View Full Version : Prick us, do we not bleed? Tickle us do we not laugh? Wrong us, shall we not revenge?

Callomas Savoc
Dec 24th, 2009, 01:05:34 AM
The act of locating and tracking a Jedi, in these absurd times, was that of a dying art. They were so few, and increasingly wary of the pitfalls of being found. Few wore the traditional garb openly if they traveled amongst others, and those who did shrouded themselves in the far reaches of deepest space.

It was a task that had occupied the bulk of Callomas Savoc's time. In fact, he had barely worked a paying job in the span of a year due to the task. It wasn't that he was in any acute need of the Empire's credits. He was paid handsomely for past services rendered, whether it was for his genetic mapping material for an order of stormtroopers, or his more personal work. He was worth millions, but preferred to live simply and not rest on his laurels.

It was a pleasant diversion that his hunt would bring him to Naboo. It was a beautiful place, even in the twilight of the royal era. The people had an appreciation for beauty and sensible living. The Caridan assassin had been given quarter in a city hotel with a cafe and a dining patio that overlooked a landing near a canal, where passers-by either walked along the walkway or glided along the water on row-skiffs.

"Will you be having lunch with us, Mr. Savoc?" A man with receeding hair in a pressed-white shirt and black vest clasped his hands in front of him. Savoc removed the set of small macrobinoculars from his eyes, resting them on the table next to a small cup of caf, and smiled.

"I would be interested in your recommendation."

The server nodded deeply.

"Our best today would be squab, stuffed with artisanal cheeses and edible flowers and a mousse of wild mushrooms".

"Very good, yes. And another thing, my friend?"


"I had sent a message to the occupant of the room across from mine, with expectation they would accompany me. Have they made arrangements?"

The server paused a moment to think about it.

"They have."

Savoc sipped from his caf, with a small "hmm" as he rested the cup again.

"How did they take the invitation, if I may ask?"

"With curiosity. They did not seem to expect it, Mr. Savoc. A strange reaction for a friend to have."

The Caridan smiled politely as he adjusted his collar slightly with a mechanical hand.

"We have simply not yet been acquainted. I think we shall become good friends when we are. Very good day to you."

With that, the server departed, and Callomas Savoc waited for the Jedi he had invited to accept the invitation they could not refuse.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 24th, 2009, 01:40:04 AM
She'd not visited Naboo in so many years. Exactly how long she couldn't guess, but it was over close to twelve years at the least. Well, she thought so - she could very well be wrong. Her stay was a quiet one, her presence minimal at best. She spent the daytime hours in her rented room, and the night outside.

She'd made it a point to be as solitary as possible, and her very presence was one that drew no attention whatsoever. And so it was that when she'd received the invitation, the Lupine accepted with a fair amount of confusion. She'd thanked the messenger, and that was that. She had no name, only a request to join someone for lunch.

Making her way down a small flight of steps that led from one of the upper landings to the main foyer of the hotel, s'Il stood for a few moments, her gaze sweeping to either side. She appeared out of place, though not enough so as to cause her to stand out horribly. Having put aside her normal Jedi's robes, the Lupine had chosen to wear far more casual - Lupine accented - clothing.

A clerk approached her, giving her a polite nod.

This way, Ma'am."

Dipping her head, s'Il quietly followed him as he led the way to the dining patio. Out of habit she folded her hands before her, slightly perplexed that she could not hide fidgeting fingers within the sleeves of the robes she normally wore.

Stepping outside, the Lupine pulled in a lungfull of fresh air. It was such a rich scent, full of vitality and life. She could almost smell the very culture of Naboo in a single breath.

And yet, mixed in with that tantalizing smell was something familiar. It was a mere ghost, almost unrecognizable; it tugged at her memory, causing a slight frown to cloud the calm expression she'd so previously worn.

With her hair falling down past her shoulders, she tested the air again. Yes, this was a scent that she'd smelled before. But where... she could not remember.

Callomas Savoc
Dec 24th, 2009, 01:52:59 AM
Caf was replaced with a suitable wine for the meal, a chilled Ithorian rosé that would be neither bold nor milquetoast. Callomas thanked the wine attendant with a nod, before returning his attention to the woman approaching the table.

"You are prompt. I like the directness."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 24th, 2009, 02:03:32 AM
The sight of his face, the sound of his voice. Each line in his features came together in an instant as her memory returned her to that day. That day on Dantooine. That horrid, bloody day.

She came to a stop at the chair across from him, and her eyes tracked downward to take in the setting that'd been placed for her. Her hands moved to rest along the top of the chair, her grip loose.

There was a small amount of silence as she tried to formulate an acceptable answer. Instead she pursed her lips, perplexed.


"I'm afraid that I must fall short on any appropriate response. Yours is a face I'd not thought to ever see again."

She gave an inner, self-deprecating laugh.

"No offense taken, I hope."

Callomas Savoc
Dec 24th, 2009, 02:07:24 AM
"None, naturally."

Again, a polite smile. He gestured with his mechanical hand, plainly for her to see.

"Do sit. I would hope to have my efforts to find you rewarded with good company. The establishment is reputable I have come here several times."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 24th, 2009, 02:11:14 AM
There was a cautious note in her voice, as she hesitated to accept his offer. The sight of his hand did not go unnoticed, and she made a mental note of it.

"And when shall I expect Esalis and her minions to join us?"

Callomas Savoc
Dec 24th, 2009, 02:15:36 AM
Callomas' smile broadened.

"I am sure the Director would be quite interested in apprehending you, but alas, I am not under contract at this time. I am enjoying, how would you say, a sabbatical. I do not need the work, I only do it when I find it stimulating."

With his normal hand, he reached for his wine, swirled it, brought it under his nose, then sipped. He paused momentarily to regard it, and gently set the glass aside.

"Should I likewise expect duplicity? Would the Rebellion find an interest in a person of my talents and privy information?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 24th, 2009, 02:22:11 AM
"If they do I am not aware."

His candor was enough to give her a small sense of ease, and the Lupine pulled her chair out before slowly lowering her frame to sit. Never once did her eye leave his face.

She watched him, unsure of what to make of this turn of events that now played out.

Eventually she reached for her own glass of wine, bringing it to her lips and taking a sip. It was far gentler than she was used to; Lupine vintages tended towards the strong end of the spectrum.

