share in these changes that sweep through the blackness of our space. Ours is a movement born from the ire of many worlds left in the wake of the Empires tyranny. Such a concept I'm sure you have no empathy for, but I know your people don't thrive in these times, not under Imperial law. I know the Corporate Sector at the end of the Hydian way dictate what you can or cannot trade, and for what price. I know your ships are just as liable to be confiscated by the Empire as they are pirates."
Tear paused, sliding back the cowl that half obscured his masked visage.
"On behalf of the Independents we wish to extent a hand to the Cizerack. Join with us."
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Mar 8th, 2010, 09:34:27 PM
The Emissary spoke, conveying a concern that had been shared by his mistress.
"jYou arre correct, we have ljittle to gajin frrom complete jImperrjial domjinjion. The Corrporrate Ssectorr arre a perrennjial annojyance forr uss. That ssajid, jyou musst underrsstand ourr naturral apprrehenssjion at jyourr rrequesst. Two Motherrss beforre, we rrecjieved a ssjimjilarr ssuch call to arrmss underr the Confederracjy."
He quirked an eyebrow.
"Ourr chojice to ssupporrt them prroved unwjise. The warr cosst uss grreatljy, even wjithout outrrjight jImperrjial rretrrjibutjion."
His ears rose slightly as he spoke, keen to hear what the former Imperial could say to tip the balance. Though it would be a hard sell, it was inwardly one that Keerrourri was intrigued by.
"jI do not thjink the Empjirre wjill forrgjive uss a ssecond tjime, trradjing parrtnerr orr not. Afterr all, jyou, ahem - thejy, parrdon me - have desstrrojyed Alderraan and countlesss otherr worrldss, ssome even lojyal to the Emperrorr."
Interlacing his fingers together, he continued to speak with a calm, curious inflection.
"Mjy Mjisstrresss would assk of ssubsstantjial actss of fajith asss collaterral forr an jinvesstment of thjiss naturre. jI trrusst jyou arre rreceptjive to hearr them?"
Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Mar 9th, 2010, 03:43:57 PM
Kia sat languidly on the grratta'Saanja, her eyes hooded as she watched this Lorrrd Ba'al intently. What would he say in answer to their questions? The Pride had many supplicants wishing to align their sectors with the Cluster's power.
Some, however, had come only to spy out the famed Cana'darri Shipyards where the clenched fist of the Hunter Forces was forged. Was Ba'al a supplicant or a spy?
Feessanni Amarra
Mar 18th, 2010, 02:33:54 PM
The Huntress shifted her stance, her mind at long last becoming still and clear. She breathed deeply, her attention newly focused on the proceedings once more. The unsettled feeling in her stomach, however, did not dissipate as she had hoped.
Hmm. Her instincts had never been off before, though she supposed there would always be a first time. But this Lorrrd Ba'al...was not even showing the Mother the proper obeisance. And yet he still had the temerity to propose such an allegiance.
Feesanni's bright gaze focused on the Mother and Her Emissary, her posture perfect and her entire being perfectly still even as a slight breeze stirred the air in the iiss'grratta'Saanja.
Jun 27th, 2010, 11:25:29 AM
"Your worlds would be the first I've ever known to blessed with the Empires 'forgiveness'. You know, just as well as I, that the Empire does not forgive, or forget.
Your people tread a dangerously narrow edge high above an abyss. You can hold your breathe, close your eyes, pray to your gods if it comforts you and continue treading that line. Maybe the Empire will continue to ignore your presence. Maybe, many years from now, your nation will remain whole."
The Pride Mother tried to remain still through the mechanical whine of the protocol droids rough translations. Though she could not see them upon her. The feeling of Lord Ba'al's eyes set against her own as he spoke gave her a creeping feeling of uncertainty.
"But don't be mistaken. Your people will not thrive, not beneath the shadow of the Empire. Like any life form that prospers so fiercely in the sun you will be left to wither in casted darkness. A forgotten people. A cliff note, scribed in fading ink in a tattered book on top of a dusty shelf." Tear spoke calmly but his voice struck with conviction, the mask transmitting the sound as if his throat was coated in iron.
