View Full Version : Break out the Abacus
Travis North
Oct 28th, 2009, 07:16:48 PM
I think its high time we had some good old fashioned bean counting fleet battles of epic proportions.
This whole Galactic Civil War business has ground to a halt what with the new Empress' tea party. I'm all for character development, but I started posting here for awesome battles and shoot outs. I don't see to many of those right now, so c'mon lets blow something up... Like a planet.
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Rossos Atrapes
Oct 28th, 2009, 11:37:51 PM
...I'm in.
Park Kraken
Oct 29th, 2009, 12:48:44 AM
Someone has read my mind.
And stolen my heart.
Fortunately the same person isn't responsible for both.
I'm in for beans and battles. I say we raze Kashyyyk to the ground to send a message to the Rebellion and the Galaxy.
Oct 29th, 2009, 02:22:09 AM
What ever happened to this? (
Rossos Atrapes
Oct 29th, 2009, 10:13:11 AM
What ever happened to this? (
I like the idea of Kashyyyk razing, since it's obviously a Rebel-aligned (if not Rebel held, though the exact status of this stuff is a bit beyond my mushy brain at the moment) world, and it's not so critically important that the Rebellion needs to find someplace else to go. It could lead up to an assault and eventually a blockade of Dac/Mon Calamari as part of a larger campaign.
Dasquian Belargic
Oct 29th, 2009, 11:07:01 AM
Have fun with your beans, boys - just don't go destroying anything important without letting us know!
Rossos Atrapes
Oct 29th, 2009, 11:19:47 AM
Have fun with your beans, boys - just don't go destroying anything important without letting us know!
...Fine, fine. I guess it is fair to tell you about that stuff.
Miranda Tarkin
Oct 30th, 2009, 04:14:13 AM
Well, I approve obviously. Just tell me when and where so Miranda can make pretty words happen to explain why this is good for the Empire XD
Travis North
Oct 30th, 2009, 08:31:18 AM
Have fun with your beans, boys - just don't go destroying anything important without letting us know!
Aww darn. I was gonna take a Sun Crusher and turn the lights out on half the Galaxy.
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Park Kraken
Nov 3rd, 2009, 02:14:31 AM
I think we should do a land battle first, just so we can see how much limb shredding fun a battalion of wookies can having going hand to hand with a stormtrooper divison or two. Then when the Imperial landing fails, we resort to orbital bombardement to start several large forest fires, withdrawing just as Rebel reinforcements arrive on the scene.
Nov 3rd, 2009, 02:18:41 AM
withdrawing just as Rebel reinforcements arrive on the scene.
Park Kraken
Nov 3rd, 2009, 12:35:16 PM
Aww, I just wanted to leave da little Rebels alone to keep watch over theirz dying world, knowing they could doez nothing about it. :(
Nov 3rd, 2009, 04:59:06 PM
As far as I know Kashyyyk is still under Imperial blockade. Last thing I know of there was the battle where Desaria captured Forlon and the mission to free him.
I think the Imperials have congtrol in space and in the upper tree cities but on the ground there is a large Rebel force in hiding which is assiting Wookie rebels.
A ground battle would be a nice way to kick off anything. A imperial push into the rebel controled jungle then a last option orbital bombardment. mabey a distress call to a nearby 4th fleet battle group.....
Rossos Atrapes
Nov 3rd, 2009, 05:57:41 PM
I think we should do a land battle first, just so we can see how much limb shredding fun a battalion of wookies can having going hand to hand with a stormtrooper divison or two. Then when the Imperial landing fails, we resort to orbital bombardement to start several large forest fires, withdrawing just as Rebel reinforcements arrive on the scene.
This reminds me of Wookiee Vietnam as my friends called it in Battlefront II.
