View Full Version : Toxicity and the Blue Devils

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 17th, 2010, 02:17:39 PM

There is a traitor in the Rebel Alliance. A group of Imperial spies, codenamed Cavalier, is secretly plotting to destroy the Alliance from within through any means necessary. They have positioned themselves in high-ranking positions within Rebel Intelligence, giving them access to several highly classified areas hardly anyone has access too. They know everything from personnel changes to fleet movements. As well as the scheduled of the High Council.

But the 'Toxic Six', as they've been called by the Rebels, are being hunted. Directed by Rebel SpecsOps head 'The Black Man' (who has his own secrets), Rebel agents Estelle Russard, Milivikal k'Vik and Aurelias Kazaar have traveled everywhere from Victory-class Star Destroyers (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18771) to a relay station (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=19159) near Rhen Var to both Mrlsst and Sullust (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=19643). Along the way, the three have discovered traitors, politicians, kidnapped generals and analysts.

More recently, Russard, along with Sub-Director of Analysis Santiago Cristobal, headed to Mrlsst to track down Station Head Marie Thomsdottir, while Kazaar and k'Vik went to Sullust to track down General Wayneright Thomsdottir and his two sons. All four were suspected of being traitors, thanks to a cryptic message placed in an Imperial transmission. After a testy meeting with Wayneright Thomsdottir, Kazaar and k'Vik found themselves in the middle of an Imperial attack on the base and had to save both themselves and the base. They were able to fight off the Imperials and keep the base intact, but were unable to find a traitor. Instead they discovered the target of the 'Toxic Six': Chancellor Mon Razien...the head of the Rebel Alliance.

Meanwhile, Russard and Cristobal ran into several brick walls while investigating Marie Thomsdottir. The first was from Cristobal himself, who had known Marie for quite some time and appeared uneasy in believing she was indeed a traitor. The second was from Thomsdottir, who wasn't willing to divulge certain incriminating evidence about herself. Russard and Cristobal also had to deal with burgeoning feelings towards each other as Cristobal kissed Estelle in an attempt to keep several Mrlssi security guards away (something Milivikal k'Vik will not be too happy about, given her own feelings towards Estelle).

In the end, they discovered Marie Thomsdottir was indeed a traitor, who had just sent several undercover Imperials on a mission called 'Operation: Blue Devils'. Marie was taken into custody, but overpowered two Rebel guards and escaped. Estelle pursued her towards the Mrlssi spaceport only to watch as Thomsdottir made it to her ship...and promptly be blown to bits by a bomb. Their only lead into who was behind the 'Toxic Six' had now been killed...

Mrlsst: Now:

Estelle couldn't believe it. What was it, o'week, two weeks since she'd been here on Mrlsst tryin' t'track down Marie Thomsdottir. An' now her investigation'd been blow t'hell much like Thomsdottir's Z-95 Headhunter. She uttered o'pretty unladylike curse (blamin' Aurelias f'her language) and ran forward. Could be Thomsdottir somehow survived the explosion, even though Estelle doubted it.

Her comm *clicked*. It was Santiago. "Estelle. I just saw the smoke. What the devil happened?"

"It's Thomsdottir. She's dead."

Cristobal somehow kept his voice pretty tame. "Did you...?"

"What? Do it. No I didn't do Santiago. I got here in time to watch her ship take off and then it all of a sudden blew up. She's gone Cristobal." Estelle felt like throwing her hands up in th'air in frustration. "And we've got nothing but some weird 'Blue Devil' name."

"What about the other team? Didn't you say another team went to Sullust?"

"That's true, but I haven't heard from them since we got here. Who knows what the bloody bantha is going on there."

She could hear the smile in Santiago's voice. "Calm down. I'll be there in a few minutes and we can file our report. And wait for more orders." He signed off.

Russard was pissed, 'bout the entire damn thing. Th'investigation. Thomsdottir even escaping in th'first place. And the fact she had t'figure out if Cristobal either liked 'er or didn't like her. So damn confusing.

Her comm *chirped* again. "WHAT?!?"

A sorta engine-like laughter came from th'other side. "What, Kid, ya ain't happy t'see me?"

"Aurelias? Where are you?"

"Still on Sullust. Gettin' ready t'get th'frack outta 'ere."

Estelle wanted to ask how Kazaar was talkin' t'her, then figured he was bouncin' his signal off her ship, Apparition's own comm center. Sometimes Kazaar seemed pretty smart forra blockhead.

"Our lead's shot, Aurelias." Her voice was hot with anger. "Marie was a traitor but she just got herself blown to smithereens."

"Figures. Frackin' Empire coverin' their Force-damned tracks. Get ya ass back t'Mon Calamari, Kid. Imps're after Razien. Hell, they prob'ly started their move now..."

Estelle Russard
Jan 17th, 2010, 06:21:26 PM
Talk about a one-two combo. Estelle was still reeling from the explosion that had catapulted Marie Thomsdottir into the realm of anti-matter, their investigation along with her, when Kazaar hit her with the news about Mon Razien.

This new threat, or in fact, the revealing of the old one, had just ante'd up the pot considerably and what had been a tricky mole-hunt had, from this moment, become an intervention mission.

Was the plan kidnap? Assassination? Either concept made Estelle shudder. If the Toxic Six could reach Mon Razien, what else could they do?

Kazaar's update had been as abrupt as the man himself, directly to the point and with a complete absence of emotional excess. Right now, that was probably the best thing given the circumstances.

Russard called Cristobal. "We're to regroup with the others. We leave immediately."

Even before she heard Santiago respond through the comm, he appeared around the entrance of the spaceport and Estelle felt bolstered by the sight of him. She was, not for the first time, glad that he was here. She closed the distance to where he was and he could read easily how Marie's demise had effected her. He took her hand.

