View Full Version : The Last Jedi!

Jackson Mcgraves
Jan 7th, 2010, 01:01:31 PM
"Long will the villains sleep tonight?"

The Mask hero of the city of Coruscant clinched a metal cylinder in his right hand tightly as he stared at the ruined castle in front of him. The ruined castle which was once a temple of light for the galaxy. It was a shining beacon of hope now tarnished by the hands of the empress and her minions of doom.

"For the hero, the last of the Jedi will put them down and bring hope back to the galaxy."

What was sprinkles of moisture slowly began to turn into full on down pore. The Hero looked up at the sky with a white smile that said today was a good day. Today was a day of victories for all those fallen the Hero so proudly admired. Today he would bring back the Jedi name. He then looked off to his side and sadness crept into his heart for a moment. His sidekick the kid who claimed to be a Jedi just like him was no more. Jackson wasn't sure what happened to him but felt the empress and goons had ambushed him. Now the sidekick was either dead or turned to the evil arts of Inquisition.

"The sky sheds tears for the fallen and the lost. Tonight this humble Jedi will bring about vindication for his fallen brothers he never got to know. Tonight will be the foundation on which the Hero will build the new beacon of light."

Jackson stood on a building in the poring rain staring across the way at the old Jedi temple. For thousands of years the temple housed Jedi and now it was left standing after there demise. Left standing because the empress and her legion wanted it as an example of there achievements in evilness. No the empire could just destroy the temple they had to let it rot with their evil stink.

(This thread is open to Rebels and Jedi. Imperials may join in upon request if they wish.)

Jul 25th, 2010, 10:51:51 AM
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He passed by in most place unnoticed until he opened his mouth. Then he usually wound up in jail or in a fight, sometimes both. John casually walked up by John and looked over the edge of the building.

He knew the old relic of the Jedi was off in the distance but it just didn't seem to captivate him. He peered over the ledge down to the lowers smug as his lip curled up in curiosity. He wondered how far down it was and if anyone could survive the fall.

Even though it was raining John was still shirtless, shoeless, and as with most of the time clueless to what was publicly acceptable. He then looked over to the masked man staring off into the distance. Almost heroic he thought, either that or just plain stupid but who was he to judge.

"You think someone could survive a fall from up here?"

Jackson Mcgraves
Jul 25th, 2010, 10:56:51 AM
Jackson startled jumped back a step away from the ledge. Where had this strange shirtless man come from and was he thinking of jumping? Jackson reached up and scratched his head in confusion watching the man. He didn't look suicidal, crazy yes suicidal not all.

"Where did you come from?"

Jackson final stuttered out the words he had to say to the man. It wasn't much but the Hero and Last Jedi had to wonder what kind of man could be so sneaky. Maybe he was a villain sent by the empire a temper of one's fate. Then again he could just be a sneaky slimy crazy guy with a ledge fetish. In this city you never knew with people.

Jul 26th, 2010, 12:14:59 PM
"I assume the same place most human's come from, between the thighs of a mother."

He gave the masked man another one of his cheesy smiles as he turned his head to look over the edge again. He stepped up on his tip toes to get a little extra lean in his look. A discourage look grew on his face as he couldn't really see much more then he already had.

"My mother was whore you know? Never had a father, mom brought home a new dad every night. Then when morning came around she got paid and dad left, I was a bastard once more."

He laughed as he thought back on his mom and his child hood. It wasn't the best child hood but John wouldn't complain.

"Funny story, she once told me my real father was a zeltron. Of course she was drunk at the time with a needle hanging from her arm. I suppose she was seeing color's and thought my skin was pink."

Jackson Mcgraves
Jul 26th, 2010, 12:23:39 PM
Jackson wasn't sure if the man was serious or joking about his child hood. If it was true this man sure took well. The smile on the man's face never left as he told the story. Then again story affirmed one thing this guy was crazy.

"I mean how did you get up here so quietly?"

Jackson looked back to the temple off in the distance. If he was going to do what he had planned he needed to do it soon. He couldn't waste time with this crazy man but he had compassion for human life. He couldn't just leave this man here with out knowing for he wasn't suicidal.