"You say you have much to risk by making this choice. I humbly suggest you are mistaken. One day you may overstep your bounds with the Empire. Your people will slip on this dangerous precipice they currently stand upon and when they do, that waiting abyss, the one that dwells beneath you all, will finally swallow you up.
You mentioned before the Empire has destroyed entire worlds. Even those loyal to the Emperor. What chance does that give your people? What risk is left? The risk you take is one that would ensure your children a legacy. You guarantee them a chance to fight for survival."
Tear paused then. A small but sudden realization from his dealings with the Vigo Sasseeri Reeouurra. Stirring their spirits or calming their doubts may put some of their apprehension at bay but these creatures were largely merchants. Material, wealth, and profit reigned in this kingdom laced with gold.
His jaw clenched beneath the mask. "I will hear your requests."
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jul 2nd, 2010, 07:32:57 PM
With a look from Mother Feessaarro, the Emissary stepped forward and presented a dataslip to Lord Ba'al, easing it toward him with exact grace as he bowed slightly at the waist. Everything in the court was carried out with expected amounts of pomp.
The datapad would contain itemized requests the Cizerack government had debated on for weeks prior to this meeting. It outlined technological transparity and military austerity, in effect to augment and modernize the Pride navy's capabilities to achieve a better degree of parity with the Imperial standard.
Second was a request to pledge, upon successful military campaigining, to place the Empire's Corporate Sector Authority into Cizerack receivership. This was to satisfy the felinoid nation's long-standing need for vindication at what they considered a concerted Imperial effort to stifle their natural trade influence.
Third was a petition for exclusive trade enforcement of the Hydian way and other space lanes the Confederacy annexed into its collective form.
Jul 29th, 2010, 02:57:39 AM
For all the flourish the Cizerack displayed Tear reflected the exact opposite. His gaze holding steady on the Queen. Keeping her in sharp focus. Dark emotions, fear, apprehension, even annoyance were cracks in the mortar that the Inquisitor could use to seep into ones psyche. So he pressed, oozing into her flesh until the young Queen would feel nauseous. Her stomach filled with one big pestilent knot.
Then with as little movement as possible Tear reached out and accepted the data pad. While at the same time uncoiling his intangible grip on the Cizerack Pride Mother. She would take an audible gasp, one that might catch a brief glance or two, but no one would dare linger. Relief would then would wash away the sickness that had crawled across her skin like a thousand long legged spiders. Strange, even ridiculous, relief at the idea that the stranger who bore a mask would consider their proposal.
Without looking down the former Grand Inquisitor would instead raise the pad up to read. Making sure to keep the felines in his field of vision. Their reactions, however small, were best not missed in negotiations.
Then something harsh sounding. Something guttural and deep, air forced from the back of the throat, then spit out between a thick slimy tongue pressed against the roof of a great reptiles maw. Vowels and consonance spoken with such rough volume that any curious Cizerack regretfully bent their ears back from the dead language. Naberius spoke from behind his lord. "What of their demands?"
"What was expected from merchants." For those that listened it would seem Lord Ba'al responded in the same alien language. The vowels still rang wetly but were some how spoken more gently, falling from his iron voice more like a song then Naberius's growl.
Tear lowered the data pad. "Your proposals are acceptable in concept. Of course we will have to define details before finalizing an agreement." He spoke directly to the Queen. Unsure if responding to her servant would incite some cultural faux pas.
Kiattaarra Feessaarro
Jul 29th, 2010, 10:05:49 PM
She felt nauseous, and shifted a tiny bit on the throne. Had she eaten something bad? Kia looked sideways discretely, moving only her eyes, checking to see if the royal food taster was ill, but the female seemed fine. As Lord Ba'al took the datapad from Keer, the nausea left her as suddenly as it had come about.
She managed to keep herself from gasping, one was not a Feessaarro if one could not control ones own body. Still the relief was almost tangible, and she felt glad that Ba'al was going to look over their proposal. What if he had refused?