She stated, "We're to meet up on Mon Cal. The news isn't good"

Santiago Cristobal
Mar 13th, 2010, 03:12:44 PM
"What do we know?" Santiago asked, giving an almost pitying look towards the still burning wreckage. He felt bad knowing Thomsdottir was dead. She'd been his friend for a long time and had been a good spy. But, he was starting to realise, even good spies made mistakes.

"Razien's in danger." Estelle answered, her eyes still hot with anger. She followed Santiago's eyes towards where most of Thomsdottir's remains were probably burning. As much as Russard was furious at Marie's demise, she couldn't help but feeling a certain sense of justice at it. Not like Kazaar (who got off on killing as many Imperials as possible) but in the sense that Thomsdottir deserved to die for all the deaths she'd created.

Cristobal's eyes narrowed. "The 'Blue Devils'..."

"Are after Razien." She flicked on her comlink. "R0Di, prepare The Apparition for transport..."

"Estelle." Santiago placed a hand on her shoulder.

She brushed him off without thinking. "We'll need to plot the quickest route to Mon Cal."

"Estelle." Santiago was more forceful. "The Mrlssi police are coming."

Russard stopped a minute. They'd be prevented from leaving if they just cut and run. But being questioned would delay them even further. She closed her eyes, the gears in her mind turning as quick as can be. "R0Di...I want you to backlog a transmission to my datapad. Use the OP identity."

R0Di's answer was questioning. "Come up with an emergency reason for us to be here. Family...Hurry."

Cristobal's arms encircled her body and he turned Estelle to face him. He had an idea where this might go but wanted to make sure Russard was ready for it. When he saw her eyes watering, he knew she was.

The first Mrlssi police officer had just come on scene. He was comically shorter than both human, but still carried himself with as much authority as his frame could. Especially since he carried a nasty-looking pike-type weapon in his clawed hand.

The officer hadn't even started to speak, when Cristobal interrupted him. "Thank the Force you're here officer. My fiance was coming to our ship when this one all of a sudden crashed."

Estelle took over from there. "It...It was horrible." She blustered without going too far. "I'd just gotten a message saying my Mom was dying on Coruscant. She's got Quannot's Syndrome. (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Quannot%27s_Syndrome) I was headed to make sure all of things were packed on our ship when it happened."

The Mrlssi looked from one human to the other. "I'm sorry. This must be hard for you. Do you have a copy of the message Miss..."

"Fleance. Ophelia Fleance." Estelle wiped away tears from her brown eyes. "Here's a copy of the message."

The officer looked it over. "And all you saw was the ship crash?"

Estelle nodded.

"How about you?" The question was directed towards Santiago. "Where were you?"

Cristobal sheepishly smiled. "I was at our hotel room. O had packed earlier so I was just making sure I hadn't forgotten anything."

"Do you have receipts for it?"

"Not with me. I'm sure the hotel would though. It's the Genevie near the university district. I checked in under the name Cal Larroca."

"Do you need anything else from us? I really want to be with my mother." Estelle's eyes started watering again and she looked like she would burst into tears again.

She's a fantastic actress. Not overdoing it...I can see why 'The Black Man' likes her. She's got a great future.

The officer handed the message back to them. "Very well. But keep in contact. We may have questions for you further."

"Of course." Cristobal nodded. "Come on O. Let's go."

"Wait, officer." Estelle turned. "Thank you."

If the Mrlssi could have smiled, both were certain he would have. As the two Rebels darted for their ship, Estelle couldn't help but feel guilty for having lied to him. But keeping Razien alive was important. No matter what happened. And they'd do what they could to make sure the Rebellion didn't lose another important member. Not with the three-year anniversary of the second Death Star coming up...

"We won't fail Estelle." Cristobal smiled at her. "We can't."

Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 13th, 2010, 05:13:20 PM
The Flying Dutchman: En route to Mon Calamari

Kazaar'd been pacin' for th'last hour. Wasn't the best way t'spend ya time doin' stuff, but he'd cleaned 'Th'Twins, his two Bryar Blasters, then made sure 'Ava', his rail detonator, was clean too. One o'those things. Ya had t'make sure ya tools worked or ya were fracked. In more ways than one.

Birdy'd disappeared soon as they got back t'th'Dutchman. She'd been pretty quiet since th'battle with th'Imps. Prob'ly enjoying havin' o'lightsaber again. Even if it wasn't hers. 'Course, Ash never'd told Kazaar t'get rid o'the damn thing. Just kept it 'round f'sentimental stuff. Anna reminder o'what he'd lost. Same reason why he'd kept Bren's speeder model when Delly'd given it t'im. O'reminder.

Th'ex-bounty hunter leaned against th'Dutchman's bulkhead an' let cigar smoke curl outta his mouth. Tickled 'is nose'n eyes as it wafted up towards th'air filters. Helluva cigar. Damn frackin' good cigar. Spicy, strong...leathery. Just th'kinda thing he needed before goin' and savin' Mon 'frackin' Razien.

Damn Imps decided t'make their move. They were pretty frackin' ambitious, takin' o'shot at Razien. Had t'admit, their stones were worth admiring. A snort. Yeh frackin' right. Imps' frackin' bureaucracy would prob'ly frack the entire damn thing up. Which wasn't o'bad thing. Hell, best thing that could happen. 'Less this 'Toxic Six' group was as good as they seemed like it. Takin' out their loose ends. Makin' it seem like Wayneright Thomsdottir was involved when it was really Marie, th'frackin' Chief of Station on Mrlsst.

Frackin' ambitious.

Meant they'd hafta learn Razien's frackin' schedule. An' his schedulers weren't bein' too forthcomin' 'bout it. 'Least that's what Othy'd said.

