View Full Version : Sugar, spice, and everything...nice?

Irridia Solensis
Nov 1st, 2009, 11:52:25 PM
Fingers swept through an unruly mass of scarlet locks, pushing them back from her face as she peered at the control panel. As if her glance had been all the persuasion it needed, the navicomputer chimed the imminent reversion to real space. The series of high pitched beeps were enough to earn the underpanel a swift kick from a solid, durasteel-toed boot.

Not that it stopped, but it sure as hell made Irridia feel a little better.

Days like this, she mused, she ought to go back to having a crew aboard her ship. Then, she could be sleeping in her very comfortable quarters, instead of staring at Budpock through the viewport of her freighter (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Class_580_freighter). Then again, after the last disaster, she figured the least she could endure was an occasional bleary eyed landing. At least this way she wasn't waking up to a verpine shatterblaster being held to her forehead.

That was always a plus.

Flipping a tiny green switch over her head, she set the Svartur Himinn's course for a tiny spaceport outside one of the smaller cities, some hundred-odd klicks away from Demmit Station. Right on the coast of one of the planet's major oceans, Bennicport was as its name suggested, an ancient port city. Built, rebuilt, and then built again over the millenia, it served as the base of operations for several of the pirate and outlaw groups that called Budpock home. One of whom had contracted her to fetch their latest shipment of spice directly from Kessel, hence the rather premium price she'd charged.

She flew in silence as she approached the planet and then broke into its atmosphere as smoothly as her beloved ship could manage. Coasting on sublights, she caught sight of Bennicport just as her 'escort' of two dilapidated TIE fighters bumbled into view.

"You're late, Red."

"And yer a Hutt's arse, Gavin...but ya still managed to find a woman ta take ya on." Irridia smirked through the crackling channel as it lit up on her comm panel. It was good that it was Gavin - he'd at least understand how she was feeling and get her checked in with some form of speed.

"At least I've found a woman who can tolerate me for a few minutes at a time...which is more than I can say for you, sugar. Bay 12 as usual. Drink at Radick's?" he replied, his laughter rolling clearly through the channel as she lost altitude on her approach.

'Wouldn't miss if fer anythin'...see ya as soon as I've unloaded."

Irridia grinned and minutes later pulled into her oft-assigned landing bay. It took the better part of an hour to make contact with her purchaser and conduct the transfer of the spice and the credits. But sure enough, as was promised three weeks ago when she'd agreed to take on the contract, there was a very pretty number of credits now residing in her pocket.

Most of them were tucked away in various hiding spots aboard the ship, save the few she had every intention of drinking away that evening. A quick trip through the 'fresher scrubbed the long trip from her skin and a change of clothes (http://i34.tinypic.com/2vvvq6x.jpg) had her ready to go soon after. Scarlet locks were pulled back into a stylized ponytail while her durasteel-toed boots were swapped out for a pair of stiletto heeled boots that added five inches to her 5' 3" frame. Her only visible weapons were a pair of customized verpine shatter guns held snugly in holsters, one strapped on the outside of each thigh.

Irridia strode through the spaceport and into the city after securing her ship, boots clicking on the permacrete as she followed the same path she always did to her favorite cantina. Radick's was known to be a particularly rough place, with brawls breaking out at the drop of a hat. That singular fact was why the woman liked it so much...she always had an urge to smash someone's face in, and the cantina always provided her that opportunity. She was almost looking more forward to the fight than the drink for a change.

Kalail Rotas
Nov 6th, 2009, 05:42:07 PM
Fighting was not to be had this night. No! Tonight was a night of revelry and debauchery for a rowdy group in the back corner booth. There were eight boisterous voices, singing in inebriation to mark a successful pirating score. Seven of the group were of that ilk, dressed in piece meal armor, leathers, and whatever clothing that they would come across in their thievery. It was the eighth, a woman, that seemed out of place amongst the pack of testosterone that pounded the table with mugs and slapped thighs and cushions in time with the beats of the song.

