View Full Version : The Galaxy Is What We Make It (Baralai)

Ezra Na'chtion
Oct 29th, 2009, 02:57:04 AM
So many pieces, so many little intricate systems that fed off of and powered each other. All connected, but now torn apart as the scalpel was wielded more as a club than a precision tool to cut through those works of wonder, splicing them open until they revealed their secrets. However, they did not always crack from the first incision, and more had to be made. Now it was a mess of gore and slippery organs. The truth was not a simple thing. It had to be forced out, severed from the body, but for a noble reason. All in the name of science. There was no greater force in the galaxy than discovery. There was not much left to discover for sentient creatures, but for the individual there is always vast knowledge to undercover. Any number of texts books could reveal the information he wanted, and those books had been made available, but the discovery is better in person. There were no limits here, no morals could be applied. There was only the specimen, the scalpel, and the adventurer.

Stepping back, Ezra Na'chtion, former acolyte of the now fallen and defunct Sith Order, stepped back to admire his handiwork. The primitive canine creature was cut open before him, medical scissors holding the cut flesh aside to reveal the delicate insides of the beast. The vital organs laid bare, the rib broken and removed so he could poke around inside, see how it was all connected. The old folding table that served as his operation board was smothered in gore which dripped over the edges and on to the plastic sheeted floor. Removing his gloves, Ezra cast them aside and stepped off the stool he was using to get a better view at things. Being only a young teenager meant he was shorter than most, and being from a family with a genetic propensity for small stature made him even smaller. His sandy hair was speckled with blood, as was the surgeon coat he was wearing, which was many sizes too big for him. Stomping over the plastic in his rubber boots, which were two different sizes and quite worn looking, Ezra made his way to another table, which was little more than a board sitting on two cardboard boxes, and peered down at the open books before him.

One book was a medical text book detailing in great detail the body systems of the mutt behind him on the table. Beside it was a notepad with his own personal notes on it. He could have used a datapad, but it was hard to get your hands on one when you had no money, or means to power it. The lamps that lit the room were fuel powered work lights he had stolen, and powered by fuel that was equally stolen. Taking a pen he began to scribble his own notes, each letter perfect cursive. His mother, damn that woman, had said he had the handwriting of a doctor, and had pushed him to enter the medical career. In a sense he had, but not in the way they would have ever wanted. Sith Alchemy was quite a far fetch from using his good penmanship to scrawl out prescription signatures. While the medical textbook had all the concrete information, what it lacked was his own insight. Seeing into the animal first hand opened up many ideas, many possibilities. So far all he had managed with his alchemy was creating abominations by merging body systems of different animals to create a new hybrid. However, he was no longer able to do this since the Sith Temple on Korriban was seized and the equipment needed lost. It took more than some bacta and a doctor's note to fuse two broken body systems together, no matter how good the penmanship was.

Now all he could do was learn. With the loss of his own master Baralai Lotus, and his tutor Sin, Ezra was forced to teach himself once again. While he could not create new abominations, which he had found called Chimeras in one of the Alchemy textbooks, he could still learn the body systems, make his own notes and plans, and hopefully one day put them into action. As much as he wanted, he could not hunt his real target, which was humans. Taking a human and cutting them open to see how they tick, to feel their organs between your fingers, was considered a crime. A wild dog could be overlooked, especially here on the outskirts of Coronet, the capital city of Corellia. It was this city that had contained the safehouse for the renegade sith, but now lay dormant and lonely. Ezra came back here to wait for the return of the sith, if it ever came, and he might as well learn a few things while he waited.

Now he lived in this decrepit house, long abandoned and considered dangerous. It was all boarded up when he found it, but nothing his energy weapon could not cut through like butter. He made his own entrance, hid it, and only left at night. The place was crumbling around him. Rotten furniture had been pushed to the edges of the rooms, the upstairs was uninhabitable as it was falling off the side of the building. He worked his experiments in the small cellar and lived in the upstairs kitchen. It was the only room that had solid enough walls to survive the rest of the house falling apart around it. It was also where the stairs to the cellar were located. The cellar itself was full of this weeks experiments decaying in dark edges of the room, just barely visible in the light.