"Thought ya had access t'every frackin' thing the Rebellion does?" Kazaar'd given o'dirty smirk at 'The Black Man' when he'd 'touched base.' Guy sure liked his frackin' secrets.

"Razien has recently changed secretaries." Man Kazaar'n his partners' new as 'Othniel' scowled back at 'im. "With the potential danger, all schedules are floated directly towards the communications director for the Council.

"Lemme guess...ain't bein' too frackin' 'communicative'."

'Nother scowl before Othy'd cut th'transmission off. "I'm working on it."

Kazaar smirked 'gain. Guess th'guy did have limits t'his influence. Sure as hell didn't seem like it at times. Guy knew o'helluva lot an' pulled o'lotta strings. Frackin' politics.

"Hey Birdy." Decided it was time t'stop k'Vik's meditatin'. He pounded on 'er door. "What th'frack ya doin' in there? Ya ain't lookin' at holos o'th'Kid are ya? Ain't sure she'd like that."

Milivikal k'Vik
Mar 17th, 2010, 04:10:42 PM
Mili was not deep in personal contemplation, as Kazaar had implied. She had a funk-jazz ensemble playing quietly through a headset while she looked over Ash’s lightsaber. It lay on the floor in front of her, while she sat, legs crossed. One could read a great deal into a person through a lightsaber. It was uncommon to have this sort of opportunity to examine another’s approach of honest self-expression. A lightsaber embodied hopes and fears at the time of creation. At times of intense conflict, they were frequently laced with extra power, stronger materials, and other reflections of the time. At times of peace, they were more artful and delicate. Ash’s was simple, but there were touches that offered insight into her angle on life.

She lifted a pair of fingers, and the door moved open for the bounty hunter. She regarded him with her ice cold, ice blue eyes.

“You are inconsiderate swine, Aurelias Kazaar.” She said, each word annunciated carefully. “But if it makes you happy, I’ll be three fingers toward euphoria next time, with Estelle’s likeness lifesized before me.” She stuck three slender fingers up and licked them sensuously.

Kazaar lifted an eyebrow. “Now Birdy...”

“Fuck you, Kazaar. Learn a little decency.” She said. Her tone dripped menace.

“Do you do this to everyone who gets a little close to someone who matters in life? You shove them about verbally and pound on their doors?” The saber rolled into her hand. Milivikal stood. Kazaar found himself pressed firmly up against the wall, unlit weapon against his chest, and Mili’s hand behind it.

“I wanted to discuss this...” she gave the weapon and extra shove, “...but I suppose it shall wait 'til we feel civility.” Kazaar dropped softly to the floor, and Mili stalked away like a prodded Nexu.

Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 17th, 2010, 05:08:04 PM
“Do you do this to everyone who gets a little close to someone who matters in life? You shove them about verbally and pound on their doors?”

Th'frack? Kazaar crossed 'is arms an' looked upward. Dames.

"What?" He almost snarled after Birdy. "Ya prefer me t'just sit 'round on my ass an' try t'figure out what th'frack's goin' on in there. Ya happen t'have o'crush on our frackin' partner. And ya happen t'be lookin' atta lightsaber that belonged t'someone who mattered a helluva lot t'me."

k'Vik turned around, her eyes still dangerous. "You gave this to me."

"Damn right I did." Kazaar spat back. He was playin' with fire but didn't care. Was gonna come t'this at some point. "We were goin' against o'frackin Imp army. Ya Force users are all 'bout ya lightsabers'n stuff. Ya sure as hell can handle yaself pretty frackin' well, but I figured ya'd prefer that cold steel 'stead ovva blaster. Was I doin' ya a favor? Hell no, I gave ya that frackin' thing 'cause what I know 'bout Force users (whether they're o'frackin' Jedi orra frackin' Force-damned Sith) is they like their lightsabers. Fact they like 'em too damn much."

Their eyes met inna steady gaze. "As for you'n Estelle. I don't givva frack. I'd sure as hell rather have th'Kid in ya arms than in that asshole Cristobal's. Guy's o'frackin' snake. Too much frackin' charm f'his own good. So ya wanna go nine rounds between th'sheets with 'er. Go right o'frackin' head. 'Least someone on this Force-damned mission'd be happy. Too much pain goin' round.

"Now...what'd ya wanna talk t'me 'bout the lightsaber?"

Estelle Russard
Mar 17th, 2010, 09:34:55 PM
The 'Apparition:' Enroute to Mon Calamari

Estelle arched her back and stretched her hands up in the air, releasing a satisfied "mmmmmm"

"Feel better?" Cristobal queried.

"Some.." Russard replied as he dropped into the co-pilot seat beside her and she sank once again into the flight posture she'd now been seated in for hours while navigating the Apparition on course to meet up with the Dutchman. Santiago pushed a cup of fresh tea into her slender hands, "Only a steaming bath will really get that crick out of your back, you know" he smiled at her and then, "Well, not only"

Russard dropped her eyes and grinned despite herself. They had been playing this game for some days now and she was finding herself almost at a place of expectation. She was pretty sure Cristobal felt the same way.

"It wont be long now til we catch up with the others" she said, deflecting the need for her to come up with any other response that might get her into trouble.

"Yes, of course, back to business"
There was amusement in his eyes when he spoke, but there was a hint of something more there too. He pushed her hair from off her shoulder in a strangely personal gesture and asked, "How long?"

She floundered her answer, "Not long--er--I mean, I could--"

Cristobal sensed immediately that he'd confounded her a little. Her hands held the cup a little tighter, her voice was not quite as steady.
He laughed softly and came to her rescue, "Couple hours maybe, til we hit Mon Cal, wouldn't you say? Seems like we made good time to me."

Estelle relaxed and leant her head forward, Santiago did the same and kissed her on the forehead. "Im such a loser" Estelle said with an embarressed smile.