She set her glass down, fussing out of habit with a speck of dust on the rim.

"I feel I must offer my apologies for my behavior last we met," she gestured to his mechanical hand, "... some reactions are beyond my control, you must understand."

Callomas Savoc
Dec 24th, 2009, 02:27:47 AM
"My injury."

The Caridan assassin regarded his mechanical hand for the first time in a casual, matter-of-fact sort of way.

"There's no need for an apology. You were acting in your element, as was I. Consider it a curiosity.

You must understand I do not attribute any ill feelings to our prior adversarial relationship. This is my profession. It would be unbecoming if I were to begrudge for this."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 24th, 2009, 02:30:49 AM
She absently tapped a finger on the table, staring at his from over the top of her eyes; one a clear blue and the other a stark white.

"And your profession. Is that what brings you here... to me... ?"

Callomas Savoc
Dec 24th, 2009, 02:34:59 AM
The smile faded somewhat from Savoc's face. Had he not answered this?

"As I have said, I am here on my own time. I wanted to meet you. You are, after all, the source of my only defeat, and the most intimate I have been with my own mortality."

The server approached the table discretely.

"Begging your pardon madame, shall I have your order?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 24th, 2009, 02:42:48 AM
s'Il only gave the server a half-look.

"I will have the same as my companion."

It was said with just the right mix of understanding and impatience. She wasn't truly hungry, but she would eat regardless. A meal no matter what was still a meal. And the company - she still wasn't entirely sure what to make of the Imperial assassin, but he'd been nothing if not civil thus far.

The server gave a nod and retreated.

"There is always a deeper meaning of why to be had," she smiled gently while once more taking a drink of her wine.

It was pleasant, yet had enough flavor so as not to be dull.

Callomas Savoc
Dec 24th, 2009, 02:48:29 AM
"The experience is a wasted one without learning from it. If for anything, for my own enlightenment. You are unique among many Jedi I have faced. You are a metamorph; a Lupine, yes?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 24th, 2009, 10:47:29 PM
She looked at him curiously, her gaze locked with his own. It was a small surprise that he knew what she was, but one that she didn't outwardly show. Rather, s'Il ran an idle finger along the rim of her wineglass, a smirk on her lips.

"Be cautious; words like that will scare the natives."

Callomas Savoc
Dec 24th, 2009, 10:54:09 PM
"Would you rather they know you were a Jedi or a Lupine?"

Savoc raised an eyebrow at the proposed choice as he took another drink of wine.

"Your people are a myth; only a few even take the name seriously. I am one of those people, and I am inclined to be curious."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 25th, 2009, 10:28:17 AM
Her smirk shifted into an easy smile at his words, and s'Il leaned back in her seat. The absurdity of her current situation was beginning to settle well enough around her; that she was sharing such polite company with a man who'd at one point tried to kill her.

"Then I feel I must apologize; I must admit to being a fairly boring person, and would not satisfy your curiosity."

Words not spoken to deter, it was simply what she believed herself to be.

Callomas Savoc
Dec 25th, 2009, 10:35:44 AM
"Simply too modest, that would be the only notable shortcoming I see."

The server at last arrived with the squab, which was welcomed but now certainly an afterthought. Callomas dismissed the help with a polite nod.

"I have, you see, faced several Jedi in battle. The difference is discernable."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 25th, 2009, 10:52:06 AM
"Is that so?"

The Lupine gave him an odd look.

"There are different forms of technique adopted by many of us, so it's no surprise."

Callomas Savoc
Dec 25th, 2009, 10:58:45 AM
"There are, yes."

He seemed to think of this for a moment as he examined the squab.

"It is more than this. Perhaps the Jedi I defeated were susceptible to hubris. It would not be unreasonable to do so, though I find that as the Jedi become a rare specimen, this quality evaporates."

He smiled.

"It is as you say, you are mindful of words and the ears that hear them. Perhaps you feel this desperation more acutely, as the Lupine race shares the Jedi's sense of existential duress?"

Savoc paused, and lifted knife and fork to probe at his lunch.

"This sort of feeling is an intangible asset."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 25th, 2009, 10:50:16 PM
Seemingly lost in the aromas of her meal, s'Il tikked her head to the side in thought. The scents she could detect were gentle and intermingled, each thread weaving together into a delicate work of olfactory artistry.

Savoc's words, too, elicited a rather introspective pause as she blinked. When she spoke it was as much to herself as it was to him.

"And yet neither look so directly into the abyss as they once did."

s'Il began to carefully dissect her squab.

"Perhaps it is selfishness on my own part, but it is not the resurgence of the Jedi that I am most overjoyed for."

Callomas Savoc
Dec 25th, 2009, 11:04:07 PM
This was interesting. A priority more dear to her than the cause of her own sect?

"I am intrigued. My understanding is such a preference for a self-identified motive would be extremely unusual for a Jedi."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 25th, 2009, 11:13:48 PM
She gave a minute grin.

"History, my House, my ancestors, and my family - small as it is - come before all else. For myself, not even the Force can hold a higher place in the core of my being than the Bloodline.

"There are others more capable than I could ever be in carrying on the legacy of the Jedi... "

Reaching for her glass, s'Il stared at him from over the rim.

"... but only I and precious few others can help to pull my people from the brink of extinction."

Callomas Savoc
Dec 25th, 2009, 11:20:57 PM
"More capable?"

The knife slipped along the crisp game bird's skin with a light crackle, as tender flesh gave way. The sliver of squad was dredged through the mushroom mousse before a bite. Swallowing, the Caridan continued.

"By virtue of simply doctrine or by ability?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 25th, 2009, 11:59:53 PM
Lifting a small forkfull of squab to her mouth, the Lupine chewed slowly, relishing every bite before swallowing. It was superb.

"Ability. I'm no master by any degree, and by the virtue of what I am I'm placed at a bit of a disadvantage. It has always been a balancing act to keep the two working in tandem, which tells me that I wouldn't be suited as well as others to the task at hand."

A self-deprecating laugh as she cut another sliver of meat.

"It is my way, and the way of those who came before me."

He'd said that he was curious of her people, and s'Il found herself allowing bits and pieces to trickle out.

"The Bloodline and histories have always been and always will be paramount to all. Preservation of the past is as precious as the new lease on life that we've been given."