God damn them all
I was told we'd cruise the stars for Imperial gold
We'd fire no guns, shed no tears
Now I'm a broken man on a Halifax dock,
The last of Rotas' Privateers!!*

At the end of the verse they all lifted their mugs high into the air. One stood up, a Roonian by the looks of his blue skin, and cheered the lady sitting at the edge of the table, "To our brilliant Kalail, who's beauty only mirrors the intellect hiding in that head of yours."

Kalail was coy and played with a strand of hair between her teeth. "Oh, Cal. Not bad for a drunk boy using such big words." Long legs shifted and were crossed the other way, riding the black leather mini skirt further up her thigh. Thigh high boots zipped up the side with four inch heels kept much to the imagination, unlike the half opened white blouse that had mysteriously been unbuttoned by Jaksen, one of the humans, earlier this evening when Kalail was straddling his lap.

One would never guess that this whore of a woman was actually a genius accountant that worked for the Kasajian Exchange, one of the premiere banking organizations in the galaxy. She was also half of the leadership that controlled Black Nebula, one of the most feared underground criminal organizations that existed. It was birthed by differing and warring interests of the most powerful Vigos that survived past Prince Xizor's death. Factions were threatening to tear the great empire a part, so Sorsha Kasajian and Sasseeri Reeouurra decided to play nice, carved their halves and walked away.

But tonight was not a night to reminiscence about the past. Tonight was to drink about the bountiful score of weapons and spice that the Reaper's Mates had been tipped on. The Guardian-class light cruiser with Z-95 headhunters were quite the surprise for the light freighter that came out of hyperspace. It was child's play to disable their defenses and cripple the YT-2000. The crew knew that Kalail had all the right connections in getting the maximum black market price for their find, which even after their cut, would have them sitting pretty for awhile.

"Barkeep!" she barked across the crowded room and used her finger to circle around the men surrounding her. "Your best spiced rum for my boys! And bring the bottle!"

The party was far from over. There was still plenty of drink left in them all and Kalail had yet to settle on one to take to the hotel - one of the five Human males, the Roonian (which had caught her eye thus far), or the Etti ...

*My remake of Barrretts Privateers, well a part of it

Irridia Solensis
Dec 7th, 2009, 01:27:01 PM
"Get your ass over here, woman!"

The familiar bellow echoed through the cantina just as the majority of the voices fell into a lull, earning Irridia a roomfull of turned heads. Arching a brow, she stalked inside, head held high as she shoved her way through the crowd. Her expression dark and daring someone to start something.

"Gavin, you're a frelling prick, and I'm going to rip you a new one..." she growled as she reached his side and hopped up onto the empty barstool. His grin remained plastered across his features and elicited a resigned sigh after several minutes and a punch to the shoulder. One that was sure to leave a bruise as the petite woman packed a hell of a wallop.

Irridia grinned at him, flipping her crimson locks over her shoulder as she peered across the room, leaning back with her elbows on the edge of the bartop. She arched a sculpted brow and stared down a particularly swarthy looking human male, promising with her gaze that there would be severe repercussions if he even thought of coming near her.

She purred with pleasure as her Starshine Surprise bit back and nearly sent her falling off of her stool. Her grin broad was she took a second sip, and then a third in quick succession. Sea-green eyes skimmed over a group in the back corner booth before returning and focusing on the dangerously dressed woman perched on the table. Irridia let her gaze travel over the woman's figure slowly as appreciation poured across her features.

"Who the frell is that?" she breathed, downing the rest of her drink and tossing the glass to the tender who was passing by over her shoulder.

Gavin turned to look before answering, a wicked smirk curling his lips. "Name's Kalail Rotas, why? See something you like?"

"I was thinking that if her skirt goes any higher, I might have to go introduce myself." She purred wickedly, saluting Gavin with her fresh glass and sending her gaze back to Kalail.

Kalail Rotas
Dec 13th, 2009, 03:49:38 PM
"Oiy Gavin. Better warn tha' friend o'yers ta put those eyes back in her noggin'," said Mazen, one of the human behind the bar. He was a stocky, hairy man, with black curly hair that was over a month due for a cut. Clothes were clean and his beard was clean, but that was about it. Well, the spice rum he was preparing for the Rotas party was as well. No such thing as a dirty drink in this establishment until the fighting start. "Tha' woman would eat you alive."