"You really are" Cristobal grinned back.

Santiago Cristobal
Mar 20th, 2010, 03:20:56 PM
"I'm sorry." Estelle suddenly whispered. "I didn't think..."

Santiago smiled. She's so cute when she's embarrassed. "It's okay. It's okay. There's no harm or foul."

He pressed his forehead against hers and smiled, as if to emphasize the point and got up to go back to the communications console. "Have we heard from the Director on where we'll be meeting the others?"

Estelle turned around and followed Cristobal as if in a daze. She felt somewhat better that Cristobal had been so accepting of her embarrassment and nervousness around him. He wasn't Kazaar, who was about a abrasive and grating as you could get, but he wasn't some sort of overly sensitive type. He cared about others sure, but Cristobal could be forceful when the need arose. She liked him. A lot. And that was causing her head to get all mucked up.

"I'm sorry what?" Dammit!

Santiago smiled. "I was wondering if 'The Black Man' had said where we would be meeting the others."

Get yourself together Russard! She chided herself. "Uhh...no, no I haven't heard from him yet. I was thinking it could be the Hope for Chance but if the attempt on Razien won't be there."

"We'll need to find out where." Cristobal finished for her.

They both finished their tea and just stood there, staring at each other. It was the waiting which was becoming killer.

Cristobal started "Do you think--?"

"Yes." Estelle answered, without hearing what the question was.

Santiago smiled. "You want more tea?"

A blush. "Oh...I thought..." A sheepish smile.

She then noticed Santiago had gotten closer. "Yes?"

"You were going...to..."

Their lips met. Softly at first, then a bit harder.

It was about that time the comm chime went off. Once....twice...three times...

"I uh...better get it." Estelle said, not really meaning it.

"Yeah...yeah you better." Santiago said with the same conviction.

They kissed once more, longingly, then separated.

The female Rebel pressed the answer button, trying to look as composed as possible.


It was 'The Black Man'. Still no word on where the attack on Razien will be. I should have more information before you arrive."

"Any luck with Razien's secretary sir?" It was Cristobal who asked this.

"Nothing yet. I have a meeting with him soon. That should give us more information."

"Of course sir." Estelle answered, hoping 'Othniel' couldn't see her burning cheeks. "Anything else?"

'Othniel' looked like he was going to ask a question then decided otherwise. "No. I'll let you know when I find out. Base out."

Estelle and Santiago looked at each other. "Think he knew?" Estelle looked worried.

Cristobal smiled. "If he did, who cares. There aren't any regulations on fraternizing."

"Oh is that what this is?" Russard smiled back, her nervousness starting to fade away.

They looked at each other again. Then burst out laughing at the entire situation. Even with the head of the Rebellion in danger, the two couldn't help but laugh.

The Black Man
Mar 20th, 2010, 05:16:38 PM
The Hope For Change: In Orbit Over Mon Calamari:

'Othniel' was far from a laughing mood. He was running into wall after wall after wall trying to find out what Chief of State Razien and the rest of the council's schedule was for the next week. Normally, he received them first thing in the morning. Despite his organization's ability to wreak havoc on the Empire and their operations, most of the Council didn't trust him. It had been something 'The Black Man' had run into before with the previous Council (though mainly with the Bothans). Now it appeared their distrust was spreading throughout. That was why he had personally written a backdoor program into each of the Councilors individual computers. It gave him access to their schedules, who they talked to and what they had planned. Illegal yes, but no one was the wiser.

But ever since Razien's secretary had been found shot ( in a cargo bay there had been a push to have all schedules routed through the communications director for the Council, Ibahrim Morales. It was foolish strategy, but some council members viewed it as 'more efficient'. 'Othniel' or 'Director Cambyses' (as the Council knew him as) wanted to shoot whoever had come up with that idea.

Things had been changing in Alliance Command. Changes 'The Black Man' hadn't been told about or consulted on.

He was headed towards Council chambers again for another meeting with Morales, when a voice called out. "Mister Cambyses. Mister Cambyses you will stop when I call you."

'Othniel' put on a smile and turned to face the intruder. "Yes Councilor Sallian. I thought you had returned to Chandrila."

Kameis Sallian was 'The Black Man's' main nemesis on the Alliance Council. The man had taken over Mon Mothma's representation of Chandrila after her death three years ago and was slowly trying to turn the Council into something more than 'just' advisers to the Chief of State. Something both Razien and the others on the Council recognized. But Sallian had considerable influence on the Council. Which meant, while his efforts were unappreciated, Sallian still had his supporters. Which was making life for the Director of Special Operations even more difficult.

"Not yet." Sallian responded curtly. "Hoping I was gone so you could plan my demise?"

Othniel didn't take the bait. "I'm only on my way to speak with the Council's secretary."

The Chandrilan scoffed. "Attempting to weasel even more power for yourself then. I should have guessed as much. I don't know why...you seem to wield a fair amount already."

Sallian pulled a datapad out of his jacket pocket and gave a triumphant smile. "Take this message from Sullust I received three days ago. From one General Wayneright Thomsdottir...it reads:

"Dear Councilor Sallian,

I'm writing to inform you of a most horrifying visit I received. A man, claiming to be from General Dan's camp recently came into my office. He was most uncouth and threatened both me and my sons with disgrace.

It was quite obvious this 'Major White' was not a member of General Dan's fleet or that he had any knowledge of military protocol. I want this incident investigated by the proper channels and whoever authorized this questioning punished severely.

Your friend,

General Wayneright Thomsdottir"

Sallian looked up at 'Othniel'. "One of yours?"