Sighing, Ezra closed the books and headed up stairs, slipping out of the boots and coat at the edge of the plastic sheeting on the floor, then climb up the stairs to the kitchen. It was a small kitchen, with a linoleum floor and dirty everything. The house had been some kind of commercial home and had a booth like table with two shaped benches and a table between them. There was no electricity, which meant he had no food. He only ate when he could steal it, and it was getting harder and harder. Tonight he would have no dinner. Instead he moved to the booth seat that was his bed, the other side being where he sat when he ate. He had a blanket and a little pillow, which he propped against the wall the booths sat up against and curled up with the blanket. He was not sleeping, but sitting there and thinking in comfort. On the table was the few books he had happened to have in his book bag or grabbed on his way out when they fled the Temple. A few of the tomes were newer and regardless of their titles they had a common author: Baralai Lotus. Two of the books were just random medical journals he had with him at the time. Amazing he escaped carrying so much weight in his bag.

Sighing again, he wondered if any sith would ever return. He was going crazy waiting for them. He wanted a facility to work his experiments again. The one Baralai had on Korriban had been exception and perfect for their line of work. Baralai. Now he had nothing. No money left, only a few books and the Sith holocron he had taken from those guys, Jeseth and Chase their names might have been. He had not figured out how to open it, so it did not count in his list of assets. Right now all he really had was his brain, and his high IQ and young genius was going to waste.

Baralai Lotus
Oct 31st, 2009, 12:50:04 PM
The streets of Corellia were dark and cold, just as they had been all those years ago. Baralai skulked through the streets and into the back alleys, following the energy signature from the tracking device. It had been long enough that Ezra had been on his own, and it was time for him to present his research.

Following the alleys brought Baralai to the doorstep of a dilapidated building in the slums of Corellia. Hardly a laboratory, but in the most extreme cases, it would suffice. His hand ran down the wall of the building until he came to the opening that Ezra had carved into its side, splaying it open like some sort of gored beast.

He turned inside, staring at the walls and the blood that adorned them. The dog in the corner was held open with medical sutures, and had been destroyed more than it had been examined. The coat and gloves in the corner were covered in blood, and the whole room smelled of the sweet scent of flesh. It was something Baralai reveled in.

He made his trek up the steps, stepping with no intention to be quiet, his boots banging up the stairwell as he made the trek. As he rose to the top step, he saw Ezra sitting in a chair in the middle of the run-down kitchen. He was holding one of Baralai's old medical journals and Baralai smiled, staring at his old apprentice. It was amazing how time hadn't changed his appearance as much as it had Baralai.

Baralai pulled a cigarette from his pack and lit it up, taking a long inhale and letting the smoke roll around over his tongue and down into his lungs. As he exhaled, he spoke,

"The d-dog downstairs needs to be more closely examined."

He took another exhale as Ezra turned his head around and saw Baralai standing before him. With no eye patch over his empty socket, and his hair ragged and hanging over his face. He took another drag from his cigarette.

"The c-coloration of the epithelial tissue means p-possible necrosis."

Ezra Na'chtion
Dec 1st, 2009, 02:46:19 AM
Footsteps, from the basement. It was a strange thing to hear at this time of night, or at any time of the day for that matter, but Ezra was hardly frightened by it. He heard many things that he knew did not and could not exist. The walls had voices these days, but Ezra hardly thought himself going mad. Rather, he put it down as a result of his separation from sentient life and his subconscious attempting to converse with itself. Completely rational, he thought. While he hardly believed in the existence of disembodied souls inhabiting derelict habitats, this wreck in question would make an ideal home for such an impossibility. Should a poltergeist emerge from the basement access then he would confront it with the flaws in it's very existence and, possibly, cause it to doubt itself and unfold from whatever fabric of reality it clung.

However, something far more surprising than ghosts or goblins, sandmen or unicorns emerged from the basement access and stepped into the dim light of the kitchen. Baralai Lotus. Part of him thought he should have guessed the man would show up some day, and like all the other masters he had throughout the last year or two, he would show up when he wasn't all together wanted and demand he be trusted to stay, and then would not. Ezra found his conscience fractured into three identities in that moment. There was the child who wanted to run to Baralai, fall at his feet, and cry while hugging the man's knees; there was the boy that wanted to stand up and, with the force as his weapon, smother the man out of existence; and there was the scientist who saw a fellow man of logic and was interested in his assistance in whatever matters prevailed above others. All three fought for dominance of the situation, but Baralai's medical report pulled the third personality, the scientist, to prevail above the others.

