View Full Version : The Most Awards 2009 (aka Golden Fannies)

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 1st, 2010, 07:52:03 AM
It's the end of the year, so that means its time to play the Most Awards games! The Most Awards were started as a light-hearted way of showing appreciation for your fellow roleplayers, bringing light to threads and characters that others might have missed throughout the year. (You can see last years nominations and winners HERE (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18895)!)

Here's Kazaar with the rules!

Rules are the same as they were when started in 2005:

1. You can only nominate one character for each category. Example being most Sith like you can only nominate one character. Not all the characters you feel fit the title.

2. Nominated characters must have at least one or two roleplays/threads that they've participated in which show their character.

I dont really want someones character who has been sitting in the background to get nominated when they've done nothing.

3. Characters nominated should be characters from this timeline. Not pre-reset.

4. For categories like Most Sith like, Jedi like I'm looking for more of a movie likeness. The way the Jedi acted in the movies not in EU.

If anyone else has any ideas for a sensible rule post it.

And here are the Categories...


-Most Jedi-like: For those that play Jedi on the boards it would be interesting to see who thinks who resembles a Jedi dealing with the old Jedi. Adhering to the code, not giving into emotions etc.

-Most active roleplaygroup/faction: Rebels, Imperials, Black Nebula/Sun, Jedi, Sith. This would be a kinda tricky one to figure out but I think "most active" would describe it's members acting on the factions behalf in the swfans community.

-Most Innocent: What character on the boards is the most innocent dealing with the world around him/her.

-Most dangerous: Self explainitory

-Most Dangerous group: A pack of Dark siders, Inquisitoriate, Shadow Squadron, Rogue Squadron, Gang within the Blacksun. That type of thing.

-Scariest Character

-Most Brave/Heroic

-Best bounty hunter: Unlike 2007 there are plenty of hunters out there now. Or more than two.

-Lowlife of the universe: The nastiest, most devious, or maybe cheapest, rudest, most irritating guy/gal.

-Biggest Reputation: Good or bad who's reputation in our universe perceieves the character.

-Most Influential: who can snap their fingers and make things just happen?

-Most Sith like:

-Most Imperial (Faction specific)

-Best Rebel (Faction Specific)

-Best Gangster (Faction Specific)


-Tear Award: for the biggest drama queen! (name in honour of the Grand Inquisitor himself)

Roleplay/Story Specific: Just name the thread and the scene explaining what happened and why it applies to the category.

Same rules as above. One thread/Scene per Category.

-Best Ongoing Storyline:

-Best Fight/Battle Scene:

-Saddest/Happiest Scene:

-Comedic Scene:

-Suspenseful Scene:

-Best Dialogue:

-Best Imagery:

-Best Thread Title:

-Best Newcomer (character, not roleplayer):

-Best 'Didn't See That Coming' moment:

Blade Bacquin
Jan 1st, 2010, 10:20:30 AM

-Most Jedi-like: Daria Nytherciria

-Most active roleplaygroup/faction: Rebels (toss up since the imps where really active at the beginning of the year just sided with just flipped a coin and the rebels won.)

-Most Innocent:

-Most dangerous: Salem Ave (he has so much power at his disposal can't wait to see him use it)

-Most Dangerous group: KA (full of so many dangerous possibilities and no one knows there, there yet really)

-Scariest Character:

-Most Brave/Heroic: Grace Van-Derveld

-Best bounty hunter:

-Lowlife of the universe:

-Biggest Reputation: Dasquian Belargic

-Most Influential: Miranda Tarkin

-Most Sith like: Carthis

-Most Imperial (Faction specific): Sanya Tagge

-Best Rebel (Faction Specific):Sanis Prent (yeah I said it)

-Best Gangster (Faction Specific): Bambi Maddox

-Sexiest: Grace Van-Derveld

-Tear Award: Dasquian Belargic

Roleplay/Story Specific: Just name the thread and the scene explaining what happened and why it applies to the category.

Same rules as above. One thread/Scene per Category.

-Best Ongoing Storyline: Our Darkest Days series (I think it started in 2008 but didn't conclude til 2009)

-Best Fight/Battle Scene:

-Saddest/Happiest Scene:

-Comedic Scene:

-Suspenseful Scene:

-Best Dialogue:

-Best Imagery:

-Best Thread Title:The Scribe's Apprentice: The Waltz of Treachery (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=19522)

-Best Newcomer (character, not roleplayer): Carré Inirial

-Best 'Didn't See That Coming' moment:

Karl Valten
Jan 1st, 2010, 01:36:43 PM

-Most Jedi-like: ?????

-Most active roleplaygroup/faction: Rebels

-Most Innocent: Tak/Wyl (they kinda go hand-in-hand)

-Most dangerous: Tear

-Most Dangerous group: ???????

-Scariest Character: ??????

-Most Brave/Heroic: Grace Van-Derveld

-Best bounty hunter: Aree

-Lowlife of the universe: Rekoj

-Biggest Reputation: ?????

-Most Influential: Miranda Tarkin

-Most Sith like: Darth Decepis

-Most Imperial: Sanya Tagge

-Best Rebel: Estelle Russard (Dashiel is a very close second)

-Best Gangster: Sassy

-Sexiest: Too many to choose from. :p

-Tear Award: Dasquian Belargic

Roleplay/Story Specific: Just name the thread and the scene explaining what happened and why it applies to the category.

Same rules as above. One thread/Scene per Category.

-Best Ongoing Storyline: The Devils in the Details

-Best Fight/Battle Scene: ?????

-Saddest/Happiest Scene: ?????

-Comedic Scene: ????