'The Black Man' didn't reply. He knew sending Kazaar on the mission was dangerous, especially with his personality. And he knew Kazaar blurred the line between antagonistic and just being an ass fairly well. What 'Othniel' hadn't known was Thomsdottir's connection to Sallian. The man may have been a politician, but he hadn't played all of his cards.

Sallian's smile made him look like a grackelcat (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Grackelcat) hunting its prey. "And to think Keff Base lost communications shortly after that. You wouldn't have anything to do with that now would you?"

"If you'd read the reports Councilor." 'The Black Man' answered. "You'd know it was attacked by the Empire. An attack which was repulsed."

"After extreme loss of life and the failure of the base's security system...you can see where the problems arise."

'Othniel' saw where this was heading. Sallian had long been mistrustful of his efforts to help the Rebellion. Because he'd only given his name as 'Cambyses', some on the Council viewed him as just an interloper. He'd never given them any reason as to why he didn't give his real name. Or what his job with the Empire had been. Only that he was a former Imperial who decided to defect to the Alliance. 'The Black Man' never gave any reasons. He didn't expect there needed to be any.

Mon Mothma, Crix Madine and Admiral Ackbar had recognized this. Razien did as well. But Sallian didn't. He was a true politician who had to know everything. And that was causing problems.

"Why are you bringing this up, Councilor. Out here, instead of either inside my office or in Council chambers?"

Sallien's gracklecat smile remained. "So it would be known what you were facing, the next time you decide to hack into our computer systems to get our schedules. I will bring that up. And you will be removed."

The two men glared at each other, before the politician smiled again and walked off.

Mar 23rd, 2010, 11:58:43 PM
The woman was halfway around the corner when the sharp voices caught her ears.

"And to think Keff Base lost communications shortly after that." One spoke with righteous indignation. "You wouldn't have anything to do with that now would you?"

"If you'd read the reports Councilor." The other reply was sharp but more resolute. "You'd know it was attacked by the Empire. An attack which was repulsed."

The first one chimed in again. "After extreme loss of life and the failure of the base's security system...you can see where the problems arise."

She smiled as the rest of the conversation played out. Her plan was working. It had almost been an accident, finding the hidden traces of code within some of the Council's systems. 'Cavalier's' hackers were planning on putting their own back doors in when they discovered them. It wasn't too hard to figure out who had put them in place.

'The Black Man'. The man hated by the Empire so much that one part of this entire operation was dedicated to destroying his relationship with the Rebellion. Whoever he had been with the Empire, whatever he had done to betray them, was coming back to bite him.

The Imperial spy quickly ducked into an alcove away from sight. She spoke quickly into a comlink. "I'm going down to the surface. Keep moving as planned."

She signed off and moved quickly down the Hope for Change's hallway.

Milivikal k'Vik
Mar 31st, 2010, 08:50:49 PM
Milivikal undid a coupling on the bottom of the Jedi weapon that allowed the grip to separate from the frame. Etched into the metal was the symbol of cosmic balance. In her recent and long past travels, she had never seen it.

“I know not what this is, but I suspect it will reveal more about the builder. There are aspects to the saber that do not make sense.”

“That’s th’ symbol of Cosmic Balance. Itsa Bakuran religion. Kinda like physics. Equal and opposin’ reaction fer each action. They ain’t too fond of Jedi. They’re thinkin’ Jedi upset th’ balance.” Kazaar explained, and then shrugged.

Milivikal did not say anything beyond re-assembling the lightsaber.

“Did they not learn the law of entropy?” Mili said, and shook her head. “It does explain the lightsaber.”

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 1st, 2010, 08:05:52 PM
"Thermodynamics?" Kazaar smirked. "Hell if I know, Birdy. Never bothered t'try t'find out what th'frack Cosmic Balance was all 'bout. But Ash 'lieved it. Never bothered trying t'get me innit."

"And she was a Jedi?" Milivikal cocked an eyebrow.

"Ex-Jedi, frack if I know." He shrugged an' put o'butane light up t'his cigar, re-lightin' it. "Ash'd 'parently been at 'Jedi School' when she was o'kid. Left 'cause 'er parents got sick or somethin'.

"Tell ya one' thing...she sure as frack never went 'round th'galaxy as some kinda peacekeeper. Peace she kept was f'creds...takin' down slavers, that sorta thing. Guess she was doin' all she could t'keep that balance."

Took o'moment t'stare at his dead lover's lightsaber. "Never used that damn thing anyway. Always say that was part o'something she frackin' left behind. Hell, I dunno when she built that thing either. Musta done it as o'youngling or whatever those idiots called themselves." A smirk. "Still kept it though as o'reminder o'her past. Still go an' meditate couple times o'day. Guess that was either Jedi're Cosmic Balance stuff, who th'frack knows.

"Funny thing was...Ash had o'tattoo of th'that symbol (http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20060528183321/starwars/images/8/8d/Cosmic_Balance.jpg) near th'middle o'her back. Twisted though...black on bottom, white on top. Guess she thought th'galaxy was outta balance.

"And, dunno 'bout you Birdy...but it sure as hell is."

He pointed towards th'lightsaber. "Ya want it? Thought ya were gonna make ya own? Ain't that Force Users do?"

Estelle Russard
Apr 3rd, 2010, 03:58:59 PM

Arriving planet-side, Estelle was glad to be on solid ground once more. While she didn't mind travelling, she always prefered the sense of making headway on a mission that came with achieving ones destination - a sensation that always seemed to elude her during the interminble hours spent crossing the great divide of space getting from one point to another. Though, this last trip with Cristobal seemed to go by much faster than any others she could remember.

Othniel had advised them by a secondary transmission that the rendevous was to take place within The Southern Capitol Hotel, a middling establishment that was both clean and innocuous enough for their current surroundings to not draw attention.