"Necrosis is common in the Canis lupus familiaris variant found on this planet. Spindleweb Spiders inhabit the junkyards where the wild canines primarily feed. This variant possesses thicken skin, and the poison gets trapped in the flesh cells and causes necrosis if not drained. It's so common in my specimens that I fail to notice it anymore. Do not be alarmed. I always wash my specimens to dislodge any clinging spiders or eggs.

Dogs and spiders aside, what brings you back my master?" He finished, his question ending his long worded reply. His voice remained calm, his speech to the point. He did not stand, or move for that matter. He remained under his blanket, for the briefest moment wondering if Baralai was here to kill him. It was very much a part of their culture. The sith were well known for the ferocity they displayed toward each other. Murderous ascension was common, as was removing unwanted apprentices. However, Ezra doubted very much what Baralai was ever capable of. The man was more than obviously missing an eye, which was left uncovered in gaudy fashion, and the rest of his appearance was ragged and disheveled. Not to mention he had a stim hanging off his lip. Ezra did hope the smell of stim would not linger. It was hard enough to deal with the overpowering mildew stench from where the rain leaked through and soaked parts of the house.

Baralai Lotus
Jan 12th, 2010, 02:24:19 PM
Baralai took a long drag of the stim hanging from his mouth, listening intently to every word that Ezra had spoken. He had been keeping up with his work, and delving even further. A wonderful trait to be found in a Sith Alchemist.

Baralai was truly impressed with the boy. He had done well to survive, and from the lack of scars or lacerations on his body he'd obviously kept his nose out of trouble. Baralai reached up and placed the back of his gloved hand on Ezra's cheek and ran it slowly down his face.

Baralai's lips pulled back into a smile, the scars around his lips etching patterns all the way to the back of his jaw. The prosthetic tongue jerked and twitched in his mouth as smoke erupted from his lungs and pushed through the dark spaces in-between his teeth.

He turned his back and looked to the corner of the room, where the scythe Baralai had given to Ezra all those years ago still sat, standing silent. It looked virtually unused, untouched, more like a conversation piece. An antique that was only meant to collect dust and be shown off.

Baralai's hand rose and the scythe jumped into his open palm. With a flick of his thumb the blade came to live, shooting from the top of the staff. Baralai turned, the glow of the blade illuminating his face.

"Well maintained, c-c-considering you haven't used it."

Baralai pulled his shoulders back and stood straight, stepping closer to Ezra. His eye lit up under the glow of the red blade the coursed out of the scythe.

"As for what I've c-come for," he pushed the scythe forward, placing it into Ezra's hands, "I've come to bring you along with me in the pursuit of knowledge. You have to learn."

Ezra Na'chtion
Feb 25th, 2010, 04:51:44 PM
The touch was strange. In all his time spent with Baralai his mentor had never touched him, except perhaps in subtle ways, such as guiding his hands during his first few biopsies, helping guide the scalpel and blade as he dissected animals and sentient beings alike. However, this touch was something different all together. It was both paternal and sensual. It both excited Ezra and made him feel safe and at home. Part of him wanted to lean against the touch, but somehow he felt that it might be a test of some sort and instead remained stoic and in place, unmoving. However, he did allow his eyes to flutter somewhat and his face to relax. When the hand was taken away part of him wished it had stayed there.

He was no orphan like the Sith usually attracted. He had two parents, both living their lives back on Tatooine, or wherever they may have moved to now. However, he had disowned his parents. They had tried to hold him back, in a sense, and he knew he could do better on his own. His IQ was incredible, and his potential infinite, but they had argued that he should not go off to university or academy at his age, that he should be allowed to live as a child first. This was not what he wanted. He wanted to learn, to know. His parents were a disgrace to him. Both smart but lost in their own little worlds with no motivation to learn more. They were cast aside, and Baralai was the closest thing that came to fill that spot. He was no mother, and hardly a father, but he was something of a paternal figure all the same. He was someone to look up to and undeniably the closest person in Ezra's life. The only person really. Ezra enjoyed being close to him. Very close. These years apart had been hard.