The moment was ruined when the lizard forrda growled loudly, his words incomprehensible and harsh. Lord Ba'al replied in the same language, and Kia allowed herself a tiny frown.
"Your proposals are acceptable in concept. Of course we will have to define details before finalizing an agreement."
She smiled slightly. <"You may work with the Emissary to hash out the details. He speaks with the Voice of the Pride.">
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Jul 30th, 2010, 04:20:46 PM
Sarrtarroa's realization didn't have to wait for the translator. He wore a polite smile that coincided with his feelings rather nicely. The first stumbling block of this new era had been cleared. Now, the real work would begin to cement a working bond with this...Lord Ba'al and his former Imperial comrades.
Turning to face his mistress, Sarrtarroa dipped lowly in a bow to acknowledge her command.
"Sai'tuura nal e' maala'nee, Sura'Rrou'Fai. jI wjill do asss jyou command, alwajyss and forreverr."
Rising, he adjusted his stiff jacket somewhat, giving a turn to face Lord Ba'al again.
Aug 7th, 2010, 01:07:26 PM
The Carshoulis cluster had remained largely a mystery to the Empire. Their xenophobic tendencies had always made intelligence gathering through espionage nearly impossible. Adding to this was the detriment of trying to assimilate a culture that was so vastly different from the Imperial standard. A caste system, with deep seeded religious beliefs. All of which were built into every facet of their living. It was a wonder the Empire had ignored them for as long as they did. As cultures with more in common had been wiped out for far less.
She smiled slightly. <"You may work with the Emissary to hash out the details. He speaks with the Voice of the Pride.">
"Pompous creatures. She insults you." Naberius once again layered a growl into the strange alien tongue he spoke.
"Maybe." Tear replied flatly while eyeing the Queen.
Tear had arrived with empty hands. An Inquisitor with no upper hand knowledge of what he came to face. Coming to prostrate himself in order to achieve an alliance with a xenophobic nation. It was an uncomfortable disadvantage but, despite the regal facade of still faces and fake smiles, this court had revealed much.
Their Queen held power. That much was clear. But was it earned or passed down by heritage? One didn't need to be force sensitive to read her body language. She had sunk low into her throne, shoulder drooping, with an edge of constant irritation rolling across her features. Was she simply the figure head for another?
Tear turned to the Cizerack Emissary. "Are these details something you wish to discuss in front of your court?"
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Aug 8th, 2010, 05:48:18 PM
Sarrtarroa met his mistress's gaze, catching the unspoken message she signed to him casually. There was no need to risk stoking her ire with the aliens in the presence of the court. He returned his attention to the ex-Imperial leader.
"Lord Ba'al, we have a djiplomatjic towerr adjacent to the palace. Pleasse come, we welcome jyourr prressence to djisscusss the terrmss of ourr cooperratjion."
The Emissary gestured to a formation of honor guard, ready to escort them to the hovering bridge between the two large buildings. Inwardly, he was relieved to be able to address the Imperial leader man to man. He thought this method would prove more substantive than having to placate the Pride Mother. He was still not immune from her whims, if they proved to be demanding again, but the danger had somewhat abated.
Aug 11th, 2010, 01:39:25 PM
Tear stepped in line with the Cizerack Emissary following his lead across the bridge and into the tower. Naberius loomed in his lords wake like some giant mutated shadow while the black protocol droid they had brought did it's best to shuffle at pace with the group. A moment of silence past with little more then the soft clank of the honor guards weapons and the echo of varied foot steps.
Like a sheet of gravel sliding over glass the half breed Trandoshan spoke up first. "Try not to be offended when I ask this Emissary," His massive snout dropping down from height to eye the Cizerack face to face. "But I haven't quite familiarized myself with your race to pick out the details of age in your faces. How old is your Queen?"
"Naberius." Tear chided the reptile in a tone just above indifference. This reacted play was not something new to the pair in diplomatic exchanges. Naberius would take the side of the devil's advocate. Toeing the line where a bold declarations might offend. Asking the questions Tear had in mind but could hamper a working relationship if he asked them himself.