Russard and Cristobal checked into separate rooms, at separate times, and agreed before hand to keep contact to a minimum until they were reunited later that evening with their counterparts. Estelle wondered if Kazaar and Mili had arrived yet, but refrained from calling either of them. She would see them soon enough.

Tossing her small overnight bag onto the surprisingly springy bed, Russard immediately searched the room for listening devices, cameras or recorders of any description. Satisfied the room was clean, she checked over her weapons - a light blaster, two backup energy cells and a small sheath-knife which she took from her ankle holster and set on the nightstand. To kill time, she plucked all four of the "What to do While visiting Mon Cal" brochures from the wire rack beside the mini bar and read over the high, and low, lights of down town Morjanssik.

Santiago Cristobal
Apr 3rd, 2010, 05:18:57 PM
Santiago was doing a similar thing in his room. Checking for listening devices and setting his small bag down on the bed. He didn't have much luggage, just a couple of shirts and a dark pair of pants with extra pockets.

Morjanssik wasn't the biggest human friendly city on Mon Calamari but it was large enough that their presence wasn't going to be noticed too much. Not like Mrlssi where the blue, bird-like aliens moved around so quickly it was tough not to notice a human. Cristobal took a drink of water, changed out of his semi-grimy clothes into something more suitable for skulking and knocked on Estelle's door.

"Hello," Estelle smiled as she let him in. "Everything seems to be in place."

Santiago nodded and handed Estelle a bottle of fizzy water he'd taken from his room. She thanked him and took a drink from it. "You ever wonder how he finds this stuff out?"

"Who?" The female Rebel asked as she took another swig.

"'Othniel'." Cristobal sat down in a chair overlooking the courtyard. "I mean, how does he know Mon Razien is staying here, in this city. He always seems to be one step ahead of even us in Rebel Intelligence."

Estelle shrugged. "It's possible he's just that good, Santiago. Obviously whatever he used to do for the Empire was so high up, he still has contacts he can use."

"Mm..." Santiago stared out the window. "I suppose you're right...still...how does he know all this stuff?"

The Black Man
Apr 3rd, 2010, 08:34:11 PM
The Hope for Change

It wasn't as easy as Santiago Cristobal would have believed.

'The Black Man' entered into the hardly ever used offices of Special Ops, his deep brown eyes flashing and his jaw set. "Any luck?"

Rawl looked up. He had been leaning over the shoulder of a very thin human, whose brown hair fell down to his eyebrows and had a four-day-old beard. He wore a simple button down shirt and was currently staring intently at a computer screen. Next to him was a Mon Calamari female who was doing the same thing, her bulbous eyes blinking every so often.

"Almost. Cassle says it should be...what two minutes?"

"The impossible." Cassle's voice was surprisingly deeper for someone so thin. "Is about to be possible."

Both Cassle and the Mon Calamari, named Sakari, were freelance slicers who SpecOps used frequently. Neither of them were on the Rebellion's payroll, but both of them were anti-Imperial enough. And weren't connected with any crime or information lords like other slicers (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Zakarisz_Ghent) 'The Black Man' knew. They were also some of the best cyberterrorists 'Othniel' hired.

"I'm running into something unexpected." Sakari's fish bowl voice cut in. "Look at this, Cassle."

Cassle's eyebrows scrunched down and he started typing faster. "I've seen this type of algorithm before...You have too, Ri. Vladet. (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Vladet)"

"When the U.N. Owen group tried to get into Devlia's (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Devlia) files? So stupid."

"I went over their records after the Imps arrested them. They ran into this sequence. One minute..." More computer tapping while 'The Black Man' and Rawl watched intently. "Got past it! Kicking it over to you."

Sakari blinked twice and started moving her flipper-like hands over her custom keyboard. "Another security probe coming up. Shouldn't be too hard. The data packs aren't too tight here...back to you."

Five minutes later, it was all over. "You have full access sir." Cassle's smile was broad and mischievous. "You should be able to see what's inside. I've downloaded a copy of the algorithm onto my datapad. Should be fun to study."

It was part of the deal the two had reached. If (and more often when) Cassle was successful at getting into a computer, he would take the security protocols and study them. In return, he wouldn't ask whose computer he was trying to get into. Especially since it was the computer used by the Advisory Council's communications director Ibahrim Morales.

"Good job." 'Othniel' patted Cassle on the back and took his seat.

"I even put in a new back door for you." Cassle smirked. "You should have let me do that the first time."

The comment was ignored but only because The Black Man was already into the file marked 'Meetings and Schedule'. A few clicks later.

"Hey isn't that.." Sakari started but was cut off by a sideways look from 'Othniel'. The file had read 'Razien'.

The calendar was mainly empty. Nothing had been scheduled. Except for today...

'Othniel' stood up and headed out. "Morales' office in five minutes, Rawl." The look on his face wasn't kind. "Grab a bucket."


Morales was wiry with red hair brushed behind his ears. He looked up as 'The Black Man' strode into the room. In a door off to his left was Razien's office. "Director Cambyses." He started. "I told you before Chancellor Razien isn't--"

The drawn blaster cut him off. "Inside. Now."

"Director!" Morales' hands had been on lunch so he didn't have time to press the security button. "What is the meaning of this!"

'The Black Man' grabbed the secretary by the collar and hauled him up forcefully. Morales wasn't very tall so Othniel didn't have far to pull him up. He shoved him towards the door. "Inside the office...now!"

Rawl showed up a few minutes later with the bucket. It was filled with ice cold water.

"An Imperial code hidden within your computer." Othniel spoke with distaste. "I see now what's been going on. You had Harrison killed. And you replaced him."

"I have no idea what--" Morales' head was sudden shoved underwater. Rawl held it there for 20 seconds before letting it up. "I'll tell the council on you! You'll be drubbed blgh"

Again it was shoved underwater.

