Ezra Na'chtion
Oct 29th, 2009, 02:57:04 AM
So many pieces, so many little intricate systems that fed off of and powered each other. All connected, but now torn apart as the scalpel was wielded more as a club than a precision tool to cut through those works of wonder, splicing them open until they revealed their secrets. However, they did not always crack from the first incision, and more had to be made. Now it was a mess of gore and slippery organs. The truth was not a simple thing. It had to be forced out, severed from the body, but for a noble reason. All in the name of science. There was no greater force in the galaxy than discovery. There was not much left to discover for sentient creatures, but for the individual there is always vast knowledge to undercover. Any number of texts books could reveal the information he wanted, and those books had been made available, but the discovery is better in person. There were no limits here, no morals could be applied. There was only the specimen, the scalpel, and the adventurer.
Stepping back, Ezra Na'chtion, former acolyte of the now fallen and defunct Sith Order, stepped back to admire his handiwork. The primitive canine creature was cut open before him, medical scissors holding the cut flesh aside to reveal the delicate insides of the beast. The vital organs laid bare, the rib broken and removed so he could poke around inside, see how it was all connected. The old folding table that served as his operation board was smothered in gore which dripped over the edges and on to the plastic sheeted floor. Removing his gloves, Ezra cast them aside and stepped off the stool he was using to get a better view at things. Being only a young teenager meant he was shorter than most, and being from a family with a genetic propensity for small stature made him even smaller. His sandy hair was speckled with blood, as was the surgeon coat he was wearing, which was many sizes too big for him. Stomping over the plastic in his rubber boots, which were two different sizes and quite worn looking, Ezra made his way to another table, which was little more than a board sitting on two cardboard boxes, and peered down at the open books before him.
One book was a medical text book detailing in great detail the body systems of the mutt behind him on the table. Beside it was a notepad with his own personal notes on it. He could have used a datapad, but it was hard to get your hands on one when you had no money, or means to power it. The lamps that lit the room were fuel powered work lights he had stolen, and powered by fuel that was equally stolen. Taking a pen he began to scribble his own notes, each letter perfect cursive. His mother, damn that woman, had said he had the handwriting of a doctor, and had pushed him to enter the medical career. In a sense he had, but not in the way they would have ever wanted. Sith Alchemy was quite a far fetch from using his good penmanship to scrawl out prescription signatures. While the medical textbook had all the concrete information, what it lacked was his own insight. Seeing into the animal first hand opened up many ideas, many possibilities. So far all he had managed with his alchemy was creating abominations by merging body systems of different animals to create a new hybrid. However, he was no longer able to do this since the Sith Temple on Korriban was seized and the equipment needed lost. It took more than some bacta and a doctor's note to fuse two broken body systems together, no matter how good the penmanship was.
Now all he could do was learn. With the loss of his own master Baralai Lotus, and his tutor Sin, Ezra was forced to teach himself once again. While he could not create new abominations, which he had found called Chimeras in one of the Alchemy textbooks, he could still learn the body systems, make his own notes and plans, and hopefully one day put them into action. As much as he wanted, he could not hunt his real target, which was humans. Taking a human and cutting them open to see how they tick, to feel their organs between your fingers, was considered a crime. A wild dog could be overlooked, especially here on the outskirts of Coronet, the capital city of Corellia. It was this city that had contained the safehouse for the renegade sith, but now lay dormant and lonely. Ezra came back here to wait for the return of the sith, if it ever came, and he might as well learn a few things while he waited.
Now he lived in this decrepit house, long abandoned and considered dangerous. It was all boarded up when he found it, but nothing his energy weapon could not cut through like butter. He made his own entrance, hid it, and only left at night. The place was crumbling around him. Rotten furniture had been pushed to the edges of the rooms, the upstairs was uninhabitable as it was falling off the side of the building. He worked his experiments in the small cellar and lived in the upstairs kitchen. It was the only room that had solid enough walls to survive the rest of the house falling apart around it. It was also where the stairs to the cellar were located. The cellar itself was full of this weeks experiments decaying in dark edges of the room, just barely visible in the light.
Sighing, Ezra closed the books and headed up stairs, slipping out of the boots and coat at the edge of the plastic sheeting on the floor, then climb up the stairs to the kitchen. It was a small kitchen, with a linoleum floor and dirty everything. The house had been some kind of commercial home and had a booth like table with two shaped benches and a table between them. There was no electricity, which meant he had no food. He only ate when he could steal it, and it was getting harder and harder. Tonight he would have no dinner. Instead he moved to the booth seat that was his bed, the other side being where he sat when he ate. He had a blanket and a little pillow, which he propped against the wall the booths sat up against and curled up with the blanket. He was not sleeping, but sitting there and thinking in comfort. On the table was the few books he had happened to have in his book bag or grabbed on his way out when they fled the Temple. A few of the tomes were newer and regardless of their titles they had a common author: Baralai Lotus. Two of the books were just random medical journals he had with him at the time. Amazing he escaped carrying so much weight in his bag.