He placed the last shot on the serving tray and looked to the redhead with a serious expression. "An' I mean literally too."

* * *

Kalail was still contemplating conquests when Cal took it upon himself to retrieve the drinks from the waitress and pass them out. "All right you wretched drunks. Rum's here!"

Six pairs of greedy hands snatched up the drinks while Kalail plucked one quite daintily off of the tray. As her men were hunched over the table in idle conversation as Cal continued serving them, random inebriated eyes saw that their little party had provided some amusement for a couple of spacers. Not that there weren't others that had cast such glances in their direction before, but these sets of eyes were new. The green ones in particular were vulpine. Almost enchanting, in a perverse sense since it was clear that lingering eyes were appreciative of the view.

"To the future and more gains from the Boss! To US!" said Jaksen and the others joined in. "TO US!"

Kalail crossed her legs and leaned backwards, holding herself upright with a hand upon the table with a thoughtful gaze towards the bar - quite clear the object of her interest was the delicious redhead knocking back a drink like a pro.

"To us," she murmured and knocked back the shot in one gulp and had to adjust her thinking for her night's activities. Now the question was not which species to bring home, but which gender. Oh the choices, it made her giggle wildly before she squeaked in surprise to Cal's hand upon her thigh and moving higher, reminding her that he had been in the lead before other opportunities had presented themselves.

Irridia Solensis
Dec 16th, 2009, 11:55:32 AM
"Tha' woman would eat you alive."

He placed the last shot on the serving tray and looked to the redhead with a serious expression. "An' I mean literally too."

"Would she now..."

Irridia couldn't have packed anymore wanton desire into her purr if she'd tried. As it was, she sat there for a moment and tried to remember when the last time was that she'd had company of the all-night-marathon kind that left her exhausted the next day.

Too long, she noted with no small amount of dismay that was a struggle to keep from marring her features. While sublety eluded her completely, she was well practiced at keeping her facial expression smooth, calm, and unreadable. Was one of the reasons she made such an excellent pazaak player.

"So tell me how exactly that'd be a problem, sugar? Iss usually what ah call fun." The young woman drawled, with a lascivious wink to the 'tender before blowing a kiss to Gavin in spite of him sitting two feet away. She'd have bedded the man ages ago, were it not for the fact that they'd never been single at the same time.

Spinning slowly back around on her stool, she arched her back the slightest bit and simply drank in the delectable sight for several moments. Her glass lifted to her lips for a long sip after which she deliberately dragged the tip of her tongue across the spice dusted rim. Glittering sea-green eyes fell half closed as the spice burned through her senses and made her purr audibly enough for several heads in her vicinity to turn and stare.

Throwing caution and the bartender's advice to the wind, Irridia rose slowly from her stool and left her jacket behind. With her glass clasped lightly in her hand, she strode across the cantina. Well, it was more of a predatory saunter than a stride, given the sway in her hips and decadence that her five inch heels gave her step.

Each step was precisely placed as she moved through the crowd, steel-wrapped stilettos flashing whenever they caught the light. Just before she spoke, she briefly turned and raised her hand, motioning for another round for the table.

Sea-green eyes flashed brightly as she dragged them down Kalail's form, before meeting the woman's gaze and addressing all of them. "Y'all mind if I join the party? Definitely looks like yer havin' far more fun than I am all by my lonesome at the bar..." Irridia purred lushly, a wantonly wicked smile curling her plump lips.

Kalail Rotas
Dec 18th, 2009, 11:03:06 AM
Mazen shook his head as Irridia sauntered off as debated waged on his mind as to who would kill the other one first - Rotas or Solensis. As far as personalities went, they were evenly matched, but Rotas could be far more devious if his favorite redhead ticked her off even remotely. He saw Irridia's signal and chuckled. The group already had half a bottle of rum left, so why not add more fuel to the fire with some Corellian Whiskey? He prepared the drinks and cast a glance over his shoulder to Gavin, "She definitely ain't leavin' this bar wit ya tonight, Gavin. Let's hope it's alive tho."