"Where is Razien's meeting Morales!" 'The Black Man' demanded. "Where is he being sent!"

Morales just stared at him, defiantly. The Director of SpecOps nodded and the Council's secretary was shoved underwater again. This time for 30 seconds.

"You *gasp* think that will stop us!" Morales snarled. "We've planned all *gasp* traitor!"

"Where is Razien's meeting."

Morales just laughed at him. "I don't have to tell you. I don't have to tell--"

Again his head was pushed underwater. When it came up, 'Othniel's' arm suddenly shot into Morales' mouth. He moved it around, then found what he was looking for. The hollow tooth. Morales couldn't kill himself even if he wanted.

The Black Man smiled. "Do it again, Rawl."

It took 20 minutes, but they had it. Whatever was being planned, the Empire wanted Razien and the Mrlssi to meet on Mon Calamari. In a Quarren zone. 'Neutral ground'.

"What do we do with Morales?" Rawl asked, shaking water off of his shirt.

"I'm halfway tempted to see if Morales actually knows how to use that tooth of his." 'The Black Man' uttered. "Contact the Council. If Razien survives...we need to talk about 'security'.

"And Razien?"

'Othniel' scowled. "Signal Russard and the others. Tell them to go straight to Morjanssik."

He hated not knowing what was going on.

Santiago Cristobal
Apr 4th, 2010, 07:38:59 PM
Estelle leaned back, staring up at the room's fan which slowly spun around. "I really think it's just his connections. He hasn't told me anything."

Cristobal gave a frustrated smile. "Guess we've all got to keep secrets." He rose to go. "I'm gonna go scout around a bit. See if I can find anything interesting going on. Or anyone I don't know. If you need me, you know the comm frequency. Let me know when the other team gets here. I'll rendezvous with you then."

He gave her a quick kiss, something Estelle wasn't expecting, and left.

Estelle settled back into her chair and gave an almost goofy smile.

Apr 13th, 2010, 06:38:29 PM
Somewhere on Mon Calamari:

The two stared at each other, their black eyes in hardly blinking. They were listening to an audio recording of light music neither of them recognized, nor needed to. In it, contained the message they needed to ensure their mission would be a success.

The meeting with Rebellion Chancellor Mon Razien had been moved from the small hotel where he was staying to a larger, more technologically advanced structure closer to the heart of Morjanssik. The request had been made by the head of the Mrlssi delegation, Gyr Savidon, because he wanted to stare out at the Mon Calamari ocean. It was a request no one had bothered disputing because of the importance of the meeting.

For the Rebellion, the Empire and the Mrlssi.

Their instruments had yet to arrive, but they would be delivered to them by a Krish (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Krish_%28species%29) mercenary. They would then be charged with making sure the agreement between the Rebellion and the Mrlssi was never reached.

Neither expected to live. Neither cared to.

They simply listened to their music...and waited.

Aurelias Kazaar
May 22nd, 2010, 12:44:19 PM
"Well..." Kazaar was getting kinda pissed at how quiet Birdy'd gotten. "Ain't that what FU's do?"

"Hush Kazaar." k'Vik's eyes wouldn't let 'im argue. She just stood there like she was listenin' t'some kinda music th'ex-bounty hunter couldn't hear. After o'few minutes of silence, Kazaar just shrugged and stalked away.

He headed up t'the cockpit, cigar smoke trailing. Dames. Totally fracked up. 'Specially th'one he was playin' roomie with. Damn girl was frackin' goofy. Real goofy. "Swear if I ever gotta share o'ship 'lone with 'er again..."

"Why." k'Vik's voice actually kinda surprised 'im.

He turned 'round. "Why what?"

"Why do you want me to have this?" She held up the lightsaber.

"I sure as frack wasn't gonna use it. Never could get the damn t'work for more than o'fracking second're two anyway." Kazaar's smirk was pretty much o'shrug. "'Sides...knew ya were workin' on a new one. Figured ya wouldn't mind cheatin' a bit. Hell...Ash prob'ly wouldn't mind ya usin' it either."

"I will keep it then." Birdy declared. "Until mine is finished."

Kazaar smirked. "Works f'me. Seemed like ya took to it pretty--"




It was Kazaar's communications device. Hadn't been expecting t'get o'call, unless th'Kid decided t'say she'd made it to Mon Calamari before they had. Been expecting it anyway...Sullust wasn't too far 'way but seemed like Estelle was ready t'blast off Mrlssi before ya could say, "Did ya kiss that damn analyst?" 'Course, Kazaar sure as frack hope she hadn't. Fracker wasn't th'kinda guy ya hung 'round with. Eventually ya started t'stink. Or 'least get o'mild odor.

Pressing a few buttons, Kazaar brought up a very short message. Morjanssik. South Capitol Hotel. Room 228 and 229.

He smirked. Only one person coulda sent that message. An' it sure as hell wasn't th'Kid.

The ex-bounty hunter smirked at k'Vik. "Guess we're off t'find o'Chief of State."


'Course Morjanssik wasn't underwater, but Kazaar didn't give o'damn. Milivikal'd given him an odd look as if t'either mention she didn't have any 'swim trunks' or to wonder if Kazaar'd taken too many hits t'the head. Prob'ly both. Pretty frackin' funny if ya asked him. Since no one did, he chuckled anyway. Who give o'frack if no one asks ya what ya like. Ain't anyone else's damn business.

He'd actually had t'grab his black rain slicker after a sudden thunderstorm popped up over th'Quarren-built floating city. Made th'place stink even more. Morjanssik wasn't exactly th'best place t'go for a vacation, let alone o'secret meeting of some kind. So why th'frack had Razien chosen this place? Made no frackin' sense to Kazaar.