Callomas Savoc
Dec 26th, 2009, 12:12:29 AM
"It would seem that in some way, your adherence to your inheirited legacy will inevitably prevent you from fully realizing your potential as a Jedi, if I am to hear you correctly."

Another bite, and seconds passed as he thought of this. He took another drink of wine, pairing the piquant game bird flavor off the rosé.

"I have not had the pleasure of facing a Jedi Master in combat, and I thusly cannot compare the experience to our own encounter. I did not think any of their order still existed."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 26th, 2009, 02:15:45 AM
"They do."

She was quiet then, as his words sent her thoughts reeling to Zem. She sipped once more at her wine.

"Rare, but they are about."

Callomas Savoc
Dec 26th, 2009, 02:26:01 AM
"Perhaps I will also have the good fortune to meet one in battle some day. It would be an interesting moment to compare and contrast to my past victories and my defeat at your hand."

The Caridan forked out a bit of the melange of fresh herbs and cheese inside the squab, partitioning off enough for a sensible bite, and then speared it.

"Perhaps too the Director will at some point find you of interest again. I would very much entertain the possibility of facing you a second time."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 26th, 2009, 12:44:28 PM
s'Il raised an eyebrow at that, setting her glass down gently. The manner with which he spoke, so matter-of-factly, cause a somewhat bemused expression to descend upon her features. That he could be so casual of the whole notion; so genial, was a touch confounding. But it was his mention of his 'defeat' at her hands for a second time that she chose to address.

"I wouldn't call anything I did that day a triumph," she half-grumbled, "... and I certainly don't consider coming out of our engagement with any sense of having bested you.

"What you did... I've not been bloodied that badly in a very long time."

Her fork carefully pulled a bite of squab through the mousse.

Callomas Savoc
Dec 26th, 2009, 01:20:22 PM
"I take it as no insult for it to be what it is. My objective was to defeat you and I did not achieve it."

He understood the passions that should naturally occur in a game whose stakes are life and death.

"I was raised from a very young age in the Caridan academies to do what is my profession. While it is vexing to lose - and I assure you, we try in all we do to win - I can carry no resentment for it. Your ability is remarkable, and was of a higher quantity than mine on that day."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 27th, 2009, 10:12:33 PM
"If you were trying to defeat me, then yes I'd say you accomplished that. We were both carried away."

Her fork poked at some of the squab's filling.

"Now, if you were trying to kill me, then you did indeed fail."

A finger raised in emphasis of her next words.

"You came close, I will admit that."

Callomas Savoc
Dec 29th, 2009, 11:13:40 PM
"It is as I say. I failed."

Savoc cast a nonchalant expression as he took another sip of wine.

"There are silver linings to failures. I am here, as are you. We can now speak of such curiosities."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 1st, 2010, 10:55:38 AM
A faint, bemused smile crept across her lips as she looked across the table at Savoc. His mindset was certainly unique.

It was a fresh experience that the elder Lupine found herself beginning to enjoy.

"Very well then, what do you wish to discuss first?"

Callomas Savoc
Jan 1st, 2010, 12:18:41 PM
Savoc dissected his squab a little further as he considered the question.

"I would like to understand what you fight for. What is important to you?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 1st, 2010, 01:30:47 PM
The Lupine paused, fork in mouth as her broken gaze lifted to eyes. Slowly she pulled the ornately engraved utensil out before beginning to chew with meticulous care. She swallowed.

"The nature of what I am has always been at slight odds with who I have always striven to be. It is a delicate balance to marry the two; the peace of a Jedi is difficult to be made to coexist with the raw emotion which is at the core being of every Lupine."

She ran a fingernail along the tablecloth in an invisible pattern.

"For me, it all returns to what I spoke of earlier; that my family and my people supersede even the Force. Even through my efforts to merge Jedi practices with my inherent nature have been ongoing my entire life, I'll not hesitate to act in the interests of my own species when forced to choose between the two.

"If I am to be drawn into a battle of any sort, I fight for the safety of my House and the survival of my species."

Callomas Savoc
Jan 1st, 2010, 04:40:25 PM
Callomas took a bite, dabbing at the corner of his mouth with a napkin before speaking.

"Then you watch over others of your race? How many are you?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 1st, 2010, 05:02:51 PM
"Too few."

Her answer was vague, and she went on.

"Five including myself and my daughter."

Callomas Savoc
Jan 1st, 2010, 06:51:28 PM
"Then I am confused. You sought the Urns of Korriban, but was this not a dangerous gambit on your behalf? Should the preservation of your race also include the preservation of self?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 2nd, 2010, 02:25:41 AM
She lightly smiled at that, a smile tinged with mild embarrassment.

"We are not all infallible in our adherence to personal beliefs. Sometimes we do a thing simply because we are asked, and depending on the one making the request, we would go against the grain of our sensibilities."

Callomas Savoc
Jan 2nd, 2010, 03:06:03 PM
The Caridan nodded in complete understanding.

"Yes, we are so often less rigid than the ideology we claim. That is perfectly normal. So then, a friend had asked it of you, rather than any obligation to the Jedi?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 2nd, 2010, 03:23:23 PM
Taking up her glass, s'Il held it for a moment, staring at its' contents.

"It is strange what people will do for one another. None are exempt from it."

Callomas Savoc
Jan 3rd, 2010, 03:31:31 AM
"I would disagree. Perhaps a rarity, but exemptions do exist."

Savoc took a drink of wine.

"I, for example, have always demanded it. For the sake of my work, and the person I am when I am not working."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 3rd, 2010, 03:42:32 AM
s'Il gave an odd look to him.

"And what sort of person is that, if I may ask?"

Callomas Savoc
Jan 3rd, 2010, 03:53:35 AM
The Caridan thought about that question intimately, setting aside his glass.

"When your work revolves around the act of dealing death in the most dispassionate fashion, it is best to find, in your own time and way, how best to appreciate life before it is no longer yours to appreciate."

He gestured to the table.

"The meal, it is well prepared. The wine, chosen as a clever pairing. Is our view beautiful as well? The company I have had from you has been highly appreciated. It is not a charade I have brought you into, Lok s'Ilancy."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 3rd, 2010, 04:23:47 AM
"I would hope that you had not," she finally smiled, sipping from her wine.