Park Kraken
Nov 4th, 2009, 05:34:10 PM
My newest toy, it may or may not see service above Kashyyyk -
The Deep Space Fleet
Battleship Division 1
Imperial Star Destroyer II Indomitable
Imperial Star Destroyer II Inflexible
Imperial Star Destroyer II Impervious
Imperial Star Destroyer II Implacable
Battleship Divison 2
Imperial Star Destroyer II Tyrannic
Imperial Star Destroyer II Tyranny
Imperial Star Destroyer II Tyrant
Imperial Star Destroyer II Tyrannical
Battleship Divison 3
Imperial Star Destroyer II Iron Hand
Imperial Star Destroyer II Iron Fist
Imperial Star Destroyer II Iron Hammer
Imperial Star Destroyer II Iron Throne
Battleship Division 4
Imperial Star Destroyer II Avenger
Imperial Star Destroyer II Accuser
Imperial Star Destroyer II Adjucator
Imperial Star Destroyer II Agonizer
Escort Flotilla 1
Strike Cruiser Asp
Strike Cruiser Eel
Carrack Cruiser Crusade
Carrack Cruiser Crusader
C2 Gunship C1
C2 Gunship C2
C2 Gunship C3
C2 Gunship C4
C2 Gunship C5
C2 Gunship C6
C2 Gunship C7
C2 Gunship C8
C2 Gunship C9
C2 Gunship C10
Escort Flotilla 2
Strike Cruiser Asp
Strike Cruiser Eel
Carrack Cruiser Hammer
Carrack Cruiser Anvil
C2 Gunship C11
C2 Gunship C12
C2 Gunship C13
C2 Gunship C14
C2 Gunship C15
C2 Gunship C16
C2 Gunship C17
C2 Gunship C18
C2 Gunship C19
C2 Gunship C20
Escort Flotilla 3
Strike Cruiser Moray
Strike Cruiser Akula
Carrack Cruiser Stone
Carrack Cruiser Ore
C2 Gunship C21
C2 Gunship C22
C2 Gunship C23
C2 Gunship C24
C2 Gunship C25
C2 Gunship C26
C2 Gunship C27
C2 Gunship C28
C2 Gunship C29
C2 Gunship C30
Escort Flotilla 4
Strike Cruiser Hammerhead
Strike Cruiser Blubber
Carrack Cruiser Division
Carrack Cruiser Dancer
C2 Gunship C31
C2 Gunship C32
C2 Gunship C33
C2 Gunship C34
C2 Gunship C35
C2 Gunship C36
C2 Gunship C37
C2 Gunship C38
C2 Gunship C39
C2 Gunship C40
Scouting Group 1
Victory III Star Destroyer Virulent
Victory III Star Destroyer Virulence
Victory IV Star Destroyer Vivid
Victory IV Star Destroyer Vaster
C2 Gunship C41
C2 Gunship C42
C2 Gunship C43
C2 Gunship C44
Scouting Group 2
Victory III Star Destroyer Dragon
Victory III Star Destroyer Bear
Victory IV Star Destroyer Lion
Victory IV Star Destroyer Tiger
C2 Gunship C45
C2 Gunship C46
C2 Gunship C47
C2 Gunship C48
12 ISD IIs
8 SCs
8 CCs
48 C2Gs
84 Capital Warships
Combined Starfighter Complement
144 Squadrons of Frontline Starfighters (1,728 craft total)
4 Squadrons of Scouting Starfighters (48 craft total)
Miranda Tarkin
Nov 4th, 2009, 07:23:09 PM
Is it possible that Miranda could sneak in with The Majestic for some fun XD
Rossos Atrapes
Nov 4th, 2009, 10:24:19 PM
Battleship Divison 2
Imperial Star Destroyer II Tyrannic
Imperial Star Destroyer II Tyranny
Imperial Star Destroyer II Tyrant
Imperial Star Destroyer II Terror
What, run out of names and words that start with 'Ty'? :p
Park Kraken
Nov 5th, 2009, 03:05:15 PM
What, run out of names and words that start with 'Ty'?
*Grabs a Dictionary*
Fixed. :p
Rossos Atrapes
Nov 5th, 2009, 03:07:34 PM
What, run out of names and words that start with 'Ty'?
*Grabs a Dictionary*
Fixed. :p
Ha! :lol
Park Kraken
Nov 5th, 2009, 03:13:39 PM
Is it possible that Miranda could sneak in with The Majestic for some fun XD
Sure, we can attach her to battlegroup 1.
Battlegroup 1:
SSD Majestic (F)
Battleship Division 1
Escort Flotilla 1
Scouting Group 1
Battlegroup 2:
Battleship Division 2
Escort Flotilla 2
Scouting Group 2
Battlegroup 3:
Battleship Division 3
Escort Flotilla 3
Battlegroup 4:
Battleship Division 4
Escort Flotilla 4
Park Kraken
Nov 5th, 2009, 03:26:31 PM
Here is the Starfighter Composition of the Fleet:
1,096 TIE Interceptor Mk II (88 Squadrons)
384 TIE Scimitar Mk II (32 Squadrons)
288 TIE Fighter Mk II (24 Squadrons)
Note: Mk II status refers to the upgrading of all starfighters incorporating shield generators/projectors. In the TIE Interceptor, this means slightly less speed. Also, the TIE Scimitar has been upgraded with a rotary launcher in place of the chute dispensers for it's bomb bay, allowing a greater capacity of warheads of all types to be carried.