"I have not had a reason to use it since we lost Korriban." He replied, eying the blade in Baralai's hand cautiously. The sith were well known for killing their own kind if they ever had the slightest reason. Baralai could be here to dispatch him rather then save him. It was a possibility, one of them any in a sea of them. "I employ my mind rather then strength. However, when the stupid cannot see the truth of my words the sight of the blade usually works."

And then he said those beautiful words. He came for him. Ezra wanted to jump up and let out a woop of joy. However, that was the meager child side of him, and it was quickly squashed underneath the wait of logical decision making. "I need to learn." he corrected, smiling at the corner of his mouth. A very calculated look came over his face. "I knew you would come for me, eventually." he continued, standing up to take the handle of the scythe from Baralai. The weapon was once almost too heavy for him, but he had grown stronger scrapping out a life here in wastes and had aged and grown in size, slightly. He as still a midget, but he was stronger than he had ever been before.

It was strange to hear his master talk though. He was curious as to how this was accomplished. He could see something tongue-like in his mouth, but wondered exactly what it was... or what it was capable of. Such scientific and medical advances were interesting to him.

Baralai Lotus
Feb 25th, 2010, 06:30:25 PM
Baralai smirked as the excitement escaped from the corner of Ezra's mouth. The boy wasn't giving way to his emotions, something to be admired in the Jedi, but a Sith was to thrive on such things. He deactivated the scythe and handed it back to Ezra.

"But Ezra," he paused, his teeth clicked together as his tongue rolled around in his mouth, "I am not just your master anymore. I have set my sights on much grander things."

He stepped forward, getting closer to Ezra, "How funny it is you should mention Korriban," Baralai raised his left hand and peeled the glove off. The flesh underneath the glove of his right hand was soft, and bore no scars. It was one of the few parts of him that still was genuinely himself.

"The Order is no longer dead," Baralai's eye lit up, "I have seen it's resurrection in a vision in which the Dark Side showed me our future as the one grand Sith!" Baralai started to move the fingers of his left hand, rolling them around as they twitched, almost uncontrollably.

"But, without my most dedicated student," he opened his hand wide, spanning out all five fingers as far as they would go, "without my hand, I cannot accomplish such a goal. That is why I have come, Ezra."

He placed the glove back on his hand, "I need you to come with me, to sit beside me at the seat of the new Order. The Dark Side has called to me Ezra, and without all of us the One Sith shall fall into antiquity. I was chosen, just as I chose you long ago to be my hand."

His hand came to rest at his side and he stared at Ezra, the look on his face stern and strong. Baralai believed in his words, he truly believed the Dark Side had chosen him to form the One Sith, to bring them all together and rein the galaxy into order. There was no explanation other than that. There had been nothing that Baralai had craved more than the birth of a new Order, and now the chance had been handed to him.

"Kaas, Ezra. Dromund Kaas. Destiny awaits us there."

Ezra Na'chtion
Feb 25th, 2010, 07:17:38 PM
"I would follow you anywhere, Master Lotus"

Ezra's eyes followed Baralai as he moved about the small, derelict kitchen space. He knew his master had an overly developed sense of theatrics, but even then he felt chills go down his spine with everything Baralai said and did. The naked hand, calling Ezra his hand despite this, and telling him just how much he needed him. That was more then enough to fill Ezra's little body with an internal glow that warmed in and made him feel funny in ways he was not entirely familiar with. He made a mental note to examine these strange sensations at a later date when he had the time to study them.

However, his interest was pricked further when Baralai said he was forming a new Sith Order, something bigger and better, which while amazing sounding left Ezra feeling somewhat skeptic. The Sith Order on Korriban had been a great order as far as Sith cults go. They had a massive underground cathedral, all the facilities they could ever want. Their ties with the Corellian Government had ensured them credits for equipment and machinery. They had also great sith in their circle. Jorshal had been a great leader, for his time behind the reigns. Baralai Lotus was a god of a Sith alchemist and Zereth Lancer was a god of a warrior sith. They had been strong. So strong that it took a great act of deception and surprise to knock them from their pedestal. That darkside witch with her monsters had just walked in and destroyed them. How she managed it remained a mystery that he was sure no one yet knew.