Her meal indeed had been delightful, and a far cry from the normal fare she was used to. The level of refinement that Savoc seemed to surround himself with was a welcome change of pace. She had come to Naboo for its' culture; to spend time to herself away from the normal everyday goings on with Dan. She had needed to be alone, to clear the flotsam from her thoughts, and her unexpected meeting now, with a man that had very nearly ended her life, was surprisingly uplifting.

The last bit of stuffing was speared by her fork.

"There is a museum I have heard about that exhibits much of Naboo's early royal era art and stylings. It would be nice to have company."

Callomas Savoc
Jan 3rd, 2010, 12:47:22 PM
"The Velancium, on Queen Tharella Boulevard? Yes it is an excellent place."

Savoc finished his meal, daubing his napkin at his face again.

"I always enjoy time spent there."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 3rd, 2010, 01:54:23 PM
The Lupine gave a genial smile then, placing her fork and knife both on the plate carefully before bringing her napkin from her lap to fold it meticulously.

"Then, if you've no pressing engagements, we can meet in one hour's time at the museum."

Callomas Savoc
Jan 3rd, 2010, 05:01:04 PM
"I would be interested to share your interpretations of Royal Era Salon art on Naboo. One hour, then."

He made a waving motion.

"Attend to your business. I will deal with the check."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 3rd, 2010, 07:47:38 PM
"That is generous of you; my thanks."

Rising to her feet, the Lupine inclined her head in respect, and without another word she left him to his solitude.

It was a strange set of circumstances that had led her to this point, and she wondered if fate - that sometimes cruel guide over life - had willed this meeting. In the end she supposed that no, fate had no hand in this. It was simply Savoc's tenacious and relentless drive that brought the two together. She smiled for it, as her opinion of fate was a low one. The less attributed to that perception the better, she was slowly beginning to realize. It was a view that was not shared by her master, and as such it was something that she held close and hidden.

Callomas Savoc
Jan 3rd, 2010, 09:50:26 PM
As Savoc concluded his business with the waiter, he noticed a man in a dark blue suit also leave his table, traveling in the same direction s'Ilancy went after she parted company. How strange. He had not noticed the man before. When had he arrived in the courtyard. Dining alone was unusual but not unheard of, but there was nothing at the table, not even a glass of water.

The Caridan signed away a generous tip to his waiter.

"If you will, please have the attendant parcel up my belongings. I will be checking out today. I will transmit final payments to cover my stay. Good day to you."

The waiter, impressed with the generous tip, tipped his head and smiled as Savoc left, somewhat at a quicker pace, in the same direction.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 3rd, 2010, 10:00:46 PM
Alone once more in the comfort of her room, the Lupine took her time in opening one of the smaller suitcases that she'd brought. She smiled at its' contents.

Her wardrobe she changed little, shedding her loose blouse for an open-backed top that would allow her House brand to see the light of day.

Standing in the fresher, s'Il stared at herself in the mirror. Her hair fell past her shoulders and she angled her head to the side, noting with curiosity that - away from the fleet and Dan, away from the constant stress and struggles associated with her master - her age once more seemed less pronounced, the lines in her face becoming soft and smooth.

Callomas Savoc
Jan 3rd, 2010, 10:12:12 PM
As Savoc walked along the open thoroughfare, he kept a discrete amount of distance behind the blue-suited man. Something in the man's gait was tell-tale. His elbows didn't swing as freely when he walked as one would think they should. That sort of compensation was often the case when someone wore a shoulder harness for a pistol, and didn't want their body movement to cause the weapon to show.

Who was this curiosity that was following Lok s'Ilancy?

Savoc paused, the answer apparent. Somebody with some authority, but perhaps not enough to have been taken into consideration. A planetary constable? If it were true, s'Ilancy would be wise to hasten her departure.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 17th, 2010, 11:39:00 AM
Ten minutes later found the Lupine stepping from the shower, her body feeling so much more refreshed. Even her mind seemed less burdened. Another glance in the mirror showed that she had partially regained her youth - well, none but her would notice it, but she was sure that her time spent in relaxation had done phenomenally well in rejuvenating her entire being.

The clothing she had chosen was a simple, elegant ensemble that had come from her wardrobe back home on Schwartzweld. It was a far different style than most had ever seen, and as she felt new; reborn into a new breed of Lupine for these current times. Gone were the old ways she supposed. Gone were the days of constant isolation from the rest of the galaxy.

She had just finished putting a necklace on when a knock came at the door. Pausing, the Lupine frowned slightly. She was not expecting anyone. Rather than open the door straightaway, s'Il pushed at the call-panel beside the doorframe.


Callomas Savoc
Jan 17th, 2010, 02:02:16 PM
"Loklorien s'Ilancy?"

The voice at the door was not one that she would have recognized. The blue-suited man at the other side of it shifted his weight on his feet.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 17th, 2010, 02:13:36 PM
This was a voice that she did not know, and her brow knit in thought. She frowned, her nerves suddenly on edge.

She waited a few moments before answering.

"I'm afraid you have the wrong room."

Callomas Savoc
Jan 17th, 2010, 04:14:03 PM
The jacket parted, and the man's hand slid onto the pistol in it's holster, then paused as a vibro-knife was brought to the base of his jaw.

"I agree with her sentiments. You have the wrong room I am afraid."

With it understood that the Caridan could end this man's life at a moment, Callomas was allowed to retrieve the man's pistol without protest.

"Open the door, Madame."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 17th, 2010, 04:39:19 PM
Now that was a voice she knew, and with her frown quickly deepening into a scowl, the Lupine unlocked and opened the door.

Her features darkened terribly and her hands balled into white-knuckled fists for a few seconds. Another moment later and she'd regained her previous air, and stepped back to allow Savoc to ease her guest inside.

Callomas Savoc
Jan 17th, 2010, 05:03:40 PM
Callomas stepped inside, eased the captured man forward, and pushed him onto the nearby bed.

"A friend of yours?"

He looked to s'Il, curious if she knew who this might be.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 17th, 2010, 05:11:22 PM
A shake of her head. No, she did not know this man.

"I've never seen him before."

Crossing her arms over her chest, she glared daggers at the newcomer, then turned an exasperated look to Savoc before turning away to begin a cursory glance over the room for any of her possessions that were left out. It seemed she was in need of packing and quickly vacating.