New carrying capacity:
24 Proton Torpedoes
24 Concussion Missiles
24 Mag Pulse Torpedoes
24 Ion Torpedoes
12 Proton Bombs
12 Concussion Bombs
12 Heavy Rockets
6 Space Bombs
6 Space Mines
Travis North
Nov 5th, 2009, 11:03:54 PM
Thats quite the fleet. I think the Rebels are doomed.
Nov 6th, 2009, 03:44:06 AM
Thats quite the fleet. I think the Rebels are doomed.
Or are they indeed.o_O Didn't you give your two weeks several months ago. Somethings fishy here and its not Reshmar. (for once)
Kraken you can post lists until your blue in the face but the story isn't going to write itself. Go fleet!
Rossos Atrapes
Nov 6th, 2009, 08:45:45 AM
Thats quite the fleet. I think the Rebels are doomed.
Or are they indeed.o_O Didn't you give your two weeks several months ago. Somethings fishy here and its not Reshmar. (for once)
Kraken you can post lists until your blue in the face but the story isn't going to write itself. Go fleet!
Tear can be the cheerleader. And isn't Reshmar more like a crustacean than a fish?
Miranda Tarkin
Nov 6th, 2009, 12:59:19 PM
Thats quite the fleet. I think the Rebels are doomed.
Or are they indeed.o_O Didn't you give your two weeks several months ago. Somethings fishy here and its not Reshmar. (for once)
Kraken you can post lists until your blue in the face but the story isn't going to write itself. Go fleet!
And this is why he is my Master :love
Nov 7th, 2009, 07:04:21 PM
There is no way the rebels could muster that big a force at this point. Not to defend one target. At this point we can defend one planet maybe two tops with a single battle group. "16 to 20 ships"
We have 5 fleets which in theory have about 100 ships each. But most are spread out and and deployed in small interdictor and picket forces.
A Fleet sized group just is not possible for the rebels. not all in one place. If we lost a whole fleet at one time we could never recover.
I worked on the Mandel battle which was very large and was way way way too much. About a quarter into it I was tired of it and burnt out.
A small fleet engagement of a battle group or less would be possible and interesting but for a fleet sized engagment we just wouldn't commit that kind of force to a defensive action. not even in the Dac system.
Nov 8th, 2009, 03:08:44 PM
I worked on the Mandel battle which was very large and was way way way too much. About a quarter into it I was tired of it and burnt out.
I agree. I believe back in the day before my absence there was a general consensus on the size of fleets for battles. This was done in terms of fair play and to prevent fleeting threads from turning into big scary hair balls that, eventually half way through, no one wanted any part in trying to decipher.
Although to be fair Kraken did say "My newest toy, it may or may not see service above Kashyyyk" maybe hes just in love with the idea of making lists.;)
In any event I am less concerned about the rebels participating in this thread and more concerned about those originally interested in launching (and actually finishing) this project. We can worry about actual rebel participation in later threads/campaigns.
NPC the wookies, NPC the rebel resistance, make the thread short and sweet but for the love of the Empire... write. *tosses down gauntlet*
Dasquian Belargic
Nov 8th, 2009, 03:27:16 PM
What Tear said. Make the thread fun times and the Rebels will flock to it.
Park Kraken
Nov 8th, 2009, 04:27:11 PM
The entire fleet won't be in one place though, it will be spread apart in a blockade position above Kashyyyk. Or at least, Squadrons 2 and 3 will be. Each Squadron would be divided into three taskforces, and the Rebels would only have to engage and scatter one taskforce to help their trapped colleagues escape.
Squadrons 1 and 4 with the Empress in tow would then arrive just as the Rebels leave, and to restore his prestige and honor in lieu of the Empress's wrath for letting the Rebels escape, Park orders the forests of Kashyyyk to be razed.
The Imperial fleet then departs, and perhaps some Rebels and wookies come back to try and stop the firefighting efforts.
-----Taskforce 2/1-----------Taskforce 3/1---------
Taskforce 2/2--------planet-------Taskforce 3/2------
-------Taskforce 2/3----------Taskforce 3/3----------
Nov 8th, 2009, 05:12:51 PM
Make us proud my rebel NPC friends............
A force strong enough to engage 2 of the groups could bye time for forces to escape. Maybe even a hidden Ion Cannon with the bulk of it underground on the surface the resistance had been preparing for just such a need.