He waited a moment to finishing pouring one of the drinks and set down the heavy bottle on the counter to look at Gavin with a stern expression filled with warning. "An' I'm bein' dead serious."

Kalail, thus far, had no qualms about the interruptions thus far. The attractive, exotic looking redhead from the bar counter had come over to play! Allowing a more intimate, appreciative gaze over her body, Kalail smirked over the rim of her glass, which just happened to have been refilled quite quickly by Cal. She wasn't sure how her boys were going to react having an intruder wanting in on their fun. Right now, she didn't really hear the mix of protests and welcomes being slurred out - Kalail was too busy undressing her visitor with her eyes as a leg bounced almost giddily against the one under it.

"No t'anks, Miss. Dis 'ere ah private partay!" came a protest from one of the other humans. He didn't trust anyone outside of their little gathering, not with the score they had hauled in.

"Oh come on Kiel! Where's your manners! That's no way to treat a lady, regardless of a private party or not!" came Jaksen's rebuttal.

"I dunno. We dun 'ave enough alcohol ta go around ta be sociable," said the handsome Etti in the middle of the booth, using logic to dissuade anyone from distracting Kalail. Unfortunately, the waitress returned with a hefty serving of whiskey for everyone present.

"You were saying Saelvrin! Hah! I say she stays!" Jaksen slammed a hand against the table for emphasis and a couple of the other humans nodded in agreement. Free alcohol was always an enticement into agreeableness.

Cal slithered his way underneath the Boss' drinking arm and looked to the redhead and then back up at Kalail like a cute little puppy. To make the scene even more appropriate, she ruffled his hair before he spoke. "Up to the Boss of course. Her party."

"No," she corrected. "It's our party and I believe my boys have been swayed by her gifts." Kalail referred to the alcohol, of course and leaned forward with an engaging smile, purposely allowing the folds of her shirt to bulge outwards in delicious temptation. "She stays, but does she have a name?"

Irridia Solensis
Dec 28th, 2009, 03:36:09 PM
The young woman paused a mere two steps away from the group - two short steps, at that, within perfect visual distance. If there was one thing she'd learned from her mother, it was how to use her body to her greatest advantage. She posed just so, back arched slightly as they drank in the sight of her.

Sea-green eyes locked on Kalail's gaze, holding it for a deliciously long moment before they traveled the length of the woman's decidedly well-shaped body. Irridia winked slowly and turned in place, letting them all get a good long look. Some of the men were slack-jawed, and she wagered in her own mind whether it was her figure or her fully tattoed arms that were earning the glances. Either way, she planned on making the most of it.

Tearing her gaze away from Kalail for a moment, she favored the one the others called Jaksen with a slow, wicked wink that garnered her a space to sit right at his side. Her smile grew as she nodded and returned her eyes to the beauty sitting on the table, and her entire reason for coming over. "Of course, sugar...I wouldn't dream of interrupting if I couldn't get...permission." she purred softly, smiling at Cal as he so obviously slithered under the woman's arm.

With her meaning unmistakable, Irridia's purr darkened with pleasure at the view Kalail proffered, leaning forward enticingly - and seeming oblivious to the way her shirt parted across her warm skin. Even she could tell it was a practiced move that had been used before - but really, who cared? Her sea-green eyes lingered on the newly visible expanse of skin, appreciating the lush curves that were visible.

Closing the distance between them, she brushed up against Kalail's crossed legs and trailed her fingertips over the knee on top briefly - accidentally, of course - as she proffered her hand. "Irridia...friends call me Ri. What would like me to call you?" she breathed softly, gazing at Kalail through lowered lashes.

Kalail Rotas
Dec 29th, 2009, 05:11:34 PM
Sea green eyes fell upon the crashing waves of blue orbs that lingered over every inch of body displayed. Kalail mouth watered at temptation and interest to the intricate tattoos that covered the woman's arms. She wanted to know what it felt like to touch them and more. She was enamored by well developed curves and allowed her head to dip lower to watch a tight ass squirm into the booth and saddle up next to Jaksen, which came as no surprise - he was the one defending her presence. He and Kalail that is.