"I'm afraid I'll have to cancel our appointment at the museum. It may be best if I left Naboo."

Callomas Savoc
Jan 17th, 2010, 05:17:57 PM
"I would agree. This is an unfortunate ending to our day together."

Savoc brusquely patted down the captive man, eventually fishing out credentials that identified him as a planetary constable.


He passed them on to the Jedi.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 17th, 2010, 05:34:46 PM
She took them without a word, glancing over them with a cursory eye.

Making a face she folded the papers.

"Entrepreneurial endeavor?" She asked the man, "Or are you working under orders."

Callomas Savoc
Jan 17th, 2010, 05:45:55 PM
"There's a bounty posted on you. Huge figure."

The man, suddenly aware he was in over his head, looked down at his feet.

"With a payout like that, I could pay for all of my kids' school and then some."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 17th, 2010, 06:37:29 PM
The Lupine cursed in her own native tongue, tossing the papers to the bed.

"Go home," she groused while stepping between Savoc and her would-be captor.

"Go home and be a decent husband and father. You seem an honest man trying to do good for your kids, and chasing bounties isn't good for them."

Taking the blaster Savoc held, she emptied its' power cell and tossed the unloaded firearm into the man's lap.

Callomas Savoc
Jan 17th, 2010, 06:48:45 PM
Savoc arched an eyebrow at the way she handled the situation.

"Madame do you think that is wise? It would perhaps be best to give yourself a reasonable head start. If the Authorities know you're here, then your situation will be more difficult."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 17th, 2010, 07:03:03 PM
"Maybe you're right," she thought aloud in answer. It would certainly make her departure easier.

A pass of her hand through the air, as if she was dismissing her follower, and the man's eyes drooped closed as he fell back onto the bed, asleep. Utterly satisfied with herself, the Lupine turned a sweet smile to Savoc before moving to gather her sparse luggage.

Callomas Savoc
Jan 17th, 2010, 07:26:35 PM
A thin smile.

"As always madame, I am pleased to witness your skill at work."

He patted where a hidden holster was.

"My solution would have been similar, but less impressive."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 10th, 2010, 09:36:54 PM
A single raised eyebrow was his only answer, as s'Il set about repacking the few belongings she'd removed from her minimal luggage.

"What I did was nothing but a bloodless alternative."

She gave an almost motherly pat to his arm.

"I rather dislike anything but."

Callomas Savoc
Mar 10th, 2010, 11:42:46 PM
"If I took some utility of pleasure from bloodwork, I imagine I would not charge for my service."

He watched her pack, staying out of her way. He would only hinder her by not knowing what she needed and where.

"Do not get me wrong, I love to compete. I find the end to be, shall we say, not the most interesting part. A frustrating paradox it seems, and one with a parallel in gastronomy. Think of the best food, the most perfect wine. You slow your consumption and draw it out, but in the end the result is that it ends. Always the same tragedy."

He paused, thinking of this.

"Pleasure from bloodwork itself would then become pleasure in the action of swallowing. An action more suited to enjoy quantity than quality. Some sort of glutton, perhaps the former of the soul rather than the latter's gullet."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 24th, 2010, 08:21:48 PM
The Lupine snapped closed the clasps holding her small carry-pack, looking sidelong at Savoc with a light-hearted smirk.

"You have obviously pondered this often."

Her duffel she left open for reasons as yet unknown, but positioned it on the edge of the bed beside her pack.

Straightening up, s'Il brought her hands together in front of her. What she had to ask of him was something that she'd certainly not intended, but such recent events had triggered the thought, and after a short amount of internal deliberation she had decided it best.

"I have an odd request, if I may."

Callomas Savoc
Mar 24th, 2010, 09:33:23 PM
"Of course."

He arched an eyebrow. What, exactly, would Lok s'Ilancy need from him. The curiosity laden in this thought was irresistible.

"I would assume, by your nature, it would be something unusual in comparison to my usual tasks."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 24th, 2010, 09:46:16 PM

She remained rooted to her spot, staring up at him.

"Given the drastic turn events have taken, it would be unwise for me to leave as I am now. It seems that I cannot safely leave the planet in my current state, and request your help in doing so. I understand this would put you in a delicate situation, but I must ask."

Callomas Savoc
Mar 24th, 2010, 09:53:00 PM
His thoughts traveled along the breadcrumbs she laid out in front of him.

"You intend on travelling under your metamorphic phase then?"

His brow furrowed at this unorthodox notion.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 25th, 2010, 08:31:21 PM
She gave a nod.

"At least until we are off the planet."

Now came the far more delicate portion of her request.

"I would not ask that you take me to the Alliance fleet, I know doing something of that nature would be detrimental to your continued relations with the Empire - "

Funny, how she found herself concerned for his well-being in such terms. But, the impression that he'd made upon her on this day held weight, and the Lupine did not desire to place him at odds with his sometime employers.

" - simple passage to one of the Outer Rim planets will be satisfactory enough.

"If you are willing to accomodate, of course."

Callomas Savoc
Mar 26th, 2010, 08:55:40 PM
"My loyalties, if they may be called such, are simply contractual arrangements."

He shrugged slightly.

"I am not bound by anything further from them. That I am as proficient at my work is the reason I have this level of autonomy."

A small smile, and he curtly nodded.

"I agree."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 4th, 2010, 04:25:13 PM
A single nod was all she gave, and s'Il began the methodical process of stripping her clothes away. She had no care whether Savoc chose to watch or not, and as each article of clothing was removed she folded it neatly, packing it away in one of her small travel cases.

Before long she stood bare before him, yet her movements showed that his presence was not any hindrance, and making sure that her belongings were secure and her luggage closed and locked, the Lupine allowed the Change to take her over.

The transition was a smooth one; far less chaotic than the last time he had seen her change. Before it had been fueled by desperation and madness, but now it was a fluid and nearly seamless thing.

Callomas Savoc
Apr 4th, 2010, 10:12:05 PM
As it was clear that she was shedding her garments, Savoc deferred his gaze in respect, until the sudden fleshy sounds of the metamorphosis were ended.

Wordlessly, Savoc carried the baggage in each hand, tucking one under his arm so he could open the door to let them both out.

"I have a shuttle a short distance from here. We will take the boat down the canal."