The few wookie's that do escape would really hate the empire. I don't think there would be any diplomacy with the wookie's after this.
Park Kraken
Nov 9th, 2009, 02:54:44 AM
Why would the Empire want to open diplomacy with something that sounds like a common dog when it speaks?
On a side note however, until all of the potential problems dealing with Hurricane Ida are past, say in the next two days, I won't be spending much time writing.
Travis North
Nov 9th, 2009, 09:04:05 AM
Think I could send my fleet in as a recon force to comb the planet before hand to provide data on prime targets. I'll add some additional carriers for air superiority so as no Wookiee decides to interfere.
Park Kraken
Nov 9th, 2009, 09:46:33 PM
Well, Ida proved to be no bother. I hope Christin and Charley live on high ground though, looks like most of Alabama is in for a good soaking.
EDIT: We got about six inches of rain here. I hope anyone who lives in the Carolina's, Viriginia, Maryland, and Delaware are battening down the hatches and filling up the sandbags, because it is going to be a very very long few next days for them as the remains of Ida, and 98L combine into a powerful storm system off the East Coast.
Nov 20th, 2009, 09:41:01 PM
*Cough* Seems the Empire is all talk these days.
Karl Valten
Nov 21st, 2009, 01:13:35 AM
I'll send ya a PM about a thread we spoke about months ago in a few days time when I have a break from school.
P.S. I type better when I'm drunk.
Park Kraken
Dec 9th, 2009, 02:32:30 PM
*Cough* Seems the Empire is all write these days.
Fixed it for ya. =D
Dec 13th, 2009, 03:50:15 PM
*Cough* Seems the Empire is all write these days.
Fixed it for ya. =D
Actually you didn't. Keep the wookie thread going and should it get close to finished then, maybe, you will have actually fixed it.
Park Kraken
Dec 14th, 2009, 01:53:41 PM
Who all is writing for people on the ground? I thought it was primarily going to be a fleet affair, with exception to the current stormtrooper landings. I didn't think anyone was going to RP defending Alliance assets on the ground though.
Dasquian Belargic
Dec 14th, 2009, 02:10:43 PM
We aren't much opposition but we thought a little was better than none! ^_^;
Dec 14th, 2009, 05:50:11 PM
Rebels are gonna woop' yer ass! :lol Ambushed!
Karl Valten
Dec 14th, 2009, 06:28:08 PM
The INQ might be very interested in the alliance tech that has been scheming up. How they would have found out would have to be worked out of course. Mebe a traitor in the alliance ala the Toxic Six?
Anyone want to play a small with a small squad or two of INQ soldiers crashing the party during the mayhem?
Dec 14th, 2009, 08:40:27 PM
Will the fleet be needed in this? I did not think anyone was writing the alliance fleet part. And is the goal still make an example of the wookies and to raze Kashyyyk? If the goal of the Alliance is to escape and get as many off planet as possible I can write some fleet evac stuff. Otherwise Kraken is NPCing the alliance fleet involvment I think.
someone let a fish know.....
Dec 14th, 2009, 11:31:37 PM
From what I understand is happening.
Stage 1: Imperial forces are attempting to land ground forces and push their way into the depths of Kashyyk to flush out Wookie Sympathizers/Rebel fighters.
Stage 2: The Imperial ground forces get beaten back.
Stage 3: The Imperial in fleet in orbit (very much a large one from what it sounds like) bombs the planet from orbit. Leaving those below to try to fight the fires/flee from planet/ hide, etc.
Stage 4: The actual conclusion of how this thread would end hasn't been very clear. Kraken mentioned the Imperial forces pulling back after the bombing. There was also mentions of rebels attempting to punch through the blockading Imps to try and rescue/carry off any surviving wookies.
Dasquian Belargic
Dec 15th, 2009, 01:39:12 AM
Reshmar - I was going to have the Rebs call in Colonel Starborn (Dash's father) at some point and whatever naval power he has, so if you want to send some reinforcements along with him that would be great. Probbably at Stage 3/4 as people make their fleeing escape.
The tech we came for is obviously just a macguffin which will probably explode spectacularly during some firefoght!
Dec 15th, 2009, 05:16:30 PM
OK cool I was just wondering what was going on and if I needed to help out. Sounds like its under control I look forward to reading.
Park Kraken
Dec 16th, 2009, 03:33:51 PM
I can bring my INQ assassin into the ploy as a field agent leading a squad of INQs. Should be interesting to have him fight wookies.
I think the Empire will go ahead and occupy the planet, with the Rebel fleet staging a feint attack on the blockade to allow evacuees to flee to safe haven.