Cal was in the way now. No offense to the Roonian, but Kalail was distracted by the briefest of touches that glanced her knee. Irridia enjoyed the view that was given casually, both of them teasing with accidental looks, touches, and exposed skin to tantalize both with endless possibilities if they chose to act upon such yearnings. She removed the arm around his neck, much to his surprise. Dejected at the attention lost, Cal sipped the drinks brought over as a gift from 'Ri'. The Roonian was certain that he was bringing Kalail to bed, but it was clear by the look in the Boss' eyes that she was too distracted by the woman right now to consider it.

Jaksen was about drenning in his pants with what he saw next and was thanking every god known in existence that Irridia sat down next to him, because he was getting one helluva show. Even if she weren't inebriated, Kalail didn't care about uncrossing her legs before Irridia, short skirt already hiked up and all. One boot blocked her escape, the other slipped between the thighs of both Ri and Jaksen. Soon her rear slid down the table, enough to obscure what had just been plainly displayed for all to see with knees threatening to straddle the redhead's lap if she dipped further.

"Well, Ri. I'm Kalail. Kal, for short," she said and took the offered hand within hers so that lips could brush atop of it lightly. Eyes trailed down the length of Ri's arm until reaching the sea green ones hiding behind thick lashes. It drew out a half-smile. "And it's a pleasure to meet you."

Irridia Solensis
Jan 7th, 2010, 10:25:40 PM
Across the bar, both Mazen and Gavin had watched the goings on intently, the former with an air of disbelief, the latter with a shit-eating grin a Hutt couldn't match. Both jaws, however, hit the floor as Irridia slid herself into the intimate booth and Kalail turned to ensure that the redhead wasn't going anywhere for a good long while.

At least, not alone, if Ri had anything to say about it.

As she sat, the smuggler pressed herself nice and close to Jaksen, more than a little amused at his sudden expression. A mixture of shock, awe, and a wave of indecision of whether to look or touch first. Sea green eyes stole away from his handsome visage as a pair of soft lips brushed the back of her hand in a gesture that sent a jolt of desire straight through to her core.

Words were stalled as Kalail moved, stealing the sensual view from the rest of the bar and gifting it to her alone. A fact that turned the redhead on like nothing else had as of late. Once free, her hands grew bold, trailing upward from her ankles to her calves, lingering briefly on her knees and coming to a stop on the outside of her thighs where the scant skirt lingered.

"I assure you Kal, the pleasure is..." Ri began, eye trailing over the woman slowly before finally meeting her gaze again, "...all mine. But are you sure the table is comfortable enough for you, sugar?" Sending sea-green eyes cascading down Kalail's body slowly, her meaning and her offer was unmistakable.

Kalail Rotas
Jan 20th, 2010, 08:09:09 PM
Eyelids closed halfway, basking solely in the softest of touches of fingers that tantalized her skin. Ri's boldness only excited her further as fingers lingered at the edge of her skirt. This and the alcohol were a delectable marriage of inhibition and lust. How this woman swaggered towards her table and crashed the party made Ri dangerous. Whether or not that this woman knew who Kalail was, it mattered little. She just enjoyed the fact that Ri had enough crazy to stroll up to their table to claim what she wanted. It made Kalail surprised that with all of the various smuggling and pirating circles that she knew, their paths had not crossed earlier.

Kalail was finding this role reversal having a profound effect on her, not often being the prey. There was a barely perceptible tremble to her lips as blue eyes were soon being overwhelmed by the sea of green that engulfed her. Biting her lower lip softly, eyes remained locked to Ri's as her invitation was accepted. Boots slid off of the cushion to be replaced by knees snugly set against Ri's hips as the rest of Kalail lowered into the offered lap. Arms languidly wrap themselves around Ri's neck as the belly displayed before the redhead was slowly replaced by breasts, that had been offered earlier were teasingly close, but then they disappeared so both women could stare at one another - face to face for the first time.