He wasn't sure she could hear him in this state, but he had a feeling she could.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 5th, 2010, 09:32:03 PM
Like an obedient dog, the hulking white-backed vornskr stayed at his side as they made their way down the hallway, into the lift, and down to the ground level of the hotel. She could feel a good many eyes watching them out of startled curiosity; some very obviously nervous, and others intrigued.

s'Il paid no mind to any of them, and as the two stepped outside, she lifted her head up to scent the air, pausing in the act. It was rich and vibrant, and she let a whorrfle escape her lips before starting forward again at a trot to catch up with Savoc.

Callomas Savoc
Apr 6th, 2010, 11:36:01 PM
They walked a short distance to a landing, where a boatman was taking passengers down one of Theed's many famous canals. His face took on a concerned frown as Callomas and his companion approached.

Savoc tipped the boatman very generously, and with a polite smile, he nodded.

"My pet, she is even tempered and housebroken. No cause for concern."

The boatman wouldn't normally tolerate something so patently bizarre, but the amount of the tip gave him pause. He reluctantly nodded.

"Take a seat at the back."

The Caridan nodded with understanding to the man's concerns.

"Of course."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 13th, 2010, 09:18:05 PM
Making sure to pick her way carefully through the obviously nervous passengers, s'Il was mindful to keep close to her companion, and when he sat down in one of the rear seats, she positioned herself at his feet, resting on her haunches and swaying with the motion of the boat. It was an odd sensation, and a few times the vornskr gave cautious glances over to the side, wishing that she could see onver the railing and into the water directly below.

With ears ticked back, and her immediate desires unfulfilled, s'Il simply settled for staring at those in front of them. A few of the passengers in the back had even vacated their own seats, moving to distance themselves from the strange duo.

A huffed breath, and she cast her gaze finally up to Savoc as if convey her amusement at the entire situation the two now found themselves in.

Callomas Savoc
Apr 13th, 2010, 10:37:46 PM
It was a strange urge, but Savoc entertained it, reaching down to scratch the Lupine behind the ear in a consoling fashion. The Caridan suppressed the urge to chuckle at the strangeness of it, as they continued on their journey.

The remainder of the trip was not long, and they at last arrived at their destination further down the canal. From here, the squat, yet expansive buildings of the starport could be seen. Even these utilitarian structures were built in that admirably painstaking way that Naboo was known for. It was a pity, Callomas decided, that he could not take more time than he'd like to enjoy the sights.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 17th, 2010, 11:07:50 PM
For her part, the white-backed vornskr stayed close to Savoc's side, but her gaze was sent to and fro, head angling from side to side, taking in her surroundings with a deceptively intelligent eye for detail.

Each building, though certainly not so grand as those in the city, still held the same basic architectural principles, and she noted more than once the underlying styles that tied everything together - the was building stones were set, the style of each window, all was separate, yet one.

It still did not escape her attention the wide berth and obvious stares that many of their fellow ferry passengers gave, and a few times the Lupine stared right back. Of course this made some look away, and s'Il gave an inner smirk of self-satisfaction.

Though she could not see due to her limited vantage, the smells of the starport were quickly becoming a pervasive thing, swirling all about her like the bodies they now sat amongst.

She would be glad when they were once more in privacy.

Callomas Savoc
Apr 18th, 2010, 10:57:41 PM
The boat was at last berthed, and Callomas and his four-legged friend debarked to the quiet relief of most everyone else still aboard. The Caridan gave a polite nod to everyone as he passed in gratitude to their accomodation of the strange passengers.

They headed to the spaceport, and Savoc's gait slowed somewhat as he noticed orange-pauldroned Stormtroopers patrolling along the periphery. Of course, this was normal. Naboo was an important Imperial world, and though Theed was thoroughly gorgeous, it was perhaps fitting that this inconvenience could not be avoided.

One trooper approached and motioned for Savoc to halt. He did so.

"We're conducting security sweeps at this starport, citizen. If you're intending to leave the system, we would ask to conduct a search of your baggage and person."

Callomas looked unphased.

"Sergeant, I'm a contractor with Imperial Intelligence. Is this at all necessary?"

The stormtrooper paused, looking to the vornskyr and back to Savoc.

"Let me see your identification."

A moment of mild annoyance, and Callomas removed a holocube from his pocket.


Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 23rd, 2010, 06:51:35 PM
Testing the air around them, s'Il slowly lowered herself to her haunches, sitting almost casually as she dipped her head, staring intently at the ground with ears pricked. Like she'd spotted some invisible... thing... the white vornskr ticked her head to the side, blinked, and smacked a paw down to the ground.

Her tail twitched behind her, and leaning in to investigate the imaginary prey, she gave a few huffed snorts.

Of course there was nothing, and straightening back up, the Lupine turned her gaze skyward, up to Savoc.

Callomas Savoc
Apr 23rd, 2010, 10:55:00 PM
The stormtrooper, after a brief inspection, returned the ID to Savoc. He then turned his attention to the vornskyr.

"Mr. Savoc, do you have a license for this animal?"

Callomas's brow ticked up slightly.

"I was, ahem, unaware of the necessity, Sergeant."

The stormtrooper straightened somewhat.

"Planetary code for Naboo has strict controls for alien flora and fauna. I'm surprised you haven't been warned of it until now."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 23rd, 2010, 11:22:43 PM
This was becoming tiresome, and as s'Il shifted slightly, she let her eye track to the stormtrooper. She let her tongue loll out, giving the Imperial a gruesome, toothy grin as her mind reached out to grasp his in an invisible hold.

You should overlook this honest mistake.

The was the barest of hesitations, as the stormtrooper seemed to take a half-step back.

"But we'll overlook the mistake this time. Just make sure it doesn't happen again on your next visit."

You should wish us safe journeys.

The white-clad soldier stepped to the side.

"Travel safely, Mr. Savoc."

s'Il heaved upwards to her feet once more, starting forward.

You should compliment Mr. Savoc on the beautiful animal he has.

"A beautiful animal, Mr. Savoc."

Callomas Savoc
May 5th, 2010, 11:00:09 PM
"Isn't she, though."

He nodded to the sergeant as he passed.

"Good day, then."

They moved onward, and the Caridan gave the vornskyr a suspicious smirk as he shook his head.

"And such delightful tricks."