Hell, none of it did. Damn thing was gettin' crazier'n crazier. Othy hadn't said how the frack he'd found out where Razien was gonna be, just that he knew where. Damn guy had o'helluva lotta contacts. Drove Kazaar nuts how much th'guy knew. Hell, guy prob'ly knew how many cigars Kazaar smoked inna day an' even Kazaar didn't frackin' know that. Creepy as all get out if ya ever asked him.

He shouldered a small duffel bag. Had everything he needed: Ophelia (his Imperial repeater rifle) an' Ava (his rail detonator). And, of course, th'Twins holstered by his legs (sure as hell wasn't gonna go on his mission with those. They were his comfort. His 'friends'). Birdy'd just walked out with her blaster strapped to one leg and the lightsaber to 'er belt. Didn't seem t'mind the rain. Hell, she just kinda walked through it as if it wasn't there.

Kazaar sure wasn't gonna ignore th'rain. Wasn't like he hated it but he'd prefer not getting frackin soaked. 'Specially if th'shit hit th'fan before he had a chance t'dry off. He pretty much headed straight forra landspeeder renter. Prefer using something o'his own, but he only had o'three seater. If everything went t'hell (which Kazaar fully expected it to) he'd need something o'bit larger. 'Specially if he'd be playing "Ferry th'Chief o'State."

"Whatta got. Need somethin' fast, pretty durable too."

Th'dealer, a squid-headed Quarren, just looked at 'im. "I have several you might like. An X-38 perhaps."

Kazaar snorted. "Hell frackin' no. I said durable not something that'd fall 'part the first time ya bumped inta something."

"What about a Mandalmotors design. I have plenty of..."

Kazaar cut 'im off. "I said fast Squidface. What, ya think I don't know my speeders?"

The Quarren simply nodded. "What about an OP-5 (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/OP-5_landspeeder)? It has a cover to keep you out of the rain as well."

Pretty much sold it for Kazaar. Thing could go pretty fast an' also was maneuverable as all frack too. "I'll take it."

"It's on the other side of the parking lot. Enjoy."

Great more walkin' through rain. Fracker. Kazaar swore and stalked down th'row of speeders. "I swear, Birdy, if this frackin' thing is o'wild mynock chase, I'm gonna--hey fracker watch it!" He almost collided with two chitterin' Mrlssi who'd suddenly slipped in front of him. "Watch where th'frack ya're goin', ya flightless barves!"

Th'two Mrlssi just raised their clawed hands and let a series of high-pitched pips sail back at him. "Yeah well same t'you asswipes!" Kazaar shot back as the aliens shuffled away.

"Swear Birdy, I'm gonna learn how t'curse in their language so they frackin' know what I'm yellin' next time..." Kazaar was still pretty frackin' hot under the collar as he got in th'speeder. Milivikal just seemed to smile and followed him.

'Bout ten minutes later, Kazaar was leaning up 'gainst th'Kid's hotel door, Birdy right behind him. He smirked an' let smoke curl outta his mouth.

"Miss me?"

Estelle Russard
Nov 28th, 2010, 01:11:10 PM
"Yes, of course" she replied with a smile, but Kazaar got the feeling the words were automatic. "Cristobal is out right now, but we can get down to business and I will brief him later"

Kazaar ushered himself through the door, his face in perpetual scowl, with Birdy right behind him.

"I've received further word from Othniel" she said as they each took a perch on a corner of the bed and on an adjacent chair, respectively. "We know their target and we know where"

Estelle knit her fingers togther and leaned forward, her face revealing the earnestness of what she was telling them. "It's believed an attempt will be made to ambush the meeting of Mon Razien and the Mrlssi. They are going to assassinate Mon Razien"

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 9th, 2011, 12:50:43 PM
"So where they meetin'?" Imps were bein' pretty fracking ambitious going after both Razien and th'Mrlssi.

"Cristobal's trying to find out." Kid answered. "I think Othniel's trying to as well."

Kazaar wanted t'roll his eyes (Hell, he prob'ly did without noticin' it). "Great. With those two on th'job we'll find out after Razien's been frackin' killed."

Estelle started t'open her mouth but Kazaar stopped 'er. "Yeh, yeh, I know...Othy told us 'bout th'assassination first an' Crissy's been o'big frackin' help to ya. Don't go givin' 'em a frackin' medal just yet, Kid. We know where Razien's stayin' yet?"

"Two floors up. He hasn't moved since he got here."

Smoke billowed from Kazaar's mouth. First bit o'good news he'd gotten all damn day. "Ya wanna call off th'meeting?"

Russard shook 'er head. "We don't even know where the meeting's happening, Kazaar. And I doubt Razien would listen to any of us (especially you) if we just barged right in and told him it was noxious."

That earned o'smirk. Kid had 'er point. Didn't mean Kazaar wasn't anglin' t'try. "Do we even know who's gonna take 'im out? Outside o'the Empire? We know how they gonna do it?

"Ain't like th'Empire can just drop o'Star Destroyer outside orbit and start shootin'. They gotta have some kinda fracking plan."

Estelle Russard
Feb 25th, 2011, 10:08:26 PM
"That's the root of the trouble" Estelle said, her lips thin with concern. "These people are organized and smart. And they are patient, Aurelias. This is not something that has been pinned together on a whim and a fancy. It is an orchestrated and deliberate agenda. This enemy is the worst we've ever faced."

Estelle held her partner's gaze. They had toughed out some pretty hair-raising situations and Kazaar was taken, along with his partner, to the awful time whe Estelle had been kidnapped and tortured.
It was not something quickly forgotten and the reminder of it made her statement all the more sobering.
"And what's worse," she added "what makes it almost unthinkable - is that it is some of our own behind it."

Estelle dropped her eyes, and kept them lowered, wanting to avoid Mili seeing in them the shamefulness of the truth of what she said.