Cal slammed back another shot and muttered an excuse about why he had to leave. Kalail knew he was angry that his Boss' eye had traveled elsewhere, but he should know better. This wasn't the first time that this happened. Something beautiful and deadly had appeared and Kalail loved being in the thrall of danger.

Jaksen and the rest of the boys were basically muttering to themselves and placing bets if the two of them would actually start the festivities in the booth or not - especially since the Boss was not one to care about an audience. So far they were split down the middle for and against it.

Kalail had tuned them all out. Her attention was captivated solely by the woman who's lap she claimed. Thighs squeezed against Ri's while hands drifted along her shirt and grabbed a handful so that Kalail could taunt lips that were scantly apart from her own. "I believe I'm quite comfortable now." Warm breath against her lips, Ri soon felt silken hair slide against her cheek as Kalail hovered over an ear. "Are you?"

Irridia Solensis
Feb 21st, 2010, 02:28:49 PM
Moments like these, Irridia wished she had a holocam.

Just the way the woman slid forward and settled against her was enough to send her lust spiraling higher. The arch to her back, the sudden rush of warmth, and the oh-so-pleasant sensation of Kalail's weight in her lap.

Everything and everyone else began to fade out of her awareness, head tilting forward to press lips against the hollow of the enticing woman's throat. The tip of her tongue darted out to taste the warm skin briefly, before Ri leaned her head back and purred. Kalail's fingers bunched up in the already low neckline of her shirt, tugging it low enough to reveal the sheer black lace of her bra.

With the last of her wits around her, Ri plucked a credit chip from the lace and tucked it into Jaksen's wandering hand with a wink. With his fingers so occupied, she let her hands slide along the outside of the thighs pressed along side hers, sliding her fingertips under the skirt fabric, lingering there. Nails dug in ever so slightly as Kalail proffered her lips and stole away soon after, whispering over her ear.

Breath and warmth sent a shudder of pleasure down her spine, spurring her to free one hand to press against Kalail's lower back. It brought the delectable woman even closer as she tilted her head to trail her lips along the side of her neck, slowly and deliberately making her way along her jaw as well.

"Oh yes...perfectly...comfortable..." she murmured between kisses, smiling wickedly all the while.

Kalail Rotas
Mar 16th, 2010, 02:08:39 PM
Jaksen stared at the credit chip, scratching his head in perplexity. Why would the redhead give him money? Then his eyes widened as it suddenly dawned on him. She was joining the bet.

He quickly followed the rest of his buddies eyesight and saw how things had already heated up in a matter of seconds. The Boss' eyes were clamped down tight as Ri enjoyed the delectable taste of soft flesh. He found himself biting down on his bottom lip as Kalail was. His pleasure was silent, but you couldn't mistake the small moans of enjoyment that were heard or fail to notice the beginnings of hips slowly grinding into the lap she was perched on.

"Well, boys, time to pay up." He licked his lips lewdly, "Party's startin' now."

That brought a chorus of sighs as credits were slapped into his hand, but the loss of coins wore off fairly fast considering the free show in the booth.

Kalail barely heard the commotion. She was utterly enthralled with the perfect lips upon her neck to register what was said, nor did she care that they were becoming the main attraction in the bar. All she wanted was to be closer to this vixen of a woman.

To ensure that every part of her neck was attended to, she arched her back, bringing her closer to Ri and extended her head backwards. She lazily rolled her face towards her boys and shivered as Ri did not deny her the pleasure of continuing with her kisses.

"Boys?" she whispered faintly but managed to find strength to open her eyelids, "Make sure that we have some privacy?"

They didn't need any further instruction and nodded towards Kalail before all cast knowing glances towards one another. This was not the first time a request such as this was asked of them. At least this time, they did not require a full detailed explanation as to what was subtly asked. It had all but ruined the moment when Kalail had to hiss out she wanted to her crew - as in block the both from nosy eyes. The only audience allowed were her boys, something that Ri didn't seem to mind. That thought only brought another shudder of pleasure to run throughout her body.