-Suspenseful Scene: Darkest Days: Sacrifice

-Best Dialogue: Dear Wyl

-Best Imagery: ???

-Best Thread Title: Little Old Lady Got Mutilated...

-Best Newcomer (character, not roleplayer): Dakota Gue

-Best 'Didn't See That Coming' moment: Project Nightmare getting canceled. (seriously, never planned on that happening)

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 2nd, 2010, 12:28:39 PM
Still working on my votes...

-Most Jedi-like: Navaria Tarkin

-Most active roleplaygroup/faction: Rebels

-Most Innocent: Tak

-Most dangerous: Tear

-Most Dangerous group: Inquisitoriate

-Scariest Character:

-Most Brave/Heroic:

-Best bounty hunter:

-Lowlife of the universe:

-Biggest Reputation:

-Most Influential: Miranda Tarkin

-Most Sith like:

-Most Imperial (Faction specific)

-Best Rebel (Faction Specific)

-Best Gangster (Faction Specific) Emelie Shadowstar


-Tear Award:

Roleplay/Story Specific: Just name the thread and the scene explaining what happened and why it applies to the category.

Same rules as above. One thread/Scene per Category.

-Best Ongoing Storyline: Toxicity

-Best Fight/Battle Scene:

-Saddest/Happiest Scene:

-Comedic Scene:

-Suspenseful Scene:

-Best Dialogue:

-Best Imagery:

-Best Thread Title:

-Best Newcomer (character, not roleplayer): Charlotte Tur'enne

-Best 'Didn't See That Coming' moment:

Jan 2nd, 2010, 03:59:03 PM
Most Jedi-like: Serena Laran

-Most active roleplaygroup/faction: Rebels

-Most Innocent: Tricerus Idalix (or perhaps he just comes across as sweet and naive?)

-Most dangerous: Tear. He is a man with ambition and a plan. Plus, he's nuts.

-Most Dangerous group: Inquisitoriate, still.

-Scariest Character: Vega. He just really creeps me out for some reason. Could it be the cannibalism?

-Most Brave/Heroic: Aurelias Kazaar.

-Best bounty hunter: Darven

-Lowlife of the universe: Sanis Prent, though I prefer the term 'rogue'.

-Biggest Reputation: Dasquian Belargic, everyone IC knows who this man is.

-Most Influential: Miranda Tarkin

-Most Sith like: Darth Callidus

-Most Imperial: Karl Valten

-Best Rebel: Aurelias Kazaar

-Best Gangster: Xel Naga, even with his legs broke, he's a badass.

-Sexiest: Male: Morgan Evanar
Female: Mili k'Vik

-Tear Award: Yeart Quenn

Roleplay/Story Specific: Just name the thread and the scene explaining what happened and why it applies to the category.

Same rules as above. One thread/Scene per Category.

-Best Ongoing Storyline: Devils in the Details.

-Best Fight/Battle Scene: Darkest Days: Sacrifice.

-Saddest Scene:
Family Ties (Retro roleplaying). LD and Peirce simply cannot bridge the gap between each other.

-Happiest Scene: um

-Comedic Scene: Checking In: Acacias Blade arrives at the Wheel to reunite with his friend Loki, whether Loki likes it or not.

-Suspenseful Scene: The interrogation by Atrapes of Dasquian Belargic.

-Best Dialogue:
Checking In: Acacias Blade and Abarai Loki

-Best Imagery: All Tears posts in Devils in the Details threads. Especially thead #3, Violence and Variations. Outstanding.

-Best Thread Title: "Death, Dirt and the Nerf Ranchers Daughter".
("Not the Heroes you were Looking For" is a very close second!)

-Best Newcomer (character, not roleplayer): Emelie Shadowstar

-Best 'Didn't See That Coming' moment: Dissolution of Project Nightmare. I admit, it was a shocker.

**will edit in Happiest Scene, when I find it again -_-

Captain Untouchable
Jan 7th, 2010, 08:12:49 AM
I'll have to go back and edit some in when I've had a more thorough ponder over them. Hmm...


- Most Jedi-like: Navaria Tarkin

- Most active roleplaygroup/faction: Rebels

- Most Innocent: Tak & Wyl

- Most Dangerous: Tear

- Most Dangerous group: Kuklos Ataxia

- Scariest Character: Vega Van-Derveld

- Most Brave/Heroic: Dasquian Belargic

- Best bounty hunter: Vittore & Cambrio Montegue - mainly on concept; I liked these two so much that I agreed to write their dad. :lol

- Lowlife of the universe: Sanis Prent

- Biggest Reputation: Dasquian Belargic

- Most Influential: Miranda Tarkin

- Most Sith like: Salem Ave

- Most Imperial: Sanya Tagge

- Best Rebel: Grace Van-Derveld

- Best Gangster: Emile Shadowstar

- Sexiest: What Karl said - too many to choose from! >_<

- Tear Award: ?????

Roleplay/Story Specific

- Best Ongoing Storyline: Toxicity

- Best Fight/Battle Scene: ?????

- Saddest/Happiest Scene: ?????

- Comedic Scene: ?????

- Suspenseful Scene: ?????

- Best Dialogue: ?????

- Best Imagery: ?????

- Best Thread Title: ?????

- Best Newcomer: Charlotte Tur'enne

- Best 'Didn't See That Coming' moment: ?????

Jan 10th, 2010, 06:01:50 AM
It's quite sad, really, I couldn't possibly contribute towards this because I really haven't read that much around here. I pick up on the odd thread that grabs my attention now and then but outside of my own threads, which are relatively few, I have little knowledge of other characters and their business. I check out the wiki as often as I can though and that proves useful but it's a shame I'm missing out on all these great stories.