Uncontested, they arrived at Savoc's ship, and he opened the egress hatch. Stepping inside, he couldn't resist himself, and he whistled to her to follow.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 15th, 2010, 07:24:06 PM
Trotting aboard as if she owned the ship, the white-backed vornskr gave only a fleeting glance up to Savoc as she jogged past him, tail flicking to and fro with the movements of the rest of her body.

A whurrfled grumble was the only answer to his whistle, and coming to a stop the Lupine cast her nose upward, taking in the scents around her.

His ship smelled... clean. And somehow rather fresh. It was not something that she'd expect from the interior of a starship.

Her pace slowed to a stop. A sneeze - rather quiet for a creature her size. Almost 'lady-like' even.

With an expelled breath, s'Il once again lifted her nose up, and ignoring the Caridan for now, she moved away once more at a trot to explore his ship.

Callomas Savoc
May 15th, 2010, 07:44:17 PM
Leaving her be, Callomas deposited the bags in the nearest most convenient place and stepped forward to the cockpit to seat himself.

"Change at your convenience. I will begin takeoff procedures."

The idle time caused his mind to wonder. At first he mused at the strangeness of this encounter and request. Next, he considered their run-in with the planetary police officer. The widening conflict of interest it represented was quite clear to him. He was living some sort of fantasy.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 16th, 2010, 04:43:12 PM
Her explorations took her all throughout the ship, and once satisfied (for the moment at least), s'Il found a quiet enough spot to Change. It was an easy transition made so many times before, and in no time at all she was padding down the narrow corridor on bare feet to where Savoc had placed her bags.

Lowering into a crouch, the Lupine opened the smaller carry-all and pulled out her clothing.

Five minutes later she was stepping through the threshold into the cockpit, moving to stand behind Savoc's seat. She lifted her hands to place them on the headrest, her eye turned to the view outside.

"Delightful tricks have kept me alive this long," she mused almost playfully, a grin pulling back one corner of her lips.

"... I see no reason to stop them now."

Callomas Savoc
May 17th, 2010, 08:56:14 PM
"Tricks are rarely simple isolated acts of play, after all."

Callomas mused on this as he prepared to lift off. Just as he was gliding the ship upward on its repulsors, a blinking red light caught his attention. A slight frown etched his face.

"The port master is rescinding my flight clearance."

His hands flew across the controls in a flurry, trying to get more information.

"I am to land and consent to a search."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 18th, 2010, 09:08:01 PM
Fingers tightening on the headrest, her knuckles turned white. The Lupine remained otherwise composed however, and her voice when she spoke was calm and even.

"I am at your mercy then."

Callomas Savoc
May 19th, 2010, 08:43:41 PM
Without a comment, Savoc suddenly engaged his full planetary-rated drive and accelerated for the open sky, picking up speed and putting in an escape trajectory to quickly leave the planet.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 19th, 2010, 08:58:36 PM
Her jaw clenched, and her grip on the headrest tightened a little more out of reflex. She kept her eyes forward, watching through the front viewscreen as the sky shifted from Naboo's beautiful crystal blue coloring to progressively darker shades the higher they went.

Callomas Savoc
May 19th, 2010, 10:38:03 PM
The gambit was, on the short-term, foolproof. Naboo was hardly a frontier world. There were no warships here, and if there was even a garrison with TIE fighters, those pilots were probably more interested in their sabacc pools than duty readiness. At any rate, any response to his defiance would only be met with a rapidly-cooling hypedrive wake.

"I am calculating a random micro jump."

He looked at s'Il with an unreadable expression.

"From there, we can discuss the future."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 19th, 2010, 10:48:56 PM
From her vantage over him, the Lupine met his gaze with a steadiness in her own, breathing in deeply before finally moving to the copilot's seat. Lowering her frame down to sit, she pulled on the crashwebbing out of pure habit - already her stomach was beginning to turn, and gritting her teeth, she resolved to secure herself as much as possible to keep from becoming too sick.

Once they were in hyperspace it wouldn't be so bad, but until then it would always be a test of how long she could withstand the feeling of spaceflight.

She could think of nothing to say, and instead bore the wait in silence, hands gripping the armrests in a steel hold, eyes locked forward, and her mouth in a straight, thin-lipped line.

Callomas Savoc
May 19th, 2010, 11:00:16 PM
As the navicomputer fed a trajectory, Callomas detected at last a group of four TIEs from the surface, screaming to intercept. He shrugged their presence off, they were simply too late. Stars turned into stretching threads of light as they thundered into hyperspace.

Done with his task of piloting for a moment, Savoc turned in his seat slightly.

"It would seem I have tendered my resignation with my client."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 20th, 2010, 03:57:41 PM
What that statement truly entailed, and how much of an impact it would have on him was lost on the Lupine. She could understand it well enough, but the ramifications she found impossible to fathom - mostly because what little knowledge she had of Savoc's dealings were so severely limited.

Her head dipped, and her hands released their hold on the armrests to fold together in her lap. She at least had enough of a grasp to know that his newly severed ties were because of her, and for a few moments she was at a loss for words.

Finally, with a whisper, she broke the heavy silence between them.

"...why... ?"

Callomas Savoc
May 20th, 2010, 10:18:08 PM
"It would be a shame to see you turned over to the Empire so anticlimactically."

He didn't expect her to understand his somewhat absurd answer.

"You deserve better than that."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 21st, 2010, 04:56:23 PM
It was not an answer that she was expecting, but she took it in stride nevertheless.

"You speak as though it is inevitable."

Callomas Savoc
May 21st, 2010, 07:48:43 PM
He arched an eyebrow.

"If I had cooperated, it would have been."

Reclining a bit, he thought about his actions.

"I am not the man I once was. If I am to find myself needing money, which I don't, I imagine I can still easily find work. I am not beholden to the Empire and never have been."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 22nd, 2010, 06:31:29 PM
He had a point, though from the relatively short period of time that she'd spent in his company, and the nature of their conversations over lunch, s'Il had come to suspect that for him to simply give her to the Empire without any amount of challenge involved would be unlikely. She had wagered that he would not.

What he said though intrigued her though, and while they might not be enjoying time spent meandering through a museum, they were peacefully alone in hyperspace.

She leaned back in her seat, a hand going up to finger the clasp of the crashwebbing.

"And what sort of man were you, once."