Slowly the boys pushed themselves out of the booth and positioned themselves in key locations - three standing in front of the table, two sitting on top of the booth itself and of course Jaksen, taking up a comfortable position on top of the seat next to the lovely pair.

"Hey!" he glowered down at the spacers in the next booth trying to gain a peek. He pointed down at their drinks, "Ya keep them eyes low, ya 'ere?"

As her crew turned into enforcers, Ri had found herself without any neck left that had yet to be untouched. Kalail found her mouth agape, breathless from such the simplest of caresses of mouth and tongue. She had often had the pleasure of such foreplay, but never had she been brought to such yearning. A hand was quickly released from the shirt in clung to and caught the sides of Ri's face before the woman could figure out what to do with herself. Kalail squeezed her cheeks and brought their eyes to meet with rough intentions. Her chest heaved against Ri's with pent up lust as warm breath caressed lips that she wanted to devour so badly. She could no longer deny the want of having the fingertips teasing her just at the edges of her skirt to go higher.

Perhaps what came next would be a surprise to Ri, given with how roughly Kalail had grabbed her face, but she had moved in slowly, daring to glimpse at sea-green eyes one last time, before becoming utterly lost in them and then in the kiss they shared ...

Irridia Solensis
Jul 10th, 2010, 08:16:18 PM
She'd had her share of lovers before, if she were to be truthful...male and female alike. But never had she had one quite like Kalail.

Talented would have been understatement.

Irridia let the woman know precisely how satisfied she was. Words of ultimate pleasure poured past parted lips, between breathless moments when her mouth was unoccupied. When it was, she demonstrated.

Several times over.


Clothing had, for the most part, found its proper place once more, as Ri purred against Kal's ear. The pair was ensconced in the back of the booth, curled together in a delectable tangle of limbs, under the watchful eye of the wide-eyed men around them.

From across the cantina, the smuggler caught Gavin's eye and proffered a slow, lazy wink. She'd be hearing about this one for a good, long while - and couldn't say that she was going to mind in the least. Tilting her head, her now-unbound crimson locks spilled across her shoulder as she nipped playfully on Kalail's shoulder.

"I think I'm going to be bruised for a few days...my legs just aren't meant to bend like that..." she grinned wickedly.

Kalail Rotas
Jul 16th, 2010, 02:55:30 PM
Kalail was always particular of whom she slept with, even though prior drunken antics seemed to indicate otherwise. She was a woman with needs and if there were any doubts as to the partners ability to satisfy those needs, they would be brushed off like a bad spice habit. Never, ever, had anyone touched her unless she wanted it.

Like she wanted Irridia, several times over. A confined space as this booth had made it sporting, to say the least, on how to fulfill their passions, but that only added to the entire insanity to the situation of public fornication.

She wanted another encore of their performance as rough teeth nipped at her now clothed shoulder. Heavy eyelids glanced towards her left as she slowly buttoned up her shirt. "If you aren't bruised after that, I'd take offense."

A swaggering grin came as Kalail deftly untangled their limbs to steal a long inviting kiss that almost spoke of cursing their idiocy for putting their clothes back on, but it was apparent that her boys couldn't handle any more by the painful looks in their faces.

Nuzzling her face against Ri's cheek, soft lips nibbled an earlobe tenderly teasing before actually speaking. "To leave you is a travesty. Know this," she purred and slipped a small datapad into the redhead's pocket before slithering up to her feet. It contained information on how to contact Kalail through back channels. A privileged only few held.

"All right boys," Kalail announced and with her hand raising to eye level, she snapped her fingers to corral them in line, "Let's take this party elsewhere since I think we've worn out our welcome."

Slipping an arm around Jaksen's waist, Kalail and her entourage slowly moved through the bar and towards the exit, picking up several bottles of alcohol along the way knowing full well that the party was far from over. She did owe some of them gratitude in being patient as she had her fill in the booth and poor Cal certainly needed to release his anger towards her in a far more constructive manner.

But she couldn't help her eyes shifting back towards the booth where she had left Ri and smiled triumphantly and knew this wouldn't be the last she saw of the enigmatic redhead ...