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Aug 13th, 2010, 04:54:09 PM
"jI'll allow jit."
The Emissary waved off the concern from Tear. Sarrtarroa was certainly no fool, and knew that Mother Feessarro's age would play into some amount of bargaining between the two factions.
"Ourr Grreat Motherr jiss ejighteen jyearrss old."
He waited for some sign of objection to the propriety of putting a teenager on the throne. His blue eyes moved from Naberius to Tear. With a polite smile, he continued.
"Sshe hass been well trrajined to lead frrom bjirrth, and hass learrned frrom mjysself asss jI held powerr forr herr jin sstewarrdsshjip asss Sor'Arr'Fai."
He was careful to interject his own person into the topic, to remind them that even for a leader so young, experience was within earshot.
Aug 23rd, 2010, 02:32:31 AM
Tear's head canted to the side in curious fashion. Raising royalty from birth was not surprising but he couldn't help but relate in some small form. Tear's own childhood having been horrifically groomed for a predestined path.
"That's reassuring." A lie. "For those who have experience know some lessons can be costly ones. It's my hope your queen can avoid learning that." Naberius satisfied, raised back to his full height and out of the Emissary's face.
Tear slowed to a halt causing the group to follow suit. He paused then, even behind the mask his posture gave the impression he was contemplating something. "My people have constructed several war academies across various worlds. We will construct one within your boarders. Our instructors will teach your people what they need to know about Imperial technology and our foundries will supply your Pride with the parts to modernize your fleet."
It was an expensive proposition. Updating an alien navy. Teaching it's people to understand and better yet, excel at utilizing unfamiliar technologies. Manufacturing large quantities of retrofitted weapons and computer systems. The Cizerack were quickly turning into a costly investment.
"E-V0 you've been listening?" Tear twisted back, sparing a look at the black protocol droid which stood humbly behind Naberius.
The droid peered around the reptiles massive form. "Yes master. I have constructed an appropriate document" It reached forward, a small data pad held within it's tactical fingers.
The Inquisitor took the pad, tapped it once in review, then nodded and handed it over to the Cizerack Emissary. The pad detailed how the Independents would meet the Cizerack Prides first request in modernizing their navy. The construction of the academy with an emphasis on it doubling as a joint military research installation.
"Of course many details would need to be finalized once the proper Cizerack military variables are accounted." The droid commented.
"As for the Prides Corporate Sector grievances," Again, the protocol droid stepped forward with another data pad in hand. This one, however, skipped Tear's review and was handed directly to the Emissary. It outlined a tactical assessment and invasion plans involving assumed Cizerack forces.
Tear waited a moment until Keerrourri had finishing reading the new pad. "I think we can promise the Corporate Sector will pay for their historic transgressions against your people. I cannot, however, promise full receivership of a territory not yet in my control.
As well, I cannot promise the petition for the Pride to exclusively control trade along major Independent space lanes." Tear thought he caught the slightest flicker of the Emissary's tail at the opposition of the trade enforcement clause. "Such things are decided by the Council of Independents. As a founding member though you would be represented and have voice to sway decisions regarding trade enforcement."
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Aug 30th, 2010, 06:49:22 PM
Sarrtarroa expressed the required amount of disappointment. There was some expected amount of push-back from the Cizerack proposals. He was not naive about the way these talks transpired.
The ex-Imperial's point on the Corporate Sector was understandable, though he still bristled at his counterpart's refusal to a conceptual spoils system on the issue of the Authority. Instead, he chose to focus his attention on the last part of the counter-offer.
"Lorrd Ba'al, jI would ljike to ssee morre jin terrmss of how much trrade jinfluence ourr Prrjide jiss jintended to have jin ourr grreat unjion. Mjy Mjisstrresss would tolerrate nothjing lesss than perrmanent veto sstatuss on all matterrss of trrade."
Tucking the datapads away after nodding in agreement, the Emissary continued to escort the entourage to the meeting hall, at last arriving in a more intimate setting to discuss issues. He waved with his hand in a slightly conciliatory gesture.
