View Full Version : Xavier's List

Xavier Synik
Jan 3rd, 2010, 01:46:18 PM
Cause while I might not go with the whole post a day deal-y, I do want to get back to being a bit more active.

Let me know if it's my turn, or if I've missed a thread.

Xavier Synik
Memorable Evening - Whenver - probably should get to it
Business Dealings - Not my turn
Associations of Fortune - My turn

Kyran O'Hurn
Our Darkest Days: Sacrafice - Could post
Liberation - Liberation of Bothwui - Not sure if this is still going on
Chasing Spector's: Wolves in the woods - Ongoing
The Doctor and the Duchess - Not sure if this is still going on
A New Dawn [Dorn Force] - posted
Life Day - need to post

Sumor Rayial
Nothing that is current

Derek Thalys
What's worse then a used speeder salesman? - my turn

Ryan Adder
Welcome to Hellfire Squadron - Not my turn, not sure if it's active

That's all I think... though I'm sure I'll be reminded if it's not. :p

Emelie Shadowstar
Jan 3rd, 2010, 01:51:00 PM

...yeah, I got nothing. :lol I had to abuse your thread somehow.