Sighing again, he wondered if any sith would ever return. He was going crazy waiting for them. He wanted a facility to work his experiments again. The one Baralai had on Korriban had been exception and perfect for their line of work. Baralai. Now he had nothing. No money left, only a few books and the Sith holocron he had taken from those guys, Jeseth and Chase their names might have been. He had not figured out how to open it, so it did not count in his list of assets. Right now all he really had was his brain, and his high IQ and young genius was going to waste.
Stepping back, Ezra Na'chtion, former acolyte of the now fallen and defunct Sith Order, stepped back to admire his handiwork. The primitive canine creature was cut open before him, medical scissors holding the cut flesh aside to reveal the delicate insides of the beast. The vital organs laid bare, the rib broken and removed so he could poke around inside, see how it was all connected. The old folding table that served as his operation board was smothered in gore which dripped over the edges and on to the plastic sheeted floor. Removing his gloves, Ezra cast them aside and stepped off the stool he was using to get a better view at things. Being only a young teenager meant he was shorter than most, and being from a family with a genetic propensity for small stature made him even smaller. His sandy hair was speckled with blood, as was the surgeon coat he was wearing, which was many sizes too big for him. Stomping over the plastic in his rubber boots, which were two different sizes and quite worn looking, Ezra made his way to another table, which was little more than a board sitting on two cardboard boxes, and peered down at the open books before him.
One book was a medical text book detailing in great detail the body systems of the mutt behind him on the table. Beside it was a notepad with his own personal notes on it. He could have used a datapad, but it was hard to get your hands on one when you had no money, or means to power it. The lamps that lit the room were fuel powered work lights he had stolen, and powered by fuel that was equally stolen. Taking a pen he began to scribble his own notes, each letter perfect cursive. His mother, damn that woman, had said he had the handwriting of a doctor, and had pushed him to enter the medical career. In a sense he had, but not in the way they would have ever wanted. Sith Alchemy was quite a far fetch from using his good penmanship to scrawl out prescription signatures. While the medical textbook had all the concrete information, what it lacked was his own insight. Seeing into the animal first hand opened up many ideas, many possibilities. So far all he had managed with his alchemy was creating abominations by merging body systems of different animals to create a new hybrid. However, he was no longer able to do this since the Sith Temple on Korriban was seized and the equipment needed lost. It took more than some bacta and a doctor's note to fuse two broken body systems together, no matter how good the penmanship was.
Now all he could do was learn. With the loss of his own master Baralai Lotus, and his tutor Sin, Ezra was forced to teach himself once again. While he could not create new abominations, which he had found called Chimeras in one of the Alchemy textbooks, he could still learn the body systems, make his own notes and plans, and hopefully one day put them into action. As much as he wanted, he could not hunt his real target, which was humans. Taking a human and cutting them open to see how they tick, to feel their organs between your fingers, was considered a crime. A wild dog could be overlooked, especially here on the outskirts of Coronet, the capital city of Corellia. It was this city that had contained the safehouse for the renegade sith, but now lay dormant and lonely. Ezra came back here to wait for the return of the sith, if it ever came, and he might as well learn a few things while he waited.
Now he lived in this decrepit house, long abandoned and considered dangerous. It was all boarded up when he found it, but nothing his energy weapon could not cut through like butter. He made his own entrance, hid it, and only left at night. The place was crumbling around him. Rotten furniture had been pushed to the edges of the rooms, the upstairs was uninhabitable as it was falling off the side of the building. He worked his experiments in the small cellar and lived in the upstairs kitchen. It was the only room that had solid enough walls to survive the rest of the house falling apart around it. It was also where the stairs to the cellar were located. The cellar itself was full of this weeks experiments decaying in dark edges of the room, just barely visible in the light.
Sighing, Ezra closed the books and headed up stairs, slipping out of the boots and coat at the edge of the plastic sheeting on the floor, then climb up the stairs to the kitchen. It was a small kitchen, with a linoleum floor and dirty everything. The house had been some kind of commercial home and had a booth like table with two shaped benches and a table between them. There was no electricity, which meant he had no food. He only ate when he could steal it, and it was getting harder and harder. Tonight he would have no dinner. Instead he moved to the booth seat that was his bed, the other side being where he sat when he ate. He had a blanket and a little pillow, which he propped against the wall the booths sat up against and curled up with the blanket. He was not sleeping, but sitting there and thinking in comfort. On the table was the few books he had happened to have in his book bag or grabbed on his way out when they fled the Temple. A few of the tomes were newer and regardless of their titles they had a common author: Baralai Lotus. Two of the books were just random medical journals he had with him at the time. Amazing he escaped carrying so much weight in his bag.
Sighing again, he wondered if any sith would ever return. He was going crazy waiting for them. He wanted a facility to work his experiments again. The one Baralai had on Korriban had been exception and perfect for their line of work. Baralai. Now he had nothing. No money left, only a few books and the Sith holocron he had taken from those guys, Jeseth and Chase their names might have been. He had not figured out how to open it, so it did not count in his list of assets. Right now all he really had was his brain, and his high IQ and young genius was going to waste.