Karl Valten
Dec 16th, 2009, 04:01:04 PM
Wanna just barge in and hot-drop from high altitude with style? :cool:
I was thinking of getting either Sarah or Jakys involved. I'm good with your INQ character as well. Which ever of the two involved with be overall in charge but on the ground the scouts (your character and any seekers) would go out ahead on their own.
Does that work for you or do you have something else in mind? I can write up an intro post as soon as you get back to me.
Dec 16th, 2009, 09:57:07 PM
If no one minds I would like to join in with the Triumphant. She and her escort could be close by and provide a massive amount of fighters to assist with the Evacuation. Anyone wishing to do a bit of fighter jock writing can just jump in as part of any of Triumphant's fighter wings or attack freighters.
It wont be much just a small bit of supporting the evac and jump out and background fluff stuff. the Triumphant wont even be in system she will launch her fighters and they will jump in and assist the force attempting to escape. anyone who feels free to NPC any sort of fighter protection or foghter action can do so. I figure on sending in 36 out of the 48 squadrons to assist. a dozen assault shuttles plus a half dozen or so freighters to help evac people and offer search and rescue for ejected fighter pilots.
Dasquian Belargic
Dec 17th, 2009, 02:00:04 AM
It would be very helpful to have some cavalry, when we do need to start getting people off-world - though I suppose the majority of the Wookiee population will end up Imperial slaves.
Dec 17th, 2009, 11:25:18 AM
I figure they will. The reason the Triumphant is in the area is to run raids on slave trader convoys coming out of Kashyyk so I figure we can liberate a few that way down the line.
Rossos Atrapes
Dec 17th, 2009, 11:39:07 AM
Another INQ character would like to get in on this (as soon as he gets off his lazy rump and finishes his work, that is); though it'd likely be Vel Aath instead of Atrapes. This could serve as a neat little backdrop for Vel Aath's one unfinished assignment coming to a close...
Park Kraken
Dec 18th, 2009, 12:17:17 AM
I don't mind being commanded by some INQ agent up in orbit, just so long as I get to kill and blow up stuff in style.
I could also bring in my alliance character and her taskforce to run starfighter interference.
Sarah Lymia
Dec 18th, 2009, 01:19:07 AM
Orbit? No no no, I'll be hot-dropping in with you boys. Cause all the havok you wish, my goal is the rebel research facility. As long as you keep them distract them away from Mr. Rossos and I, you may have your fun. :)
Miranda Tarkin
Dec 18th, 2009, 06:48:22 AM
:: cracks knuckles ::
This will be fun to watch.
Destroy them. All of them :p
Sarah Lymia
Dec 18th, 2009, 09:25:23 AM
How long have you been waiting to say that?
Dec 18th, 2009, 12:41:45 PM
I could also bring in my alliance character and her taskforce to run starfighter interference
Your group could Assist Colonel Starborn and his group and escort in the Calamari Evacuation Cruiser Hope and protect it while it lands and escapes with survivors. The fighters and armored freighters from the Triumphant will keep the SSD and Imps busy
Karl Valten
Dec 18th, 2009, 03:49:28 PM
Post will be up later today. One last final left and I'm home free to do whatever.
Park Kraken
Dec 18th, 2009, 09:39:26 PM
Mmmkay then. For future reference, the section of battles happening will occur on an isolated continent full of forests. The continent will be razed towards the end of the thread, but the rest of the continents will be spared and occupied by the Empire.
The battlefleet, or at least part of it, will split up and pursue the evacuating Alliance personnel. This will be covered in followup threads, but I'm thinking maybe the Alliance will gain some measure of revenge by severly damaging and driving off one of the Imperial pursuit Taskforces, and I have a plan for another taskforce pursuing my Alliance character that will bring about some interesting changes for the balance of power.
Sarah Lymia
Dec 18th, 2009, 10:01:02 PM
As a note, the Inquisitors are flying one of these:
Sorry I didn't make a mention before. The sucker is fairly big and will be taking a lot of flak-fire (I figure even with the big guns down, the rebels have been suppling at AA guns and the like).
We'll be taking drop-pods in to avoid flak turrets and get in the fight as fast as possible.
INQ soldiers will be mostly equipped with E-11s modified for short-range and high-power, climbing equipment, side arms, and close combat weapons. The a few will be carrying specialized equipment and ammo. Don't get too carried away, though, still gotta play by the rules. ;)
About a dozen soldiers in addition to Shadow, Val, and Sarah.
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