View Full Version : I won a Black Wii - game suggestions please!

Peter McCoy
Dec 24th, 2009, 07:38:31 AM
I won a Black Wii in work yesterday (for most improved stats). Basically I work in a call center and we get monitored on how long we take on calls - the quicker the better. Anyway, I was put on a trial where instead of diagnosing broadband issues myself, I followed a system of prompts which tell me what questions to ask and then I click the relevant option based on the customers response, which in turn gives another set of questions and so on. To be blunt- it was shit and my call times went through the roof. I told them and they said, ok feed it back so we can impriove the system. So I did. But after a call I go into a 'wrap' code which also affects my stats - I had to type out the feedback in this code so not only trialing the system but also feeding back on it was negatively affecting my stats.

Lo and behold - I never achieved my bonus because of it. I argued that it was the system I was trialling, and I'd been assured it wouldn't affect my bonus chances. Bollocks - they said it was me. SO I put a grievance in and they rejected the points I put forward (that basically in my opinion I was better and quicker than the system I was trialling.

I was put on a team who all had poor stats and we were monitored to see what the reason was. I was still trialling the shit system while doing this - and every time the manager sat with me to have a word about my stats, my answer was the same - it was the trial making my calls longer.

She said it was me, so I put a proposal forward - take me off the trial for a week and I'll prove my capabilities. A week later and my stats were better than the centers target by 100 seconds (target is 10 minutes or lower for average handling time).

So after that I never went back on the trial as it is now cancelled. And because my stats were so poor on the trial, it was an incredibly obvious and good improvement. When the girl came around to our area yesterday clutching an XBox Elite and a Black Wii, I just didn't even think I'd be elligible since it never occured to me how much of an improvement it would have shown up as.

When the guy read out my name I was made up. So from my perspective, this Wii is the bonus I should have gotten in the first place.

Sorry to ramble on, I just wanted to share that very awesome turn of events.

So yeah, I'm after some Wii games now. I'm not into the party/novelty games such as Wii Sports etc - I want gameplay. I'll be getting my own copy of Mario Galaxy, and maybe Monster Hunter 3. Any other suggestions?

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 24th, 2009, 07:43:52 AM
Congratulations on the win! I wish my employer gave that kind of reward.

I've heard Twilight Princess, the Metroid Prime Trilogy and Super Smash Bros Brawl are good. :)

Dec 24th, 2009, 09:45:40 AM
Looks like all the crap you went through paid off in the end. Nice one, mate!

Mandy with an I
Dec 24th, 2009, 10:10:37 AM
Congrats :)

The only non-party/novelty game I've played on the Wii that I really enjoyed was House of the Dead.

Ilias Nytrau
Dec 24th, 2009, 12:30:11 PM
I second the suggestion of Twilight Princess - I have it for Gamecube, though. But it's still really good, in my opinion. But I might be biased, being a lifelong Zelda fan. ;)

Congrats on the win. :)

Dec 24th, 2009, 11:22:11 PM
10 mins for average handling time? Wow, those might be some mighty long calls, I guess it depends on the kind of product/service and the IQ of the end-user :p

When I used to manage a call center the goal was 3 mins of ACD and 1 minute of ACW, with the SLA for ASA of <45 secs.

Anyway, now that I've strolled back a couple of years down memory lane, congratulations on the Wii! Sorry you didn't get your bonus, but that console is just like Karma.

No More Heroes is a fun game too. The new Super Mario Bros is cool as well.