Callomas Savoc
May 22nd, 2010, 07:58:58 PM
"The kind who couldn't pick and choose his employer."

Callomas expressed the reality of it all candidly.

"Now I am older, wealthier, and I am not a slave to certain expediencies. I am free to do the work that pleases me, and I doubt there will be a shortage of targets to be had any time soon."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 22nd, 2010, 08:19:50 PM
"I suppose then that in a way that is... comforting."

A few more seconds of thought, and she conceded at last, "... at least until you decide to choose me."

Callomas Savoc
May 22nd, 2010, 09:19:59 PM
Callomas smiled furtively. He knew the Jedi struggled to come to grips with his peculiar philosophy, and he enjoyed that sort of ambiguity.

"Hang on, we're coming out of hyperdrive, and we'll get new coordinates."

The ship slowly slowed back into realspace.

"I suppose the ramifications of my actions are more independent now than we had first assumed. Should I bring you back to your friends in the Alliance?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 25th, 2010, 05:57:55 PM
The Lupine took a few quiet moments to think on that, her head angling downward, hands still folded in her lap. She very nearly didn't register their drop into realspace.

When she did answer, her words were slow, carefully considered.

"I do not wish to damage any more of your future employment possibilities. I have already imposed upon you in a manner that I find irrecoverable. The choice is yours."

Callomas Savoc
May 25th, 2010, 09:26:15 PM
"You say that as if you're so sure the Rebels would have no use of my skills."

He teased her with that thought, his own mouth tilted into a contrarian smirk.

"It would be expedient for me to return you directly, and I think safer. I will do it."

He tapped the navicomputer terminal, and paused. Rising from his seat, he stepped away.

"As good faith, feel free to enter the coordinates yourself. I will not look, and you can delete them at your leisure."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 25th, 2010, 09:44:55 PM
If he had been looking hard enough, Savoc would have seen the barest of pained - almost panicked - expressions flashing across her face. The Lupine was quick though, and hid it behind a mask of impatience as she flippantly waved him back to his seat.

"Sit back down. I've trusted you thus far, there is no need for me to stop now."

Turning to look away, she propped an elbow on the armrest, setting her chin in the palm of her hand as her next words came out in a mumble.

"Besides, I don't know how to do it."

Only, by the time she was halfway through she'd trailed off, her once clear and concise speech patterns degenerating into a morass of garbled verbal... mess.

Callomas Savoc
May 25th, 2010, 10:16:25 PM
"It is fortunate that we never met in space, then."

He never figured a Jedi would be any sort of a greenhorn in space, but there were, he figured, stranger things in the cosmos.

Returning to his seat, he looked to her again.

"You at least know the coordinates, I assume?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 25th, 2010, 10:33:12 PM
For a few moments she turned to stare at him. Perhaps too much time with Sanis (and even Dan occasionally) had made her come to expect teasing over her aversion to space travel, but whatever it was s'Il blinked a few times. She'd become used to defending herself from such fun being poked at her expense that when it didn't happen she felt a distinct void.

Eventually she found her tongue for long enough to rattle off the coordinates to where the Dauntless kept herself, and watching as the Caridan programed the navicom, she bit her lip.

The silence between the two was thick, but the Lupine was not uncomfortable with it, and she looked to the other side, focusing on anything but the stars until they were once more in hyperspace.

Callomas Savoc
May 27th, 2010, 09:18:18 PM
"I must admit, I am envious with your ease of trust. I would not do this if our positions were reversed."

The ship accelerated to hyperspeed, and Callomas looked to his passenger again.

"Is it your Jedi nature to treat me as such?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 28th, 2010, 08:24:30 PM
It was an odd look that she gave him, one that bordered curiosity while still keeping one foot in a rather aloof state.

Reaching up, she tapped her nose with a single finger while giving him a ghostly smile.

"You have the scent of an honorable man."

Callomas Savoc
May 29th, 2010, 10:03:01 AM
At that, Callomas was silent. His honor was, he decided, all he really valued in the end.

At last, he spoke.

"Thank you."

He was unused to such compliments.

"We are nearly at the realspace vector. One moment."

The starlines began to contract, bringing the visage of the Dauntless into view

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 29th, 2010, 10:55:45 AM
It was a familiar shape, the Dauntless. The sight of it also brought a sense of comfort - despite the original nature of her visit to Naboo in search of peace and solitude away from the normal days of never ending drudgery.

A long silence as she continued to watch, then in a low voice she spoke.

"You are welcome."

Callomas Savoc
May 30th, 2010, 01:55:50 PM
The board lit up with incoming communications, and a pair of fighters began to launch in what was either an escort, or if they proved to be hostile, an engaging force.

Savoc gestured to s'Il.

"I think your friends would rather hear a friendly voice."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 30th, 2010, 07:46:19 PM
"I suppose they would," she sighed, turning her eyes forward once more.

It wasn't long before Savoc had put her through to the docking master, a man she knew to be rather no-nonsense and stern.

"Docking control, this is Loklorien s'Ilancy, area 7256. Request permission to dock."

"Area 7256, copy. Your request is granted."

Watching as the fighters moved into escort position, s'Il leaned back in her seat. "Thank you."

Callomas Savoc
May 31st, 2010, 07:55:44 AM
The shuttle landed, soon followed by the escorts, which looped around for another pass before coming to land in the expansive Mon Calamari landing bay. Savoc began the power-down procedures and lowered the gangplank.

"It has been an auspicious journey, Madam s'Ilancy."

He rose to help her gather her belongings.

"Perhaps we will have time again for such things."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 31st, 2010, 09:20:59 AM
Her few possessions that she'd taken with her, the two carrypacks containing all that she'd need during her visit to Naboo, were easily enough thrown over each shoulder.

"I would hope so."

The Lupine cast a look out through the open doorway, down the boarding ramp and into the interior of the Dauntless' hangar bay.

"But to ensure that, I think we had best make good first impressions, don't you agree?"

It was her own way of saying that while her word carried weight, there was the possibility that it would not be able to entirely support him among her comrades - Dan among them.

Callomas Savoc
May 31st, 2010, 09:23:35 AM
Savoc glanced outward, an appearance of reluctance on his face to mingle with her rebel friends.

"A day for firsts, then."

He overcame his reluctance, and walked down the gangplank along with her.