"Dromund Kaas?" Ezra repeated after Baralai had said it first. "The myth?"

Now he was very skeptical, but now of his Master's sanity. However, like before, he did not let it show.

Baralai Lotus
Apr 6th, 2010, 09:57:51 PM
Baralai saw the look in Ezra's eyes as he mentioned Dromund Kaas, and a smile crept over his face.

"It is no myth," he stepped forward and stared out over the throngs of people swarming the streets of the city. They were like maggots, crawling trying to eke out some kind of existence in a universe they weren't fit to inhabit. Weak, useless creatures who failed to recognize the strength they each contained.


"Look at them Ezra," he paused, "Filthy creatures, struggling to find some sort of purpose, and yet, it lies before them."

Baralai took in a breath and rolled his shoulders back, his tongue clicked against his teeth as he did so, "Long ago, the Sith Empire ruled the galaxy. They were destroyed by their own ignorance, but the remnants of their empire still stand."

He turned to Ezra, "Dromund Kaas is one of those relics, waiting, lying like an open invitation for anyone knowledgeable of its presence. I've felt it, felt the dark energy flowing from the core of the planet. The temples there still stand, and they are waiting."

He placed his hands on Ezra's shoulder, "We are all being called, you will feel it if you open yourself too it. And the power, the knowledge, will be ours."

Baralai's fingers tightened around Ezra's shoulders, gripping him more tightly, "I will form a great monarchy, with the Sith acting as one. No longer will they fight against one another, but rather, they will rule the galaxy as one great entity!"

Baralai's eye lit up and his words picked up in speed, as did his stutter, "I will be the heart of the One Sith, and we will take back everything that has been taken from us. The Empire and it's Inquisitoriate will fall, and in due time, the Jedi will collapse as well," Baralai paused to breath. He took a moment to collect himself, and loosened his fingers around Ezra's shoulders.

"Our knowledge is great enough to bring Order to the galaxy once again. With my hands I will craft a new Order, but," he stared into Ezra's eyes as a grim look came over his face, "a heart is useless without the rest of the body."

Ezra Na'chtion
Apr 9th, 2010, 04:41:51 AM
It was hard to not be skeptical of everything that flowed out of Baralai's mouth at this point. To anyone else he would have been passed off as a lunatic, what with his belief in the existence of Dromund Kaas, the fabled bastion of the Dark Side. However, Ezra knew Baralai better than that, or liked to think he did, and when his Master spoke to strongly about this Ezra could tell he fully believed in what he was saying, even if it sounded ridiculous on many levels. Ezra had been around Baralai enough to notice the signs of his excitement. His loss of body coordination, the increased stutter in his voice, and the way he forgot to blink. He was having something akin to an emotional overload as far as Ezra could tell.

He felt Baralai grab his shoulders and did his best to not try to wiggle out of them as the man dug his fingers into Ezra's flesh, almost pinching him to the bone. It was a slight distraction, as Ezra was doing his best to listen to every word that came out of Baralai's mouth. It was quite a proclamation. Baralai wanted to resurrect the Sith Order. No. Not the Sith Order. A new order. Something different and all together special. Not a council, but a monarchy. Not a competitive gathering of individuals, but a collective group of sith.

"Such a destiny would be grand indeed," Ezra said, when Baralai finally stopped, but the man seemed to radiate an excitement that Ezra could not help but be swept up in. His skepticism was vanquished as his Master's vision filled him with a warm, determined feeling. They now shared a dream, one of a brighter, better future. A future they controlled. "I will do everything in my power to form a body to hold that heart, Master. We will need limbs, and those limbs will need digits." Ezra continued, playing on Baralai's metaphor of him being the heart of the new order. However, even as he smiled his own little smile to stand juxtaposed to Baralai's grim face a single thought stood at the forefront of his mind.

"But what shall we call ourselves?"