"You're not going to jump are you?"

Jan 13th, 2011, 03:18:05 PM
John pointed behind him with his thumb without looking at the metal ladder that seemed to lead to ever rooftop. They all had ladders he didn't know why but they all seemed to, who really wanted to be on roof anyway? Well he guessed him and the crazy guy in the mask.

"Ladder." He continued to look over the edge. "I presume that's the same way you got up unless you can fly or something, which would be a neat trick."

He didn't really answer the whole question but then how would he explain that most people don't notice him until he speaks. It was weird really no one paid him any mind until he opened his mouth then they were all ears or trying to kill him for something he said that they didn't like. Which the latter was more often than not.

"Nah jumping would be a perfect waste of a good life. Well relatively good I won't complain. That and it's not my time to go I have to wait for some crazy old lady to poison my tea for that. I don't get it though she seems so nice in my dreams but she kills me oh well I guess."

He finally turned away and stepped closer to Jackson looking at the man with a smile as he patted the man on the shoulder. Jackson seemed to jump back bit to which John replied.

"I'm here to see the last of the Jedi; I presume that’s you, right?"

Jackson Mcgraves
Jan 13th, 2011, 03:23:59 PM
Jackson took more than few steps back as the man approached and asked if he was the last of the Jedi. How could this man possible know that it wasn't like Jackson promoted it openly? Well then again he did play a super hero on his days off but still he was a nobody in a city of billions. It would be impossible to point him out as the culprit in the crowds.

"I'm not sure what you are talking about. I'm just a man amongst many men."

Jan 13th, 2011, 03:35:13 PM
"Man amongst many men but you are one man who chooses to do something while the others sit on their hands and wait."

Even though John himself wasn't an action oriented man mostly because he didn't have the right skill set he despised those who just sat around and complained. They were worse than the authority that oppressed them at least the oppressors where doing something. John was not a lazy man he was a man of words and vision so he spread the word and his vision.

"You are the man the papers call the last of a dead breed the Hero of Curoscant. You’re not a mundane do nothing like most of this city, hell most of the galaxy."

John knew Jackson was not the last and that many had survive the purge. That more where being trained as he spoke to this man but unlike this man they hide away instead of doing something. Yet like this man they still hide what they were one behind a fleet of ships and the other behind a mask.

"Why do you hide what you are? Is it really that shameful of a title?"

Jackson Mcgraves
Jan 13th, 2011, 03:47:46 PM
"No..." He paused for a moment thinking about the question. "I guess not."

He guessed he hide behind the mask because he was afraid. Afraid of the Empire and there evil goddess who sat on the throne of bodies. He was afraid to be the next body added to that pile of names forgotten. Hero's that failed to destroy there oppressors. Names that would never remembered because they failed. Behind the mask his name would never be known and never tarnished for failure.

That and the man behind the mask was weak a coward that didn't know how to be himself. The man behind the mask was afraid but when he wore the mask all fear went away because he wasn't some kid who lost his parents to the empire anymore. He wasn't some kid whose family was torn apart a family secret that scarred every single member. Behind the mask he wasn't some kid who had to hide that he was a Jedi. With the mask on he was the man he had grown into but behind it he was still stuck in his childhood.

Jan 13th, 2011, 04:07:30 PM
"You guess?"

This man was going to be work then John had thought. His vision had led him here for some unseen reason. First it gave him direction in help the daughter of a sith and now man child Jedi. For the life of him he couldn't figure out what kind of quest his visions where planning it seemed like a chaotic mess but then that was the universe one chaotic mess.

"Look at that!" John pointed across the gray rainy sky at the tower that stood there. "That once stood for something."

He was of coarse pointing at the Jedi academy that stood a glaring reminder of galactic failures. It had once stood as a symbol of peace and protection and now it stood as a glaring reminder of the Empires power. It was nothing but an echo of something that no longer existed.

"It was once a symbol of hope, safety, and life. Now you look at it and you remember Vader walking the halls slaughtering even the children. You see it as this reminder of the Jedi's failure and arrogance. Thinking they were safe and thinking they were the protectors of the Galaxy but failing to see the coming darkness that destroyed them all.