"The rresst, jI am confjident we can djisscusss wjith an open mjind."
Waiting for his guests to be seated, he himself took his own seat. The honor guard silently stood at attention as the heavy door closed.
"Now, asss much asss jI enjojy the ssubject, let uss talk of otherr thjingss. jYou djid not come herre to assk uss to help jyou make warr on the Corrporrate Ssectorr. jI am cerrtajin that jiss onljy the begjinnjing, no?"
Sep 1st, 2010, 01:48:38 AM
Tear's masked face twisted in a puzzled fashion. "I came to the Cizerack to join us in an inevitable war against the Empire. The Corporate Sector is only a small step in a much larger dance." The former Inquisitor straightened. "A step, I might add, that you brought to the floor. One that I was simply prepared to accept."
Naberius had declined to sit. Instead making himself into an imposing tower of black robes rooted at his masters side. The wet intermittent sound of his tongue slithering out to taste the air ever present. On the other side of Tear was the black protocol droid E-V0 with its optics dutifully sunk into a data pad and it's fingers persistently plucking away.
"You are correct though Emissary. War is just the beginning."
Despite the fact the Cizerack Emissary had so eloquently shifted the conversation Tear's own thoughts lingered elsewhere. The present issue of leadership within the Cizerack. The need to find an anchor within it's hierarchy. One that the former Inquisitor could rely upon.
The conversation paused. The Cizerack's ears eagerly open and forward in hopes Tear would continue to elaborate on his previous comment. "Tell me about yourself Emissary and start with your name. Unless you wish to continue to be referred to as a title."
Keerrourri Feessaarro
Sep 5th, 2010, 01:25:35 PM
"Emjissarrrjy majy verrjy well be mjy name. jYou arre unfamjiljiarr wjith ourr wajyss, sso jI wjill explajin."
Steepling his fingers together before him, he continued.
"Mjy name jiss Keerrourri Sarrtarroa. Mjy lasst name jiss that of ourr rrojyal housse of conssorrtss, sspecjifjicalljy trrajined to one dajy become the hand of ourr Grreat Motherrss. jI wass trrajined frrom a verrjy jyoung age jin all asspectss to do thjiss, and jI have sserrved thrree of ourr Grreat Motherrss ssjince the tjime of the Clone Warrss."
It was becoming apparent by Ba'al's line of questioning that he was coming to an understanding that they would be best served working together.
"Mjy sserrvjice to the Prrjide and mjy people jiss long and djisstjingujisshed, Lorrd Ba'al."
Sep 7th, 2010, 03:06:11 PM
"I appreciate the clarification Emissary Sarrtarroa. Chalk it up the trivialities of translations. I thought your Queen referred to you as The Emissary of her Pride. Thus my confusion at an implied title.
The rest was fascinating though. What little knowledge I have of your culture is seemingly inadequate. Its these smaller intricacies that I and seemingly the rest of the galaxy have missed out on. You'll understand I hope our alliance to be the point of inspiration for a great many things. A sharing of cultures being one of them."
Tear remained still for a moment. Behind the mask his eyes were closed in concentration. His jaw open and relaxed as his focus shifted beyond the underlying subtext and posturing. Searching through the flesh of Keerrourri Sarrtarroa's trained body. The Cizerack kept his ticks and mannerisms all locked away while manufacturing false ones to use as a tools when he saw fit. He was an artist. The conversation his canvas. The spoken word his colors and his tongue a brush. But if Keerrourri was an artist Tear was a connoisseur. Having worked as an Imperial agent and as an Inquisitor it meant the former Imperial had a broad palette for the taste of deception, wherever it might linger.
Deception, however, was not the point in Tear's intangible pressings. He searched for an answer of faith in the Cizerack. Could he be trusted? Would this Keerrourri Sarrtarroa be the key in bridging a gap of mistrust between two vastly different cultures. Could he hold the burden of secrets and the dragging cost of war on his conscious?
Tear's eyes snapped opened from behind his mask. "Long and distinguished? I'm intrigued, tell me more."
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