But before the last glimmer of hope was stomped out someone like you was born. You are not them; you are better and stronger than them. Where the old Jedi failed you will succeed but you must not hide who you are. You must not run away from the enemy in fear, stare them head on take every stone they throw at you and send them flying back at them."

Fear was one emotion that was not part of the old Jedi's code but somehow that ideal had been lost with time. The Jedi where afraid to fight, defend, and even protect. Afraid to show who they really where, afraid to die for what they believed in. It was because of fear the Jedi would die out unless they changed it and became unafraid of the boogeyman that was the empire.

"Fear is not part of a Jedi. It is a part that needs to be shed before anything can truly be changed in this Galaxy."

Jackson Mcgraves
Jan 13th, 2011, 04:28:24 PM
"Who the hell are you?" Were about the only words that could come out of Jackson’s mouth. "No what the hell are you?"

This man was preaching about Jedi as if he knew what it was like to be one. At least as if he knew who they were before they were purged from existence. Yet looking at the man he was way too young to know what had happened. Much like Jackson himself who was too young he had been trained by one of the purge survivors.

"You act as if you know what it's like? Almost like you were there but you were not and neither was I. So I ask again who the hell are you that you can stand there and condemn them without truthfully knowing them."

Jan 13th, 2011, 04:41:07 PM
"I told you I am the son of a whore and one of the patrons that took need of her services."

John now stepped back himself realizing he might have gone a touch overboard with his speech. He had an odd tendency to do that preach a cause that only came from his visions not one he truly believed in. He just followed his visions but had no real cause of his own. Were ever they led him he carried that flag until the next vision came along then he moved on. He was here supporting what the Jedi where because that is what his vision dictated to him but he led it with his own flare which often times led to preaching.

"My father could have been a Jedi, Hutt, or God for all I know. I'm kind of going against hutt though since I'm not green and all blobby."

He once again turned back to his jokes as a way to ease the situation he had kind of dragged himself into. He didn't like to preach but he was good with words and putting fire under people’s butts to do something. So it was something he didn't like but it happened to be one of the few skills he did have the power of words.

"I see things like the future, past, and sometimes the present. It would drive most people mad not to say that I'm not a bit crazy. Most men would probably just let the madness take them but me I do something about what I see whether it be change it or make it happen. My last vision I saw you Jackson Mcgraves."

Jackson Mcgraves
Feb 10th, 2011, 05:35:41 PM
Wait had he told this man his name? Jackson couldn't remember ever giving this crazy git his name. Maybe he had this conversation was weird so anything could have been said and Jackson probably wouldn't have remember it just wasn't that important. Jackson looked back in the direction of the temple which could be seen in a bit of fog haze from the rain coming down.

"So what did your vision say about me?"

It had peeked his interest to say the least so he figured he would indulge the crazy man a bit. Maybe he would get a good story to tell a few people at the scrap yard he worked at. They always seem to like his funny little story even though none of them seemed to believe them.

Mar 1st, 2011, 11:59:15 AM
"What it showed me and told me about you, was you're a true Jedi. Even in your delusions of being some kind of a super hero you know exactly what you stand for and you stand up for what you believe in."

It was a weird only a few days ago he was telling a sith the same exact thing except in more sith accepted way. These force users where a strange lot even though both would probably tell him his visions came from the force and that he should join them. Yet that wasn't likely he didn't have the patients to sit down and learn additional tricks with his mind. He would keep the one he was born with, the rest where well to time consuming he was man with place to go and people to see.

As for where his allegiances sat that was a blurry line but when forced to think on it he would have to say he was a dark Jedi. Not a full blown sith all out to conquer and rule the galaxy but how he acted on his visions was like one big game of chess being played from the shadows. A hand moving the pieces witch was more in line with the dark side the light. Even though his visions moved both light and dark pieces and even those not affiliated with the force. Since there was no neutral ground in those terms he found himself aligned with the dark side simple because of how he acted on his visions.

"The Jedi need someone like you even if they won't listen at first. They need someone who will show them the path they need to follow. That is what my vision showed me, you showing them the path you did not however take the lead. You just showed them the way and there leaders finally took their place as true leaders of the Jedi."